Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1889, p. 2

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clxr in acton oa the snl i etinnry tho wile o mr john carr ot a duc itr mctstiail iu bujnfr on is ill jaauary douc- aid alexander aon ot mr donald ilataviiui i jutott w ss ra r 7 tiinrsnar fkurcahi 7 iesg jjr 4jnsautxxkltv kev cm morrow imbaahc uic asccr uou that wlulc convictions in lfaltou for crime uhquu1 dariuc l tie lat barter ot iblo to they amoautoduf ihe nreridas 1 three years uid nine mo tits to only s3 the iltcr nu kooit ai triod aud the former a croaks act ouc mr colter hetortn candidate wis elect- od in haldimiud county a vhtediy n list week dcfoaun- dr ilhutaguc by kl of 1 majority the utter fra elect lut xovcuibcr by 21 bat uic ejection vras -oid- cdithas becu a bittee fichl eitending over years and it is djultlnl it the cud is the frontcaacco gu6dl last week by 1 rote gtnuielocu to faar decided to petition ufe dominion parliament to prohibit the 1 sale and manufacture of iutoxicsktiii lienor tbc counties coanil of thfc aniud counties of sformant dandst and glengarry passed a resolution in favor ot the prohibition of the niannfactare and importation ot intox icating liquors in uie dominion tl dominion icland revenue returns jmlissaed aho that canidians an drink- iu less epiritooas liquors ynx by year altec reducing all giiritoous and malt liquors 4nd trine dorncstlcrand foreigu to the basis of alcohol the oonsametion per head of the population for tthe put decade doe not exceed ihreeqoaxteri of the quan tity pr head coniumedthroqgfioat europe honday was an importantsettling day ib commercial circles andafeseqently it is a fair gnag- u to the condition of bnainess jjitiew of the fact that tie winter his been so mild as toleivewtnteeoodsonthe shelves ot the retailers itvru expected thai notesdue on monday would not be fol ly jfakee up and the expectation was quite realized thecbieffesturept february fettling days was that the renewals ot notes jrerc many l ane following measures wifl be taken up at tail session of tie ontario legislature a tew totera list acjt embodying with the present lav c tar as is applicable the protisuna needed for carrying- into nil x effect the legislation of last session in refer- eoee manhood suffrage bills or increase ing the efficiency o the factory act and the workmens compensation for injuries act and or further improving the laws respecting land titles and the registration of deeds 1 the question of increased asylum accomodation will also be dealt with can any one suggest alny good reason whyth dominion hoafc o commons should llofc enact a law of tctal prohibition the time has long passed fcy n which it could be pretended with amy appearance of sincerity that the country i not ripe or such legiiktlon that the people are not anmistaaabiy in favor it at erery possible opportunity the electors are aro wing their readiness for the imgicdiale oat and- out suppression of the wuoie traflic in in toxicating hcrenges- the people want it the churches wsxt it the country wants it why should iuot be none at once caada gccac the county- council dckrres credit for deciding to petition the ottawa govern- ment to prohibit the manufacture m sale ot intoxicating liquor while temperance workers am not one whit less earnest or scttre it is an indisputable fact that the disappointing results ot the working of the scott act have weakened the faith of the public in temperance legislation that tiie county councir should laid action as it has in the face of this loss of faith is cheering evidence that miny representative men throughout he county are looking for good results from a more comprehensite ind thorough prohibitory measure than the beotl act has been profed to he fat thomas jvurual j i the ileviaid fctatuee of outarioseis forth the liaooiiy of innkeepers or per sons in their employ who etll uquor to ir- sons who become iniojticafcd the sub stance of the clause lis that if a eilcoa keeper furnish intoxicating liquor of any kind to a person who on account of drink- ingof the same has coma to his death by suiciaevjor drowning or perishing from cold efother accident caoaod be such in toxication the keeper of such place ahah he liable to a fine of 10g or not more than 11000 it is a matter of regret that an in quest was not held on the body of the late john mcalpu as the honor that killed him was procured in town and revelations might have been made that would hate rendered it uncomfortable for the liquet vender who sold the unfortunate man the fatal staff georgetown herald ax ay doc how school teacfitn were fialariwl for lueir stnfeti fifty teafs ago the original of the following teachers agreement has kindly been loaned to the feet peesb by the family of the late john xewtotimehocse itraters to the old v school at glenlawsou a mi e below acton and will no douhtbe read v ith interest hy many old settlers some of irhom were per haps pupils trader mr- ken tons tuition this agreement made i sqnetins ia the gore district between john xewton and as whose names ire fcereiussli crfljedr witnes- eth- that the said lohn xcvfca la his isrt cot- enacts and agrees to icsth the common school on lot u in the fourth eoneew an of the town- of esfiocsing accordins the egrlatloii of the board of coiainiistoatnj fort lidtcwniul and in accordance with tneccunnc abcuooj act s in orcein the iyovincc of ont rio andwcouourirtcweaant indagroctpicud to said icjjooi ojc uuirtlxr of scliolara tct onioili- ui our iiaaicfc rcti rdy tq fjirnifcli aid oliii kcwttjv bl md boai d ud uecausy foci for ihl acbool in iirvkni u to iheutualr j schoull cul by- vch wtie i tsd joha ncw- touhaueatciausbttiic said iiooi air alon- saidnd fa tbe rvcut of hit wages froiu the iklufe fuiid falling cborl of vo sliillincs jicr quader for each scholar mc orther i uigkc ui uie deficiency lbein onderstovdthal aid john yevtou shall uot gfv ai the tciiool uuuiouc iubuluicnl fit itael olrfautbd frmu such jablic f unc witocu onr hands at ksquea 1 of korfyiher imj fc obhbarw 5rn john faou i donald ucajiuj j thoinay detnjkter graaiu lawkou ptvidtfiaoad j tarn ubes stalker juatthleson sbpl teachers are uot ba thewwoteueratiyu hall have hetii this jr t da ischoiart do do do do do do do 1 hf local liqcor ucensks a dylaw rfgulaling uwnumwrof hotels and hie price for lioeftiam tithujmui pality wtl be introduced it ihe tnirting of the cotiticil next monday evening and we prtst tipou the attention c the membcti the desirability in fact the necessity of reitricluij the number of licenses and in- creasing the liccnie fees lut jxar the council at first rcstrictoit the licenses to two but under pressure from the ltcclc commiaioners bubcuently rcjcindcd the resolution and increased the u amber fo uiree this was by no means dotted by ourcitieus general retrct was felt wheu the third liccmcwas granted i aud tbc sequel ha clearly amplified the fact thai the more places there arcfor difpeuiiig the cursed beverage which couscs ia much woo sorrow t and sin the crcalcr arc oic tcmptaliocs to driak and th inevitable rcsalt is seen in iacrcaieddruukcmicbs kqw ifthc num ber is restricted by bylaw tuii j ear to two we are satiid the action of the council will be lcofcfd upun with very general favor it makes little difftruijct- which two iiquscs are rautci license fee the proprietor u t sch is fttlluig all he liquor he can as na doabt he his a crfcsct right to do wlicji in the p6s of a license ani nolilxnic can beatttlicl loahusiccss niiuiroai a legal aintlof vidw for cvu ducting hii busineii with enterprise lut two should bo the limit of the rutnur graulci then too hie license fees haic ltcu alto- gether j hv ihozc of last ycr briujic in only a uuircrahlc pittance in revcuub it is true the council hid no power in this respect last year becaufc the scott act wis not voted on uotiltlie firtt of ilarch and according to the license act dyaws bear ing upon this point most be passed prior to that date this year however they have the matter in their own hanu and it will he perfectly proper far them to put ca a good healthy license fee wc notice that license fees have an upwtrd tendency ail over the province and nyi froni f 00 to h0q in kick ai the fact that luenses lasj year cost only 75 there wanld be nothing whatever ucrei50nablc in cxing them at 200 at least for the present year the licence system has been forced eron thismonicipilily in oppositicn to thewuh- es of the people it is well known that bar ratepayers thrice have said by their votes that they desired no licenses for the sale of whiskey in acton the members of the council may rest assured then that what ever measures they may take with a view to reducing the number of licenses and in creasing the license fees will be fxvcnbly received by the best people of the town and by a clear majority of the ratepayers ocr issesskext- the conncil will shortly for the taking of the assessment of this munici pality far the current yar and the natter of the basis to te adapted deserves eotns considerable attention before the assessor cornmcnccs his duties in his hungers addrcis the kccvo e- the opinion that a chacge thonld be effected and favor ed the adoption of a cash value basis of as- pssment for years the fiix icis has endeavored to icprcss cpon the people the desirability and adiantages to be derived by the change proposed and has fretuent- iy cited the experience of either mnuicipili- ties which have greatly bencstted by high er assessment one cf these mujht he re ferred to here with profit a ccuplcof years ago the village of bbclbjmc whoe assessmect was similar to fjr present sy- lem adopted the higher boiis and by this action their rate of taxation wts reduced from ii mills ia 105 beside this the aggregate assecsmetit of the municipality was augmented wmc 100000 or mre end this higher valualijn and rednced rite of taxation while it did cat actually iacreise the real value of property or reduce the amount of taxes paid hdtlieescct of creat ing a very favoraue iaipresekn upon the oatfilde public and todsy there is no mere prosperaus village of iu size m cinida in acton the assessment ie made at from onehalf to twothirds of the cash value of property aid the rate tlthoagh lower than the great majority of municipalities of actons size enjoying similar pahuc im- provemehts and conveniences is necesssrily piaeed at a higher figure than can be ap preciated by those unacquainted with the circumstances of the cas2 as they exist by the selection of a competent valuator a local man who enjojs the cnnsdence of the public there is no doubt the new system can be adopted with general concarrenee and ultimate satisfaction acdr profit it is true some properties in town are now as sessed almost up to their selling valce bet the bulk cf property is far below and a man with the assistance perhaps of an as- bessmenf committee in the council coold arrange an eqaitahleasses8ment upon the new basis it is hoped the council will give the question immediate considerajioo wmtk foe thepees there is no more eitectnal aod enjoyable means by which young people can store their minda with practical knowledge and gain the power of giving expression to what they know than by writing for the press in writing for his or her local paper the yonng student cultivates the power of oh- serration do not think that your literary career ts in writing for the magazines or popular literary journals write for your local paper and girc the news of your vicinity in the plainest language yoa an comtfiadcl keep on writing for yoar mx- as a regular currtspcntltiit uu will be much more appreciated accideuts rob berics fires dcatlis marriages charities and cruelties are uot the ouly jieighlor- hood items worthy of befog recorded thc- doscolfficnpruicomesthebuocessfalwritcrt there are majiy things which wheu ro- jierly recorijod- anrtrf dcj interest thoagh the carelcts person tcirccly ubtices them he who can write- nuthbarhood ha-jpeu- ings in plain spicy style without- uuncces- ry words has a beautiful accomplish ment he has the gift of pleasantly im- parting his knowledge u others openkftotf pablumext sicocti frum jst lljouvljcutr on the ail flrfimft jtortrr 8pechthf pre- l iici replj inottiy trwr ouiowu ornfionaput ottttifeb weu wrliamont is open and the govcrnmeotia going to catch it the opposition too says my frioad thfl doorkeeper at all event the war paint it ou the tauntfet down andthetffo parties vvilluy about them with a will for thouext three moulhi 1 itoald perhaps uot over look the third tarty which waa prencul at tlic opening hi full force iu a word iclcr mitchell was thorc tho unyielding refrac tory ictec i a ni now bpeaking of the uoaicof cjtusnoeitl tlic kneakerlakcstbe chair hark whot that knocking knock ingat tliechimlir doort tle tall farm of the fccvgeinl at jns with his hand ou uis sword reedy to bltc with any intruder stalks fo the aulcr coor and presently ro- tnruing wilt surpfwcopou lift countea- ancc snrouuccj jv ractjctigcr from ilii krcellcncy dcsirci fdmittaiice the iai- pensb in which mr speaker is in to know what hie iltccuency wants is to great that he at once routes admit the messenger and j the deference wlumi that racsmugcr biijws to ihciickcaiirc he is wtthiu llie ctcred precinct he is no lew a petsou sc than black hod the gentleman usher cf the hlack hod tteacuouuecs with he iaal ceuaflexiii tint his kxcellcucy de- fires the attendance of the commons ia the kcuaic ciiimlcr aijd marching with his bhxk roj rhauliee uinsahcadcf thebpeak- cr uihers thctu into the- presence there 01 the lied throne iu uaifcrm of gold sat uer majestyis iicprvscutative around him in scarlet unarms stoodaitics de camp cahiuct miauers aud others whila iu front ut errained judges uniformed con- tjij and ecclesiastics of high degree to hi right and left sat dowered dames and i modest maids clad in silks and satint lacu and jewels at the rear oclside the bar the summoned commoners thronged and crowded then in nglish and in french his excellency read the sruecit riok tul inroi which i will give yoa condensed the re jection by the unitedsulos of the fishery treaty leaves canidi- nothing to do but enforce her rights ax formerly under the treaty of isis measures will be submit ted to simplify the franchise act to as similate and amend the laws relating to bilk of exchange cheqaes and promissory nates to make cuifanxt the laws relating to bilk of iiamgpfor ihe preventare of cer tain oftcjpes in connection with manicipal coancils fcr improving the law of proced ure ia criminal cases a bill introducing into canada the ticket of leave system for convicts convicted of first offences thill to mike the speedy trills act apply to the whole of canada u improve the postal sjslec relating to the inspection of lum ber and a bill for increasing the efficiency of the x w mountedjpolice the hoase will be invited to consider the subjects of atlantic and pacific subscribers for mail eteiraers it has since been learned that sir george bidccpowell mp for lir- peel who was here on saturday bore a pro posal from the british oovemment to in crease the imperial jahsidy to the c p b- pacinc steamers to china and japan from cfaooq as at present to 100000 if the uominion government will increase its subsidy from iluooo to cijoog in return fcr a fortnightly incitl of a monthly ser vice j 1lvlll s lllh imtiles- the addrtii in reply to the speech from the throne- wa moved inthe cocnmons by mr bob white o card well andsecond- edbysir a t lcpne of montreal the two youngest members in the house kcither of them said anything noteworthy- mr white passed a graceful and appro priate eulogy on his deceased father ii iarnuys tietxir the opposition leaders speech did not contain any electricity or much fighting matter he evidently prefers to fight in detail as the questions came op one by cue mr laarier of course lspokc gracefully and sell he dare sir john to introduce btrxight mzuhocd scftrxgo instead nf pat ting 3 irillh ui tlc ivauchis act but he knewllt prjvinct ofjttbcc was opposed ts t he lciilvtd the premier pcreoaallf f iii ore j loh nianhjad and womanhood suffrage mr lxuriers own opinion was that the matter euoi be uft to each pro- vincc ueqched sir john for omitting to take credit iu the speech ftr good crops and prosperity all doe to the x p to good coaiervativo govcrimcnt and finally to providence had providence deserted him mr licricr jcanjplained that the speech k a very rntigrc bill of fare in deed lie condemned the administration at the csstomt act and while not objecting to en extension of trade with australia thought we ihoald afeo negotiate with our near neighbors in the states he urged that oor fishery rights heenforced with as gentle a hand ts posable j tkl lueils ixil j hit jchn kacdocihs reply was chirpy ana humorous acd htul hetwics praised the kindly tone adopted by mr laorier and hoped all animosities woald be buried jby the way mr laurir in his speech de- dared himself one of sir johns admirers sod the premier placing his hand over his jfceart bowed his icsn owledmect sir jjobn referred to the jbseace of prondecce from the speech by aliudiiig to the inscrip tion on sir christopher wrens tomb in st paali cathedral if yoc wonld see ray poncmect look araatid he being the architect of the cathedral and continued die premier by and by i expect to see some thing of ihe same sort on my tombstone the roars of laughtcrriih wfakch this bull was received astonished thsold man until ilr foster explained on he exclaim ed i will see it by looking down from above on the conservative majority j that will he buried in the same grave yard shouted mr mills and the laughter was renewed continuing sir john said he as state physician had to consider the weik digestion of the opposition in pre paring the bill of fare- as to trade with the slates they were willing but american statesmen declared annexation necessary and lluf price was too high as canada pre ferred fo remain a brilish colony to barom tag the subservient catakirt ol the ameri can ltcpiibhc tho strict customs law was necossaniii the interests of honest trade and of wic policy of protection the address was thei passed iu a formal way i i xutu there arcuiany interesting notes which lack of tspacc will throw over until next week j j ifpn mr blake was iu his seal looking- sirong and healthy i lord sttilcy heh ins fimt urawing boom haturday ughu it was a molt bril liant affair coxfkb p u a renertl pommlttoe composed of iayraflfl from the goelph loiiaon and niagara mttbcut bonfflranoti vm jiold in wood stock last week to prrpar the way for onued fcotion throflgboot tild coalsrenoe also to dvriu tho best meant of interesting the laymen of other conferences fo regard to the questions of interest to laymen gen efally after some discussion the followiut plat form wu adopted tmmlmouily xo 1 that the stationing committees be composed of minutcm audlaymen in equal n ambers no u that tlifl conference committees and church courts including the coufcr- onco special committee be composed of ministers and laymcninrqual numbers no 3 that tho njht of quarterly boards to invite minuter and ot mioin- icri to accept provisionally such invitations be fully recognized subject in all cases lo the final decision ot the ktttiomrg com mittee and the conference no f that minuter and accredited representatives of ctiartcily boxrds shall have a right to a personal hearing ufore the stationing committee in reference to their own cases no i that hipoiutncnu ur elect tun to office in all our church court hoxrds aud coramtttecc shall be by ballot wiihuuliionv inatiou attov lnfov atiiilclh lah sdcfhtv- at it niceling of the director of tsqncf ing agricaltural society held in the town hall on taesday aftcrjoan mr james maueews was reelected secretary onr the dale for tho next kxhibitioa was fixed for taesday and wednesday fclb and 9th october the merubcrahip tickets wiil admit the member daring the exhibition and oac other person once the admission fee wu fixed at 25cts a committee was appointed lo arrange for a concert and entertainment to be held aboat friday the 2jn4 inst an excellent programme is in course of preparation and a pleasant time is hoped for the directors are enthusiastic ia their efforts to maka acton union exhibition one of the foremost shows in the coaotry and there is every evidence that the exhi bition next fall will surpass in excellence the ppleadid exhibition of the prfcuimufu vceifou onuu feb- 3 the prohibitionists arc hopeful of forcing the house of commons to s vote this session even it it should be an unfavorable one last year the pres sure of basiness prevented the question from reaching a division mr jamicson says he will at an early date pat a notice on the paper and ask the government to fix a day for a debate in view ot the per- tonalities into which the debate degenerat ed last year the coming discussion will have a particular interest it will remain to be seen if tiie prchibilionists in the house will spend their time in impugning each others motives or endeavouring further the question they have at heart at present there is no intenlioajo ask for any amendments to the scott act but the dominion alliance will meet here on thursday to ujscom th situation the third page ot the toronto ax7 if ait is noted for want advertisement if you want to bay or sellanjlhing if yon want a situation a mechanic a loiiuess machinery lodgings if you hive lost or found anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the toronto datff ifaiand read the advertisements on the third page ot that paper the charge s two cents a word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada children cry for pitchers castoriaj wtcadatv tsict werateiierciseri i wm tie was a cud she cried f er caricra when she became ifias she clue to cist eris j when she had chfidren an cave tfccaa cast aria i longstanding a4 blood diseases are cured by tb9 persevering use of ayers saxsaparilla i this medicine i vi alicr much radical change in tit the process iu wui- iwstuxy not 1j jtiit- so rapid a in otlnss jn with itfnistcnrc the result is certain j head thk test iutjiiiuln j for two year i siifffpl from aw- vtri juiu in my riii mir ami liaf other troublts einxd hy a ijrjiil lhr and dyspepsia afkr giving fvvcral- mwldns a fair trul witlnnit a uiv c began to tab avt asiuiijfill 1 was freatly ltncritl hi- 1 lit iirst ujttle and after uicititnv imms i uki ojju- itely curwl john w benou tj ftwrcncj at iyjvell jfas last jfay a large rarhuiifle lirnk vit ou my and tbeusuitl remedies iiilu efftet aai i vraji cciafititj w my k1 fur eight trefci a friend intiieci ius hi try ayers sarajiariljt ls iliin thrca bottles healed the tfire in all iijjciiiie- riencc with mdiciuj i never saw mtsj wonderful results ahothct marked citfctor thn ik nf ilii meliciae wu llif strkegtlifiiiiigef ii sight trif carrie adams livl- sprues texas i iiad a dry scaly inminr ur yeii and suffered tcrriblj- ands my iimii- cr and sister wev juiilarly nttliutetr i prescme themaladyischerediiarv lust winter dr tyreti if ivruatkliua fla reeommcndrd iiic iu ute aver sarsaparilla and eoniinne it fur h year for fte months rtexifc it th-ly- i have not had a blemish uki ijv ikty fur vm last three niontlw t e wiley us chambers st xew vcrk city last fall and wiarcr i wi imtihlel with a dull heavy piin in my siiic did not notice it mueu t lr lrt it r gradually grew worse mnil it bcain almost unhearame jjiriig the latter part of this lime disorders of ti stom ach and liver increased my ironhles i began takiujr aytris saraiarilla and airer faithfully coniimtinr theju- t this niedicine for some months ths talti disappeared and i was cutcplcudy eureu irrs augtuu a furluah haverhill mas 1 ayers sarsaparilla rvktaiird irv dr j c aver co lowe mass viixtliiliaaxti venire a ltil gciieall srli -at- c b ryan cos wc liavc now commenced our great semiannual sale- to last for 30 days bjiuto will uai ifniiit il of our cuuiiiirttinciht uiinytunuitip wriaiui l- will offer durtutf thi kvry dlruiicul in be itoj has wet cirufullygooe throufih price luaikwldowii to figure tint lliaktoulau our cuilouien thofolloulngaroa few of kisuv bar vhich wl tusle liistalv nolablc one iu our comujercisl hiitory dress qoods inlhia deiiartuicnt wc hold tho heat coodn and larftit iiock ia tlic west mr kjsn bavtuc jiurcliuod a larc auiouut of drcu good it lew tbau tho uiadutaotareri cost of production in check aud htrfws wb are ahle to sell uietn s a corresnoudiugly lov ogure srotk tuii raict if jd urosstfoodt at me ortii lv- r0 yd strt lie tjc oo yd check itc v jsi yds chock 30c 3ue 10to yd iltin fioodf tt i5c w orii ic nat ijc finer toad u iirutiorilou remnants clue table will he devotcd ia keuiuaiitf cf illacksui colorm dress goods at jttcfi which must insure aiiwedy clesrancc house furnishings wilave a fci of these cheap lilanlcts left it fijqaudrlm a fcr boiled ulsnacu lo v rlearwj out b cot couiforien nry cfacap unbleaohed linens keductdffoin jj ccuu to i- cent jit ard 10 sal viliic in iiicoehm dftmatlik a few soiltd ulcechct table cloth kst tcliltco 1t1cc uctnc ihrcc er far njji ticritt tthtt clrthi kcsr iticf iju hich e ill clear outat ij ioodvajue iu thc karki- a few ytuxri- kriuswt uolicj revsur lncc fltj o bv mji j at 7jc ixrdui u staples ihciliifof grvv nii- tl ie r id- crttnjicreiujr iriie hi cfj di he od at ihr ikt yard grand value lkiimtef pritu tkkia cuj vint- tel ic t cotvl rice irtyind while couout ther ilsn ltr blwclal value in yoliu he burlfuo t tic worth ijt5 wonderful btrpuns in towelllup bhlnlnci tickings flannels ac ladles tors and mantles ajttucuin juxltm to st hmorviucgi to wi two ii 33jx rjued w kjc ouo st pisjx reduced w hjjf uuff flaud collfetti iu seal icnlan lamb anrachsu aud other v arieiies of kurt to he cleared out at t ttce bliort itclcts colored aud ulacai froux lx uvwflsjw- thew arfoliuf at half nrice a fev childrens jackeu at a creat reduction lxjos uantlm ledoeed to about cot short dotuaani at coat gkhati -at- rtriurtlcrillcuirikurmbiii oartoiljtxinjaiuuowarlyultiulu lc- renin ot ihc itotti tad kn lutrkwl in kcmembex the placu gcbryan co gueiph the leading dry goods house 93 upper wyndham st succehsorh to j no hogg son kelly brotlier8 merchant tailors uavingjott nasscd into stock the finest assortment of imported and domestic suitings pantiaga and overcoatings that have ever been shown in the county we are now in a position to suit any perscmregniring anything in clothing oar prices are right and we will euarsntee every ferment to be perfect both in fit and finiah no fit no sale hnn- dreds of patterns to select from we also carry the finest stock ot xeckties collars cnffs and shirts to be fonnd in any house west of toronto asking for a share of your patronage we remain sincerely i kelly bros buttcrand eggs wanted kelly bros a big offers j for ten days only commencing satur day february 3nd acton wo commence slocktati no foby lith acd prcripdjito tliat we will slaugbti winter goods kj vi look to vom iiijefests we waut moiiev hiiiti you want tlie iroods rcmeicbcr you dont haveto bay a certain number of dollars svortb iu order to get a trifling diseonnr i onr reduction ineaus 20pei cenl and your five cents bnysattlic same price as your neighbors five dollars do not delay as now 13 the time to pro- j cure a supply at yotrr own prices- r fc below we give a lit of rednceil goods wbich hold good tiu the 12th of february overcoats irjleters jackets blankets furs- under weaii r flannels tii hollinrake cv son milton will give a discount of js per cent off mens and boys ready made clothing this is a chance to buy firstclass reliable clothing away down in price houinrake son have a reputation for selling cheap their goods are marked in plain figures at the lowest selling prices and i cttjst think twentfive cent off every dollars worth ofclothing you buy that means ioo off every 400 worth of clothing 8200 off even- ssoo and 5 00 off every 2000 remember this offer just holds good until the uth february and is for spot cash only- readers of the fkee press take advantage of it hollinrake son the leading kerehante muttf catarrh cared with and sweet breath aeenred by flhuoha catarrh remedy friccm cents nasal injector free fcr sale h k mcgoniu j a boon aud a blcsiiof to mankind is tfaayards yellow otlj the jreat pain de- e toy iod healing remedy for external jd internal dm yeliiw oil cares all aches ajd pains rheamaturo lame back sore tl iroatxroopf deafoea cramps contracted oida ood l laintfiuw frocuie it of your irujirtlf the largest scale works in canada j over foo of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases honey drawers miatctioppefs mb bbtchebs suppues afibuit in rvlt r wri tar lennj c wilson sonj 60 esplanadk sjrrcet east toronto ont uenlioit tbll japcr ttti liswyoa wiiuj shirtings sheetins i tickings towelling 1 tabling curtains carpets dress jgodds dress silks plushes velvet j ribbons laces corsets bustles gloves hosiery embroidery i mens felt bootsonlyf50 airwool blankets large size s250 regular price s325 this reduction is for cash only butter and eggs wanted powder pure8t 8tronmst be8t contains no alum ammonia ume phosphatts ujlocriiinuurfu kufr si lit ulijuib ktaihutcilu for dyipepna and unr compbuat yaa have- a printed guarantm on every bottle ol bbilohs viulirer it never dllito cure for iale by b mogartin r e nelson merchant tailor cuelph kiuud to his uiuy iu3u tu acton uid vicinitf the compliments of the season my stock of silk handkerchiefs ties scarfs collars cuffs o for the holiday thade ituijst couiljeu the cheapest line of persian lamb caps in the city t subscribe for acton free press 1 00 per year rbjermyn r jtdj m l jurdtkrl jpitsbr sunc cvn- ro niiousn ccs eobrrnratityti noiacstiot eniccj cc hcadjachc fth icra3c3 pr tkit stomach life 0 d9et3 tmct 4c tniotioreucjr olvnu avatofa iii actioij amd to buoocreti03 tcr4crranil cr canp amp t c3tihwc dissasc hlfel

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