fcfc tjit fm tts thursday febbuabt 81 1888 5ijt oungyolks a2t qds ojf the toothache y often hear the ulca to queer thj- tu of dayi rone by hoir men of yoro with patience bore tlielc ola vithokt a sigh j for joba hard palua hi low and rains nigh make oar heart to brock hat ahhicerfef wlthonlrvliof wai frc from uc tcoth-achc- and brirwt men afflicted then xvith palsy attdid shake unl that disease een gate them ease far tliey had no toothache and bunsoa tronc suffered uot long when cupid aim did take through hit dear rife ho lost his life lint died without toothtchc kau she caught hill ok the flv v at eight odocfc tha other morning r wife followed her iiaibaad down to tbe gate u he traa starting for town and tuidl y aidto him william yon knovr how ttdly i waat a bine bautinj dreaa yet dear he remarked bat jffa know how hud op i am a iooa u tcan my way dear von biulii bare the new drew and a new- hat to boot be patient syd 4md toot rtwiidihxll be great forty minutes liter this ha emerged from i restaurant with a kg baaket and l i fiating rod bound up the river in the bket were k pjne pirklm cake trait fie inbtrliottie of liquor of rich color and he waa just lighting a fine cigar when his wifa came along u what i yoa here he exclaimed yes i waa jost going fa the market where are yon going whati in the batfcet i waa going to carry this fiafaing rod to a friend in fencharch street he modestly antwered andthat baaket j w thii baaket well i was roing to take it to the orphan asylum as a present to the children it is a donatioc from ixx boainen frieoda- william i dont beliere it si dont talk w load 44 william i ahall talk loader yet she ocu tmi ill bet yoa are agoing fish ing atary harel eer deceived yoa he plaintitefy asked i never hare- as proof of my sincerity yoa can take this baaket to the asylnm yourself and fn do it the pramgtly replied u aha rehefi him of it mary hadnt yoa so sir i hadnt ton had better take thai fishingrod as the man may want it aad be carefol how yoa stand about in the hoi inn she left him there- ha watched her take the car for home and then he returned tie fishing rclani crossed the street and said to an aoqnainunne tom vm safieting ban neuralgia andthe eicarsiba is off tu- dext week too had bat we can never tell feat a day may bring forth there were chicken and pickles and other good things on the table at noon bat he nener smiled even when she wished that he was an orphan if that was the way they were f it as only when she hsnd- sd hrni the bottle he had so carefully tack ed into the basket and saw it labelled- good for little chfldrea that he said mary it is an awm thing far a wife to get the impresai6nthat her husband is a designing impostor it most be she replied aa she took up the other rfnrirn leg i for coughs colds bronchitis and all long trouble there is no preparation of medl- one can eontpazj- with bekie anti-con- inmptite syrnp it neter fails to afford prompt and permanent nelief uremorea alltareneai and heals tfce dfatmy parts it immediately soothes the most trtwble- tome ooagh and by promoting erpector- non remores the mocas which stops np tha air tabes which causes difficulty in breaaiing thereby gives relief to that de- pressing tightness expierenced in the chest public speakers and singers will find bicfc- les anticonsomptite byrnp of inestimable tihe sx it ipeedify and effectaally allays all uritilion and huskiness in the throat aiid bronchiil tubes and gives power to the vtoca cards rendering the voice clear and toooroiul n parenta wish to save the uws of tteir children ank themselves from much anxiety trouble and expense let uwn procure a bottle ofbickles anti-con- omptite byrnp and whenever a child has tajten a cold has a coogh or hoarseness jifb tbe byrnp according ito directions tmmmcamaetcec llny persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feeling that oppresses them with out any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stomach in tithercase the stomach j blood and hrer re not performing their regular functions andv with many persoat they will follow a doxc heavy headachej nausea and naany other symptons that precede a well dereloped case of dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions jbx using tfeacbaats mandrake mixture prepared by j b ieachani 183 yonge street a chemist at nineteen years xperience i jdjgles ajvd jokelets uatf au hour wuu the wic mm the wits ftndtlic tsragraptis oakt d hard and solt tot us cannol withstand houowaya com care it is eflcctual evety time get a boulo a once and bo happy 6 mall s agar coated bardock pill do not gripe or sickcu they are mild aui effect aal i hritcrlaet uunpeanidc ot mr dyspepsia it is said he was driven and is kept away by the ase of imperial cream tartar baking iowder soldbyall grocers the worldwide repstalioa o aers sarsipirilla is tte nitaral result of us sur passing talne as a blood meiicinc ko th ing in the whole p harm ico peril cffecth more auonishing results in scrofolirhca- matiam general debility and i blood discace than this rcmed u for ins of croup whooping cough and brouchiti mmedtalely relieved bybhilohsirc for sale by k mcgtrvin james h gilmocr of t gi mour fc co wholesale grocerfi brookvil e says i hae used tamarac elixir for l severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved aad cured if yonwant to bay or self a farm ad- j ertbe in the toronto weekly mail that wk reaches 100000 faderb homes wbry week and yanradtertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- oheje advertutemenuofthisciaasareixf- iertbd in the toronto wuby hail for ft cent a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address tiwhiil toronto canada a beef nt natl wiae if you are languid and weak and your appetite poor my beef iron and wine is the ionic be sore j ain invigorating oaic itis recoguirest by jthe medical frofessioa as the best twngthening medicine thus far produceo it a invaluable as a bloodandmnscle maker especially in those cases where weakness is the result of imperfect or fn- fcod of wasting fevers or excess of any sort it contains the nutriment 0 bcef the stimulant properties of jwine and the taedf powers of iron and is jadmirably cal- onlatedto build np the fmnrirua system xbc i new show rooms of tie mbcansland fitaiaed glass works toron o have attract ed c b notice siuce they opened to the pnblic there are exan plas of oeoing an5 snot decorations in vac jus materials i iprnsij l fjia wide two a prices while u otphcrob aj d boom glass tzswtyjsopertor and inb resting tbe firns nod sjamples of wall p per- and glass to maddreas i loik out ear tc it yoa are troabled with a howerer hcht the attack look not allow it to settle oa the la the coogh by loosening the with halyards itorxl bx shilohs cosfili and consntrptioa icure is sold by cs on a gnaaxntec i cares cou- sumption for sale by k sicvarvin d or cosgh jut for it do break cp gh phlegm v jlr o e rigcins beacsv lie writes a cutouier who tried a bolt e of xorth rup lymans aeceiae discovery says it is tbe beet thing he ever used to qcotc hisowowtrds it jnet tmedlotoach the spot affected about a year lgo he had an sttack of bilious fever and was afraid he was in for another when i nxemrcend ed this talutble medicine with such happy results in better kumar a ify eon aged eleven was czred of aa eruptivahatnar that covered irs lead and face with sores by two bottls burdock blood bitters and pills ttie litre miry fclfcrdjot part hope ont dr lows salphcr soip is shampod it cleanses the scalj ens greylhiir shilohs vitatlcer is what yc a aecd to constipation loss of appetite dimness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 5 cents per bottle for tale by k ifcgarvin i grritfcaxrercr that person who u afilicted matisrn is a great suffer and gi pitied ic they canuot procure yellow oil thfs remedy is a not onlyjfar rheamatitm bt cal aches and internal pains for dyspepsia and hrer co have a printed guarantee on of ehilofce vitalizer it never for sale hy k itcgirvin pale weak women need a to giving fiesh building medicine beef iran and wine those intolerably painful and constantly harassing things caized piles w lich trouble so manyj people are soon heaed by dr thomaaeclectric oil thegreit external remedy for phyeicsl ecffenng n leans of re iieving pains a very snu1 quantity achieves results of the most gratifying kind delightfu aad dark- vith rhea- uy to be hagytrds pertain cere all erter- grial fc- pla yoa very bottle ails to care ic strength jlilbuma fcr kine back side or chest tse shilohs fqrous elaster price 25 cental foresie by k garvin tea sly miraculous cure was saffered from fcidcey disease for years i dt irorfc til ihz1 j told tneof b b b i tried it an to say thrt i wis cured b wra tier st icarys ont i had shout two a friend am hippy bols why wall yoa cough when simons cure will give immediate relief price 10 cts 50 ctend 51 far sale by x ifcgarvin a boon and a blessing to mankind is hagyards yellow oili the great pain de stroyer and healing remedy for external and internal use yellow oilcurisiu aches and paint rheamatism lame back sore throat ercap dekfuess cramps contracted cords and druggist 1 frafettlaaal optalaal eev f jsonner si d of listd wel ont eayk regarding b b b i havejesed your excellent- i3ardock compound in practice and in mytfamily eince isu and hold it xo i on my list of sanative remedies yoar three busy bs never sting reaken or worry j a nasxl ajector free with ezch ehillohs catarrh remedy pri for sale by x sfcgarvin bottle f o soconts faines celery compound i0t at the same time oh tenerve8 the liver i tttfc bowel8 i andthe kidneys this eoafixaei adjon gives i 70 1- dcrfid poer 10 cure dl discaafis why are we sick becade we allow ilecerves a remain weakened and irioted ar d these great organs to become cloggc d or toqiid and poisonous burners a c eercfore forced isto tie ljod that should be expelled natanlly t x compound wl- curebtiotinrxgsrhs cohsnpanoir ehutet cob tlaistiiranraatdwease thu ve ess jlbxtjka ttsb hxttealgix aid ah hxjlvoirb disoede2s by nuietag and strengthening lh nerrcs and causing frtc action of lh kverixrwcliandudncisindrcstor ing their poorer to throw- off disease wr bfljoai siar ni juiei t i7 lamtteirt piitcitptli wiyfriehuafikerdiioiiicrkiiiflyil whj eniart urrou or tick hniuhtt i wfcy u dttfltu uftu i rrfrfcetobtiwi nuirienilrcirvtfitta- ne runedr pinnlcis u ill cai srfyati dntcrziu prk4ctc j slcftrfcao wells richafloson k coproprusn mokteeal p q best of all coutrli mvlifi i- ayers tliurry peot unl is n iur ileiiniud than ever sy iircluii fur tiuuat ami liing ti3tj is ircitipl lulls eltecu bo crtiv tu m- tavl njul to widely knoa li is ihrffamilj modi- ciul iit ti c liiuaelloltl i li tim fur jiarx from ft irijti uwmu lic ivbtriicver 1 tuko cold nf ra tiji tn uclcmeut vreath- et kliovts iisclf iiv a very anuoying tecliuiil fliifjtiim in ui throat auu by 1iiiuuliy in liatljiii i have tried a ptvititinv riinctis licit none does so well is a its cin ry iviirat which rlwsvs ives iirvimif ilif in returns ot iivouiiiiislut ermft ahcnler lnsrvtir vi public ifoad rarlahtur- uv old ins i on for home i lave aivr clilrrv pectoral a tniulv use 1 it curative itrer in my fiiuiih many thuis during ilic fiost thirty wars ami linu never known it tofil it will relieve- the most serious affwikius nf the ilirtici and luiurs wliitlicr in children or alults mrs l j eclcrly unnicii blufls tows twenty yean aa e was troubled with j ilific if llie limp- doctors affittlcd liie mi iuliif ami considtrvi mnw hofk u i tlnu lan to iw avcrs lurry ivftcnil anil litfore i- luitlliuislkd ttiu uittk- found relief i cmtimud to lake litis tneiciie tiutlli curt- was effet ttil ujiuvc lljiit ayer1 ciiittv lvrtnml svtd irly life samntrl tiri waukcjaii iii six vcirs rs i ctmtrartwl a severe cold wiiiili mtthd cm tny juus and fsvui dfvtlujvhl all the alaniilii symi turns ff coknuuiiittoii i liad a cougli rilsht sweats ilwdiu of tbo lungs jiains in cliim and fiilf and was xa iirnstratid as i l confiiifd to my ud most f tin time after trying various nrcscriptious without bcuctit uv ihvmciau final u- determined lo frivo mi- avcrs ci ittry pectoral i took it and ihe cfuct waiinacietil i setmei to rally front the first ousc- of tills iiicdicitjf ami after iiilnj only thl a boiitt ain as well and sound as ever iloducy jhuion springfem iii ayers cherry pectoral rkeruuto bt dr j c ayer co lowell malt ecd ly til vikttfstt- vrict 1 ci touba i the third pae of tbe toronto daily matt is noted for want advertisement it you want to bay or sell anything if yon want a situation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or it yoa want to find out where tnyoue is advertise in the toronto datvy ifalt and read the advertisements on the third pio of that paper the charge s two cents a word each insertion ad dress the hail toronto canada kedaadcaoirarcts ctte tivrtcrlag- browas haaaehold panacea has no quit for relievinc pain both internal and rtnxil it cures eaiu in the side bacs or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lambico and any kind of a pain or ache it will mostsurelyqoick en the blond and rieal at its acting power is woaderfcl browns houscholdpsa- acez being acknowledged ls the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other eltrir of liniment la the world should bein every family handy for cse when winted as it really it the best remedy in the world for crimps iu the stomach and pf ins and achesof all kinds andtsforsile byslioragcistcat 25 ceatf a bottle maladies ilultiply one another a sim ple fit of indigestion may especially if the constitution is cot naturally vigorou throw the entire mechanism of the hrer and bowels oat of gear bick headache follows poisoning of the blood by bile en sues and there is grae and serious dis turbance of the entire system check the threatened dangers at the outlet with nor throp lyman f vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care tbe medicine that drives every impurity from the blood catarrh cured health and sweet breath secured by shilohs catarrh remedy price ho cents xaaai injector free for sale by x sicgarrin catuampdaa cared an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india miedoaixy the formula of a simple vegetable remedy tor tbe speedy tnci per manent care of coninmptioo bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung afiecticn also a positive and radical cure forxervous debility and ali kervouscom- phunu sltrt having tesd its wonderful curative powers in thousands of caseshas felt it his duty to mke it known to his suffering fellows actus tes by this motive and a desire to relieve human szfiering i will send free at charge to all who desire xt this recipe in german french or eng- ish wita fall directions far preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with sump filming this paper w a kotes lf9 powers block rochester x y gilbert laird st jltrirets hope ork ney scotland writes i am requested by several friends to order another parcel of dr thomas kdectrie oil the last i got from you having been tested in several cases of rhenmiiism has given relief when doctors medicines have failedlo have any- esectthe ercelkut qualities of this medi cine ehould be made known that the mill ions of sufferers throughout the world may benest by its providential discovery aii net iy ilorheus are you disturbed ac night and broken of your rest by i sick child sneering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of irswinlorfssoothiq5 syrup i for children teething its vaice it incal culable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothtrs there is no mistake about it ii cores dyseutry and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and boivels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole sys tem ilrs vtinslows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in th6 united slates ttn is for sale by all drujrgists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs winslows soothing syrup and take no other kind castor i a for infants and children a is so weo adapted to chfldrea that i neommead ii as superior to any prescription fcaowmlome h a- aicnaa ie o i iestion mbfcoifort st brooklyn ky wubooi injurious i tea carries coxrirr oswtott eores ooue constipation sour stomach biarrhesa eructauoo sou worms rlrss sleep aad promotes d 7 hurray street it y for new gold watches j new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets pickle stands fish slices and napkin rings b sat age guelph choice goods suitable for bias presents gentlemens dressing gowns silk mufflers handkerchiefs silk storeys gloves and mitts shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph percheron horses isu5d b0ie stoce f1sx gram bb wjm ctal tukka jlbantzarsxuvlizibuutmhtoa prtoimwm horn nttnauctt braticu urte cujdcp villi uturrof lb brmd fne ir french coach horses bred onikrtlit psoootn of uk frtnch oot- erumeot for caia- oeat tad hlttarr ot uie brwd sddrm sitjsrinia bttkjltlcju the principle treatment of n washington mdcrm eminent throat and lung surgeon will nekt visit acton dohikiok h0tzl friday march i from uo caiil 7k oneditokly cataiouttheoat cuded a few oolr of the tracdrais of razicrtul care fjydr vishnjtoa hethod of in balatfcu chronic bronchitis cured an english church cirgycan epeatc nicroar coutwili okt dowishnctos i dcaa 6te i am gij to be ilic to iuforu you tht my dafatr it quite well aiin at thii is th lecond time she his been crrwl o gnve broneblal troablcs under joor treatment wjjea the umutl reraadia uud i with to erpr4 k j cratftade please aceejit tsj citccrc thtsta vours truir c b petitt krajno icckelvr kagitoa out catarrh and consumption r john ifckeitj kf ratios ont- catirrh hit a hopplflff klaestcc ocl hrcacio confamptfoa mr e scott eiajsioa oct catarrh hcd and throat ursjuo be tram harrolfnitlj0 catarrh throat jamas hatthcts p iftstcr actoa oatca tarrah head and throat p francis brlic ont catarrh head and tkrait i kiwkeljfeebtberiiccfctenlirfcdtackij f winr p if cormu ott cttinh head henrr bcott berua oct asthma hrtp wascer near berlin ont citarrh bead and throat lstikereher sljscobe oat citarrh head and throat colin caraplxjl vt edvsrd oat asthin jamas sucer dctos oat cittrrh h g stone georgetown interior beuorjltor houm sign ind onumrenial iziing la tha latest styles 10-k1ncst-east- atorokto le8sox8 k oil wixtixg olues wedneiyeveaiiijjtuardftuj saturday afwrnfraa orders left at free press office aouiu or ad dressed to box it oeorcstdvn uraeelre proojpt attention h08tomb great bargains for the holidavs at mammoth house georgetown wm moleod go will give all this month and for a month after the holi- das all through january wondertul bargains in all the departments especially will thej in rich silks velvets plushes fine combination french dress goods and beau tiful all wool henrietta dress goods in all colors 40 inches in width worth 60c per yard for 30c per 3ard beautiful meltons from 5c per yard up laces ribbons millinery woollen goods shawls silk handkerchiefs hem stitched handkerchiefs fancy goods for the christmas trade mantle goods ulster cloths of ever- description and a fine stock of sealettes also clearing out regardless of cost in manj- cases less than 50c on the dollar short jackets j jackets long ulsters dolmans fur jackets a fine lot of astrachan jackets worth 30 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stock in cluding lynx boasbear boas lynx muffs bear muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget our dress and mantle making department i nor our millinery department gents dont forget our or dered clothing department a magnificent stock to choose from and prices right a big big drive in suitings a suit regular price 16 for 12 520 for 16 s22 for 18 ready made clothing and overcoats at clearing prices a fine stock of gents fur caps gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear over shoes and rubberst now is the peoples chance to save money by purchasing out of our mag nificent stock wm mcleod co 3ia3motb house geoeoettown america u agriculturist iw column and do engravings in each issue 46th yoar 1t0 a year i tlre1 cent c tainpe or bamplo ca eogllih ot carina and presilmn list ot tbo olest and beat agileortnra rex lodieal tin the vmid j actdress ridusiiebh aheb1cjn agbicultubis 76l eroadw w now york the lion of gbuelph gchand concert- concert ickets going at the rate of 20 per day at the lion of cuelpn the onl reason they don go faster is that we are sel ing our good so cheap and you can buy so much for 1500 that very few require to spend so much at once but to every one who buys less than 1500 worth of goods we give a small ticket f r ever- dollar spent and these tickets will ba afterwards ex hanged for a concert ticket when 15have been accumulated we expe t very slhortly now to announce the talent and allmay rest a isured that their brightest expectations will be realized when new goo are we do so is arrhing daily old goods must be cleared out to make r dom read our hand bill for prices colored dress satin 15c up to all wlo want to secure a mantle at little more than half price we place say now is the time and the lion is the see oibiack sedan cord at 25c worth 500 j d williamson co you married or about to be speight son acton j a speight manager can f pvly yoa ri or to reclenifi 1 jonx bomelfn tcttod one hi any tjfe at th ty loveat frice there is no article you hi our tiiirtjfive w crpexienc in this business h trsojux in oonviaeiaf the public ot tin entire co naaaitr that we supply tlrstdsis work in all orders and la styles t h comptre viui those of the citj- at one hall city prices 4hi ihavc uctiaitcrci chlfic baicrtbn a stcck ot iuachca shades alio w dry colors a icll line of fine t ii coptic fltx saed aloe steve fc boo afiillliiicbjishai all the fnmiiore required fo fumiih yoar qct and ecy little home f rnrnitcre tre cannot lopplr ind farther w deliver oar furniture ind e no imspsj freight cbarges mi ran 00 riak of breakage we can sail il undertaking our hearse jcrtc ijtits present bemiiis tpporncc we bre pla- ll3j iii in b lie to coil as c for snyiliing nqainxl in our lines speight son adquartrs- for hardware ftailw ips- crandf trunk jaliwali oopjq em j nuvi gopiq 1t uui eisres 7 to pass illslli jos hxezrl an i rspmiaawaai- acedia loftlpviljtaa anddramplon v nmzorcosikoiajlt dolus wiiis aoiand tajpj- v qinjeast-loscajosadlats- j sit sit corsukptioh cdogls3lir asthma croup all diseases c- the thgit tukiiituia pwiosasy 0sc5 rv jt- ninrii vi c05sumpti05 has beijtobija ilnllcitt koonoienjfri it hii kaliit lirrnw i nfc in lift vjictllrjjvirttjsr 3 an expectorant it hi it contains noopium in snyax pert z1 ivd ej w rrc bcrwrj divls t uvbeksc5obi siqttl tirxou th isfatogtc srueiiie ujnrf vp in pre jofo lioltfirjj txret tmiat mfa trtia tfcs ncimc llcfiixvie ii ani the mr f tv iarf3 s p cunp 111 in rry tni cronujxcc tflkiubtt ikicarc of ittuiaitks vrfiist all ntjis tuus and you trill nclxc disappffithd j faplisus fj arianr izrn a dlsciunrd sc of thelirot stomach and bowgls sncll as dyrpepsia or jlndiseatioii bsjocr acictions hckdache ejsrtbnrn acidity of the omaghrhbrh lota of appetite oratgj jettott pebiuty narigca or vomiting fcato j price 25 cents per bottle satis k la7siec3 qsios mi errors of to kerrom debility seminal losses tore deeay promptly andpenni spermozonje does uot interfere tith diet or meat oecspauoo sod fully retorts lost vigor and rcstots perfect tnasbxwd sen to soy address postnsu ob receipt of pride oncdnliarperboi boleajfcary ichofieu dbuu siokf elm jbeet to- mrm fc f2i 1 el- 1 6 i sewtarlfeiaet itncu ta til pan bfl of ar mtrfjtiiix ia um n mag tij canadian and american pattern all liaca in cat also steel and pointed wrought clout rinishmg and tackl all riioa screvhook battsscrers catlflrj- 8poom vice 6av hammen hinces strap tim screvhook battsscrers cnuflry bpoom vice savi hammc wrenches phai s jick knires gam rifle rfltolrera porder shot sbelii cp door roll en ptckinc rubber homp soaptone and ajbestot uabhit metal ic i class j vll sizes and cat lo order free putty points ac paints oils lahdgaua pereha paint alwaya drytdinoukfldledv kod yl ivilad nd bk oil torkntine virnithetjpan 6hellace machine oils lirdinc glycerine amber black and cfitor groceries uiri tobaccos raisins cmraalekice bricytiucca pickles cheese latd jxmcc alajlbl kcsin cream ttxtar pickles cheese lxd baoon wucklng stxch soap riac vcs cake baking powder soda cocoa- at ch lae eitractfi slices orange and lemon peel oatmeal lfolifises vinegars iwhic wine and ciderila act everything asailly found in a first dan grocery lamps sizes and desina shades globes chimney lalterus ic cheap crockery glassware luclcdii g tea dinner and toilet set in plain colored and china alabastine efthisiistlypopalarealaotninejast to hand in allihadcs exhausted vltauty rphe science of lite the great medical work of the age on manhood xcrtpui and physital debility pre- mature decline errcrs of youth and the catold tuis- cries conscqnent thereon 3m pages i vo 123 rreseriptjonrt for all diseases cloth full pilt only 3 mail scaled illusitalixo lamplc free j all- young and liddeaged mey send hjcdb gold and jewelled medal nflrarded tothcair by national medical luociatioc ayrejl p 0 ifei 1323 roitn mtis oi dr y b- i abf kiut graduate of harrari medical cellas years practice in boston who piay be coflftrjtai eonndantially speciallyt pkeases ofuan offloc xo balach st v i cf rich and kohby paitenufrom 5c a roll up a large lot of reui- roin one roll to ten al vcyr own price to be cleared cat i i dont forget cur 5cc ilas beat tlicui ail and ocr pure coffee fresh ground isa luxury yen cant wel do without 1 jyiiai ckuua s- wall paper sole agent for smh balance gravity sah lock and cartaiu kolkn ilco rla ar ena s lcrfccted spectacles 1 j b pearsoii to farimors and threshers vourmaobinervonly the wallknown peeblbss oil use oi 9flor1l 1wnriatm have been sjtarded it during the lutthrmjenn t17 also our peorlh ail dtlui for yoi wagodi uidhoneft ven tseswotis are used and hignly recommended at themodel eumoaelph finn nuk or theni as no other 1 minulaotoredfitjtlttoltvoupjotklby i samuel rogers co toront manhoou how lost how restored jastpabliahod a new edition of drculter- rtlli celebrated essay oa the radical can of bpcrmatdrrbcea or incapacity induced oy excess or early a jitcxeiku the celebrated author in this adnuratw essay clear i j demonstrates frci a uiirtjfjaan sncceasfnl practice that the rnaiiigcc qaencei of early error may be xadieallj ecrep pointing oat a mode of cck il onee simple certain and effectual by meaniff which etcy bufferer no maher whathti condron uj may care himself cheaplyr prvatcjy aj ra 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