Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1888, p. 4

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jje jirtott fm rss thhiwoay december 37 1888 cbtumtiig jpolks our mission todat a kt d noble miny in heart and jpdrpok troog with youth and rjm united a graod harmonica throng bneath the satioflt bannsc ve mirch in firm array j to take the world for jesui oar mtwlott ti loday cao we march iti t array we ciarchn firm array to take the world for jcstu our minion ft lo day all oer thit land ol freedom traamphaattravm par flag brave heroca bear it onward kordotha comrade lac bat ihoalder touching shoulder eacheacer for the frmv were bound the world to comjaer j tat jwua lcadstlie way cno well take the name o jcaas at guide wheteec we co and with oar watchinxd onward well overcome the toe and when at final rollcall the army all ahautnd slay we among the victors be crowned at godi tight hand cacu f juvglesakd j0kelet half an hour with the wl andtucldwrrailiio rim hackmctack a inline perfocn ivico 23 and 50 con by x mcgarvio en the viu c day aud fragrant e tor tale to iavupralotboth the body and- lh drain mc the rehtble kmic mtlbarat aromatic qiiioiiio wine xatiooal 1iub arc a tnidurgiuvc icl- ing oii the stomach liter uid bowels re moving all outracliou why go limping ttid whim corni when a 23 wul bottle i corn care will remove- iijcci triii and yea will cot regret ig about yoar f hollowayt give it a it the pedal quality ot avci it that it ruttcrci the ualurai and tenure ot the hair it roots and follices removes hoalt itching homurs in tho i respect kt eiirpasscs all at ions a hair vigor growth color vilaliiesthc landraff aud crip in thia ilar prepir- tsz glorious battle gr0uxd weve gathered into line today fighting against the wrong were bold and earnest in the fxij- f ighting against the wrong behold ni now a mighty throng in jesna strength we will be strong and victory will be oars ere long fighting against the wrong cao q glorious battle groand i the clashing arms resound at faithful we are found fighting against the wrong oar armor shines with loitre bright fighting against the wrong well battle firmly for the- rigntr fighting against the wrong the faith of jesus is our shield the sword of truth we iv proudly wield and to the foe w6il never yield fighting against the wrong cko when wars and tumuita all are oer victory we will sing on canaans happy peaceful shore victory we will sing well there the saviour ts- face behold and marching through the ttreete of gold f- xaw beauties will to ux enfold glory to god our kiag caa sunday school volunteer song we sic marchiag on with shield it banner bright r we wfll wort for god and battle for the right we will praise his name rejoicing in his might and weh work till jesss calls clo then awake then awake happy song happy song shout for joy shout for joy as we gladly march along in the sunday school our army we pre pare e as we rally round our blessed standard there j and the saviours cross we earlv learn to bear- j while we work t31 jesus calls cao we are rnarching onward singing a we to the promisedlandtherelivicgwaterb come and join our ranks as pflgnm here j below cotce it work till jesus calls cho1 l scrcrr trial frances 6 smith of haiti writes i was troubled with two j ears and i have vomiti five times a day one bo blooi bitters cure me croup whsopiug cough tatnediately relieved by shilc sale hv x mcgarvio ttomas mcrf braoebriji writes dr thomas electric oi tha best medicine i k1 it always iivc satisftc tioo and in jcises of combs oolds twre lic muikoka vomiting for d as often as eol burdock d bronchi ti x s cure for afteifrt allnrk 1 otvcr felt better in my life than i have since taking burdock jjlood bitten i had a a severe bilioui attack i could not eat for several day and was unable to work one bottle cured me john m richards sir tara ont for all buioui troubles use b b it slulohi cough and consumption care is sold by us oti a guiimiee it cdrescoa sumption far me by x mcgarvio weighcdiy the bilauce hut not found wauling kotlhrop and lymmt vege table discovery and dyspeptic cure has been weighed in that jest balance tho ex perience of au impartial- aud intelligent public bob rcisedially and pccuniarly it ttaiscccis iu tulet couttantly increase testimony in itsfavnr it daily pouring iu th6 qaetlion of ils cflkicy in dyipeptia liver complaint kidney ailments aud for blood iripuity is decided why will you cocgli whcushiloht care will give tramediato relief price 10 ctf 50 cts- sud 51 for tile by x mcgarvin throat ac kimeliate relief oetvedhv those who use it his been re hcrocd dpat there is no better sfer o more pleas ant cough remedy made than harjards pectoral balsim it cure hoarseness sare throat coughs cold bronchitis and all throat and lung truuhics many an otherwise handsamc face is dis figured with pimples and matches caused by humor ik the blood which may be thoroughly eradicated bv theu thoroughly ssrsaparilla- icine in the market use of ayers it is the sieat blood med- being entirely free from arsenic or any deleteriorfi drug james h gilmour of t gilmocr co wholesale grocers bropkvilie cxys i have used tamarac elixir for a eevere cold and cough which it immediately reli ed and cured are you msde miserable bv indigestion oonstipation dizriness loss m appetite yellow skin shilohs vitaliicr is a positive eure ior sak by x mcg i ulttt uaartctr- mr robert williamson ogglenilia par ry sound ont sayp i cculdnot keep house without hagyards fellow oil at hand i hab csed it in nty family for croup tore throat and a cut foot and can highly reccorhmeud it to everybody expel the worms by using the safe and reliable anthelmintic freemans worm powders- foe lame back eide or chej t use shilahs porous plaster price 25 cents for tale by x gsrvin deal faibly with the boys the prairie farmer gives the following ensible advice to agricultural fathers give the boy a colt a pig some hens a garden or fruit pafch in fact any good uve growing or workable propery let him pay interest on the investment ih ex penses of labor feed manure or whatever it may be except- what timehe caret to gfreis out of hours let mm manage the thing under these conditions even loan him a few dollars with which fo carry on his easiness if necessary sometimes he tqi lose moneys oftenerfce will make it in either case he will learn how to do busi ness sod more likely he will learn to like farming religiously leave him in possess- ion of all he makes even if it be more than his father is worth- dont path a tingle bit of advice at him in this affair let him get into the habit of asking advice and information danger or deity if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold bow differently would our course be eoaldwe realize oar danger how tneedily we would seek a cure but with many it a only when the monster disease has fa his fangs upon oar lungs- that we awaken to our folly what followi a neg lected cold it is diseases of the throat and langi bronchitis asthma consump tion and other di6eases of like nature it is worse than madness to neglect a cold and itis folly not to have eome good remi ed available for this frequent complaint oneof the most efficacious medicines for all diseases of the throat and longs is bickies an ti- consumptive syrup this medicine it composed of several m herbs which exert a most wonderful infla- ence in coring consumption and other dis eases of the throat and chest it promotes a free and easy expectoration soothes ir- rittion and drives the disease fom the sys tem auvrcr ro joteczs are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cat ting teeth if so tend at once and get a bottle of mrs winafows soothing syrup for children tetbing its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor utile fuf- erer immediately depend upon ft moth r js j thereits no mistake about if it cttres dysentery and diarrhcea regulates the stomach ftnd bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation n fivt tone sod energy to the whole system- mrs winslow s fishing by- rupjfor children teething is pleasant to the taster and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses n the united states and is for sale by all druggists tbrosckout the world price twentyfire cents a bottle be sure and k for mis wixsiowa soorniia stecp and take no other kind the canada stained g toronto have again incre department the church amenta glass turned out by be relied en both for dcrab ence of design ptrsau in every style cr qcantity v address the makers 5icci toronto i works theirstaff house orn- this firm can and excell- glass in iiiiever should sland t eon and lityi victoria carbolic salve is t greit aid io internal medicine in the treatment of scrof- dcus sires ulcers and at cesses of all kinds a fotmacrt opuiuh i have great peif ere it certifying to the usefulness of hagyarde yellow oil writes i j kavanigli postmaster of im- travilk onl havin utcatt for soreness of the throat burns colds c i find no thing equal to il thereis cot a more danirous class of disorders than thowj which asect the breathing organs xcllifyj this danger with dr tnoda eclectnc oil a pej- couic of acknowledged esiciency it cure lameness and eorcness when apphed ex- ternallyras well as swelled aeckaad crick in the hack fend as an inward specific possesses most substantial c aims to public confidence a nasal injector free with shillohs catarrh bemedy for sale by x hcgarvin nch bottle of price 50 conts ko one buys a pig in a poke otherwordspurchaeesoa mareguesawork whobovsforhisor her relief xorthrop lymans vegetable discovery and dytpep- tic cure the fact it too veil known to leave room for any perad yea are that it is a sovereign curative for indj gestion cost- ireness iraparities of the31ood kidney and female troubles and other infirm ities i kuf aadcmfirf fo bebarerlaf jjrowas hoasehold fsnaae has do qual tor relieriucpaid both internal and xternal it cores pain in the side back or jjowel sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago tod any kiod of a piiobr achs it will mobtiurelyqnlck en the blood and heal at its actiojj power is wonderful browns hooseholdpau acea being kknowledged at the great pain reliever sod of double the strength of any other elixir or lfoimcnt in the irormtboold tie in every family handy for use when wiuted as it really fi the best yemedy id the world fur cnropi id the rtnmach and paios and aches of all kinds daditfofssjebyslldrngfnstsat 25 fertf tjbottfe brilliaat durable economical i j diamond dyes excel all others in strength purjty and fastness ikohe othere just as good be- ware of imitations beuse they are made of cheap and inferior jmatcrials and give pcor weak crockj colors to be sure of success use only the dfairokd idixs for coloring dresres stock ings yarns carpets feathers ribbons c sec vc warrant jthern to color more goods pack age for package than jany other dyes ever made and to give more brilliant and durable co ore ask tor the diamond and tak no other 4 dress dyed 1 fob coat colored garments renewed a child can use at dmiu asd uenhinu dibookfrw wells richardsdl co montrottl- p a 10 cent8 thim a lack xucapc foreis yviri i tuffertd with my throat aud culircd loueilr i was very weak i doctored four years and had advice from three doctors they said i would havft to undergo an operation itricdbbbinitead one bottle cured me m a squelch ilaglan ont the iter gmil thayer of bourbon ind say both tpytclf and wife owe our lives to shilohy cociumpton cure for talt by x mcgarm 1aakt aat ritecf ifany ptrs3iis wonder at the tired worn and weary feeling that oppresses them with out any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered ttomach in either case the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many pcrsani they will follow 1 dull heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms that precede a well developed case ol dyspepsia purify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using hescharas mandrake mixture prepared by j b meacham 133 yonge street a chemist ot nineteen years experience if you want to hay or sell a farm ad crtise in the toronto ivzy mail that paper reaches 1o30w farmers home every week and your advertisement thould meet the eye of tomeoae who wants la pur chase advertisements of his class are in serted in the toronto hvfzy mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty centa wofd for five iusertioas address the mail toronto canada uecllani cr iron sad tflnrv if you are languid an weak and your appetite poor my beef iron and wine is the tonic be sare as au invigorating tonic it it recognized by the medical profession as the best strengthening medicine thus far produced it is invaluable as a blood -and-mnstlf- nrtter especially ia those cases where weakness is the result of imperfect or in- food of wasting fevers or excess of any sort it contains the nutriment of beef the stimulant properties of wine and the tonic powers cf iran and is admirably cal culated to build cp the emaciated system cdaampfa cured an old phyrici2 retired from practice having had placed in his hands by au east india missionary the formula of a simple vegciablsremedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a pcfitrve and radical cure for xervous debility and all xervout com plaints afttr having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of ctesj has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actcfles by tliis motive and a decjre to relieve human suffering i will send frc of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eng lish with full directions for preparing and using sent by nirui by addreseicg with stamp naming this paper w a nora iso powers blkfcltochttter x y r third pic of the toronto daity sfaii is noted for want advertisement if yea want to buy or sellanylhing ifyon wants eit nation e mschanic a business machinery iodgiucs if you have lost or found anything or if jbu want to find out where anyone is advertise in the toronto dciy uad and read the ad vert isem eats oil the third page of thitfpiper the charge s two cents a word each insertion ad dress the mail toronto canada constipation demands prompt treatment i the re sults c neglect may be serious avoid nil harsh and drastic purgatives the tendency of which ia to weaken the bowels tho best remedy is ayers pills being purely vegetable their action is prompt and thefreffect always beneficial they are an admirable lfver and afterdinner pill and every where endowed lyllie profession ayers pill are highly and univer sally spoken of iy ile people about here i make daily use o them la tnv practice dr l e fowteri- bridge port conn lean recommend ayers pills above all others having long proved their value a a iatbarlic for mvielf and family j t hcas leithsnlle pa s several year ayerkpjjls hare been used iu tiy family we find them en i effective remedy for const ipathm and indigestion and arti nrver uiijiit them in tbe house jiofcsgreriier lowell miy fihavt ud ayers- pillt for liver troubles end indigestion durinjr manr ycajmid have always found them proindtand tfiicicnt in tbeir action lxfimiih ctitax y t safferel from constipation which a limed jtucii au olislinate iaun tliat i fcartl it would caiae a uttippae o llie txivvel- two iores of ayers pills ef fected a cuieiecure d burke 6kmc i have twrd avera tills for the past thirty years and cuimder them an in- valnable family ineiliciiie i know of en ixrtter nciedy for liver troubles and lia always found them a prompt cure for ill sriia jaiue qufun yj mlddicfct ilartford conn havinpbeen troubled with costive- nef whidi efiis inevitable with er- tohs of sedentary habtlvi have tried ayers pills hoping fer relief i am ciad to kiy thai u hare served me better tiian any other medicine i arrive at this ennhiiiiou only after a faithful trial of their merits samuel t jones oai tl ucatou mass f aye rsp ills peep ah ed bt r j c ayer k co lowell mmi sold by- fiu dealer ia itedldnt ccri r j l a zj vohms or ii ii in chlhej or acultf t syrup and cannot arm the most opicate child -s- rheadqkarter8i- r fjr hardware i bin ninr unlock v1u cuidun nl au cilio ptttcru aji l in cut 8ttl uid culiol pointed wrought ck il kitiubinb lid tldu til lwt hlaim8trituja screw hook llnltsc y cntlen- snooni km biwi htmmen wrtnciipunmjtck knlrcitioot it hi buoivcti fowdir shot wwlli dpi buon brn dcor rollcrt lcllr i t jblicr iclp soil on ud aibwuxl lutjljl jleoil ac c ass all tiitcs mtscul lo ottljr rrctf 1ully ivlult paintei oils aitoejtof rflueleainnwcdailgnta ivln illut always on hand in ail jtoiiular shads auo1iitikd mry aud inn lied lcait v kod yoiipw ochre and all drycolora uotiodaud lestr ptlsr rjiievvariuahaijflbbauu4e machine oils lardiue gijxoriae amber mack and carter croperies afuiiliaeof ilnctca coffeo svfr t tis kmev currauuiticeijaricytailoca flaxbood ajuniitoaiacjtjacj tarur 1icik thooa lard uaoon lilackiar stove i hoot i stirclimsftputbt icle haktc towdcr sod cocoa- htlt chocoatfkvtrrusiiic clhlpcid lctuou ieel oatmeal syrcy llalum mnri i vilc wine tcd cider in fct everything v uilly tcia in a cm ci eroccry a full line all kul kirct slu vv crockery jclassware iucladjug tea imiiikt ii tdki sl lis la llaiu colored ted china alaljastine another lot oc tiii juktlyiituiaj- uil somite jut to lai j in all ihidc r wall paper alarjesiockouhanjoihichandnvliyia a large loc cf reui- cicufroiuke roll to liu tl jvicronn iiritcto be cleared out lamps sjadtt g bu chime lyvlaiitcrui ic cues p dont forget our mc tea lxit them til tnintnriu re coffee frch ground is loxury you fiatvcl estchhoat urgot inulnllim in writum ontario -till- free press london the free ireu i tho onh ticnttiiairinuic west rccntving the 4mxinlfd lrc duiiiatchoi itcoauiuiall thk sku8 y csme tele- griihtoloiilone tad llajj np to tho hour of kolnfl lo frein it jm in csch fuuo orlcinal ind vtlublc ilutriuonii ef into and thiflici and u the only ticmraier in canada ctiioymg iu own mtil the weekly free press 1100 pee yeak postage free kiulilulicd xcuy hilf u ccnvjiy the three graces avu- by the lakeside two hlsdboui chbomos aliailicaujfunuruw aitiib6 suilcr cociirisii v iti fives v 1rtc to cvrvd cnlcrf2t lw 11100 ix kk5iidms cctisitiingscv nj itefll artfclts picu iwy rtc to igonj the tfml lilxrsl ln- dsjeigc ever tfftrll i lsnsds to kgif sijforcltclt ii1 ur the free press- la the only morning and evening paper published in western ontario it it fcnrarjcd eaall early iiioruing injs reaching all yucct bciwec toronto and wind- lorbvsimindi ue cclj- dily i-rrreceiv- i tt oinu wtt cf hcadca beicrc the alier- nocn the live xcvlaier o jhe west i00 iryeir noart tr scm byaeiiu evrfry- where adircf fkee xetss jrlvtiyc co i lcxiioycixiui sole agent for bjaisc cocuuou scte kah itilmce cre y loi iocl end curtain itoiiert alio blaar- j edhicuclcs j b pearson exhausted vitality the sciexce of life the great uedical wort bl thesge on if tnhood vcrvoni ind fbydeal debility tre- niature decline errfn youth mi the nctcjd in f crie cacieqacnt thereon 300 pages 6 ro i3 prwcriltioctf foralldiieiies clflth fall gilt oaly tlqq by tnail tealed illuitralire tamiile free to all yoaagindmlddjeaged men bend dot the gold and jewelled ilcdal iiruded to the satiior by nitfessl ifedical aiiociation addrew i 0 dot 13j hot t ixuis or dr fl pae- keecradcate of iftrvard iledical college 1j yasr practice in itjiton who may be couiultud conidenlially siocixity daeues of wan ouzcsoa udcuzut 1 for manhood how lost how restored jcit pslrlfibed a new edition of drcoltor- i wella celebrated eaaay on the itadical cure i of spermaiorrhtsa or inpacity icdacd bv j exceu or early indiflcreticn j the celebrated auior in thrr admirable biaaycarlydenioartraifroaia lliirty yean icceessfnliiirflctice i hit the alarming con- qceaccsofcirlyerrprciy l radically cored pointing ot a coje o cre at once tlsiple cerlaiaacd eiectnilby ceani of which ercry luffercrco attter whathij condition car lx mar cure fcinelf cieaply prirately and radi- cally fsthi lecicre kixmld be in teliands cfcrery roathaiietcrr taitiuthelaaj sent under seal i a pla- esvelcpc to any addrear on receipt ctf four ccator two loctage lamps addrois tho oultcrtrcll uddlel co t avs ttkett0a ohristiqias gbifts- new gold watches new silver watches new gold scarf pins new gem rings new band rings cruets f stinds 1irii alices and napkin rings open till h iiiu all this week b sayajie guelph giaoice goods suitable f0iijx3ivs ibesexts gentlemens dressing gowns silk mufflers silk- handkerchiefs storeys glojves and mitts shaw qrundy merchant tailors ouelph po bot us -j-gueat- bargains iok the holuuysav mammoth house georgetown wm mcle0d co will give all this moiwhand for a week after the- holidays vonderlulbargainsin all the departments especially will they in rich silks velvets plushes fine- combination french dress goods and beau tiful all wool henrietta dress goods in all colors 40 inches in width worth 60c per yard for- 30c per yard jjeautiful meltons from 5c per yard up laces ribbons millinery woollen goods shawls silk handkerchiefs hew stitched handkerchiefs fanv goods for the christmas trade mantle goods ulster cloths of every description and a fine stock of sealettes also clearing out regardless of cost in many cases less than 50c on the dollar short jackets j jackets long ulsters dolmans fur jackets a- fine lot of astrakhan jackets worth 30 some of them for 15 furs a beautiful stock in cluding lypx boas bear boas lynx muffs bear muffs ladies before purchasing come and view this magnifi cent stock and astonishing bargains ladies dont forget our dress arid mantle making department nor our millinery department gents dont forget our or dered clothing department a magnificent stock to choose from and prices right a big big drive in suitings a suit regular priceili6 for s12 s20 for 161 22 for rs ready madel clothing and overcoats at clearing prices a fine stock of gentsfurcaps gents furnishings ladies and gents footwear over shoes and rubbers now is the peoples chance to save money by purchasing out of our mag nificent stock wmmcleodco jtilnroth house aeokoetown- bailwaytijikbta u158s 5bi grand trunk raliwfay 00110 41 v miljvj ill lllli- ljvjj throililir co n accotn i j t ire miwusivi 4m gidvciruriia vp inlj lira oi- fra if rz ciir 4 j ar- thri- ilu a ct l- r- cc-r- f cztfthctytlr- nji rm m nft fj nd vj zci u fczpftisied tejtecgira triii frcu i jurri s- ortheliit coui2vh aui lvsl5iicli si dyraepgi cr inuireyrrm lbh jlcscuoai hidzche eaartbar j aciair of te stcgncn 2heiwnttm j jioss of atcitg gravel fferrna j pebiiay iisliea cr vczuingtajtc prtcs is ccrts per ecrttja davis i uw2ii7c2wliaaift am m rt rit3t rrr vrijc cossphptlollccrilghscoljis asthma croup alld45 cf txe thflcjkt l3hg5m0 clothing at low prices kniilit the hzoci ct hnuajji uer chant tailor at a rt on the dcitr and dciirinir lo five the opi ct actou thebccci t will tli at a great kedlctkjx for the next six weeks g ararie i l- i mi f iconetrhttioh has bees otsefi iri ly t3kl4 cs pj fiizlil 1 luytnivt uiir miurj mrfv la tict tj eifntdtkbnliiilt ijjaj jrftfrijlrivnivi 3 ai ertfectcfrxkt it has o tl it coc tains io opium ia arjpuf pilcl cj ftieorr-t- iavis i- limtszscs uawfi genera t ijuf jtostrluf j v jj errors 0you xerroaidemiiy stirltf 2jc55cs ztds tare decaf ro pcly ttndieruiaccaljjcb sperm030ne -sf- i dcv not xtdrtcre with diet or csjil occofatiad and fully utcrvs ls pjr and uscjvs pwtnt manhood- sent uj hit aildrers jvitnsii cq retiptot irico onedftliarpcr ut boe tjjriityi ichofield dilnitoki elm kw t trjj sewlacmaffclnatl ta n1 raibliihli mac m 1vni imn pzssf a t ufcar ud f i rht tki pmfte at s i m t wtn ani if v p ta each miattkm vtrt tta rial bm i biip ilsnuuuilnhahr- the principle jfi treatment lenes woodenglfaveff 10 kincst-east- citororto i send- f0r- pr ices- the dominion boot shoe store kenney bros itaix street actox have much pleasure in thanking their numerous patrons for ihl snpport accorded them during the past and wish them j a very merry christmas j and a prosperous new year prices in all lines will be reduced for one month on cash purchases kenney bros liberal x831 the cultivator jgg -axd- couxtry gektle5lax wl pij new pods this isteek -at- the right house jettey jifilteu gimp trimcinijct tzimaraugs qailttd sitin colltrt coneto batles caoloq ilaunelfl dress ebields ko bopporlsn elutic corset lices o jest see ihe ne german mmues direct irom the best berli i mskers examine the cbtrmldk millinery cot op iu the bed french styles inspect the dren goods they are the latest rench and german designs the corset have au amazics sue in french germau british and canadian malies henieniber watkins entire stock hu boen bought or prompt ciih the lowest possible prices and are sold at small profits see tudorey cottons while cottons cotton and fiannel sheetings mllow cottons blankets ol all kinds flannels denims coltanades decks canadian twveda battinfut wadding cotton ujd vooileu yarns dnderclothlng of dll kind for all age and sexes canton flannels etc ire selling oil very cheap handsoroj- strirwl dress goods down from8j to soo other lines down equally low the following goodsare reduced to half price many of them lessthjan half price ostrich feathers in black white and nef colors astrachan cashmere and kid gloves ladies satchel line of dreu goods grey fliuueh t aud mantle cloths shot and watered silk plusheajbovs feather trimmings dowu tnmmhiss 3ar tnromincs of various kinds b anre tn see tho curtain maqtlb department the carpet department itlled with beautiful goods in almost every article required mind ind enter the doors east of the crwt window many make misukes and dont get into the bight and bothaon streets hamilton dec 1st 1888 and purses severai jerseys table covers le and mantle cloth turnlahine houses ionic corner sing fo- i v thomas o- wtsxisrs the best of the agricultuial neekiie devoted to farmcrpps and processes horticulfare pruitgrpwing livestock and dairying wtilc italso inclade all minor deiiartinvnts of linnil interest such as the ionltry yard kn- toffioiopybeokeeiiiicorvihoqseandgrriicry voterinary kesiies kann questions and aji- sver fireside hoadintr doniettic eeonomv anda saiiiaary of the seivi ol the reck iu uarlcct lieions are unusually com ji etc and much attention i aid to tba irogpects of the cros ax throwiafi liijlit upca one o ihi- memt imiruat of all iiauuon wtien ta uuv and bta u mil ill lliicsvlly liluatrimd aid bv rtceul tinlargemenu conujis niorc ruadiug matter than ever before tha subscriiuoii lrie u fisl jwr year bu e oer a bixjciaj ketljction in ear club kates for 1889 twu saucritious in one reiaittasiccv 4 ms s2ucrlitioik do do q twelve subwrliiuu8 do do 1 t3to alt ucie suuerturi fur 1689 jhitinq in adccihc note tec will tend acfikr vtciifrotu otjrtetcipl of iht ivmiaiw fo january id jscit ctihou cfarye l3sfciey coiies kimt addrt lutheh tuckeul son imbllhery albany k y the fuee presi3 aid country qntle- manfor onfl year for 300 msrllhgtonjdps kmiosiil throat tzi lansurpeod 1 will next visit acton dominion eotel j 8aturdaytdecemi3er 29 oke datonly citaliith tuiioat cfleu leifrlcni oiiv oi a 1 alttcltctlirv i by lr wajainrfs skw mkthoij liliticn cijrcnio bronchitis cuksu jisrrvcwuot dtiwamlvuttlw ui w rj t ajctoiavinnyj tfcatarcliashttrtxite tsxiu as tis s ill kfona fzic l l linsnj i jtftfcti bronchial lnuie ljnr irtjlwrll vj the nsnil rvtci lul- 1 rub w iiej luffc crftt lv- l- t uv tack ibib yours trulyc l iirt mnjno mkovt kiftyc ouljcatai aaicoikufriwu jonamckflviijtuopf4anti mr bjii- jiiiuj oat jjreocl consume tl41 j mr e scott kilul cawrfi and throat ilnjolkiriilat3il0jitcta tbroat i jftinlathcffrx ac ion oattrr tarrat lead actihrpai i t frtuiei bcrlia ocstmttj throat j i mimne t k wms i jftao4iin on f fen u btml- henry co i litfrlj j tilr attlii j jjnl wanner nnr vczlis ool catarwt lead and tl ot i levi kerel cr itj4cols out- t- alarli a and ihroai v colin cam unl udtj oluasuum jaacastaict ihnttm opt- cttanb j t ill hkl km of baoilild sfukpkea tum unpiu u sv mil utmwicfe wa mwtl vu uwro km kcp i la twb imm r mutt at ikw tkna u thm if fltorohto steam lawf ssi 10fl ror st 3 iu i 8hbt8 pchl4sb andouff a i jjpoiaitr out of tj2 tjjivx hj promptly alt ended lo ana v r uiitrnctialv ot p saaepe propria teitotapidbkaduai tloiay ua utpot i r

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