Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1889, p. 4

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1 nm tiitjnsdaypknh t young tell k ps jfolta utwu thonalc in thr tiuruiit r tboahead the tu ricd itr ot the lot urn mm lrr th throach the cmiag tjusy v wcelhnr niubeacu pre i brtgluicct wheuicr dim ftln lijo jsil be th y da wnirg ci i cr la the ciii of iwect cl skjc lot uir daily wrkur- icc in the peac o roul ec vniriuf care l banithti pat iiace wen and f earth with it vaelantmcut oofc the spirit to cttiirc era thoa hsfcrt err thci ircr turn to jcu tell oil thee as i our bj heer elides by thec thou wilt ucsl guiac- kcow tliinc owuburdcns being tightened toacaast bear aujuicre woo thou canstnc3p the wcitoues coward tfaoa cant ruse up ti thai jji bat rwaccbercllvltob icrvist sdll toll jhtictc lyja al and if vtatca erwp ovrtheo as the day wear to ii- close or if sadjceffcnm tcuiptalia brings litv face to fcie with foes la ik y wcakofsi in thy i peril- raise to heaven a trujtfal eali strength andcalc forever crisis comer iu teiliug jesur sih etching tijigies anlfjukelets j hair an lor willi lot wiib men the will aim uie isirrtzmjilu ntllie oay lmc jveik remea need touic ilkuklli a oarirl roll t mono te acoo thuc lo have but wlialc it fioool foe it vow health ie poor iwjv heatyt by mice imperial icttr balcioc powder j4 the etr geo ii tuaycr of boa ebon iud 6i both mj df and wife owe nur ikes to sluloufi consamptoii cure for lilt by hcgarvm t thapjictolfltbly piinfolanrj eontuuihy biraisici thisrs ciued piles which trouble to mayj people are oon healed by fuc ttiorawjlarjeclric oil ouj crck cjlernal tcale4yictphyfeicaitl2rtniraalri 6t te- litvitu atcfi a very cmiji quiiilily tchicvesj rcsults of uie most gratifying hud he teacher urh i- 1w0 icii tliu truth lint rxvmhil to mental a ih iiiiik ililkkleand feeble lie vivijnii ifittlrt younp or old this hy ivacftclol i ajtts sarjiiparllla ftil i alai hjuiih- hsi in a r snrapnnlla j umiiriiicral healli hir iiiiivra md ivrhv jiars nf use ljjuitr ilvu ehfcrit bebujty awiri fciiu we fa pa 4rv tfiittua hrfli jviiiiuv- mry hi nitvvthv cpaii o c t herlieiillhlins mry harriet 11 shtlohts csurru ruiiedy iws fcrciurrli diiilitliefiitijdcaterirorih fcr falcbvn garvin a rentlemauhavicg na appointratat with another who wis lyibttaahy cnpccct- aal to hta preat tuprise ioixndhim waiiinf ha thus addrisfifrl him why i e yoa ire her m at hut yea wtre always be hind before bat t am p a1 to tee yoa have becotne early oi kte i if t i jincrro iforares ylxe you distnrbed atnighi and broken of ybsr rest by a net child bafferin and erytcp with pain of cal- tinj teeth ixaosodat aace and get a bottla oflfra jtinsicws soothing sytop for children veethtn iu vaine is incil- cnlable u will relie the poor little sufferer tiwiiatcly upon it molhtra re ts no miitaie ahoot it- it cures dysefltrv and diarrhea recnlhes the stomach and bawls cares wind colic softens the inms reiiabes insanxmatidn and gives lone and erergr tothe whole sys- teffl hrsrin3aw eymp for children teething it pesaat lo the txaie and is the preicriptias of one of the oldest ad besi female physicians and nafses in the united stales and is for sale by all dmfsists thecohast the world price twenty7e cents k bottle be sure and ask far m svlcilows soothicc syrup and laie no other kind cbscmpuaa caded afl old physiciic retired fxaca practice hairing had placed inhis hunis by an esit india rairoicy the fox2ta of a etmple vegetahla remedy for tha speedy mi per manent cre of conntptocj brcachitii catarrh asthi azid al threat and lca affections also a poi and radical core for kerrons debility and all kerrous com plaints after having tested its waciarial curative powere in thoostndsof cases has felt it his duty to make it known to hk saffering fellows zlzties by this motire and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge so all who desire it this recipe in germic freach or edr- isfa with tall directions for preparing and using sent by mahbj addressice with stamp narcing this paper w a kote3 149 powers block pchester x- x if yoa want to h5 or seu a farm ad- ertfseinthfitcrjntb iff die slcii that paper reaches 1co0o0 firmsrs hornet erery week and yazj airertisexent shoald meet the eyrof soxeosewho wants to por- chaa adilertisetnen cf this claas are in serted in the toronto irjcty hail fcrfive cents a ward each inrtioa or twenty centaa srord for fire icfertions iddiess the icau torocto canada what torcnuv vstllkuotru good sirna- riun have btcn troubled with dyspeps s aud livir corrfpumt foroverjo years ai 1 hil- tried many remedies but uercr fotui an article thai hasjdoe me as much rood ij korthrop lyiaiu vege table discovery and dyepepili cere cltra el porter ttie held ar-t1iatcabar- frotnjthix historic crotmd pi r frank cnrcttti jaritts that he wa greatly ajsicted with coqtiipxtioa together witi swellicgcf hie body 1 tritd burdock blood bjture and it cave me immediate relief tcan now sleep well ad can eat heartily without tuy ill effects worms cauie scrioo rickcesa dr worm ayrap deatroys acd eip is all jilndt of worms quickly and sarely that piin and x hacking coau can b eo quickly cured br shilohsccre we rcaranlce it forsaleby x hcgaruu 6 cjjacob baffalo an flxployec of the r s eipres co says drthomu eclectnc 01 cured kin of a tad cise of piles of years standing havipg tried al most every known remedy besides two bafialo physicians without relief hut the oil cured fcim he thinks it cannot be rcconaaendea loo hublv ssal surir coated burdock cripeo cal thtv art mid and euect- for pcissa ivy eruption mi for all bani sre throat rheam c c w wood of hall bfidif vics tie ue of uaprtkv iji i v i urhich lit been pills do not etc ur ont ad- ellw oil he regards it as a pcraxtccre hii ttaiilf for critt-ccrp- will yoa saner with dyspepi complaint shilohs vitals teed to cure yoa for sale by rin i ii and liver r is ccaran- x ilcgar- let reality trot quantity ts the test of a medicine ayere sarsapicilk is the concentrxted extract of the bes and piresl inredianli ileiica1 men everywhere re- comctcd it as the screst ici ni fcid medicine ia the market heekam beer i roe and ttiac if you are lanpaid aci weak and your appetite poor my beef iran end wine is the tonic be sure asan invigoratmij tonic it is reoostjtzed by the iledicai prafeasioa as the- best strengthening medicine thos far prodaceal it is invilucbe as arhloodandmus reader especially ia those cases rrhert weakness is the resait of imperfect or in- food of wasting fevers or excess of any sort- it contains the detriment of beef the stfmalant properties jof wine and the tonic powers of iron and h admirably cal- calated to build up the exaciated gysiem jamss e gilmour of t gi mour 6 co wholesale grocers brooki j e says1 have used tamarac elirir for and coah whch it im media acd cured hacknietack a lastmc and fragrant perfcm price 25 and 50 cent4 for eile by x itcgirrin i ia ipc da lallan from a letter by ilrs salliian124 wesl ive hamilton ont iftir fry in ccmberjof medicines for liver complaint from wfcich i sneered for year i baasht twobctilesof bardnck biod bitters and found it a complete cure iy hoase ii never vvrthoat it l severe cold elv relieved dr- lorrs sulphur faa p ii t ffelfghtfdl shampoo it censea the fcil j and dark ens grey hjiir cause indcfferi- iany persons wonder at the fired worn and weary feelinthitoppressesthem wth- oat any apparent caoe it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in either case he stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular fchctiosj and with many personi they w21 follox a doll heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case 6f dysptpca purify the blood cleanse the syeteaa of the clofjjed secretions by asing 3deacham ilandrake ifoxiaretprepared by j bfescnam 133 tongftstreet a chemist o nineen yesre eiperience tba third pae of the toronto dcuv mail is noted for want adtertiaernent if ypa want to buy or kclianything utoc want aaitoation a mechanic buiiuees machujery lodgiaes if yoa have lost or found anythins or if yoa want td find oat where anyone is advertise in the toronto daily jaj7and read the advertisements on t be third page of lb at paper the churce a two cents a word each insertion ad- dreaa the slaij toronwl canada the great msjority cf eoadled coah cures da little more thin impiar the difiei tive fuctios anj crtste fcfje- ayers cherry pectoral en the contrary while cures the couh does not inferfere with the functions of either stomach or liver shilohs care will immediately relieve croup whoopics coah and for salelfav x ifcgarvin bronchitis j i rpfat xrttcie- i cao certify to the grea c efulness cf haeyards yellow oil we use it for bums bruicei cuts eorctbroat croapetc and recommend it to all as a 2- excellent remedy t w appleby wic all medicine dealers sell yeliaw are yd a made miserable by jfn digestion wnstipation dizzitiesr loss c appetite yellow skiu 7 shilohs vitalizeri t a posilire ecxe fsreale iv x sicgarvic hara oih fijr coashs colds brcschilfi ajd falllacg troableit there h no preparation of medi cine can compare with biefeks autfccon- sumplive syrap it nrvcr fails- to afford prompt end permanent relief it removes all gorene endhesls the diseased parts it immeditttjy iojth tiio mort trouble some oodkii and t rottotini expector- ation removes the mnca which stops cp the air tubet vhich causes difiicuitv in bceathinjj thereby civet rtlief to that de- pressicg tichtntia tfcrccred 10 the eheat public speakers d sicrs vill fed sick les anticoneiiiupiite syrup oidejtimple ytute aau fpeedijiacd effectcahyahayc nil irritation nod butkicem lii the throat end bronchial tab- tcd giea powder to the tocbj cords rendering the voice clear and fcroofoop if parents wish to live the uvea of tfitircliidr6uandthemeivotfrorn mhch anxiety trcobfbi and expense let them yrocjrca ijote cf bizkha anti-c-on- omptie sjrapnnttwrfirtiict nclnld has ueit ituutd hi cuaji fir hgiiecutut f iie the syrup jtccordiu to directioas j lhpyrtr y fi- lelility nut ihhiiijii leniliiuy liiiii kialurial fatiihi u ilc ritiiiv i viiis iii it very iiniiiiiit liiii tiv uittlftdfthf sar- maiin ayera toftirtlt tmittivctl tnyhrnhh i im tiuwjivti tiiivmktuid fl thrt t tiiint1 n 1milull ft vdllr extvllclit kiii-ilii- f a iiiikhiihi stiutu liiliismi m iilcr iars did in reivsimiiihi willi cikmi cf- iv s 1 iialuiui iuiled liliiiciiri llinhhrtilmii wva imtrtrlxd rlii nervous frostratlon ivih latmltiikninl lumlailiciiikllmvo ki 11 tutili 1h1i jr v t in- f ayers srsiimrila im mw kt jeir vlttzc aud mi wiiiilil ihat mv prvtiit lifauli ami irlhicl lifihihir it- tlt- oe of avirs sasitiinvlacy htiititt kiiliialycoiii mr ann h finisvrtli a lady t3 vcars il winntfkk vl writes afitr several weeks friitiriii from mrvciiis prostraliei prctiixtjavtflu t of avers ataiuiita and cfqr i had talan half tif it irrv- ttfttal fcahli returned ayers sarsaparilla j dri i 0 ayer 4 co lowell mass castor i a i l for infants and children cutwuimomiliptadtoeulilnitlut i cutsria ctim coll conttiu ul 80 oxford 8tijrooal7alit wuhoul lajarioaa mcdlmoo tux crtaca ooxrirr 7 uumij street if y for new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings i new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and xapkin rings b sxyage auelph why will you cougli when shilohs care will give immediate relief price 10 cu 50 cts and f i for lile by xxfcgarvtn far lame baok side or chest uic shilohs pcrons plaster price 23 cents for sale fay x garvin j for dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed euarahle ttp every bottle pf shilohs vitaliaer it never failsto care for sal by ncgaryin r i r j shilohs vitailzeris what yoa deed for constipation loss of appettl dirziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle for sale byx- ifcgarvin shilohs coagh and coacamption cure is sold by as on a guatmtee it cures coo- sumption- tor sale by2i mcgarvin croap hoopicg coah and bronchitis mmediately relieved by shilohs care for sale by x ifcgarvin catarrh cured health and sweet breath eccared by shilohs catarrh remedy price co cents kial injector frae for saleby xrhcgarvin trulbtrtare hrs heasy it kitchen st george oct eiys i had a bad oold which settled in my throit cacsicg a continual tictjinp and i jqbtcoafaed all tha titre ikot hazards pcctcral balsam and in 3 days was getting better and ia 10 aaya i went to church oar neighbors knaw this to be true uormji derange the whole lystem if other graves worm exterminator de ranges worms and gives rest to the suffer er it only costs factyfive cents to try it and be convinced haladies multiply one another a sim ple fit cj iniijjbition may espeiially if he ccuelitcticn is not naturally vigorocs throw the entire njechaniira of the liver lad bow vz of gir sick headache follows poifanic cf the- bjood by tile en sues and there is grave and sericas dis- tarbicce of thffeotire tjsfern check the thvestened dthger at ifcf cutset with xur- throp 4 lymans vectibis discovery and dystptic care the medicine that drives every impurity from the blooi sleepless tiicbts mide miserable by that terrime coah shilohs cure it the rem edy for yea for sale by x ifcgarvin rest and comfcrtla ike faffruff brawna household panacea has no qaal for re lie vice pain both internal and xtsrcal ft cures pain in tlie side back or bowels sortjtrtajaiitjuia46 toothache lumbagovcd anyindofi pain or ache it will most iurelyqaick ea the blood aud leal ac iu sctidf power iswonderfal browns household pan acea being acknowledged u the great fain reliefer and of double tbe treacth of any other elixir or liniment in the world shoald he inevtrv family bandy for use when wanted as it really is the bet remedy to the world for crainpf m the itomich ad pains and aches of all kinds andufortalebysliurnggisisat 25 cecu a bottle al brilliant diamond dyes excel aif otliers in strength purity and fastness noncojlier are just as goojt be ware of imitations becaui tliey are mase of cheap and inferior materiafe and give poor weak crodtycolotstobcsbreof success ln ribboin them o use only the d oies fcn toioring- dresses stock s cjarpete ftjitjidrs tc pjirrahtj irns sc color more goods a irrfblf yaci conrtifjfttioo yrltie cioet frnt eatik 6f hnflubei bud ioni fiaaionr dizziness ftrtilzo c nd bicue of flii hlioqfd uenr beuowes i etit it ray bereal- ujcateii by ninijbnr44ci blood biturfi wnicli ntven tills to care uvzu ttiemost obtint and cliroaic ci ae for jpackage tliaii apj dyes ever madersudfto gi brjilliant bnd durabfe colors for thezirwwftand take no jfli pack- other totrpf ask other mcoafcolom garments renewed j ceiits a child can use the ii ii dnjfgii j ud uckiusu pre boo wells richards0h v veveb leave acton wncayouciaket as rom as article aad as chcapat harness shop call asi tco if he u not gfvlcff the bt lar- paisf in light and heavy harnesa blanket bells curry combe brushes tthipe 4c x bare come tsacuta to rtayani kill caeavcr to are the best titiwoa j those vho lavoriuewita their itraie i have tejall crpecses ezd ca attcrd to sell chdap collara warranted not to hurt j h jrattliews actoii kemivtdtoshopncitkeljrbroj choice igcoods suitable for xmas presents gentlemens dressing gowns silk mufflers silk handkerchiefs storeys gloves and mitts j shaw crundy merchant tailors cuelph percheron horses isl1kd e0 he stock fiej crow isle taru cooatj mjchlffaa atcctirtttrtieicauii4 prlorireanabletermioit hotiei ecttrt lcte cxul7ct vuti httwrr cf the bntd tnt by mall addim fcjlvage imijslm iucit french coach horses rchrjrpfi eul- iazs isd llut j- rra acjac fcrrf unir li rulrocxjt cf ii fnach gjt- trn for o- cvt iai hcorr tf liic bruil aiirtu hiiplimis detroit hki the principle of treatment stockfaking over but we are still continuing our sale georgetown wm mcleod co fcwashlhgtomdcrlps eiaent throat and lanp surgeon will next visit acton doimaok otel friday march f from xu shiil okedatoklt cataekh thtipat cuilld a fewoaitot thehsslrii of onerfcl cure bydr wtslirit sllx hlthod ci iu cxjtlios i j chronic bronchitis cared ami engliih charch cerjrviaaa lfciis encrotir coaxwali ot da waehtxgtoj i dejk sia i am ipad to be able to isroru roa that mr daairter it qcit veil aiis ab- thi ia the icaaj time the has ben cared ct prave bronchial troabes rnjcryoar trtatment bea thecaireaic lailed tith to expre my cratlccdc pjeanc accdjit my siscert tbiaki vourt trajy c h pztitt itrsjco jxekcivy kicstto oat catarrh acd cosciie ptic 0 john jttckejvr kfaffsionj one catarrh iltk a hopping eisjcoa oat liroaclo conaamptioa ur e scott kinrsibnont catarrh head and throat urfjcobetram throat iatsccslatthcwc p jiastcr acton ont ca- tarrah head aad throat f fraacir berlin on catarrh lead and throat i miskeihcebjhetlin0atecirjtocc3 f wins p it coruzlssjont catirrh hcid kcsry stt berlin oau thiui itrap wasaer dar heriin oa citarrh head and threat i levi kercher etjaavj ont catarrh head and throat coln campbell tt edrtjd oi uthcit jamos stacer daitca oatcirrh t h g stone geokgetovk nfterioh djrjora tor ct 1ah oodellgwefi 10kinc-st-east- toronto house sign zixl omsincrlta fainting intna lataat gtyles 3m tess03fcouialntixc ri4e wedikuy erontiitlmwdayiulo sturttay aitrvpon order irb at frco vrosi itfltia artouior ad droned to box ig george own rju rective prompt itentiqd i srotqinu liii-i- hae unearthed a lot ot goods that we aro anxious to convert into money tha we shall offer at phenominal pri ces which shall command at tention and effect a sale we call special attention to ladies furs gents fur caps goat and fancy robes gents underclothing blankets flannels knitted vvoolletvgoods woollen hosiery mens over coats bo3s overcoats read- made clothing dressgoods silkssatinsniilliner3 mantles also carpets laclies and gents footwear and over shoes the public can rely upon finding special drives in the above goods well worthy of their attention we beg to re mind the public that cottons silk goods and woollens have all gone up in price very much especially cottons i and silks that we have laid in a large stock of cottons and silks at the old prices and are prepared to sell them at the extraordinary low prices we have heretofore sold them at and now is the time to pur chase cottonades check shirt ings factor cottons white cottons prints ginghams and all kind of cotton goods good factory cotton for 3c per yd white cotton 5c per yd check shirtings 6c per yd prints fastcolors and heavy for 6c worth 10c cottonades from i23c up a magnificent qottonade for 25c worth 35c we call particular attention to our new suitings- our tailoring department is be yond all competition in price style fit and workmanship our millinery and mantle departments area 1 turning out artistic designs which meet with the approval of the most fastidious spring goods arriing daily come and get a large lot of the bargrins wm mcleod co hammoth house georgetown grand concert- concert per ti ckets going at the rate of 20 day at the lion of cuelph the only ling our goods that very few one who buys small ticket fo afterwards accumulated reason they dont go faster is that we are sal- so cheap and you can buy so much for 100 1 equire to spend so much at once but to every ess than 8 1500 worth of goods we give a every dollar spent and these tickets wljl be exchanged for a concert ticket when 15 havebeen pect we ex al may rest a realized when very shortly now to anhounce the talent and sured that their brightest expectations will be edo so j new out to make gooojs arriving dairy old goods must be learel m read our hand bill for prices to all w half price we place see ot j are caiucjpiryoa or to re pice there is co article you ha uix kxplsi paii thro srahd trunk baltws wut ooiii n 011 exp j7i rjjl ii 1 y s 1 riss vl u11 jo tm7 ts hgjrf 3 u iceoio najctrcwntoaittil it 3l aoijweto5irnsaipal l m oolc luiciinnj52vm 1 l r7 cofored dress satin 15c up h3 want to secure a mantle at little more thgfl ay now is the time and the lion is the r black sedan cord at 25c worth 50c d williamson co you married or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager ail the fcruinire required to famish yonr new and cosy lirtje home yocrjane if a felticd oca is tsy style at the very lowest prices 1 f fanmare we cannot supply and farther ts deliver onr fnrnimre and e no arranging freight charges aad ma no ritk cf breakage we can suit all -undertaking- vpcrieace is this l5ines ha resalted in eaaiixcie the tibli4 of jucixy thai rcrfy irstlas wort in ii enters aad in tytes 1 h compare with those cl the city at one half city prices- j fh badqrjartersk hisxca strap t am frenches plan- kaaors ban astodcof pctchen shades alov drycoicrs atallliaecffiuet flax seed ala store i boo cat chcx syrai dent forgot oar 30c our hearse- id oar tam juys prctent a bvcocing aprxarafcee l we have plaa- lz the public tu call otitis for anything repaired in our lines speight fc son for hardware sail canadian aud american pattern ah tixei fn cat also steel and pointed wrought cleat finishing and tack all sties screw hook batts scrrai cntlorj spoons aaea sawa hammers 1 jack knaves gunikins revolvers powder shot shells caps door rollers lickinc knbber hatnp soap none and asbestoi babbit metal 4c class ui sizes and cat to order free patty points ar paints oils prepared aad gutta percha paints always on hand in all popular liteleadldryandiaomilesllead v bed tellow ochr aal all ioiled and raw oili turpeadac taraishes japan shellac ah machine oils lardine glycerine amber black and castor croceries ac coiee sagsrf tobaccos bafains cnrranta kiecbarleytapioca miosis cream tartar pickles cheese lard bacon blacking starch soap blae yeast cakeaktagrowder soda cocoa- late extracts spices orange and lemon vpse oatmeal molasses vinegars white wine andvideri iu fact everything csaaly fonad in t first class grocery lamps a full line all shajxi sires aad deslgna shades globes chijccey laiiiemi ac cheap cfockery classware g tea dinner and toilet seu in plain cohered and china alabastine tcfthirjasiljpcpilarkaii amine jasttohacj in alhhades cossdhphoi codgbomifit asthma croup f j- al cjas5 cr tr t rsoarucj no j j pulvpsaay ouii it tr it eiinirkl uia h t- constjmptbkhasbiehoina lltteaotirr rcnjfft snj pt nidm lit fiicviti tr bfait il roirefgtieii by piivntv mtsjrri and ibcxnine of 6etj ta ud iri- aros tjiejacc pfilaiet hcurarc cf irilzuv jifvsc alt stttitf- tairsf and ijc mvt rci be disappoixui j csjjliiadi- f aruit3 from a ducrjfri s t cf the loro stdnuch arid donels sni as d 6r indigestion bpfaci aftectiona eihc hsartinav aeadity of the scin5hhhetrfpntinb losa of aoctte gravel flerajua v debility kanaea or yotaitinge4ftn price 25 ccnta por ctfftto l datis lazirtcs coflatfpft errors opi yputkv serrotis debuity siuina usevanttieoi- rare decaypnmiptly anpermaoaiujadbi spermozone j does sot interfere with diet or ninal oeeapatia and f ally rtstores lost vigor and iasare perfect maabcod sent to any address p on- reeipi of prioe one dnllnrtwrfmi soitwjsney schofield dkclx stoite ehn street to- con to tlar tthwtwottcmijgirjjnjw qi per lu aqi 01 isips3ja um it itfmt 1 on ww w n n ui i wm it dnj rpftabm wjd ci 1 7l tjk exhausted ryitatrnr ijise sdmsce op life wall paper a large socfcoc haa l of bit atid nobby patcni frcm 5c a rcll cp a large lot s- red- jpron cae rcll to ten t year own price to be cleared cut 5 uai cm lll aad onr pufv ccffoc frcsli grauadifi a loxary you cant well do wit so at thegrcat jedicaj work of the ag oomanhoodniiitous aad phjdcal debbitjvrro- mator docjine errors of youth and the cntqid misj eiies cpasequect thereon 900 a pages vo 12j- proscription r all diseases clih fall gjlt oniytldo bj mail toaled hisirativc simple fre to ah yonngandmiddleagod uicnc bcndnpv gold and jewelled modal awarded to thauthat bf auoaal lfedicalasiociatioa addm p 0 boi 1s93 hoston ilais ft dr iv h pal- keb ffrsdasto of harvard sledikl college years practice in boston whauiajltp eoamhjb confldwatially specialty disesms of ai offlconoibulnnchst mak how lost how restored jastpublished aaewojitioncr dr cnltw wellacejcbriitcd essay c a the itadicateore of spermatorrhoea or incapacity indtieed ty eicemarealy tajtscimepct the ccieoratetl author o thi sdcjirahle osaay dearly detaonstraifpifuni a ttirtyyeal sacecsstnl practice thst the alarming com quences of early error may u- tadictily cnrtd pointing cat a mode of cam a once ihnpfe certain aad effectual by neaak cf which t3 saffereii ao matter what his cfiajiiion aisy d8 v may eufojiimsclf ebearv privaiely and radi cally ratthii lectaro jionld uo in tbe hsuidj oferery yoathitijctcry insniu tlelaavl- 1 sent dader leju la a puia tnvelcpe to aaj address on receipt of four cent 1 or two pastas tamps laddresa tl oultorrdll liolical co- tasxstsaw teas po bex 4m sole agent for byamficoizmoaseisath balance gravity sash lock aad cartaui hollers also b laur ences perfected ibpactades- gold acfiotisendsorse rjirm goelpb manoiactored at j b pearson authors cox itanunictarcra ofj- trusses 1 artificial limbs i andlapiaiioe fonditiesof net i c i 1 titiu to 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