Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1888, p. 4

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f0 ft retail fmka ttthrfltut december is 1888 w sbe tjewts folks cbzldrbn sqtq children tine fcladjy iiof j hallelujahs to oar king lord of iil frrefttuid small al bii feet with rapture ill children ting lie t new bending hill hiscrscioai oar trust io htm 0 rejoice praise the iord wtfh heart lod voice cae tbciising gtsdr auuig gladly sing till the beavcly archesriu till you bear ho saiuts abo pratsiug god for he it love jouroey on hand ia hand singinj to uje promised land there ii reit thenj it real in the kingdom o the bleat i cliildren ri gladly slue till the heavenly arclc riog 1 till you heir the saints above priisinr god or he it lovecao children wor when the light wake the rosy moraine bright t when the birds tanefotuy hail with joy the opening day fraise the lord he hu made verdant lawn and forest shade children sing gladlr sing hallelujahs to oarkingicao i children sing who can tell if the song you love so well may not reach one whose heart i longs to choose the better part stealing 6ft like the sigh o a eephjt passing by children sing ever sing loudest praise to god our king cao ajhrysrsas tsqlfg- we sing oar song at jubilee oar voices rising load and free and with the notes of sweet accord wenrsiseoareveruessedlard cho singing together ringing together teachers and scholars gladly anile singing together singing together lota fills our hearts and our faces t are bright i we praise him for the year now past and at his feet our cares we cut and 0 may he who guides oar way forkid oar yoathi al steps to stray singing together 4c oar sabbath school oh may he bless and guard its lambs with tenderness and lead as gently when we dier to our good shepherds fold on high 1 singing together c the hoxe tradoxg of geei i do not doabt that my experience is a common one when looking back i per- onn how much that has been most vain abie to me ia actual life i got from my mothers early tcachinc day after day i sat by her side with my doll and watched eer as she sewed l learned to shape u join with neatness and to sew with easy dexterity every utile garment in the mim ic wardrobe how easily how onoon- ckrasly this training was pat to asewhea my own children came between her breadboard and the wall there was a narrow niche jastdeep enough to be filled by a slender child and there i learned to make pastry to moald biscuit to mix virions cakes and rweet fishes i did not know that i wis learning i was happy watching mother and waiting for the piece of dough which i knew she would give mej when she had finished to knead and twist into queer shapes to please my- sell often too she had a little cake or pie to uakefotmyespecial pleasure there were years later almost wholly engrossed by study but when i became a house keeper not af yet eocscioai o some lack of preparation all these buried se crets of different kinds of fr1f came back to me a beautiful gift from those dear hands and tender heart it impossible to tell hdwraacha hsp- pychild learns from ihe mat daily com panionahip of the mother basy with her domestic duties the happy child thai is half the secret of a wise mother it is almost certain that the child who is happy is doing well what makes it happy it is dbtltrxnrious surroundings that does it certainly not the elegance of its richly anvrrned clothes or the nnttihpr martin of toys and elaborate means of amusement these may minister to the vanity of love of display of theparents bat hardly to the teal comfort or delight of the child- chnsian at vorh some people are a good deal more for kseping up appearances than for keepingnp realities leisure for men of business and bosi- nearfor men of leisure would care many complaints the appellation of gentlemen is never to be affixed to a mans circumstances but to his behavior in them the courtesies of the world are hollow and thankless i be a companion to your husband if he beawise man and if he is not try to make him become yoar companion jus standard io not let him lower yot rs if you want to boy or sell a farm in ertias in the toronto weddy mau that paper reaches 100000 farmers hones every week and your advertisement shot id meet the eye of someonerwho wants to p ie chase advertisements of this class ire serted in the toronto wtjdj mail for f cents a- word each insertion or twei ty cent a word for five insertions addn ss the wk1 toronto canada the third page of the toronto dahtf mail is noted for want advertisemei it if yon want to bay or sell anything if y m want a situation a meclianie a bnsine s machinery lodgings if you have lost ar found anything or if you want to find opt where anyoneis advertise la the toronto daily mail and read the advertisement m the third page of that paper the char two cents a word each insertion ai- dresa the sfatt toronto- canada jingles amd jkelets balfau hour wub the wli mijlhoftimjrrjltllip corns eauseinlolerablepi corn cart removes the and see what an arnouul of croup whooping cough immediately rcuevcd bybb loh sale by k mcosrvin shilohs coogu aud coi if sold by a on s gaaanitc samptiou for sale by k the hsnli dfalic psrgaitvcs once decoied si itidiepcmiblc li vu picn place to milder aud more skillfal y prepared lax atiixs fitace the great mi growing de mand for ayers pills imusicians every where cocoaimend them foe coitivcness in- dtgcstiou and lute cotiiplants hl r i urn thewlu the day hotloways ble try it pain is saved itjoqi aud brouchiti scarc for lumplion care it cures cou- ucgarvtn jamea h gumour of t wholesale grocers brootviiie says i have asedtamarac elixir or a severe cold and coagh which it immediately rcli cd and cured gtlmour 4 co ofcrrni kllur- there is no other medicijieof sachgener- al usefulness ia uie houehrfi as kigyards itellow oil for the care t rheumatism neuralgia sore throat aud i il internal and external pains aud injaries the rev geo h thayfer of bourbon ind- say both myself and wife owe our lives to shilohs cocsamptcn cure for tale by k xfcgtron i x the canada sliiced glass works of toronto have again increased heir staff department the church lnd houieorn- tmealii gius lamed oct by this firm can be relied jn both for duraulily and excell ence of design persons roiciricg glass in in every style orqsintity whatever ahbald address the autcrs hcctuslind sot toronto k xlebie wyebridge writes i hive sold large quantities of drthomu ecec- tric oil it is used for colds sore thxoit croup tc and ia fact for any affec tion of the throat it works like magic ii is a sure care for burns wounds and braises why will yoa cough when shilohs care will give immediate relief price 10 cu 50 cts and 1 for sale by x xfcgarvin a bjii vlmiaa if there wls only one lottie of ifig- yards yeltow oil ia ifanitoba 1 woold give one hundred dollars for it writes phillip e brant of hcnteith ifinitoba after hiring used it for a severe wound snl for frozen fingers with as he nys astonish ing gool results eipellhe worms by using the tifc and -reliable- aatkelmifltic freemms worm powders l oreadrnlcoadiaott hxtlie ejfaathbrn of ifill viuage oat says ily cough was dreadful 1 could cot sleep at nights oa accaant of it but when i used hacyards pectoral bil- sim i tf3 rest axd wis quickiy carod ml druggists sell this iuvxlulhle cough remedy a uisli injector free with each boille of shiuphs catarrh itecuedy price 50 cents for sale by x ifcgamn a picminc oofr i feel it my duty to say writes john borton of desert p q that bardock blood bitters cared my wife of liver com plaint from which she had been a chronic saifercr herdistreosiegntinfclsyrcpwais soon gave way ard i can highly recom mend the medicine to all saffering as sne did victoria carbolic sake is a great aid to interoal medicine in the treatment of scrcf- clous sores ulcers and abscesses of all fcinis ftackmpt a lasting and frartat perfume price 25 and so cents for sale byksicgarvin i tour wasted cheeks may have all plump ness and bloora of health through your use of ayers saraapariua this timehonored remedy still leads the tan it improves mdigestion purifies the blood and invigor ates the eyriem give it a trial are yoc made miserable bv indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite yellow skin 1 shilohs vittlizer is a post tire eure for sale bj x 3f cgarvin no one bnjt a pig in a pokeih other words purchases on meregaesswork who hays for his or her relief xorlhrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspep tic cure the fact is too well known to leave room for any pendvetiture that it is a sovereign caralive for indlgestioa cost- ifeness impurities of the blood kidney and female trocbles and other infirm ities shilohs care will immediately reheve croap whooping coagh and bronchitis for sale by k ilccjarvin qmert it nlmr if to were allowed tolook into the future and see the fatal consequences that fofldw a neglected cold how differently would onr course be conld we realize our danger how speedily weould seek a jeare but wijh many it is tnly whe the monster diseaie has fastened bis fangs upon oar jungs that we awaken toour folly what follows a d 1 factedeold it is diseases of the thrott and longs bronchitis asthma consump- uoo and other diseases of hke nature it is worse than madness to neglect a cold and it ie folly not to have iame cood rem edy available forth is frequent complaint one of the most efficacioai medicine ii diseases ot the throat and longs bickles anticonscmptivo syrup tb rnedicine- is composed of seycral medioin herbs which exert a most sronierfal iofl eooe in curing consumption and other eaa of the throat and chest it promot free and easy- expectorat on aooojes ritatiod anddrirea the disease fom the sji to iongnrate both tha bttin use the reliable azoauxin qainme wine ix hi body and tie milbun fcmict m celery comkoumd acts at the same time on the nerves theliver the bowels andtttekldney8 tlis combined sclicn gives it won- derfui powcrto cure 5l diseases why are we 8ick becaise we allow ibe nerres to ten li wedcaed and fnjlated and ihese prcal orsiis to iiecorae clogged cr torpid end pjiscnous henorj ore herecre farced into the uocd that mhould 1t cipelled naturally pilhes t f celery- xfompound will curebitrqosjresames cossnpanijh mrdtt co- fuikt8 tteiuab y bieufitb f t15k geuealqia ajtd xxx wzet0u8 dibordeeb by quiding end rtieiigmcning the jiertcvpnd earning free ccionof4he litcr bowels and sidneys and restor ing their power to throw off disease wy tastr dflwtu piinr c i jleit i wljtarmestei kti poet cnttipttint whj caaore serroui r dk hmaaehasf wbybarisiftpuubfctui uh paimks ccfur omhom and moke fa liokh i ii an euiitdy rcfcta ue motif bumltt ball eet j suftroo wliisfilchabds0lt4copffwif ajontbialq uymmm umseaftd effect many persons wonder ak the tired worn and weary fueling uiatopprwiesthem with- out any appareut oaaso it may be poverty of the blood or a aisordcrod stomuhln cither case llio stomach hljoj and liver arc not porformingilhoir regular fanctldai and with many persons they will follow a dull heavy headache nausea and many other symptoms hist precede a ell developed case o dyspepsia purify he blood cleanse the system of the ologged aecrctioua by using hfeacbarus mandrake mixt are prepared by j bmoicham jm vonge street a chcniitt ot niueteeu years experience dollars- which might otherwise ibe thrown away by rcjortiug to iueffoclaai medicines arc raved by purchasing thstin- exjetuive specific for bodily pain and resn- cdy for affections o the throat tangs stom ach liver and bowels dr thomas eclec trc oil which does uol deteriorate and i thorough and pure ualiatuln lrva t i there is much ia a little as regards bur dock blood bitters loudo not have to take quarts and gallons tocet at the modi isine it contains livery drop in every dose hvs medical virtue as a blood purify inc system regulating tonic mr ifenry marshall b2bvo of dunn writes some lime ago i got a bottle of notlhrop 4 lymans vegetable discover from 3xr harrison and i consider it the very best medicine extant for dyspepsia this medicine ismaking marvellous cures ia liver complaint dypepsia etc in purifyicg the blood and restoring manhood to fell vigor beit and comforuo tfte larrcrtac- browns ilauiehold panacea hu no quit forrcwcviue pani both iutcrcaland xuruil it cures paiu in the side back or boweh sore throat rheamausifl toothache lachago aut any kind a paia or ache il will raostsurelyqulcfc cu the blo sad leal al its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any olher elixir or liniment in the world should he in everr family handy for use whea wanted j as it really lithe best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach anipatnsandachesoislltindi andisforsalebyaildraggistsat 25 cerfj a bottle for eversi years r it brown of kin cardine safitrcd from dyspepsia he sayi he tried several physicians- and a host of remedies without relief his druggist recommended b b b which he declare produced grand results for which he gives it his highest recommendation cotuampuoa cared ah old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india misiiouary the fcrmcla cf a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of comsmplion bronchitis catarrh asthma and all tlroat aud lang affecticss also a positive ad radical cure for jcervozs deljity and all xervoua com plaints aftfx having tested- its wonderful ccrative powers in thojsinds of cases has felt ithu duty to make it known to his suffering feliows actcstes5y this motive and a desire to relieve human ssfering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eng lish with fall directions for- preparing and csing sent by mail by addressing with stamp earning this piper w ai kora 119 powers block rochester k y scrhams beef irokaad wine if yon are languid and weak and yoar appetite poor my bosf iron and wine it the tonic be rure as au invigorating tocic it is recognized b the iledical profession as the best strengthening medicine thus far produced it is invaluable aa e blood- and- muscle mater especially in those cases where weakness is the result ot imperfect or in- food cf wasting fevers cr excess of sny sort itoonuics the nutriment of beef the stimulant properties of wine and the tonic powers of iron and is admirably cal culated to baild cp the emaciated system advice to merraxes are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so emd at once and get a bottle of 3ifra winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- erer immediately depend upon it moth- rs there is nor mistake about it it eurea dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces infiammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system scrs winslows soothing sy- rupj for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and ncrses in the united siatesand ij for sale by all druggists throadioat the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for lias wkslowb soonmra stbcr and take no other kind longstanding i blood diseases are cured by the persevering use of ayers sarsaparilla tbls medicine is an alterative and- causea a radical change in th system the process in somo casci may not be quite so rapid as in other r hut with persistence the result is certain head these testimonials j for two years i safferod from a se- vcre pain in my rigit siili and had otlicr troublhx cae by a torjud liver aud dyspepsia after jiviiig several medicines a fair trial without a cure z began lu tatc aycrn siraanaritla i i wm greauv hnelui by the jirnt bottle aadafter ixinhe buttlm i was com- eletely curtil juitr ilcaion 70 i awreuce st lowell mau last maya large carbuncle broke out on ray arm tite usual remedies had no effect and iwas confined to my bet i fur efghtwek lfrieul inluced ine to try ayers qarinarilla lt than three bottles heaed the sore in all myettte- riencc with mediciu- i never saw tnjru wonderful results another inarlccil etect of he me of im medicine- vm ii strfiilniiing tr ur siht mr cirrie ai ifotly j springs can- i had a dry ity hnmnr for year and suffered itrriliiy aciia- mv iirith- er and swtcrwen- himiuhy uffltite t preinmc the maladijjf hereditary futt i winter tjr tyrnn uf fernaiidina i fla rccunineidvl me q take avcr sarsaiiarilia and cautiiric il for a veir i for five njoutli i ikiic h dailr t have notliaifl hlcinisti vr ny hilrfur fia cliarahcrs st new 1orfe city last fall and winrer 1 wa iriuhlc i 1 with a dull heavy pun ji mv side i did not notice il umrli it fifnt but it gradoally ptw wosk until it becanie f almost unbearable dnriu the latiur part of this lime dwonttts of the stoin- acb and hver incrcaw my trouhlcx i began lakiiijr ayerd sarhatarilia ntitl after faithfully conthmliig tie use of this medicine for some months the pain r disappcareil and i was completely enrevl mm augusta al furbusu haverhilh mass ayers sarsaparilla 1 nikmbed ir l orjjc ayr col loiiel mm j kelly brothers tmtmmf merchant tailors having last passed into stock the finest assortment o imported and domsatlo suitings paatinge and ovarcoatlfaga tht hit e itw bocn ho wn in the coaot y wo irt oow in i potilion to tnit tny pertonrojoirinr toylhing in ciothidj oar priom tn bight md wo will miranlm every rmont to be perfect both in fit tod finiih ho ii no uie hon- dred of petteroi to eelect rom wo jo carry the flout itock of necktlei colkr cnffi ind bhirte to be forod in tnf hooh weft of toronto aakuurforaihexe of your patronage we remain sincerely j kelly bros j butter and eggs wanteds kelly bros f the- gclasgoisr house kcton- we take great pleasure in announcing to our many frieinds and patrons that our millinery show j has a large assortment of the newest goods in trimmed stock trimmings and shapes will be displayed 1 miss smith whose ability is so well known and appre ciated will again be in charge this season i ladies we invite inspection believing we can give you entire satisfaction j -oj- our fulistook of dress ladies and childrens ulsterings trimmings and a full stock of all the novelties of the season is new i complete mouiwhiig goods a specialty we are showing something very fine and cheap in boating shawls and caps i the new whversury series j 55 jlst out a bod reliable item wind jidiai it witch wfihicoads baud stock just opened b savage guelpli groceries drv croods boots shoes fresh reliable season able fecliaap call at j c nelsons we also invite special attention to our very full stock of staple goods special drives in grey flannels our stock of boots and shoes is now complete and defies comparison groceries fresh am cheap iri short ladies and gentlemen we are showing the iargestmost carefully bought and cheapest stock of dry goods milliner boots and shoes and groceries ever brought into acton come and see for yourselves we are always pleased to show you through remember our famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co h a stqne georgetown railway crandtrunk rallvfi ocffiloeilt huod jjoam i t- eirrl im i through esp o u psa uj aceom jo ft psp inxea chlcartesprfrtidtxkoatsiiph anduruppton 1 tjk ofcloslm stlllj jit shjaiiu isrxoit thixfawnu medi wut 5s vp tvt fiptr bettus folding flfe j vrii ach xcdh tin ramt lloicn ii tisvdaa v and ikewme tf tke ijittntar fice iflt in red ink aavss the face o fatfl becarc of imitations refuse i tt ifc tutes and you rh iict be disap irfiifj gnna f fiod8taiii c0hsdhpti05 coughs pw asthma ftftouf all diseases of the throat ljjncsainf rulmokasyobcjuei br its riitjirrl ci cojstjsftiot has lthajolber remmirt od pltjikiutsbub failrtl v efleci a can j eeonnjitctdfj bj phtsicias ilixtirxaa ij xttici- inlad trjetrnhmlrvtwumam at i jood thai ii kfwt7liviynsi a ahtxpcctorflftt ithii tip cow 7 iilstkuatoocliatjklkauam- t contains no ohium inaajfan raici sc joc axd firo rra doi davis i lawsskcs coo aneral dgenti lloxtnd the principle urteelox devqratqb i panrrgr k house sign and ornamental fainting in the latest styles wool wool wool john 2srewtoisr soisrs ltmehouse woollen mills are now prepared to pay the highest market prices for all wool offered in rcasflorgoods we have a large a we ndllassorted stock- of blankets tweedsi iiannels stocking yarns iknltfepddsetc- l i i in great variety selected expressly d supply the requirements of the farmers work aoeifloornpromi and 8atitjaimrtmanor lessons df oil paeitlc classes wedncsdsv ereninj thandsy andls saturday afternoons orders lota at free press office acton or ad dressed o boa 16 goorgtjra trill roceitfl prompt aitentioa ho stone n washington d jepiaent throat and ludu srutgoai wilj next visit irto cominiok otel friday november ifith i- in the aiterfioon v burdock blood willcureor reli mm mm kyswlus salt iheum heartburn headache drorev auttering acidity of thz stomach dryness i of the skin t milburn 00 d lows tom syrup destroys and removes worms ot all kinds in ohlldrotor adults swttt as syrup a no cantjot harm the most jogleatr child t urdock p i lls aaurfccunbiv for biuovancesbconsnnmqi ihdlqtftlon dlkincoa 8ick hcabachc a- disca0c9 of wc to hac h uven afid ppwati- thctaat iuthonouort aijambiipt m acttixii awo tpnta vaumolc iip to buaootoit bisoo iutijchs in ntc tksgtt14e3asto chjwfdf and qobtikatg di l- catahithtkeoatcttkee a fd only of th hundreds of wonda fol am bynrwmhingtous kbwimetboi vol balaxiog i cnronic bronchitis cored an english church clergyman spea eecttint cobxwlii oct dc washtsqxov delle sis i th felal to bo vle to in orifijnm that my dasbter is cjalid well ftgrnlh arjou is the seecnj time she has beea cuioi pi ftn bronchiu troche nnieftoir trtatmuft trbi uie tunsw ci cdiei failed l vbh to ihxpmht fmitilade- pledse accept inv nerethsgtt yours traly c b p lira jnoilckelvy kicsilon onl jcattnh and consaniptiod j q jollir mckmvj- kiasxtie on- csurrh mrsa hopulug kizigswa pnuiht cosraiipticin mr b scott-kn3sitaoct- catan and throat- mn juo qtrun n3rronusilli0atcj throat ij james uihow p siscn actoir ontj tamih head ad tliroai f froddp berlin oci caiarrb wat throat miss seljf flj berlin oau ealargedl f wins 1 it roranna ont catarrh hcnit bcotu berlio ont asthma mra1 wacner near berlis ont- head and throat len kcrchcr btjaeovs ont catrrhsa4 andthroat colin camptell pt ijdttrd ont james stacer dtton oat catarrb errors of toutev kcrvoni dabhity setuibai lof and jfrn tare decay proiniiuy and permanently cared djr spj3kmozone does not icmrjpre with diet er nitul wcapawoa aud fully restores lost vigor and lunres ppfcx manhood sunt 6 urt- address poalpatd w receiptof price onodollarperbos sojefcgwcti schofield dxvtf stohe elm atrtet to ronto tmuab ntamiuanrr mm baaaolu ttam xabamwfl w iwvuck mnvvthaavrnf 3 iwwf ttfeattevrkawlmiatrhmajp- ll h rmta w rrrt mm wlsvudiamcostxyfcmptttftmh imiltrn rrlrft tp ssx-0- b- ia tatt m cman tkiatbf ilw4hlutei tssksfsif aasmarmmrs ui ml wkkhtoxrhmombmllwinaindai mi ion to s artfc rty ail

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