Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1887, p. 4

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vour his phlxei luiia t mm stnti tches r aiuaji hr ui ahb ilub almi baz wertnfe y yvotacxitt tia lime s ciui wfil s rlkmkg d sewing itself k r webber cures lfvsr compel dyspepsia biliousnsa sirs headaik iarsy trooife svirdissaa th bioodfne tever c arising 5 d general bebiiiij hirhv concentrate iyi afor jrs compot dder ino ions cufr jf cctll fl i3edicine co tcto out fdereo rohcest best o in tint quantity for miftiiiiis water wsia- lumlrrfl other uses a nunds jnl soda 7- fcrwcts andiraggfe iobohjo pwfidrake idfancfellon tfiler joo sou 2 favorably ta i e ts y recoaraeao c a rcciptbrf l rhichiitortl aranicediow or imctj oinliiifls iii jnundicrho- allow tlouiplmmbf r-v- tio core ahvw r j i try it ll sold by ail on amso co rriifordoia- overcoats- ve 6 lhe you have ever tetfc a tlie r limosf itd ta radii idiast s a k i the tiit v r i i ijdi i w 1 c aro mat an- v w jr iv- ltoi fcxisrs merry christmas will you wiil sny vc liatl bottcravait or a hili well my friends it may arr you to wait until ximisj qonics bqt wc can assure yon it will ufcijfroin nowtillxmas to till you about quj wonderful stock which we are neniiiy up ami also tell the iiany leaders of this paper about our jicat ivirnains geo hynds agton ont home gleanings something about our silver plated ware we buy direct from the factories making a saving to you of about v20 per cent a eeauti- ful 5 bottle cruet for 3 50 and on up as high as 1000 and 1200 our gake basketspickle stands napkin rings butter dishes fruit stands butter knives and pickie forks are a beautiful rogers knivesspoons forks tea spoons from 75c to soo per dozen call in and take a look at thisi line it will pay you g-eoobtsrilsrids- acton ontario aqtpn rev b phillips pastor riinicl ltowcv avcniu ioii uin juhi 0h iin smalny limc cluss couductfd bv the r all ivrilmlll invited t- ail isiiors nluays welcome at thi door pe lusired apply tph 1 moore llt artmt m jjrrss tliriisday novembhlt 17 1ss7 many mlxoe locals collated by the ever thoughtful and alert free press reporters vie has a toboggan club 1 nieetiu next tuesday cveuin voti can and buv all von ciin at a winter is already being pre- d cud y i c vc liuht is oil til jopis for i ti v c r snr as is on v- live weeks from the the present week n 11 nyi miteh good thomas boies of nassagaweya a osj barn last friday ie teachers of- georgetown high lve been re engagtj for 1s year will be leap year girls the tme to make up vourminds r stacey lias removed his office to is over mcgarvins drug store v ii clark ba of toronto d in st albans church last sun- vhioh mostly or a local oharaotor and all interesting high school entrance examinations notico has been received from the edu cation department that tho high beliool entrance exammations will be held on 1st 22nd and 23rd dec instead of the f 2uh 21st and 22iidii8 nuirst fixed teach ers and intending candidates will observe the elmnge ne feed for stock mr viiliincey kfullor writes- recom- mending farmers to j feed their cows and beef stock with crushed wheat he argues that with wheat selling at so low price and other articles of ifood dear because of the short crop the cost of production in fattening stock can by this means he ma terially reduced milton badlyiin ned of wa tei- woiks many miltoniaiis ire looking anxiously forward to the time when the waterworks will be put into operation which it is hoped they will be in january next they want drinking water as well as fire protection as mostof the wells which held out during the drought of the summerhave gone dry lately and it is doubtful whether there will be rain chough before winter to replenish them clnwiiimn thanksgiving sinvices thanksgiving services will be hehi in the several churches in town today as follows knox church at ham methodist church at u am st albans church at 7 pm baptist church at 7 pm a thanksgiving social will be held in the methodist church in the evening com- mencingjit 7 oclock a good programme has been arranged and will include a short address by rev j w line lot knox church wjiata cavloacioi eggs is a car load of eggs from ontario arrived yesterday possibly some of our readers dont know what a car load exactly rhearis we f ih try to enlighten them it contain ed ltl barrels each containing sciehty dozen of the nourishing article of food here is a nice sum in arithmetic to work out we set our otlice boy to work on it aud after long liours of weary mental labor- he brought in the result as 1st 700 eggs what a lot of egsnocan now be produced victoria bc tums i the provincial provident institution mr wm iindlay is in town represent ing the provincial provident institution whose head office is at st thomas the objects of this institution are to provide by- mutual cooperation life assurance on tho assessment system at actual cost the company is doing business npon the regular linesof assessment insurance companies with some changes in its plan which are claimed to possess superior advantages to its policy holders the officers and direc tors are public men of well known integrity mr findlay comes well recommended and hopes to do successful work here spoilsmen are out this mofinug in full l fir- irms and sporting dogs are in and -th- annua fat cattle show will be guclph 01 the 1ith and 15th of jstvs to- strangers wijj come u tiat they may 0 away with good tii bart sjeial ill the methodist rch u evening liroirises to be an ill judge miller presidcdiit jlhe division ir i- thursday the docket was cencnts aie now 111 sea- hvnls heads the list in expired third class certificates the board of examiners in peel couuty havj taken similar action with reference to theextension r third class teachers certi ficates to that of acton school trustees and have passed the following resolution therefore be it resolved that no renewal of a third class teachers certificate be granted unless the applicant shall have passed- for a higher grade of nonprofession al certificate or shill be able to show to this board thit on account of illness or some other urgent reason satisfactory to the board he or she has been unable to pasjs for a higher grade of nonprofessional cet tincate fci54wmifc53totifcieici2iiii sua exploritous at rockvwod professor panton uail the third year students of tho o a codlego are investigat ing the eaves at llookwobd lhbt saturday they started in tho main cave which is sixtysix feet 16ng and jby worming their way on through passages somo loss than two feet in diameter wljich opened out into other chambers they rejiched a distance of 112 feet from tho entrjance of theeavo this morning tjicy left armed with pick and shovels to tothh bottom of the pot hole there these pot ljoleb are circuhir in shape with perfectly forined sides and- are supposed to bo inado y the friction of small stones under a gllcier tho one at lucerne switzerland is supposed to be the largest in the world but this onq at roekvyooilbids fair to closely approach it as it i estimated to bo i feet deep and 20 feet across prof panton has found afield for his geological studies in this vicinity which has never been folly explored and the result of his researches will be looked for with much interestf guelph slrmiri owed to the saturdahr morning sun the guelph sulnnlii itnruiuij sun shines for all it says it is us bright ad sunshine and in nianyvespeets a credit to its ontorpribiug pubhiei- mr james hough jr the great jamount- of enter prise put forth by the publisher has evi dently caused him to ijeglect due discre tion in accepting matter for publication from xiutsido contributors tho sifrtan is a great admirer of original poetry and ifa subheading statesuhfit it was written for uibisiiii that catchtjs him every time a poet with tho sobricjueit bm has been doing the special poetiryj business for tho nun to its great pleasur but alas 1 we find by a careful perusal of a couple of these original poems that bjsi is a real live nigger in tho fence to bro hough for upon examination we iijcl that in tho last two originals a coupe of acrobtics re flecting severely upon tho star and its suc cess have been cunningly wrqugllfin by the poetftl thesikf expense by reading the first letter of each lire of the first poem an ode to tho sim downwards the reader is rather surpri ied to learn that thcsiiu is a failure oj and by reading the first letter of each line of the second poem the contented toiler upwards tho reader is confronted in i plain paragraph that james houghs paper cant live poor sun it has been j sorely victimized and all its- socalled boilerplate contem poraries will laugh audjwe fear therell be no more original poekry from bm for the sun man will he found waiting for him at the head of the stairs with a brand new club purchased immediately upon perusal of this- revelation in the free prrss adjutant steve marshall of toronto conducted the services at the- salvation k mr g ihv iliu 1- irk last we li inch i j follow act therav dr wilds sermons 77 oiiiiiliwi adoitn- is the name of a new 8 page religious literary and hotne journal published at toronto by yeigh iv co having succeeded to the tjkihc ac- it publishes the only iiutjiorid and verbatim reports of the sunday evening sermons of the wellknown divine rev joseph wild d 1 besides being a reli gious journal in a broad and unsectarian sense it represents the canadian congre- gntionalists and judging by the ability dis played in the number before us editorially aijd tvpbgraphically it is an organ which j reflects credit on such tin influential denoni- i illation the subscription price is only j- one dollar a year and it is on sale at all the newsdealers wants it s example imd j oea th 01111 esq uesing pioneer i bv 1 last veeli the death of mrs james brown r mother of mr james brown the clinton a hvwft is typo farmer of this place occurred at her home cleanest t v near limehouse mrs brown came to army last sunday a god deal of interest- was manifested the readers of the fiuik piiss ehould be careful about accepting central bank bills for- at present payment has been suspended hy this banki the canada glove jworks is running over time right along 0111 gloves mitts and moccasins andloore ajmcgarvin are un able to keep up with jtheir orders for trunks and valises with twelve liours work per day it the acion methodist church has ex tended an invitation to lfevg a clifford mr a of ripley to become their pastor for the next conference term mr giffordhas preached iuguelph and created a viry favorable indpression ifirrtni i the preston lmjrt confirms the re- tort that hejiburns shoe factory will be removed from that village within a short time it is reported unit toronto will he its next location another big bonus swallowed and preston jut of pocket confin niiibtiiiitii published at peterboro bv a g mortimer cainc to personal mention respecting visitors to and fro with whom free press readerb are acquainted i miss eliza matthews of toronto is visiting frieuds in acton mrs ilevjl dims cook of- toronto visit ed friends iii acton this week mr and mrs henry grindell of guelph visited friends here tbib week opt d l sobultzj of rookwbod was in vn on military business on monday rev rw williams of berlin was a caller et the fhek piikss sanctum on mon day rev d b cameron late of acton is hi towu this week and gave ail address at the presbyteriali lecture room wedifesday orillia 7imim mrfrhd mrs marlett misses annie and flora and master samuel marlett of frog- moro vero guests at aughenguilc farm a few days last week rev g a giftord m a of ripley has signified his acceptance of the invitation to the pastorate of the methodist church herci the appointment now rests with the action of tho stationing committee at the conference next june ckkwsox coknkks iikttrit the htfcat dry goods and clothlna stores 01 the west wi r phillips c co brampton to the iditor of the fun liiss a good many weeks have passed since we sent our last icorners letter to the labt oue you appeuded an unauthorized signature rusticus this however is not the cause of the long delay however not very many remarkable- things have occurred in the meantime although there should have been some which did not to mention some of tiese noii-occdr- rehccb we might refer to the fact that tho methodist people have apparently taken po btep3 towards making certain necessary repairs to their sanctuary suggested by your gleaner some time ago the harvest is passed anil the summer is end ed no irreverent joke intended aud the broken ceiling ib still unfilled tho coat of plaster needed on some parts of the outside is still not put on wake up brethren we always understood fuith and works to be orthodox methodist doctrine however among things which have oc- cureed and which has not been mentiouel was the ijuartely meeting services in the methodist church a cduple of weeks or eo ago when all but one of the five appoint ments were represented aud at which about 70 or 7 porsons partook of the sacrament a similar service was held there a year before which was the first for rainy years another item is tiro cutting of a large ditch draiuiug the road west of the ccraers a a place which is liable to be we in the spring ijihe methodist people have entered upon a series of special religious services which are indicative of securing great blessings for the church and neighborhood general ly kxcelleht order reigns and great at tention is given revs messrs swauu aud barnby are earnest ministers of christ and their labors are much appreciated oiie feature of the services is the aim in general of closing at an early hour in order that those coming a loug distance be not fatigued although people hold different opinions the halton repeal movement is being eagerly watched hulton has been a good place to test the act as it contains aft j grades of communities from sparcely settled cross road neighborhoods to villages and towus as well as being jiflte-cou- veneut to three cities at different points also nearly completely crossed by a rail way at each end and one about the centre as well as one trnersin its length from north to south besides having lake ports ill prohibition campaigns wljen antis re- i ferrel to maine or masstichusetts or michigan their opponents could exultmgly say halton now howover if halton oooqoo worthojt t f dry goods clothing carpets boots shoesj c every person purchasing from 300 worth and upwards of goods at our stores will be allowed half fare we sell dress l goods mantles and mantle goods purs flannels cottons and ulothing carpets boots shoes etc at te percent less than tor onto houses we employ one of the best cutters ih western ontario mens clothing made ih the best style dont forget half fare allowed if rou buy 300 worth of goods from us come and see our large warehouse w r phillips company wholesale and retail ip brampton ontario english place of business st peters square man6hester k- wonderful what a stock of dress goods do you ever expect to sell all these piles this was a question frequently asked by- people as goods kept coming in this season tlieycould iiot believe that any one houso in guelph could dispose of such a quantity of dress material but see how the piles are melting dfswn how the attractive nbvelitics are being picked up nice choice goods at a fair price always sell lilts trash that generally sticks aud we dont deal in- that have you visited the department this season yes well then you will bear testimony to the excellence of the lines we are selliug at 10 121 and loceuts per yard and the really spleudid allwool french goods at 20 221 and 25 cents the beauty and value of the line german plaid flan6j at 35 and 40 cents the rich textures and uew shadings of our fine dress goods ranging from 40 cents to s225 per yard and the almost unlimited supply of plushes velvets gimps passamentires feather trimmings etc to match the shades of dress goods hollinrake sons r i v mammoth ci1eal tke milton is the place to buy your goods 9 we buv cheap aud consequently can sell cheap numbers of people have responded toonr afttisemeuts and are how good customers we want you toteit the reality qf our statejarents for yourself kuowing you will be more than satisfied the pijoof of the pudding is the eating thereof dtt tilicrtiscntfitt wanted a iooi smairflaiiltscveiiulimriiliiaii 2 years of u0 nt l cioii i i ago muuki- lllisivlllcll it mcgahvlns- seivan wanted a gillalmut fiftec l to do lieht woik wnvs xv 500 icy nmnt ior jinrtieulnrs njiiiynt kiir piuss oviiti j u c a millotery millinery our stock is superb all the newest goods with a firstclass trimmer and obliging saleslady we can please everyone we are constantly receiving new goods and can show you a stock second to none in the county one of our late arrivals is a big- bejliisr er special new goods new goqds we have just received abipinent of failorv cotton to be soldat si cents per van to m nnaiibemcnu with one or two livo en- y the web now is the ime to uuy a web and ke it up before spri heavy ail mos ivool tweeds 0 cents a vard lleay all wuul plain unit check lull colli only oo cents a l his inducements to hcrinners oro norticulnrlv by wo yard hand last week m an dutirely new dress should surrender the act the banner the liimhi niitu is a hiodel journal and l county will be gone for the scott actors contains matter of great interest to those gikaxki engaged in the trade i mcleod anderson co mens and tt0y8 atisasssss published a section veck some of its raphically one of the neatest and f our exchanges i have a thought for he pobr in a rijtieal way today gqod thoughts are when cjined in deeds vllmsmler the lehices for the reuder- thanks to our bountiful father for riimjjivss nurcies during the year nr- ril churches to day -ti- llaire between the most easter- v -v- street letter boxes in this 7 miles who vvjhsay now that ir j ii not uite a city rr graliam graham have opcu- n the butchering business in the j 5 just erected by them next t m ed utit i dli- t kuuev iiros boot i- shoestore shelburnes festive citizens v died two months ago was rie i lm hilweek they arc an people are the sheiburnites lire brigade is of very little the- last two fires in the town it kspiesing with her husband over fifty- years ago and resided on the farm then taken up tuitilher death the family has always been highly esteemed mrs brown became a widow thirteofifyears ago for the past f live years her health had been rather poor and for over jour months she has been unable to leave her room her decease will be learned with regret by hun dreds who shared her kindness and enjoyed her hospitality in years gone by the re mains were carried to their last resting place by her six sons thanksgiving day i today has been appointed anjdjiroclaim- ed thanksgiving day for the jeutire do minion andwil we trust be loyally ob served by our citizens that all should be thankful for the blessing of plentiful harvest directly or indirectly a boon to each and all will be generally admitted aud wliilst the laborer may have willingly done his part surely it is not out of place t of the mammoth house georgetown thousand dollars the mill has now closed and the loan ranks beliind all the other liabilities the net rejsull of this encour agement to industry iiomies co be the ibssofo000 to the villjige and markham iave lniicll ploilsluc ill illuloull- is permanently cured of its municipal loan j c t p and ilkeilds c of innneiisc arrivals ot newiaiid district warrants were issued for the i recent county scott acjt lines inposedby ashroinblp 1 nil and winter y m lowes us a result of the visit of the goods iii eaucy and stiiplcidry brown bros ami mrfs dufiield kock- j g we aio the leadcis in tlie wood has paid 0 ind mr a foley l y i 7 i m latest styles and tlic ffuidine star mornseon moo on twoponvictions ihese j t are the men who pnbiejy declared they for fall bargains ylsltols sul would pay no scott act lines john it clark is eipectcd in acton in the course of a month or so he has given entertainments in toronto ten times ingersoh seven woodstock and times sliawa 1 many other port hope places six half an hour to get a q mti knowledge the favors received vater upon the burning buildup frqin te givel o al cjifts the bvcn unanimously decided to the manufacturer and the farm- ihurg council to submit a by- i t wc a to let all be at rest on lg the linn of j t weston a j hat day imd whether properly or inipro- i- jf rii to assist them in p h by the many be free from the i i charge of violating the sanctity of the day imagine thai a man is a sweet- i it is hoped that the thanksgiving services ble and gentlemanly fellow in the churches today will he well at tended times each he commlinds large audiences of all classes apd nevpr fails to delight even to flood tidf iu the advertising columns on this page our readers will llmd an interesting and attractive announcement from the mamrnoth establishing it of messrs w k phillips co bramptfon dbstomers are assuredthat they can do as well or better there lhau in toronto and can save one half their railway fare a number of passenger trains are likely to cross at acton mi t the winter time- table wangenients and for the accommo- datioji of -travellers- the gtli authorities are building a platform about 100 feet long between the main line and the first siding e here the sidewalk it vard should be while the carpenters a leading out of the gt extended to the crossii he shakes lrftids and smiles and h euv cue lie meets ltriips ldidate- thank- for their esteemed i the past and re- a novel entertainment the following illustrates 1 it phillips preached an imprcs- j lli- method of reporting on last sunday morning upon the i trials which it is called upon to do nearly a the methodist i church as a every week when the curtain rose at the th- temperance- question and i weekly represeiitation of the scott act of it members i ltwar of milton was convicted le lieeton i scott act tom ownbutciifj the subscriber takes pleasure in ing hisinany customer- and liberal patronage i spectfully solicits n continuance of their j favors he feels justitied in expecting their patronage now inasmuch as during the hot slimmer months he paid special attention to the wants of all his customers and supplied them witji the best of meat during the season lie has served them day on two charges and sen- jiilfcr four months and- alex viis iiiitd so and costs for suott act liiiutvi hien isies in succession the ilaitu has presented the judge r of wlnte kid gloves and yet county is getting worse the val teuderiid to judge gait last well in the jiast and h stav w ii liiiiii s settled in acton to j butcher j purposes kach was h cobblediclt b a of i vill occupy thejmlpit ofthe hurch here nex sunday nidrh- iiig mr cobbledick preached time ago with great accepti- 11 she1 armory and stres of i lome liikactou were civil mi uy by col otter com- n dmt of c company school of infaiitry toronto- he was attended by cel allan and apt schultz lie re hed tverv thing in a lirst chis- iiditio ciimedy on monday there was u full house- in jioiiit of attendance mainly witnesses william linis of bradford paid moilj rather than play his part joe king said clarke was notjoking so he anted up j2 j j 0i1 monday in iilace of facing the orchestra then the drl charged by entitled the innocents j w liquor f was put oa the boards armstrong of bradford mckay of the same place and coulter of cookstown- took the principal i j hays credit parts but we driimot say they acquitted s was so lame lor nine months that themselves itlie witnesses jdid that for ue q0u no raise his land to his head but them the dialog of the piece was short oy tie use 0 p thpnias kclectric oil and pithyiisp clarke would say do t nail in himeness disappeared and know soandso the ilefendant j a three months has elupsed he has intoxicants j not 1l an attack of ij since or in the j the the police magistrate of hamilton gave in the cases of three he license inspector other than medicinal lined s0 and costs p o says- his jl yes did you driilk any on such a date no three months preceding no author qf the play that is the man who submitted the cast- to clarke must be an awful xii he was misinformed law- j ver sprole of barrie occupied a seat on j the stage supporting mr armstrong law ver heariiinun after piece paid fcheelyv initiation fees of 0 with extras of s30 noted millinery am dry goods store central bjink notes taken t par -aj- ml also mr kidds 50 under protest 1 acton h prised buyers delighted fine goods and low prices do the work our dress goods and dress materials costume cloths dress silks dress trimitjings mantle coeds mantle making and dress- fnaking are marvels of popularity in seasonable styles and fair fiouros i our millinery t- superb clioice extensive varied any lady can be suited the stock is wonderful in quality quantity aud style our staple goods is beyond com parison the largest and cheap est ever ottered cottons at won derful low prices a magnificent canton flannel for sc per ard superb grey flannel 2g inches wide allwool 20c per yard in gentlemens wear our cloths suiting materials over coatings underclothing and gents furnishings of all kinds land not forgetting our cutting and make up in our tailoring j department forstyle and finish has unsurpassed the best of every thing but no high price profits ladies innneiisc stock great variety constantly offering bargains in this department c have a large stuck large premises every facility ttdo busi ness comfortably we have un equal facilities to buy the goods cheap send a delegate from every home and ictus prove that we are reaching out for more trade with irresistable induce ments beyond the whisper ot competition op comparison our uew features exclusive styles uncqiialed bargains will demon strate beyond the shadow of a doubt that it will pay to trade with mcleod anderson co georgetown in satiu merveilleaux in black gdlden brown myrtle navy bhagand sateyoll worth i jloo a yard but in order to sell thq goods olt rapidry we are running them at75 cents a llslhhmanlli cloths domga l this is a grand chance to get n silk dress for a wedding or any otli big trade in these goods never showed occasion very cheap anythihs like such an assortment we sell a double width curl at jo cents equal to anything we ever sold at 135 and we have them high i notiglf too as high as 91250 per yard for a black curl which everyb dy snys is prettier than the real fur very pretty stripe jersey flannels for childs clonks and very cheap v underclothing now weve got yon dont say times are hard and you have got to economize on this line we economize for you we cut the prices down we save you money in mens and boys underclothidg of every size in cotton merino coarse wool fine lambs wool atid scotch underclothing we make it easy for you tobuy come and try ladies undk1uvkah our patent seamless goods in merino lambs wool and natural cashmere wools are finding more favor than ever the garments are well shaped no seams nicely finished and cheap they are a comfort to the wearer they are low iu price no wonder they sell so well gloves and mitts gents de partment full stock of storeysnapa tan bucks chamois lined kids cloth lined gloves aind milts they are warranted to and give satisfaction good driving horse for sale- phe uihlcrsikiicil jlins for sale a court driving x horse sound mid gentle and verv mutable- for a family driver- can be diivtir without trouble hy a ladv for narticulurs tuilily to allfuiiial n fnnjijiiii altchihald camlbku i vliuxnstllellt steers astray sthaikd upon tile premises of or lot is con i ksruusiu n week in september two veariin white the other rial and whin- please prove propcttv pi them diwcan kkith le suiseru- the 11 v- 1 ors one owner will expenses nnd take salesmen wanted we arc in want if a few more irstclass men to canvass for the sale of elioicevarietien of nursery stock i to men who can make a success of the business we cull piv pood falarics orconimissipifnndiiviperinnir rtiiplnvnirnr we jmvo many ncwanii clioice mimmuis both n the fruit and ornamental linos which other do nothaiidlc apjjv at once with referencess i j way dltothehs ncnsnnvsien rochester ky sale8menvyantei iedward o graliani tho populor ard well known niiiseryniantif iiemhester ny desires 50c 75 100 150 175 splendid stock of rcrsiiui lamb ami heal caps and muffs knit scull caps for hoys dud men knit caps with peaks for boys ami men we can show you the finest 25 cent grey- flannel in the county hi yards for 5225 plain and striped toboggan cloth and blankets for childrens coat big value in knit shawls and woven shawls piles of mantle cloths at allprices floor oilcloths all widths llcnip wool and tapestry carpets at- all prices the best ahwool yarn 50 ceiits a pound iii o pound lots 15 cents a pound piles of white and colored carpet warps at rock bottom prices grey and black kobes at all prices no small pieces firstclass goods felt boots felt boots sinners uro particularly advantamis hefulffflsnll lie- promisih nnd luaraiitoja to furnith strictly first clash btock i he can iive active square upright men rood positions and desires tcf cormminicato with a few such men with a view of securing their erviei s write to him as soon nn you have read r ii address i fcinv o giiaiiax urscrviihi ltochester ky rubbers aud overshoes all 6izes if you have never bought boots and shoes from us ovekcoattngs we must not foruet tr us ior yolu uext lot as wo prideonrselves in giving the besi value for the money in the grand line of melton and beaver over coatings just to hand they are choice goods and we make you up a nice fitting overcoat at a very moderate price come this line that can be got anywhere hoping by square dealing and selling cheap to have a share of patronage noted for choice goods no credit e it bollert 27 lower wyndham st guelph oxt iikli0ne in olhck 1883 haiuveus magazine illusteated haupkuvm azini is un organ of progressive thought ami movement in every department of life besides other attractions it will contain durin t the coming year important articles superbly illustrated on the jreat west articles on american and foreign industry beautifully illustrated pnpers on scotland xonyay switzer land algiers nnd the west indies new novels by william uluck nnd wd howells novelettes each complete in n single number by henry janufc laftadio heurn and amelie ltives short stories by miss woolson and other- popular writers and illustrated papers of special artistic irtiil literary interest the editorial depart ments are conducted by george william curtis william dean howelu and charles dudley ind gents iootwear j warner hollinrake sons milton p s farm produce takeriiiii ekchange for goods six cents pe poundpaidfor good dried apples oter list188j i vvsu flaiityor thk illalj oil acton cofxlly ok halton k i hi rein liven thai- 1 imve truiis- liutted ordelfcredtnthciicrsciihimlntiiiii- 1 in the third and fourth sections of the voters list an tlie eopie reipihil bv said sei tjon to he su tiansnliuid ordeiivered of the list madepiirsnant to stud art of nil pei-nniippelir- inn hy lille last revised assissineiil itnll of the said liiunicipulitv to he elititleil t vole iu ihe- uniilinaiiiiijiality it iliction- fur ii inhere of the legislative wemldy and at municipal elee tions und that hitidilist ivas first posted uji atini olliee at acton dituhe eoth dav oi oetiller lss- utid remains thie tor injieetrun kleetors are iilhid upon to exniuinc ihe s id list and ifanv pihiisions or aniiither erroih me found therein to tiite inmiedhite pinceidines io have the said ejiii eonected arcoriling to law i 1 i mctallvin tleik of the said mniiieipality dated this liiuh day iifoet 1st judlcjal salk valuable farm in mil township of esquesing iolnty uk halton millinery and manlte i departments in ftfll running order v handsome show booms splendid light everything new low prices mi j i a manufacturers stock of iviaritles atlessthan yvhole- sal6 prices pihhrslto the judgment of tile thaiaery uivision of tluiulnliloiiit of justice mada iu the uiottr of lie laiinr laiii v3 lamb dated thetivelllh lav ofyiepteinhir ks7 and willi the iiiinilmtiii of am mikmiion lotnl malqr of tlisupieine lotm uf judiialuie altilielph there mill lie oihietfor sale hi- wji himstiht aurtionhli f nv iemir ac s j s h wk hot ii non ai j uj ooon or ii the vllltok of acton saturday the 26th day o november a d 1887 at the hour of twelve oehek nooil ihe folloui iug lands and jirem ses lahcilitlh wem liiilf f nuinhih twelllysevell in 1 ie slvth rum ifsion of he townsuipof ksiiurjiut iiuitiiiimione hundred aerih nioil or hss lakckl ii- 111 1 hail f t ulliil r 1ivelityeinllt in ihe- hixlh colieissiilii of the townsliipnl lijiufine rolituiniii ninetvliiiie and threiijtiiartir miis more i- le on ialiiuj i i eroetud a lirslilassiirifl harpers periodidals per year hahtkus maoazink haklkks wlkkly hahlfks i1aau ha1i11ek- yqcng llolli iu a oil ikj iisiihe iree to all sul stlte canada ur mexie scrihers in ihe luited thevoluines ol the magaiuni heyin wilh the nuniliers for luno and deeeuiher of each year when no time 0 speeiiiod subscriptions willhe- yhi vvilli the niuiihtr cnrreiitat tune of receiiit of order liouud volumes of hiiiiiiis magaini for three years hack in neat cloth binding will be sent by mail post-paid- on receipt of 3w per volume cloth cases forbindingdoccntscach by mail postpaid 1 index to hlillus maoazixk alphabetical analytical and classified ior volumes 1 io 71 inclusive from june 1830 to june ibsi 0110 vol kvo cloth sioo lieinittauces should be made by rostsfiico money order or draft to avoid chance of loss i newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of hailimn ilrotueiis address haltlelt huotflkuli xew york childrens ulsteii 2 ill worth- 550 ladies ulsters worth 51 ladies jersey jackets 5 wortlij750 ladies knitted skirts german make 1 knitted wool shawls from il upwards newest designs in carpets just received tapestry carpetjic brussels carpets 70c wool carpets 7oc mckay brothers 46 and 48 king street east hamilton house nearly ne roonic witji v 1 il good cellar itide on thi pailtd al with all modern ii midenfeat ihen nnd all neeejwry o well in the burin ar of obotit three uwv tvo sblr ijjmi pvlhu herl sumuiir kuclien ve l tve ijn-ix- isitlso erected urn li uuariv new and jpiuvcjneiits slune stable is a hiving shed root jioum- shiiihliijs tlifie is iil there also wi orchard in full bcuiin to farmers and hrshers use on your machinery only the wellknown svjyess oil on iauckl il in 11 liiiiu inv- i s tjiere isulso an on hard on ie preliiis thl3 valuabiebroperty was owned bv the late thomas lame md is one of the iii est 1arlni hi the couutv of haltoii hverythiiiij ii in jrsteiis eolidition and the iarmis iii 1 hiyli state of cultivation a sprihb creek niiii throueh u poniou of the kurni and thef is l eolitau mjiplv of water tliere are 17 acre lt voods 011 lureel i and id lnu is situated j miles iniii ieorcetown at hoth yood markets for tlie sale 011 lurcel 11 itli horn acttn mid of which places tirif of 1oini iroluee 1 tk1 the purchaser to the vendors si lairchise money therealter pa into court ti mattev a rtntiier si saiij ten per cent y the bfihiuue tlienrt mkxilsali hall ilium tlie in vol srlu pai icitolsteli ir cent if ins ud shall withiii one molllh ihu redit of this in kuilicieiit to make up with ie hail o liiiuvliiiiiu luonei to ho hceurtd uy mortyiiie payable du six yeui i aith interest iitiixpcrlvfit yearly or lit the o tiouof the pirchnsor he luiiv pay the while of h h puruiiase luquev uitu tho court within said mouth the vendor shall to f uminh o lhjgistrars ag- c deeds u kiie way have fu other ruxtmctti the tenusiilid the ktaloii jtouditious of tloi perfeetjho inoiiertlib to a nscrveti bfd to bo xed only bo reqitiied struct uudsiicli tit her iksstiisioii il comiitionn- will bi this couit tho t will he old suhjee by the said muutci tor further part waggons lfarm guelph farmers ask for tliem uscno other i manufactured at queen oity oil ttoflu by samuel rogers coi toronto dated till 1 3t ik ii i-s- v k t mai soipl i toxoin uth- buclpi johuliiiikiij jlltoxttiitoi mm a 11l1111 xcudorn uolicltoiit i sfctlk vajicklxojs v jxxmlmataiptujjb srd do f nm a jjluh s t- i i 1 r

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