Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1889, p. 2

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floair cmreut ctiutoq oat on 15th dee the wilt ot wot crowe ol dingliter luumq kemcurere wile of mr lethe ot e eon gaacoa fridir dcwmber ttjgacvotedanehur i m the 86th dec th itth the wife ol uapitnni bhit3oel afishfiibnnia on tb kui imt- in her t j ucotllfcd llr campbell shaw voastilk to hit luir f bovtt dftacbtcr ofkrefdoww i oowkt coaiekt at ti reside aee ot j w b kefir us uvcrpool uml ouolph oa kth december by tbe rer o tt trot alex a rovdy ton of alderman ocjdy to emily u oooley botbol ooelph 1 gonrstbiijt at the methodist parson- an frirt december skhj by the father ol the bride tbomaa godfreyltoa o john gcd- fry 4mtnaatc elora to clara aajrasu brolcv eldest dsashtcz of hot jamc broley of fergus 1 rmitwkbrruuai tho tottdenee of sirs w in llarber georgetown cant ot the bride by revkd maclircu tukotjmwmor rvubjof hamilton to uadge web ster of georgetovn pirmisosatkixooa isth dee it the wiwence of tbe bride father bv the kecw bridridht3gr5-pttcroa7rainfi- et daughter of john atkinson all otnaasaca- ya joaarintarrrdn8sthdec at the rci- 3 oj uw bndea fatheri by the rev y wriu thoma frederick jones ol guelnh ta hareac joongeat daughter of hatthcir unnnawtl of vmifittyi dxdi prmgreon fridav 21ft december w9s annie sobwrille niiel of tbe late june peitigwv kq j t ot komi aged co yrrv i month and 13 days biuj3n pukinrtoo on dcapniber 25th eura uuoeo ife o vnu baal afed 62 jtut dbxtek gn the 29th december lflss st 15 spadina avenne bebekah tbe beloredtlfeof joseph s diaper conductor g t k luss is g uelph on the lit of january- waggle wttjon beloved vile of june w mann formerly of acton aged 35 yean and 8 month the fonertl rfll take place at gatlph thii afternoon at 3 oclock 1 t ftb rloit fmttss thtjbsdax jixuarx s 1889 notes axd cqixssts u h beso cxnagedqiit a dim for um trici ol ibe haltoo dominion election petition thtll bo fixed in tba qaeeac bench diniion at the hirh coart the tint court tler7lneiegaiticuon thfrenormoai proporticiii of the pen- laontyceun of the united suim en re flected in tba fact that in the fisctl jx ended jane 30th kst the cmoast paid for peniiomvo old iddienraa 178775860 prindpaj grant sayi aifhe japanete ue ucgdy abandoning nee in uror of bread be can see do reaton vhy thefertile prainec of ijae sotol wst ihoald pot hujjeiy p- ply japan ith the wheat ahe will require for her thirtyeight mphon of people the canadian kst office department ta taking atepsto correct ahnaea of the frank ing priruege accorded the axu errioe it ii vtated that not long ago a bag of wheatt weighing aixt j pound cu franked ax a proel the twocent letter postal rate for the dominion is being thorongly agitated again throughout thft coontrj it will no doobt be brpoght np at ne aesaioa of the hoaaecf commons and we hope woi be in trod need oriuii hag had addedto iu pnblifl in- ttitntion a large malt boaae in which 8q bnaheti of barley can be dertroyed at one time tbe boilding of thii establishment was one of the indocements held ool for the citizens to tote against the scott act lastelpril sj6c i mpsicipal elections kr storey again kfhcethl ret vt the list ofcndldateakrtfdilatta f oinnfluorij klltt1q kjae tbe nomination otkeexe and council- lort for thitmunicipijtty on mood ay fail ed to cmte any unaiaal jfuwretu there was however a large attendance of rate payers present and the following nomtaa- tioni were made rott iteiivi 1 w u stoulv xonjlnatcd by v p brown aud william itmopd there being no oilier horninlioas mr storey itu declared reelocted by acclama tion 1tju cockluioja x from all parts of halloa county aa reportioi the ineffective working of the crooks act it is ererywherfc conceded that the change hu not benefitted the county and that a vote on the 6cott act wtilay would result in an otenrhelming victory for rffohibitioncm j alcohol applied to a thrifty farmers stomach wul remote the boards from his fence ktthe cattle into his crops kill the fruit trees sow his fields with thistle mortgage his farm subdue hu reason roose his passion a bring rant sorrow and dos- grace on hts family and topple him into a drunkards graret so tays the sbeiburne ikonomuti eer a e buss m a pastor of the central methodist church woodstock in t recent sermon said that canadians hate a richer heritage area than that promiied to the ancient israelifer the reverend gen tleman hacbeen a rnissionaiy and there fore baa seen considerable o the world- tdke principal grant he considers that canada is the bewfeoantry on earth i r 4 a bill has been introduced in the united states senate for the establishment of a national laboratory at washington for the ftady and investigation of the nature and cause of the contagious and infections dis- eaaeswhicbr threaten and endanger the health of the people and of the live stock interests of the country an appropriation of fo50000 is made far the purcham of ground the erection of buildings and the purchase of necessary epparsfas and ap pliances j i jonuit speight nomina ted by a w iambcrt and william williams 8 joax hitm nominated by rev il bcookaadw p browi 8 db lottttr xomicktadbj d hcn- dersouaud eev k b coik i willum tejtmo nominated by xhoc eerryman and w h stojey 5 w e sunn kominatod by wil liam williams and william swackhamer 6 w p brown nominated by joseph speightand william williams 7 alex sixomi nominated by l franciaand thomas ferryman 8 uucftuyqi nomtuttcdby william- smyth and l heudersou 9 gtatcc hiyi nominated by d henderwu and william hamsay de clined i 10 a e jsicixix xojninated by jos speigfa and william williams il john kejirr nominated by a w lambert and rev r- b cook at the expiratioa of the hour for nomi- nations mr thomas t moore clerk took the chair and invited the members of the former council and tlie candidates for the new to address tbe doctors stc w h sronrv was ithe first to take the platform and in a ipeech of over half an hour made the finest address which he has ever delivered before ihe electors here he thanked them bcactily for the honor paid him in re laming him by acclamation a chief magistrate of the municipality he referred in an interesting manner to the status of the municipality as shown by the statement published on the 15th ult and gave an interesting review of the work accomplished by the council during the year iast closed a short preview of work which would be necessary for next years council- was given and other matters of in terest referred to mju w p beow chairmancf the com mittee on finance presented t reportbf the finances for the year showing the re ceipts and expenditures for all purposes mr brown also expressed a very decided opinion that an adequate system of fire prot lection should be adopted and put into operatioc not only would this be satis factory as a protection to property but it woold also largely reduce insurance rates yt wrmut isiioxp chairman of the committee oa streets and sidewalks give a detailed report of the work p by his committee in 168s he showed thai while the expenditure was greater than usual the improvements effected were also much greater i mc we sxrnr concurred in all that had been stated by the previous speakers and was satisfied with their reports the meeting then adjourned since the above was put into type messrs l franceva e nicklin and wpbrown have withdrawn from the contest kutov co air i at the annual meeting of the dominion grange at goelph last week the adopted report of the committee on temperenoe re- amrmed the position of the grange hold ing thai it was entirely subversive of good government to license an evil by the few were privileged to injure the many from the manner in which the sfott act bad been carried the committee thought a pro hibitory lav woojd be sustained by a urge majority of the people it alio hoped that the churches would cease to use for aac- remental porposes intoxicatiqg wine that freqaeotjjt has not a particle of the juice of tbe grape in ft bccuvcto reeve drrichardson and john c smith cocncillcrs james mor timer john w colling simeon cline fred parsons i c campbell thomas atkinson joseph acklindi gixegnoincneev g h kennedy dr wnfc freeman councillors a c mckinlsj- w il kahrr j joseph barber w p moore l granl ilj creelman mutox mayors dice dr j e harrison reeve dr robertson elected by acclamation councillors east ward m conway thos mcdowell jas lind say john white r 6 porter geo smith duncan mckay robert bamshaw thos henderson north wardgeo andrews j p roper geo hemstreet john esard south ward james hume cbaa jones wm me kenzie john hunter drpstnart wm caldwell dr c freeman wm bews j oiivnxc major john r urquhart m d beevem felin conncillors ward i c armstrong arthur d chisholm and wm wfcitaker ward 2 m l bigg- cti e h gulledge thomas howarth john ion ward3 cha a bradbury wm basby c w cootej robert hawei thomas reynolds isaac warcup and john wales esqczscg former council reelected by acclamation r grahani reeve dr webster 1st deputy dr cook 2nd deputy nrxfiox beevfr p d scott elected by acclamation deputy reeve g w petti j miller cooncilors a alton thos easter brook w j mcmaater d hart ley g gastle j j fields coxvexttox of da1kymex rropovil for onuiliv dcuty- uakcrs lo lfect atotai aortafclw dotulnlon pnlrypwnt asfteiauou llccigtirca inierdaneawlui uiccoiiyrifibt am and jwillbhsdv ycnbmiou ot tlie luthor ijttni9y oar friends the newspaper editors who have made heroic effort i to cram into their available space these loiters to the editor ialeyc appalliug in dimensions deserve our greatest coasideratiou my reader so i have bethought myself ot the comfort of these good people aud i have anticipated a genuine fctisfactiou oa their part in seeing this letter a short one to do this 1 am interjecting between regular letters special message tocanadianfarmeriwhlchi caxmlurr w ii stowr a- k mdutn since the last issue of the fscr parss tbe wasted form of 1888 has beeu buried jike eta predecessors in the cemetery of de- parted years the past twtlre months have brought to each and all df uf a meas- ore of experience sunshine j and shadow has been bteoded and joy land sorrow haw urtorn been tempered by the ebang- ingjighte pleasure ohauoyed has been ibedot of tew while bitterness that oomes front blqehted hopes and cruel disappoint ments have entered into many lives weal and woe in oueqoal parts bavej been meted out and the- hardens they have been called to bear have weighed them to he earth resth yew justendipghaa borne itsrfrmitage end sot unlike tl e orchards smtotm crop it has dropped o some the gotd tinted pippins of pleasu t white to others only the gnarled nnt salthy fruit has fallen bnt to what poi pose do we rnmioate upon the unhappy past let thrdead year bury its dead md let tbe jsesofbl fagftl of hope oaber ne late a sew iifflinihe new year tod forg tf ol of the peefbnt mindful of the lesspoj 1 they hate taflght os wemayiiukethe fo ore bright- ec than our ptet hie been 1 bat health proepenty and ptetsare may fa 1 to tbe lot ossu1ovr patrons in 1880 v ot r sfnoerest wiiri stud may ft prove to be i verity a sappy kr year g aelph thoe gowdy and geo sieo- man brampton af campbell t holtby and mr treadgold ewx reeve w conboy by acclama tion councillors c h walker d spiers w holland c overland srcrrrsvixjx reeve w andrew and t hgoodison councillors w madill l scrution twrobinson f w mor- gin b alexander j hdracass j brook- bank i x0 hlyatioxs ixsekhefie jfiroas itt iccltkitios toronto e f clarke hamilton william doran braotford c b heyd frescott john canethers i pembrosa w mcrray st marys t d stanley i gait j m lurasdcn duudas hbicfcforil perth thos code waterloo c kumpf orangeville john gilchrist owensoonddancan morrison cobanrg samuel clark paris h strand cornwall dr haicilten wmlbyjohn blow bedin lj breithacpt palmerston r johaslou orillis j w blavml ifarglarj at iirtlty ciikhlet dec so late salarday night or early sunday morning m a halhdays store in this place was broken uito and atoat 600 worth of goods consisting of furs overcoats velveteens and silk hand kerchiefs were stolen entrance into the boilding was made by prying op a window la the stnreboave and then removing the look of tbe door leading into the store it was vainly hoped would have been given ere this in regular order for publication of letters this message has reference lo the need of x vontsios ilhivhrxs istocuxiove in leitcrt to couie die nuder will see that one ol the factors iu the improvement ot dairying abroad has boon organisation a knowledge of the history of canadian dairy ing will teach him that orgauixalion hu been most effective here among the sag- gestionsol needed ecticu which werethe oaioamc of foreign investigations there was douo that pressed itself forward more forci bly than this need already we have excel lent locd or provincial organization wa lack only general or dominion organization the main idea of organization is a combin ation ot the forces for legislature and ex ecutive work scch orgimritiou involves meetings of enterprising active and repre sentative men from all parts of the country discussions of general questions and such action as seems best to the assembled wis dom in tle general interest tbe most promising means of attaining these ends appeared to the writer to be a dominion dairymens convention the place forhold- iog such convention should be ottawa and the time this winter during the coming session of parliament the members of parliament agriculturally inclined and there are a good piny such would take an active interest m the meetings and their services would be availed of by their con stituents to assist delegates or even to act as such tbe cordial approval bymauy prominent dairymen iu all parts of the dominion has made the proposed convention a practical certainty the desire to make the workof months productive of practical results has led the writer to commit himself to the idea of such a convention which means doing everything ia his power to make it a suc cess it is not too much to uk of cana dian dairymen that each one of themdohia part towards making the success hoped for and the writer has abundant faith in a hearty response to the opportunity here presented to perhaps give the dairy industry a great impetus i i made an eifort to secure the coopera tion of the fruit industry in the proposed convection which has resulted in a sag gestioc that one day at least be set apart j tor the consideration and discussion of inch questions as vul equally saye the fruit in- j terest say the questions of marketing cold storage transportation etc the jzzsttaxs to ec isccxi would naturally be of a general rather than of a local character eachr as markets mar keting packing packages storage refrigsr- ation transportation inspection grading butter v cheese cooperation varioaf sys tems of cooperation educational work dairy schools technical aspects etc etc it is to be hoped that anyone interested and possessed ot valuable ideas in this con nection will le prepared to ofier them not necessarily ia a long paper bat rather written or spoken in sharp crtsp form and to the poiut while abroad i nude a few parch ases which promised to poatets for such an oc casion a certain interest and perhaps value all of which will be freelyplaced at the use of the convention notably in this collec tion a milktesting apparatus which i found in successful use in the copenhagen milk scpply establishment and only there there are many dairymen who may con tribute something in this way to the needs and usefulness of such a convention even the coqtributioct of manufacturers and dealers would be of value and these would serve their own interests legitimately in offering anylliiflg in their respective lines were t earlier in the season i would farther propose that butter-makers- in dif ferent parte of the country send in samples of their prodact especially where these samples coald be accompanied with full particulars of their manufacture these products would serve severs important j purposes they woold indicate what are the i vjuoocs caruoln iwito throughout the dominion in batter- mak- tug tbey would be put as prepared to the test of transportation comparison and valuation they would afford contrast of the different methods in vogue and by bringing into view the best would afford suggestion of what might be adopted more generally they would afford object les sons for the convention of greatest possiblt value these samples also would afford immediate means of carrying oat certain experimental work in transportation abroad and marketing it ia possible that there may be available some few samples of this character but the suggestion must not be lost sight of in fatare years low railway fares will be secured and if possible reduced hotel fares all to beddy announced it goes without saying jthat in an effort of this kind any attempt to bringabout so very desirrble an organization should be seconded by every well wisher of agriculture let us hope tht many valuable lugges- twos will be offered- either through the press or by private correspoudeijce ii also hope that the various subjects which shall be brought forward in these series of utters will evoke thorccgi discussion and so bring oat mcch valaabo troth wishing readers the fullest joys of this happiest season and fatare prosperity in their noble caliiug w h lvnch diimlle ycc december 2 168 wiutitcoits school t the mea who will transact the buttacs of the x jublutfehool next tear the eitotwb of trustees to nil tbe three vacancies on the board caused by th x piratlon of the terms of office of meatra loirry mooarvin and nicklin took place yesterday considerably more than usual interest was taken la the matter but not withstanding the atmoit good feeling pre tailed before the election mr james matthews withdrew from the contest aod this left iu candidates in the field and tha following a the res oil of the voting nol soa totil m ot m i a o7 is j kb s3 u to or lowry drbtaooy 35 a 45 john cameron 5 9 51 the board of trustees for the present year will consequently be composed as fol iowa i francis george hyuds w h storey thomas ebbage a k nicklia aod t h harding iiockwood news troui our oia ccrtopondeit the utail watchnicnt meeting was held in the methodist church on nevr years eve offing to the slight demand for lime in the holiday season all the rockwood kilns are shut down for the present mr daniel stralhan preached most ac ceptable sermons in knox church elora last sunday morning and evening a very successful social was held in the presbyterian church on wednesday evening 26th ult a teameeting with distribution of prizes in connection withst johnschurch sunday school was held in the town ball friday evening a magic lantern added to the pleasure of the cntertainmsntforthe little folk- some of the yoang men aroand town have unwittingly got into trouble with tbe salvation army wishing to leave the town hall where a meeting wan being held they were confronted a the door with the bril liant idea of tbe officers that they could lock in at their discretion say casual vit iter however the idea failed 0 material ire i clip the following from the itockwcod jldmriet on christmas night a very enjoyable time was spent at lees hotel the friends and acqaaidancos of mr r a ramsay gathered together to show him the respect in which he is held and bid him farewell before his departure about 10 oclock tome forty ladies and gentlemen sat down to an excellent supper after full justice had been done to the viands dr dryden who occupied the head of the table made a few appropiate remarks ex pressing his regret at the departure of he guest and wishing him all good luck in the future a short address by mr strachan was followed by the parting words of mr ramsey who thanked his friends for this expression of their good will toward him and assured them that the most difficult part connected- with leaving the many friends he had in rockwood audsurro adding country was in bidding goodbye mr ramsey intends spending three months at the veterinary college in toronto and then visiting manitoba x v z january 1st h literary noticis the montreal irfaat it offering a great inducement to its subscribers for the daily and nvetfy wuuu for 1650 by giving them a copy of the 1120000 picture christ before pilate the most notable picture ever brought to america for only twentyfive cents the different depart ments of the jreefy are attracting much attention and are to be found full ot valu able information to the farmer merchant and housewife the ichactf ii unequalled as a family payer the korilum ucuen qer the pioneer paper is greatly improved aud shoald be ia the bands of every boy and girl who will find most instructive reading therein ayeti almanac for iss0 pabtiabed by dr j c ayer co lowell mass comet to us in the chape of a neat presentation book of about five hundred pages being made up of numeroas editions calcalsted for the latitudes of many lands a score or more of nationalities are addressed n their own languages in this volume sad could they all be beard clamoring together for ayers sarsaparilla and ayers fiui what a babel would break forth ayeti almanac in its familiar yellow cover has long been known as the most accurate and reliable of its kind aod if iuy one is ignor ant of the superior merits of ayers medi cines and loners in consequence it it not the fault of this enterprising firm who scatter their leaves by the million for the healing of the cations ask your druggist for ayers alman ac a bright and spicy journal is ttaurtft itlwcrtucd monthly it is devoted to news literature and rural hemes it it well edited an account of a trip round the world by w e h maasey it very interesting this journal should become 1 general favorite with the farming commun ity in whose interest it it specially devoted a new paper has made its appearance published and edited by h b donovan editor of the canadian poultry unfac it ii called pipon and pctt and as ita name implies is specially devoted to pets both birds and animals fanciers and brredert of pets generally should hail it wit sure price 50c pea- children cry for pitchers castoris to iiurrioit a canadian without lcaj authority aw ideu lilies tifti omw dec mr a e hn lbs way a ccnadiau was arretted and foiprisocd at fort mckicney wyoming territory in february 1833 oa thesupposition that he was a deserter from the untied states army mr hatdeway brooght tfie matter- to the attention of the dominion govern meat aud a claim of 500 for indemnifica ucm for false imprisonment was made on his behalf through the imperial authorities this sum was considered hardly samefent ander the circumstances and mr hatha way through the ottawa authorities press ed for a larger amount tlie correspon dence has been going on for tome time past and hu finally resulted to tbe united states government acknowledging the justice of the claim and increasing the in- a bed boom sett complete for 117 op al demnificetion to 91000 a despatch to speight 4 sons faroitore shop other i thu eflect has jntbeou received from tjtd when daby vris tick re pave hsr castcri when she su a chili she cried frr cascria when the became miss tbe cltr j lo coitorfe whcnshehadchndreneravellieincascrla furniture proportionately low salisbury powder absolutely pure tuts powder never varies a marvel of purity streora and wholesomeneat more economical than the ordinary unas and cannot be sold la oompetluoa with tbe toojtltode of low fabstshort waffbtelnm or phosphate powders bold only i in cans borax uiauia povpeh co 100 wall i tky 1 4 fcothefi merchant tailors hiajlf jul ptmew into llooi lie fineat iieortnunt o- xmportvd and domestio suitings panting and orsrcoatiags money to a tew ibouseml doll- m pl4 muii of f lfwttid aptinc jmlkliav steeua m lot is ton fvnjcttot lwiffhwl iim oy iirovioe 1tt1j ma jivss v eiqueiinc dec llil l uu hra rrer teen ahnra in flie maaty wa in now in t poeltioa lo nil tnjr peraoinqairian aiiythaf ia clatkliif ou meet ere kiki tad wa will gurulee mry eenneat ta be perfect both ia fit tad riaiek he si do ail hu- drede tf ptttaru lo abet from wa tim sirty lie fuieet itook of kecktiea collin cola ud surm t to iasad la ihj bona wart of totoirto djkinx fax affaire of yoir patronise we remiin sincerely kelly bros butter and eggs wanted kelly bros i 1 merry merry christmas the glasgow house acton wishes all its customers the compliments of the season and would remind them that the store is full of bargains for the holiday trade henderson mcrae co summtmr oar runout 60e tea wool wool wool john ktewtok solftsv limehouse woollen mills are now prepared to pay the highest market prices for all wool offered in ca or coo we have a large and wellassorted stock of bankpts tweeds flannels stooltlno yarns knitted goods etc in great variety selected expressly to supply the requiemits of the farmers roll carding spinning weaving f and 4 tut u kind of coatom work done in oar anil prompt ind sihifmtorjluanaii lack temertoit astitillle rcyejj rill u leil w j wwoiwwjftetwr ise johsbttahabriij house 4 lot oglsale the llouse lid lot 00 y cni 1 tho c sioo roitooetjgl calin i 10 uua boms acainj otlf owner f w jimesbttlbt- 2000 rewabd the abcre reward wiu be rid jit i turnlsbing information that will isr t tbd tirmt and oaricton ot tbft dtzoyod tbe feaco on vuu sad llr in trecj c os- jfratioifl j- steers astyv stkayed to the rtmisa ot tht inurtqitr jot w eon 4 tfmjnestsg aboal tlj inrf october a rjairs ol aeti one tii the truw spotted riamtvo year ojd tbmam qoestd to prove iirojwrtr iy cftpeoset mbi take them 1 1 reterlcps j eiaesing dec tit lata tt fmit trees small fraib and ornamental shrubterj revb b- cook acton has u r sole acent for this section known old koeheater norwry prletor aod la prejiarod 10 tai oi of the fruit trees imall iruiu or icnitjai are shown in the illastratm caulbeaa of ta nnnerv tbe prodqm of tbe orseebeiter korserr are known to be conenllr rekafelt sad eorrecuj named and i can prom sathaetpn nanlurto all who imrchajettoti fmit prices reascnablc j i keyllbfjbklji lion lortbt fiei rlivouliobi ameiicau agrftnltfirfelu 1o0 coluinasud u1 ldgreua9 ck 46th year ls0 tar bend threo2 cent etinins it- englun or ttniu end pmnlhtn i tho oldeet end licet ldrnlmril lerlodicaliln the liolj1 adnrtm i l ribushees axhucax aucvl ttit r 751 broadway new york i v tlte tessv for 1889 v- k j- f j i r morq interesting than eva k copr of the 13100o iictre thrift fore pilete for the nornlnil tnm 615 ceeli ererr old or neir inbecrtber retntttiiiffx 1 dtiiy wttneu and pictuje weekly rjhr wi 3 as 125 is the northers uesicuijex only cents j anaam jmbllthm ioraishur fin best ill trated paper published for tho prtre fell interesting and appropriate reading fc and old very popular a tbe abljsth of tbe dominion and initod sta schools desirinfi a cood paper for send for samples and rates j i areata wanted liberal tcwaberaiifu sample copies snjplici free john mcoougall ftsqk fabiiahers mantrap w ml ursiil cirralation in wrsleni onurlii k ithk i prss ijondok canada- ci the free press is the onlv amwperinli est reesltins tbe aarwkiatlresajmnctebc it oonuini all thk skws by cable telr pb telephone aad mai bp to tbe bosrvf gotag to liress it gives in each isssaorlaliisj anh tajnkblo ulnstrationi of men and thubr and is tip only newspaper in canada tmpjoyst its own bfrtisu the weekly fwtrej u00 feb teak rostaoflfrib eeuomhtd narlr hill t century f- the three graces -4vd- 1 bythelakesjdii two ilisdsome cbhouos al i tauiul iunatnted cbrtttnuff xtuuber eoidlirtdng 36 jncee glten eeey krec w i i ewry noecrjber for 16b3 i 8w000 lxipeemiibis comprtiing kew and leful anises ot away frteto aodu tbe most liberal ut dnccmenti crer offered in canada to t agents send for agents outfit and terms the free prj5sst ph ithenlymprtang and rtnini paper pnilibhediri western ontario i i fl arly aortrjm srainti xtwocu torouto hn rln4- etaindnitnoouhdetlj j4riwdt 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