vt ml ffljc ctott fxtt f jrtss j acton backing company is fcbltsiiktv every xlilfr day mol -4tibe- free press power printi acton z ontaftio om subscription rates kxvr sioo six voxms thbks siomhs istrt ln arimy iudvanv if not paid tinaol visr trill be charged xo pi t ill ail arrears arc paid owept at thoj liois of the publisher s advertising rates jiiiciis 10iiilu suihi 1 ljlil fir 1 1 y1u id mo jexvlw i smcv1 i i tsail 4000 2000 liw i 6ii i 350 ti ij nino f house nkts lie advance fpordiscou q mo 1 mo wh 700 100 encnts 8 corns peril 1 s cents per lino fori punt insertion rash the nonibir of lines rekvul lv tho space cyccupnd measured by tcale of solid nonpareil advortseuionts without sneciftc itircctions till iwliisittil till torbid ami charged record uiy transitory a jvcrtlseuieuuiuu a ulvauv change iatho c tbev will fr contract aivcrtiscracn i0 by jalu ou tnesday c left over until tho follow h p t l paid s must be otherwise f g vreolc mookk editor and ijropriotor iiu5tttf55 simton 700 a50 160 100 nc tor tho each sub- v h lowrt m b xijc p s 1j crauato of trinity college member of ivdvse of riivmcians and surgeons 4iri co and residence at the head of frederick street acton afte john iawsox gradtja 0jio veterinary college toronto eriwy surgeon acton out officc- liro hoot in i shoo store residence hcrfcseaundationiiiiienhdu vii all calls iu or dy promptly att tonus eisv j of vet- 1 kenny tlm rear certificates pl pudod to l bennett lds dentist geolutottti ac mcklxlay lds su dentist cnioxgetowa ont new scstcta of nitrotjs oxide gas cbuim caiioi vitaliiid air for extracting teeth without having been demonstrator and pmll toronto two patrons may depend upon tion in nr yrateiil peticamtid yt ciuntvtiv ocaid and fourth wed ilijch mouth osice in aguewa htel til carmq15e j tistiultas honorgraduate of the kori tril ti scrtteo den- e of the outario colleic of xentiil surgeons of it atcn thursday of each wet k begin nrt ot july i office in agne s hotej rrtration o the natural teeth a pecialty artiftoul eii nortcd on towccllnlo dor rub- j xitrtv- oiije snl other aniesthetics jusodfor piiii i ontario rue02j s aia nonly rracticat burgoons itvccivins iv hi letlncsday stofcey j3hri8 ie ft co binkebs- actou ontario a gtitfekal 1axk1so business transacted v0nst i0a1 3d oh approved s0tbs notes discouated and interest allowed on ddpobitb acto ontailip thursday september 22 187 find thepuzzle flhk uudersignodj i prepared to f nrnlnh on tho x shortest uottoo in any quantity and at bot tom j dm finrvclasa lumber lat i8taves head ing shlngl swa3htub8 churns tutter tubs pork baf els wood flour andipeed and anything in the rao of farmers housekeep ers or contractors ui ccsslties the puxalo is to ud a hotter place than thomas c moores to buy anything in tb 3 above hues also to find oat if you are imlebt a to him- for anything ymt chsed from hitu i is booksay souio are and bo wo aid like uie uioijey reopening 0 schools avhslv llll hitbo higli and ritbllo slioolg to hand at day hook- store w h rutledce the butcher deal utvorytlrjni iu ulo meat line- no cits cstajblishiuoutlrail jcd at 11 keasous no questionjable goods of fered to customers loft prices ainl m one trial convinces 01j cash alwavs tiaii price paid for hides t aes irarjuitoivi perfectj vitatiled air oiije snl other anaesthetics extraction of teeth fuhnalon mcleas hjrri a- irn e f yanccrs solicitors notaries couv fni to ojn ose toivu hall acton b johnston avu a mclean mowat dw- ritlfteit solkttou xotvkv pbuc jey toloiu bilj- tiidiiy acu siiuitiay madbet bicrri acton jipsulrs at e mitchell soucrroe coxtbtaxcee ac ofsjt firft co- west of the cb iiupion o3rv miin street liilion money to lpan at 0 per cf- wellington 1h found hotter stock- atanjy price iuorc dealing thesu points f my motto for cattle the 1 sheepskins highest tv h rutledge warble works quebec ejt- qttelph hamilton proprietors wholesale and ret lil dealers in marble granite and ev rrything pertaining to cemetery importers qfgr4 s hilton lla5 abairp barristers solicitors c- tviwxtoaxp georigetotrx trexuiins block georgetokti toronto 1 1 kis street east n 1 s2ili0x e b iulkow cars0n and 60 j evfed ba having lately visited days 5 coat exercise nooks iu tho largest and boat lu tho city 900 page scribbling book forsccutn k i all kinds of school supplies v at days bookstore quelph day sells cheap just akb1ved at the bazaar a laiiuk stock ov wools double and single lierlin zephur andu- lolaii fairy 2ephcr and all kinds of flu- goring woolb for the fall and whiter trade a lovely assortment of kmbroidcrlos lu cambric and muslin handsome ilahy kobes and cnshmere cloaks lovely shades iu llushos kelts satins arrasines embroidery silks killoselles lqii- pons chenille cords dangles and all the latest trimmings for tidies hanucre draperies kte underwear made to order stamping a specialty clark work direct of all kinds nvte afjd mirble the bay of knndygranite quarries and having p lrehased tie eutire stock of gray and red granju uiouumeuts headstones crosses urns etc of jfcxandcr taylor at- less than cost we will un il further notice sell at prices neter before kn tvn in ontario for in stancegranite mouu ucnts it high sfjo 7 ft 7s 8 ft 590 5 f tjilqo 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted fir tclass parties wanting anything in this line w ill do well to call and see us before purchasing f isewhcro as we guarantee out prices are from 2 to m per cent bclw all other dealers llkitkisltlawc ontiro tfsti so churcti street toronto vrairwarr oiix caesoki bcl focrcvsattonxzt i atents secured 1 fob inventions hkxiyunst ottawa ctnirja y yi practc no patent no pay w uejistreet k tie c yjlinton audlhattou or ic if t the kek piirss office acton or ct tj resiiiice in ajton will be pronirtly at- tcieio tenas roiisonable i also inoy to loan on the most favorable tcrvjl t tile kiwestrites of intfcrest suois o j u icpraids j vr la i or auctioxeee liy j ii tvohdex f r tuc crntics of halton and welliugton crrinieft at hir residentic main treet oppos- ite cnurch trejt actou or addressed to acton po will reive strict attention rtioiiie notes disconnted if desired terms rqhx 1iay oiit abohitect gcelfh oxt hotel ijlock ilarketl sqaare p iusciflxosan st oirvsci accsat v kibg neatii r hi54 cuspmani bookblsdeb arc gccipb ontario of ail kiiits uale 0 order very description carefnllybonnl itjy done rpromptl mhe haslak bapber hop hill street actos an eiy s iiitc- a sttllsb haireut a good seifoam an eshtliarjtiag fliampoo always given barors honed and put in firstclass conditioni ladies an 1 chimrcn5rair tastily cut 7 4- h wobdex tonsorial artists guflph liilsinesii college glelph ontario j j vi mhe fourth scholastic year l began scitcmber 1st the faculty baa 1jel urtijilfciifl thecoilegcpremiscsfenlarged and new appliances added each- ofj the six centers i the faculty is an experienced and rcosti tcrher the thorouab b jiraewcal uiture of thewbiu dorve by theoollage ikjroven bttuesucessoftj gnuloatea both tn canada acd the united states ladies are admitted to all the advantages offered by the inatitntion fotrlterms etc address- j j- m mitcobluck lqmber hing havisli a slimed proprietorship ol theliverj basiucm latty carried on hy mr w e smith would feoliciftliie mtroiiaiie of thepublic and will do their utinoit to please all customers well equippd and stylish rigs can atyayp be secured first class outfit for commercial travel lers at special rate a comfortable bus lliuets all day trains and night also if orjdefed tjive n a call j it h worden and dont forget thisjs where you can get tho light running new raymond sewing machine tho machine everybody wants vccds no recommendation it recommend itself call and 6ce this popular machine and iusjwct our stock of fancy ipods frank rwebber actou aufiuat i8th 1887 i cwkelijy i sole agent for acton and vicinity bell organ and lansdowne piano uoticc that cmrj y sole in the fiek pniiss c mcleans aflvertisen cut doubts rrj agency for the ibell orgi n i now state that i buv tract duly signed by m ssrs sv bell giving me tbe agei the bell organ forthe ity of gaelpli upd a radios of twenty mill s including ictou rockwood edeii mills everton nety ger many breslau and he spcler tlie e a writted cou- 4 co cy for tbe sile of mentioned contract cat lady or gentleman ou all stor2 opposite the posj the reliable firm of w hering to the letter of that any person other tilii my ugeutk who rgan in the heiliio i pausfe and consider that it will be to your own interest to patrgnizc home trade we wguld respcctfiiljy inform tbe inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that tre are again in full running order and in a better position than before tbe nra to fill all orders eutrustod to us to parties building banjos violins hariniul f also a full line of tbe latesl receiving new instalments lumber wil be dressed p iqade with are eellidg the bell tj territory is obtaining th factory way qr u sell iustrumeut i notice mended the bell organ indisputable reputation such that all dealers recommend to men o w kfelli oiiosite ioftt office gtfe be seeu b ding at my office i pell co abe ud- the contract tnd above i any music relieve above m lu some ulisatis- ug a seconi hand projirietor recom- to customer tbe of this orjau is gobto- iph my warerooui well it instrpmpth iiicludiug piaios organs iuitars cas and accofdianb tocked with tpnsical nd am sheet music i laily cwkeelly of atl competition elegant and substantial goods anit lath pile undersigned desires to inform thi i that he has now on ban and will lie public a 1u 1 ksep in stock a full line of pine and hemlock a well as other kinds of lumber also first and a class 1iue shingles lath goal wood mavibg uicuaeu s saiitii i an prepared to snpi the ooai business t to o ipply all lindi of store coal i have also a good stock of wood hardwood ash cedar and mill wood af reason able prices wood and coal dcurered jame8 bown mtltual fire insurance company oy tllk second i8nbli8ufcpl8tf4 head office qujfejuph hiiio hail i a jai jlurcuapdim mauujlaotorioe amlail other dasrptionof prdporth 1roilum not systeui ftff stone cnas dstvideon president janury johntaiui alfiei while you wait and moulding neatness and clupateb s b wg are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps on short notice and from long experience iu the business we tepj confident thai we can give sat isfaction every time so come ou with four ordersand help to roll the ball along slonoy makes tbe more go whether she has legs or no tuosebbace mauaeer the faiil will le here before yon know it but of thk dominion bopt shoe store main street acton have anticipated its early arrivaland laid in a splendid stock of boots shoes site for fall wear i 0urepufatiii fyy pp gflpd and superior valupjs ijel establjehpd we can suit you all our eustoni department is turning out firstclass work as usual with good stock arid repairing is lwys promptly atjd njktly done r fkjbltoreps ioioj splendid in quality i complete in assortmd overflowing in gq r01vt we place 6ub ntll- ncrons bariins mess wqsjeks asp ojiilpbe is boots and shoes rubbers 07rsh0es c at prices thai always lead to sppedyj rr0i0 lowest prices c0x8istextj with coojd qual 1tob 6a ivo toiled with uy hands ull the lqiik day is doo but thoros nobody lad for tho bread ihavo won nobody smiles when i roach my lono room nobody hlspe im glad you have comor nobody ungeti with tciidowt caro j to brush baok the locks of my damp clustering hair darling youre woarr enough for today i thouih my shoulder is howod with tlio burden it bean and i am so weary thoros nobody oarca father and mother arq cold 111 tlio tomb with brother or sinter for ino theres no room chill death seeing my ouly attendant to he for lover and friend hath ho put far from mo tlio broad streets are full of tho young and the gay who notice mo not as i pass on my way i 800 their kind smiles and their bright loving eyes i hear fond words of wolcomc and rondor good byes hut nobody asks how thi poor toller fores- i am so lonely but nobody cares thus lonelyand sorrowing day after day i must walk as i can on my desolate- way i must seek ever more for my pittance of bread to nurture the life whllo tlio pleasure lies dead no bright i191k is hiiddiug in beauty for 1110 no light on the sloics of tlio future i see but soou i khali rest for work shall be done a colllu and shroud ho tho meod i havo won and theyll say when deaths pallor my suukeu cheek wears poor tiling bho is dead hut nobody cares oh yc who are happy iu lorelighted homes where tho demon of want or temptation noer conies oh i yo who havo wealth who havo hope can yo know tho long days of anguish tho dark nights of woe which cling to tho lot of tho friendless and poor who sicken and droop even at your own door i can yo tell how they feel tyho must toil lest they dlo whilo tlio bloom from the chook and tho light from tho oye fade out and they fall or are caught in the snares which are waiting for those for whom nobody cares oh notice the wan and pinched features you scc- beincinber how cheerful thoso sad oyes might bo if only tho cost of tho lace at your throat or tho ribbons and plumes which so charmingly float oer your thoughtless young brow was but lov ingly sont to brighten the homes where their sad hours are spent and the few kindly words which you daily might speak 1 would bring back tho roses to many a cheek for 6b you know not how thatbeing despairs who must sorrow alone for whom nobody cares oh turn from the diamonds youre coveting now and purchase a treasure more fair for your brow go raise up tho sonl that is bowed in tho dnst go bind up tho heart which affliction hath crushed forthc stars shall uot glisten more lovely liy night than tho joy that hhall shod forth its radianco bright for her who duspisiiigtho whispers of prido remembers the toiler so lonely and tried and lighten all christdifce tho bnrdeu which bears on tho shoulders of ono for whom nobody cares with crying young woman she cried in her sweet unsympathetic soprano voice what is the natter and oan yon toll me please how far i am from willow farm the girl stopped dashed away her tearb heat down my old scarecrow for 1 stuffed ekd jfamiln iuading a dreadful secret sales uufcppr wt and repairing hrqmijtily atndpd tp w willi atys ty mill street acton the picture gallery guetph waters brqs wh0 y be burnt out monday hight have temporarily removed to nexlesolp statjid where they are preparing to sacrifice their trmeniious istbjk mi it was 5 olock of a bright july after noon when letty price carno to willow farui its altogether au adventure said letty waving her japanese parasol over her head i came i saw no im not altogether certain as yet that i have con- quered but im going to conquer letty wns a city young lady from the sound of handorgan and truckwheels she had come out to the country solitudes inji tired of my place nt shoelace it buttons said she its positively ruin ous to the complexion to stand all day long behind a counter and every one needs a little change whats tlio use of n rich old aunt in the country if one cant utilize her id like to know invited oh of oonrse i havent been invited aunt willow never invites any one shcfs misanthropic and detests yojing people particularly girlb and more particularly pretty girls so i decided to invite myself and yon will see that i shall take thelort without show of guns nobody ever yet resisted me good- by dear come over to willow farm the day after tomorrow if you can get any of your nboriginal relatives to bring you and witness my triumph is this hackmatack station brakeman oil then it is all right j and miss price kissed her hand effective ly to miss salinaliiclifield her fellow sales lady who chanced to be traveling on the same road to a station a few miles farther on to spend her ten days vapation with distant cousins in the mountains and who had thereby become the confidante of the fair letty for fair bhe certainly was with pink- andwhite cheeks like a french doll yellow hair banged in an infantile fashion on her forehead and white teeth that shone like a row of pearls whenever she optened her coral red lips yes letty prloe was always pretty miss richfield reluctantly admitted but if ever there was a selfish heartless little wretch that wretch is letty rrice she was always getting the other girls to do her work and compelling them to bear her blame ftnd endure her burdens bhe never- bd either heart or conscience and now she means to settle herself down on this poor aunt of hers spend all her money nd make her support her in genteel idleness hateful little thing 1 i hope shell find the stint a match for her j and miss richfield began tp gather her bags jliftwlatp and parpele together as the train slowed np for east brackton i letty price walked along the lane aingj ing as she went bhe had left her tmnk with the station agent to be oalled for and carried only her bag and scarf and the toylike japanese parasol j daisies 1 why there were all the daisies one could pick here and np to this time iletty has been obliged to pay five cents a btinch for them on fourteenth street and buttercups and sweet wildroses with petals painted fjroni fhe fed gjflw ef tlje sunset and hearts after jft gpjd fiiisflre i bhal pe jt hre remarked lefty to herself pinning a- clrsterof wild rsd lilies into her heltj 1 she uked vivid tropical flowers they bolted her style j a that moment a light quiolp figure swung itself impetuously around the bend of the road and oome hurryiua down the hill apparently uncon scions of her presenoe a girl like myself said letty pausing ybtinjf obi espeoislly pretty and cry- injg now why will girls be so foolish as to imu their eyes mid rebn their noeb i i vii iicr and looked in amazement at theheautiful apparition that seemed to have risen out of the elm shadows and the clustering hazel bushes beforo her vision willow form 1 she repeated you are going to willow farm letty nodded her fair sunshiny head yes said sho miss willow is my mothers aunt i am coming to live with her v i once more the oyes i not particularly i protty as letty had decided bat a bright honest gray full of soullights and tender oarncstncbb were lifted with a sort of terror to tho roseand biiow faqo of tlie now comer oh dont go there cried helen kayo sho is my mint too my fathers wifo sister and ivo tried leqlifird to love her hut slio wont lot mo sho dont moan to be hard but sho is ah bo hard and cruel 1 i havo been sent oway oh said lotty so she is capricious andoruel oh i didnt say that criod holon with a btartled face i daro say i am to blamo only- yes i quite comprehend said letty stooping to pick a goldenheart daisy that grew close to her footsteps how far did you say it was only a few steps well im avyfrilly glad of that its too warm for walking far and without farther sympathy or ques tioning lotty passed on ive enough of my own affairs to attend to without troubling about other peoples thought letty lifting her blue eyes to the treetops with heavenly sweetness of as pect miss willow was sitting down to her afternoon cup of tea when letty crossed the threshold oh j dear me said slie ive just got rid of 0110 of them and here comes another dear aunt willow letty cried dram atically flinging open her arms yes said mies willow without mov ing sit down tell what it all means i hope you dont expect to stay this was rather discouraging but letty smiled resolutely on it was not possible that a little dried up old woman with hooked birdofproy nose and no visible teeth could hold out long against such pinkandwhito fascinations ns hers she told her pathetic tale inventing a stern employer a jealous forewoinan treacherous fellowshopgirls and a cruel mother- to help soften the heart of her auditor i may stay dear aunt willow she mnrmured clasping the pretty hands that were dimpled in every joint like ft babys why i spposayoull havo to for the present unwillingly conceded the old lady praps you can help around a little and be usefuh now that nell kayo has gone but any irl that stays here has got to earn her living of thati give yon fair warning step livejy do your work thoroughly and mind your own business these aro my three golden rules and mind you dont go- prying and peeping about thats the ono thing i cant stand letty smiled sweetly and detefmined that aunt willow never should know how mnch of mother eves weakness she had inherited him cried letty v wont you cut him down what for demanded miss willow what in ths name of creation should i its it dear delicious old house thought jshc and im determined to find out qicry nook and corner in it of course there is soma handsome young farm- hand about for me to practice on until i srnpo acquaintance with tlio doctor and parson and ull the set im sure aunt willow is a miser with a lot of gold and jewelry hidden away somewhere im sure theres a mysterious secret concealed in one of those rooms that she keeps locked up iu the second story and im morally certain that thems a ghost in the cellar or a phantom in tho garret aunt willows a horrid disagreeable old cat she has never once alluded to my eyes or praised my com plexion since i have been here but even old cats oan live more than nine lives out and i am determined to mako my wiiy into her good graces thus jlcttylaid siege to fortress wil low j i it wasttho third night after her j arrival she and iliss willow had differed in some important particulars and letty who was used to b ling spoildd and petted and having her own way had gone up stairs in high dudgeon slamming the door behind her she dont liko it observed aunt willow to herself well thqu let her lump it f and the old lady tied her baldeagle head him np with a mask and an old hat and oho of grandfather willows butferndt suits to keep the crowb out of the spring com and i just hung him- there until the winter wheat came around and if yon had kept your nose out of other peoples rooms you never wonld havo takenhim for a snicido letty crimsoned and shrank away of all things she disliked being put iu a ridi culous light y now seo heroicroakcd aunt willow looking moro likri a ruffled bird of prey than ever ive had enough of this and ive had enough of you i sent nell kayo away because alio presumed to have alover i was sick and sent for dr percy and dr percy had tho impudenco to fall in love with nell biit id rather have her lover and all than takeep you about the place youre sly and sohemeing and ive seen through you from the aery beginning now just pack up yourduds tomorrowmorning and take the train back to new york or kamptschatka or wherever you please so that it is awayj from here ill havo no more suicides discovered in this house and there q8 nothing left for letty price but to obey slie went back sorely crestfallen to the store on grand street and helen kaye without either beauty or witchery fell heiress both to the lover and the old aunts affections nell kaye is honest paid misswillow theres that td be said about her shcii a mean trick of letty prices to try all the keys in the house till she found ono that would open the red chamber what was she expecting todiscover i wonder ive often thought that bluebeard wasnt so much to blame as folks said and miss willow brewed a double por- tion of catnip tea to compose her nerves saturday night t the royalty of character bishop fowler in one of hist recent ser- mous said v ajler all there is nothing in this world but character this great truth he illustrated by a graphic picture of the days of the war when lee and his generals met on one of the streets of chambersburg pa and after consulation decided to march to gettys burg instead of harrisburg a plain farm ers boy heard the conversation from a second story window overlooking the sceno below and thin following the column to see that they focc the road to gettysburg he hastened to a telegraph office and tele graphed to governor curtin saying that lee had gone to gettysburg curtin sent for the boyi wbo was takvn to him by a special engine at tho raje- of sixtyfive miles an hour ae they stood around him the governor said j i would give my righthaud to know that this lad tells the truth a corporal at headquarters knew the boy and said governor curtin i know that boy i lived in the same neighbor hood and i know it is absolutely impossible for him to lie i there is not a drop of false blood in his veins i in five minutes the aews went to head quarters and fiftoen minutes from that time the troops were pushing toward gettysburg character said the bishop is the core ou which the world turns it is the pivot of destiny let us not worry about reputation but let us sec to it that our characters are right reputation is the dust at which swine become frightened iu the street character is the jewel that blazes ou the bow of royalty reputation is the breath of the heated mob char acter is the verdiet of the eternal judge i- ol peice three cents cuttl xg down expenses mullem said a dakoto real estate agent in a town which is enjoying a boom to his partuer i closed the deal with that man from philadelphia irthat so v yes he takes the 5 lots and pays 810- 000 lets figure up and soe how- we came out on them well they cost us l0i yes aud it took about 8200 to treat and entertain that man from chicago whom we tried td sell to and i let the st paul man bent mo out of 8300 at poker in the hopo of selling to him then i cashed a bogus draft of 8250 for that roan from new york and then ho skipped ont without buying then that iowa man took up 2 daye of our time at 850 a day yes and said he wanted to thinkabout it before buying and then the st lbnis man i took home to dinner with me he stole silverware to the value of 815 and tfhe peacox8stobv yes i aid the deacon r therob many a man that i alls lumself honest thats never so much a inquired what amount of debts heavens b oks are going to allow against him ive- learned that there wre years ill my life vhen i hardly gave a cetit to the lord withj ut begrudging it and ive won dered sinci what id ever havetalked of if id gone b p heaven in those days for i couldnt talk about anything bpt boains aiid money gettinghere andthose wouldnt have been 1 iiitable subjeclsjrp yonder i know i read once about one of the kings of l gland edward i wlio had an officer call d the lord high almoner and one of the j hings that man had to do was to remind the king of the dty of alms- giviug 1 e drought to inyself many a time that i would bo well for a good many folks notvai aysif they had king edwardb almoner to stir tfiem up to give not to the poor 911 y impaii bnt to all the needs of the cans i of christ thero arc lots of people ucsii cs tbn children of israel that need a mob s to say to them it is he that giveth lhc power to get wealth ive alters thou it that was a grand thing in david who i hed done snoh a job getting together the t pile pf gold and silver for the templo- aiithe just turned to tho lord unci said all these things conic from thee and of thine own have we given thee most men wonld have wanted alittlccredit for tlio pitiiijs theyd takoii themselves well in those years i was telling you about it was dreadful how- 1 cheated the lord out of his due once in a long while i paid a little to our church but 1 didnt give a cent to anything else foreignmis sion sabbath was my rheumatiy da3 regu lar and i duint go to church homemis sion day ot headache day with pie allers and istayeraway from ineetiu bible- society day id enrally a tech of neural- gy sol didnt feel like goiu out and i stayed hoiu tractsociety day id begin to be afraid was goiu to be deaf and 1 oughtnt to e out in the wind eo i stayed indoors and on the sabbath for helping the publication pciety like as not my corns were unusually troublesome and i didnt feel able to et out v wife wa ited to take a religious paper qnce but i vvc ldnt hear tot told her that wus uoi sense i didnt believe any of the apostlei ever took religious papers tbe bible ras enough for them and it ought to be f r other folks and yet i never even thought i wasnt doin right id come into it asort a grad ual aud did it think much about giving anyhow except as a sort of losing business well my little girl nannie was about eight years eld then and i was dreadfully proud of he for she was a smart little thing oue sabbath night we were sitting by tbe fire a nd nannied been saying her catechism a id byiudbyshe gqt kind of quiet and so er and all of a sudden she turned to m and says she pa will wei have to pay lent in heaven what says i looking down ather kind of astorishedlike i will wejhave to pay rent in heaven says she ngain why no says i what made yon think that well i ciiildnt get out of her for a time what sie did mean nannie didnt know uuchabout rent y way for wed never had ti puy any win in bur own house butt last i found ont umt shed heard some men talking about me and one of themi aidi well 1ibb bound to be awful poor lv the next worldl reckon there aint jjiuch of his riches laid up in heaven and as the only poor folks that nauuied evo known were some folk down ut the village that had been ttuned out of doors because they couldnt pay their rent thats what 1 ut it info nannies head that maybe id have to pay rent in heaven well wife went ou and talked wjnan- nie and oxplained to her about the many mansions in our fathers house you know but i didnt listen much t was mad to thint sbth browu dared toi talk about mo in nie too i i fixed nji somo hitter things to say to seth the nex time i met him and i wiisnt very sorry to see him next day in his cart i began at lim right off he listened to everything t iat i sputtered out and then i he baid woll deacon if you think the bank of hcans got anything in it for you im glad of it but ive never seen you making any deposits and then he drove off i well i talked over to my blackberry j patch and sat down and thought and the more i thou htthe worse ifelt i was niigry at fi st but i got cooler and i thoaghtof breign mission- sabbath and the ilreumat z and homo mission subbath t tbe bell of fyvstzcel once 011 a time an upright jting hung in the liibrkot place a boll which all who were oppressed mightriug and thus their wrongs and sorrows tell lieccivo tbo justice which they needed and all the rigliis thoijaw conceded now then with conbtait calls and time tlio rope had nearly wont away they tied the tendril qf a vine to stop the progress of ddeay and give to all whouiitht require that justice which should neer expire one day a poor old wretched horfc deserted in declining ago had munched and pulled the hanging vine attempting li linger to assuago and riugihg thus the justice bell proclaimed the wrongs jho could not tell ltcfore the king the courtiers brought the hungry f ml negldctcd tccd he ruled his otnci- should be sought- and forced to keep hitn in his need- thus justice should protect the least and reign alike oer man and bensr j s flcnderwn ax ixdigxaxtiwikk tlie idia the average woiihui ims of a bank adoniit a chicago hank man who has a pretty- wife told a pretty good siory in his club tho other day by way of illustrating the proverbial ways of women she had said to him dear now im iot going to ask you for au allowance that ib vulgar you put a couple of thuueantj in the bank to my credit give lire a cliecjt book and ill run the house clothe myself pay the ser vants and relieve yon of sojmuch care the gentleman was struck with the idea after all he said to himself this mar- riage scrape ive got ruyscjfiuto promises to pan out dear good little woman 1 how thoughtful of her why afcoursc so he drew a check on hisown bank deposited it in another bauk tobis wifes own individual credit and gave her a separate bank- and check book womanlike jslie tossed the bank bookin the drawer but lflsjd religious ly to the check book long before the month hud expired she got notice from the bank that her account was exhausted and the last check had overdrawn it 8179 would she kindly make a new deposit the lady was in a furioun fame there must be something wroug she knew she gored over her check book counted the stubs on the blank checks and then she knew that the bank had made a blunder she- donned her new easter bonnet and spring wrap and full of the spirit of the occasion and the outrage pe the banks in sult sailed into the cashier at his win dow- m what doe3 this notice mean she ask ed in a voice quivering with passion it means that your account ist overt- drawn madam thats all j j it is not sir my husband gave me this chegk book and yon ot yourself that out of the hundred checks in it 1 havebt used fifty f theres the bck see f of yourselfof course youll have to explain this to mr i never was so insnltedl u my dear madam dont yon see you bavpdrawn out all the moneytoyour credit and 8179 besides j i just dont care anything about that my husband gave me a cheek book and here less than half of them are used do you mean to say i am going to lose all of these checks well ill go nd see spy ihubbarid about it hell sefileyou sir and if i have any influence rith hftd snot i think i have both hi account and mine snarl go ont of this bank chicago tri- buim a wifes best d01ty up in a edsilk pockethandkerchief and skipped like the rest mode prompt and exhaustiyp preparations for going to bed wbioh included a chapter of devotional reading and a cup of catnip- tea taken very hot and sweet she had just raised this last panacea to her lips when the sound of a fearful shriek rent the silence and letty came rushing into her presence whats the matter said miss willow tartly 8he was nervous and she didnt like her nerves to be lightly upset its a a man gasped letty with wideopeh eyes and cheeks as pale as ashes and he has committed suicide he jias hanged himself in the igd qhamber that opens pin ft the little square hall 1 miss willow had given a little start at fiibt bnt she speedily recovered her mental balance and finished the catnip tea at ono draught oh indeed said she aud what bubinesb may i abk had you in thp red chamber that i always keep locked come cornel gasped letty oh let some one ont the poor creature down 1 atrocious wretch vigorously shaking miss willow by the shoulder what dark ponspiraoy is this i hp sgaseohed mlsa willow viriatg al this about did yon ever heal- young woman of the person who got rioh by muiding his awn business but nevorthelebfl she allowed herself to be dragged by main force up the nftrrojv winding otairb to the wideopen door of tlie red chamber which had hitherto been a bluebearfapartrnent sealed agmst letty s onrious eye by nnoompromising lock and key ji r vlherel gasped letty breathless fand pauid tserip ui sea- tieji posedly adjusting har spejtao1 airpm fje brehn vv lilfwh yon hit finger to jielp and i paid a 10 drunk and disorderly fine fori the milwaukee man wemubnt forget to figure in about 850 for livery bills nonbr 825 for spending half a day to go tp church with that boston man and put down 100 for advertising and 850 that i had to pay jones sfor keeping still when he accidently overheard m tell this man we sold to that the marsh just behind the lots was an artificial- lake put in by theeity at a cost of 83qp00- yi letjs seetotal 82050rproflts 87056 thattwbnt hardly do weve got to make tripreithan that yea we mnbt cut down expenses on the next del somewhere i guess o had bet ter not spend time going to obbroh with any more men dakota bell tlio best dowry a wifa can bring to her husband is a true and faithful lieert and a sincere desire to be io hirii all that is ex pressed in that oldfashioned wonl help meet the question of other dowry anch as chattels land or money should aljtfoyb be secdndary and is so when marriage contracts aro mode in the right spirit a very old lady known to the kvriteri amuses her friends by giving tlie following invent- that way j right beforenah- f or of tne things contained in the dowry shevbrought to her husband i in the first i place sho says i thonght the world of reuben and eo idid lie of mo and neither of nsoyer changed pur minds hiirhen for other dowry li had from my home oue youug cow one eoltj fonrhead of sliotes six hens and a dbjninick rooster one cat one feather bed six good sheets one new brass kettle one i warmingpap fourteen quilts and six coverletaix pewter spoons six plates fourcupsj and saucers two knives and two forks a bushel of seed corn twfe chairs ten pounds of wopf and ten of flax a glass molasses pitcher and a pewter sugar bowl i tell you folks thought renberjhad done mighty well to get me in those days and i think so too so did lie add he never thought different thats the best partppit youth scomiianion and the headache and biblesociety day and the ueuralgy ana tract day and the corns till it just seemed to me i couldnt stand it any longer and knelt down there in the blackberry patch and faid 0 lord ive been a stingy man if ever there was one arid if ever i do get to heaven i deserve to have to pay rent bare enough help me to give myself and whatever ive got back to thee and i relieve hes helped me ever since twas pretty hard work at first getting to giving i did feel pretty sore over that first dollar i slipped into the collection plate but ive learned belterliow and imean to keep on giving as unto tbel lord till i go to that heaven where nannies been these twenty years congregationalut ax hkiitess i burns flooeeix nieke oexlts is admired a stijanger who had just arrived at a county hotel iu aakaustw became involved in a discussion with tho clerk finally tho stranger striking tho rough pine counter with mb fist exclaimed ntl are thebig- rebt liar in arkansaw the blerk in stead of beboming offended iaia let me fleeydtja minutev please ho drew- the stranger aside and remarked- who old youj whoold ine what tlmt i am the biggest liar in the state no oue jihen how did youflpd jfi out iknejw ijata glaiicp jfy friend j said the clerk affectionately placing one i hand on the strangetrs shoulder you are the sherries t man i over saw it took me f some tlrneto find it out iai lam tho eesjir in jie state if yoa wre aspod a jadt 4 hoji as yoit aro of d man ypu oojionget iji pouwy btay iit ourhouso b joija as fw please and your bor4 y rfpt x wil liot id jojijplsjfl- tjt8 jcpbntrywluae one sunday mbruingwhen burns and his brother gilbert were goiiig to the parish church of tirboiton theygorinto company with an old jnaii a moravian travelling to ayr at tnat time i the dispute between the old aud new light burghers was making a great noise in tlje country arid barns aud tlie old mau entering iuto con- versatipu oil the subject differing in their opinion about it the old man defendingthe principles qf the 6ld light and burns those of the hew iiglit they at length grew warm in inedebate and bbjns firid- irjg that hs cpnld uiake nothing of liis antagonist bauutlugly eiulaimed oh 1 1 suppdbe i httve met with tlio apostle paul this moruiig no replied il old moravian ci oly yoti ifavd not met life apostle pat i but i think i have mot one of those v ild beasts which he savs he fpaght with when at epheaus i v ml nellie gould ib one of the brightest and sweetest little ladies in new york she hab been fully educated aud ia highly ac complished she is an artist of no mpan ability and her collection of bricabraq has been very greatly admired she dresses plainly bnt richly aud when in town can be seen any afternoon driving through the park with one o her brothers she ia probably the richest heiress in america and at her fathers deatif will come in for 820000u00 or 830000000 like her mother she is uoi f6o proud to wait on her8clfand there are nofrench maids in the gould establishment sirs gould and her daughter go shopping the same as other women do and return home with their arms filled with bundles they dont mind riding in horse cars and- they dont put on nearly as much style as the wife and daughter of the grocoryman who supplies them with tlie necessaries of life ny worid ta mmmhiiiks isadjireas much ww hotel fjtjtowaob traetllxv cholera a ad all sarrimercoiripluintg are so quick in jieivrviioii that the cold hand ojdfathis tpoh ttto viittins bfefore they are aware iatdanerja near i attacked da not dela iivgetiiiiii uteiiroper rtiedfeine ywajps f p jjp kelojjj dysentery rr 4 cordial tiij l you wll gctimmediate relief as ittattuis itnoj wit joiiderfii rapidity wufl never rj iasjo effc t tur9 j flaxxfj shirts bec03i ijg popliiah i have noticed of late that the wearing of neglige or flannel shirts is becoming quite popular everi for the streets lawyers and business men generally can lie seen on fulton street these warm days drossod in blue and white shirts iweuiid the collars of wliicli are polka dot or icjl neckties l few years ago anything butfn white shirt and collar for city- wear wa4 thought to bo vojgar in the country it was nerniisable to dress as one pleased what can be more comfortableoir allot day injaiiniist than a loosefittingblou3c tiioscjavhodoiih wear one know littlcof tifccomfcjrtsofasnmmer spent in the cityi f ihtmltlfr hbrobllpi fault if we would briug iiilvdyjhfe to gjirjst iwc mtitjnhiid our fiirfniiv antics agjvelasi t1iqt1atttjif- uiit dftjati1uiiy4 vsv iri i j i fe mtemg2iiias