Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1886, p. 2

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jtialgji pllllllpl i iiwwsswk 34 t ws pi ffibr jtctmt 3ftt ftttss tncesuxt meiwixo psituuwt stm x our merchants ud busiucss mieu who desire spado for their ctitfatmaa annoutico- mrols will please ltand in their ordcrv at one fhduuuid is evidently fining to be larger tin the supply aud flrl oomu fitut served send in ybur copy early no ihaurar coinpoahbr wjll havo plenty of lime to prepare attractively displayed ad- wtwciueut arqus bays goodbyb j h m m r thivtnbevy crubertbya iiira oftthe pr who hav peijrmaktopterialalngamtera n- hj p ji- i i ir r- r the mhlolpali kudctions it is to be hoped that our citizens will not allow tkeuiaelvca to become soabdorbed- hi the provincial election cktnpiku as to overlook the importance 6l their own municipal affairs thus far there has been comparatively little said as to who are to be tfc candidates tor the municipal honors at the coining elections bat as usual at this period of the year there is more or less desultory reference among our oitixens as to the probabilities v whether the cemetery question will find a place in- the approaching electioub agaiu ot not remains to be j seen at ny rate i there is a satisfaction in knowing that the present council is in no tfiselcijripablc for the delay in bringing the raatter to ml issue in the courts while in iessiob for being the defendants in the case were not in a position to force the suit to a final 60tue- rneut the fotore cojurse of the opposition element is revealed only to themselves however the ratepayers understand quite wellthat this element has in the past year caused the municipality unnecessary ex pense and farther have by then- action caused a very large decrease in the revenue from the cemetery which otherwise would now be in the municipal treasurers hands and wonld have assisted materially in reducing the rate of taxation for the present year vve have not interviewed themcmbers of the present council aud consequently have no definite knowledge as to their tern per or intentions- concerning next year one tiling is certain that jf the- desire re election there is little donst the ratepayers will reborn them to office changes will probably take place however and the following are quietly mooted as persons suitable for position in our municipal government of course mr storey is this choice for the beeveship and will coutinne in that position by acclamation if he sees fit to allow the people to place him there but there is a rumor to the effect that mr storey will take a scat with tliejcouncillors ii and that a contest for the reeves chair will take place between councillors tyfe and pearson again the many friends of mr henderson have a desire ibey say to see iilol occupy the chief office for another j terra in addition to the present council- i lore dr lowry james brown thomas c i mooret boyce v ismond j a speight i james mclani a stephenson and gabriel wells are named as eligible and desirable candidates but nomination day will j settle who arc to be the contestants and i whoever may be placed in ihe field we i sincerely hope for the standing of the municipality that only good men and true will be selected h impressions of aoton with reardtomi8oxkoitiiij0lrir last letter for more tonic myself and mrs a deww i to reluni mvruto it certwnly soema f rom the tollowiug letters which have reached me that some at least of our youug ladies havo boou guilty of most unbecoming and unladylike conduct the letters speak for themselves hove ttiey uw due aiuivbas i have been the subject oi a groat deal of abuse from parties- who think they know who you are will you kindly explain your bender religion color of hair length of nose fightiug weight and no forth so that the vigilance committee rafcji be ablo to locate you mid save me a vast amount of abuse your truly svftxtutlu actou xo atsth i98g lhuumn aiuh i retire to bay that 1 was the viotiaj of a most uncalled for and impertiuetattaok the other day from one ot our young well ladies why they should take anything to themselves that yoa have written i fail to understand as your remarks have not been directed to any one in particular and why i should be singled out as a target for their abuse i dont bee if this sort of thing continues i shall join the vigilance committee myself and endeavor to find you out and hold you np to the execration of mankind yours lurv 1 acton nov 30th 188c it is with mingled feelings of regret and joyfulness that i announce the fact o my departure i am about to shake the dust of this burgh off my feet aud fly ar faraway far from fails little town aud its pleas- ant surroundings far from its empty headed noodles who act as brakes on the wheels of its progress and endeavor by fair means or foul cluefly tho latter to choke all enterprise and thwart all schemes for the towns advancement far from its dead- alive young men to whom gumption is an unkuown quantity aud who look on health- giving exercise as- a siu far from its giddy girls to whom backbiting is a delight and who are accomplished graduates of the school for scandal thuk gooduesa though there arc some exceptions and i desire to place on record that some of the nicest girls it lias ever been my fortune to meet in a somewhat checkeredxareer may be found in thisthriving town far from its bat why continue the list is endless as 3 have been invited to give a series of lectures on womens rights and modern fashions it is my intention to leave for the west by the 230 p ni train on this day thursday the vigilance committee are requested to attend at the depot in force and if they keep their weath er eyes open they cannot fail to sop your devoted scribbler depart for the beuefitof tho curious generally and the writers of the above letters i am dad to be enabled to state that i ha v0 gone to the trouble and expense of having my photo took and if my readers are passiug by the metropolian studio during next weekthey vfillsee amongst the many works of art tgat grace the show window of that establishment the benign counten ance of yours devotedly akovs is the editor will he posted as to my whereabouts aud a copy of the fbei pokss will reach me weekly 1 a aetou dec 1st 1880 ww- lm 1 puiibly pirsonau major y kyeniiittrtfjm in towi tuesday v j mils mi ggie campbell is a guest at may hill villa btaeorge mr lao ilan oraut of georgetown i ited friend sbere on tuesday mr andjmm l oj matthowi yuitod drionds iu hamiltou diirlug the week mr jan les moore jr haa beou appoiut- ed teacher of leslies school tor 1887 mim sn ith of wellington cotmty has been cugaj ed as teacher of lome bohool miss lifura adams of georgotowil via- ited her butert miss miuuie over suiiduy miss csijifiin of milvbtton has been a rucbtatjtio jmothodist rraouago during the week j mr h u mccarthy of carietou laco was in tovm jast week harry is doiug a very profi able business in his new town mr ani mrs kniauuelgarrettof srace- bridge sjent weverul days last week with frieiids h rei they arc about to remove to wmm mm w adv hilkfokal oabd ofthakk liftlbd jh ks to his nmiiy of fiwrwwralualouwjosluco ho con tho nillk builuo tmlutfiiow in a uovtf r jjobi lion ihan ever 1 1 supply the wttntw of tlni iiulillc their continued uiimottlh renpeemully nofietted bum l- j notes ahd commehts- j- j it is not generally known that the c r it has nearlythree thousand miles of track in ontario alone the rapid absorption of smaller lines by this gigantic corporation is something phenomenal even in this age of mammoth monopolies it will now be i interesting to observe whether the ca e swallows the g tjr or the g t rbolts the c p b the iaxpayers of the country are not likely to profit by either process more than half if tbepopulation of caaa- da get a living by cultivation of land the whole population by the census of 1882 was 43248101 which at the rate of five persons to a fattily wonld give 864962 adest males of these 464025 ftfe classed as ocdipiers of land 103491 beidg owners 7524o tenants and 3289 employees the occupiers of 10 acres and under numbered 75285 between 12 and 50 acres 92325 between slaud 100 acres 156772 between 101 and 200 acres 402143 and over 200 acres 36499 mr blackstock solicitor for gooderham worts in a recent interview said the gooderham a worts company have come to the fixed and solemn determination not to spend one cent in opposing the people of canaida in carrying out prohibition or any other temperance legislation they desired if the people wanted prohibition they were oihgto have it in spite of ajny money the dlstjjlers could or would spend all the gooderham company wonld ever do in the event of prohibition currying would be to enter a dignified protest against the confis cation of their property ana abide by the will of the people all reportajgo to show that the canadian exhibit hasflbeen the backbone of the colonial exkbition thejefforts put forth by our peopjb to have their country well representedliave met with tiou from all quarters much apprecift- come words of commc idatiou which of course the 16- tninio is pleased to heat the colonies have really astonished the people of great britain with their exhibits at the colin- deriee and the proposal tojmake it a per- inauet affair is now certain to be to a fcuceessful issue sogreat is theentbusi- asm the enterprise has evojked in england americans thought their centennial a very big tilings but in the matter of attendance at least h has been surpassed by the col- onial exhibition i i the conservafive mjass meetings in fiuelph lasj friday were largely attended tw addreiws of tbe day yrete ose of bar john i warflonija and hon mr thomp tt kujixa faifijful and ms other ioo fcojp fob ocmstitu ywepieser remo ulover8iille n y mr giorgo pratt of coilingwoojj for some time a resident of acton visited friends j- re last week he spent friday evening v ith liis brethren of acton ikkiro ioof mr th 3ud hillialrd gonori ugeiit of tle tempera ice and general life insurance co toronto formerly publjjsher of the waterloo ghnmkk paid the 1 iinr phkks a visit last week mr j 3 deacon the popu ar inspector of public schools of this county offtcially visited a tou bciiooib last week he re ports tiie school in a good condition par ticularly so in the first aril fourth depart meuts jl i sir geo jstathaui who ha4 been woikiug at his trt dc in toronto for some lnonthn came ik me on friday wijth only niuc buyers untortuueately the jtciilh came in contact with a sharp axe ttudj parted com pany with tho hand from thenceforth for evermore i j rev ljaviduogers of aila craig 1ms received an unanimous invitation froni tho quarterly boardof the methodist church of the loudcsboro circuit tq be tho suner- iutebdeut of that circuit for the cusuirig conference year he has accepted the in vitationi subject to the appointment of the statiouiiig committee frnloii ver vt erwl i iwxlqusjnpy reform meeting a mkktlikgof tho supporters of ln liwk will bo held in the toy rwr iulx aoton 0a rrl47 evcalui 3ra dooimder xh ocmkk li lluek mil olliors will address the meeting farmera institute rpo thb ovhicekb anbflbmhk8f thk x karincn luktltuto o tlio county ot hftlton sud tho inbllo renenlly 1 hereby give notice that a mootluq for tho elootlou ot oraourn tor tbc bbovvlubtltntfortbecoinrnbyenrwill l hold in thk tows hatjl jllltpi on tuesday 7th december f the houa op 1 vv j k irrge numiduuco is looked for jamk8 nnvuleyr 1 1886 rocslwooci news vuley ercbldont hobiwn nov aotli im lanokbi scctreas mass oxta1uo elections i mm j 51 fless of sls0t0es a mabs meeting of the electois of llultou i willheheld t aiiutoi j the debating society to the editor of the fntr press dear sin in your last twoissue8l was pleased to find that two of your literary cor- rjespondents were in favor of commencing a debating society or mock parliament now if these writers would come forth iu a more tangible form andlree themselves from that mysterious cloud that seems to snrrouud them and take some definite step surely some such society might be organized i have spoken to a few others who were likely to be interested in such matters and they have promised their assistance aud witbthehelp of the two first gmeiitioned individuals jt think there can he nothing iu the way for the purpose of testing the matter therefore 1 take the liberty of asking all who are interested in the formation of a literaryor debating society or mock parlia ment to meet in mr mowats office over the post office onmonday night december 6th at 730iocloek if there are any who are unable to attend that night they might give their names to some person so that some idea could be formed of the number fwbo would bo likely to attend yours truly a4i slatkk acton xov 27th 1886 j o- a pretty scene at berlin the berlin ztoify netc thus describes a scene at the reception of jsirjotiu a mac- donald in that town a few days ago then an eveut took place which all the party said was the most pleasing circum stance that haskrauspired iu all their ex perience it consisted of nine beautiful little girls elegntlydreesfed coming oneby one to the platform and prescntihgsir john with a bouquet these little girls are florence boos ethel miller minnie gib son aa hilborn sdie siropsori ellie mover josie lang alga bumplo and bessie falls each representing one of the seven provinces of the domiuloii new foundland and the northwest territories the gallant premier was quite overcome jwith the genuine surprise and gracefully received each boutiuetfrom the little hands he not only did that but with the unbound- ing affection of the father of his country took np each little girl and kissed her thus virtually in their representative character kissing all the goodlooking girls of canada and canada has po others agents wanted cleraeut k co of 48 welliugtoi street east toronto or 61 st francoi ixavier street montreal want ajqteneial awpt- they are the exclusive owners of t le bcho- field patent ake griddle the ce lebrated emery knife sharpener known as the carter friendr tbe hetnery boyjhe sharpener the jayeyerbee wit p 0rry comb and other specialties if yju wast utmma6y at moefpi j an outet and to eeotire what terrt ory foij politics isall the talk at present each party equally coufideut of victory miss wetheralds class m elocution is making good progress and report her a good teacher we are polishiug up our skates as the managers are floodiug the friuk jmd we hope soon to have ice the fall of snow on siiuvjay nig lit has madevery fair sleitjliiiiij hi d the presence ot iv goad u umber of sleighs give3 a brisk appearance to the village i richard smallhoru hired at win burns was badljf gored by a cow on yaturday last lie is inproviiigos well as could be expectedjbut will be confined to bed fpr some time i we had au amateur iucendiary fire lust week llarticulars do not appear to be forthcoming although the fire mi ht have proved disastrous it was extinguished by the night operator at the g titj statiou and mr s nuffield rl i erin free pressings saturday afternoon december nth to be addressed by it hon edward blake hon oliver mowat hon o jw ross w mccraney m j and dr buck the piiblic arc invited to be present o 1 the amnjal meeting the aainual meeting of haltou lleform association will be held on saturday 11th insti at 11 oclock instead of at 12 oclock hs previously announced d robbjrtsqn president it leso milivn ityx x crand o excursions -tt- san tltanclsc vuv illinois central r r and new orleans i- jrrpm ifttr oicn cmwif so we are going to have ekclious i uneoi erins bachelor farmers of whom thil township contains quite a juumber entered the ranks ofthe benedicts list week mr and mrs john s cokman wijl kindly accept jibe cougratulatioiis of poudent between 30 and 10 ol ihe join g people of the presbyterian churcj osprnge k- cently pnid a visit to their pastor rev k fowlie lirin and pleasauily surprised him vour corres- them with an aud his wife by presentuu address and a well filled purse wc learn that miss gordon the efficient teacher of the leslie school bulow ob- priuge for the last three years is going to leave and that mr jamai moore sou of the prmsipal of acton jpiblic sc tool has been engaged mr moore is said to be a wefrtby oaug man and gives promise of excellent teaching abilities erin nov 30th i ltd ism a thingjof beauty stlcfb in past years the age at christmas time and long before has been the purchasing of christmas cards for friends abroad as sou venirs j this year a change is taking place the moptreal filar is bringing out a superb christinas number a mammoth paper of wondrous beauty with j tventyei ht pages of magijificent illustrations inclu ling jac eimile of the groat picturej purchased by sir ponaldismith at the morgan sale new tork at n cost of foiiyfive thoiisand dol- larn about which the curiosity of a whole continent has been aroused the engraving on the tjturs picture i snnetliing of a rare delicacy besides the twentyeight pages of illustrations iliiio are storiesj sketches and poems by tlie best authors profebsot grant of oueens college has written ft powerful article vljipli every canadian man womali and child should read while there is sonelliiug from the rieu of professor roberts nova scotia georgemurray montreal absorbing stories by e j w thoiiispii toronto poeins by poet laureate freclielt nud others to gether with a large 22j2fi plate supplement said tobe thetmoet bewi citing crayou ever issued on this sido of tie atlantic the whole cfthis paper whic l competent critics say eclipses tbeljondori c rdjjltic and london illuitrdied new is etit x any address for the amazingly small sii n of s5 cents n postage stamps thejp iblishers aro gra ham co montreal wli o are giving beauti ful prizes to the value of 8300 to tlio little folk who wjrjte he most faithful short let ter about te paper 1 1 isrsahy an age of wbnjders anybody who was iortuoate enough to fotkwpy of the just carnival arjt7illnot be so much surprised at this 4iitdtphe oijjwoeiterbrl8e iy jfebtoli ngjirtgipieirsi tho illinois antral hr will run o grand excuniioils to sau francicb rm new or- southern pacific leaving chicago nov 16th dec uth janv 11th feby lath and maroh loth rates for the round trip iwjioo for further particulars address pb bowes t northern pass agf iclllt ljl kaxnorvh utbkkt chicago ilibs koso clevelands sister of tin prcsiilcnt new story iii jon nary gopkv i jobeys ladys book fore 887 sample copy 15 cents wfr a jdj a xv in advance 1 beautiful premiums to every subscriber tjebms to clubs kxtra praiiiiuuis to club raisers copies 3g0 i 4w 5 i 77a tor list of jiveuiiiinisauil terms io jaiger cl lbs send for sample copy which will uixe jou full iuforuiation- godeyhat the present time u adiuitttei by press and people to bo superior to any ladys magazine in america having the tjjroa test vai lety of departments ably edited the literary features are seriolii novelettes jsbort stories charades tooins etc awougtbo popular authors who tvillcontri ute i godey are j vlmtcbard misb elnily ii eed john churchill william miller bulcr emily eugravlufih appear in every number of nib jocta by weknown intisth anil iroiluced bj the newest processes iu its colored fashions got oys leads iu colpreandbtylpb both modistes and home drosbnmkersnccovd honi tho forenost liositiou paper patterns are one uf the iuiporuint fea- tures of this uiftraiino onch gubsoriber blilhg allowed to ieloct their own patterns every nic nth an item alone more than covering the subs rip- tion lnipo practical hints upou dresiimwlng hliow how garments caii be renovated and made ovcrb the patterns gtveii- i practical hints for the household show y uug honsekoepera how to monoao lhc culinary de partment with economy aun skill- fashion notes at home and abroad do ight every ladys lieart the colored and black work desigus giv all th newest ideas for fancy- wollt the cooking recipes are under tho soutru of an ekperjepced houseeeper eaicnltectural department is of proc leal utility careful estimates being given with jach plan clpbaai8fiuspbeimm8 s godeyshai arranged to give elegant silver slated ware of aunerior uiasers as premi una je value of idiich in some lastauoea retches over 25 for onepfehlltun bend 15 centi tor safnple cny wnloh will coutajn lllusti ated premmmswith roll pjntloujars ana termi adtlrebb m addet laof boob in club wlih thii fkeepbe8fon aehttqhitolilooof fit great vhiietat j jjvve asuiti ww per qodsrsana year whr i paper which bhon iji tiiilqyjbicj4y pi the dbe i- vab 1 ami with i n largo assortment of ovticotl of uery deci v nowltivfrpf nil kiiwls kmy md bilri hnndlefchcfk fnucy woolfood8 i t o tpttoii jf ladies -j- of new links j fuirjiidhfn0 i amd overy quality chepp also a new stock of ladies kid qlqnw mantle clotli orcpjats in phorfusion atpkieestosultthe -oo- tv o flannels that canmt oft beaten for quality ai price land ttjle til5est- stockordpess of every vuiio hftowi with fiimniingr times r to matcl our millinery department is complete in oyery respect as new goodeuirc arriving and our large stock laust be pleural out before the iniddlu ot jjanuaryytlie public rl realifp that there arc snaps to be had at th l a s go 1st houe obtained in no otlier luuiu ill the viei litv -6o- our boot and shoe stcmjk is also very large every ljuo btfing full spee ul utteution is directed to our values in meiis and rovs -f- loiig boots a elteleo otcok of 6s0cssjbs oa hji4 at bettcttj sriees showiij nev a wecia line cf 25c ta5 that arjs houad remoailor tie famous 50c toa- r- the haltonforcepump aiuvvcry variety of force well arfd cistern iiboisr ptjiytps mamtfaeturetl y i a o bounsall 0as7illb 0t bs aitrsrs wastkh c all at the and examine thk fam stook of eacy iaressvg of all malie4 slatkuials asl puuks mantliqgsottdman oords meltons ic very cheap i an immbnk stofk of men s avomentj and chtlldkens undkiuv shirts and cardigan jackets at lowest pricks we have as fine a line of t ear 51en top jl v dpy gpgds sucu as white grey nay tbtueanb red flanneij canton flannels w tottons cottonadescuetonnhs towelling yarns gloves iiosiery icj cheap as an perfect i i fitting suits andklvercpats 5 atpr10e8to sit eyerymody k other store in jjs groceries our stooic complete and we thy ou r fifty cest teas farm produce taken in exchange john the tbaoe aje to order im lanot de tsperssqllvij ijarainb iii watcjjes clocksr jiewlry 6ilvekware w smmm0rt0wsstth aviiig purchased tii tankrnpt stock lately owned ny w 8 rflub arnprenared to ve the aotoneeopje a benefit such as has never been offetefbre jjetegft fronrlhe ejgiii watchifafitoryi elrinl aftd well kpwnabr vorkmiin in toe ijity lluarutees4itertotibroimoaev wlwotkarinnbt jjlljg t elson yotjr s attllltioir- please oo agttq j kermeir broj mfetin street fjipckifailfejc slw n s every vvautean be 8pplil iods deoniitiuna of luf ilect frdin tiji sgste- i i airv dotrtlnrotj i i 3- jdnjy 8anta c agency 1 iancyxood4 and nenta cleaned and thtiuikat cruji provided bi cluisti theoll oesdayl council i the boll rcreemoa j mills boarjf evening oatrville her slide guelpli to3io6 a snow local aujlet- thfischl applepie or splendi largely euga the gov milton meclj gfeorge allyopjraedl thof council the i withittra mftsnl the bulk of i itliei regular mee santa liis sclectioij da and costs oij hotel the col 17 will be held i 1tth decen servic churdinn i guelph milton j of its iavec salary of 82 the evl be a grand club out j last thisistliel thisahhive rcouncj substanjia properti on wlieal ihlargeqii v bolwevsr si fbusin little dull i generally 4rthere for tlieci vacant iy thfri wil be op ing m4 tnotidu- key pastor of accepted i tist churcj lis farm 1 l ing aboutli the 1 is the provide and the tairimend 1 will proh ing 23rd butertainr busiu andwheul imuiodeatl its jcb de county oh afral almost in church fqf vicinity that the the 1 of wtal legiate ij secordol y regrettf ibna 1anj acton el re6rnv present oisw on the e u wiii the chad tree sii themaslvl house

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