Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1888, p. 3

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p s hot wiia- tomi hall acfou jijtbssof lectures for 18880 i cadet ihi aotpicw o knox church acton ko ttrofv ww r- uavab uddtnotitil3 saloctt2houn la uro hmbbochawofkeowdtr k7 jflptg ilrancb howie moudty jia ijilkt win coticf p d monday pb imh subject- scotland rtro mar- tj ibrt x cun gardint itch subjt- two years in b xsekfts fat ssure couns60 cents lectaw cctnewecc- at s oclock monday two years in bitlmord sky thejfetiiodktcrukch actoh irey o a- gitford mjl phd pastor rartonige bowtsr arcane psblfc service ltt 112 and fci sunday i iehbcltax bihe clara ctjadncled by the 1 pastor all cordially invftod stnasen md tiiiiort always welcome xi- wtlt others t the door riflttinardesirft apply to if p moore jyrswward important qbo sll aajo d j lao lissl 3d im ls imitaiicc foe ra ajttaittl i c- fang oy be focbhl rf wifr frrtml vtv friccs tvil2cn ivcn cruets- 400 6po pickle stands 200 3j50 butter dishes 4j00 550 gold and silver watches a full stock of all lines in jewel- let- spectacles vases al bums wedding and birthday present 25 per- cent less than pedlers prices call and seelfor yourselves save money bybuying at v geo hyxds acton ont only brisiiiess nothing more w wapectnllr limle ererr sub to frtw mi address libel and be rare un ha copt of ihefrtts e5ess it ptllfor we tare an excellent list of rub- icnbeza tis great najeni f oc wfcozi are laid up yet e hare some who appear terr careless about the miner and hire 1 saaaiio he crtdiari tf l tri- aj 1 w mbafi j- tf th tcwi c rxrt csct rf tb l5aeti robia r r an tbn rkr glides ii6 tiid i 1- to dsinbtteifm 1 uaasc lt nitw 4 isto lii cai rf hid imdt i to sy renn 14j sotlutib fxcilaooafs 1mtbb0x st tfc j aqoired thelrsnbscriptlorl to get in arreazr let nx hearfroci aliracli during ihls coe12i aadtxs make the editors heart glartj hr xooke editor i rroprittorj actok oxt iitje jtrtmt irce ress tohesilir xoteitber i2 1s maxy 5ltxxjfi locals sxh l e ai lie joabri coreetti0kao i rat quttaour j sen o ujr iusthe f wlsrtl timcma sn5b1888 do do 45 3 sex rshiaa as p3o0 iri ploo- is foi coiil5 br titt etcrtioaiitfui tad alert frte press einrtur tbe croic tins eiin iiclis ssriy tiiis is theajncricsiiff tlttcfcc coptiog dir tbtrc hialrei stitfn ca the pond liiiireti th2 boys iti pirlf hire ea- pti it unraesaeiy xloclreaj 11 toiiiveti ice cinlivd igua tiii tialer tix tva o 2lcc0 is to be expended on it foi eiix cacii a ajpv ot wtlnlcis an dictiociry apply si fcrr fuu offigg cod btrrgcsi ippeirediin the torn hillliitettning asiithedxyscfyorehe tispieiiritiiifaillioqae- l aniaction kijc of hircess will tike plice u sifiu tfc cot store eoctwood oa silonkj- iiiernooa 1st december wixini ro am good sired fanusfaoi bedroam witii btott oc bedroom tod fit ting roqin apply to pnrz bces oece bam irys ire prolific tbeie days list sfnrdy tere were two in town bat or- cajlieiy tery little dimage wis trasteined meuber 7 aonitenaxy tertxees were leld in tbe ifrthodiit cbcrdi georgetown list sen- dxybertdr pimtte conner putor pgiaited sclcnipmi ol ctrnpoeutjlle re nted the 20 rexrrd fbr irreiiia john eefleruta rbo took sheriff ifckiins barse 1 ihort time ifibtbk weefc arewird if offered for jthe tppreben- boa tad conrictioc of the personj im- jpliiated in the demolition of the fence irooad mrs secordf proptrty on hsilot- tca kr p k ifbms representative of meribijwtinc co will be tt the rtareofj b peatwn no taesday 1th december so idjast their celebrated ipec- udes to difficult sihts t the ikrhihiljn iuvtraud if more thin holding il q5rn- it itill keeps hp the high cundird of iu earlier nnmberi the letter- pra tr intereatiiig ind brightly written hile iu illaitratiosff ire cieir original md of ipeciil inicrest to cinidiinsi eer george clirfc hxd to f top short in ha lermon two weeks ago and aik the af fection of tome yenag people who were unoiing themselres with cndi which tbey were ptcsinz to each other ifiitoa home gleanings vliraitmortlj- of r xofjal-chnrncln- aud au iutrrcfctjuj amu vvrsiry services annitrirj- torvicei in coimcctioa vith he mcthojirt churxu wilt bo held oi ban- dy auj xfotidiy december 2nd and 3rd jjctmont will be preacticj aa kau- day ai i0m im vnd g30 pra by trot pikiou ra igs of the ouurio afiticaltai cilxge gaclph whose icciurc in the town hall iiuilonday evtcing wn of sacti an iulcrcifiugcuircer we have co doubt urge aud ieucca will greet the pro- fcor at both services cfn moaday even- uig ths yoang pcop3o ccion will give a musical and literary cnlertaituncat tcurreadmt foxttxt trfir a the period for the renewal of news paper lobacriptioca it now at hand we would remind the public that at no place can better newspaper dabbing rates be ob- tallied than at the if ate press office we can supply the toronto london hantrm1 xew york or other ciy pipers and maga- rinea at coiuidcrably less than the regular single subscription rates the ituee pges mid my other papers yoa may desire sup plied from this time until the close of 1s3 for less uiw the annatl rite readers who desire to save money ciu do so by calling at he feet prrs office komisfqtttil afjxkiomry society the nrst auaual meeting cf kqox church aciiliiry met oa wednesday the ltth inst in kuot church acton and although liunible membcrsof the elerncr sex arc de- birred attendance yet wc are crclibly informed that this meeting wis a most de cided esccess the attendicce wis large sliis reports read by iht fccretiry and the tfesesrvr cre most encouraging ifrs tiios gyhie the prcjeit of the gnejph presbrteiiil scityr wis jrtsnt and ad- dfesscd the meeting in the ccuiec of her remarks die said that the meeting ia actoi wis the krpcs she hid attended m cou- ncctipa with the gadfh society the oscers were all reelced ac the outlook for nezi year is most cnconragirg tie yatzej peoples uzicz last week the youiy people olthemetho- dist church it a well itt ended meeting organuei bemeelvcs into a tocitty with a view to aisistiug in the adviuccmentof tlic spirit utl ssciil and fiumcial interests of the church the oscerp ejected ire is follows h-n- prxsuit dr giferd iltiii ur jno it ciaicroui vutilei ilire aufziti xictlis secirrxur s f ilcxirc tiuifreiiiiilu louicr f-ieifiit- in addilion to the other wort assumed the tnion will give a series of exi1 enter- tiinments during the i oiming winter winter monjis these will be iniugunted with i musical and literary entertainment oa ilon day evening- srd december in con nection with the ejaoiversiry trio the sacisty t tarts irto active work with a membership of abaat forty and with evcry prospcct of t across zjeari cas eirly settler the ileaih of mrs ilirirct ilann- widow cl the lite john minn occurred early iil mondiy morning at the old homesteid lot 27 con 5 ejuriing about a mile cost of acton whtrc she had lived for lc yeara ilir kilns maiden name vris kennedy and she was born ia tee parish cf kituassif iuvemws sliire scot- uii j in the jxr ilri sbe emigrated to cauadi vith her hcshind and two children iu 1s32 ccd seiiled oa the firra where she died which wis then a vilcrcess the early years of tardsbip iad iccoavenieace peculiar to the first settlers was barae with patience and she a hired all the discomforts of those days with her heshani without grumbling or complaint her life waa characterized with a epirit of frankness and her home a never failing hospitality she wis a good tiife and a kind mother her husband died sereh years ago last august at the rips old age of 57 years exl tsz frzi srs zzsiitu t at tbfc annual- meeting at initon last thursday the following oscers were elect ed for the ensaing year pceeejext wm fiilier burlington 1st vice do a c stchillan kassi- oitadrrff ifctwt bfooly t j m ml libfaiwp j coutttz srwe smith has about completed huikaiiog rink in the exhibition park- it is a great improvement on the old rink being- larger more comfortable and more at tractive in appeannce the opening will tkeplacet tbeeirhesipossible date bo yoave got a wife said 1 friend to a deiy married man in town dont know ionl know replied the yonng man witii erident hesitation eometimes ithinkbbef go me yon ee ive only been married a lew weeki ana cant tell aftyet bowthe coabisation is going to tarn out 1 ware pleased to notethat the water- few ckrtiuck has discarded the patent onfeu de aud is now a ijyal all home printed- ppen sprinted from new type enterprise fa characterized the career of the present nunagement of that journal and ttc ftzz piem wuhes the chronicle cohtinaed cc- tu the eisfc jnbilee emgcrs have had the honor ol appearing by invitation before oota notable personages than any nther woipinyln the world the list mclades her hijeity queen victoria the emperor tod empress of germany hon vf gladstone and president grant bather- fow hayes garfield and arthur the jobike- singera will appear in the hilt georgetown ou evening rf friday soth kovenibe henimiogparlieiarell tbe rage u tome pake of the htatei the icnta- ittned are square and in one corner needle run through tut paper at v r tffafr of that kind uiere the gneste i raqoerted to present ibe thimblea x r zidi udy was preeenttd with t inrah auk bag in thu utile fciquare of linen with one end nwlwhid the iadiefinuhinj their jtue neateat hemstitohing were priaa book diroing put gtweya 2nd vice dotjno hurray eticesing eixeetiettceisreei wm clemeat stiltdn dieectoeijnofothercillge fisher a- w peirt eobt irving james a wat- sau 11 hchillrn james bradley k f lindsay and geo h kennedy arlnoes c p preston aud h eobn- eon the prchent tad hr alex wildie were elected delegates to the central farm ers institute to be hell in torosto the first public meeting of the institute will be held at brookville in december ths second at georgetown in january and the third at barlicgtou sometime before spring a eesrit welcoas to fzstor gordon oa wednesday evening list the members of the baptist church heh a very pleasant social at the- home of hr john vtjen for the reception of their new pastor rev db gordon and family who have recent ly arrived from hardiilltowu iot after refreshments were eerved a very enjoyable evening was spent oa behalf of the com pany assembled ilr warren welcomed 3ir gordon and family jiri gordon replied in a pleasing manner expressing his plea sure at ths hearty reception tendered them by friends as well as members after which ehort epeechea were made by dr eoeof georgetown and kev e b cook ilusie was furnished by dr and mrs a c jdckjpiiy itr and ifrs e d warren and mis orr members of georgetown btpiist choir ajso vocal duttts end solos the mammoth cvyk prof iviifouvlutmiuogikirriiilloii of lo twelve llouri jourucjliiti wllliltt kenacka weuder the kcotid 61 the icrio of lectures n the coutse arrugcd by knox church wn held in the town hall lit kooday ovcn tniiand it the remaining lectures of the coarw prove to be as iutcnwling and li truclivt u that delivered by prof pauloii of heoacgutllililhe uatrom will be higliygr may congratulate themselvca upon the suc- oei ol their enterprise there was a largo audience aud the lecturer was listened to tfith marked interest from begiuaiug to end profpauloa took foe hw subject hoars in the utmmoihcavaolkeaiacky he prekoed his desfriptiou of ilta cveat cavern byretctring to tta location aod dis- covflry its early history aud the purposes for which it wu atilized in the firtt yasra of iti di ico very aboat 1800 he stated thai it wis orginally purchased for ho and that ihedecd covers 200 scrct thit it ia now valued at 230000 aud has an anaual in- 1 come of from 130000 to 150000 i he then proceeded to describe the nature j of this vast underground palace wiih ita 223 avijuues of which 150mics have been discovered alluding to ita wonderful lor- taost pasrsges i gloauiy abysses ita i minificxnt chttnbent and it marvelloas avenues tlis ceiriugs of wliich iu many pxru ire liun with immtuse stalactites cryttids aud mises of chalky substances we cu fiive lut a cursory review of ths vivid descriptions of many points cl inter est referred to hy the lecturer and con sequently caafinc dor report to tome at tbe mot striking the rotandi in lmroeose circular cham ber 175 ft in dixrreter 103 high is located about 100 yarls from the entrance of the cave tlie ilethoditt church nearly a mile ii where 7 year- ago itiucrtut prcacj- cn told the story cf he cross to miner at that time employed collxtiug material fjr the niincfaclure of axltetre this cham- 1 beriseufcet long wfeet wid- 0 feet hih thenalurl palpit is solid stone 23 feet high mi iaffroat are to- bo toeu today the logs na wiiiclithfl hearers tsu gothic aveou a little beyond this leads to the riht and exteaji for inqre thin a mile here home mot interesting places were referred to ilammy seat htunted chamber post oak reg- iftcrllall hercalss pdlirs bridal altar old arm chair elephants head and lovers leap eetarring to gratd arch here ho feet high go feet wide a description or illumin ations made by burning colored lights was given the audience was then led onalosg the main cive pissing tha standing rocks wonderful clock and giants cosa here a turn wus made around the acute angle to the left tad a short pauso made it a maguilictnt amphitbeilre formed by nature at ibis point cotit in ning the journey the sanitarium was retched and two stoae csllacs iete refer red to at ihir place in the cue uiexperi men t was tried in li3 cpon couiamptive patients btlievitg tlitt the unifjrm torn- jerttare ol 1i12 cue 3f the pare cool eihiliarating air would cure the dis- exe after a am iuoijui irl the at tempt was abtadonel id the anfortcnate iumates left the lilencc tad gluoai of their cnuergraund dwelhugs discnariged and soaa afiarards did star chamber comes next in order here yoa witness one of the fines sights in this vast cavern it is 500 feet long 70 wide co high the quide now shows his skill and performes some marvellous trans formations by means of means of lamps and colored lights here where no gleam of day ever penetrate the darkness he rhocrs you starlight produced by 1 play of light oa the crystals of the ceiling moon light thunder cloud tndmidnight wav ing his hand he says good bye ill see you in the morning and leaves yen in egyptian darkness by some subterranean pisiige he reaches ths loircr end of the chamber where hehenlds day bycockcrow icghleatingof sheeplowing of cattle and the barkicg ot dog yoa loot in the direction from whecce these mysterious sounds are coming when lol darkness disippeirs and the chamber becomes once more dotted with light sad the glittering crystals ap pear in all the regal eplendor of this vast hall from the description of this fptciacnlor display the lecturer conducted his hearers through the deserted chambers above blicfc snakeavenue down the steps of time and into the ltbyrinth a very narrow tortuous passage then gorins dome ia reached an awful chasm 117 feet deep 100 overhead draped with immense curtains of stone which have been woven by trickling streams dur ing ages long receded into tbe past near here another gloomy chasm bottamless pit is crowed over on the bridge of sighs 105 feet deep the dome go above these weird places illuminated present most sublime sight and impress the specta tor with awe the wandering through the gloomy regions of this trip usually occupies tha tourist i hours 7 pnu to il pm and forty places of attraction are observed the lecturer now proceeded to guide his audiecoe upon a second trip which requires nine hours to accomplish 9 am to g pm a portion of it in in the main cave till you reach the region of the bottomless pit ket far from there yoa enter the valley of humility emerging from this hiring beiia forced to travel it in a stooping pos ture yoa arrive at the scotchmans trap and then into the fat hans slisery a- tortuous passage 13 inches wide 230 feet long with eight tarns in that short distance with eoaiidcrable relief into marthni vineyard where yonurti to the- right and march along on avenue overlioug wiiholttittrs nf atotiey grapes and gtapevlnoa i having pused through this washing ton hall i reached herewrvatit liavo preceded yoa and lisve prepared a lunch which you aro well prepared to teat this oer the march if coti tin tied down the gnndest kf nao of all if miles clflye- lauda cabinet it baffles description to give even anide o a glimpse of its dazzling splendor iu it a floral cross 3 feet in length made up of beautiful pure white crystals catchat the eye the ijast roae of summer a rnasaive rosette 8 inches in dia meter diamond grotto sparkles with cry s till and at some parts the very ground dazzles tbe eye with crystal which have have dropped from the rpol at rocky moqqtaim three avenues branch off the one leading to croghana hall is usually followed and ends iu the slaclitrora an abyss 175 feet deep 70 in diameter oa returning when about u miles from tha mouth a peculiar passage ia- found under the mala avenue yofc are loll that by going up this you will pass through the corkscrew and save one and a half miles ol travelling of course all are ready fcr the short cut for 250 feet yoa scramble up through 1 tortuous passage 10 feet in diameter and land 120 feet above where yoa entered and emerge into the main cave a good deal more exhsusled in all likelihood than if yoa hsd taken the half mile walk however though yoa have walked from 15 to 18 miles in etploring the cave you ei- perience ho fatigue so pure coal and brac ing is the air in it aud you end aniuo hoar trip along which are some cf the most dangerous and thrilling points in the cive hany places were referred to which space forbids us even to notice bu enough has been outlined to show that the lecturer has a eubject which ciunol fail to hold the at tention of any one who his tha privilege to hear it 1 at the close of the lecture 1 hearty vote of thanks to trol pinion was moved by col allan and seconded by mr g wells and cirri ed uriiaimously j personal jiextldn 1 iantgraplmkchtcrung vultiirstq ruj from artuu wua wlwa free vmt kradrrt arclfurr orltssaciordnttd mr georje hay left on tuesday evening for hinitobi ilr and ilrt c h walker 01 erin visited acton friends on lloadiy sir peter sicgrcgor of toronto visited friends in actoa this week sir eramuel garrett cf gloveriville k y was here oa a visit this week jlrs stclean aud sous of hilton are visiting friend at cedar creek finn sii sfirtha kennedy of georgevra wis the guest cf acton friends this week sir aud sirs w t 6 tone and dacghter ot toronto visited cedar creek farm list week hiss ten moffat left yesterday for stratford ta tike 1 position ia iliis hac- phersous 3rphn home hr it h winn soa of dr winn kxss- agaweya has opened a dental oiu3 on qacca s tree lparkd ale the vtv says sir winn althoach somewhat juvenile in appeirauic is none the les an t ipert in his lice a very valuable gold witch and an ad dress has been presented to sir d j he- kinnon the retiring public school incpec tar by the public school teachers of peel county as 1 token of the esteem be was held in by them the marriage of hiss ella brycrs of leiniagioa dinghter of rev william bryers formerly pastoc of the methodist church actol is announced in another col umn thu feeepeess and sfrsbartles miny friends in acton join in congratula tions the govern or- general and ladv stan ley will epend the first three days of next month in hamilton and will hold a re ception oa saturday december 1st and open the arts exhibit on monday decem ber 3rd they will be the guests cf sen turner i rev j e howell si a seaforth has i accepted the invitation of the berlin methodist church to become their paator for the ministerial term commencing in july next rev c moore plattaville hi accepted a similar invitation to hes- peler both acceptances are sabect to the consent of the church committees a personal letter from rev je farmer b d contains the information that he has been retained for a third yen to the pas torate of sherman st methodist church slilwaukec and that his oscial board have just raised his salary from flooo to 1200 mr farmer is hiving abundant success in his ministry he his ihelargest audiences on sabbath evenings in lbs city and his sabbath school is the largest in the conference liko many other acton boys rev mr firmer is making his mark ia the world for infants and c caaioru ti to well adapted to chodm bat i recommend it anuperior 0 aay prokriptloa bwwntome h jl aaarxa if d w so oxford st broourn x y castor carts oolle oaoctipaun boar btoaiach diarrbceo enictotwu 1ui wormj gire alcep aod promotes without tajurtau ocilaooa thx cnrrcx coarixr itumy street k y alarm clocks reclabltedwarkantedt groceries w drvkioods fresh r able 4 boots di shoes iable season- cheap l it- kelson jlgtor better the than ever evstehk the largest stock of reliable alarm clocks iu jgtielpli is at- furniture 1sdertaking oun 0ce furpiture department undertaking department 11 advbrtiser comni morats itjj quarter f a cextuhy br appcaric iavaa canruly new ontfit ind ireeniag a iniriktoni sonvoniri pletaro to each tabcriber tasj eutied the falls of n1aqaba tlii ittaatifllntesiiaa fhidi a t lirg i photolilbocrarbif ldri incbca sad u being isrtociahj- eiecatedilor cs n platfl paper a photograph of thl ue ius for w0 and ean- not bodisiingniibea roin ihc iiliiofrph vbes placed btd it- it li acksovlmcod by art b j 1 crilics all over caoid us b the illicit specimen 01 photolitnosrapliy eirer lirodacedia lb dc- tainicu will le cliilfd la dceaiber coitiletk with a neadtful nevr tpe iliustrati hroushout departmi beautiftil free premium 1 j i a tvix kextcrrji bti balance of 1888 parlor bedroom suites spricg i bedsatlreees tables ciairs eicetc etc to 1 cor cnlci a full line nf goods from the best maker always on hand peices keisoxaeile j speight son hearse co6in5caskeuandbarial kobes i of all izes in rtoefc 1 oeoes reourrli- niied j speight son nts free j speight vensrge e gcuelpli cloth hall fewest fall arrivals overcoatings scotch tweed suitings i canadian tweed suitings shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph to farmers and threshers use onvourmaolunertoiil7 the welikaown ppeest oil q idt 11 mtjifl a th hue been awarded it dunes the usf three yean vtiggans and horse powers these oils are used and highly recommended at thesiodel farmgoelph farmers ask for them use no other manufactured at quocccltyou worfcbby samuel rogers t co toronto or i fcr f ar ccges fbr tiio trm nenncniid agtau nkqlaa every here j ecguteret lewncoma at oui riifc vor freeumpli pa pers terms to accain ac- addreu i advertiser printinci co i london out tfiefreephessgiubbllig offer you can have the western jadyeraier and its beautiful premium tooetner with the- free press fcfr 1889 for only 1190 by addreaung us asffaliowi t 4t clothing at low prices- having bought tb stock ot m hrennm lies ehiat tailor tl n rit en the dollar aud deslhag to giro tbc il1o o acton ho ltdcr i will scl at a great rfjirctlon for the next six weeks j h gi white i fall cv winter 1888 mammoth house georgetown wm mcleqd co mqoee free press acton ont manhood- how lost 1 how restored jail published saeir edition of dr culver welte celebrate euay on the- fiisical car of spcrmiwrrhm or taapaeityj induced by t j atbor in thta admirable strates from 1 thirty yean that the alarming eonse- rnaaj- be radcall cored la ot enro at pnc ttrnglei by tneaof at which erery hathia condithm may be heaply ptitatejt- and radl- exras or early in the celebrated ettay clearly demi ncccesinl practir qaence of early e pain tic out a r eertoin and efleci taherer no mattej mar cure himjell cally rithii lecture toathindcteryc bent anderseal addreaioa reeeip timpi addrni it 1sjt t- jnwji office- joald be in the hinds of erery nfn thelasd l plain earejope to any otfoarceativ r itage renmedlcailoo todonto 8team 106 tork 8l toront 8hirt8 collars land oufp f icss uptdartt oat oi town war ovilu prorapuyauendoduiacdreuiriie 9 per inatractlona 1 q p sharpe proprietor fat door to palmer bones handy to cmi depot jastrnmeatil solos by hiss jessie warren hits tena gordon gave a recitation ia e most creditalile tnarmer- a ziiiuy renie titrzzee j list wednesday evening as the bell tol led the hour for closi3lthe employees in the valise uenartment hessrs i e ilcgarrin tt co gathered around thetr foremin ilr l mcbrice to join in laying j farewell to kias tena monatt w10 for the paat two or three years his occupied a poationamon them andvhohid jaat resigned for the parpose of gain into mis- fiiouary work slisa holit hxs always been highly esteemed by her fellow em ployees and imr few well chosen remarks hr hcbrine assured her of the good feel ing which had always existed and the re gret at her departure that the employees all joined in wishing her success in her newlyassumed and self sacrificing avoca fion their behau prwentedlier with one of the firm a best gladstone leather valie miss iloflit was much affected by the kindness thus manifested and feelingly thanked her thooghlrnl associates she left on tuesday for hub mcphersons train ing home at stratford f from whence after a few months she will proceed to active work either in winnipeg man or london eog messrs j e mcoarrin tt co feel that in mimjsaivs witbdrawel they lose one of their imai lairhfni tmpioyees and one whose influence in the factory ftk ways told for good by the misses gordan of georgetown and p out into greit belief a cham- ber of considerable size leaving this you pass several places of interest and finally arrive at mammoth dome the grand est amid all this regioa of oppressive rjeace and indescribable filoom 100 feet ion 150 jride250 high the wills hqcg with ala baster drapery arranged in most attractive folds this opens into the egyptian temple where you see sit gigantic pillars l so feet high 25 feet in diameter marked with msrvellona tracery and remarkably regular flirtings and furrows he tracing your sieps a short distance yon reach the dead sea and skirt it on a narrow path 50 feet above the water a little farther oa rens the river styx 10q feet long 10 wide spanned by a nafnral bridge over which you pass and reach lake lethe with cliffs 00 feet high on its sides crossing this yoa reach long walk and arrive at echo river here boats areflntered and yoa sail j mile at some parte the river is 200 feet wide it contains fish and crabs all of which are blind aud almost transparent ton are dow at suimana avenoe and 1j miles of a walk lies before you and many attractivn pointi by the way near the end of this and a little to the right ii lttcys pone the highest of them all 300 feet high ei ghore pabi 2 miles long a rough and ragged way for a con siderable part of the journey reaching tbe end at this yoa raouut a ladder for 20 fpet and one by one pui throngh a hole the effects cfkovel retdinc amy toucg aged 15dingjter of fran cis yonng glenwilliams iq thi county soma days ago set flra to a closet in mr e mccronss house bi tbonua where she was employed as a aerveot for the purpose of revenging herself on a guest of mrs mc- croues by burning her eicque she has been committed for trial the pruouer who is only lu years of ae stated to the police that novel reading had so affected her mind that she did not realize what she was doing when she committed the rash act a fish fim in stltas tbe hamilon time says mr e corri- j pan and his brotherinlaw own a farm in the township of kelson coantyof hilton about seven miles from hilton stone road on the farm is lake with a surface area of sir acres it is a beautiful little lake surrounded by rocks and his 1 never fail ing supply of water from small streams iti ontlet is a tingle creek the water is of a considenble depth and mr coniean thinks jast the place in which brook trout would flourish aud he is talking of miking it a fish farm the attractions in our various depart- mcire now it their best every line is fullyworted with the choicest novelties for which our business is to noted and in the matter cf values our stock offers great inducements it will pay the read ers of the fuee pbzss to come up on the cheaptialuxday trips or at any other time and make taehr dry goods purchases from us immense assortment of imported german cothand flash mantles and do- mans rur lined circulars far mantles and jacketasealeues of ail grades at prices lowerthauyoagenerauyseeihem in dress goods we how you novelties o shade- and style not io be found ebewfaere in bta- pies we offer yoa aatonudingftdaeof which oar all wool grey flannel at 15o per yard la bnta sample meaild1yb clothing overcoats and fur caps piles of them verycbepoomf atjdfeefis e rbollbrt 37 lower wyndham st guelpb the dominion boot shoe store kenney bros hits csn- aat lon 5iaix street scx fiic oi bosu aci shaw c actox t fcir sciius 1 kicis of fell ia all iizss and itylcs boots in all sizes gaiters and high laced boots rubbers overshoes c jt splskdid kssohtment of trunks knd uki1ses anessrldea his jiist been invented aad we have jeeared tha contra cf it for acton and vicinity we lave relcrecic w the cone slip never heel plates which- ffjjj a ipczlzl achino tve pat on rubberrsci overshxs fcr s triffiinr eipenie and they render id raccii izc there ii on iliewajjr or road thevjto mike the rtiubert tnoro dnrbla by 25 per e rd chilil fihonld have a pair on their rebbcrs come and tee the machine and vitch ut mittcr kdw ac ocr cat men wort aci repair wiu rccoite the kenne wool wool 4 iniposslblo u ajip no t and every man t them on i bros wool limehouse woollen mills 1 are now prepared to pay the highest market prices for all wool offered cash or goods- we have a large a wendllassorted stock of blankets tweeds flannels stookincyarn knitted troods etc in great variety selected expressly to supply the requirements oh the farmers jvingj roll carding spinning anil in tut nil itindji ol caalom wok dojie io par mul jftrapt and ifc i uunn beg to announce that they have received large portions oftheir fall and winter impor tations lrom the foreign and domestic markets and that they are daily receiving fresh goods from foreign and domestic markets to replenish their stock making the stock always fresh and attractive the public can rely upon them catering to their best interest j and presenting to- them one of the largest cheapest and most attractive stock that can be seen anvwhere we call special attention tf ourmillmery mantles ribbons dress silks dress goods fancy goods small wares- staples flannels blankets tweedsi carpet boots and shoes our dress and mantle mak ing department isinfirstclaiss workfngorder under a com petent and efficent head with proper assistance our tailoring j department is no 1 we have a large stock of the newest goods for overcoatings and suitings excellent white cottons for 5 cts per yard fac tor- cotton 3 cts per yard grey flannel 20 cts pet yd tweeds for 25 cts per yard black and colored satin merveleaux and gro grain silks 50cts per yard worth i 00 colored silks for25cts worth 5octs dress goods lor 5cts and sets per yard worth i2cts and iscts per yard large piles of other goodsin in proportion we most respectfully soli cit a visit of inspection and we can convince you of the extent beauty goodness and cheapness of our stock our grand milliner open ing on thursday friday and saturday sept 27 and 29 the absolute sustained and uninterupted procession of cheap and beautiful goods that we can shdw you is sup ply marvellous k wmmcleodcj mammoth hous georgetown rtf 1 i- 1889 harpers weekly illustrated ilarixrt jveekly has a- kdlcitabhsbed place at hit leading tiluatratcd ncipaixtln america tb lairncu of iu editorial caniments on ear- rent ro itiet lu earned for it the respect and conndebcfl ot all impartial rcidt andths varfctyiand excellence ot lit literary contests which includes teriil and short itorlet by the best arjd mott popular nrttere fit it for ths poratalaf people of tho trldect range of tattcs and porsaita stiplqte are rvxinenuy pro tided and 110 expente ii pared to bring the highed order of artist i ahility to bmrnponthft ulustrtttion ot iho chanotal pfrwc of hdnw1 and fortrfn hitorj- a new work 0 fiction from tha pen of wiilianrdoan haaells and oao by co tit oharloa king viil be among laadlsg featarcs cl the weekly 4cr 19- harpers periodicals peeyliar- harppbs weekly jubpe1vs ilagazlne hahpfrs ba7ui hillpess yousg peolle poloqt frtt 0 ail subtcriltfs in the united staki canada or mexico co i co too tbe yolomea of tho weekly begin with tha first xumbcr for january of eaeh year when no time 1 mentioned mbseriptiens will txgiq with the number current u tune- of receipt of order t bonnd voiamia 0 haneri weekly for three yoara back in neal cloth binding will be tent oyinail poaiacn paid or by expesa freo of ex panse ijirotidcd tbe frcicht dimisot exocd ono doliar ier volome for i7 0 per tolumevr qoth case for each volume suitable fcr binding will be seat tt raai potpd oa rt- catpt at 1j0 each bemlttaam should be made by pcitofbee money order or draft to aioij chiaco cf loaa xexspafitr art nouo copy oiu adcerttifr meal without uwexprtts order offarper broth- w v a m it3 t i h ddrcss bakpeh bothebsselltoia breadmakers yeast made cfihl ycart itcok it4 kinj lnaca at ostvu kail stev in iffl otcrjcctobdieiliate wniaca to tay tiat it mrpaate any ytul rcrwudbjtlicci l jriaakatbcus kvcetnt bmul rolls wm brat pabiakes uaam in oeorrf crery vm a cffjfcdaansiaingl- i tf price five centke j m

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