1 sin- bkatrrmia wi dixo jam bihth- daypimmt ctomyndtv a fictodtof watoha docks jewel jety spectacles careful attention rivj to repairing dto in and ow lug stock wmpyisius jewellery stationary books and fancy good geo 3nratts aoton on method acton rev r pi ctxjuxpti pastor kchetm s dower awimtv ts steward 8t church rmic sow 1u aui and s0 tun sunday chool 4m 1m it class mhtavted by the pettpr a l cordially trued mr w h storey has purchased the bkywt he nl 1 nmott thi hou from u and thi stable from his own aud sometime in the near mtur build a neat driving house fto at the row of the premise th jubikjs boclal in the methodist church on m evening of the queens birthday promises tot vary tajoyable ootuioir a fcood programme has been arranged for wd amplo provisions are being made lor sea ouable refreshments the jiubllo rcuerau pj wavltedv u rom the xtntitt report of the easter examinations i f goo8ottn high school vre uouw that ue following pupils from aqtonww an oug those who wok highest marks in th u various classes emma isrj2sisr atv 5 k -uartlo- smith frauk u tuungs aw d atwvayply w v uoore1 i henderson frauk pigott ijlje ctcrr jtrt firtss thcrstvjtv m xno mat 19 188 crumbs 1or breakfast psvided i bw taouitful free reporters rm a iv5f i 1 r 4 38 grand growjing wwallier streeteville wants a bank mosquito flies rhubarb pies the fruit tree are in bloseom gt jl ryj car her this week queens birthday nest tuesday the farmers are about through seeding georgetown has 108 dogs so its assessor roll ay john uoriter jr ot ashgtwe lias started a creamery court of revision tor this municipality nest tuesdav evening stratford expecu to do over w0o000 with of building this year lacrosse is comiug into favor again the juveniles ire practicing new buildings are now in course ol erection in all parts of town a fsummer hats and summer not hats bin bonnets in jertnyns adv potatoes i ank among the luxuries of i wc at present at 120 per bag i milton his a street watering cart w by cant ac ton have one as well the band played out again monday cm rang tb sir music was appreciated the road s even in the country were a dusty as n idsnmmer before the rain 3 abilee e itertainment in the methodist i liuroh 6n th evening of queensbirthday wate cresses are now being cultivated a l cnvson corners for the buffalo markets gcorgeto wns assessment this year- is so3s30 tie big pif iisills boom up tlieficnres mr the cmuore is building a uew bnk bjiru ud tvables on his farm on yjttsia street rv y jljti 13 a will presch bs 1areweli seruion hi st albans chxrch next suudav iketum tickets will be issued on the c j i onthe queens birthday to all ljnts at suiilt fire rl martin the oakvilie bnrjjlar has been seiiteaced to two years in the i-eniten- ua by judge miller i the contract for the uew knox church a r has been let to schulti brothers of limutford for 17930 we are in receipt of rtalifornia papers of interest frorsmrs gk kennedy of daasalito cal thanks a resoit for the siok may be all right but a sick resort as some summer places uie caked is uot intiung ljivejkkrro will ou please tell me wlat cjibj use tj clean cats and ob- i te mrs 1es m jjur hutbind thomas muhxwney of the wellington icttl gnepli had his eye badly cut by the lursling of a bottle cfpoj the other day the board oi education ol guelph iiis decided lo charge an admission fee of 0 itiiu a mouth to the collejnate institute lcii virry if von arfi out if tmjloy- nent write to5fr cowdy hwellinkton strttl luau toronto send stampsfor ieph the jlrruld si 8 fuiiiv ill owrtiowii d et apart and no lunitiliiu trees an employee in thetruuk and satchel factory had three of the fingers of the right hand badlycut in tl sheet iron shearing machine ontuesday ittv g coull ma preached earnest discourses in knox church on sunday ltev mr penman of knox college will ocenpy the pulpit next sunday a base ball match between the juniors of georgetown and acton was played in the driving park on saturday georgetown won the laurtlsby a good big lap the merchants nowby mutual agree- vuiejit close their stores at eight pm this is a vritse move and it is hoped that all con cerned will endeavor to faithfully carry odt the arrangement school section koilo trafalgar has received a medal and diploma for speci mens of drawing sent to the colonialexhi bition this is quite a marked ompli- ment to the school steps should at once be taken to ar range for a suitable jubilee celebration on tuesday june 21st the day proclaimed by the governor general acton has always had successful celebrations in the past and can again this item is dedicated to some fisher men we know a man may chin and a man may wojk for the temperance cause all day but lie cant go afiabing and ob- serve prohibition because e ainh built j that way 1 theiies many a slip said an old gentleman the other day bit itb seldom i ever have one of this kind he had just slipped a dollar back into his pocket that he had saved by baying clothing at kelly bro j mr john b barber georgetown hae been made paymaster of tbe20th battalion to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late h m bwitar peraao mr lchlan grant takes the position of qaar- limft3tr formerly held by mrbarbejr charlie speight k the da mplon flaber- mau of thia section e caught trtt at harveys dam on taesday afternoon unx- teen inches long and eight and a half inches in circumference charlies proud of his well earned repuutiou id willie ka mawin the splou lid organ used on tho oooa- stou of the am iversary social in the odd- fellowa hall i oouph of weeks ago was from the wardrooms ot mr 0 w kelly guelph mi kelly thinkthew hv no organ ltko t lie bel and from the large uurubcr he ha adlelip is quite successful in convincing tha frivblio to his opiuiou tho busti learnt imessra moore a mc- grvin tifuu t and satchel manufacturers ooutiuues to iucrease so that additional factory t acootumodations ate necessary they have this week a staff ot workmeu engaged in eulargiugtheremises by which they will secure about one third m re floor space tho great event ot tho queens jubilee will be the jijbilee uamher of the montreal star superb iy illustrated paper ot twenty- eight pages ad two artistio plate supple ments tho e who have seen the advance copies say i is magnificent something that everybx ly will want and few can get it is to be se it by mail for 26 ooht8 ora- ham co aloutreal are the publishers fishing along the stream kuowu as gordous reek is now prohibited to all by the owners of the eight farms through wh oli it passes alt concerned should respt ol the desires of the farmers aud iu uo case put them to the trouble of prosecution for trespass they have been very liberal iu the granting of permission to fish for i evcral years past and now that they are ta ting steps to preserve their pro pcrty their notice tb that effect deserves considerati the weeks rakings arbor day was a litasou2o lioli- jrovision made for vthlclt are principally xocal and all interesting rapid veg station j the wai m weather tlijat has prevailed for the las two weeks aud the genial shower of this wok though very light has hod a very marked effect on vegetation the wheat auc grass has made rapid growth aud all th t fruit trees are in blossom a handsc me present- oil iloi day last miss jessie warren of celar cr ek farm was the recipient of a handsome upright lansuowuetiiuq at the hands of her uncle mr robert warren to say tl at miss warren appreciates her uncles g uerosity would be putting it very mildly in jeed the piano was purchased through 4r c w kelley of guelph- a wortbr pioneer under iiis heading a highly interesting sketch of the late mr james laidlaw of geoigefo vn has justbeeu supplied to the montreal tiitnw by a relative of the de ceased it is well worthy of perusal by old and x ouug containing as it does the biograph of one who came to this country so long a o as 1817 and who had reached the ripe ld age of 90 newtei dollar notes- the canadian bank of commerce is about to issue a new series qf tendollar notes l steamship under full head of steam ai d making the quickest aud safest passage in record is the central vignette while tt e portrait of the late president hon w mcmaster is on the left end of the modem newspaper regulations omahvkaitwtour spring poems have comply with our regulations spring poetmay task where i failed ce- talnly the poems were signed with an aunmed name contributors id spring poetry vre required to inelose their teal name and addwas birth record baptismal date police court history marriage certifl oate and divorce prooeedlngs if any to getheraith a tail and frank oouesslon of all ttvuthy vedld in thair lives my fpwlml d6 yoi needdlot that is a guarantee of good faith no j we waut ivfor publtmktlbn i ortoketlnmlw the vkamphn says cricket j has been pretty dead in milton for a number of jiears past but the recent obauenge to b oounty from tbjb burlington olab pat on tbeir metal somejold timers here who other wise might uev agaiu have handled bat or ball thoy and some promising young players organiidd themselves fnto a club on saturday evening with die following staff of officers judge miller pres j butter- field vicepres a g kedham sec- treas wm panton captain wm scott jr bubatitute captain j e how son h h wataon aud ii hume man aging committee grodeys ladys book goiks iudvs book for juno is bright attractive and decidedly the best number for 1887 the fashions in both colored and blaeit show the latest novelties wuilb the work pages give useful and attractive work the steel plate entitled happy days is a real summer picture and carries us back to days when life was free from toil the literary pages are full of the best matter contributed by such authors as marian c lj reeves mrs s a sheildb eleanor moore htestand prof clarence m boa- telle heury vv austin jcubor ohl etci etc phia pa price 200 per year hample copy 15 cents t grips premium pisie gmr canadas comio paper has just issued a very fine lithographed group of reform politicians in canada this is a companion group i to tbeconservative lead ers issued from the same office last year aud is the same size 18 x 26 inches when framed the pair mako a handsome orna ment for any library diningroom or read- ingroom the portraits aro well executed and tho plates are a credit to canadian en- terprise they are sold separately for 35 cents each or a copy of either plate is sent free to any one plying 2 for one year in advance lo vrii- or subscribers sending 8110 will receive grip for six months and their choice of either reform or conserva tive groups address grip toronto ont musical and temperance evening an ubasaally interesting programme was presented to the large audience as sembled in the methodist church last wednesday eveniug the solos aud duets of prof morgan fcnd litthj fairyiwere much appreciated little fairy is a musi cal prodigy iudeed the complete control of her voice and power of modulation in tone and compass with entire lack of effort lire wonderful iu a- child so young she has the elements for a prima donna and with proper training has prospects for a brilliant future the stirring address of the rev b b keefer on the present position and prospect of the temperance movement contained much interesting information and encouragement mr keefer is em iueutly- qualified for lectures of this character his experience through various temperance campaigns v his prac tical connection with the j dominion alii- ancb his observations while engaged as wft executive officer of the alliance in the lobbies of the provincial and dominion parliament during the progress ot temper ance or autitemperance legislation to gether tend to give him superior date for imparting information upon this subject seeds seeds seeds -seeds- seeds we having a laige stook we now close tnem put at cosi prices seeds seeds seeds seeds oftiiriiip carrot and mangle seeds r xi 13 at and summer not hats theyre bonnet r b jermyti paid u visit this week to the leaditig w lolesale millinery houses of ontario and made extensive purchases of the very latest ktylee almost every conceivable shape find shade is now in stock to ijadieamay rely on getting as fashionable headgear vi fcketublutovhiiadei r as th 61 can in the largest eilicr it is tiow an acknowledged fact that we lead in this department as has been demonstrated all this beasou by the crowds that throng our showroom i jubilee sun awns winttfl note an 1 that of the president mr h w darling is on the right end imports nt telephone patent decision the minister of agriculture has again decided jm favor of the bell telephone company bf canada ami rules that its three e lison patents are valid the peti- he montreal parties against there was dismissed on 7th inst tlii be question of patents on trans- aud is tlie most important victory ned by tbecoinpany in this country we offer this week another lot of 6c printed double the jprice also choiee designs in seersuckers and paniboiq from 25c to 725 1 am showing u line of bljttjfek silk at choice goods dress goods iu profusion we would e pleased to show you through hats hundreds of ladies visit r- now in stock remember ladies these are scarce goods and aie worth nearly 5300 each that is worthy of thcattention ol ladles wanting really ilie riglit house daily to purchase they come to the right h6usehecause they can get almost every the new and fashionable goods ot which there are abjout 250000 wotjth stored up there at present thing i watkins cash i to ftl 85t8jw to iloo i50 to ff25 there are about 60 very nice fiace curtains only one pair each pattern which are marked down from 400- to 8250 from 750 to 5 00 from w 02 to 12 51 from jodo tomw from 8450 to 880o front s3 00 to j200 from 550 to 300 from 8800 to s5to0 from 650 to s400 yard wide twiued cotton at 01c ofi inch grey cotton at 4ic crash towelling at 5 a enormous 8ek of towellings and towels vry glieap grey cottons and white cottons at unusually low prices an immense stook of heavy cottonadea and canadian tweeds for summer pants yery theap striped and checked shirtings in extraordinary gooi value just see the sheetings tickings pillow cottons white ind colored quilts heivy twilled cottons for night and underwear the qualities are good and the value not easily equaled remember the millinery mantles and m jntle cloths ari very stylish patterns and the value excellent mind if you want carpets the right house is the place togo nice brussels carpets at 50 8090c and the very best atl nice tapestry carpets at2530 85 40 45 soc and on up to crossleys very best uodil allwool carpets a yard wide at 70c and on up to the hist borders al half prices for enlarging carpeu union yard wide carpets from 40u up a large lot of remnants of carpet nt about half prices an enormousstock of fasbioi able designs inwiltoni royal velvet brussels and tapestry carpets just see them carpet materials and window fixing in almost every thing known an immense variety of window curtains table damasks and napkins remember the stores are one door west of hughson street on king street east tuenames on the windows arothe right house and thomas c watkins f t hamilton april 30th 1887 i i f- tion of patents settles mittere ever ga new g t r- time table a lie v time table came into effect on tho grand trunk on monday the principal change is the running of fast train to montr al leaving toronto at 855 am and arrivir r in montreal at 8 pm passidr the mail ti ain which doe not arrive until 10 pm rlie only other alterations of any importance are that the mixed which for merly left toronto at 530 pm and came as far is guelph now runs through to strat ford ai id thiji a train now departs from strati ird at 410 am ana gets to toronto at94 am the squesing celebration- the committee appointed for the purpose of bel ecting grounds for the esqnesing jubile 3 have acted upon ae suggestion of lthefbee press and chosen the site at stews rttown the executive headqnartert of the township the fifteenacre field be- longiu to mr mcceil lot 10 con 6 will be uti ized for games of various kinds and an ad oininggrove belonging to mr murray where the picnic will be held the com- mitt will meet in tt few days to arrange a prof ramme an outline of which will as soon 1 4 possible be made public the i igge8t cnunk of taffy yet- tb genial prosperous and observant editoi b the renfrew mercury gets off the fouov iug in the last issue oj his interesting joorn il so far as we are aware of the mnlti blicityjof golonial jixhibitiop medals scat fed throughout the doininion only one f il to a printer and oiewspaper man this fortunate individual was mr h p hooi j of ejjpjfriwtiiebsv as disco reted by a glance at this samplebook whil on the canadian press j excursion lastj ear and in his own sanctum recently he is a born artist printer and can hardly hel turning his work ont in tasfiy shapesr ina4ashion webave fitue dckibt that if alltbe country officee in the jprovino bad sempeted h p would haveilwen der eora ed wuh ttoaighosmedstf friend smauflridmilstiinsgiiiettjat we still re taiu ur mwehariue molar intact rev it phillijm occupied the chair a penitentiary birdjailedi f r hiram srniili an old penitentiary liird whjp finished his second term at kingston last fall has been living lately iu tb neighborhood of palermo and since he wen there a number of robberies have bee committed if which he is supposed to have been the prepetrator suspicion was par ticularly strong agaiuat him iu the case of the tlef t of a watch belonging to mr john relyea of nelson and smith escapea arrest by clearing out last week it was ascertained that he was at george town and he was promptly arrested an brought to palermo constable robe bell who had him in charge put a pair of handcuffs on him locked him up in a room in littles hotel and went to look for albert bowman esq j p the magistrate was fouud court was opened and everything was ready for the examination of thepribon- r but when the constable went to tie room where he had left smith he font d that the latter had escaped through the window taking the handcuffs with bin smith was recaptured on tuesday at a jhouse to which he went to ask forj some- thing to eat he had been unable te get the handcuff boff his wrists and was con- paratively helpless iu consequence ijie was brought to milton and lodged in j on tuesday eyeningcaamjion qring qpriiag qprng i o kenney bitos prtprieors dominion boot shoe store acfon tp pic have mufcp pleasure in admitting tbul duriug the wiutcr their ureat two foot bule to keep yo feet warm and dry has been very satisfactorily observed uud that their booth shoes c have been largtlyiiistrumetital in accomplihliing it now that bpring is here again with us wet weather aiid slushy wiius it is more than ever desirablo that tho rule tumnld ho oborved in order to ensure kpod bealtlv to all to enable all to havo dry warm feet we have put in a flue and well iasgorted block in all linos of boots and siiooh of every sort rubbers ifcc 4c and can suit and satisfy all as t price and quality call at kenney bros our ordered work and irepairirg eepartmeht is as usual in runnfnff order thomas g- tjtslrn the finest watches jewelry repairing always satisfactory tf vou navkbeiw msappoiktkd is try the alaska they we ever sold sre the best wanted 500000 poqnds of good clem merchantable wool for whioh the bight price in cash or trade will be given we have a large stock cheap of yarns blank ets flannels cottonades shirtings and general dry goods for which we shall bo glad to trade for wool or sell for cash icleod anderson co georgetown ont are you made miserable by indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite fellow bkin shilohs vitaliaer is a tivecure qoldby nimcarvin b savage sole agent for cuelph m- j home persons have periodical attacks of 3anadian cholejra dysentery or dhtrrhrta ind have to use great precautions to avoid be disease change in water cooking ndgreenfruit is sura to jiingqn tbe at tacks to such rrsois we wonw rjbom- mend d jdlottsr arbeim theiest medicine in jjhe market firairanrfflm are taken in water when the symptoms are notioed no further tronblelwill be experjenc ui i furniture large lots o arriving fqr- furnitur t- cottage or casl0 at i prices which will astonish toil new mantle olotaa uowriowew tfevroatbers jtftw onxsjnents nov xxixamlaga in goods cf all kinds vff 0sbmoros la black and ool- oied special uae great bargains new goods aily fm iwi lstov dress floods kewsuis wew griasrtapj nov prints nov ojiamteays now laces sour bmhrollerles nevmiuiaery new mantles dresses mantles and millinery made rip in first-class- style reasonable prices wedding an mourning orders attended to with punctuality and despatchl new cottonades new deninma new tioiings new cottons new smsujwaral new hosiery and gloves new carpets new rugs new readymade clothing njsvf hats new gents furnishings magnificent lotof new tweeds worsteds andsaitioga gentlemen now is your time to leave your order goods made up in first- class style and prices to suit the hard times new styles and lowebt prioes in foot wear the boot stock is large and vey cheap j ladies a gfnjtlemen we have i large stook purohased fron the best markets in the world and at the very iowest prices ourlong experience and standing enables us to buy cheap and we will sell equally cheap come and patronize us j s mcleod anderson co -v- i i mammoth ifouse cieorcetown 4undertaelngr iberalb fully supplied with everything neoessary in this oallon speight mwmmwm j a 8peicht ti mfnacer dep kttment co 1 1 to fccgarraf drug stprfe for all bmr every outios and paoktee presh and rsliablei i os 0 alargenellyassormbntof paints oils varnisheis paint brushes 3 i i coaii oil canadian and imerioan mcgarvins drug and statioaory store aoiejfi l