Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1887, p. 2

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flojw tuw- gfr jutett jfre fro tglr8pay atjqubt 1l 1887 mrtbs and com i look u it prioes tor wheat would rule knrthto winter u advices trom liverpool bit wwk reported wheat selling at the lowest figure tor ttrentyycrs j the queen has presented thocxumrtfou kageule with a magnificent sarcophagus to hom the coffin of the prince imperial in a mausoluem built at farnsboroufih the queen will bo present when the body is transferred i the losses by fire in tho united states and canada in july last amounted to 114096500 m against 10000000 in july 1886 the total ides for the first seven months ol 1887 was ttivjlhuoo against 65900000 for the corresponding period of 1886 the minister of militia and sir trod middteton will start for british columbia early in september for the purpose of n- pccting the siteoi the proposed imperial defences of esquimau ther earthworks wsl be built at the expense of- canada while england will supply the armament the latest seixure made by the canadian cruisers gives away the fact that the yankees catch their sardines in waters jhat belong to canada now it canada only had that inestimable boon commer cial annexation she would be able to fur nish to the yankee packer the raw materi al and bay trom them the cry best french packed sardines elegantly soaked in first- n cotton seed oil hamilton siwtator w h young esq has been appointed polk magistrate for the towns of oak- vole and hilton this means that the government- is with the majority of the people qt hilton entirely satisfied with lb loungi administration ol the canada temperance act and also that the govern- nt paid no attention to the little deputa taod waited on it recently for tho parpose of having mr young removed from the office georgetown herahl iti utf mak8 ijawv ltjy ckwm je it very fatitying to notice the many ajesof butta iptots in fainiew cemetery that are behg effected lob are being selected in el quarter ot both first and second ktirve ae the taste of the purehm ere dictate a more general move on the jxut ot ihoe i who intend remoingjtho re thejtakui nwjns of thjjr flpjrthjoujgtoftplnoo where their raves and slrrrountlings will be properly t mended to is however nooes safy it with n a reasonable time the now cemeteiy is to assume tho attractive np pearance d ircd hy all it scenib t us there are man reasons why a gehcr it interest should bo taken in the matter tho new cemoterj is ot audi extent mid i ivoraityjn cumoter ot its stir face that rorybody can bo suited both as regards iocs tidn and grade the price has leen fixed a the uniformly law rate of five cents per fwt the premises are under the control and supcrintondanco of tho municipaltt whichkmplovs a caretaker to manage it tho old cemetery is in a most dilapidated condition and it is impossible i thefik0ma8110mi01i the tefcuot ttv oloteoftt from our to keep any plot m a presentable appear ance there n it is desirablo for the sake ot the publi health that all remains in- terrcdin tjti e old cemeterv be removed to the new a i soon as possible and ns it is generally u iderstood to be the intention of every per n who has any senso of respect for the mei lorj of departed friends to re move their remains to tho now oemetery sooner or 1 tor a general moo thereto at an early d to would bo mutual beneficial and the pn sent will bo the most satisfac tory tune t 3 make the selection of plots and procee 1 with the work of removal the app aranco and general character of tho city if the dead is accepted as a pretty goo 1 indication of the cliaractor of the people tho respect and bmpath they have for oi ch other and the reverence they feci for thi memory of loved ones who have departed t lis life if then we as citizens desire to v in the good opinions ot the many people froi other places who interchange visits wit i ns let all concerned unite in making fi irview cemotcv the most beau tiful and i ttractivc spot m themunicipaht and ev inc an interest in it which has not heretofore been manifested no cemeter has greater natural advantages and attrac tions and no labor can bo expended with more satis factory results lniton who has returned j trom the east on his way to winnipeg j maintain that mauitooa will this year j them petitions were in hwairplnsot5000000tu8helflofwheat 101 m mm g act counties scott act repeals where are the repeals where are tho repeal movements a few months ago to export last year the province export ed three tfli ontario merchants and praying tor a vote on the question of abol ishing a law that had been in operation then who have business relations in i only a bhort ume bat et kng enon to manitoba will rejoice to hear that the-pro- make ibt tc and tho won vioce will have so much money to spend thk year as is represented by that qnantity otfbmt ta appearanee of asiatic cholera at malta to which it must have been carried trom sicily has caused the establishment oitendrri quarantine against that place at gibraltar it the disease should again reach spain that country might suffer as evenly aa it did two years ago for it does sot appear that any extended system of imp in the matter of water sup ply and other agencies for the communica tion of hie disease has been undertaken in spuuh cities since that terrible visitation mayor howhuidb attention is now main ly encrosaed with the proposition he hud before the council last night to establish a bomrd ot arbitntioa to settlo labor dis putts and v be whiskeysellers anxious to get rid of it the fact of the matter is that in very many counties there was shameful apathy and neglect of duty on the part of govern- ment officials the result being that the law wasmade little better than a farce urged on by string protests and the presstrreof in dignant public opinion an improvement has however taken place the scott act is m some localities being well enforced the public wanted the scott act for the good that it w culd do and the only hope of making a repeal movement successful lies in makinc the law disreputable b making it ineffective thoroughly enforced it is certain to give sntistaqion and as enforce ment is made more thorough and practical repeal agitation melts away iti would be a serious mistake however to imagine that tho repeal movement is coroners jury at the lengthy trial fllim otf mansilatjyhtkk i r i at the eoiielaaibn ot tho trial concerning tljts recent deplorable accident at st thomas on tlmuday last tho jury ro- tird to consider ihoir verdict they wore out nearly six j hours before returning having retired jit 843 and roturnod at nearly ft am the verdiot is that said samuel u zealaud and child mrs btnlthera aud child mrs frame aud child mrs ltajrnes and throe children came to their death through tho criminal nerligcuoo of henry donnelly onlncer and ltiohard hpottiguo conductor of the illfated train we tho jury men empanoll cd to investigate oause of tho lato tcirible accident on july isth by whloh many lives were lost anil persons severely in jured aud mnolvalusble property do stroyod after hearing the ovideuoe aud carefully examining the same have como to the conclusion that the said accident is due to tho oarqwsucss of tho officials and cinployos of tho grand trunk llailway company in the following sovoral ways 1st it is quite plain from the ovidenoo addnocd that tho ouginoor was on that day at all events quite unfit tor duty as tor instance the bpeed at which ho ran the tram into tho corporation ot tho city of st thomas without slacking at proper places 2nd that tho ncglidouco ot tho condno- tor m not examining tho air brakes before leaving tho port which had it been dono might have prevented tho disastor which has brought such desolation into so many homes and further had there been an inspector as there ought to have been at tho port buoii benous consequences might have been averted the drowning of the young lady ot lou don at port stanley is another result of tho disaster in mr larmour not iftcopting tho offer of tho micbigsu central llailroad officials to send an engine to port stanley to relievethc anxiety of hundredsat tho pprt and take them to their destination this sad end of a young lite would not have occurred had this been dono another polut to which we would call attention to is the practice ot officials of tho companj in not providing sufficient 6eatmg accommodation for tho people of excursion trains the evidence of o le of the hrakemeu went to show thattherowere so many children on the platform of the cars making a noise that he could not tell whether the whistle blew or not aud on being asked if there was not room forticm inside he answered iu the uegalivo aud further that the said officials of the com pany allow their trains to run too fast in tho city for tho safety of tho public i signed wm c vaminaiiih coroner of the county of elgin and twelve jurors during tho six hours in which the jury wero deliberating upon their verdict an animated discussion was had aud a number of vciflicts were drawn up only to be destroved the point where thoy did not all agree was as to the culpability wttoei kofji c and mrs ting friends mr j amoqarth mooahhyofjmirrie here- v mis a myers arid mlitftttortou ot guelph have been visiting at mrs 1 l rjohuttns a there wits no service in tho rosbytorimi bliurch last sunday is tho llov i htniclmii is taking a muoli needed holiday miss edwards who kept a smalt fancy goods itoro lioro having booomo insane lia boon sent to tho hamilton asyfcm there has been oonsidorable trouble light ing bush fires in this neighborhood as the swamps all around us aro smouldering away with occasional threatening outbreaks squire strango has already lost a largo number ot rails and part of the agricultur al grounds fence has boon burned the dry weather is apparently having a luntful iniluoncoon tho bony construction of the boys hero sons lespeotivoly of win lvobjnson and wm gavin haviug each a broken collar bone to his credit ltobt stumps boy a broken arm and john gleiidonuing is laid up with an injury to tho bones of his foot x z llockvvood august llth 1w great buiiiiier sam in coinmouiorutioii olllor mh untyti jubilee wo tfuvu decided to commence a gicnt summer ule vfhich for cheab goods will lijollise jbtyttitltgr heretofore attempted in a will renli0 that our imme uton and futhcr from the fuet that we tako stock in august the public from our own correcitonrtuu kkvv80s01tneits ing reduction in priccb bargains bo the order ot the srfrcjrrjtr cjsec sale j aud lasts for oiio4nonth only of the llailwa compaii some desiring to make the verdict much strocjer than it is against them aud if posible to exculpate conductor spettigue imstki 101 ju hl it liliti i immodutelj after the verdict lud betii returned andtliejtir discharged conductor spettigue who had beeu arrested pending the result of the mqnest and admitted to bail was orrested on the charge of man- slaiishtcr the verdict of tiie jur iwiii tan tamouut to niakui thischarseny unlh m imalswtomvmkutlhklls tbe fact that mr john covan major of oaliawa ami prcsijeht of the western bank whoso head offices ire in that town in relation to which he was acaaa the law is everywhere enforced iias preferred tjo resirn tho office to which fira full power to act he states that his or thttt jjj mspectora are doing their duty object i to secure the cooperation of two are thankful for what hastwen accom- or three good men who understand and can p bn we caunot sliut our eyes to the deal with the subject in establishing tbe fact that bcott act connues-per- ne court he expects great things of baps most coant of th province thereystem it is substantially the same as is now in france he says and there it has practically done away with strikes and has imaght about a much better feeling betw and employers than formerly existed enforcement is still ver defective diffi cult has been experienced from want of police magistrates from the unprincipled perjurj of witnesses nud defendants from lack of popular sjmpathy with prosecuting the suffrages of his eliow citizens hud call ed him rather than be a part to the granting of what he justly stigmatises as an excessive bonus to a manufacturer who purposes to locate himself in that tonrj has reopened the question of tbe advuabil- of cranting such subsidies and has udded new strength to the arguments of those who do not beticie that any ultimate ad vantage really arcuves to tbe town from the steam threshers are a great boon to horses especially at tins season of tho year fi the ending ot bob to throhluugs as hands is a practlco that should bo abolished especially in tho summor weather it m unjust to the bos it 1b un just to the men who havo to do their own share of the work and that which tho juveniles aro unable to do albeit ineariy all boys aro very willing workers which is often taken advantage of by largo mcu but the worst feature is tho association with men whose influence is fnot always tho best for tho youthful mindl if parents could realize tho evil seeds sown in boys minds by their eager listcningtotliosmutty stories foul jests and profano language which often seems to give the growuupers such amusement thoy would snrely count no cost too great to supply the help in some other way threshing for room may now be extend ed to a few oats for tho liornes and a lock o peas for tho pigt no service was held in tho methodist church last sunday tho quarterly meet ing of tho circuit was held ut the brick church and iu the evening the pastors occupied the village appointments of eden and rock wood the quarterly meetiug at tho brick was largely attended members from all the appointments being present a largo uumbcr of corner members were over tho junior minister rev r h barnby preached humors aro rife aucnt tho apprehension of a litte dcnlicn of tin locality on a serious charge of irenking tho ian in a neighboriug village were it not an affair of exceeding public interest ve would not refer to it but tho general verdict is serves him right the presbyterian clement in this com munity feels prett hopeful over tho ex pected settlement of tho new pastor in acton our presb terimi friends bnie waited a long while and no hope the will now have great success tho deuomintitionul clement being so strong in tins locality wd give nn anecdote we oiicc heard from rev dr jumcs an eminent prcsbjttnan a ship captain orr lin arrival jn england from america was asked as to the different religious dcuoini- nation over the water the three leading oues he replied were the methodist bap tist and presb terian oil being asked as to the difference between the threo he re plied that the methodist said fire the baptist water and the prcsbtcnau ordcr brethren dr jamci suggested that his owu branch would bo none the worse of some more ot the boding features of the other two and we believe a general judicious admixture nil round would do no harm gklvxh july 8th 1887 ladies it will pay j 20 per cent lower tlmn they ean possiuly be bought in dkess goods parasols lapes of all kinds km ii wk offklt a reduction other sec our job lilies in officers hot most of all from the wanton tl0fe bouttvfpd manufacturers railway construction is progressing at a rarnd rate in india last v ear 102o miles of new road were built this makes a toal moeegeot 13390 there are 1200 miles more under construction or authorized to be built these roods pav moderately well aa those already in operation yield a return on the capital invested of per cent per annuo the progress of the railroad de vlelopment in india is of interest to cana dians in so far as upon it depends in a great measure the wheatgrowing capacity of the country the official estimate of tho crop of wheat grown in india was last ear 23600000 bushels this appears to have been a short crop for the average for a aerie of years has been calculated to be j66000000 bushels the average yield per acre is small being but nine bushels to i tbe acre ow negligence of these officers themselves the ontario government has urged en forcement and with good effect but there are stilljilaces 60 well kuown as not to need naming where the law is openly and recklessl vioatod such a condition of j affairs can only exist where the inspector is iu actual coljnsinn with law breaking conniving at it and grossly negligent in the discharge of hib duty we strongly forge our fnendb in ever scott act constitnenev to do all in their power to aid ithe officials in enforcing the law and wherever and whenever officers shirk their duty make it so hot for the de 1 hnquents that they must either wake up i or get out turonto jilun a choice line ot ahvtyi with sugainat c- 4 i s ladies wilhtn thereby avoiding the rush klu bbfrtisfntrnls 180 ntock must bo greatly t reduced before that time unci to effect this-sweep- duy remember this is a ou to givjc jisyotti cash ive are offering drcbs goods suitable for fall use at for later on boots sp skloe3s c grr40veis also oil new 5c ribbons geoc we 1 it to have their bcfbrij clo for sale jiuht top lnvv iiklit ill lnm nviil j hca nunoiwa nidi tirei and tieavi an light hct hfu u liuniom rorpiirtnuhjinhjililj tp y tun vut j isit r m mtls on anil nfl r moulni stli ii tl milk mill be othauccd tj live minrt it 11 iohn hay ltxl itvaimv ikkks amnj4t10 at the anuusl meeting of the canadian jxtenue dboiht i vtati- the wtek cbicioo aug s a local paper rays there u an area of perhaps 75000 miles in the korthwest where the dost lies heavily upon the earth the district ia bormded by madison on the korth bloomington on tbe sooth lake michigan on the east and tbe mississippi river on the west it is within the limits of these boundaries that vegetation has lost its normal color and the earth its moisture leaves are falling from the trees the grass in tbe meadows has grown yellow and white and the streams j are as dry as power horns it has been newly ten weeks since a soaking tain fell to this district the big bull thistle tbe i peat of nearly every arm has at last j hocamed to thetate of all vegetation in i southern wisconsin there are thousands of j acre where corn will not- yield a peck to the acre the crop has been scorched and almost totally destroyed htaxley hkakd vrom aua1s lospox aug 7 further advites from henry u stanley say that on j one oth the expedition reached apomt half way between press association at toronto last week a large number of journalists were present president watts annual address referred tersely to the great advances in securuig needed legislation as to tbe libel law made during the past year and gave the members considerable wholesome advice about the benefit ot thorough orgamation for the benefit of press interests and for tho better understanding of how not to aud how to run newspapers on business principles considerable business was done before the members left on the annual excursion the t election of ameers being an important item i these were ciiomu president mr j 3 i crabbc aiyug bt marye first vice- president air a puttullo sentinel jhctttc woodstoel second vicepresident rev drdewurtj guardian toronto secretar treasurer mr vtr chime kun bow- manville re elected assistant secretary mr t b trayes 77mm port hope ex- i eoutirec inmitteo messrs john cameron glob t ronto h p moore free preu acton hovjv somerville banner dnndas cblatkett robinson prtubyurian to- i ronto henry hough drip toronto a deh m t tklkp1i0nk kxpkitlmknt yambi and yambunga the latter being the w tcie ma who was m j i i going to perform woriders here in tho nay the term- ol the bonns objected to are as folium the mannfneture is to re- ccivefrim the tovwi alona of 1 000 for ten years without interest further be is lo receive annually the sum of 00 in cobii to cover cost of cartage until such time as a switch to his fectorv is constructed and also to be extuipt from taxation tor ten years takki ig the interest ou tbe loan at o and acding iu0 for rrrtbge and 5225 for the vilue of taxation remitted e find that the tonus amounts to 9117b per jear or 9117 i iu ten veurs if at tbe end of this time tl e loan is not repaid but urn- verted into a loiiui a3 mr cow in deems probahle the amount loit to tho town of osliawa inn ik pluced at 2tl7j0 a um which probubl feu of those who voted for the bonus had uny idea the were grunting in return for these considerations the manufacturer binds himself to employ a staff of thirty five hands for one inr mid sevent five hinds for the remaining nine years but a chuse iu the agreement pro vides that baling in view btnkts stoppage by fire etc this period may bo reduced to 0i ears t iking thete hands nt l per wtek on an a erngo an nvtruge far greater than will probably occur when the fact that the empb ment of a number of boys at far less then this wage muy be antici pated and we find atblnlontlav of siljiki for wages ma beanlicipatjd for the die ue but a further deduction for hoi iijjs slack time sickuesi etc must rlso be niulcr so that probabl 200coo is an outside esti mate po tli it the mauufuttnrir mil re ceive 29750 for spending siooooo in the town or 815 87 for every 8100 of wages a figure that teems absolutely ridiculous when its lugi relative proportion is fully grasped tbero is no doubt that new industries do help a rising town materially they at tract outside capital and by the distribu tion of large amounts us wages foster looal trade iucreuse the consumption of home products add to the population of tho town and increase the assessable value property but there is such a thing as paying too dear for onos whistle and owing to the fierce competition of tbe municipalities who bid against oiie another for the possession of nianufucturles us if a new industry were a golb mine the s ttem of bounsing is com- mensiug to bjj overdone when the system w salesmen wantbp aro lit nut of a fen more first clas nun to canvass for the salo of clioli o variolic of surscr block to men who- c n mako success of the business no can pavgomi ralarics orcouiuusilou nudgivoncnuauent edliiloyuieut we havo mau non anil choice specialties both n the fruit aud ornamental lines klilch other do not handle apply at onco with eferencess may brotheia xopsrilvmln itochestut ny i- price o c ice ice for sale farthest point on the aruwhimi reached jby bunley io 1873 navigation was difficult of reduun rslephone expenses but whoso and alow because the boats were currying sfl flatt out buddenlv s ow all necessary supplk for emiii bjy in ad- in montre f to or a 4ition to the suppjies of the expeduon thofviunipeg gentleme who were stanley ehose the aruwhimi route because k lut0 hescheroearenowsorry finfl hcganitk the mild form of cxemp- he kamed tint by the former hk would j ty badankrtbing to do with it and hjr uon from taxafion t fm a have better resources and becajse the glbbon8 w took b l0 8tnd natives were friendher he hopeaf hia wires and erfect poles is miuus a consider- tetmen would be able to ascendtie rapids iountj through the failure of wallace btm ytmbnnga beyond thich 1 be river to un ont fcfa bnmto tbe plant of tbe defunct compamy is now in sheriff inksters hinds and has been advertised j for sale wnnipeg homing call if easily navigable stanley cxpkted to reach wadelaiftbout the beginning o august from the advices received on t lursday it would appear that stanley hid been obliged to await tbe arrival of tin contin uants left at bolobo aud leopold tile and the british had adopted the heriand rwitf vhifh vpnld orwipy a fortnight longpr j utvok ajug 2h is announced to da a sit isidy fob the c p k i crovernxnent decides to sup per the canadian road go io j pyfesr aetn for yov elolh jog hecan suit you for price md ityle every tune tlwt the goi ernment has decided in grant cipslify of rlicli hr ie tlie erlno- u igcd subsidy to m for tho factory became an additional in ducement then large sums of cosh wero added to the former advantages and now oshawa inaugurates a new departure by entertaining the demand that in addition to all this the cartage to and from tho rail- way mo wonder that mr cowan himself a practical business man objected to being considered a parly to so one bided a trans action no j ouest strail i r- rd bum- nrss man co ild lend his sanction to an arrangpmfiit b which virtually he muni- personal pakagraphs respecting visitors to and fro with whom free press readers are acquainted miss mary brown ib visiting friends at orillia miss minnie swaun is visiting fueuds in flaroboro mrs wm bell sr ib vimtmg herdnngh- ter at chesley miss blair of kilbride ib the guest of mr l g matthews i mrs e tbnrtell is spending a fow dds at elora and vicinity mrs d butchart of milton lb visiting acton friends this week mrs rhode reid of urangsvillo is tho guest of mr j e mcgarviu mrs i francis and children are rustica ting with friendb in eramosa mrs john murray of gran ton iu a guest at the methodist parsonage- mr w t 8myth an8 family aro so journing with rclativcs muskoka misses gcrty and flora uookman of waterdown are holidaying in acton mr hugh campbell of milton deputy- registrar is down with malarial fever miss maud ainsley of guelph was the guest for several das this week of mr alex secord mr john bavihe of urockway centre mich has been visiting friends here during the past week the editor aud his family have tcturued from their trip up the lakes of muskoka with the press party mr i fraucib left on tuesday for peter- boro to attend tho annual session of the grand lodgo loof mr and mrs thos t moore principal of the public schools aro visiting friendb at king aurora and scarboro mr bobt morrow who was so scnoubly injured last week at tho tauuery is making rapid progress towards recovery tho misses jennie and anna muiijuiis of yopngstown ohio are the guestk of miss jennie steele at willow cottage during the absence of tbe pastor of iiiio of the ohurcbes of ohilliwhack bc who was attending conference the pulpit as supplied by miss bowes ot milton outaiio wctu organize r the many friends of lr freeman vvlo has been ill to long will be glad to leur i that ho is now progressing favorably uid expects to he able to resume his practice in a few hyajleorjner i have till uhjut fort ton of i water k e on hind itnd nui romrc nil ntiu ilchirc it in niv iuuitit at pnpc ixavemr ordcii at onco trnl mejt jlcrltt v ii iu tird sirm 1 tobupulv re isoiinble the cen nt brick for sale anv unntits of 1irsm lass ltrd tick nt klui liiv linil vards lt tnl the canadian pacific kailwa head agreed lo pay nearly or the quality it is hoped f make the now route a greet j amount paid in wages journal uj cum- source of ad aulage to english speculator- m hue vies cliiuiunm u mnr mount ll rsput hnck lit hvtretl o l tlttrnlii or in a o i hai iilo ittick on tluliiti lint tin i m im ss oniii cton john vmvuhv ho 111 i rainitou lalv lli h cash for hides rvlk mhltsitmi is limnik j niul hlicdp bkitih at tliti irvt in lor lnb- nt mooro k cordoau ttunu 1 robes ltnlii s of nil kinds taiiiud to ordi r hntilikturv iiiaiiiur wm acton iul lh 1w7 llidc calf irkot prices vcton ii the most ii vms w village propj2rty acton and speyside fcir 8 ale ihk uxukkhknku offers for 4ln jrfit no isreitel a x 1 main street acton on which coiuuickuouk dvv ullint drivlue house 6uinll pri and stable orchard cistern ac vcj dcsiraldo also tlic siw side post ofllco projicrtr and nflv acres adjoining u screw of orchard erected a nntti loss dwelling and sen a good oh iiing for it lirofltalilo groci rv v tull particulars ujkjh application voskv- nppl liven 1st of october or novomttor tcrins ensj or to vpplj at flivl im khiflke cton jajie8 tosrly yillage of acton 887 taxes for i batepatters a 111 hereby notified that tliofliat instalment of taxes for tho current jour mil fall duo on tho 15th day of aucust next mid if the said kiiit in itahuuiit hu or huforo the imid lfltli day aiiriist7 tjon in r cent will bu added thereon in aocordaiio with a llj law iassid b tho citj council do not put off payment to the spending a mouths holidays at tho metropolitan studio osjbjinou 200 per dozen donottorxet when you intend purchasing a first class organ or piano to go to j c mclean of the guelph temple of musie itc is no agent but buys his goods in large quantities at rock bottom figures and only the high est grades in bandied last bay uteuuoii iii tailed to flio follov lug when making pavinent prcs lit tax id 1 ciilijiich hist tm paid jlv older j vmcgvhvk clerk treasurer must be marked gojd vi 1 mo at the clerk s olucc main hti it tax id 1 axes i i jamb1s stirton iids dentist topells block opposite poit office guelph vitalized air ice ju liiihnrt otiwtll a oskttlhioll ok ilininwl 101dbiues muislinh mllineuy cakpet8 l stltaw hats and heady mades uk 15 peu gent- to 20 pelt cent orff kok cash hues propor tioiuitcly cheap 030 ej 33 j jbs just opened i new line of tbe ianious ooe f tea cail and inspect it advantage to ilo tlicir shopping in tlie earlier part of the day up at 8 in j henderson mcrae co to farmers and threshers uso on your machinery only the wellknown monday july lf steam is ijpt our ireat jublloo sale is niakiog hiing 1 the extraordinary roductlousin prico are g attraction goods aro going off fast and are being reduced speedily bee tho folio pries list in prints lawns and muslnf 1 lot zephyr chambrayg reduced ttf 25c to 15c 2 lot plush striped fine jhanibrayi reduced from 62jo to 25c 3 colored spotted bwiss lawnb resdticedf from 37 ic to 2jc 1 i white brilliants reduced from lsj to 5 5 black and white 1rintcd lawns rei duced from 15c to luc f g colored oatmeal cloths reduced fronr 20c to 10c pj 7 colored brocaded lawns reducedfronj f 25c to 10c 8 cream and gold canvas cloths nf duced from 30c to 1 c 9 fine american seersuckers from 10c to l2jc jjhj 10 madras nets reduced from 50c to sit m and from 10c to 27 ic 11 ginghams reduced from lccrto 10c 12 american print itobes reduced frotf l 75 to 1 45 13 great sacrifice in white all owr1 embroideries reduced from 60c tt 40c from 75c to 50c from 91 00 to s c7jc from ii 50 to dc from 2 1 to 1 25 14 colored all over embroideries 1 exactly half price reduced froja r 1 00 to 50s from 2 00 fl 15 grand range of wide oriental fiona cmgs at 50c per yard 10 linen prints reduced from 12jetpl 10c 17 grand special line of prints of regd lar 12c goods at to per yard 18 printed muslins at 5c 4 tl plain striped and eiver check w lawn at 5c 20 swiss spots and checks at 8c 10c and 15c worth 12j 15c and 20c 21 white embroidered lawn dresses reduced from 4 do to 83 00 snail from 3 00 to 84 00 gents department 1 line halifax tweeds worth 75c i 50c 2 line navy serges at 40c 30c and f cheap a ail wool canadian for bos weatj cheap aud garments cut free oj charge 4 line summer underclothing at i price 5 line summer knitted oveibirte i 01c worth 1 00 g line mens stiff felt hats redocedj 7 mens white vests 25c 8 mens brown dock overalls sac 9 mens snnxmer scarfs 3 for 25c 10 mens double and i wist coil bocks 10c per pjir or three for 1 11 men and boys tweed onits at duced prices 12 linen alpaca and becrouckrr cheap special sale of 200 ium and bri jerseys at 3j ta per cent under prices come to the great jubil c sac peerless oil 9 gold medals have been awarded it daring the last three years try also our jpoorlsss axlo groaee for yonr wojjigoiib and horfie lpv crs thr oils aro usetl and highly recommended atthemodcl farm guelph fariners ask lor tin m nse no other e r bolleihy 27 lcvtek wtiibham st auelpir ox t ttltlovl in 011icl manufactured at qroenoityoilvorlsby t samuel rogers co toronto u pnrllies ami rent polluted by itigithh dieap facts and reasons effects projduced by oyers sarsaparilund by nothing else so perfectly nd icv hjoratcs s nffercin languor weakness and it trcrlien from em nit ion mi util diprviion it hai an almost maqical effect in curing eruptivo and cutaneous disorders it eiulicttcs fix m the blood the taint of tliit lerriblv dciiruclivc disease heredi liry feerofitla it ppc1s from tbe svstem the baneful iiilin of mercury which is as serious as tlmtot pcrofula rctjenerates tlio life cu the corruption ol con- i it sa es by its thorough purification of the blood from itlieumatismj bheumatic gout and tubercular consumption it cures scrofulous affections of tbe liver and kidney nud then symptom jaundice aud drop it cures scrofulous catarrh itching humors and tho purulent sores caused by scrofula it clears and improves the complexion it neutralizes the poisons left in the system by diphtheria and scarlet ever and restores tho debilitated patient to perfect health and igor it is in short an unfailing remedy for all disorders arising from imparity of tlie blood where such disorders have not become so deeply seated as to be beyond all human aid i m h k hide 1 o not paid ou it stitmtlitcji the setrctorv organs effects tlie removal of nil impurities from tho bnoil nnd nukes it now rich and pnre it restores hrillh to mifferm from thin blood and impaired v itality advantages that avers sarsaparilla possesses over all others it ii eonipocd of tho most efficacious altcrutiwvdfurctlc nnd tonic drugs known iu phoruuey umoiu vvlilth uro the lcnuiuo honduras fmrtpirilla yellow bock stillingia aud the iodides ot potas sium mid iron it us irighly contenlrated medicine ckntulcally nud honestly compouuded so as to secure to it the highest degree of activ ity tmd licrfect imifonnity it has received the hearty endorsement of tlio tailing men in tlio medical profes sion who recognize it as a standard phar maceutical preparation nnd prescribe it in their practice it contains no polonom minerals or other dangerous drugs the tfce of whleh for temporary elleet in tho mnuv crude nnd cheap mixturcf sold as ulteratives produces fleets on the s htrui often worse than tho deceases lliey nro offeretl to cure it costs no more tliin nnv other but would still bo tlio cheapest blood-purtly- iiur medlclno in tho world even were its price three times greater since it is the only one that does real lasting good it has been before the public for nearly forty years and has constantly grown in papular favor both at home and abroad until there is hardly si place in tho civilized world where it has hot a host ot friends made so by its marvellous cares it his been used in and approved bv at least 4000000 families in the united states and 7000000 throughout tho world women have especial reasons for com- uicndinglt it has pro en its potency in curing obstinate deeplyseated nnd longstand ing diseases- caused bv vitiuiiou of the blood it must not hovveker be ex pected and is not claimed unit a single bottle will cure such cases jbut patients should persevere 1n the use of this remedy until n radical cure is effected it is tho only bloodpurifier that has won and retained tho confidence of tho people of all tropical countri wheijc such medi cines aro much required it is tbe only medicine of its class that sailors as a rule have any f tilth iu and thoy aro right n washmctoii md t bct3 eminent throat and lung surgeon vl next visit lacton at dominion hotel tuesday 20th septembeir one day only ayers sarsaparilla prepared by i dr j c aver co analytical chemists l0weu mass i sold by all druggists price 8100 six bottles for 5 i cvtuljih lliltoat cluiid afcuol uiohun lrcdb who liive been buo fully tieatod by dr y asluugton t bow niftl mrs jno mckelvj kingston onl cab and consumption john mchclv kingston ont catarrh mrs a hopping kingston out hr consumption mr e scott kingston ont catarrh and throat mrs juo botraul karroweuiilhout cjatl throat jainos mattlicwsp master acton out tarroh head and throat p fiancle berhn ont catarrh hcodtg throat tus nellie ebyberlin pnt enlarged ton flwuig v m cwuuua out citarrb t henrybeott berlin out yftlmrn mrs1 wagner near licrli i out- head and throat levi korchcr bl jacob s out itatarrh 1 and throat r colin campbell pt eilwaro ont othnj james stoccj dnttou oct cataxrb wm shoemaker rodne ont catarrh joseph swey fort gratiot v s cat bod form r w h btorov esq of storey i bon i manufacturers ctou ont dr wasbhistwuj tho oulv throat and luug surgeon m canada 3 miss mary a roinbourg ccntervihtflo catarrh bead uud throat mrs godtrcv lelincss fa jacobs oat suuiptieu titus binder blooiuqeld out catarrh and throat t hosiery sale lmian rainless extraotidn if teeth vrtiaelnl tuetli iju4fii nwi rt w appear- alee tit and tiw kino iihl wurt a h a i ojhitatluhb btricll lliit elads appoiuuueutimade by letter j v i appear- jmualty the dominion organ andpianoc iiadieri seamless hose 1210 worth 20c ladies ijulii psimoed hose 20c worth 33c ladies da luukju an htwkf26c worth 4gc jhilmiens hose splendid value at 10 and 12ic tapestltt caupbis 7ic worth 50o tjapestifcy oaltpels 45c worth c0c 1jni0n carets 071 worth 450 allwool caupbis goo worth o50 i i taokourtalns formerlyei25 now o4c lace curtains formerlv 175 now 1 31 lace cuuaatns kollalerly 250 now s1s8 jiaob curtains form krly3fio now 263 boo acnti for ptifo iiom mi 1 n oloi cmnet swooiiors wo closo at 0 oclock hat lilajovoiilna mkat bbothefta wkink8treet ecst between hughson and mn dtrdfltv has the largest and most eorapleie factory iu t ijwninlon130xl55 fligkttt bqwn tm avtrltila at hlita tat tj medal sn4 diploma at ceattanbf vm licdll and niplmna at sydntv ausuuobn bold ucoal at itovlaolal eifiibltjontoroiitc ajrards st ladttiirui exlriuties lrr5ft aawt wg atg ow miitrincrrfj quare and opiuqht stu3 1 fl it ids ifseil i rrespau pekctnl oerf31fcitateil t alogur wailed frtw athk k0mim0s oecak ajvd hakfl tpsfasc bonyocnva oirr i l

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