Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1887, p. 4

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n jrct flras 1 xl j amo jmyntamsffi if i 14 ii hi r trb lins fenoi old farmer smith eawo bomb iu ft miff from hi8 geld tho other day while hi sweet little wife the pride ot lus hf her whoql was spinuina away tad ever and anon a gy little sour with the butt of hot wheel kept time and hi wrathful brow is eleuing now under her cheerful rhyme cottoo come little turk pat a way your worlt aud listeu to what 1 miy what can i do bat a quarrea brew with the man across the way i havo built my fence but he wont com- mouoo to lay a single rail his cattle set in and the feed rets thin im tempted to make a sale i why john dear johu how yon do goon im afraid it will be aa they say no do littlo wife 1 heard hat strife in lawyers hands dont pay he is picking a daw to drive me to law 1 am told that he said he would and you know long aco law wronged me eo i vowed that 1 never should so what cau i do that t will not rue to the man across the way if thats what you want i can help yon haunt that man with a scepter gray thirty dollars will do to carry yon through and then you have gained a neighbor it would cost you more to peep in tho door uf a court and as moon more labor jusuiseyoar eood muse lets build him fence and shame bad acts ont of the fellow they built op hia part aud sent to his heart loves dart where tho pood thoughts mellow r that tery night by the candle light tjhey opened with interest a latter not a word was there bat three greenbacks lair said the man was growing better gems of thought one is never too old to he remembered and loved the brighter the light that casts them the darker will be the shadows he mast bo a thorough fool who can learnnothin from his own folly nothing is so credulous as vanity or so ignorant of what becomes itself xotlrma is denied well directed labor and nothing is attained without it except pov erty give work rather than alms to the poor tho former drives oat indolence the latter industry the man who has made no mistake is not in condition to know when he has suc ceeded ic an thing a good lesson on 0ieccc iboii an cumidy hot day di wliof rue biuish weslevan con ference was pre u ng iu a chapel to a small coireit en which in spite of an csclleiit eriiod showed a general dis- positou to to sleep the doctor par cel ing that all but three or four were in a somnolent condition conceived the idea of gradually increasing the length of his pauses of speaking in a perfect monotone and lowering the pitch until finally every individual in the congregation was sound asleep he then took his hat and quietly departed teaching them a lesson which they were not alow to learn when they awoke and found the preacher gone winter snaps there is pdthing equal to mother graves worm exterminator for destroying worms no article of its kind has given such satis- faction fear tears ef aaocrujc mrs torrance mcsish of smiths falls ont after four years of intense suffering with scrofula from which her head became bald was cured by burdock blood bitters after the best medical aid had failed g a dixon frankville oct says he vas cared of ohromo bronchitis that troobled him for seventeen years by the use of dr thomas eclectric oil the organ grinders of new york oity- bave a trades union of 882 members each one has a particular route and when a man dies or returns to italy bis route is sold to the highest bidder the grinders average 13 or 54 per day the bear hade ujurr after- eight years suffering from deaf ness so bad that i wsjpnable to attend to my business i was ctfred by the use of hagyaria yellow oil with etnthucfo i make this known for toe benefit ef others afflicted harry kcardor toronto ayers sarsaparilla is the roost potent blood purifier and a fountain of health and strength be wise in time allbaneful infections are promptly removed by this i unequalled alterative a lneky efteape mrs cyrus kit borne of beams ville out hadvhat was thought to be a oanoer on ber nose and was about to submit to a cancer doctors operation when she tried bnrdock blood bitters which effected a radical core this medicine cares all blood diseases ayers hair vigor improves the beauty of the hair and promotes its growth it imparts an attractive appearance adelight- ful and lasting perfume it stimulates the roots cleanses the scalp and proves itself to be t best aud cheapestariicle for toilet uf- are care for uheumklinn if the system is properly cleansed by some rtodicine that acts upon the bowels jtidnev b and skin such as burdock blood bitters and the sufferer will use hagyards yellpw oil according to directions there are few oases of rheumatism however bad but will yield promptly to theitreaiment the but tear jmf after the above year is ended there need be no person suffering from bbenmatiam reurftlgia toothache headavhe lambago or any acute pain if they only purchase a bow of fluid lightning as it cores in- tanfly- pain cannot stay where it is used the name is fluid lightning sold by dfijjdrujkiat co mmbers and odious are forbiddon rait to many persons so constituted that tho it t mdulgeneeit followed by j attacks of ch riera dysentery wiping ac then per na nve not aware that they can indulge lotfcoir hearts content if they havo on ham a bottle of dr j d kelloggsdyseil tery cordial a medicine that will give ira mod ate relief and is a euro cure for all autn net complamto j i v luiner ot bombast have boeu published nbot t tho multifarious and irreconcilable offox u ot many proprietary romedioa the pro rietor of northrop 6 lymans vege tal j discovery content themselves with fact 9 susceptible of proof they statu their vox fler to be what it has proved itself ta be mi eradioater of dyspepsia constipa- tior liver and kidney troubles and a flue gen iral alterative r have no hesitation in saving that dr j i kelloggs dysentery cordial is with out donbt tho best medicine over intrcduoed for dysentery diarrhoea oholera aud all aur tmer complaints sea sickness etc it pre inptly gives relief and never fails to effect a positive cure mothers should ne er be without a bottle when their child- ret are teething hegreew as rarves carbolic cerate 1 lave you an old sore got burn braise co n bunion salt rheum pimple bl itches bough hands or faco it so tut re it but one cure namely mcgregor fa rkes carbolic cerate it you but try it it will convince you it costs but 2oo at dr mcgarvins drug store threatened danger in the fall ot 84 raudall miller of m ntlaud k s was prostrated to his bed with an attack ot iucipiont consumption c ugh remedies all failed he rapidly gr w debilitated aud friends despaired ot his recovery he tried burdock blood b ttow with immediate relief followed by a speedy cure mineral poimb nothing bat pnre oxtmcu from plants and roots are used in preparing mcgregors ling compound the modern and now p polar remedy fer colds coughs brun ei itis croup asthma and all affections of tl e throat lungs and chest all mineral piisonsnd dangerous substances tire a oided which renders it safe for children 0 adults sold at 50c and 9100 per b ittle at dr mcgarvins drug store mcgregors speedy care when we say mcgregors speedy cure 1 1 the only perfect cure for dyspepsia 1 iver complaints indigestion and impure i lood we art telling plain facts of which b uudreds upon hundreds can testify who i ave been restored to perfect health by its cse we would therefore advise you strongly if yon are u subject of any of the above troubles to give mcgregors speedy ure a trial and be convinced it is cold ii 60c and 100 bottle ut dr mcgnrvint- drug store best and loin fori is ike 4ftrrlbg browns household panacea has no eust for rtlievin pjin lith incrnul aud externa itiurth pun i t suit back cr bovelb sole throii itheutnausui 1 toothache lumbago and nrv kind of u iaio or ache it vnll mustsurely quick en the blond and ileal as its ictmg pouet ii wonderful browns household pan- aces beitg acknowledged as tho great 1jia reliever aid of double the strength cf any other elixir or lliiiment in the i rurl3 should be in every family baud for i se when wanted as it really is the best lemedy in thtj world for cramp in the i toauch and pains and aches of all kinds i ad is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents l bottle what true merits 111 pe the unprecedented sale of bovjttes gtr- nan syrup wi hin a few years has astonish- id the world it is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for he speedy and effectual cure of coughs olds and the severest lung troubles it lets on an entirely different principle from he usual prescriptions given by physicians ts it does not dry up a cough and leave the i liseass still in the system but on the con- rary removes the cause of the trouble ieal- the parts affected and leaves them in i purely healthy condition a bottle kept n the house for use when the diseases nake thoir appearance will save doctors ills and a long spell of serious illness a irial will convince you of these facts it g positively sold by all druggists and geu iral dealers in the land price 75 cte large bottles advice to mothkus are you disturbed it night and broken of your rest by a sick ahild suffering and crying with pain ef cnt- tlhg teeth if so sand at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing 8yrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures idysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cured wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of ithe oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrb wishlowb soothixo sybcp aud take no othpr kind 335 feottles of warners safe cure sold to doc 27th i88el no qther remedy in the world can producje such a record i i i k this vvouderful bihiwsh of waincrt savo cure ih duo wholly to tho roal merit ol the remedy for a lou tno i i hw boon lleualided 11y thh uhjhust med1 valmutuoritiss as tl h vsbr wwim tk kwxky uyhk asd uriyam diseases av fhifilt vomiiaists thousands of peoplo own tl uir life and health to warncrn save curo and we can produco 100000 jfistjafllalalb to thateffeot boston semi annual sale t railway time table 1 now la way at- ryan berkinshaw cos cuelph i store crowded evry day with delighted customers ituad the following and notl the laruo namuerot bottles distributed thetd ttkitrcb td bo correct as oir aaletiboolts will prose woguuratitee john williams l dirt says hia wife was hurflritig wjith indiges tiqn daius ill ji right side tile sho quite numb and aho wa hartly free 1 run hnhufnt a nlnmciui btuted tiat it vvi8 hinrdnia ol th tcos alter doc toring for twelve years wth no iffect she began using warners lrn cure attd after ahfc lmd tsken si bottlen flio was in better health than sin has had tor miiiiy years i 110122 1 pennsylvania 1821218 yidenceit 3171929 wm bllj3lsrt unington tut writes at in tho year 1881 he viu htnckeu with severe pains and high fever the doctor pro tounoed it vct uufic nit and claijiu id that hp could ust bae luin as it woulc i affect his heart lie went to the hospital in toronto ai d they suid that he could not be otired ut suffer- ih7 xcert liitenec his legs 1 n tosw ell and iu aj short time his bol teas twolltn ttx ot enormous 11v he con menced tak iugwkraers8vibcuro md hegm to improve he ay he is tow up and around and is well mid is sure thut warnars safk cnre was the means ai portland mjo 105 mrs i dltlclillblaok point nb writes june ljui 1881 that about ft veai ago she wtw very low with whut two doctors pronouiioed kidney and livtr diaf hud no lioneb of gettiug bottei comuituecd taking warners bti curcund froiu its effects is today web aud strong oliioago 2808693 w li foster thornburyoiit wrlte june lut 1881 1 that he was perfectly and entirely citrrtf of jiriijhtt dmtate by tin use of winners bxre curo and novel since that tuno has tlioro boen utiv roturn of tho svmptoms detroit 846946 rrv c hamilton mirbnrton ont sajb ho conoiders warners vve cuio has no nnal in the world fur kidney titmblt says he could not get alon without it aud can say without hesita tion that it has been ot untold benefit to hnn and needs onfy o fair u icu to prove its virtues to ielieve the sufferini milwaulsee 468804 t c dietltlch gait out says tht summer before last he was taken with severo avrioim prostration and tiijlam- matrm of the liver uud that hia blood was so full of uric acid and his liver did not properly perform its functions he has tnken a mimber of bottles of war- neibbnrk cure aud is toduy luntitletit that it has secured for himself a surpris jng physical gaiu minnesota 648017 dangers of vr lay if we were allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our course be could we realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure but with many it is only when the monster disease has fastered its faifgs upon our lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold is it not disease of the throat and lungs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neglect a cold and it is folly not to have some good remedy available for this fre quent complaint one of the most effica cious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is biokles anticodbdraptive syrup this medicine is composed of several medicinal herbs which esert a most wonderful influence in curing con sumption and other diseases of the longs andohest it promotes a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation and drives ttetfmmo from iba system j mlvy port hope ont kaya that ten ago he was afflicted with a very lame hack which would i c so had ut times that he coul 1 only with great diffi culty rise from his chair und then only with the ojif ayo mini petn he tried all sorts of remedi s without any effect and finhlly he commenced using war ners swk cure after taking nine bottles ho felt lite a new iimn the pains had all left jiim arid hew u cured i j ii harris brooklyn po countv j 1 4 outjno 9 writes no lib 1885 thut sal of n xsne 441 v59 wb prior to itheycur 1870 lio iva ww t t5m t y i troubled with catarrh and bronthui und cxncrieuoed no relief from the iunumer able remedies which were at times pro scribed for him ho was induced to try warners sb cure aid at the end of throe weeks use it whs cnibled to bia fircttell to bisbioaimuuh and in jiuthjir wek to cattirh and afterwords 11 rio iio of tl kul ev ih- il ji i u 1 auilr- r ii in i il i nj tin iii 187c 7 73 1 alwwas 1767149 jfjan abkw1th iottawu ont writes under date may 25ih 1801 to october ho was taken was very nerivi and could suffered greatly from pawl he continued in tins stuto lowu jiir f and bgn april htaltl he l state 3 thut pr viom j very ill ho ntit xlrrp and j ih0 qalt stunt until the ful- ikmg war- i lull cf i mi il in ask your friends and xkidilbqrs about warners safe cure tss most popular rlmedy ever discovered clev 682632 1 st louis 1530527 w m rl preston liudsay out savs w ii calilauuanjmaikhum out that eleven jeurs ago lie itt-i- uhj kuliiri ijjtti friends thought he woj the phycicmus gave him meutbat finall lie began rlers svric cure he disease has now entirely and be feels like a new person buffered with iti- and lna i abont to die j no encourage- j taking war- j sava tlrat the disappeared j cincinnati wrot june 21at 1883 thil m tlieprevi- ous november he was lioiibled with terrible pawn ucivm tfn kidanjs and j3ladd caused from overstiuin und lift lug he tried warncrb six cure and the pains entirely left hitn and he iihs not been troubled since 8 733w g4scity 717860 stobes furlong 2jti bllcnab st n hamilton cjii writes nov 21 188g that lie has been svfferilfj fin over su tjtart with putii in the hack uud oue side j of tne heuu tnd indigeition ksery- tbing ho ate disagreed with him he had enlargement of the lfcer which the physiciiitis suui it was imrabsibletocnie he commenced taking warners satk bcure and took 80 bottle aud has since i had the best of hoalth bal j6niostate 633158 c w conover toroitd tofttihlup credit can writes sept lotit 188u that for tnanj years he vai a nervous and bilious subject and 1 ad a combina tion of diseases derangen mt of the liter stomach buictti and kwntyt he had ten or twelve physioians and blistered and dosed and torturer without tiny 1 reliefj finally he began taking war- uers saje cure uud after a few weeks he is almost entirely reco ered soqt states 3 alonzo cornell brockton ont may 1 15th 1885 writes tbat eighteeu mouths ago he was jdctpaued of by hi physicians his weight was reduced to 90 ibb and wbeu he began taking warners 8ve cure in two months bis wpight inoi eased to 176 ibb and he is uow well and healthy willis b cook e w llliamfibnrg out writes that three yean ugo lie had an 1 ttaek with the kidneys and ilso affections of the liver ho consulted phsiciaut with no relief ho parch used a liottle of warnerr said cure and felt himbelt grow stronger before he had finished ltw content- he used eight bottlex and hi health was entirely restored 5stiws 746789 mrs lizzii smith pvjuett3ave dijtroit miish disposed to kidney diseabo from scvrlet fever had when voting is trouoled with severe tin in h hp ifth htnd followed by coivusijns in wluclj her life was doip tired of her baolt distressed her terribly after a thorougi course of treatment wilh warners smc chit she siys the doe- tori proiouuci hr perfectly healthy s pranoisco 1242946 samueli w nixon hihland nb wroto july 13th 1881 that his wife had been troubled with bad feelings in her head and wtalnm acroi hrr back for a number of years she could not stand on her feet nor cot anything and her case wan cotibidered hopeless she besan using jwurners svre cure and by the titne sbp bad taken eleven bottles sbe whs perfectly cured canada 1467824 1 bal pac coast 732316 est every testimonial we publish tjestators enclosing stamp for reply and lea genuine write to the for yourselves a free ride t fepots shoe cuelph at cost for one month ou january 10th we coiuuieuce our annuo cusutiso hsalb or winich jooim this js a rare chance buyers from acton and georgetow 11 cun huve a free passage to guelpli and return hy purchasing live doluis worth of goodi at our store this offer good every satnrday lbadinglbdot axvd shoe store gublph w mclaren company to falrmers and use on your machinery qpiy tjhe wellknown emu i wrroat bargiiaa to srois oooai gtrot birgaine in oolbrod oaehaeres 0i oat bargains in colored ilts crseat bareaim m black or at bargains in goloioa xserveuicisx 3roat barjalaj in tablo uaoa groat bargains in attoclotns drear bargains in towels qreat batbains in shvllfi arot saruaini in twosas great 3roat bargains in furs arot biuvains in oarpots droit bargains ia comlirtors i groat bargains in mantle cictns groat sargains is lace flar tains great bargains in ilany other lines ryan berkinshaw fe go threshers bargilns in blauiets eewlbs3 oil clbariitcr q jxie 0leabing grand trunk rauway ooisobast ooixo wkst mixed eipron 710am fam mall lom airf tbrongh ejip 607 pm aceoin 9c0pm i2ssain hxvnur ojwam thro exprots 2 14 p to mall i- ssspm gpoclalil 831 ptu obleago express does notstopbetwecn onolph and toronto rime opclost0 maltb oolng wost9 io am and sb pm golna east 19 40 am aod- swjiti vapob oolip medicated- 9 gold mejbalb f b b awotdeditdnrlhg tho last three years v v wuj0ijw tiy alio pur pflpfllli ajrlq grdoss for your yfvgoub and horse power 1 manufactured at qnen0it7 oil vorts by i i r east end clothing store o in a m s m z- n washingt0fjm0lcps0 kniiderl jhrost and long surgeon will next visit acton at dominion hotel monday 17th january 1887 diseases tkeatedrcstarrb of the head and 4throat catarrhal deafness chrome kroncbftis asthma fludcoiibuniption alo loss of voice in ordei to clear out the lonmiuiw of winter tccfc 1 havo llcterilllllcil to offer the balance of r heayy and 07353jrcoti3stgs at dieitlv reduced prices for cash v persian lamb and abtrachau caps woollen shirts caidiflan jackets and under clothing ulso at cost puce for cafeb now mi tii illjci jfyfe ta1loh golbs chjuthii 1 oljj plllk mill stkeefr acton thi nxkkr- watches r jbiwel ihy repairing always satisfactory i vol ii vvi it n nisai poiniili in spectacles tiv tho alaska the we per sold are the best b salvage sole a sent for cuelph we commence today our 1 i i january stocktaking sale we aro ovei stocked m ninny lines of winter goods which must besold comforter marked down to 9c vorth sllte comforters marked dovvii to 83c worth si blanket marked down tos450 worth 3525 heavy wool shawls marked down to 8150 worth 55 heavy wool clouls luarked down to 30c worth 55c heavj all wool shirts marked lows to we cardigan jacketa innrked down tosoe belter cardigan jaditots marked 175 formerly s250 latlieb sleevelessveste lednced to joc ladies half mitts reduced to 12jc i our oahpkt dliaktmekt being ono of tlie iijoat important brunches of oar business we aro propned at all times to meet any reductions iu tho prices of these iioods we are sellms to day best brussels carpet as cheap or perhaps cheaper than anyone m canada we hold in stock to clay 285 pieces of tapestry and brussels car pets in order to make room for our sprint btock already purchased we niu6t sell at least half of this quantity t to do this we aro prepared to sici dice now wo are aellint xpleudid tapebtry carpets at 30c good quality tapestry carpet ajt 0c best quulitv tapestry carpets at loo brubsels carpets it t2 bplt idnl patterns five trame brubel only 51 allwool carpets at 00c formerly 85o union carpets sjooa pattf rus 37jc custoiiiers not requiring carpets bofoie spring woiilfl save money by buying now we will lay lliein tit any time required i kay 48 kinc street east i hamilton fijrnittlre cottage prices which y astonish you call on srertjjht son castle action ed tonsils polypus of covsclrvnos liter soro throat euldiged tonsils polypus ot the ijtose rimovgd cohe5 vblt catarun or jiant yeais etxndixg edict dr k wttshtnjton threat nd lung fiurgi toronto dearbii iain plcanrd toltxpresn my etiro batisfaction at the rcsulu of our new method of iuhalatiou wbitl liss cured me of a trouble wuio form of catarrh in fact all usual reircdten failed to pio me an relief your treatment from tho flrstpaotuegreattese and iu a feir montlis eutirhy ijiirrd me of auiost aunojiny iliscne i can naccitly reornuiend auy mbo nav be aufreriuj jst wins to your skill ful consideration yours trulv geo gouldixcj rcpitsents c tcbsbfrlt- gait aud v h stoufv l so actou head offices 215 tonge st toronto write for iiarticulrtrn try the but end v pride of the valley ye pnle of the v uj tliat is the riuic rf the uiclicmc it cue 1 me of djspepbia itist iibnughta ample pickuqe for jjc tbeu be patkascb for 1 aid btfoic 1 hud taken the eoutenth of four jiatlnges i wis tntuylv well have uevei felt tbe ropi since tbpt was four ean ago alto bou lit a buttle of piido of tho vajlev litument lajt spring for m tired man vbo sprainei his anlue o badlv hu eoald uotiearhintiglit cut after using pnje of tbe vallej liniment for 31 hours be was plfle to go to work as rcll as eir and wliat is tbe namo of that other medicine why pride of the valley catarlb aud bhtawatic cure tbat is the greatest kuovu retnedj m the woi m for thtj cure of catarrh not an inlinei butthemedimais to bo taken internal y once e lav rt stnle at tbe root of the lisease and rcmocs the cauc it onco ns toouaauds nu teihfv that have lused tbe catarrh romodv thi thrco aboe rcjujedie go baud iu hand anlwlieie tm i ket them at l g matthew acto ont axp it all flrstclasii medieiue dciler in cauaja manu factured by pnor ii snnn london ont a leobuna xo young men 0 theioss ov manhood 4 lertnrc oh the itnre trriimriil and badlcal curo of fctmnial a eakness oi bj erui- otorrhcea induced b selfabuse luvoluutart emissious itupotency nervous debflitv and impediuieuts to homage gcneralh ronauiu- tion epilepsy audfits mental an i lli icaij iuca- paltye bynobeutjculvervellmd the world renowned author in i ins udin ixablo lecture clearly prov s fiom ins oirn tspci lence that the awfu conaequauces of self vbusej niav bo effectually removed without dangerous purgi- cal operatinns bpinpiis mstru ueuts nns oi cordials iainting out a uio ic ol cnre at once certain and eaectkial in vhieb every suferer uo matter ttbat iig condition muv bemaif cure blinself cheaplv vinvatelj audnuhcallv taitblb feature willprovo c boon to tliouhiu j and thousands bent under soall m a plain upipe to u address ou receipt omour ctnt or tvo pf stage stamps address tha otilvfrwell ko ileal co 41 ann t twirenk x t p o bo 450 workinpclisses-i- parodtolurnish all claes with enii lojmfcnt at lioixie the whole of thetiuii or for their sjiare timb business new lujht ami prolltalile per- sons of either 6eanly cam fiom w ents to 85 per eveuiuc and a proj ortjoual iimi by do- voung all their time to the business boys and girl cam uchrly as much us meu tlmcnll who tee thismaylbeud their address and test the busi ness wo make thib offer to such as arc not well satisfied we will send ouo dollar to pav for the trouble of writing full particulars and outfit free address geohoe btiveon a co portlnud maine l allb ths only genuine engljsh articles swies and eyeglasses canadian market jn the t real pebbles rro kept genuinenchs tn prudent the itvlll scotia imti stock tsts y bpb arson auwi store ao btoji oat will cure oh relieve biliousness dyspepsia jfflffl erysipelas salt rhqjfn headache dizziness dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin and every species of disease a rom disordered lives kxdllpsfs stomach bowelsdr blood t mujurn co f i t- t-s- ai vol1 f evehy act 8l cfmitkul tbli fnvarfafjly ii f 1 a per year j thine 1 till all option of the f l spacb ouo column half column quarter colm one inch casaaladvei nrnt insertion tfeluont 1b recksnedhy th scale of solid advertisemei will be insertel inglv trsusif in advance ca lianges for in the office they will he le this paf jertlslngi km tracts i bu3 wi ber of colle ofqce atidl frederick stt ac ma denl new system f moiily calleq tsetfi withon atrator aad college of rons maydj in any ope acton ever of each mdn john 111 tario eterinary 1 in kenny jil dence in tlie soundness 1 a11cj11 i ed to tern tohntj btrrister ancers cl oiq e f b jon t amol bvbkisti ofiice sat solic omcefi office mam i at 6 per centl s hiltoni 1 tc ofhcfs aud 86 king i vv t sjjas i tdaislj orncla- liugton btr alley toroii johnbi wltllill j ri w bj bvcij ontauo haip 1 ndgj p atenti henr 20 years j a mul for the conn orders left f opposite chd to acton p term reasil desired w hi for the coul orders left i or at my promptly atl also inon able terms i terest in sp tohn dj oluci- struare tjlrajwll 3uec st cleorgei account periodicals bound rnj johnji fsucc money tq per cent oaned for security properly farms audi with farms i dominion tl oulated in waottnsrfar reotions thi farms watl senoe invit gaeirihqnl

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