Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1889, p. 3

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p- v t f xu- 1 buj tj dftsslautie 1 in all ibd 1 33ia 1 i usa lut ot j rw4 ii a uiifpji nata koucti ibtuif 3fe ibl iron liir ftfid a e re- lowa ptaaw dditrx ocx tttrntrvlielj fc of fcreakace t catmacis 4be rafcti i adetv andia stjja ittluftl te iianjib landraociliqac t1j isciallejct range j clothst tora hall acton ggjjbseof tjictubeb for 8860 under the auspice of knqx church acton vi ltv wm- cochrane d p- monday k suujrbjtlndhero mar- tsjhct f uciaxl otxdiiwr uotfdar mefci sabiecttoyxrilnn4uleiam fjcjrftr forsatirtootirn 60 cents lccturw commence at oclock jthemlte0di8tchukgh acton jtsv 0 a 0itf0hp k4 hj3 pastor rarwoafic borr avcuae raliltr semcvx ift20 anu aud j0 sunilay dnjoltw bible claw oqoducwd by u mmr all cordially inrlwd suanccn and visitors alayi welcome at- uetiw aabm at ui door hmini aredcalrod apply to u 1 aoorv rsotani vour fiety m slykof clbtj urrent topic otjil trade m tuursdiy jakcaut 17 iss haxl jhxor locals callattd h the vcrthonutm and alert frte press heportm out3i i street lamps axe lighted foe upcryetr splendid winter weather um ireefc sntil yesterday the cotmly coancil for this voir his fitt medieal men the first lilting of the ooouty coart wis heldoo xlanday fton merchants ire agitating to hare eggs soli by the poand tiie royal templar tevivthats arc ti peeled bete uexl thursday assiawcya aialtaraisoaety will open thafrshow this fall or two day tha acton iveepeess calendar adorna oot editorial tanclanujsnelph tteivy the acton fcil ptjcss tssaed a good common tense cxjendaxlut week george ton hrraia there vts firstckai sleigiiing the nt of liie reck and ieamstera took ad- notage of it bemember the tn cent entcrtsiament c the yoonc beoplea union in the metfao- dld cbarch next tuesday evening the lislffwel stadard and the kccon fax ptrss hu issued two very handsome calender for 1639 st surya jirgiu the first carnival of the season will be beujatherinktohight qoite a lisi of pixel are offered for races ooatames 4c- large qaaititea of tan birfc and wood ire coming in- the good sieighinf dnring the week hit rednced the price of vood boewhal the trunk fasiory has now- got no j fiean and in a few days trill be running in hh blast they make the best goods in uaar hne in canada berlin xar abpat sevent wagon loads of cheese representing nearly 40000 worth of that ctiple commodity were deherd in town bereafewdsrsigo ingenou 5 j the enterprising pabliaher of the ac- ton fee pktss has presented every snb- icriber oilhat journal with a handsome i cskadsr foe ls idton catupiq the special service in knox church win conclude with saeraaeatal serrices oa sondayoext bermrtait preached last erenidiod will remain daring the week the acton eazi presented its i readers last week with a rery handsome j calendir for the year it is nsefal snd at- 1 tnctfre and is a credit to toe office dan standard ifr john c kelson hu a taking r in this issoe he offers s sabstantisl cuh discount on all sales of dry goodsr boots and shoes acamounting to 12x0 or over daring the nert foqr weeks ta huy northern man is almost willing to risk the yellow fever when he stops to consider thu the people who live in florida l peter hare to shovel off the sidewalks of coore there are no such men in acton the toronto- woru at eatarday de- i toteaaxolamn q acton iiagrowtii and in- i dastries as well as a review of the hosinees- es and professians represented by hose who are subscribers of the world in acton- itr lanman kennedy desires to thank those who so promptly paid op their snb- scriptions for fencing and improving the ddcemetry a few snhscriptions remain ttnpaid which if left with m alex grant as soon as convenient will oblige well the trunk factory co hasstart- ed we hope they wfll make thingf ham ksodsuy longer than fir crompsco did jfiiliflis corset factory we today saw e first smoke come out of the chimney in along time we hope the concern will mset with sneow afldemploy j lot of labor berlin ttlegrata we ire in receipt of s copy of the val- liable premiam nsp of the county of vtenfc- wqnhpresented by the dnndas slaadqrd to its subscribers this is a very ueeful premiam pirticnlsrl y to the siaadattti locl ihbscribers it is complete in every respect sod illasiratcs very clearly the eo- terprise of mr- w j watson the publisher the sudusi meeting of the directors aod hem berk of acton union agricalturcl fiociety wifl be held in thetown hall ac ton on thursday 2lth janaary 1889 at 2 oclock fox thepnrpoae of electing officers and directors and the transaction of other business it is desirahle that there be a large attendance a very little girl in the infant class of a hutford coon- sunday school came homftoue sunday and told her mother that the teacher had taught them a new song ou expressing a wish to hear it the mother was astonished at the following sentence which was all the child could remember im a little greenhorn tnong a half of cheese the word which tad been misunderstood by the child were these ima little gleaner among the harvest sheaves obitutiy krf jam v maun third danghferof kr james watson- walpole hagersvifie out whose death occurred hut tuesday week titer a lingering illness wa married in acton where deceaseds hnibsftd car ried on a general store for a number of years on disposing ofthe business there they removed to giielpb where avter a few years they purchased the montreal tea store and have tortwo years carried on a uccessful business dying at the early age of 85 years and 6 monlbs the loriog helpmeet and kind friend will be much missed by busbaod daughter and sister mrs w hcmillan goeipb u well as by the nnmber of ftiends to whom she was wed too wo and who will extend the deep- sympathy to the sorrowing relatives who rejoice ootas others who have oo hope coni guelph mercury i l homegleikgs whit rr itmnly if a tmftlchanictni aiiutcrrfukir a jcfntf word rrovi i fihbcr bro moore of the aoton ivre pm oerttinly as arusuc printer of a high or der iodaioc htm by his handsomely pi iot- edjouroal audalaoby hit newtpaptr cal euiar for 1889 jast rtcejved at this o floe bcjbifi somewhat of an artist ounelf we taleaprido in anytfilofe evidently me thtng mora than mere nusuicj 1 ort beeoeeslo you fricud moore may your shadow uarar grow leaiftrabtsrtuajye r kb banc on sleisl j oa tuesday alteruoou at limohpuso a little fellow willie wright met wih a serious accident whito hsugiag oa a sleigh loaded with wood in passing nio the wood yard the mud runner struck a stouo causing the iwtt tq upset almost completely bury inglheboy mr h lcloidveu who uw tbo aecidcou at once ran aud extnaated him and seeing that he was seriously hart corned him home dr lowry w called aud foaad that there was a brokeu tfitgh secrc iujarj- of hip joint and also probable internal injuries another warning for boys who persist iu lungidg ou slcighsj the pulpit j rev j iuc of kxox church preach ed atberliti on sunday and ilev dr gil ford of the methodist church preached abniveraary scrmous at elora itcv e a chown bd of elora occapicd the pulpit of the methodtst church and preached ac- ccptibie sermoos ilii discourses wecatar- oeif and practical and calculated o set his hearers athiuaing seriously about spiritajd tcattent kev u brancfi uoariepcihed in kacrclmrcii aud fncceeded mcoainc- inglhe cansrcjiiiioa that evea if a man i sde- prived of hi eyesight he ctt preach w erfnl and elonacut sermon and conduct thescrvices with grace and abilil too poor to tikes ptpcr kef erring to the importance ofscbscrlbaij to a good newspaper a french coalecfpor death of anml settjlen ii r john keutuu poujuutcr umtjioum- an in its agncaltural eolemu says in a liquor shop for gve centsyou get a iass of whiskey repeat the operation tueuty limes and you will fcivet spent one di illar weakened yont health- and lost yduc re oc go bak to the same place nest wcefc and the week after five or ten times dunn the wek and you will have epeat twinty thirty fifty or a hundred dollars darin the yoar almost without knowing it and yoa will be eo much the poorer kevcrlheless you tiy that you aw loo poor to take a newspaper resolution otsyrapxthj- at the recent meeting of the halloa farmers instituteal brookviue xassaga- weya it was moved by a w peartj sec onded by j a watson that this institute desires to place on record its sense of the great loss sustained by it through the sud den remoral by death of the late james bradley of esquesing the first prerid nt of the society in haltoa he everdevofc d his ability and energies to torthericg the best interests of the farmers while his ho lesty of purpose and sterling chiracter won the respect of all we beg to lender to the be reaved widow ocr sympathy and condol ence in her recent afiictjeo and instruct the secretary to prepare and forward a copy of this resolution to mrs- bradleyjwnx clemeuts secty a coinpumcat to acton folks kef erring to anniversary services in the methodist church erin the aaeorate uys eev dr giffbid of acton osiciat- ed morning and evening the rev gentle man has a prepossessing appearance in the pulpit and agreeable in both manner and voice he delivered able discourses giving utterance to tomc plain traces in a forcible manner at the social on kew veari even ing the choir of acton methodist ciurch were conspicuous on the platform- rheir various renditions of vocal music were very enjoyable and at uracs lead to ctevrcs there were some special pieens disco irsed wfaich conferred credit upon the ladii s and gentlemen who look pan two of their best artistes were said to be swnt when the choir did well iirtlfceabscntees what wouti the result be were they present eev dr gifiord gave a very interesting address interspersed with some old and new stories which caused unbounded uerri ment among the andience during ibe re cital oriental scenes eev g branch howie wis greeted with a fairsized audituce at his lecture iu the town hall ou monday evening kev mr kae waa chairman the lecturer gave an interesting description of the land sf pro mise inclading its position and boundaries climate elevations and size he referred also to the seasons the crops and the weather in this connection he stated that while in march or april the country was all abloom with flowers some 2 500 var ieties being found in july all the sglendor has completely disappeared and a generally barren appearance prevails in winter at an elevation of igogfeet two or- three feet of snow often falls while at all times o the year temperate semitropical and tropical climates prevailed at different pointa in this limited territory harvest commence in april and continues until september in 4000 years ro manure or other fertilizers have beeo osiin the fields referring to the cedars of lebanon he suted that 400 of these gianta still stand they an found gflqq feet about the sea are 40 to x feet in dream fereoce loofaet high and computed to be more than 3000 years old the lec turer also spoke of the schools and ihowed that besides the mahoramedan scho is there are 3000 children attending pnitesuat schools under a distinctly christiaj l infla- encetlir howie appeared in oriental costames and delivered a portioa of his lectarg dressed in costume similar to tsjf worn by abraham 4- n dcimru ihii ujtx a g jt latwdereitkuse ono of the early settlers of this in the person of john newton esq toft master at the advanced aga of f 0 years mr kowton was highly reipocufd by all aodjiis lengthcaod resideiioe in jthis sec tion gtyo him a very wd aoqbsiouiioo and a largo circle of warm friends he wall boru iu yorkshire england in 1812 utl received a good common school edacv- lieu iu his early days when jboit yean old he went to ireland where ho was engaged in a largo woollen msnufactory as a wool sorter wliile hero he met mrs kcwfou and thoy wore married jlwbg to the uiiui was wicharin to frabcebul remaiued only a fewj months and after a short visit to his fsinily he left for amcricsrand in wit htnded in toronto at tcroolo ho was directed to mr wm barber ot the paper mills georgetown and tbrough mr barber he met mr john iiutni ihcu a school trustee who resided oulhe farm now occupiod by mr joseph arthurs ou the third hue and was engaged by hiiu as toaclier of the pub lic school at glou liwaon a mile below acton having completed- his year there he engaged with the trustees at georgetown and taught there for a year about this lime his wife lod utile oucs arrived from the old country and thoy decided toengage in farming and purchased the farm pa the eooudjine erin now occupied by mr james allans a year sufficed for farm life and seeing an opening to cugagc in his trade he euibraood it and cuterod into partnership with mn josiah sykes aud the firm opened a custom woollen mill ou the twelve mile creex near et anns selwu but mr kowfou had ootyct succeoiedmii satisfying himself that tuis was uisjpjaoti forhimaudiu a year be left iherbxnd cime to limchouse in 1k4j and here he spenl the remainder of his life he bought a water privilige and built a mill which was utilized during the building of the g t kailway as a water lirac mill a saw mill was afterwards added but out of these- has grown the present excellent woollen mill and blanket factory the productious of which bava for many years enjoyed a very- wide reputation for isperior quality and henrest worth mr xewtoa was the first and only postmaster limchouse evgr had he was appointed when the office wis first opened iu 1k31 he was a justice of the peace but rarely sat on the magisterial bench preferring alwajs to advise his neighbors and acquaintances tq settle their differences quietly out of court he was a man ot retiring disposition and never sought for any of the public positions for which his ability and integrity amply qualified him his home washiscastuf and to ipendali his leicuid with ma family was his continual dehght hr 2fewwu was a maq of sterling character upright straightforward and honest in all kis trans actiocs he was a member of the episco palian church but though of late yean he has very seldom attended church he hu cot failed to be a faithful student of gods word and endeavored to measure his every day life by its precept and teachings his partner in life who has spent nearly fifty years as his helpmeet survives him as well as four sons and three daughters messrs james john isaac william and mist h and mrs xickcii at limehouse and mrs james brown farmer acton the funeral last saturday was largely at tended the remains were carried to the tomb by six old settlcrr messrs xioiia and john lindsay dr 5fccuilochjohu lawson alex henderson and james far quhar toronto kev josepu eennell as sisted by kev ai if drumnij ccuductcd the funeral cervices knatchlirllxkws from uuruwii corrwiaudcnt amckiio wiwox oa kew years day at the residence of che brides father by the kev mr walker of jeockwcod adam anderson to cliarlotie sophia youngest daughter of kobcrt wilson both of kassagaweya gogxix xoeciso ou the d jan at the residence of the brides fati er by kev mr walker of kockwbod mr goozee of dakota to metias only daaghtr of joshua xorrish esq of naajagaweya mrgoozee and his bride take with them t their new home at devils lakes dakoi the best wishes forjtheir future prosper personal mention lsruftaiibillwjifruintisllorito and front k prtm pctdcri ate llrof yestxcquritutc il lyflite nelson olcldui itlsiung friends inbaelpli this week mr mitchell cobban is attending tb- oollegto institute in torouto mrs ww ioruoti ot gletiooe was the gaest ot acton friends this week mr leslie j mooro left last week to ukajaodluegutu la miu jesse mccmncy of oakvillc has been appointed teacher of school sec 19 trafalgar mr alex gordon of duilou in viiitiug f needs iu the home of his youth handy looks as well and is just as single as ever mr james bryan ofthe lncfuiow sen tinel has been ejected reeve of lackuow for 1880 he hss served thtco years iiyohe council mr 1 il warren editor gcorgelowu herald with his sisler mua barbara war reu left ou tacsday niorniug oq a viiit to fricuds at kincardine mr diyid mcmackoii of lligligate spenl a couple of days during thc week with friends here dave is doing well both in domestic life and business his many actou friends were glad ia meet him again we are glad to learu thai mm eli sny der of larkdalc who fell ud btuke her arm a couple of months ngo is rapidly re- gaiuiug the slteagtri iu licrructured ajra ber and hopes soon to liavflibc uio of t ii agaiu mr w h sorty who is one of the director of she manofaotarcrs life as- jratee 3otppaay to torouta on i xuesoayauind tljoaudual meeting atessrsitraucu aud ae kickliu were also present theduttou ririic says the friends of mr alex gordon treated hiin to an oy ster supper at the euaunoi house lait eueuiug pnor to uisdeparturcfochesbome in acton we are sorry to lose mc gordon as a citizen aud hope he will make up his iod to corns back to pnltpd shortly mr pete mcartbur fur seme year o per ator at the g t u depot here who left j with measrfwjj tojroapd h f hill for australia four yean ago returned to amerioa last fail he i now agent of the miasouri pacific railway at annelly kansas and sends kind remembrances to acton friends bertie moore of limehouse son of mr john moore whose instantaueous recovery from an illness from which he had suffered so severely for two yean wan a guest of the editor of the fnu pci on monday ber- tie 1s enjoying exceujet heal anduaboat as well as vr he was his actou friends were glad to see htm again looking so well and strong kiltovcolxty ojuxcll will be the coanal for the present yearj composed as follows acres w bl- storey beeve b celrsgtqx dr kichardsonj kjeeve geokciort dr freeman keeve miltoy dr eobcrtson eeeve oikviixl m felaakeeve ecaoxi k graham kceve webster first deputy and d cool second deputy xiiiiojw in lsmt mnzies if d hoicheoo deputy ktiiwvp docottiwtevean w g 1ettitt depaiy ttiriwaj henry liobinsoo keeve dr back first deputy and j husband second deputy r jty and hap piness of the many friends and acquaint ances they have in xassagrweya mr stanley xorrish of kassagaweya has been confined to his bed for some days wiih a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs but good hopes are now enter taioed for his immediate recovery mrs wm andersom of knatchbutl is serioufiiy ui and lies in a very critical con dition and bat very slight hopes are enter- tained foe her ultimate recover dejixc in kassagaweya on jad jan chester ebvood infant sou of wm and susanna dredge aged 1 month and five dayr the kuatchbujl b b club gave a ball friday em5gjhe4thinst m the hall si enatchball a boo i 35 couples were pres ent and excellent mnsic was furnished by messnsjnubjicd franks as enjoyable evening was spent- about 5 inches of snow feliat knatchbull on sanday night the gth insti and there has been quite a heavy snow fall since today the sleighing is excelteht it makes you think of the good bid times when yoa bear the merry sleigh bells again farnaen are everywhere taking advan tage of the sleighing and are rushing their teaming in good style a meeting waslield last friday eveuing in blopmsbury school xassagaweya for the purpose of appointing a committee to make arrangements for holding a grand en tertainment to come off boon farther notice will be given but no pains will be spared to make it a success aud a most en joyable evening may be looked for january 15th 1880 i i -i-it- tf 9xtt i phe taking of this space is with us a purely business transactioji chase it for a given time agreeing to pay for it just as we wop ukwuctowx hlfih school the follow are the qmei o the papiie o jfqnn i f aaipr dirisfon who obtajoed the best muks it the chriitmu exmioa- tioos end u the report will be intereetiojr to the paptli who ulead ram acton tod riciiity we reitoduce the lut frorc the htnild i kxg gtiritit hex v j frmer8i gertie wiluimi k gnthriecs w mc- kenzie 05 e wiuruoll c3 kaa lrteeitnie hex iso agaes uc- kiofihton 128 chu lfraoa lli 1 k iruer 117 gertie wiltum 113 k a wtliraott 101 it kirutra w h wcthenld es km cokkisjiiox 1u 130 u woth- cmld ltw lillic bile 100 k hebeui ou jnfnmfvo io huiour jlilloocsfmon 100 il mciirund vvl wclhcxld a 3 thompioo tj c- warrea lirnt mx soorjoo lruor j00 c sjrnoa ho k wiflmott 170 1rcd hirtlcy 40 hwethenld 10s idst mix 2m- zdhlii mcgoiro 10 son ilcrlth h8w jickeuiic 118 c werrea 118 ju thompsoa 110 ajfnej mckinghtonanolc3dcdowf w weeh- boniui gtociiuihv mex 5q john raer c symoa so h wethenld c wirren g williime a j thompson a- sicniaglitoa m imrttfvfric 2ix 1 30 c faymbn 90 j thompeoa 63 b commiucs 7s zfltuli he- gaire71 ilwmmolt 6i axiebiu hex 100 3 thoaipeoa bo j iruer ii vlltaolt 75 1 stofirleoe 70 b canoinge n tfcgrslh 05 bookxrivi 1ii 100 e wilkiott 63 3 fruer si 3u thompsoo it weth- trtiaw willimmss biisyoltei mj- tfwilimoil e mcgaire iq k sicbeth b cammiogi a ircsiaghtoa 38 h wether id the follower who obtained the highest lotil have beca promoted to dir h of form i hix i200joha frtser 670 ii will- mots 787 c sjmoti 780 h viethenld 735 a mclvsjifibton g73 gertie williams 009 j thompson 6j0 lah meooiretmd maleoimjiciirtaoe are promoted on marks obtiaed at ibe first bimonthly examination mt st cuik hea j 5iaiur we pur- o qr v j for anin- voice of dry goods expecting inrctum value for every dollar invested oftdi the important question is then will we receive value for our invest- merit will our advertising in this paper increase our business if not then it would be much wiser to have invested in something else instead now whether it rwill paynia-or- d upon what we furnish the proprietor of the free press to put in our space ifwe act on the assumption that its readers are simple andj credulous and that any kind of false statements will answer provided they sound large enough wcwill ind that few people will read our advertiserrfet that it will not be worth the paper it is printed onj and in fact it would be better to pay the proprietor the same amount each year tohavc our advertisements 1ept out however we are not accustomed to doing business or advertising on these principles our aim will be to set before you the various lines of goods we are dealing wlthinthe lowest prices at which we are offering them and toso retain your confidence that you will examine our space for prices just as you look at the market reports for the price of wheat gbbejy an co gueiph l j3 upper wyhdhani st successors to j no hogg son remnants and winter goods at- the right house 3ij ladies mantles from f 16 to 410 from i3f50 to 19 black cashmere gloves from 50c to 25c from 80c to 15a corsets from 75c lo 25c childrens flash caps from 9115 to 75o from 90c to 50c from 60c to isc auirettes from 83c to 30 feathers and flowers down very low muhnerv down to atoot half prioe xnitted shawls from 237i to 1w from 1260 to 110 from 1375 to 910 fascinators romm j71 to 75c from 91121 to 63c from tl to 50c from sifo to 5c aitratan glows fries in rw styles lots ot other goods are offering equally cheap the tale continues very day kew goods this week direct rom the makers genu silk umbrella lsmes natural wool vests madras muslins black and grey coat canvas crash towelling white tolle tapes iini dress linings white lasrns and muslins braids dress buttons grty cottons whits cottons cottonades denims awning stripes tickings white and weaving yarns and wraps shirtings canton flann sheetiogs pillow cottons ginghams chatnlrayt seersuckers table and shelf oflcioths dress trimmings bibboos corsets drsss steels mens underwear casbmerehose cashmere dress goods mind the carpet department almost every article for famishing houses is kept there enter the door east of the carpet window many make mistakes and do not get into the right house hamilton jan 12th 1889 tho3sc1las o wtbzrcrs jd watshss clocks jewellery jj sa- and smctwlesmpaired jfi cm h3s ft j jfctucffcrg stttre acton ont gold wcdding ringsi ctuels spoons knives and forks a good stock b never leave acton v1itn yoa can get ai koo1 an artlcisand u v cheap- at j h matthews iiauness shop call m tec if ho if not civing tin hcsl ttr- galm iu light and heavy harness blankets bells carry combs brushes whips ac i hive coiae to acton o uy ud wdl eikbaror to pre the lmt utiilaction to those who favor mo with their pstrouage i have tuiall sxpeoam and can affozd to tell cheap collars warranted mot to- hurt j h matthews actou mouey to loan a tcv tiiooaand dollars on farm- property in 1 ii uiai o 1000 and utmarda aliply to j jmciutaysurwarttotrti i esqueatng 1 o dr cove and a great sturm a storm of unusual violence ragi d during the greater portion of wednesday light and thursday morning lastr doing a c eaf deal of damage in the eastern portion o canada and prostrating the telegraghaad elepbone servioe to n very prcat extent 1 a itorm wu also very severe in the niagai a pnlni sula and amongst other oamage d meotn i pletely desfroyed the foot and car iagojsu pension bridge near the cu loss of over 1300600 a silk factory at beading ps and a mill at pftfbnrg were demolifw and many kvcs lost and sraisbld proherty 6 stroyed jffsjqi cas tremendous icterest is being taken iu the approachingcariu val in montreal the governorccoeral is to inangnrate the fes- tidies and give the entire weeks pro gramme his patronage state governori licnugovcrhors and prominent people from all parts of tho world re to view the spectacles letters are pouring in to the committee from europe and the united states enquiring for particulars the com- mittee are making extraordinary prepara tions for a magnified t carnivl those wlo cannot go to montreal for a week of wondrous merriment will we hear findjbe events in all their marveuoas beauty repro- iduced in the carnival number of the mont feal suit which it is said wqi be a perfectly stunning number- customs omnials and informers received last year 998068 in addition to their salaries for their share of floes imposed on seizure of roods as was froved in court agrtdmlof thmoney ijoght o be de- scibed as blackmail fuuit tree small fruits ajid ornamental shrubbery revii bcook acton hu iccn anolntd tola aaeit for tiiia tcctioq for ujc veil known old rochester narscry fi uoulson pro prietor andff prepared to take order for any of the fruit tre imsll fruits or ihrabs which areihownln tho ulnstratod catalocuef of the nursery the producti of the old rochester kunery arc knomi to be kcnerally reuabla sod corrocuy named and can promise satifactory rauju to all who parchue itock from me prtcos roauonable iiev kb cookawnt powder absolutely pure this povder nover varies a marvel of purity fftresffuiatidwholeouiciieu more ecduotnicaj than iha ordinary alndaand eauot be sold lb mtiipuim with the tnultltude of low teat abort wstfiht slnm or phosphate powders fiold6ny iacani boxafc blximo powuaa co 100 wall bt kr just what the people have been wait ing for iji ji- holklnrake c son milton take stock hi fetira before then they want to turn thbusandsjf dollavs worth i i -j- em at fitirts- is acton ji wc commuiicestocmakiug on peb- 12tli aud iirchioub to tliiit we willslaurhtcr ivinforigools lpolitu voui iuttvests we waiit moijey- andyott waut the goods t bjcniefifbcr jou dont have to buy b eertaiii u mirier of dollara wprthliuoruer to get a triiins diacount it i oar rednetiou niebdb20peijent aud your five cents buysituie same price oa yonriieighbora five aqllais oo tidt delay as uow is thelinie to pto- enre asiipplffit your own prices below we give a ljit of reduced gqoda wbicli hold good till the 12th of rebmarj overcoafe trlsters jacice 31iikel58 furs tjndepwear flannels shirtings sbeejiing l i vfl towelling v tabling j0urains carpets xm dress dresej silks plushes of goods into hard cash to accomplish that they have decided to lose money on -ihe- following goods let every shrewd purchaser carefully peruse thisprice list thenfiii and secure some ofthe bargains i 1 childrens w ool caps and hoods ioc each 6 yds check shaker flannel fajycoli 8 yds stripe flannel for 5 1 navy blue flannel sale price 1 7c yd jet vtrmmlnftat- were 25 30c yd for 7c yd allwool tweeds and full cloths will be offered at 39c i d genuine godd tweeds wholesale price knocked out brown black grey iotd gold myrtle navy silk top plushes 4c d 0oods velvet ribbon 3 laces corsets busjieei gloves hosiery i bmbrpideryt mens felt botsionly si 60 t i w goodsr g 190 yd ladies black cloaking for 99c 125 yd ladies brown double fold ulstoring fgr7jc j bus honeorob shawls for 30c big plunder price no object great drop in prices of fine scotch wool shirts drawers 250 good for 175 an immense quantity of mens wool undershirts regular75c goods to be rattltd off at 47c each mens navy spot cambric shirts usually sold at 1 just think 2 for- 99c great reductions in brussels tapestry wool and hemp carpets during this sale hemp carpet from gc yd up boys wool knit caps 25c berlin wocl all shades 7jc oz andalusian wboisall shades ioc oz bpstlcs pc each odds andrends of fancy goods plushes silks satins c tobe cleared ovt cheap bottom dropped out of the prices of dry goods mantles and dolmans50 les than tvhole- sale rates a lot of mens stiff felt hats 25c each readymade clothing prices will suffer mens suits 5575 good heavy overcoats tweed lined for 5 mens 83 cordovan lace bojsale price fe ladies sliooio4sl25felt ha 5 new tbapea this season will k sold at at 25c each ureat ufferiiikofdrwagoods20 80 1 it goods for 15c 4 lbs japan tea lust for 85c 8 scrub brwhealoo new teuiou peel 19o lb 6 iba sulphur 2s 5 lbs 8ftlts sc ijw vli l r all wool blajikets largaslw s2so- regular piice 38 this reduction is for cish qnly tv j butter and eggs wanted rbjerrrryn v 4 m v iurdock pills roi iilibuirtit tonrrlhtion ihstbonrion eizzmicntmm kfamomciics oiac of nitt wonach uyen aflorpnwu w arhch mbnm ylbmu t wrtttt v at ofertwrei w a posthute actasta i- mm s3j5 -i- it 4 rj -j- 1 t 3 s rfj

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