tts ass mluiaat g i janaar or thborjsdta on wedwssday h ot atr w a miliar ol 1 on thkaxtaa cxr1wvxswglttstat 1 tstner of the bride byt giustat the rwwenoo ol the thellevjalgtaaaer tin 9hdo wb6 mr charier cwmil and mm mar c grant both ot the township otkrttti thoxnev 4osobbtois on uxasmh ult by rev j walker shtuov b a mr 1 h tuoutpkm re sarah annoiamdauterotcerfcainjobu ttod aft ot stawuttofto brow piatta the residence f th brides his t v i ixee lem uitfclyrtv parent ea wednesday mtto deoetuber 1w by hot dr smav aoolst editor of the christian oaartimumr q h brown aotou i i to ida daughter of w ratt eta pukdile mwktfwitson u itthot october i8 by be j walker bhutan b a at the resi- aeitee ottimbruttt tetter mr c w morlatt of acton to phoebe jane daughter ot v h wateou eeq ot oeorcetowu dksst waxsok on the sad december 1896 by bev j walk smtttavb a at the metho- by ft ofae l parsonage georgetown mr w h denny of actoo to tuiledanghteot robert nyattou thxqravx dcxcis4n acton on the lh january mr ttouimduriceu merchant t years she jtttmt ree ress thtrsuat mowing jakw to 1887 hotbs and 00mmknt8 all the politicians are anxiously awaiting the anouncemeutof tho dominion elections ab usual aotou sends a scott act up porter and a competent man of business to the county council i the dominion parliament is gammoned to meet- for the despatch of business on thursday april 7th ie ttt tho gov jruorttettoral cauamj t rewrite will be ijttued at onoe fcr thi i otvl coming eltlon the jibmi- nfimoui will be held throurwut the do- pjinior u cuesday february loth and the eleuiou ion tuesday jind tqltowing the r i iaol ition was decided upon rtt length r sew ion ot the cabinet counoil last baton iv tho new voters lists are now all ooni detod and the dissolution is tor the purpotc of giving representation to the 2500q i uev ly ontrauchised voters created by the late franchiso act an election oampe ign i a month and the long talked of mal tier will be finally settled for probably auoth if lot r years y mayor howland and s h blake q c are spoken ot as probable candidates at toronto tor the commons in the temper ance interests these are thepdays of political conveu- tion political nominations political canbsea political campaigns and political joys indsorrbws ijton of the toronto xe bays i haverit bbgie bist of authority that the mowat government is determined to bring the licened victuallers to time there were 45000 skaters on the lake in central paufk kew york last sunday the puritan sabbath is not popular in gotham gotham let the puritans slide long ago stir orleans picaytitit 80001 elections by ballot by bj recent amendment ot the poblio school acjt tho board ot public sohool trust s iii any oitytowuor incorporated village mi y by resolution of which notice shall so gi fen to olerk of the municipality on or letov tho first 9 october in any year ceqt ire the election tor the sohool tnjstustc belield on the same day aud in the si the 1 aanuor as municipal councillors are elcjotec the boards of trustees through- outtlie pr iviuce which last year took ad- vanugeo this amendment speak tirongly in its five r toronto slid other places hive ted under this new system iuoreal- iiterest in educational matters hat not been elicited from the ras foi yearswe jaelieve the board ot 0 aoton publio school would be in the interests of education by 1 he new method it is the only e k low of by whioh the warm interest inout sofa kliof years ago may be revived that portion ithe iho itorseshools on the canadian sidif knowitas uppltt tublo nook fell t mid night woducsda night with a deafening orastt that wa4 1 lard iin j tho ooueuslin fott for over ft mile away tiipurfcmu of tons of solid rook fell into tho gorge below carrying with it hons of ice the osnoik position of the break is between the pros- pool iioukq nntt the mtt hovbwiioo fitlls just ftbovo tho old tithlo rook and noxt tp the spiral stairway loadingto lho path be hind the sheet of water tho government iron railing tor ovor 150 feet whb carried away had thin fall ot rock occurred id the day tithe undoubtedly a l6ss ot lives would have been added tho formation of the precipice is now entirely changed one on stand on the bank above aud boo be hind tho heavy sheet of water into a dark chasm the mass that fell is over 100 feet in length by about 00 fret in width and 170 feet deep one hundred ahd twenty threo thousand yards of rock itnd slnto is oalculatedto havo tnllcn the supposed cause of tho rock giving way is the low water steady reeling weather for tho iwst three weeks and tho heavy weight of ac cumulated ice tnnneabd 100 euffravlnasln three jeut staiiins toi 1 or qei tnan ana proml 3i it aunitmiuiiab address t-s- s m8he1jib amkkioan aaricdltuulbt i avid w junn president miritwyjewyortr gazetteer and history jf orrtut dominion of canada in hla volumes itoyal 0vo to br coumrncrd whenever a sufficient nuinber of subseribers is obtained to eover ooatot publication habaoriptlou to the mine vouujetsoato the prpvluee of ontario or beetlsatokewbrunawlek or to move 11 jotouaultobaor to british columbia jjjfort lirlilnuwtil not delay jrabdfoutnt freer 1 ad- qrew thuk co augusta maiuri iwprtnee edward niend or to north to quebec aliubj tokew brunswtek or to move molt territories m0 each pro vluoe to hate a map please send for prospectus john lovbll manaobnakdptlbushkli montreal august tb isse 1 i 1 r 1 1 jambs btirton lds duntuv j touellb block opposite po office quelph vttalizi1d ajr ailmfift pai n less extraotion ofteeth artificial toethurautolvewobt in appoar- noefttiuid utt kino gola work dipeclouy enoe all operstlom itrlotly first class appointments made by letter vmr-v- t- ir thk thifrnix vxwxwa- aoool 00k8 pens pemls slatef tapkrr ccm books brawiino books r s0bibbwno bboks i wekeepvj and eebooti vallaindaoti spectacles f m 1 or any other bchpol necessaries send them always where they get what they ask for osgood quality and at reawnable prices and that place i n mairwns i druq and sf ationery store ring in the new the ew uunioipal counoil organised and c ommenced their duties t ie vacancy filled tho mi mhers elect of acton municipal k a bill has been introduced in congress giving the presidentaertain powers for the withdrawal of privileges ot canadian vessels and railways as a means of retali ating on canada owing to tho fishery differences the following is the mottd mayor how- land of torohto caused to be blazoned in bine and gold in a conspicioos place in his office in the toronto city hall ex cept the lord keep the city the watchman walketh in vain the war cloud in europe seems to be gaining in volume military preparations are being vigorously engaged in by bassia and austntl and a number of other earo- pean powers are not looking on in any careless or inactive mood ii w last friday coal was forced up to 12 per ton in new york the amine price quoted is due to quarrels between the great railway and coal companies and their em ployes who produce and handle the black diamonds and who are treated in the most niggardly and starvation style by their employers nothing gives more satisfaction to one who has the interest of his home at heart than to see everything in and surrounding it prosperona it is a mighty mean man who prosperous himself does not desire to see evidences of prosperity in his neighbors surrounuings also it is a pleasure for us to note that in our sister towns and villages but particularly in our own halton not withstanding the unfavorable season general good fortune seems to have abound ed gtorgttmvn herald com oil 1 let in the council chamber- ou mori lay at a 11am after t iking and subscribing to tho- dec- lawilionsof qualification and of office the merxbers took their seats at the council as follows evi joseph fyfe tlncc lloks john cameron dr lowry and tv 1 smith ie b ve then in a neat speech made a shcji t pn view of the duties of the council fori the year he trusted that all work coming before them would teceivo their best ju igtnent and due consideration whloit was possible that differences ot opii ion night somet mes occur upon ques- tior s re erred to then there need be no ill feel jigs nor difceord owing to the un set led e ondition of the cemetery law suit verr little expenditure had been made in put lie i nprovements last year but in order to usta in the good reputation of the place ant to insure the safety p oiir citizens cod side able work will be necessary sea son he felt certain that the council wo lid e t all times endeavor to effect -im- pnvemsnts in the best possible manner coiaistiiit with economical expenditure he real izedtiat the people expected the coinci to use their every endeavor to bririg t ie cemetery trouble to an issue and deft nd the municipalitys interests in scott act oases inspector brothers made a visit to oak- ville on tuesday evening last and procured warrants for tho arrest of jos tuck aiid david mapos who havo been running a shooting gallery at mrs qorings hotel near the btation for violating the provisions of tho scott act tho boys wore brought before the police magistrate and pleaded guilty and woro sentenced to pay 50 each and costs poler zimmerman jr ot- burlington appeared before tho p m on tuesday to auswer to two charges laid against him for violation of the scott act owing to several of tho burlington witnesses not answering the summons tho cases were adjourned and warrants iseticd for their rro8t some eight ortuu informations have been laid by tho inspector agaiust alleged effend- ers in and around georgetown which will be heard on saturday next sai slessr w mclean and w pitman georgetowu and natliauialjdrowu glen- wilhaiiis were tried at georgetown on saturday for violation of tio 8cott act the cases were all dismissed wasted to klint f pkhek rooms suitable for suiall family parti- x culars given u ill vt pwss oltice hl f ml u 1 git the interest manifested in the public elections is to be taken as a fair criterion of the interest felt by our citizens in the education of their children then we are forced to the conclusion that a remarkably limited degree of interest obtains at the annual meeting for the election of school i trustees there were three electors present besides the returning officer and at the election to fill a vacancy on tuesday of this week only two attended do the electors realize that the trustees expend nearly as much money each year as the municipal council an observant writer in giving hie views as to the most successful method qf con- dacting public matters in general in con nection with a mnnicipality aays either run a town with vim or sell out and leave it one or wo things must be done run yonr town for all it is worth or quit the whole thing and let nature take its course do you want tnuty bid for it dp you want business tedonie to your town enconrage that which does come do you want a prosperous community where people will feel disposed to make a home then bury from sight all spite work ho more for a few individuals or for selfish ends but pull together for the com- mon weal of mutual benefit the game is up in toronto with those of its citizens who would run the muni- cipsiity on the uarrisonian plan the re form crusade started a little over a year ago in tiie queen city ot ontario apparently cannot be blocked those apposed toreform in the city departments put up a popular man tokeepmr howlandfrom being re- elected and the answer they received from the electors must have almost deafened them howland received k majority of 200 an emphatic endorsktion certainly at kit conduct in theciviocnah theinter- exutim in this eleftioiivae great not only i caamdfr but in the united statee and ohb flria wm cow rrf cwngrttn jatory telegrams were sent meyp holland eiliwsotnuvic 4u0 wank howuhdjand an decior m teuar kails fojl sale 11he uudersigncl has any iuantity of cood dry nuilsreencedurrtilsfortalooirtliorldtroad lot31eoncnassagaireva apply at lot 1 con 5 eramosa or to kaikwcxxl p o w 1 it mikkrslk salesmen wantkp we are in waut of a lew uiorc firstclass men to canvass for the wile of choice varieties of nursery stock to xnun who can make a success of the business we can pay good salaries permanent wo have many new and choice specialties both or commission aud give permanent e niployme baltics be ut in the fruit and ornamental line which others apply at oncewith roforence do not baudle to tliiicas in concluding the reeve referred to the acaitcy in the council and instructed th i me libera that it would be their first dp ty tx appoint a qualified citizen to the va amc y tfov sd by w h lowry seconded by jbhn ameron that mr robert wallace be and is hereby appointed to the office of councilor for 1887 to fill the existing vbcanc y in the councilfcarried a i yiaw appointing the auditors for th b cu rent year was introduced read the rejuir id number of times and passed the ni mes of messrs thomas t moore and g tbriel wells being inserted as auditors c irried moved by w e smith seconded by r bert wallace that the reeve and coon- dilora cameron and the mover be a com- rx it tee to strike the standing committees fc r the current year carried council adjourned to meet the same evenii g at 830 council met at 830 nm tbej reeve and councillors were all prev eit and in their places business resumed the committee appointed to strike the si and ng committees for the year reported 1 i ie f o lowing appointments fnraxcitdr lowry and john cameron stbjeets sidewatkg john cameron w- e smith and robert wallace tov s holdr lowry and j fyfe cts ererrr j fyfe john cameron dr tfowr r w e smith and robert wallace ebi fcatiox dr lowry and j fyf4 lip7eu by w h lowry becohdedby robert wallace that the report at the cammittee appointed to strike standing c 3mnntteesbe adopted carried moved by w e smith seconded by ohn cameron that the hour of meeting t e changed from 830 to 8 oloclc carried council adjourned to met t agfdn on ay evening 1st februarj ie school trustee election the meeting for the eleotion of a trustee io fill the vacancy caused by tufc declination 1 1 iii henderson to accept the office ito which he was elected was held in the fjouhfiil chamber on tuesday t at twelve oclock the returning officer announced that he was prepared to receive iibrnihatiobs for the vaoapt office feakcis was proposed by george lynda and seconded by thomas easton at the expiration of the hour there being 10 6 her nominations mr francis was i lecla reueleoted to the office of trdstee of icio i publio school for te epsnjag tw i r tt b public sehool board ianpw d of meers w h rtprey tia dr iimjri 2bbi leinlbwfrwl jmwqtn nefet agon monday bsuidm fir- -i- s sav brojthkks xuusehvmex kooiksten s v farms wanted fakms waxtkd for thk next issue of onr canadian farm advertiser which is to be circulated amongst intending pnrchasers of farijab throughout cauida the united btates enrope and other couulris wohavo in onr office at gnelph tbousanfis of letters from appli cants for farms from all parts of canada all parts of the united btates enrone scuib africa aud jamaica all the letters are from parties who have teeu oar advertise ments those wanting tosoll i re invited tocome to onr office in guelph and se the letters for themselves we are selling noro farms than any other firm ii canada and we defy contra- dictlonto this statement li iyou xrant to sell send us yonr name and address and then we will write to you no charge unless a sale is effected address johm j daley ft co guel ont dissolution f part ersuip notiqk is hereby given thtjt the partncraliip heretofore subsisting between us the un dersigned w h ktitledgo arid w g orossou as butchers and meat merchants was this day dis solved by mutual consent all debts due to tho said partnership are to 1h paid to tho sold w o crosson at his residence atacton tho busi ness will be continued by tho said w h rutledge dated at acton thlsth day jof january 1887 tviiiiilam h rctiiedge w 0 cho880n ab slater witness j the undersigned solicits a toutinuance of the patronage bestowed uixjn the former firm by their numerous enstomors tho satisfactory manner in which all testify td having been dealt with renders the carrying on of business a pleas ant matter the wants of evry patron will be just as carefully studied in the future as in the past and everyone can rely vpon being served with only firstclass meat i w h kutiedge acton january 8th 1887 jaijiu yaiicanliveatnomeaudlhako more money t llll at work for ns than at anything else in i ww this world capital nof needed you are started free jioth sexes ellages any onocan do the work large earnings bureofrom first start costly outfit and terms freo better pot delay costs you nothing to send us your address and fled out it you are wise yon will do so at ouce b hawibtt co portland maine hacyagtys al fi 3 rheumatism worm powders arepleaiant totoiu contahi t own pursattto hi atei suro and exfecfeal otinrm lis children or aoouav r ewdjweanikoti o- to the residents of acton and car of halton ladies ax1 xkjftlemex- kmb t mjltcxhell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that hei is prepared to ke orders for weaving all kinds of faucy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped ot plaid twillor plain also bed blankf to and horse blankete two yards widejand over 4 and i will guarantee that lwiugiyegood satisfaction to all farriers and others who will favor me with thmr patronage 1 t mitchells the haltoh force pump and every variety of force well and cistern i manufactured by a g bounsafi qe7ub oki t auexttt waxtep w -bicrffit- and trade have lately tieen iayeloiiclaied that now is as proclamations both in politics and still aro the order ot the day we the time for us to speak nnd proclaim ti the people that we will irh- afevsweek8 commeucc stocktaking and iii order toiuakeour labors lighter are prepared to clear jut the whole of ourj wniter stock at very low prices figures which will attract all who desire really good goods at small cost wc be iu advertising facts the mosit success tigers if a merchant has a bargain to offer we believe it pya to make it known that is what we are sure permanent success the goods adver ieve iu advortismgi butjonly fnl firms are liberal adver- doing just now but to iu- jfised mubt in every case be liilll as cheap and good as they are represented to beiu print otherwise it will tell sooner or later against tke hloase rwhich misrepiresieitts the public bavc knbwn the glasgojhousc so long and always found it reliable and prepared to fulfil tie otters of every advertise ment that they will depend upon our statements now as before wehiwaa i to thee fkojsf t n f i of all cometl 10 wb place ou5i elegant and substantial goods oio splendid in qt ajity complete in assortment overflowing in generous bargains mjns wblless and ulhldlten 8 grbea boots shoe btt3be3 0vsbshobs c at prices that lowest money makinqsghervle j for al and it is to buy where yjou find enormous stock very be8t quality almost unlimited variety everything bought low j and sold at lowest prices 00 r the- j place to find- these j is at tlie i atthtctiolisf glasgow v hotjsfy v ag and tbereypu willjiud goods aiid bargains for atlj we cannot enumerate our many special offers but if you call our salesmen will be pleased to show y on anythiiig you desire in our iiiimerou8 lines r j on will mayj -o- irilmbmler our eamou3 60c tea -00- imndirsonm immense quantities of gkoods isubooit half if price grey5httitrw ym hamlftorft r i8h io8f ysxt very much less than their vslnn received lately which ae selling cewthah ir aeason jtesrtablej leg far iftfrnetsl ftp i lonsistesi with i always lead ta speedy sales oo prices good quality oo cikutom work anct repairing prqm stly attended to c wj willtas mill street aeton r suits m brennan has pleasure in announcing that bis tail oring shop in creechs fruit store v is now open and in full running order and in a- position to fill all orders he is showing good twekd suits r at 12 sold elsewhere tor 15 scotch tw bed suit 17 18 sold elsewrkere foe 23 and 24 fine worsted suit at 20 0ld eisewhere at 25ji gen tinmen wanting a firstclass good- fitting cpat etci may riely upon being suitd in everyirespect by leaving their orders with the clothier l a sarlss w wy flrn8selsyelet biu m1 wutoj b1 wpodnklo shadw uiew prtdwmre vbh r jht bppge m f s v i q jjs ywy fovmiricesj fcllmrw fdbtoaelhagcktrf pd lflboittini i ytfy eh sa ei afuipbks uffilttdi i vi orui provided bj this is elbraisl aoothci ing thepdll path are thel kept invio v rhaltoa next ibgi raxb tojbeonwtnij r many o j badly bl jalghnrch j vfwo f stabteoeasl wells have 3 current year simar the treasury the far town bail b close this ev j tora on i mrs h tj pleabe acceptj was finvek faohof the ae ensuing i 1kb itoinl posed of 51 per cent intejj rgnelph aereed to clc 5 p m nntil r messrs ji georgetownj sile particb aconvetj ance alunn dist church mr joseij resident of building of tba a very sj intliepr week abouj now tjiatj jhg settled thoroughly cij width a kieeti izing acton j the coancil 31st itist mioliael j away to hisjrl 100 years ajef in ireland ra barrel ntafor qhins shipped froij tbexxi amoond those wl the absence i winter staul onghly suited ttev j the recipient people f big i very attrocfiv the annti vf as owing tc poned fromj 25th insfc at i thene singers in tuesday eve ably heated bishop university sj the methodisl ing- via the fj twm an action fori oil alleging 1 inoonseoue mrjj puiohased oshanteri terson of ip02d owing t sary services the bapfcis oontinne wfere is 67a anothe they cajiit liberal with i bei he l4tejnox laihv a 6grfoji ipl thregula h afferldal