Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1889, p. 3

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i- j it ext nsuthj r tt t 1 t fv actii ih33b xasitiioiusfcttukch acton be pistor o ii r iwv okdek of ecsjtolax iktsleflilcle htiff society l-t- i llic odaulk htl tl trij rc asy ieipnv the foluri ont home glmixgs whhlt kir luttllj of ijcai character aud1 iuliitcrvfuuf i- i a rirst-cviss- concert wc aaira cil l he attention of oar read ers lo the announcement et the rsrid con cert to be held tti the town itu ou taci- day ihc liili irut mr aud aire iiiguell treiqejpht icftdin fingers and irom the prcas notices we havt of than we arc rc acton is to enjoy s rich treat twenty- cirht hundred- people vscutto hear mr fax the comic binder ol toronto who is oa this bill tithe a otw concert iuthelavilioa ui c it last week he is canadas futiuicst man tad a host in himiek do not mtts the opportunity of hearing iwd music mid htriu s hearty laugh a bcticus accident one day lasi wrck mr douald cameron l ccrrtst lcjlcr n uclais trra- ordrvxicjfa jryixit 1 s f nrr 5e hajle l carpezicr shop am f i rrjr afvj- ct the lkcanxisa riueliiiiirs iaix ipress e vspapebt- t 1 r li a iv 3f 7- f iu r 25 cents ihincton lopg surgeom of rono h hotel tton jl th march n 4ai cf iciiism i i vsiofe v tljiu uai fans lii-i- 1v fia fc v- tijtirmt ll l bl uilj oj- 10 steam tabjipw tort st toroifli- 1 coujsu z fjved4oiuf2cn pbtftoprietor lmo fer- bm cwf wth at georcik hyxirs- actok liict tci gcutc gold mi silver jta iplcadii ic sec otr k diy idbhosr wilcut clockt vcrj cbjspi foil lice om i piilci jeltry gi eddicc kia craets knives rrr gois ewck isu otuil oobpfcte jgjppepici fdllice oc spring stles piper window blinds ind kellers jinp ia tcs h oir krgc lid tiricd is- geo hvnds acton ont ffjt rttttt f nss iscrsday harcii t 169 jaxy xixor locals dilcd li ibe evcrthonsltiria aud alert frcetre kcporterr ltccncimdvescnky ash wei- w- tiere ti tsen bcictif al epring vciiicr asrjg the pist week tbe iraers gnerally axe this winter censg ice f cr dairy cse r jotfsrthecewiirof w iceiler- tixl tailor ceit week- j tm sur coaiy ccaspxcs of actod xgeuz it hrin to-ccfct- dcct fail tolieid kedv bros adver- asest this week it is cfptat interest to i screteea cw rneabers were imtiat i ft oi tescrane lsjt j ic school teichtrs attended thecounty tri icutte at ililtoa last thurt- j aty izi friiiv the fiw diyt of bright eacshine we ltitshiilits weekpve hope of tie coa- jssirifcteess cfepric rhrg ccltrk has tikea- 3sesiaa fjj tie eoyal liblel hr slirtin his re- crrsltognrivailey i dr wasiiirtan throst and lac spec- uliscwul viiit acton tx anews hotel psacctily railondiy kirch 11 i i fee cencert text tccgliy evcawc rz no doctt be tc excellent one jte pre spstfcs in highest ierms c the vocal- effhoxre totppeir 1 the direcxo of the acica ucion acri- i cshtl society will meet in the town hill 1 icasr ltzsznyjz to trmsict bcsinees i fc cciection with the sbdetyj j- a lectcre ender the tcipices ot tie ctctiixa erchibiticn bma will be held j the tcwe hill next korday evening cckdii to defray expenses kr jb pearson is prepiriesforttbig axiad for walr piper this fipring ee 1 iu jzst received t very larc assartmepl j cf the hiest eyles and patrtie j at t meeting of the laymen of gceiph district argselph last week it wis decided la held the kay district keeling at artoaj a fceirty tebsme is assured the deiegatee tie jtinary thaw which has been in operation during the part week has tbwit woond ap lee filetbicg for the pres- nt the mnd thaws lhrooh many f laces a rneeini of the director ai the era- ansa axricnltni society waa hetd at-rock- al list week and it wm agreed that the ow wonll be held oa lfae 3rd and ith of ocabereexr lscz diir allan hann narrokly escaped crowcir in hendersoni pond xhe kher day ee fell into one of the hces tie icexea left and was fished est by a kinaa who happened to be near calender for eerj body we hare a eteberofthe eplendid fti vzuz cal- eiirk left and we woald be jlad to npply a3 whs desire a copy whether eabscribere or cot is lonjj as they last call at the tlce pciosce for one j on saturday evening bertha kyder daaghier of kri jts kyder while playing x oie of the other children feli aryf fekeher arm below the elbow this has been an cnfortcoite arm s we enderiiand thii i the second or third time- a similar cndfrt las befallen it j f asaoal mtetilig of the canadian ktnufctcrers association- cf fcich ocr townsnzan w h swrey eh i preiident will be held at the offioes of thea50ciitijn today a feature of the ceetinj willbe the fresidents address rch will so donfct be cf mccli interest to theicecie j ouecf thcrc ccretsonable men who take a cewepiper far t year or two and then send it btck marked refoied or t wanted was esed by a goderich thisijtst week and the jede ptve a rerdiarlcr the pkinti5 for full ainoant ihc3u thecoart decided that notice todiwontinae wt enscient if ibts-b- criwr was in arrears i he mutt pay first- met with a vvry icrious accident which will ucccmtatc his ultij confined to hit rvoni for n cotisidcrablo t me while at tending to hit stock he stepped upon a boird which ae kit and allowed him to dro with full force en his knee and owmc to the peculiar position ia which he wis placed the ligament n front of the r joint was torn from the knee cap and kr cam- cron wis thus rendered completely ouicle to use the limb or lo reach the jiossc until hiss kami who happened lo be near pave him afsistance dr liwfy tras called in and dressed the wound t pcpulzr etlloc afmistcr during the pjtst two years the methodist church freeman circuit lias been undcr the charge of ucv c it xorrow who has beoome very popular with j his people at the last meeting of the yuirtcru official board 02 tha motion of kr jacob feart secutided by v w has the bcardunmi- rnously invited hr morrow to return lo freeman circuit for the third year many kindly words were spoken by the officials skokitij their cppreciitioas of uieir pastors eftcrts both in the pulpit and the hom of the pcopl- the inrita- lion was acccftedby ur morrow ichect to the conference stationing committee we miht aid that mr horror is chair- man of milton district and popular among both ministers and jiymeh throughout the district j hcight eire been a fztsj fire one day last week the thrteycartld twin eons of mr i mcknrcliy ird line erioiu their inaoccjice played a prank which nearly cot their fslher the loss of his home and perhaps their lives while their mother w as out milking they amused themselves by drawing a kitten around the room oa a hz filled with ttraw the thocht occurred to them to wirm the ba and in doics eo it cansht fire badly frightened they threw it an the floor and rsa uzder the bed fortunately the mother came in in a e minuted she found a fire blazin- i a the centre af the room and the place- full of smote ehe managed to snbdue the ckmes ana her heart went cp in thankfulness when se found her babies were unharmed afacturecf limb od sitarday lat mr mirtm flyun of the secendconeosiiou kroaoiiuiiiiuined 1 fracture of the rlfiht leg while cnaancd in loading lo in ihfl baih near his owu home kr fly tin was holding one end of a log on the front of the tloigh at the same time the olhcr end was being drawn up by the excu owing to fome obstruction the log acting u a lever suddenly rolled hack aad crashed thefcg cjjaiail another log which was opou tha 1 round the oyster suppcraad concert tec oyster upper aud stcred concert given under the auspices of the ladies aid society of the methodist church on tuet- cay lvcniiifi was a decided success the attendance was lare and the prococdiugs thoroughly enjoyihlc the supier was scrv i in the biicmcut whereabundancc of oyst rs aud other i edibles were provided at tao the audience having taken seats in the 1 aditorium the concert programme was opeied with an anthcin by the choir wike the ong rev kr hie followed inpaycr a few rcciarkc appropriitc to the occasion were then made by lie v dr gifford who occupied ihfl chair a duett by kisses moore and matthews lifes dream is oer was rendered in their ususl excellent manner the next number wasa bonnie scotch song by miss mckab im glad me hearts me aim this was followed with a male quartette the call of the hoii on high by messrs lawson mann iswry and johnston which was much enjoyed an anthem by the choir i will praise thee was well rendered mr h i mooro gave a reading tho in- fluctce of a kind act and hie alice hen derson followed with a solo very skilfully rendered she received hearty applause a juartette by misses kocce and kat- theks and messrs hill andturton s car er my god tothee was well sung in all the hurts the choir then gave a chorus iy heart is fixed after which rev mr iiaa made a fes- remarks and gave an ex- cellentrcitatton david and absalom aspendid quartette why not tonight by ikessre lawson mann dowry and johpsloa was the next number aud the programme was concluded with an anthem by the chair i will extoll thee render ed in a manner which reflected very great crejit upon them a very kindly worded vote of thanks to the- choir and others waa then moved by mr d henderson ex kf aud seconded by rev mr iiac the proceeds were very catisfactory amounting to ia partcrapus lietiuj vliunrtto uud from atn nuiwhoitt fne pmt kcsdcrs arekcre nr less amur inttd ciali zziz church 2nd 1isscs the annual report of the contributions fir cions by the member of knox churth for les is before na the einooxit lztziies iftv collected as follows in acton s2jf oueide f32flw thanks- enngcoiiectioi5s7y acurass svjixiq ifuhlic s s 6700 thesum wasdisbursed as fallows syuoi fund 1 13 presbytery tcedfrr20 home minima i72qq aag- menuiion of stipend fund 1jm french tvicgehzitioo h070o foreign missions 10 college ynad 52 130 aged and in firm minietereso widows and orphans vi0 uaailou ojllege 1 1300 asiemhly iascfuudtw goforth 51500 inssiouarj- society kflaxcoliese 81000 fiiiit oxly kow is the time to eet jour coliart and harnesa repaired for ajizttgsrzscspc x man who lives near kilbride came to town on monday mdgot drunk hestarted home about tsj fm cld lost his way and turned his horse up the g t ii track andcot oi to the bridge qar the station the horns legs went through between the titrbers the bsigemin t tlie station noticed him on the bridge adrtu up to the diamond ted shouted to the signalman to put out the red light arid stop the train and he did it jcttin time j to ltop it in it few minutes more there wold have been a bad smashup ib the trainvns uite close ard had some dimculty m stopping two trains cere delayed half ay hoar ormorc the brtgeman and the station master who came cp at ouce after him g5t toi man and the horsemen the bridge the man wis part of the time under- the horse he was not hart but the horse was scratch- ed up considerably milton fur lit a ward froi tie jccrthvrest in remitting his subscription for the fixt ptxi for another year mr john miller ofmcosomin kwt formerly of actaa sends us the following items of interest we ire eji well and have had a fine winter up to the present but it is very cold now our crops last sezson were good fifteen hundred bushels ort sixty acres and good prices for wheat at one time we got a high as si h people feel good here over the good crops and good prices there will be a large acreageeownhre this spring i think we have the finest farming land in this settlement that can be fnund in tbe korthest we are handy lo timber and witer is easy to cet some farms cia be bought from people who never farmed in their lives before and wont wort as farmers must we can farm however maehearier than in ontario and raise more to the acre of all kinds of grain as for stockraising it cant be bedteu in the world our cattle are fit for the batcher all the year round sheep do well as also do pigs- with best wishes to enquiring friends i am yours ic john- kiuli the list o the course the last of the very interesting coarse of lectures given uudor the auspices of knox church during the wmterwas delivered in the town hull on monday evening by her j mclean gardiner of kraiosa his subject was frontier life in battlefonv end although a good dtd his been written and spoken relative lo this subject of late years mr gardiner brcoght est many interesting points and presented details entirely new to nonresidents of the kcrth west he touched upon the character and habits of the people the value of the mounted police in subduing difbcnltiss with j the indians aaihalfbrcedr and their in- utility for enforcing the liquor laws the cow boysand their ways the religious and moral tone df tbecountry the political situation etc he stated that the vice of the country was uppxijing and that in this respect battltford would put sodom to shame what is wanted throughout the northwest in more earnest working mis- eionariet with liberal initsionary support and 25000 christian women to take positions as wives and zsikt in making homes for the thiaticdb of unmarried men there mr gardiner predicted that thaagh there had been two bloody rebellions in the northwest vilhiu iti years there rfould never be another tudgave as his reasons that ail the great chiefs of the indians are dow dead that the halfbreeds have no leadtrableto etir iheai to rebellion that the mounted police are now more efficient and that the outraged upon the indians by the govesnciieiit supply agents hve been almost entirely rectified at the close a vote of thinks was tendered the lecturer by lievfc u u cook and dr gifford and kr ilae took occasion to thank nil itfaose who had uktu an interest in alteufling the lec tures of the cqurbci in our opinion the pablii ofes the sesaiou oc knx charch a debt of gratitude for the literary treat pro vided at intervals daring ibewiater at so nominal a cost a u excellent staff of tee the ite4 jero pers0x1l ilextiox luihwav acciuxts klluhokf- kiirrow kcapc hi ilwkwoolcummdu at uraaiplun hvlton coxijkbvatlves cic auiiimi hcilliip nnd klcctloll t oftue aihoclaunu loloter uck5c3i otit feb i whit might hive pcoed a terrible accident ccrured at this place early ycrtsrday morning as tha g t 1 midnijht cxpieis wls netriuj kockwood a wheel broke under the hi- gage car and the train ru about i rails and a hdf before it- was noticed pishing safely over and topping a ehort distance west of the iron bridge ncif tho station f had the cjlu left the track on the bridge probably every peron on the triin would hive been killed or injured it is a mystery hot- the train passed over the bridge s the track was more or less dtiniiged front i hand where the wheel brute to where the train j the following iuc was brought to a ttaud bninitiix teb 2 list niiht at nine oclock as a grand trunk freight trin was crossing the c p h track a freight train of tha latter road crushed into it cutting its way through never stopping and not a wheel of tho c iu triiu leuing the track the engineer and fireman jumped aud saved their lives a hrakcmati ran forward ectting the brakes and retching the engine brought the train to a stand after runniug two aula half miles pas the scene of the accident no one was hurt hut a great deal of damage to proper ty of the g t it was done a car of cof fitia and one cf sugar were literally t mashed into matchwood mimics feb 27 the liberal-conscrvi- ltva aisocinticu of hal ton held iii annual meeting here today for the purpene of electing ciiicer for the ensuing year and tranncting the greril business of tha as- tejeiation considering the short and limit ed notice that has teen given the meeting was well attended j the busiuc3 meeting was held in chit- bolruc hall when rjjwrta of the different officials were rcid the treasurers report dcpitc lhcticivy drain on the finances for election proteit tinned a bilacce on kvatthiull irs d- henderson is visiting friends at strpia aad gleucoe r john watson of glendinuing man is isiting friends here inspector brothers was in tovm on os- business on monday iss maggie mcgibbon of karma is the guet of miss alice henderson isss maggie mtttheisiavisitingfriccd shgrove and scotch block r w h rutledge visited friends at osren sound and markdale last week mr wm townsend of iarkdale spent several days this week with friends here klixabeth petch of glenwilliams lie guca of her sister mrs w hot- ledk xis maggie cassidy of ilochester ny viifed friends in acton and vicinity during week tr z a liall of lenetanguisheue vig- his old home and met many former friends this week it and mrs james fujljames of get ph were the cnests of kr john cam i several days this week sr robert and miss maggie hall of trafalgar were the gnests of acton friends a c cple of days this week iss minnie swan returned home on saturday evening hiving spent a couple of weeks with friends in toronto the member c the family of mr arch mcabhave cow all arrived from cree- moe they are heartily welcomed to ac on misses curtis zimmerman of gcelph hae taken cp their residence in acton and win conduct a fashionable dressmaking bn iness here mr w m crewsou retarded- this week i to us evangelistic work ra muskakx mrs crtwson is much better though not yet fal- ly recovered tlie gait ll furutt learns that rev w c henderson d d bite pastor of the mi thodist church ia gait rho accepted tht position some time since of principal cf uih sunstead wesieyac college quefaec is desirous of retiring from that office andex- pects to return to the active work of the ministry mr j s coleman who for the pact five years has been a resident of crewsons carncre and vicinity removed last week with his family to strabane hu boyhood hame mr coleman will be greatly missed f hi the community where he resided he was an ardent worker bathia church and sabbath school and much respected by his neighbors the weather the last few day has been eiceedingly fine and springlike tlietnow is disappearing and the roads arc fast breaking up but we have the big end cf march to get through yet a social was held last friday evening it the residence of mr wm itobcrts fden mills and a beautiful address and a puree 6f money was presented to mrs goozee on oa the- eve of hec departure for her rew home as a token of the high esteem which she was held by her numerous friends and for her valuable services ts organist in the methodist church for sev eral years mrs goozee was taken entire ly by surprise and mr goozee made a very appropriate reply in behalf of his bride warmly thanking the many friends for lh very great kindness showii to them after which mrs gosgce played ou tle organ shall we gather at tho river the happy couple look their dcpiruirc amidst the best wishes for the future and took the midnight tram at kockwood for mich igan where they will spend a few days with friends on their way oct to dakota the icapengar business it loctniog up acong the spring work again a number of farmers in this vicinity will engage in it vtt elected fur the ensuing yeir 1 j iisiirvt hdiry viiviaa ilillon n i ijikantar artlcr vlccrt vclsou tiratvinilsaiccartccr uuti kicutjivj w kuiott llo3 i irfiijcottif vic dlzcxzi inacjciiislhilt in tiomuuj dr rrctiiinfor lllloi drkicb atloi far uurlljtoa howirtfc tor oak- villc itorro vtli for ccrpuova w h fiuruy for acon jamc kenta a bucb auaiiforlfucilus kciryucctrtccyaaicuy iii jr for trafalgar j a fcart far ktlnos ad david iiiittlcj far stkfaawfytj a resolution was moved in touching and appropriate lanuige by dr freeman of milton extending the tympitfiy and con dolence of the association to the families of the late dr tos of hornby j newtou cf lnnebousa duncan chisriolm cf oakville and james bradley pc georgetown prom inent inftberti of the association well- kiioruandrespectedfhroughcut the country and who hd been removed by death dcr ing the past year the mciioo wra carried unanimously many present embracing the opportunit of erpressiug their apprecia tion of the many estimable qualities of the deceased gentlemen and or paying a last tribute cf respect to their memory their name aud wflrk lfve after them a miss meeiug was afterwards held in the torj hall and addresses were deliver- ed by meiers a f campbell brampton d henderson cxmiwkcnik mpp and other a short road to health was opened to those suffering from chronic cough asth ma bronchitis cstarrh lumbago tumors rheomatieni ercoriaied nipple or inflamed breast and kidney complaints by the in troduction of the inexpensive and effective remedy dr thomas bclectric oil atui ru myifi arc you disturbed at night and brohenof jour rest by a sick child t ufleriiig and crying with pain of cut ting teeth itfotend at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething lis value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dy sentry aiid diarrhia regulates the stomach and bowels curw wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem mrs yymslows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the qldest and best female physicians aud nurses in the united state and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents x bottle be sure and ask for mri winelows soothing syrup and take e9 other kind -gkeat- stooktaking sale the lion of gulph at fornfantsanei children ciiisnni4tttelacttieiiki cutotuc ci8ooiart8tsrootljtiky i wbfact lnjcrtea m rtn tnr ccttitz catrivr 77 leir street k t percheron horses r b jermyns acton commence stocktaking on feby 12th acd previous to hint we will slaughter winter goods look to your interests we waut monev and yoa waut tke goods etnieiclier you dont have to buy a certain iiumher of dollars wdrtb iuorder to get a triliui discouni our reduction means io pel ceut aud your five cents buys at the same price as your neighbors five dollars do not delay as now is the time to pro cure a supply at your own prices below we give a libt of reduced goods which holdgood till the 12lh of february grand concebt- concert tickets going at the rate of 20 per dayat the lion ipf ciielph tiie only reason they don go faster is that we ate feel- ling our goods so cheap and you can buy so much forioo that very few require tospfndo much at once but to j every one who buys less than 1500 worth of good we give a small ticket for every dollar spent and these tickets will be- afterwards exchanged for a concert ticket when 15 have been accumulated we expect very shoftly now to announce the talent and all may rest assured that their brightest expectations will be realized when we do so 1 new goods arriving daily old goods musj be cleared out to make room read our hand bill for prices colored dress satin 15c up to all who want to secure a nianlle at little morei than half price we say now is the time and jhe lion s the place i see our black sedan cord at 25c worth 50c j d williamson co are you married elastj hoke stock rjju groaw iut wirna cooatj- hicilraa abcttclfrcrfdtsifcaaai idiots tw3elermttarr kzrwx rxoalcel trtciert lafje caatocse tlih titon- c tie trrei fi bj- miu iddttcbavage tjlsszu icuciiici frekch coach horses eeacjfauy fcrari fcihftifpisf el- hens acd minfi tz- prb adisg trl cf the freieh got- errtert fer caia- lze isihicirrcf tiebrwdai sltljtsir52 0ctnltklcb the lamplighter loria s cummijis iisccbiutiidh ot iilintojrilliiafi lay ottlie attiiui 150 a novtl ijv iloria s cummins tin mewl poiiultr alter can tlcrv oalv uncle tows ccbiii and ikn hur kot s siintiounl bci of icwim tic iatiifiaitoriilintojriiiliia vhati vile uiit vivid villi true pictur- jecli are warthy ot uie teuiioa oi cnltivaui reders absorutf irico as laitrulli r puunli iuttreat trom c i csccliui no realis- ridiv life nz as it u recently reduced to sogts- uk ihle and tlje mw tlditioiris rttlly lttr tliiu ujc oiii lv- 1- iltj lir baadnouie clotii liudils price j0 eetit- irjjaxc ueriil 1 ttn john 11 aides iuhlukvr atlanta 6 vthltehihsleet r san frncuco stl haike street chicafio clark street i toronto 30 adelaide street east 2 will tettcaiul tovtr j tin alto vi- pritc if oj till cut out aud mure this mil9 bdvcrtittiaint willi your order to bo rercivcrl gvmtrclj irrj tt3 this to c- to attention aiiil iduutiit its irjblitftioii iu the yijv rius ata oct new york 393 peirl street phlladftlptui 13 south 9 til sire l- your iniiiieci priog work try ifatthewn acton he j tares baa teen provided they have all per will suit you ia work and price formed theirdutywtll and tbflcommanitjj t i m has not only been edified but important we leirn that jfr liyan of the firm j i 1 f g uuyan co has arrived godph garo after peodti mx fc tillt m wfc purchuuig good a fcorop 1 w nporu having kcsred a bpfeodia t season krtuieut of new and rare goods or j bpnifj i and vttluible infornutfoa has been impart- jedby etry lectarer who has appeared 1 arranged for ncx on saturday night at oakville dr sutherland of that place was ran over by horse and caller one of the shafts struck his side breakin several ribaone m which penetrated bis long he is in a very precarious condition and fears ars en tertained that ho cannot recover the ijoctor u one oe the oldest practitioners cf hat section- the new proprietors of the itar have iken hold of bnaincss in real earnest and re bonnd to jnake it gn if enterprite srill lcoompfiih it lit roroaine has sold his fine brick residence to a gentleman from whitby he irill baiid another equally handsome the ximinfi season i abo at w royal teaplars from barling- ton viritsd oakrille cocncil one eight last vreck the aurjcal meeting of the presbyterian church showed that 5i100 was raised last year for chiirch purposes a copy of hauliirc a paper devoted erclosively to the hardware and metal trades of canada his been received it is beautifully printed on fine paper and will be valuable to the trade it is fall of practical iafonnatfon for hardware mer chants dealers ia itovea and tinware blacksmiths and carriage bailderj plambem tc the feature however it 0 complete and reliable reports and prices current of montreal and foreign markets it is pub lished at 7 jbrdon 8treet toronto lira s a becord being about to re move to toronto is dijpotfck af her house hold eflecw by private sale for cash or on time cotnprmnfi eitemioo dinine table breakfast table centre tables becretary bedstead iron pump waeh tabe cupboard cook stove etep ladder wnlioji deaks e rntftic f qruitare otto mm wheel barrow had sleigh small waon gardenjng implo- roenu carpenters tools books preserve am and ice froemr ac ic re nelsoa merchant tailor guelph kmirlsljlilirnylrji in lijil niil viuiuiy the compliments of the season my slock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs c f0k thk holiday trade the cheapest line of persian lamb caps tire city overcoats ulsters jackets blankets purs underwear flannels shirtings sheetings tickings towelling tabling curtains carpets dress goods dress silks plushes velvets ribbons laces corsets bustles gloves hosiery embroidery mens fait boots only s 50 all wool blankets large size s250 regular price s3 25 this reduction is for cash only butter and eggs wanted rbjermyn ok about to be speights son actpn j a speight manager citsitj j vitii ail ilg rmtn rwiini fj fcrnwh wur in aui coey liitlo bcoie cr tateflesisii ycarhouieil a ktjiij tuc izay kjic t lac cry lovcsl prices yuecc is tio article at foncre we casroi kpplr iiut farther x- delitw our onutoni and vculavc uutmuss fteltcarfes srtxu uo riitof lrcakagc ve oi rait s- undertaking or tbittycvejcirt txperiece in t pcicii uvrcjiij in cocviicuig the palilic of tliidjccupareitl urweftlo ciiy it coo iial ciiy prices our- hearse u m crcellect cue tal cir caiu tlfiy irocct t bctouuac aptcaraiiou- vb have iil- viz i icviti the public to cihn fraj irtjtiinij ia cur lines speigilt son headquarters -for- il low in tloct kaiii caatdiaa and aecrhcati pmtcn ah sizes in cut alu 8lwji and uiimirjuikxl wrought c cut finish x aj ttcasil sizes aslocfc dry hardware ditnasdatcarican pasttn ivroasiitccurfiuishajft huie fetrait cd screu- hool hutu screws tutlry sioons aim swv ha avrvacheapi2e5jflckknivfrgsukij iotdur shot shells cp karon liah tivorrsue-ri- 1actuicikultr hiii5c3lu ud asbto babbit uetalae t class j j all silts irdcatloorltr fret ruiyiiiu ac paints oils ol leuclcbt rrtparvd satif qtuia terdjii iajit ajji o td in all ptiux ice ajjo hit uad dry aad iii cmjcu ualy pcd vthow ochru and all dry coicr hoilcd alidluw 0ituri-cuiu- araiisijipaasbtiuc dc machine oils lardiac gljccrtitc aultr black ad caiur groceries afallliuecificcrowccircc sugan 7owtco luiiits cljtilikukcllarkytaiiks buvc a boer starch boayblac vtas cain laaict fodder soda cocda- m nut cliocolaweitracu bpiecb onc uj lcia ftci oatmeal syrup molasses vinccars mhittviac and tiicri a dct otcrjtblug usually tocui il a cr lu- rcry lamps aliiuliaotulbuaitj slits aud dssigua sliides tiu-ci-iiisjj- jiitrua ic cluap crockery classware including tea dinner mdtoua sua in liiiu cijrid and cliia alabastine aasllicriol cf liijjcstljiopnlar kaliosnac jiitita laaj il al iiijt3 wall paper a large stock on laud of liici and nobbj pat eras frcm 5c a tva civ a iaro naais row one rtfll tolta atv cwn price lo bt ctarcd tui a larc it c rem- -for- i new gold watches- new silver watches new gold scarjfpins new gerd binge new bnd pitrgs cruets pickle stands fishsjices and napkiniiings b sayagct dcixeipli sole agent for i j b pearson spring arrivals just opened up light oyercoatixgsh j wwoksted coatings amjoods a m special value in above shaw c run dy mercjjant tail0r5 cuelph jkr- sipimff ta

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