m aowr watcox in emqtdbs oft tu itth ftut the wit of mr kobert vatt of son brrxmitiif bprr in acton on the tib nil the wife ol ut wm 8vlbdlabqnt o 4 son torovr at aylrncr orrsxtaof jalylhcvue ot f rev a t rowwiiv formerly of the luptfrt cntirch acton of rdaustiter dud oimblr id actnu on the 16 ill aurutt infant dasurbtcr of mr thomas gamble 4pd t monuuramttj dayv caxesox in acton tin the tttfc august sarah jane rarant denjjhtcr of mr john cameron aged months fldt day psorr at fortwt oau on illhot august af ooasuuiptioa ccorgr front sontnlar of mr cfaarlc cmuctwulfi aeton aged 1 year at wtrdown saddenly on the morn- log of urc 10th tnau mr joaeph c eaccr aged f i jrer dtcsedtiaouof mrus-a- secocd acton ijc artait jfrrcss it i thursday acgcst n1888v votes and c01oiexts- tfae number of emigrants arming ia csnada in joly tru i890 ia exbos of the arrivals or the taine period lut yosx he figures being july 188 15s31 and july 1888 13631 man udmort the residents of the old lands in looking to canada u ft rood place to come to the official reports of the british posts service show thatthe government is per fecting in parcel poet connections ia all 7 directions wd that there 1 reason to hope foe an extended retail foreign trade there u apparent on erery hand an increased ap preciation of the parcels post u an impor- tant-agencj- for the promotion of trade hen u a signincent paragraph from the flkmeenct pahliihed at tyler texas k kansas bu 100000 more people than texas kjlnssbsiooepientitrymth90g prisoners this it the result of prohibition- texas ha 100000 lets people thin kansas and the liqocr traffic texas has tiro urge penitcatiaries wflh sfiqq convicts the nexi court mill send about 00 more d00i yon thins prohibition s necessity there tu a tery great rental in the british snipping trade daring the last year nd endesoe is cot wanting to shov that the revival it permanent in 1885 a hun dred steamers and tailing vessels were laid up in the iyn alone becsnse of the sag- nation of the trade these teasels bsre gradually gone back into commission and nor two companies ia the shipping trade are paring from 5 lo 8 per cent airideodt after jean of profitable business recent cable despatches ssy that eng- glands wheat crop is almost a failure ihis year onjhe continent of europe too the crops will be much belovr the average and although there will be bountiful supplies from america s tendency joirsrus rising prices is not onlisely in the btsies the wheat crop seems to be at least an averse while in cahsda using the korthwest and all together thewhole yield will probably i be tomethiog better than the arerage av ilucit still mm ry rothsxt oaitangt 17 a- carcn col- leotorof inland rerenae of strsxtord and officer dingmsn of palmerston seined an illicit itih in the township of ilia to in fall operation also a qnintity of grain the owner was arretted and tried before foiie uagiitrste lowe and sentenced to be im- prnoned for fire months and to pay a pen- fltyofmoti k1ckkv to ueatff- smxiirr aog 20 this forenoon wax drtrry 12 rear old and son of joshua drnry a fanner near this place was found dead m ids fathers field the boy had been fjhhinf gome raldne- the horse took fright threw the boy off the sulky and lvf hini on the breast fcniiag him in stantly a peohilvg goid klve j oruwi ang 20 the owners of the syndicate gold mine which is situated on the west bank of the keriere da iderre about 4 mile from the village of bncking- ham have received very promising reports from montreal about the examination of ore seatdown it shows a production of 95 to the ton john waldie m p tlie tit etion vnttruay resulted in the elrc- tlododfrwaldlchy ike ntrrowlta jorityofifltoth ax h0x hulat haltoti had an election yesterday this uio world knew ko county in the domin ion has had mon election contests daring the past ave years than lllton and more with more rariod mulls t election yesterday u the foarth doiniuioa elea- tioa within a year and a half three com- moot and one boott act and it is hoped in all quarters that ft will be the last until the next general election comes the re- tolt on this occasion wss of coarse 1 sac prise and disappointment to mr hender sons supporters bat gratifying to the re form party when t was announced ata few minutes before eight that mr waldie was elected by i majority of 28 a very close election was looked fo by both parties and such it was it always is tu hal ton in these fatter days and neith er patty can bout cfmach of a majority in any coolest inthe previous contest be tween messrs waldie and henderson the formers majority was but 9 after mr waldie was unseated mr henderson was elected against mr mcleod of george town with a majority of its and now mr tvaldie has again wra by the slightly in creased majority of i the contest was an exciticg oae and much interest was manifested by both parties in behalf of their chosen leaders the rote polled tra about as large a one as the voters list used which shoald have been superannuated long ago could afford mr waldie is elected and in him the county secures an able representative he it ttrcng man and exerts a wide in science not only thronghout the county hut in wider circles and his previous record in the house of commons wss creditable to him self and satisfactory to most of his consti tuents oa the qaesiioa of prohibition mr waldie did his thole duty- when he previously occupied a position in the house we regret rery mnch thst he ooald not see his wiyclesr to promise when requested by the county temperance alliance to again rote for prohibition itelected bat we hare every confidence that he- will sustain his past record on this question the result in acton as compared with the henderson waldie election at the last general election wss a gain of ts for mr henderson the polls here wtreas follows nrxccitsav wiltsx- ko 1 rciliss s-uiirisioa- j6 s5 ko tonics sbdituioc- h 103 d iujorily for hendcrknj i this was very satisfactory to mr hen dersons eoppccters who when the malt in our own town was announced aniiously looked for the general returns which were hoped to- elect their candidate by a fair majority the returns as received pre sented a very peculiar axpect for wild gains were announced ia many points losses were eqaslly prevsjent with s grcster ag gregate in districts where favorable report were locked for ontariue crops 1 f0sg0t tee ucessz a former county of pi kan k a duemms ffj but plflckflrh overcome if tmr week a donald man took his safe- enoogh girl up to rogers pass a point i 2000 feet nearer hearen than donald there i intending to wed her on arriving at the pass he found thst he had forgotten to bring the marriage license along and thst rery necessary dotfoineni could nit be pro- eared in the town of which mike garlic is mayor the d m was in a dilemms the j train on which he expected the minister 1 was 6m in less than four hours and the ererrf could not be postponed bat as he is from the connty of peel back in octsrio i he is a msii of resoutces- a railroad tri- 1 cycle wss hanied np and got on the track and he covered the distance to donald and hack 9 miles in less than three hoars thaimanwiii overcome difilcalfies ia any cotnrtry tic trutl donald bc tue hwrofrof ijivkttnslvff my son theres ooth leg on earth so roy- sterioosly fanny as an adrertiseinect- the prime first last andallithetime project of ao sdtertisement ia a draw custom it is not wastjotnever will bt designed for any other human purpose 60 the merchant waits fill the busy season comes and his i store is so foil of custom be cant get his j i hat off and then he rushes fo his printer j and goes in for sdvertising when the j dull season gets slong and fhere is no trsde i 1 stad he wants to sell hisgoods so bad he ly cant pay his rent he stops his advertising that ia some of them ia but occasionally k lerri beaded merchant does merest it and and scoop ia all the business while his jwigfibors are making srbmgemcnts to pay the gas bill therearcf times when you couldnt stop people from buying every- s taiue iir the store ifyoa pitnied a cannon behtod tht door aiid thacs the time the advertisement iafcnt out on its useful mi- rioa it makes light work for advertising for a chalk sign on the sidewalk cobld do fit that was needed and have s hslf holi day i dftva in a weefc hat who wants to istotan advertisement they are bqht to do hard work and shoald be sent oat in the daiidyvrbeneacnktometfasto be fciiock- i eddown with lisrd facts and kjked insens ible with bankrupt redncuons and dragged iinirilhirresisttweslsagfjtct of prices before ihe wl spend s cent thats the aim and end of advertising ray on and if you r ww open s nre dont try to gehheniio cow when thfiy are already iticlungbal ot iie sriodow but givetlieru yoar advertise ment right betweetithe eyes in tbe dull sea son and yoo will wax rich aniowa aloft bone and periitti be sole to smoke a cjri r opee or twice a year write this down sffbire yoau fsji over it every day the time to draw bnaiuewts when yoo want bosluess sod not when yon have more than tec cctcess up to the hocr of going lopresslwt night it wu impossible to ohm anything like oomplete or correct rttcrns in detail and rather thin pabliih tbftn incomplete we decided to leave the- general returns outil next issoe when full particulars will be given xorrx acton cornet band gave c good account of themselves hut night after the result was known the upper part of hilton supported mr henderson the lower mr waldie- when the result wss announced mr henderson addressed the electors thanking the many friends who had so liberslly sup ported him he expressed himself ss grati fied at the support acton had again given him he admitted that he was disappoint ed at the defeat bet considering his per sons interests he wss much better out of public life daring his short term as re presentative of the county he had faithfully endeavored to guard the interests of his constituents and do his whole duty to the county and the country hilton has again a reformer in the commons and a coniervstire in the-legis- latcre the reformert had their innings at re tiring early last election oa this occasion the conservatives did the etesi-swsy-home- quietly sadear y act acton has again lost the hoaor of being the residence qc the member for the house commons of the county unrestricted reciprocity lits won a vic tory in haltor but it is a peculiar fact thst it was the gains in the civic munici palities and not the rural whidi elected mr waldie the result was learned here earlier than in any previous election in the history of th county a few micates before eight the fstefci rcsnlt was known the scxit act a ut of wellington violator and wlml it cou ttin the part weefc has been a busy one for the police magistrate oc wellington county end the city of goelph the following coqvicikins were secured thomas- banyan gaelph 100 and coats joha hcgh gnclph 70 aid costs matt french gnelph two oftenoes 5100 and costs thomas blanchfieid guelph v0 and coss b reinhart gcelph 00 and costs mrs s daesu eocfcffood itq scd costs i mrs ladgford ersmosc j50 sud costs hngh slalone york lioad o0 and eofts ffttrick lee rocfcwooj 5q and cot ts d heffernan eveftoa 0 and costs james barni marden 50 and costs j heffenwo junction 650 and costs w egertcii eramosa 50 and costs there ace other cues to follow which will be heard this week out of sort symptom f headache loss cf appetite ffirred teniae and general indisposition these symptoms if neglec ted develop into acote disease it is a trite saying that an ounce of nrerealion is worth a pound of cure and a little attention at tins point may save months of sickness and targe doctors hflla for this complaint take from two to three of parrneees vegetable pills oa gding to bed yooesn sttend to dready a krcceswrx j sod fide or twu for three ntghu iu sneces- mracsuri sion wk score will be effect cravldufuutdtbfsnuw faltbful labors briifthi piwjnclsf the field n to avcfa uriub all secretary a blue orthe baroau o in- dostries 00 saturday issued his crop and wmttrer ballet lo for augatt thii bulletin shows tboprogrtss of harvesting ppcrstious condition of tho crops and estimated yield of the cereals based upon nportb ol 7w correspondents st date the acreage of fall wheat taken from tbe assessment rolls while all other areas and statistics of live stock are compiled from retarni made by farmers under date of jano 25 the total area in ail crops cq a merited 1 7g1g- 850 acres as compared with 730o8i in 188- sod tisttmsf acres for the period 18837 a addition tbcra arc sssjwl acres of cleared laad devoted to pasture in 1888 a slight increase over ithfc 2028039 acres reported in 1687 tho record of the weather his si usual beea famished by the meteorological office fall wheat geoerilly came to ihe harvest considerably injured by the unfavorable weather of april may and part of jane the spring season was cold clear and dry followiug a very dry autumn and a severe winter and it was not till alter fall wheat was out id head in the month ot june that it experienced any rainfall sad growing sunny weather worth ipeaking of the re lief came too late to undo all the damage that had been done aadtlie crop in most cases grew ap thin on the groand and head ed oat unevenly harvesting was general ly about ten days later than jut year the yield will on the whole be- below the aver age the harvest generally wss saved in good condition gosco acres of fall wheat are reported as plowed an the reports regarding spring wheat arc more favorable than khcy have been for lereral years this crop has not suffered seriously from say csase the only injury that it received worth mentioning having been from drouth in the districts where there was isck of rain sad this though it reduced the yield somewhst did not affect the color of the graia or materially reduce its size and plumpness probably 80 per cent of the reports are favorable and the remainder describe the crop as short and very largely a failure the area sown to spring wheat however again shows a de crease from lsi81l seres in 18s7 to 3g7s50 acres for the present year barley ranks fair to good ia regard to yield and size of berry but the sample was more or less discolored by the rains which fell shortly after harvesting began the reports are very uniform from all psrtf of the province that there was sboat an aver age in yield and quality and where in early situations the crop was secured be fore rain came th sample is all that can be desired good individual yields arc re porfed where threshing has been done reaching as high as 30 bushels per acre and reports of 30 to 0 bushels are not un common the crop was heavier and was better saved in the western peninsula- than in the groap of counties bordering on lafce tnurio oats hsvc given a satisfactory return in the western lake coanties of ontario and in a urge portion of the west midland group the reports froawhic nine counties which border ottlakes erie and huron are si- without exception to the effect thst oau hive been an ahundict erop through oat that district the same is true wilt in occasional cxcepiiaa tt the report from middlesex orford braat perth wtllli tai waterloo ad hal ton in thereiusin- dcr of the province a urge portion nf the crop has boeu light and quite short of the average the reports arc extremely zu favorable from the east midland and st lawrence districts the average yield in michigan is estimated st 33 hatkdt comparatively little tya is grown in on tario for the grain iu chief dm being far fall and early spring pasture and to plow under as grean tcauare where it been allowed to ripen this crop seems to have stood the drouth best of any and the yield wis fair peas of all the crops thst come into gen eral cnltivstion in ontario teem lo have endured the adversities of the season best the reports from western ontario are the most favorable bat in the central and eastern districts the crop at besc is more pr less short of an average in yield of straw and grain the cnltarc of corn for the grsia is con fined msinly to the western pecinsoisr coantes of essex and kent the condi tion of the crop in these coanties is better than ft has teen for many years ccrres- pondents report fields of corn in which the ttslks stand from 12 to if feet in height with an average of two or three ears to the stslk the most encouraging reports hive been received regarding the bean crop in the county of kent where twothirds of the beans grown in oaurio are raised abandsnt yield is expected r00u are grown to the greatest extent in the western htlf of the province the average yield pcr acre promises lo be large in the coanties slong lake erie nirtiea- urlythe yield of potatl will be the heiv- iesi known for some some years the large yield of root ia most of the western coanties will bring the avenge for the pro vince fally ap to il not above that of the past six years the hay and clover crop will not reach twothirds the ordinary yield while mix- ed grasses did fairly ia most coanties cfoter was a poor crop owing partly to the trying effects of the steady droath of the pre rioa e summer and ml sud partly to heaving in winter which killed oat many plants the droath the present spring sud early saramer completed the difficulties against which the crop had to contend and it is doubtfal if to poors cut has been the ex perience of the province for twenty years correspondents however are almost nn- animouf in deciaricg that the crop wts cat and placed in the mow in splendid condi tion estimates of the yield per acre run all the wy from a quarter of a ton to two toffft in the ltke erre gruap more particular ly ia the oouuties of etsax huut and elgia and ia a few of the we3t midland countie the condition of jitare i most eacoarag- ing bat in the lake huron and georgian bay groap and iu the- eleru ontario coanties the unpleasant experience of last year has been repented from peel east ward co rrespoti dents reportbrotfripantnres and in many irttaucc handfeedinj 0 stock alrcidj evenl farmers in eastern ontario have lud to dipoeot their cattle- at any price owing lo lack of feed and talcs are reported at from six to fifteen dol lars a head tienamberof horses fa ontario is 600 2is or 08 37 more than in 1887 cattle j i023fl3a nearly 20000 less than in the previous yenr although milch cows have in creased by flffw sheep 1349044 as com- pared with logicl in 1s87 hogs 619079 or 18tw ism than last year and poultry g1051h as sgunst 043761 in 1887 tbe total wool clip is 4001037 lbs against 4650248 lbs lost year tbe ary ujahbn has not been without its effect opon orchard and garden although summer app ji are ratbctfirnalmn size fall and wlnl r aorta will ilttcfy bu well ap to tho averaj 0 id iizo oh well as quality the post- bjij htii reported ia portions of kent but tb general yield wtllbo an or din ary one btouo frulu uta till light in yield only a few corrcpoujeuu in lin- coin speak liiifully of the peich the ma jority report the crop as faiiarc riami and cherries arc being vtcsdily destroyed by tho buck knot and wiktu the plutr lias cicajwd tbil tcmy it has been weakened by ho surcu io iu saniouf the lake lrie couatics i101 ever the cherry ia reported as haviug yieldi d a big crop ol lirge fruit iu the grape growing counties a irjiguulccut yield is anticipated the icsjoi has beca ancufivcrable occ for the apiar swarxiug was light owing to the backward spring and the cold uighla of early sum ntr there was a acarcily of nectar in foriat and field linden and- white clover beiog imoag the failures of the sca- soo bat ht the pilches of canada thiatlcewhi h presented n inviting and ralaablo forigrag ground miuy colonies would have suffered from starvation and it is a question whether more tlisn fivo or ten pounds of hobey per colony will be netted labor savfag machinery has bo changed tbcordcrol harvest vrori that extra hands steemployea ooly ia special cues tha binder is king of the harvest ccld now a mlu and a boy with the irjplcrasnls of to day can do tic work of a numhcrof men of five or ten jenrs ago and the laborer who can eciantifioauy swing the scytheor cradle is becoming j tradition in ontsrio there has been in nmplo iapr f raalo firm labor at about the eime rite of wages is last year ana there is every prospect cf harvesting biing completed without diffi culty or loss from isckof raiunilaid fe rn ile help ascfiual is ecircc the problem how to keep the girl ou the firm his not yd been solved children cnf for pitchers casioria vtikn eabjtjie tict ze eztc trr calcrj- whca se vis a oil j the cric1 for cartcrx wlica ihe been ie lilts ths tig to castorti k1oash ul ichjurcn th tvc tist catforii bejst of all cough meticine aycrs cherry tco- torsi is in grtaier demand thin ever ko prcpan tim for threat and lung troubles u so prompt iu its tcecti so agreeablctlj tho tfetc axd to widely known ns this it is tie fsnjily medi cine ia llicitiads of hofchuds i liareutijtittd for ycirs from a hronclinil trouble thiit whenever i take did ot sin lrtkssctl to taclemtm weath er uovrs fetilc y c very annoying ticiliwr sedsatljn a iba iroarand by difiiciilty in hnathiu i imvc tried great many remedies bri uoii docs fo wcllasawi cherry tvrtoril which ftlwsis pivtii prtapt rtliifin rllrni at my old fjiqjiliint enct a htpler iriiocttr c iubhc roajbr rariih ter- rc- ifouue iix i icanitir aycrv cherry pectoral a most juiikjruit rcmvdy for home use i have test d its curst ivp power in my family meiy time dcrin tho pxst thirty ych and have never known it to fcil it 1 ill relieve the uiwt serious rjtcctitjni f the thrait end isngs win- til co edge twenty cith a ili arturded in cxe iiof children r n inlls mrs ccjiiiicil ilinfis iowa ycirs o i was troulled rc dfth inugi doctors no rvlic and ccnidered i i tiii ltan to usa ajer chtirj icicralj and before had finihiloiie uitllt- fiijd relief i eoutitmed titakc thu inedirina until a oire wts eawl i believe tint ayers cherry iv loral tuived my life auiicl gri r waakcgn il sir vec s rgo i contracted ft revere coj whicl milled 01 my langn snd pooii cevfcujwl all- the stinning symn- tonis c co wuinntfoc iiad a cough nlcfit awca tileetlinr of tho lungs pains in clest and sides and was o jiroitratej is to lie cenfmed to ray ucj mort ifllic time aftr trying various pre ri lions without benelit niy ifhyficuq finally ietermicei togive tac ayers ccrry 1cctaral i toot it and the citict was magical i seemed to rally frfnt the firt dtse of this medicine apd aftr using only three bottles am a wtm and kind as ever lioducy jjjhnson springfield iii ayers cheny jpectoraf pberuted ct or c river k co lcwctf misc boidlriudrriftt rrteef i siztcttfi oa4i wtdi stone uottgetowx xktrigx dzfqrjltqr and ominerlta painting la hs latest sgles niikolllvjntikti tsjinrcaylftmi- orders left fj frulnioru attoaorad- dreim io hot is ciccrctavu vi3i receive iiromittlcnlict 1 h g stone srrougthnudvbd than ttaitordiiiriy kinds and canubt bo sold tu ooniiietitton will niiet wlriirajam or bopbate powders sold only incaut hoyalibixrtta powmb co 100 wall st nv l marrel of parity lore epolomlcal the wulutoilovtestalibrt rbjerntyii noted dry dqobs- millinery house actdn h h h co o a ej furnitorei departmen jl rlxu sixkctu uruci or parlor bedroom suites spring beds mattresses ttes chairs etc etc etc ej ujndtttiitllsrg 4 jundehaking qepartment coullete with f llbautnl hsaese a foil line of goods froib lie j coflidscuaketeaiiaburifllfiobes of all sizes in stock hand best makers ahvasoi ihiccs jk0k4bie d speight mon orders rllowtm filled j spefght son j a sfjioht mangrllr ill 2 1 7 c p5 z latjrancec wholesale opticians no 246t jakrs street montreal whose celrbratcd tebble and oicer spectacles and eyegiasses are o be foand in sverj toira in the dominion they are recommended by and testimonials have ben received from the president vicepresident expresideni and ex yicepresident of the ileajcai association of canada the president of the college ol hyslciana and surgeons o quebec the dean of the medical faculty oflaval university the presi dent and expresidents ol the medical council ol nova scotia 4c a complete assort ment of these excellent goods will be foand at tbe store of j bspeahson agent acton ladies- coeic diiwl to 99 upper wyndham street guelph fok voce dry goods n vcrjtiiiug entirely kc r choice and cheap hnist rrists la the city ejcgiat rurij gek i 3wiif the ctjt azzct qtlujirtcd 1 suitings worsteds andpantings in the cit our style are correct our prieoa tue ihe cheapest vor fi tal vrortsaaship are lcsurji irscjcr uic iiic 2 lntr wj udiana street r e kelson b sayagbe rilex you coj1e to guelph- vsk for ours dollar spectacles a new siook just to hand bsayage juelph w the- k yo q s people of acton arid vicinity the iionop auelph has a word to say to ajl who are anxiojsto know where the- can buy to the best advantage couaau jijcrljcet latcrcsta aiidatrod2e 3rli3 notpd cheap stdre j during the month of we w pay the fare of an one trom actop or rockyood who buys 500 worth of goods from us on saturday or tooo worth on any other day of the week r now for a few of the bargains the lion is offering salesmen wanted bdward a qraham the popdlar sod vel known fcuracryman of uocbcater piy declrfs to make arrangement witii oua or pro lire on- orsotlc men to take orden for hla jsarwry itock he has a ohoice atocklocjudlns flue ipaeialttes his indueementi to begtnnexasrt particularly adrantaceoui hetulnllsall be womiwt ana casrantem to tarnish itrletly oris elsm stock h can giv active square uttrifiht men poftuons and desires to eomunqleste vtl e inchmen with a view ot ms nihis their lorvlcfl write to hlio as soooaayoa have rwul this f or terms and full partlsaui hemteob only mdarq dealing men pd enw uoasfiiu norssmnas asp r addnas k s43r7kt a g700 sootch 2iiphr goods at 1 lc per yd wi yeihng debe ginghsms laejy orth 30c i all wool knne eikng deberges and csji- vas ploths at 12ic j lonely seersuckers at 0 cents 1 heavy gmghamsat oc worth lici a wholesale stoqk of ribbons to bo cleired at 4c oc 8c 4 10c worth rrapcctivciy 8c 13 jc 15c it 20c j i 8iccial value in gloves and hosiery ladies white cptton underclothing tery 1 cheap 1 j d williamson howe in good couditf- wrft acr cood ptrotn wjd fiiistclals jfifu tltt aadeni piod hit hit inaehjn no la oik tamlfif out toreo joojdd bnesi tloa who ire bufldlng and dettrj at reasonable iocea tbould s 5 rewabtip thk llxrvprtiwirdwtl bo ijhi ucu lbat fill lead 10 tbrs55 ran r or panics who mancioilr hstufl uooiflat uio will pondjaiif articles thercfnm ou sunusviathhiy- house lot- tnaotdj that cnmtortamo liiroc arttmrbtln yooagi ifc antfditcm the bonus li cv having tcn tuilt jrti twof iraroo lublo u the remf known urea arpiication to joaji plants folt sjqapj i wish o islorui lie 4li tbcglcnhoiuo oi utlmeutwdlass 1 id prcprc4 to fcruish 11 kio du tomato ozxj ctybac ciouflmo se tho cdlap md met vcpaiaijtkklitt 1 desieab e plioppg fobsalbife that vtry desirable nropejrtj uanse an 4 glebe ovneq by th tion of knox ctmiciu acton i tbia nrorwrtt containing situated wtthin the umlu of tbe thriving vuufie of act reach of teboel church and about tix acre oi valuable her unable ot bein easily tbe iiaase is large in s excellent atto of ripair aliegoodrooaitonvbuili tbe roptti likely to niittha farmer or dusiness tau ho trom active work or indeed ill aay ooo rjshinj a comfortable locality t 1 for terms snd pinktlaxa addrsssjj l i f the uaxse comansg 1- tt tfvla of- i valuable- fatt- in the totrnship o ebiki ij v txdeeuie arda of thctij ecpriaia ff j of the county court of the cosily tstf liqpton fn the mattrr of partition u calherlne ieavov nialnnsandfiixasiafljiv cr and other defenanu the fnpnwt ybbpsdz- rill be fold by public auction at t agkews hotel tllage j axr j ttiursday 6tti september at 12 0cloc the north west half of thjbodthi of lot 7 in the emtonoeaaj t erin containing o seres tlicre ate sboat t5 acres of cleared nnder iultivationax iraneedi parti r tiniberert and all of s cti nnamtj4 fitbated vitb oonvenjen bail j y is ia a fine arjcoltniaf coilcnt roads teaii3 0efiaiib i r6 rash im on 1st brdsrtab balance io tito eqcal realty mjicirtp teres t at tii x cent on eith txymenti of poswlonofrroicrty i i ii2 deed given by tlwt real tltratsatato- monic from purchaser mcurlns b purthaai raonev title indtrfwtal 4 r for lahher ninlcvlan aprty to kwtsrt aoneort w iaclpharto ayahtgttnxf aeua auffrt 21st ii sault st m notice to contractor sealed texdebsaddreaioc to flisun aicned and endorsed ttdddnfosthsa bu mario canav will l recidi until the arrival oi tha esktoa s maih on tuesdat trirddsf next for tie ionnatiqnand cobsb caoal on the canadian dde of thfliirert the iilanjj of st mazy ivix the torki trill be lt in two secuassvfs i which will cmbrse the farmaficn ottlis fijs thxongh theifilaai tna xnoetton z the other the deepening ind widening es the channelway at bqdi endjhr the can eqar atmcuon of ientc -j- a map of tho ideality tojether thjlama j sjweifications of tie worka can pe l ottlcfl on and after tub9uu bs ww fif ocwberneit where prbrted tanoiiflshiidatiaa also be obtained s like elaai of iqformati reuuvotothewaimcinbeaeeaattwiabeecl- j thclajofficeruothatowaofsanhetamarie one p j vj intending contractors are refbtste tbb u- mind thai tenders ttfllnot b i p made strictly inacconlanoewtth uiqws forms and bs aeomiiaaied by ft letter stssw that the person or peraona lendgrint ha ss f fajly ciauiined the ltuty and the hon str ihe miicnal ftrorti i the triai nit xvjli in the caw of liruia there ninst be sitswwe tbe actual wfuaturva of tnofuuttmi of the oocnjauon and residence of of the uk ayd forthd a baokdei- for ihe tnm ofi0fljo mo accompsaj w der for the canal aiidlociia aodabsakm receipt fur the hip ol tlb mint asaomi tae tender lot tho decitaiiieand widonlafsl chteiici ray at both ends piers 4 the mjwctive deposit rvcclpw cheques not be accepted nust be endorsed ov w minister of railway and canils fartrtted if the party trmlorinfi docj into contract for tho work t the the tertrk tuted in tbe offer submitted tu dviyjsn receipt ihns sontibwiubertmr- id to the respective partita vbcwndrs sr not accepted this department doc not however wod ii to accept the lofctbt or any tenders vv i uj- order u p a p 1u1adlby i settaryc deprtmbutof ttailwayt and canalsi v oits a 8u1 augusu ti va 9 totheb03sflp elegant and sustantial splendid in qas2uy 1 completein asortarcnt overflowftgnu generdi bs mens woiexljaxdclliildbbij boots arid shoj su3bee3 0vss5sqbsi- at prions unit alwyfi lead to as 1 vihrj lowest prices consistent tttt- o t cutitpm work and promptly attend d to w- willi am willi street avjton tpc i -tw- mm