Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1889, p. 2

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if j ira i stmrtat u mlteico ot urej bride vpj sta 0x o hnaliuii ot trnjolo ion i of hsrhsuad p8t of oatat it to itta airlui oonukinitbtk of simoal tortk of j trafalgar vnajlthmjkal uw rwidcuw of tilt i biifci olother enwlng feb uui lir uio rjyhliniirajaiiiol d huirtrlo daoghtr of uio late john oilliet i eiqbothobiiotiiuitwriitblri toltosrhomonvt tbc rcntdtocc of uio tidef father uk anew tbouaon fcbl3ui m8bkldrraoihunrobahirl k toltoo of ruh to ifary c tboimon of the aiuia i plira- iuxd house of commons ttimirldtlilodiciiuroiiubo hhiui- frw rnilt and heultauoa-kimor- ixswsixd gossip mcabthnu a l spcddei the uth naulmer j oo of ur giltwrt vltarthur aced t years and i 9 rooaths maatin tu eriu on tlic 16th february george j martin acc s yrer bwasx at elora oajlicktnlnsijolasan i eaq acodfi ywtij fimntfr at itsrkntai ou tuurrfar mirnfiip i uth ot feb uicjacl fiixpht tonncrlj acton fa tin etth rer ot hie c c ajrrnxiii acton t frfiiar jslu feliruarv i uagcedaajlitcrof mr john ahcrn srwi zl zyxixxx ru gaelnbon felmiaq- uth ed- i ward ztauuannaa totapwrttan ot stafford j 7jronitnaaonuertr acton akgo atuacmuimf nerval oo february hh i the infant urn of uia ucr james arjo agvd i i dart liichattiu acton on oi19tfi inl anhnr i v lambert aged 66 tears- slje cfoitjfrte flrcss thursdiyfebruahrailb89 sotes avd colqfexts i sir richard crfwrijhts motion in lie house of commons oa stondiy nieut in fator of canada hating the poer omak- infi her own treaties wai defeatai by a majority oi rwentjeieht i the toronto miniiteriax aaaociatioa hare appointed a special committee to prepare a deliverance on the eocroachmects of the roman catholic church in quebec and to report on the advisability of holding monster meeting in the city to condemn the jesuit estates bill i the gxmofie record gravely remarks that frotnvfacts which we have to record almost every week it vcoold appear that a wave of protestant intolerance has set and is working its baxefolvjacrosstheen- tire dominion fonder what is the cause of it london pttc prw mr graham has introduced a bill into the legislator dealing with ditches run ning along the highway the hor enacts that no corporation or party who dig a ditch along die roadway for drainage pur poses of less depth than two feet shall be liable for damages arising from accidents or otherwise for not covering tbe same that a town is fndged ahroati a it represented by ite local prest is an jadis- potable fact outsiders accept its cblamna as an index to tbe life and ambition of the community and to it comes to pass that a wdlcoodaoted local journal loyal to its town and desirous of worthily represent ing that town abroad can- accomplish a vork to the credit and advantage of the community which can pe effected in do other way paris verier it is rather a singular fact and also a very significant one that in the face of the generally claimed failure of the scott kct to- do its work through the nonassiitance of the government in its enforcement petitions should be fyled from many of the county councils of ontario and particular irthe which have tried tbe scott ket for prohibition emphatic and earnest is the demand and if in no other way iis significant of the fact that the bcoit act has been a great educator in a temperance ense a good many provincial papers are call ing attention to the fact that recently some totyeight ottawa hotel keepers entered into an agreement to close their bars ac cording to lav on sunday copies of the agreement with signatures attached have been printed and posted in the different booses have not these men in this action which they evidently consider eitraordin- ary given complete demonstration of the fact that the liquortraffic ir deemedalaw- defying institution and that liquorsellers only obey the statues on special occasions and- bj special agreement 1 the rtpy made by tbeifinister of jus tice to tbe question put on the notice paper regarding the jesuit bill was simply to the effect that the bill had been allowed tbe jesuita wjll therefore get the four hundred thousand dollarsgenerotsly voted to them by the qoebnc legislature for property alleged to have been counselled by the crown- in this province the subject ic creating quite a breeze and the formation of a society for protestant defence u being cantaased the mail has been publishing vigorous ajfticles n the subject deploring the weakness of the government at ottawi and going so far a to nrjje the governor- general to refuse to sign the bill otuwa teb 10 the big debata of the session ii icw going on fu ditcaiftiou of the following resolution moved by sir ricliad cartwtiglil hesolvedthalit ias become a matter of extreme importance that tbo gomurtcnl and parliament of canada should acquire tire power of negotiating commercial treaties with foreign states that a humble address be presented to her majesty ptying that she will empower her representative the governor general of canada acting my and with iheadriceot the government ot canada to enter by an agent or ntrescuutivc of cauada iuto di rect communication with any foreign state for tbe patpose ot negotiating oomnicrcial acrangemeuts tending to the advantage of canada iqbject to uie prior cansoul or snb- ieqaeul approval ot the parltameut of cu- ada thiadebalc likely to last till the eud of the ivcek i nit nir mviijoss the first divuicu of the session as on ur itafoaks motion to repeal the duty ou agricultartl fertilizer tbe government defeated tbe motioa by a majority of so the imalicfitou a strict party division dur ing ibts parliament on friday night however onthe nouaas to aliaw a rebate to tanner of the daly on corn used for feeding to stock fur expert to abolish the duty altogether and to make coremeal free the governments minorities rose to is andw geu laarid toted for rebate and messrs campbell and obrien of kent and essci against the opposition on the free corn oiouou so that en the whole the gov ernment gaiued- mr wood of westmore land y said he favored free corn bat voted the other way th biggest party majority the government had last session was 57 cilllvu our rat uujiil sir adoipb caron has introduced a bill making the endorsement from ottawa to a call to the militia by three justices neces sary before the militia need respond that is it will be optional unless the call is en dorsed by the minister of raiiitii when it becomes imperative it is now imperative on the requisition of three justices of the peace toe bill also saddles the munici pality with the coat of calling oat tbe vol unteers ia such cases ocu coi r the following comparisons from rent government reports illustrate very oon oluaively the progroai of tbe dominion -j- la 1863 postofom nombend 8638 in 1687 they had increased to 7fim in 18g8 tho number of letters carried wti 18100000 in l8bt they had increased w w63coo0 in 18gs the number of newspapers was ie8si600iu im7 hey bad incresied to ei06fl346 in 16g7 the railroad mileage was 3253 mils in 183 it had iucrcaaed to 18850 miles j la 18c8 the paidup capital in railways wasdcoitlko iuiss ithad id created to ffi773i91 in 1875 tbo number of railroad paaseo- gcrs carried was 5l6ilg inlr67theuara- bcr incrented to 10633508 in 1 5 the torn of freight carried were 5c0feigj iu iw7 this bad increased to lg35033o l5 iu isc the total exports were valued at 575c0jt8 iu1867 this had increased to in lsci the toul imports were 13450 cf in iks they bid increased to u12- 8923g in lbcd the bank uotea fa circulation were f 8 s 17073 in le8 this wasfnercased lo30f3 iu lfi7t the peoples deposits in char- terod banks were s32s081m in 1888 they had increased to 1u26m7w iu isfis the deposits in the savings banks were hm0gwtu 1688 thcyhsd increased to50flf7b5 in 1868 the coxl mines iu canada pro duced 023332 toes iu iss this had in- crciied to 2587675 tons iff ibgo the valae of flro insurance risks was 5188355300 iu 1687 this had in creasod to 1633523097- iu 1sc8 the amount of life insartuoa at risk was 535680082 in 1837 this had in- creased to i9i56olg3 in 1868 cicada exported of her fisheries 3357510 m 1837 this bad increased to w575k10 the foregoing is not a bad showing of progress without annexation killed os the track roaiiiu onll feb 18 about four ocloci yesterday morning as the pacific express neared longford about eiehi mues north of this place the engineer observed a man lying on the track and immediately reversed his engine but too late to prevent the ainpaing over bunl on the train hands going back they found it was tbe bady of an indian named thomas jordoc who had worked for mr a- sfcpherson at longford he bad been over in orihia all dty and started to walk home by tbe track w at night he was tbtf worse of liquor ad it if supposed had fafln in the culvert where be lay and hadgons to sleep he wiakuled instantly jordon was about thirty years of age and dame from kew brunswick about two yeari ago i the peoh1bitiov eisolltiov f fjrriai ythj lstblltr jsmieson tabved thai in the opimon u the house it expedient to prohibit the manufacture importation and sale of intoxicating liquors except for sacramental medicinal scien tific ad mechanical purposes- that the enforcement of soch prohibition and such m importation ud ale as may be allowed ahall be by lhe dominion government through specially appointed officers he quoted statistics to prove that tbtn badbeen a decrease of crime under canada temperance al if local op tioohad a salotury effect he contended e that general prohibition wcrald be equally 1f not more satisfactory fche morals of aba people and tlnrnappiuesii of the people wpttld bojh be promoted py prohibition at ne was exceedingly anxious to reach a dtfaicbeeeiiusreiiuksandtrnat- t ktiie rewoiution would receive a mach waiter sapport than formerly the ed- fournment of tbe debate wai moved jbavp beet caoaed by the ex josfon or tbe boilfcriu tbe bvemeut x coxvmoa vr sax j u roru the illness of hon j h pope ifinister of railways and canals wta eo serioas on friday that the physiciins said any excite ment mujnt be attended with fatal results sir john jfacdcutld has amumed mr popes official duties it is rumored that mr pope has placed his resignation in the premiers hands but sir john has taken no action on ft yet the name of mrhall mp for shelbcooke qaei is most prooi- iuectlf mentioned as mr popes succes sor riax rtrrr isu krruilnoy mr baker a cember of congress has introduted a bill at washicgtca giving tbe government power to retaliate on cicada fa case any unfriendly means are adopted at ottawa- the bill in- charge of mr boyle the tri em bcr for mocck contemplates the fre out of american nurserj in terests mr bakers bill refers to this aod also sayabat the dominion by proclama tion of april 13ih i18 admted7free of duty grecu fruits certain seeds trees shrubs plants and vegetables but cow contemptatea tbe rescicdicg of such action and the restoration of dcticc on thec articles in this connection i may mention hat a deputation of twenty interested men from the kiagark district came dawn the other day and urged the restoration of the duties which were taien off in respodte to similar reciprocal legislation at washing ton their demand u backed np by tuiuy government supporters including messrs brown ferguson of wetland taylor hickey white carpenter boyle and a dozen others to that it is altogether likely that the government will give in ixltxanox xzkzxs the mem berr of- the commons favorable to imperial federation are tpeeting to try and agree an a programme m ibe house a committee baa been scrucfc t report at another meeting to show the strength of the party i will give the names of moex of them mccarthy obrien brysou chis- holm carpenter sir adam archibald cockbum denisoc hudspeth laurie mc- dougafl mckeen mawan mills of anna- pohssbaniystevensoatyrwhitttisdaie wood of westmoreland and ward trulya formidable wiog tfcey are all conser vatives- u vxocjllf ousq ul it u now generally accepted that mr small mp foe east toronto will at tthe close of the session vacate his seat and take the customs colectorship at toronto the rumor u revived that mayor clarke mj pwtfl succeed mr small in tbe house and it is now said that school inspector hughes would run for mr clarkes seat mr grandbois mp baa ifc is said been appointed coiuctorjcf customs at qaebcc city slks avutkasn seasioual dinaers and receptions arc iu full swing hon c h tupper has hired a ball in which to bold an at home prof- gold win smith is here and listened to cartwrighxs speech yesterday the press gallery boys scnttafeutiries on the uth to sir john mr foster mr laarier mr blake and others they cost a cent each and were very pretty hon peter mitchell v was a mugwump strong opposition is developing against mr wallaces bill making combines to raise prices a misdemeanor no official invitation to the proposed ex cursion of member of parliament tbroagh the us has been received but it it under stood it will take place the voters lists of 1635 will be revised this year the toronto tfau has accepted the cdg ment of the supreme court ted paid hon mrlauxmmc 3o0q damage for libel and 5000 costs this u the cad of a celebrat ed sait- mr deniwu withdrew his motion looking io government control of the telegraph kothing had been beard confirming mr sweetmsns appointment as chief p o inapector hon mr haggart jit been congratulat ed all around for bisicteution of increasing the weight limit of ordinary lecler to ore ounce tbc dept cf agriculture has issued its annual report the number of actuti sett lers- ii canada jjla year was si700 an in crease of 200 a deputation urged tbc government to subsidize the kincardine and teeswater railway thecitensioa of which to kincar dine will cive lli cpr an oatlet on lake huron there arc over a thousand coavicu in park central j xbe impector recommends tbe kkatchbuu kkw8 av0thee shootkg acxidext ifu anutroaof anutrongs mills badly injarcd by a votmj mans cartlessutss asnoating accident occurred at arm- strongs mills guelph township on sator- day evening when a young lady came very nearly losing her life a party wa being held at the residence of mr thomas arm strong and aboct twenty young people were present tbe assembly were playing charades and one of tbe number proposed bringing in a rifle and a shot gun to qluc- trate the play mr armstrong at first ob jected remarking that he did not like to see any person playing with firearms he however waived his objections after the weapons had leen takeuout of doors and the hammers snapped play was then re sumed and the shot gun was first aimed and the trigger pulled to the surprise sad consternation of all it was loaded and the full charge entered tbe epper part of tbe thigh of miss armstrong who was standing at a distance of about eight feet from the gun lortanateiy it was only loaded with a light charge of fine shot for sparrows and owing to tbe heavy winter clothing which the young lady bad on the shot did n peuctrfftc hec limb very deep ly had it not been tor this happy circum stance there it no doubt the injury would hare proved fatal owing to the important vessels here situated death or jolcj bttvdgls wixxud feli17 mr c j brydgea died suddenly sittrdty aftcrcoonat 20 chile paying his customary visit with mrs brydgct to tbe general hospital he was sitting m a chair only one other person being in the room when be fell over and before medical aid arrived ai thongh several doctors were is the build ing he was dead the cause of death was apoplexy oflle brain the news of his death caased a profound sensation and was received with general regret mr brydges was appointed gen eral manager of the great western railway in isst and minacing director of thegrand truck in isfil he resigned from tbe grand trunk iu i87i and was- appointed government inspector of railways in 1873 he received tbc appointment of hudson bay land commissioner at winnipeg which position he held at the time of his death he occupied several important offices iu m having been president of the board of agriculture and director of tbe hospital and connected with other in stitutions his wife and four children survive him he was considered an ex ecutive head of first class ability rkeiidext uismsoys cawvet lvmiriwus feb 18 there are some prominent republicans here who say the cabinet as now arranged will be a great surprise one of these well posted gentle men says he has reason to believe that when the slate reaches the senate it will read secretary of state james buine secretary of treasury gen russeu a alger secretary o navy john wana- maker secretary of wargen- rusk secretary at interior m m estefe at torneygeneral william m evarts post- mastergeneral robert s taylor com missioner of agriculture powell clayton- it is now given cat that the presidential party will leave far washington on the 23th the party will comprise general and mrs harrison mrs jfckee and two children mrs lord sister of mrs harrison private secretity halfordand perhaps one or two others two nurses will look after tbe grandchildren mr and mrs ben d wijcott will go with tbe presidential party or soon afterward mr wolcott is to be floor manager of the inaogural ball tbe main pprtldtr of tbc hoty in hartford coon00 lapsed monday meirnmuate sentry umi fatam morning burying in tbo ru ns aome fifty j lul ye patents wcro granted goatu and servants of wboi i some twenty j canada liavi been reacned in ajnore srless injured j tbefraudsbn farmcrscoaraiitteeisagnn ooojuuon the collapse i supposed to j sitting a ircat iuiiunffcoiiies ciiicicu feb 17 todayin the owing block a beautiful goth ic structure fourteen stories high opposite tbe post office tbe tea lower stories fell in ouc after another leaving the walls the foar upper stories aud roof eiiudiug in a shaking condition tbe building was considered one nf the guest in tbc city tbe interior was entire y of tile supported by iron girders iho visible supply of wheat on ibis con tinent is now g150000 bushels teas than a year ago aud 2g47jo000 bustiels leu tban onfp 19th iwj7 from our owu correspondent- lut tuesday mr janus anderson bbcxamlth eden mills looompaoled by two ladies set oot to drire to acton and ob jsttinft ibout a triue on their way they met a load of furniture aud id passing it the rack caught the harness almost disen gaging it from the horse and breaking ooo of tbe shaft of tho outter fortuuately the hone being a quiet one no other dam age was done beyond badly frightening the occupants mr anderson afterwards se cured a cutter from mr james watson and proceeded on bis journey rev a ic mustard is improving rapidly in health he attended the holiness con vention held at hamilton on the 2nd 3rd aud 4th insta and last banduy he deliver ed a grand sermou iu the bethel church knatehbulj the last lime mr mustard preached at bethel wis tle day he look ill with hemorrhage of the lungs almost fix months ago the rev mr coach of rock wood it to preach at bethel appointment next sunday afternoon mr david h taylor kaiiagiweya lost a valuable mare last friday night we are having rather strange weather this winter a few dayi ago mr mercury was away down below wro but last faatur- dty morning hs commenced to crawl up again and it rained all day and today there was quite a heavy anow atorm the entertatnmeut held at bloomsbary friday evening was s grand success and excelled any previa as entertainment held at bloomsbary tbe committee under mr mcgregors able management had au ex cellent programme provided and their efforts were appreciated j by a well filled house and a most enjoyable evening was spent blooimicu february isth 1863 tbe third page ot the toronto daih ifail is noted for wantf advertisement if you want to buy or lelunything if you want a situation a mechanic a business machinery lodgings if yoa btvc lost or foand anything or 1 you want to find out where anyone is advertise iu the toronto daily hail and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper the charge s two cents a word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada aucllau sale keller tcttoir uarclr ii credit tale cf stoct and lawio clock implement fliejiropcrty of boljt kaacawin onlotst con ietqinr sale at 12 wm homslrect aoctiouccrj children cry for pitchers castoria woen baby was tick we are her castorla waea she was a child aha cried for castorta vthen she became klsa she dung to castorta when aha had children she rare them castorta ask for flyers forianarilla and u- iiru jiu prit when you want the itat iiihiiirioi vii it- friy jiars 1 of lillfcalijill mj vk in the ctir of uioxi ilitcxwrs vuu can inaku iiy lui- tuke in prcftrrilg aycrs sarsaparilla to any oiitr tiij fnrnnnur of imi- cnjlikkiiiictldlns ayers sarkuparilu is still ihciuvti ixiju ular uiiig in grti- cr dcinand than uu otbrs ttrnliml aycri karsaparihaisling tntcr than ever befotu i mvcr isciiatc to ncuinmcud ft george w wliitnran dniggffct albany end j i am aafc lu payitigiliat iuvals of ayers sarsajarilla far ckrcrtlio of auv other and u gives tlutrunli mi isfat tlou i if bash ud muiiuk lu averbarajiariluiunl ajun pills arc tiic iksi felling nkdkitus in mv store i can rccotumcud them onxk-n- tiously c bickhaus ihariiiafist koselaud iii j wc have sold aycrs sarvaiarilla here for aver thirty years ami alwavs recommend it when ajfci to iiatiio tlvu wst litoodpurifierr w t milcjii druggist augusta obiq i have sold jour iiiduiijcs fir the iat seven teeu ytanf ahd always keep tluui in block as luiv aru btajilr there f notbiug so good for tbe vontlj- ful blood as ayerk barsjiurifla h l purktr for iaiipj w aycrs barsaarilla gives tbe i kl satifactiou of any iiiedjciiiu f bave in stock i recommend it or as tlic tjoctors say i pretfle it over un coil titer it never fajls ta nic 1 tin- cases for which i nxoniinem it oii where the doctor jmiscriitticcii 1iii- been of no avail c t cahiotiii monmouth kansas j ayers sarsaparilla racraeo by or j 0 aver k co loweif mass imst lj ate books 5 wcrth j iciile xe leave actdx l winn you can gt as good sa article uid ts j h matthews harness shop call ici tec if ho fi not givfu tnc best bar- sains in lbjht and heavy hamesa blankets bells curry combs bruihei whips 4c messrs colter and barnard new mem bers were fntrodawd last week a raau uamed jacob jlercbelmer of waterloo bung himself iu his woodshed the other eveuiug owing to his inability to meet certain pajmeuu ho was- a shoe maker mr liflnnme ha brought tbe famous hail libel case to a close at last by accept- fug the verdict of be supreme court for 0000 aud costs which will probably riuch f 5000 more pressure has beoii i brought to boar upon the license commissioners at kingston to roduco tbe licenses for tbesellingoflbjootto uia oumber prwtaibed acoording to lit but census couseqnenijy mvbo plaoes will be lopped off ibsvccome to actou to itayaud wiji cudoavor lodva ths best tatisfaotfcti to ttioao vho favor uio with their patronage t nave cuial expenses and oan afford to sell cheap collars warranud not to hurt j h jfattliews acfoii kcuiovod to tljou umt kciiyjirok the largest scale works in canada over 100 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales lilproveo show cases moiey drawers hntdnnrt mi nrmot umia aoduu iii mi writ lor law o g wilson at80n 60 csplahadc 8tnkrr east toronto ont hindoo dili papa ettry line irw wri isriiwr imtjortatlons thilsteek -at- the right house hamilton one out bobber ciroolin or witcrproof mialiei braotliol goodi three blei tnnu oar cuee white 6hirtin iwo bilw eitra hevy grey cottooj french cuhmera crinohnee jeoi honeycomb clokini tnrkuh toweli coneu boidee veil in oxford shirting cottonidee cbtaibny gingbimi seeraaokere cftrter euitiee window shtdee jnit me ihetiew all- wool cirpeu kenitogtou crumb clothi etc greit btrgtlne in braueuuid tepeetry cirpeu mirked down very low tbii week walkini bu jolt tnide np hll aalea tor lut year and ii happy to lay tbit they ire lirger or 1688 tbio ever btfore owing to porcbiaing hll gooda direct from the minniiclaren for the cuh down and aelling them it very imill dronte be hal hid tery many enorooui increuei in hii lalei yer liter year hot 1888 wai the crowning yeir of ill ind hu tila ire tmly en- ormona now the lidiea are becoming fully iillve to tbe fact that they ein get their lappliea of good lervleeible goodit ind of fine fiihionihle goodj ot tbe very litot novelti in french kncllab german swin belgiin anatrun and ameriein btylei it thia ceurdritedhoaie it the very loweat pricei poeaible aa he pnrchaiei hii immeoie itocki direct from tbe minofictaren i each of tboae greih market ot the world ladiea can obuio ilmixt every article they ire likely to reqoire it thu enormoos hooae hie itock at winter gooda ii oow offeriog at an immenao rednctioe many articlea beiug redooed to onehalf their valae ee the ifmuee uantle ciotba blankeu ladiea gent miaaea aod boya underclothing glovea millinery tobogloing ind hone blanket comforter carpeti window shades etc hiod and enter tbe door kit of tbo carpet window many make miatakee and do not get into tbe bight hoaaecorner of king itreet eut md hagbaoo atreet hamilton feh 16th 1880 thomas c w-a-tzkinsts- great semi- annual sale -at- g b ryaim ftco8 we have noi commenced our great semiannual saleto last for 30 days bpacc du not penail it of our numerating the many rename barcaini we iill offer dsrinr this sale etsrydejjaruueul in ih shoi has been csrefany gone throah and prlca tanked domi to figuret that wtfl astonith our cutomart tlc following arc a frw of the ciaav barjaias wiiich will maxc this sale a notable ouc in our commercial biliary dress goods iu this department we bold the bet roods and largest stock in the west mr bran baring purchased a largo amount of dress good at loss than the manufacturers coal of production in checks and stripes we are able to sell them st a correspondingly lov figure xote rac raicxs 100 yds dreai goodi at 10c worth 16c 150 yds stripe ite s5c 300 ydi cheek t7c 5c 900 yds check be 30c 1300 fdi ilain goods at 25c worth 30c md jsc finer koodi in proportion remnants one table will be deroted to uemuanu of black and colored dreaa goods al prices which mult insure a apeedr clearance house furnishings we bare a few of those cheap blankets left at 150 and u0 a few soiled ui4nirti to be dcarud oat st cost cotuforwn tcrj- cheap unbleached linens hcdaccd from 35 cents to e cents per srd 30 i 45 17 special valae la bleached damasks a few soiled bleached table goths best quiiitt at cost price i we have three or for imalrr colored table cloth reculsr price 8 lie which we will clear i octatiji good value in table sarkiac a few square fringed doylics regular price ilu to be to d st 75c per dozen staples a qjcoai liaa of grey flannels tt hjc ier yd- crctonae regnlar pnee 15 cenla will be fold al iie per jard grand value- kemnanu of prints ckings coixotu flaa- nezi irc at cot price grey and while cottoci cheaper than ever special valae in qaiu fiee oar line it t5c worth 8ls5 wood erf al haresini in towelling sbirtingi tickjngi flaonela ac ladles furs and mantles asraxczjlv iscsxis two at fsjxl reduced to l00 two at s35j reduced to 825x0 one al h5jm redoccd to r350 kitti caps and coiiarettei- ln seal persian lamb aatrachsu and other varieties of furs to be cleared oat at cost price short jackets colored and black from sj0 np to sttjav these are telling at halt price i a few children i jackets at a preat redaction i long uaatlea tedaeed to sboat cost 1 short dolmans at cent for further parucalan tee large bills ourfoods will be plaoldoii ublea as nearly as poasibkin the ccntro of the itore and prices marked in plain figures thereon do hot misi these bargains remember the place gcbrjrancfe go guelph the leading dry goods house 93 upper wyndham st successors to j no hogg sim kelly brother merchant tailors hiving joit puaed into atock the 1incfit assortmecl o- imported and domestic suitings pantinga and overcoatingb tliat hare ever been shown in the county we are now ia a position to suit any perioircqniring anything iu clothing our prices are right and wa vui guarantee every garment to be perfect both in fit and finish no fit no sale hon- dreds of patterns to select trotd we also carry the fiuest stock ot xecsties collars cuffs and shirts to be found in any house west of toronto i v- asking for a share of your patronage we reinalc sincerely kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros a bxg offer- until 23rd feby hollinrake c son milton will give a discount of 25 per cent off mens and hoys ready made clothing -great- stocktakiag we commenae stocktaking on feby 12th aod prerioqii -ijytr- that we will slaaghter winter goods look to your- interests we want money- and ydu ivant the goods i eemstrtier yoa dont bave fobnf a certaift tramber o trorth in order to geua trming discount l onr reductianmeans sojietcenl aud younfite cents ibriyb at tie same pricea3 your peighbbrt five dollais do not dalayj asnowitthetimetopio- j i enre a npply at yoar vj own prices li- f 1 below we eive a iiit of rei goods wnich hold good titt tbel2th of february overcoats i ulsters tlackts blankets ufsi underwear i flannels- this is a chance to buy firstclass reliable clothing away down in price hollinrake son have a reputation for selling cheap their goods are marked in plain figures at the lowest selling prices and twentyfive cents off every dollars worth of clothing you buy- that means 100 off every 8400 worth of clothing 200 off every 800 and 500 off every 2000 shirtings sheetings j tiokipgsl towelingj i tablingih- curtamsji carpets ress goods f iess suks pluahes velvets i 1 ribbons liaces- corsets bustles gloves hosiery bmbraider marts felt boots only si j60 j- j all wool blankets large size 260 regular prlcsjzs i this reduction is for cash i lnly il 1 utur and egjs wanted ribjermyhl -i- 1 remember this offer just holds good until the 23rd february and is for spot cish only- readers of the free press take advantage of it hollinrake k son the leading merchants milton a subscribe for the acton free prfess 100 a year c1 i i3f rb iff urdock pills burc cor fon biuouskceoednctiwtie ihsiacstioti oizuncso s19k headache i dcco ortf stowach liven aid eoiatifr thtf anc tiiuotmonojsh juo rio in action aria rena a vauarta to unsocic dlaoo cn mctucit anocvntcrxhnoitp stlo 0c3tjhatc cica0ck l ftrt m

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