Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1887, p. 1

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cltjlrtott xtt ftes is rur tkiv kvery thursday morning xt tuk free press power printing house acton ontario subscription rates oxcrsinimmihjs six months mots turku ilpxtils 85ct8 invariablv iij advance if not paid in advance 1 pit voir will lx charged so paper discou- timtoi till a roavs arc paid except at tuo option of ultvyiiuhshor advertising rates- sisviji tt pmahis uyohs t 1 nh i 1 vn 7tfa00 s5to 2000 1 61x1 g mo i 3 mix 3500f iooo li lm 700 3v1 200 lmo 700 s5f 250 100 ctx advertisements fe cents lor line for tho rtrsi insertion and 3 cents per lino for each sub- sciueiit insertion cash tho nuuibor of lines ivvavvcvuiv tlie space occupy v measured by a le v solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged accordi ngly transitory advertisements rnust bo paid n avivauco change for contract avlvortiscuienta must lo in tho oilw by j am on tuesdays otherwise ticv will be kill over until the following week h p mooke editor and proprietor acton banking company storey christie oo actouj 1 ontario a qshbraiiaanklno business traifsaorid p monet l045otd on approved tfotes notes bisoounted and interest allowed on deposits find the puzzle liusinrss dirtrtorir h lowbv 11 b m c p s j g raduatc of trinity college member of coho of physicians and surgeons otfice and residence at tlietiead of frederick street acton w john lawsox graduate of ontario veterinary college toronto vet erinary surgeon acton ont- office in konuy itrvvs kx aud shoe store residence iu the rear llvrscs examined as to soundness and certificates tiven all calls niht or day promptly attended to terms ilsv the undersigned is prepared to furulsh on tho shortest notice in any quantity and at bot- i torn prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed mid anything in tho lino m tatulorsllouselicop- orsorcoutrnctonvuecesaitiea tho puttie is to find a better placo thau thomas c moores to buy anything in the abovo lines also to find out ifyou aro iudebted to him for auytblngjiur- chased from him his books say some aro and he would uko tho mouoy central meat market l bennett lds dentist utoiluktown ontamo t v mckinlay rsj sufiueok ii dext1st georgetown out use tho lew synem jf xitrous oxide otos commonry ltitotrt orftu s oxide otos eotmnoirty callel vitalircii ain for extracting teeth nit having ljeu demonstrator aud practical iviclier m ttovnl colics of imital surreous toronto patrons in dejicutl upon receiving sitif cih in tuv oiverativu pcrfoniiel w il i visit acton evtrv second and fourth wednesday of each moutlii 0uce in agnews hotel j1i cakluquli sukgeon den- t llst iillton honor graduate of the lovtu follece of dental surgeons of ontario u viit acvii thutwlav of each week tefnn- niri tlic ir ot lulv office in agnews hotel ievitoii of the natural teeth a sneeiahy r- levlh inserted on cold celluloid or nd- ica bise ituaraiiteevl iwrfect vitaliiovl air irrov5 oxide and other ainusthetics used for rriiiiissextractoa of teeth toiinston vt mcleax lairou solicitors notaries conveyancers irivvte fnud to toau 0e town ii11 acton j v b johxstos yli a mcleax j a mow at ijrtti solivitou xotakv prelic money to loan tiru r dws tuesday and saturday u matfueas wofk aetou upstairs mitchell ilicixoi covitvncin itc r vkr west i street milloti of the money champion to loan at f js tun allan a baiivd ivrrrstenv bolicitorsvtc toioxto am cjevlgetovrx citimanslioek ctf kin slrvxil east to and st rsctown touto a j nuno ea i tvjeuvy carson r i iaialstf115atlaay ac i i ontario hall si- cnnrch street toronto ci kitovmplt jolkcatvsonbcl ltiovrsattoiisei v iatents secured i fob inventions inly ghist ottawa canua yeirs tractiji no tatent no rajj t il t wall papers and joseph patton butcher has pleasure m anuouucitir to tho citirens of acton that ho bas pur chased tho butchering business of mr william hossell and is prepared to conduct the same in a straightf onranl bnsiueai uiantier having had largo experience iu tho bnsiucss i feci thatl can guarantee all eustoiucrs vlo fa- vor do with their 5tronare perfect satisfaction all kinds of meat fresh and gooclaud poultry fish ac iu season will be found in stock i respectfully solicit your csteouiod patronage joseph patton acton nov sth it w h rutledce the butcher dwajs in evitythiiij iu tho meat line no cits wtamisliineut cau be found butter dock et at all seasons no questionable goods of fered to customers at any price boedebs ceiling decorations all new for 1887 -at- dats b00kst0ee cuelph day sells 6heap the bazaar has just received a larne supply ol new raymond sewing machines the leading machine ixjwest irrictti n1 tjunre dealing is jay luutto one trial convinces on thtivo joints r cash nhvajs jviid for cattle tin highest price iivid fur hides and slilciskini w h rutledge wellington marble works qtj5bec st gtjblps john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer iu marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery york direct irhporter of all kinds of granite aud mnrble call and see for yourself also the lovely samples of arrasiue tinsel aud other work doue ou this popular machine it takes the lead for durability excel lence of finish and variety of work for bale by fraxk kwebb36r agent for acton georgetown aud sur rounding country you vrill also find on hand at tbobazaar a large stoclt ot fancy groods in great variety bold cheap for cash call and examine my goods and prices remember my motto small profits and quick returns at kelly bros old frank r webber acton juue 23rd 1887 was- it tlmy cat ui oi a fallen iroo i vhoro foimlnu rapids dashed along j his ami wa i prossod about her waist and i junt ask you wna it wroiirv i could not ateu a idiujlo word that iassod froni cithers movlnj ui hut was it wrong tor him to squooro her little tosyflngor lips i ho softly mado omo sweet remark 801110 iwntliib words she soouiod to 8y andwasltrronktorher tolbok u such a coy coquettish way 7 aud then h 3 whispered low again homo loviwords floated on the air i and then in say now was it wrong for him to kiss her then and there lflt is wror to kluh tl g lor sunbeams bright j o tnoduht woodland flowon if it is wrong for tephyrs sweet to kiss the trocs through bnhuy hours if it 1 wrong for moonlight rays 1 to kiss tho bright bluo waters oer and wrong or waters in their turn to kiss th 0 ikjbblort on tho shore then it wni wrong tor those two there to kus utton that summer day and mukiu thus i sought the path and from t 10 lovers turned away j e bkatiulk vs ditsinr i ttst familn iuamngi shangfiaib college the college was a rickety old inthe neighb rbood of thefivopointu and bhangliai bil whb theoneleggedfreiident of it the niato td this leg had been left on tho battlefield of fair qalts and no soldier was ever more proud of his stump than this one ai he forcibly put it any man that wouldnt be williug to leave the hull of hisniirtnal carkiss iu a liiili old tight like thai there one didnt dosarye tho name of a tui 11 it will be s sen from this verbatim report that shaughe i bills knowledge of gram mar and rhetoric was limited but as t m hemstreet j cuuties of ivelunston nnd haltou tl at tlie flikkpcssb office acton 0 it tiv rekvleiisein acton will be promptly at ujrtito terms reasonable u9 uionev to loan on the most lavorabli er pt iie loxe3t rates of interest ii tvn of ii upwards amurray liciij aictioxeke ennnics ft hilton and welliugtoi iiri wit at hirebidetae main street oppoi ij c street acton or addressed to acto i i o ili receive strict attention term rjawtniblc notes discounted if desired toftk day on ci iqaceti architect gcelpu oxi s hotel wock market siuari tie ancis ntjnan rsjcevstor to t y chapmani ijookuindeit sluare guelpb oaj of all kirns made to ordejr 1 h ieeomit boy rioiitais of every flemrfption carefully bottoi i uling neatly and promptly done t he haslan barber shop miilsteeeiacion u isv ciiave astvlish haircut a good seafoan an jxbiliaratidg shampoo always given bazojjs hone1 and put in arstclass condition la- and cliildrens hair tastily cnt i y w0kden tonsorial artis oiwlpli busiuess ic i- gcetph ontasio nille third scholastic yeatt 8 lmsscpttmber 1st- patronage draw 3 i ten states aud province young in and boys woughly prepared for business pu buit- oradnates eminently saccessfnl as a coiiiitauw hnsiucss ilanagers shorthand jn tr clcris salesmen travellers etc both i a c iiiada and tiie united states moderate rate thorool rratical work and eourtesus trea iflcnt characterize the iustitntijn jyulies a mited to all the adantasc5 ot the corlcge splendid lajilities atforded lorjhe acquisitio a of french and german forinforinahr principal vtf lumber shuigles and lata i to nidersincl desires to iiitonn the publ thavhehasuowouhaudaw will keen k a nil une itfkne and heagoefc m w n is thtr kinds otlumber also fftst ond socoijd class pino shingles k lath coal wd htjvc coiil i have also a good bpck of wooo able prices wood and coal delfjered jjgffesbkown fife mutual insurance compan or tub estaumhhieu 18 head office gt0n elpr insures uaililiiigs rhiuij and all other descriptions iremitun note system- pw stone cnas davitteon president secrft john tayiioii aerit haying lately visited the bay of fuudygrauitc quarries and bavins purchased- the entire stock o gray and red granite monuments headbtones crosses urnb etc ot alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments it high ig0 7 ft 75 s ft 90 0 ft 10p 10 ft 120 all work and material warrantedfirstclass parties wanting anytliingiri this line will do weir to call aud see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers cw kelly sole agent for acton and vicinity for the celebrated bell organ and lansdowne piano liyert jtl worden haying assumed irolrietorslip of tholivry business latclv carriel on by mr w b smith would solicit the patronage of thepublic aud will do their utmost to please all customers well equipped and stylish bigs can always be secured fiis clara outfit for commercial travel lers at special rates a comfortable bus meets all day trains and night also if ordered give us a call jh worden in tbe fkek pntss i notice that mrjj c mcleans advertisement donbta my sme agency for the bell organ- y i now state that i have a written con tract duly signed by messrs w bell i co giving me the sole agency for the sale of tbe bell organ for thy city of guelph and a radio of twenty miles including acton rockwood eden mills evcrtou new ger many breslau and hcspelcr the above mentioned contract can be seen by any lady or gelitleman on calling at my music store opposite the post office t believe tbe reliable 6rm of w bell 4 co are ad hering to the letter of the contract and that any person other than my ugeuts who arc selling the bell organ in the above territory is obtaining them iu some unsatis factory way or is selling a secondhand instrument i notice proprietor recom mended the bell organ to cnstomer tbe indisputable reputation of thib organ is soch that all dealers recommend to custo mers ow kelly opposite post office guelph- my wareroom is well stocked with musical intromnt including pianos organs guitars banjos violins harmonicas and accordians also a full line of the latest shoot music and am receiving new instalments dally cwkelxy hello i pause and consider that it will bn your own interest to pabbuse borne trade we would respectfully infowa tile inhabitants of acton aifr surrounding cbibntqr that we lire again in fullvuoning order andtera batter position than before tho tiro to jm all orders entrusted to us to parties bnildj lumber will bedrei wbilo jfou wait and mouldings fcc mado with ucatnespfind despatch n it we are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps on short notice and from long experience iu the business wo teel confident that we cau give sat isfaction every timo bo cpino on ifitu your ordersaud help to roil the ball along money makes the more go whether she bas legs or no til os ebbage manager weavina -right- to the front of all c0jiit we ilace oub me desires to inform tbe people of athon aid surronnainis that be is prepared to take orders for wenflngall kinds of fanoy bag carpets ilanniil bbwtitifo bwrttaaid yards wide and over aild i will guarantee that iwillgivegoa satisfaction to olhaririers and others flho will favor me with their patronage u t mitohklili elegant and substantial goods bpiendidinqnality complete in assortment overflowing in generous bargains i mens womens andchilukess boots and shoes otssjbs overshoes sso- at prices that always lead to speedy sales lowest price8 consistent with good quality there was no particular demand for either of these icienees iu his esceed- iugly origins 1 institution it mado little difference his pupils were all newsboys varying in age from sevtti to fifteen years and were taught by bill to rend tbe heads of the sensational jolnmus which it was their business to cry to the outside world arithmetic mas the presidents stronghold im your huckleberry in everything but f racshinj b lie had been heard to say but when yon como to splitting two- thirds into 1 ineteenseventeenths and an eighth and squaring the hippotumus i should lie if saidl was there at the time of our story shanghai bill had tweuty upils they paidfive cents a week for their tuition and when uuy of the number liappenexl to be hardpushed as was not oiteii the case tho president cheerfully chalked it down and waited for better circunstaiices it was a cold drizzly night ill early october wli n shanghai bill placed liia talluwdip in a homeraado wooden candle stick in the t cntrc of the homeinade wood en table which served for desks for the class there was a straw bed niiuus bedstead iu one corner upon which the masters ungainly form reposed at night eight perilous stools also homp made upon which the scholars took turns in sit- tng and a small ancient and very rusty cookingstovi completed tlip college furniture i the first to enter was pete th widc- awake followed by short jack and blue tini so called onaccountof a grief- stricken aspect which never left him in the mo ments of the greatest social hilarity pete had juat opened bis month to spenk when the rest of the iitudeuts carao troop ing in most of them were bansfooted many of them jacketless and almost trouserless but all were iu excellent bpirits evidently locking forward with the greatest pleasure to the evenings work you aint beerd the news nor nothin i apose boss began pete the wide- awake as soon ds ho could make himself heard didnt we give it to her tfiough broke in hookey post repealled from once having stolen several copies of the paper of thtitname from a feljowedler who did you give it toja the- president raising his voice abwithe din which was just then earsplitting now shet up the hull of ye and let hookey tell whats to pay n nther one of your cock- andbull stories i spose but drive ahead hookey sos wc can get to business some timein thexontse of the night well boss said hookey with great deliberation its a gal wot we give it to a gal i exclaimed bill looking around npon the little company you dont mean to tell me boys that any of yon has been and gone and struck a gal do ye let me tell yon what the great mr shakespeare says on that snbject any feller that ever gits up his muscle to give it to a woman or a gal which means tbe same thing is fit for treason btrategy and spiles thats what he says you know what treason is boys for i told you tother night short jack pouched her a little bo- cause she wouldnt give up the continued hookey you see thing we knowed this gal was ahollerin herald san and itlnics jis like aq old hand wo couldnt stan by an take our work away from us boss that alters the case baid the presi dent thoughtfully but youd no business to v punched her jack thats going a little too tar take your places now and ill bee who knows the most about the multiplication table we cant wante our time talking about gals nothing could be more uniirne than that recitation natured rivalry had reohed their height a sudden interruption occurred which effect ually banished the multiplication table for that evening shanghai billt college was situated oil the fifth floor of a building onceusod as a brewery but now condemned as unsafe and consequently abandoned byi every one but bill who was determined to remain till ho was druv outby the law no such steps bod been taken and bill remained unmolested tho boys had been so thoroughly on- grossed by their occupation that they had not heurd the door open nor had they noticed that a stranger had entered the room short jack was the first one niuide uwureof the intruder and this by a smart slap on his cur which brought him to his feet too much surprised to utter a word the president pushed his glasses on to his forehead rose and looked about him that was the blackguard that btruck me this morning uu ive give it back to him said tlie newcomer in clear tones by this time the boys had recovered from their consternation and cries of put her out putheeoutl came from all sides shet up will yesaid the president iu authoritative tones interposing his long right arm to keep short jack from return ing the blow hold en now he con tinued till i get t the right of thjsyarn youre the gal that tried to get the boys honest business away from em aint ye im the gal thats tryin to doari honest business for myself replied the stranger folding her arnib and looking scornfully about her there she stood a girl of fourteen perhaps tall and slight ragged and most inefficiently clad but scrupul ously clean her eyes were large and in the light of the fluttering candle black as night her hair was dark ond very long apparently worn flowing for tlib sake of the warmth it afforded indeed her hair seemed the ouly comfortable article of toilet it aint a gals work to sell papers said the bcbool master trying to bolster his tottering prejudices under the fire ol those flashing eyes then give mo spme work that is- was j the immediate response i aint partic ular about selling papers but gals have to eat as well as buys and gals can be cold as well as boys too the fat gentleman that keeps the restaurant down an the row hes the one that set mo up in business- said that you was a good man and so ive come up here to have you settlo it this was an uulooked for crisis and one for which the good president was unpre pared i dunno as anybody wants to see a gal starve put iushort jack with his iand it bis smarting ear the young girl gave a quick glance at the maker of this remark and seemed about to speak but she folded her arms again uud looked straight at the school master rt what is your name ho- asked in u tone a full octave lower than chat iu which lid hud spoken bffore mag hiio replied theresa been folks thats called me sassy mag but i dont allow that cept theyre friends then theres another thing schoolmaster she weut on i want you to tell me how tis that these boys can come here to school to you when there aint no room for me my gentleman said they paid ave cants a week ive got twenty to pay you a month ahead and there tis- advancing and placing her money on the table now i want to know why a gals money aint as j good bb a boys money at that moment it was quite plain that i the worthypresident of this worthy insti- i tntionwas in considerable doubt as to which lie was most inclined to dolaugh yu the door and stairsj out into child alone jess say boss eyes a spoil ago exoitement of t ance had bubsidted and i nevei ing in my life away over in earner stood bl 0 er his eyes bcjyu forgot to down the rickety old the wet cjhilly uiiht a unprotected cold and friend the dark of tho farthest le tim his battered old hat for the first time tbe i at him eieanoii kiikl nnd li ugli a practical wisdom there is followii gl let us remember the i toljl of an old man who in his had borne manjr of the ills eudei were condoling with obourence jof some special i aying that he really had than other men when lie ends thit is too true i sunanded by troubles all my tjiere is a carious thing about o them never happened ies of such troubles have though all our pilgrimage tae pains to secure all the possible out of their tronbles the n iu anticipation and for pu poses trouble which has s often full equal io one how much bl in the lessona a story is long pilgrimage of life his fr him on the affliction and more troubles replied yes my fr have been life long but them meffili what qnanti afflicted us mest people enjoyment theyoniey allprawpal not oohrred which has after having them and then if they them again gone they can b them over and them for ih happy except w who make the ing they ore all ly as much as tbey can fro anticipating the most of ing them from belves well sup is it not tim the past is trouble that is to happen but to encounter trouble we refuge and jehovahs wing is the evil talk d cor ie and the h i deal hava bile i then of feared them fretted over about them in advance they hae the good of after theyihave como and ill recollect them aud think lerive great enjoyment from jse people who never are hen they are miserable and- nost of small troubles see they have can derive near- from a dead trouble n one that- is alive so by in the future making i in tho present and recall- the past they keep- them- lied with troubles to fnrstike such foolishness let it be forgotten tbe future is most likely never if it does coiiie we shall have t and for the present but to fly to tbe rock of beneath the shadow of sufficient unto the day common people sati ifaotion i them t lot that the ii wiio i it to vote talk it over or cry as it was he compromised the matter by a sniff and a chuckle which astonished the boys quitea3 much as anything that had happened twenty cents is twenty cents he re plied after a bhort pause it dont make no difference who it comes from but i aint never haufno gals in my school and i dunno as ti boys would like it but what do you all say take this stool and set down mag while i pu there aint no harm domy to you know it did not detract id the least from the kindness of the act that slianrjliai bill did not rise to give the girl the stool but kick ed it along with his foot she took the offered scat immediately aud waited in silence to see what would be done next when i was in the army said bill very slowly and fingering his spectacles a good deal more than seemed strictly necessary afore i got the wound that druv me to one leg i was struck in the bhoulder and left for dead they soid the breath of life was clean knocked out of me i spose twas for awhile but taint soeasy to kill some folks thats so i came in suppressed tones from every part of the room j wall the fust thing i knew a queer little figger sot side of me mind ye every body else had gone about their business for t wasnt nothing but a poor private and this little rigger said soft and tender like a mother might speak to her dying baby here comrade drink thib and bhe lifted my head and put her canteen to my mouth and i drank boys blessing the little critter with every swallow i took then she looked after my wound and when i fell a little better she ran as fast as she could go for the ambulanee and bless your hearts boys that gal never left me till i was safe in camp she was the daughter of the rogimentj and never a day has passed over my head when i have said my prayers that i the boys gathered about the table eight j havent asked the lordto blfess her of them occupying the stools the rest l thisgal looks more like her than any ilrfiigiiii it is as natural it is to a fish need a cert din it is a greaq m their cbildten we pity the lit bors children there is a pioi and they aro lest they shouljl they cannot reason they have a gnn training is cowards of little bessie mischief that she has learnet all her mad parents eyes day walking ci6sed tbe trajck feet below wide and she shehad walkei ing under it shudder- dont fancy grant a feel that when good betwe gradgrinds of tirne of it sort of agreeable amount of nothing moro to feel that nothing ever a disconsolate rrienffiirkf wcjl ip children kntloniilly reasonable the ilifi that tho that papers the fust let could gal we s the best stimulant a ner- 811 to take is not necessarily pure uor neefcsaarrly impure a chejerful feee ib nearly as good as healthy weather are men whose friends are jied than their enemies is like castor oil easy but hard enough to take may bring luxuries but not always bring happiness temples are built of binau gfeat lives made up of trifling op an heart i that sleep vine safe for that cold i warm sir thai fofan invalid that there more to be pi that advhje enqugh to glv that weal h that luxuries do that graci stones and events that ah an open open door that it is mind give mind that men tops while basement that nature works upovi new preationjb thatlifei who bear give a helpii that wound whitjh words getting take th sir has y ouutom work promptly and repairing mmr w williams mill street acton standing until shanghai bill should give tho word to ohange there was always good order iu this college ignorant aud uncouth though the teacher was there was yet a subtle some thing which compelled obediencea sort of irresistible magnetism which held the un ruly boys in an iron grip so on this as ou ever other occasion everything went on decorously no vulgar or profane language was allowed in the college and no tobacco and tlis school bad been found a means of grace and de liverance to many a benighted newsboy many were the moral lectures delivered by the earnest pre3idcut aud not one of them ever foiled to interest sothe multiplication table passed arouud from mouth to month suffering a good deal as it went but showing an unruffled front when tsey were all throng li with it when the boys enthusiasm aud gool- gal ive ever seen since and what do you say boys to letting her sell her papers and letting her come here to school and taking a little care on her and helping her out of she gets iutb trouble seems to me you aint got no call to make war on that helpless gal then short jack tossed his poor little skullcap to the ceiling and the boys set up three lusty cheers for thai teacher and three more for mag and the business was settled the girlarosejand goiugover to the old soldier said sitoply- he told me jkuei you are a good man and im much pbliged to you ill come to sohool tomorrow night then halting a jsecond as she passed short jack bhe baid youvtebeen feel ugi ilafc 3 whj lyoi good to me aud im sorryi ache bdt i owed you a debt payit without anotherlwdrd ie ylrl opened made your ear and i had to mr bryabt of the editor rel bryant little book 1 wish npets especially i had a bu with and i ipind mr my room barrassed with poets utter impo isibil praise or before me- iturning apecting ing is binder has mm brought the briny to my said hookey post us the ie girls budden disappear- i came so nigh to blubber- said short jack apltnl sermon jfew men in ontario have travelled far ther or with more intelligent observation from an agricultural standpoint than mr wm weld editorof the farmers advo cate mr vweld delitered an address at the farmers pionio alwalkerton a short time ago gave them the results of hio experience hdsaid thirty years ago i was attracted to kansas by the glaring accounts given of j that country we went with a view of i seouriny a bettor home health in that country was in no way ti be compared to that of canada i returned having seen something of our neighbors and their country having visitedmairienew hamp shire vermont new york pennsylvania i tennessee missouri illinois nebraska j delaware new jerseyjiand michigan and j tlio cities of washington and new orleans always with an eye for the bettering of my condition and that of my faniiyshould any inducement offer iaud believing tfcat i know a little about the fertility of land its products and profits i haveseen no place either on this continent or in europe where the farmers on an average are near as well off or have such opportqnities of prosperity or arc as peaceful sndconteiited as in ontario 1 if any of you think that you are going to better yourselves by selliugyour farms and i going to any other part jost consider your position well before you doit my advice is stay where you are do not be led away by any boomand before changing consult with your most truthful and honorable neighboring men that cannot be bought to mislead you the conclusions of mr word whl bear s mild waves beat upon thehore and murmur lo jv to me i hear thenl iove far hp cijovu the roaring of the soa t and whilo they dash upoirthe beach so blithely and so free i sit and dream ihe wavelets soeni to murmur softi of thc f they rollin on the pebbled sand beneath the cloudless sky white shells theybring and ever sin a dreamy lullaby andso sweet suirimcr days my love beside the 60uniihig sea i i sit and dream tihe wavelets sjccui to munuur sof t of thee no sivcetcr music per was heard than that the wijd waves sing none caii proclaim- dearer name than that tho wild waves bring for love tho nanic they bring h thine and so beside the sa i sit and dream the wavelets seehi to uiurmcrsoftof thoc how wd he po it i i the wizard of i the north and the burned bank of english note talking of prestidigitatenrs- said a travelled citizen do yon remember an- derson the wizard of tue north as he called himself he was called by many the incarnation of the evil one from the marvellous t icks he performed one in particular i will mention he asked if any one in the audience i would lend him a bank of england note aud an old dilapidated 5 note bucket bynine signatures the having just taken a i note of the djte aud number of the note and the bignatare3 sonie ff whtch wcro well known to the holdeljof the note prof auderson took the ndtc and hetd it the test of general observation mr leitch apparently in the flame of candle until president of the armors council at a u was consumed coolly remarking to the meeting jately held said- gentleman who banded it to ibim i am in order to prove to my satisfaction i ior j note addience of thatcemmercial union would be advantage- j course enjoyed the joke immensely but ousto the farmers of canada you must aft forming a ftwher tricks he tie to a child to be happy as swim but for this they imount of letting alone istako for parents to hamper with foolish restrictions ile bs our nextdoor neigh- fro m thebottomofourheart fence inftontof the house rcely allowed to go near it climb uud hurt themselves i limb a tree for tbe same man not skato or swim or the consequence of this their parents have made all with the exception of is the most daring little ever wore a snnbonet and to be deceitful and plays well 6nt of sight of her we caught her the other s railing of a bridge that of a railroad a hundred the railing iwas not a foot triumphantly told us that it while the train was pass- wai enough to make one show to me that the farmers across hue say in michigan are more prosperous than we are barring exceptional cases i have failed to find that they are more prosperous i know canadian farmers in gcnesse suddenly turned txtthc lciigr of the note and said where would you like to haye your note from this iemon or this oot of bread tbelemou was chosen whereupon the county mich one of the most fertile disi wizard seyered theemon in thcentre and tricts in the united btatesand they posf drew a crib bank o england sees no special advantages there over what they possessed in canadoj or what we now possessjs i recently paid a visit to that conntryfand i could see these facts with my own- eyes and they were forced toj acknowledgethem mr leitb went on as follows i am a warm friend tf the american i people i admire their hospitality and in- telligence aud for this reason i would wel- come commercial union if the btate of tur finances admitted ah udoptionl of the scheme i see aim that mr weigtilietl con- vriii arebjund up witli the mother coxtntry when the americans consume more of our produce than the british and establish the price of our agricultural productions tbi commercial union becomes a practical question fej i the more the iuestion now agitated comes lo be understood the jess inclined our more intelligeutlarmers will be to put their faith in it as a panacea for any ill under whici they nlay be laboring clinton neict record pr inks your boy is made of glass request and let him yontefuee it is for his own n the jellybys and the life children have a hard youngest child needs some occupation and a certain physical freedom there is painful to young people than is one dull routine and that happens i as we once heard land remark hiericait august i likplbucanih3 ls hoyaltv frank leslies illustrated paper having stated that the boyal family of england costs the country 900000 annually a correspondent writes from england the following corrected expenditure of the hoyal householder j per annum her majesty from the duchy of lancaster i the prince of wales vfrom the duchy of cornwall the prince of wales granted 45000 57690 tlf kejiejuteiilxg iguo is dot steel yet it cuta cheerijulnesbis the weather of tu by parliament j 40000 princess of wales 10000 prinoess boyal 8000 duke of edinburgh 25000 princess christian 6000 princess lohsie 6000 duke of connaught 25000 princess beatrioo 6000 duchess of cambridge 6000 duke of cambridge 12000 princes mary v 5000 duchess of mecklenburgstrehtz 3000 note of the same denomination and handed it to the gentleman knowing the ope he handed to tb wizard was old dirty and with worn edges a careful bcrutitry was at once made the dale aud number were found to correspond and the endorsement on the back was intact the wizard enquired is that the note you gave me sir and cu receiving the reply it appearsto be but theiqbesne i gilve you was an oid note but this is a new one coolly replied it has gone through a cleaning process not ficig satipfied the owner of the iidte the next day showed it to the person he received it from and- whose siguature itlore and said is that your siauature i yes he said but that is riot the note i gave you 1 gave you an old ope on the circumstances being explained the two went tothebank of england and presented it for payment tho paying teller examined it caxefully and paid it aud was then asked is that not a good one he agam examined lu efitically and sainvjyes but it is remarkably cleir and new for a- note bearing tbatdatev why did you ask he was tuen told what had occurred and invited the persons into the directors room where the detailb were given to a director a member 6f trje firm of fair- cbilds counsel of the bank of england was summoned and iu his presence and that of a detective the circumstances were again related te- note was pronounced to be agood oue and the secret possessed by the wizard a mostjdangerous ond for the hank it was arranged that a note which was priyatelytnarked and bore sig- natures especially put there should be- pre sented to the wizard the next night by the same wno gave him the mystery as it was called twdetectite to sit by him and- witness the operation the note sent was an old one hundred pound bank post bill the wixard took jt heated it ih the same manner as he did the fiye pouna note and with the same result but how he did it no one could find ou mind an open hand and lieott would- everywhere find an total jrtrrrrt a 254630 tliequeeuigveupher private property crown lauds and receives in lieu thereof 385000 a year1qt this property is now worth about 540000 a year so from the revenue above mentioned ofs254g90must be deducted the difference between those two samb v ei between 440000 and s385 000 viz 55000 leaving a sum total of 109600 that the hoyal family costs the government of the country which is less than threehapence per head of tlie popu lation per annum or considerably leb than the republics of franee or araorica who pay their representatives cost their respective countries oviltsaltixg bltteu i tot enough to keep tliopoor in tfiem boilietluug to keen you in dften preach from the house- tie devil is crawling in at the beow i is a rag merchant who dry shred and odd and end into heroes and heroines are thobe own burdens bravely and hand to those around them words often rankle in the injury gives and that eoft e it forgiving cures and for- away the scar xi editors temuhivtvsf was peculiarly considerate b of others an associate the folloiwing incident itr was reading a reviewof a wretched averse said to iiie- would dckl very gently with the weaker pneb later case of ppetic idiocy to deal was debating the matter in my bryant liappened to come into mr e b biggar of montreal who made himself famous at the colonial exhibition by his intelligent advocacy of the question of canadian flaxculture communicates the following valuable pointers on salting batter for engush market the point urged jin your pamphlet that canadians oyerbaltj their butter ii very important canadians in london may notice that what londoners look upon as the best butter tastes rather flat this s because there is comparatively little salt in it it was the common verdict that the very best samples i of our butter at the colonial exhibition were not liked for thip reason and some complained to me that there was even a bitter twang to it resulting probably not oiily f roni excess of salt but from salt of a poor quality or at least having chemical elements which should not be present the latter fact may account partly for the early rani nesa of some samples of our butter tlie that canadians eat more saljt englishmen do and if they wish t regain jheir hold on the english mark t they must make a radical change in lh use of salt in their hutter it is in the interest of our dairyi len that there be a reform iu the direction i uyluer salting of- butter wollmade lig itsalted 1 ax rarroe some people estimate tho lability of a periodical and the talest oiits ditorjjyihe quantity of its origjnalmatterlt- is com paratively an easy task for a frothy writer- to string out a column of words upon any and on all subjects his ideas may flow in one weak- washy j everlasting floods and the command of his language may- enable him to string them together- like bunches of onions arid yet his paper maj be but a meagre and poor concern indeed the mere writing part of editing a japer id buta small portion of the work the care the time employed in selecting is far more im portant and the fact of a good editor is better shown by his j selections than any thing else and that we know is half the battle but we have said an editor odght to be estimated his labor understood and appreciated by thogoneral conduct of his paper its tone its uniform consistent course aims manliness its dignity and its propriety to preserve these as they should be preserved is enough to occupy fully tho time aud attention of any man ii to this be added the supervision of the details of publication wnich most editors have to en counter the wonder is how they find time to write at ail henry waueysdn in louis ville courier journal evex selortebs alte hljiax i said to him that i was em his injunction to deal gently s ibjy and poiutjed out to him the ity of jfinduig anything to lightly to coiidcmn iu the book no you cant praise it but 1 lie volume in his hand and in- it4youmigit siythat the biud- ly put biii land thatwell tbe the pages pretty bmooth butter willsatisfy thoeuglishhkini already educated tait and its supply i ill soou educate bur own people to a similt r liking allot which profit to he but termaker resulting from an incri aeed mand for the higher quality for such it will beat pparfblyhigher prices truth croup whpopuig cough dud i pouchitis itmnediately rolieved by shilql suuref sold by n mcqaxviu fact is than the shorthand reporters of sydney ns iwj having been found fault with for their method ot reporting the speeches in the legislative tpouireil retaliated hy giving the speech of one of the council exactly as it was spoken as follows y the reporters ought notto the reporters ought not to be the ones to judge of what is important jmt to say rthatshould beleft out butthe member can only judge of what is import ant ajvl aii my spatjofaes as theteports aa what i say is reported sometimes nc ono nobody can understand froni tliti re ports what it io what i metyisn7i strikes me it has struck me eertaiuv ruat terstthiugs that appear of fmprtsutce areairoetimes kft ynj ortiiited tho re porters tho papersiioirjts are reported i meau to make a brief staterrieut wlia the paper thinks of inteict isreportcd what are you going lo tvu ue for birthday present asked u jiitydanieer her lover x lmvc nothing toiiyc bu mjl humblo self wan the rejdv tli smallest favors giatef nlly retci cdj the merry response of the lady i v x r a

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