Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1888, p. 4

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f ljt intern fvtt fta thhrway november 15 1688 chf alaung folks upskttzxg the watkrpjjl the viitr raiutlroi u heard en the so uwr limi ctv bid under ccyee la tijj i ajwlifastwtloivatutithitlrolickiooaflkrod wwdna ti the kitchen that morning al a triituf rr irc7s fcrc ncd his carwr jfitilinrjkaftcftci and a inn la the 4vr tbcsiloal rsilcf ratcrlicfcfl lwtitcs th mac oa the clean kitchen coor i i ohtliueil uumu that rose oa the air irotufrtii i- viivalsioax tul bridget la vtcnili hifwlt tri lee tidy domains dionitll5ivislcdbytiillroabicome laii llaiactivl ivscc hi the abapc of mamma and out c the clio i n3 dridcct ancrttri her kitchen to riflttvand her temper whoc metier fri clad jc a suit ot dry clothes- l with in- forafocivct achcrb cf jastthqirc fceid caisc the k shcarctv that da iroots ocxrcrr totrt jufredjljstirj the 2 oa ctio cdtiiro he hastedale ohgfcis liiliicj4iid terrort allayed ejects consented 14 be trixtccss in beaatyarrsyecl iliac cloud htnging jo- opct- i in r dotffl of rrift heety f prvnnj tcnuu paths into ho parses and dronaa the orthlrolj a wrindor beheld in iist and the garden toaa 1 in transport of gj cctbie tucrpiatoor u lu hatiacap a woethr slt of rieables jingles and jokelets hriftujiour witli the vise iuo lae witt aadtuorrvxtpbioriliel- james hgilmoaroit gilmour co wholesale grocer urookville say i hivn oscdtamarac elixir foe a wvcte cold ajidcoaah which it immediate roll cd and cnrd the rev geo htutycr of doarfcon ind w both myself ind wife own our litoi to shilohs coqiarapton care for once eped a tixc jacob married ratho and the v set nn loaseiecpn kow it came to pass tint jacob became penurious and laid cp the f rooeeds of crops ind ftock in his qi jfcetet aid it also came to pass ihatrcth wis soectroiibled ioc pn i monev her tatter wtint onto the grooer i and her egi aad hens wer of no anil for jacob toot them lo market ind hih jres dubby in drest and pinched ia face her patn were tamed even osto the uiird time and the neigh bors lamhed at tho ancient bonnet and jicoh prcspcred and grew fat in hooses and ii and drove fist horses and epcclaiei ani rcth wept lore that it was so that i her okn home the vaa a beggar arirmh and jacob were old and died and hs heirs qsarrtlled oyer the goods that trcre icit once epen 5 timer sasan married ehaha and thev k up bairdifg for sasan iorol v labor ir5 eliiha wronght hard with theplae lui icfcr he was a carpenter by trade aud it came to pass that bosan tisited czuch d bozht silk gowns and banged her lsir trishe loved laces and new bonnets kow ehsha loved his wife and gratified her in ah w2y his ooat grew threadbare and he difcarilel collies insoninch that sosan beczcie ashamed o ehshas thabbi- neat and be2a2nci her ril lot and it came to piss thft a rich stranger saw her fac-3- and wondered at the ffl- matched pir ted took her to the opera and eii jierei that it was so and be gan to hate zl vromen and the lawyers granted a divprce and susan departed also anddied in a distant land in j kow in thssinie town edward married i sarah and they rental tum for they had no land and sarah sang at her work and edward pbohed in the field and the crops were nbnndazit and edward sah tmid sarah whit is-mine- is thine and what is thine is mine we two have one purse and one interest and sarah was prddenf and oved her hnsband and ey laid np money together and sometimes sarah carried the gold that was saved tni eretimes edward and edward treated sarah more than fvfmplf ind hey height lands and prospered and while still ycrrjj their abundance was such that ont of their loznty they clothed the poor and bosdit ictsres and beautified t home and people wondered at her happy face and thsy rode in a carriage that- was not- yasrs nor mine bdt romrs ajti thy lived to a good old age and died amid their rfiihrerj a bandfnl of gm life is better than several bcshels ci learning the richest uizn carries nothing away with him bt his throadl i the third pse of the toronto de8g uail is noted for want advertisement i yoa wan to hy or sellanything if yoo want a susttion a mechanic a businese machinerj idfins if yon have lost or found anytiis or if yon want to find out where anyone is advertise in the toronu dally ucil and read the adrextisemnff on the third pifei that paper thecharff is two cents a word each insertion ad- dreas the if ail toronto canada ehhohs cozhand consumption care is sold by cs on a gnaamtee it cures con sumption for eile by k ifcgarritl i you have a oangh or cold do not neglect it many without a trace of that heredi- tary disease hit e drifted into a consump tives grave by neglecting what wu only a slight onld had they used bickiesanticon snicptire syrcp fcefcre it was too late their lives wocld hate uen spared sfr al w xety i thinfc bkkles anficccsnmpre sjxug the best prepar ation oq the market for coughs and severe eoldx abont til years ago itcaught a sev ere coh which ttied on my ianga ank for three- nijaji i had coagh fhadaphy- j lican aiteodii ie hut gradually rew wone until i trts en the verge of cousump 4 lion when r was indcc3 totrybickles sjtnp before riad tihen one bcttie i found j my self greatly talis ved and by the time i had finfthnt sectnl bottle i was completely cured i always recommend it for severe colds and censdni plica i seitanicomtarf fa fkesrrerlar brownfihociedold fatuceaj has do yqoil for relievic pirn both iaternal and rternal caret pain iothe side back or bovrek sore throat rheatnat toothache lambpo tod any kind of a pain or ache it willmastsurelyqofcfc eh the blod aod heal as it acting- power iswonderfa browns household pio ice- beicjr scthcwledged as the great pain reliever ld double the strenctfr of any other eiirir or uoiment la the world iboclnie in every family handf for use whtn tviutcd as it really is tfaebest remedy in the jrorm for cramps in the rtamach aud pains and acb of ail kinds svod 5 for ale lyull orugeiitsat 25 certt a bottle i j bhiloht vilailmr is hil you need tor constipation lou of appelil diaztcess andtuiytnplpmsofdfnensia price 10 and 5 cents per bottle esckmetack a lasting and fragnut periame price 23 and 50 cents for laic byk mcgarvia prompt potent and permanent results always come from the use ot jlilhams aromatic quinine wine prevalllnc kielcacta tha most prtvtfling complaints just now are rueomalism neuraljis throat iu- flamations and cocxestiotn for all these and other paiuful trcablca hacyards yell ow oil is the best internal and external remedy are yoa made miserable by indigestion constipation dininess loss of appetite yellow skin sltilolis vhalizer is a positive cure fotsaleby k sicgarviu it is safe to ase freemans worm pow ders as they ictonly on the worms and do not injure the child s sick headache caused by eicess of bile ora disordered stomach is promptly relieved by using xatiqnal pills a nasal injector free with each bottle of shillohs cattrrh remedy price 50 cents for sale by k if cgarvim it is a great public benest these significant words were ased in relation to dr thomas elsctria oil by a gentleman who had thoroughly tested its merits in his own case having been cared by it of lame- ness of the knee of three or four years standing it never fails lo remove sore ness as well as lameness if you tract to bay or sell a farm ad- ertise in ihe toronto irwy jfctf that paper reache 100000 farmers homes every week and yocr advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants ta pur chase- advertisements of this class arc in serted in the toronto fky uail for five cents a word each insertion or tweaty cents a word for five msertians address theilail toronto canada 7 hcrhatnsbttr ironatl ittic ii yoa are languid and weak and your appetite poor my boef iron and wine li the tonic be sure as an invigorating tonic it is recofliiixed by the medical profession u the boat strengthening medicine thus far produced it la in villi able as a bloodandmasolr maker especially in those cases where woakness ii the result of ro perfect or in- food of wasting fevers or oxoesi of any sort it ooutains the nutriment of beef lhc ilimnlant properties of wino and the ionic powers of iron and is admirably eal caklodto baildup the emaciated system rmbernlliuet indicationt of dypeptia such as soar stomach heartburn sick headache rising and soaring ot food wind on the stomach or a choking or gnawing seasaiiou at the pit of the stomach are fnliy met by bur dock blood bitters which htt cared tha worst cases on record if your children are troubled with wormi give them mather graves worm exter minator safe eure and effectual try it and mark the improvementin your child oaecoipoflc out of the many possessed by burdock blood bitters is that it may be taken at all seasons of the year and by either young or old in this way the three busy bs ere always at work and dcing good shilohsccre will immediately relieve cronp whooping cough and bronchitis for sale by k ifcgarvin disease gathers strength as it advances annihilate it at its birth when the bowels become sluggish digestion feeble or the liver torpid they should be aroased and stinrulated with northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure l mediciae foremost in usefulness among alteratives r it should not be abandoned if an immediate cure is not effected bat be used si it deserresv systematically and with persistence it will then prove that iij is thorough a kexmrieile hope is one that is based on previous know ledge or experience therefore those who usebbb may reasonably hope for a cure because the previous experience of thousands who have used it shows it to hive succeeded evea in the worst cases why will yen cooglj when bhilohi will give immediate relief prted 10 50 cts and h far sale by k hcgafvin jure sts joseph kusan eercy writes i was inddced to try dr thomas electric oil for a lameness which troubled mo for three or four years and i found it the nest article i ever tried it has been great blessing to me vicuria carbolic salve is a wonderful healing compound for cct wounds bruises burns scalds boils piles pimples c k sarrow escape people who are exposed to the sudden changes of a or northern climate have little chance of escaping colds coughs sore throat and lung troubles the best safe guard u to keep hagyarda pectoral balsam at hand it is a quick relief and reliable cure for such complaints the use of ayers j sarsaparilla purifies the blood stimulates the secretions and imparts new life and vigor to every func tion of thebody for nearly half a century it has remained unrivaled as the best blood medicine ever discovered be convinced by atrial for dyspepsia aud liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on evejy bottle of ehilofas yitaliier itoeverfailstoczre for sale by n ifcgarvin the plate glass trade has become an im portant feature in canada ko business house woald now dream 0 having the old aheetglass windows not only the design of the building is vastly improved but the goods displayed in the windows are more inviting when plate glass is used mccaus- landd son toronto j supply by far the largest quantity in canada when from any cause the digestive and secretory organs become disordered they may be stimulated to healthy action by the use of ayers cathartic pills these pills are prescribed by the best physicians and are for sale at all the drngstorcs uellahfe for elieamalljiu procure a bottle of hagyards yellow oil from your medicine dealer and use accord ing to directions it cured ida johnston of cornell out of that complaint and sherecom mends it as a sure cere for 23 years it has never failed to give satisfaction cftuamptfoh cared an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent enreof consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positive aud radical cure tor nervous debility and all kervoas cqm- phuntt after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thoasanda of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actca tea by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eng lish witb foil directions for preparing od using beat by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a noib 119 powers block rochester n1v 5xr alei robiiisouot ezetex in writ ing about onaol the mast popalar articles and one that has dane more good to the afflicted than any other medicine has dar- iegthe short tmeit has been in existence says i have used foar bottles of xorth- rtfpd lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptc cure ani have been cured of dybpepiia that troubled ine for over ten years part of that time i hid it very bad and teas it a considerable exoenae trying to get relief but this excellentrem- edy was the first and only relief i receiv ed cause and effect many persons wonder at the tired worn and weary feeling that oppresses them with out any apparent cause it may be poverty of the blood or a disordered etomach in either cae the stomach blood and liver are not performing their regular functions and with many persons tliey follow a dull heavy headache nacsea and many other symptoms that prtoede a vdl developed case ot dyspepsia psrify the blood cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by nsingifeachams mandrake ilixtare prepared by j b ileacham 1s3 yonge street a chemist of nineteen years experience j longstanding blood diseases are cured b7 the persevering ueof ayers sarsaparilla this medicine is an alttnttire and causes a radical change in the system the proccis in sameciiecs may not be quite fi nqrm as in others bat with persiiunce the result is certain ut21 thwe testisuniii fur two years i suiftrcirrrtirti a-sa- ver paiu iu lay rilr ile aal lad other troubles chm y 2 hirpid liver and dyfikpia aflr ivin several medicine a uir tii1 vritlniit a rre i bepiti in sice avi ksrraiiirilli i was staly lrinitllly tli iirst bottle and aftr liking jvi itittlcs was com pletely curtl jkiui w iknsou to lawtcuc- it ljwiu mia last jlsy a ur rarbimcle broke out on my arm the usual rciaelis had ito effect anil i w conlinm to my kd for eiht wfily a friend in lneoi me to try aycjs strijurilla iys than three bottlei balei tbp sire luall my e ape rieuce with mtliiiu i never saw nure wonderful results antitlkrmariei rf7vti the te of lliii cztjiciut wa tli strciiltnn o uir llrr mr carrie adauw holly springs texas j i btl a dry suiy hntnir for ycirs and suffere 1 urriby aiiia- ipy iirosii- er and jutet vrtu similirly aiiticetl f presume the mulaly is liereilitry iiit winter ir tyron ul ffniatulhia fix recouimeinlel me to take ayers satsaparilln anil ejutinue it tor a yehr for gve iniiilis i toiik it ilaily i liave not had a bleuilib upm iiv bclr for t lie iat three uoitt k wiley us ciiambers st nlmv york city la fall anil ivirler i ira troubled vrhu a dull heavy jain iu my side i did not notice lit mneli at tirt lat it pdually preiv woe until it became almost unbearable uiiriug the latter partofthh thifcr disorders of the stoui- achand liver increased my trouble i bran taking ayers harsaparilu and after faithfully coniinuinz the use o thismedityne for some months the pain disappxtfd and u was completely cured mrs iansrusta a furbush haverhill mw ayers sarsaparilla rnxpinnd nr or j c ayer co lowell mast price 1 1 tin uti 15 wcrjs i a bcutc exhausted vitality rphe icievce of life the great ilolical wert ci die age 03 litdxdkertos shi rhfiictl debility irc- eiatcro ifceliac errcrs of toth end the uatold mis- eries ccmtiscttrcca 3k rnessvo u5 rrtcriiitionj for tu diseases ckith full gilt ojy cl0o by mii sciled lllustrttive tinijle fre to all jouisisdmiddiealnen scad cow the gom end jcrelled llcij tkirded to the author by xttioal ifoiitil usciatian addreas p o box li kostos jftss or dr v h pae- keecradaiwcf harvard uedjeal college j5 years iixrtice in boston who city be cans cited coasdectially siccialty diseases ci man oscc ko tbslineh st authors cox itanufaciarm of trusses artificial limbs ul apjihiaccs for oil de fbnaiucjormeltnnaiiboiii sjiinal disease hip joint disease diseasesofthcknec aid astlc kcodc kzcc bow leeicubpeewetc also crutches 17 churgh st toronto lofcjngsteast fesend-fgr- prices umgfis curesbheumatism rreemais worm fowobs anpleuaaitotalux contain tholrowa pcrvulvo iio alo ma ul eaeattl the warm weather has come but clothing clothing is still necessary m brennan merchant tailor has jniljiut in i iiclil una of clotlii for iom dftyiufu vuieli lc bought at cdqiu ally farorablo iirtca and rith ho purpose of siring lil ccrvotucrt the ucccut he will sacrifice them for the ueit four veefce tt oubecruof low jiricc forcatli holes thai caube purchase euckhcrc beautiful black worsted suits at 17 to 16 which cost else where s22 to 23 call aud examine the itucj for it aivaysgive plcacarc to fhow them brencaa alwa js fci irlccs riplit for bit ccs louxcrs aud vill be foend the chcjcit uaa la torn m brennan h a stone georgetown ikteriole decora tor chottse sin and ornamental fainting in its latest styles lesos5 ix oil paintlnti classes wfidctsdayerfiiiutuanity audi safirdiy uuruoos orders left at free prt onice acton orad dsl to hot is geo7iora will receive rro nint attention h g stoke worcesters unabridged qvarto dictionary with or without dca soil patent index edition of 1888 enlarged brthe additicn of a kct prooimcb biogiaphioal dicionary of ceariy licco personacvt and a ncv iro- nosneice gazeteer of the worlds noting and locating over sgjxg places containing also over 12500 new words recently added together wiii a table of 5000 wordein gener al use with their synonymes uivbtextxp wite irood crjs akd fcllpacc rurcs the kalioual standard of ajeerlcau literature every edition olocleiioir holmes errant irvicg wtf tlicr acd other eminent aaericaa aathorr fouotb worcester it preau the usage of all great english writers it is the authority of the leading sutriiices and neirt- papcrtoftiecoantry and of the xciasal de partments at waaliingtoe fokeile btxli tooestuliap r j b upplvcott xllltaxr pcbluhers h5 aud tl karkct street pkiladtjiihia burwii b l a w will curt or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion fluttering jaundice of the heart erysipelas acidity of i salt rheum the stomach heartburn dryness headache of theskin acct every species cf d h from disordered liver kidkeyg srohfacn bowels or blood tmetjtlmco ft dr f ext of wild trstfberry cures- ihofcera holeramorhus ramps iarrhgea ysemtew and all summer complaikt3 amd fluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable foh chiloren or adults f tobokto 8team lahndby i0 lark stj torouo 0 shirts collars and cufi 0f speciartj out of iown won imjmptjy attended to acd return per instructions g p shahpe proprietor text dpor to pnjlnwr ixnu handy to uhisf depofc r last winters gbodsiall dowi to half iiice -at- the right house lut wlnuri ooodi doirn to hiu pricei it lh right hoqm about 75 mutlm m4 lut jw itfll in wiuomut tjle in ium mimm ud chlldreai which r talllof off t hill prioa a urge lot o wonaot md oirl colmd woollen 8ik iifi rem inlaott d no to womeni an pot down lo lull pricm children colored ctihtriirj how t hirprlom luila miu dob irom tie to 60 ind from 8o0 to 10c udiee qrer merino driwert down from ii to u irom ii to lie from mo 14 60a meee boota rem ii to wovfrom lie to 60 ltrse lou o lut wlnt drem 0od in pot blriee tre qretuy sednetd lnprioe jut tee the all- wool imej clothi ind bergm it uo d worthjoo tbo oottam otort l 17c u mrprulm ttlne bed cotnforten greitly rednced anlonflnnei down from 23 fe 80c from mltnjoo biobom lew than irtkprloe bw81utbleooterllotowfromroin13tob nica nock frilliojt down lo jo touetmau down roni 80o to 60 cmhmert glotet immeniely reduced newtrrivtu thii week a urge ibipnwntocilmemnd aoo plot ee inthileitrlidlrolromlbmiken mitten boot cofli funneli ht bftpei eto jttj imth orejr ruinel t hjo the illwool grey flannel it 18jc and the very icnerlo- qrey flannrl at joc oortaia department are crowded with pilei of new ityliih c ip and fuhionable goo of dreee gooda bllkl batlna marreilleni plaiha silk vehn embroiderin mout underwear of all kinka or all agea and both aezes it ii cheap new and terriceable white cottooi driili sheetingi bhlrthlngi blankeu tweedi etc the carpet aod and 8ttliah oooda of nearly erery kind reqotrod at the very lowest poaiible pricei ol enter cut of the carpet window many make miitakei and do not get into the right hodae of hoghaon itreet i thomas q wjlitsixns hamilton 0clj7lh 1888- he m ulineryth haatle the cloth and j eoormonajbtccka of tha latot llylea ing oooda etc be ore and mo tha itra good rake ia tiokinn ony and indow blind rooma are filled with new iclotb stove mala joit in hind and king street out one door weal gblasgosr house irgton we take great pleasure in announcing to our j many friends and patrons that our millinery show 1 has a large assortment bfthe newest goods in trimmed 1 stock trimmings and shapesvill be displayed miss smith whose ability is so well known and appre ciated will again be in charge this season ladies we invite your inspection believing we can give you entire satisfaction -or- ouo full sfock of dress goods ladies and childrens ulstvings trimmings and a full stock of all j the novelties of the season is new complete momiltiig qoods a specialty we are showing something ver- fine and cheap in bogting shawls and caps j we also invite special attention to lour very full- stock- of staple goods special drives in grey flannels -ot- our stock of boots and shoes is now complete and defies comparison aeocebies ffiesh and cheap- j x i in short ladies and gentlemen- we are showing j ther largest most carefully bought and cheapest stock of dry goods millinery boots arid shoes and groceries ever brooght into acton come and see for 3ourselvesve ate always pleased to show you through remernber crartamous 50c tea henderson mcbiae fc go v kelly brotwtwtexj merchant tailors c having jast passed into stock the ftnesi assortment ol-wr- vu importedtand domestio suiiiags panticgs wd overcoatkgfl railway ntorj grand trunk fifau ooi0 elt mixed l23 arm exprcii t wsm puiuafi10s uo throagh lip c0opjn acmm 10 copot mum- chicago eiifreiidnrtmobdii2 and lirampto t tufeorctobmomatia going wt 0 15 am and 5i goingeail13ajqand5wbjiv artpbel pmpou trxotc thii favorite mfdieh up in oral httles kdditg fa tathy iciih iht kame lloxtn it and the xittu ci vit inrcjuorstl mlf in red tfix- acres thefau tfj bcvatt cf imitations irfum s tuu4y and you vrill not it ditatn fl rathartisjj cures fluhiiicctf pi floslrfemjfflmf ssgi arising from a disordered ifa theatre stcsoach aad bowels socii u jm dyspepsia or indigeatjcm bit ifoas of appetite gravel gtrtoil debility hansea pr vol price 25 centaper botttil rnrxa cur trr t moatrtbalij ly tbn t1iz remedy foe duaig cohsuhptioh cobgj si cqlapf asth ma jcrc vpi all diseasesof thothro r lunesjuir nr iti nirnjtt vk 005sumpti05 ea8 bi es oftld a vthtn other rnnminand fkj iik9lliaf lailnl to e3rts itta efxwinmmded vr pnvsinn1 uri vcastl lalicl j etrrjtjoiij 1 t it t food trial it rerjuc v i h expectorant t hit xamku a at llctt drftaicissv it contains no opium ii davis i xl4wjsscsjkimmtf general agents mos eil the principle trcatme7fj lmjf surgbon ctor xt thai nan wo been shown in the ooont we are notn a position to suit any person requiring inythiflg in clotwn onr friossfutj right and we will guarantee every garment to bepocfect both in fitrmnd finish mo fit no st4e bpa dredso patterns to eeleot from we also carry the flnfcat stock of neckiiea oollara cofft and shirts to be oundin ray bookwertqf toronto asking lor sfefcre o yoor patronage webemainbiriqerely elily bros b a eg- wanted keiy beqs illi isi nwashin6t0n eminent throat and vill next visit dominion 1 friday november ji6tfit in the af teroooi f one dat catafinh throat cfltrkd i a fetoniy of the hnadrsdeof bydr wasiimstoiis vew uiijl halation chronic bronchitis an english church clergyman rectoht co jnrau br da wafimvgtov deab bib i mn glaxl ta bo ala that my danher is qnij nh is tb aesond time she bi beat bronchial tronbles nnderyox- 1 the ntnal remedies failed i viah izratltdde please accept mj your truly c b pejrrr mra jno uckelrj kington and consumption john sickelvy luiaion ont lira a hoppicg kingston coasniaplion mr e scqtt kingston odt and throat alia jno bctrani harrotjuiii throat james matlhcnl i ii aster ai roi tarrah bead and thrdat p faci berlin oat- cati tkroat miss nellia ebyberlinpal f wiaff p m roraiuiai ont henn bcc berlin oat asthi uza p wagner tneari blin bead and throat levi korcher stjastbs ocr and throat j colin caiapbcll pt edward- oi james staccr dcttoo ont errors of yptjt5 nervoas debility sc tare decay promptly ical uhsci spermozonp does not iaterlerfl with dietcro and felly retorts loi vior and manhood sent tj ait address receipt of prico oyjollirjff bo 8ch0fiel1mjhvu stori w ronto oi uuij 9 l nia lalm nnl n 1 lali hia i i itwr tin urn w xim naphtha m u u vt km u u ta 7 m 2 vnmatiu ealrt tt ba twfcfcgbi wtc wbjhbcti wiiay sraam9niaciou v j tfiun i 1ujw ea leabewf i jr ii t m

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