Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1886, p. 4

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jwlteftiaa h- thcrw mo3sixosovemhibi 1s80 ill tat v d hi ktfh j hffis in rkr tbsk8 tell me pretty little lady ami then so very taaj what lite dickens is the roatoti u i may but make so bold as ta aitnply ask the question that youve grown so wondrous tall its very subtle problem which i cannot solvo at all it was only last year was it orwas it the year before that yob toddled round the parlor 1 lo yoor pretty pinafore lispiug little words of nothing with a very daiuty lisp and then vanishing oom pletelv like wuuatnof xherwisp sow ive got it how i aabc now i understood tlio oaso 1 have solved tho mighty problem f jlookiug in your mothers face yon have prsttv little lady r with the werlds accustomed lack borrowed some years from your mother and forgot topay them back this is why he looks so youthful and the truth must needs so told thats the reason youre so stately i thats the reason im so old bq6 burdett on card playing no youugman no you do not have txrknow very much about cards to play progressiveeuchre in fact the less you know about anything the mora youll play cardsl- the most expert card player and the most successful gambler was a mau iu denver who spelled god vk1i a little g and two de swore every time he said anything lied every time he swore aud could be safely trusted to steal anything he could hide in his hands card playing may re quire high culture and refiued training but somehow the lives of the best expertsido uot seem toiudicate this btvoklgh tkujle tun for everyone use the safe pleasant and effectual worm killer mother graves worm exter minatory nothing equals it procure a bottle and take it home a merar the popular remedy hagyarda pellow oil is used both intejrnally and externally for aches pains oolak croup rheum atistn deafness and diseases of an inflammatory natter i have you hied holloways com cure it has no equal for removing these trouble some excrescenses as many have testified who have tried it i tfce beit rmkfwuufc tlie best combination of blood cleansing regelating helih giving herbs roots and barks enter into burdock blood bitters a purely vegetable remedy that cures diseases of tpe blood hverand kidneys tveatntsa expnmloh i was troubled with liver complaint tot threjj4ftts tried mnny romrdics but neve foftvid any thai has done tno o much flood at burdock bloi-fl- bitters james hig- gins east tern pie ton p q tkc mi yrsr ims after the above year is ended there veed bo uo person suffering from blicumatism nouralpa toothacluyheftdiuhc lumbago or any acute pain if they only pmoliaso a bottle of fluid lightning as it cures in stantly pain cannot stay where it is used the name is fluid lightning sold by dr mcgarvin druggist hinrrnl toluol nothing but pure extracts from plants and roots aru used in preparing mcgregors lung coupoundv the- modern jand now popular remedy for colds coughs brou- uhitis croup astluiuv und all utlecuous of tho thioalf lungs and ohpsl all mineral poisons and daugerona substances areayqid- od which renders it safe for children or adults- sold ut 50c and 9100 per boltie at dr mciiarvins drug store r- mcvircrs aperrty 4nrr when we say mcgregors 8peedy cure is the only perfect cure for dyspepsia liver complaints indigestion nud impure bloodrwo are telling plain facts of which huudreds upon hundreds cau testify who have been restored to perfect health by its rtw we would therefore advise you strongly if you are a subject of any of thejl above troubles to give mcgregors speedy core a trial and he conviucod it is sold in 50c aud 100 bottles at dr mcoarvius drug store werll prove dollar upon dollar is frequently speut ou the faith of recommendations tor articles entirely worthless soi to with mc gregors ijipeedy cure yoti an- not asked to purchase it until its merits arc proven call at j k mcgarvius drug store and get a free trial bottle and if uot convinced it will cure you of the vrrirst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no m titter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold iu 50c aud 1 bottles sec testimon ials from people in your own town itest a4 tuaforl lo the browns household panacea has to equal for relievius pain both idieimtl and external it cures pain in the side back of bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain orache it will most surely quick en the blood aud heal as its noting power is wondorful browns household pau- acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever aiid of double the strcheth of any other elixir or liniment in the world ahonld le in every family bandy for use when wanted remedy t oinach and pains and aches of all kind and is for sale bv all drdgejsts at 25 cents what ayers cherry pectoral does it breaks up n cold rind stops a cough moro gpcemiy certainly snd uiorbugli- ly than any other medlcme it iparek mothers much pamful anxiety about tboir children and sayes the little it prevent the growth to serious iil- ncssof f dangerous class ot diseases tlmt begl i as meretrlvlalallmentsnnd nro too a to be neglected as such it nllevlat is oven the most desperato vases o pullnoimry diseases nnd nffbrds t the patient n last and the ouly chahco for rostoratbu to health as itreallyis the best in the world for cramps in the a bottle t ilyers ssrsaparilla thoroughly cleanses the blood stimulates the vital functions ant restores health and strength so one wh se blood is impure can feel well when yot are discouraged and despondent take ay xs sarsaparilla to purify and vitalize tbe blood j r- ic4irecr tarkrn carbolic terale i ave you an old sore cut burn bruise can bucdou salt rheum irnesv blc tches rough haqds or fact r so the re is but one cure namely hcgregor pa tes carbolic cerate if yod but try it j will convinoe jou it costs but 25c at or mcgarvins drug store a gl ltftiea i- suffered with eruption on my face for over two years i determined to give btrdock blood bitters a fair trial alter tal ing four bottles i can say it was the bes t investment i ever made jean clanejf be insejour manitoba flmld ukhthirf i chere are but few that have never suffer ed almost intolerable pain from toothache ne uralgia or like acute pains to them bu h an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of troable no dh gusting offensive medicines to be taken foi days one application of fluid lightr- ni lg cures sold at dr jlcgarvins drug stre cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are a- rare that danger is ne4r if attacked do nt t delay in getting the proper medicine ti y adose of dr j d kelloggs dysentery 0 irdial and you will get immediate relief it acts with wonderful rapidity and never fa ils to effect a cure tkereuxmliwukc l there is no one remedy offeied to buffer it g linuianity whose use is so universally and frequently required as hagyards y dlow 00 for rheumatism neuralgia a ids sore throat deafness croup lumbago a id aches pains lameness and soreness of a i binds when internally and externally hied jabesh snow conning cove k s v rites i was completely prostrated with t le asthma but hearing of dr thomas 1 electric oil i procured a bottle and it d aneme so much good thai 1 jot another a ad before it was used i was well my s n was cured of a bad cold by the use of 1 alf a bottle it goes like wildfire and i lakes cures wherever it is used some persons have periodical atlacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea i nd have to use great precautions to avoid the disease change of water cooking i nd green fruit is sure to bring on tbe i ttauks to such persons we wonld re- omiuenddr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial as being the best medicine in tbe narket for all summer complaints if a ew drops are taken in water when the lymptoms are noticed no further trouble vffl be experienced 5ir alex bobiioson ofexeter in writ ing about one of the most popular articles uid one that has done more good to the fcfnieted than shy other medicine has dur ing the short time it has been in existence sayb i have used four bottles of north rop lymans vegetiaible discovery and dyspeptic cure 43d have been cured of dyspepsia that troubled me for over ten years part of that time i had it very bad and was at considerable expense trying to ttetnliet but this excellent remedy was to ftk and only relief ireoeiyed prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the inanjy cuics it haf eltect- ed mcgrigorisjxcfly cure leads the van subjected to the minntest chemical analysis it has been found tdcoutain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul- arjidaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found uot only a relief hut an pbtoitue cure tor dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and ira- pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgaivins drug store 31 free trade the reduction of internal revenue and the taking 65 of revenue stamps from pro prietary medicines no doubt has largely beuefitted the consumers as well as reliev ing the burden jof home manufacturers especially is this tlie case with greens aiiqutt floictr and boseief german sjrup as tbe reduction of thirtysix cents per dozen has been added to increase tlie size of the bottles containing these remedies thereby giving onefifth more medicine in the 75 cent size the auyust flow for dyspepsia and liver complaint and the german syrup for cough and ludg troubles have perhaps the largest sale of any modi- ciries in the world jthe advantage- of in creased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick aud afflicted in very town and village in civilized countries sample bottles for ten cents remarn the same size i advice to motueks are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with paiii of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of kirs winslbws bootliiag syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the- gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children jteething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the tlnitjed states and is for sale by all druggiits throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for jmtis winslowb soothing sybct and take no other kind bichles anticonsumptive syrup is a comjinatiou of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence i curib pulmonary consumption and other diseases of the lungs chest and throat it promotes a free and easy ex pectoration and gives ease oven to the greatest sufferer coughs colds aortuess of breath and affections of the chest attended with weakness of the digestive organs or witfr general debility seem to vanisn under its use no other remedy acts ao readily in allaying inflammation or breaking up a severe cold even the most obstinate cough is overcome by its pene trating and healing properties when children are affected with colds coughs inflammation of the lungs croop quinsey and spre throat this syrup is of vast im- portatioe the i number of deaths among children from these diseases is truly alarm ing it is so palatable that a child will not refuse it and in put at such a price- that will not exclude 4he poor from its benetjtfl -vf- itcuws ulfltmg and throat diseases unit can bo reached by human aid how lw cherry pectoral does 5uch ctqotl ir it soothes to naturr attdi refrcsung slumber uuriiurwwoliwum regains it dewf out sd healsfiieu oil cells iu uw lungs and held8oture w repair the wastemade by tfiecorrosion 6t piilt mohary disease it puts ft stop to tho cankerous decay or catarrh it expels tlhe mucus from the throat and the ilr ptuges ot tbo bead aud clcinae8 m mucous nhmhrano it allays inflammation puts a stop to tickling in tho throat and- coughing and cna fles the patient to rest it heals k re throat reduces the swollen tonsils and restores mural tono to tho iffct ted vocal cords staple and fancy pry goods millinery mantles making ordered clothing ieadymade cloth carpets and oilcloths why acers cherry pectoral is so perfect a medicine thai because it h a scientifically ordered com pound f jgreat potency the product ot yean of study observation and ex- perlenc i hi the treatment ot throat and lung dt eases because t is prepared from tho purest terms k the drugs employed in it chemically combined by a process of such pc rf ectlon aud accuracy as would be unitulnable even by tho most skillful pharmacist dealing with small quantise where ayers cherry pectoral stands before the world it evokes dally from all over tho world expressions of gratitude for lives saved byitsusc j- ls overywhoro recommended by repu- table druggists who know from con- versatlons with their patrons and from their own experience now almost magical are its effects for good it is regularly prescribed by many physi cians of the best standing and is recom mended by professors of medical col leges to their students as invaluuhle for nil diseases of the throat aud lungs it is popularly known to bo a medicine that nts cured laryngeal bronchia and pulmonary affections where till others lad failed it is a fa orltc household remedy t onlay with p iople whose lives were saved by it whin they were young a genera- tlotfaso it has 1 ftkl the firstplace iu popular cstlma ion for uearlv half ft century in this country and is more nud more highly appreciated year niter year both afehome and abroad layers cherry pectoral trerared by dr j 0 ayer co t analytical chemists j lowell sold by all drug gistsr price 81 ix bottles for5 mafeles mihineryxresses ani dress goods silks etc jlttece ribclr so-crse- because it is not ouly the most effective medlclno for the use to which it it designed but owing to the enormous quantities in which tt is made is sold nt so low a price that it is placed within tho reach of every household because tt is an actlvo curative agent that must bo taken by drops as prc- scribed in tho directions accompanying each bottle and not a mere palliative syrup that may be swallowed by mouthfuls press- ingv- 1 -rt- wo licg to inform our fiieuuhauii tnu pimiic gunernlly i wo have this boapon n tnobt complete stock in all the different ilepullieillml thalt we have imported and purchnsrd iireut fliilll the ninilllfacttircrt t6 of our itiiimtiise stool that it wan puruhnsed before tlie recent mlvnuuo in prices- that tho public will ot the advantage of these low prices tiict wc trlwl ti cmel onrselvch and sucuetdeil in jciiriug stylish rttraetivchulivtntiliil cheap goods nfoiiii our f i lends ami hie public gouem trunk ftailwayj oiihorw oojsftwj mtox bxpros imi y- j pasmfli- 10 wtiii i u 5 1 pm i firchft joihihit tj- tjufweofi jitcivli iiirutigttb aveoin ohtottko ti and torpif tfl iiiiiiw we ioliikmajf irnoi oycuiisi mufj t 10 iiin anil vtfmitil lilaiihamlgftui lb 6lit- sllllnklty eupcrb and iu large variety oulumwssmakljng j la iii tirtclimh working order a lnrgo and beautiful stock of dress oodbaud dress is al tj a large yarfelv f jkxiinx tifr ii mn1 it silks lo select from uuu mantle materials are goigcouh serviceable nnd cheap uuittallolungdelabtment iins out innguifioelit ganneutk nd perfect fit a largo stock rf tweeds coat- a u royl mail sam ships the shortest sea pajsaoe average time 8 days two of wh elf are passed on the hiver and viulf of st lawrence i iiigstiml qvcffioitiiigs to chome frcm prices it it impossible for us to enumerate our goods w parlreuluriw the lilferc but we guarantee a lare stock of serviceable stylsh and cheap good l i n ash oil produce after 12 inolths trial ofstnctly jlosto do bueine and enables us to compete with ftny legitimate business in canada mcleod anderson co vvatkins goods nave belen bd ught for the cash when jjoodswepe at the vepy 1 awest prices ai they ie being soid at correspondingly low prices llamiltjon novuinbui 4th isiiti on king streot east i houtc i he ladies know that this prices- ah the manufacturers iu there is an astonishing rush for all kinds of voveu and knitted goods in una favorite he kcasou is the last one that they can possibly get heir supplies at the present astonishingly low onnfjda the uuitcd states and europe ore advancing their prices and the stocksto lc imported next spring will he aboutone- fourth dearer wntkius goods have been bougl t for the caeli when goods were at their very lowest prices and they are being sold tit correspondingly low prices in addition t the grent bargains he is offering in all kinds of goods he has marked down larg lots of mantles dolmnus ulsters paletots fur capes shor jackets ladies grey- merino underclothing in most in stances to far less than half prices just see the immense variety of underclothing there are enormons stocks of it at astonish- ma ijw prices the blankets never were so ver cheap the 1iiinnels in all colors from i2i0 up are at fabulously cheap pricc8 hundred of pieces of grcy flannel nt 1 jsstban ever bejfore hositry aiid giovts forlndles gentei girls and boys at kb thanever great piles of press goods at prices llfcvtr hefore uatucuvfor butll k0d qlldliueb jnst see the t2jc dress r iuds the 18c andj2c allwool french drees hoods and all the higher prices they ue worth from kuefiftli- to oiiefourth more than they are being sold for an enormous ttock of new and stylish mantles and mantle cloths direct from jermiiuy austiia and great britain theblankets arcjmmensely cheaper thou last yru the qualities are the best in the market and thenssortment is enurinoiisly large a shipiiretit of lienlltiful silkr satins merveilleux and silk plnslies imported the millinerv has nrreat run hcertiscthe styles and qualities are fashionable and good r i cj chenille curtains nre beautiful lea and carpet sweepers are grey- ami white cottoas door west of huli8nn street acton octi iber 1st 188 jmedicated great dress goods and silk at the thomas c vjrcllnb from the cradle to the 0 j spekjht w furaiturs dsalers and tjndertaksrs aotoa haviiju crteted a tine new sliowiooni love juit received u new and welkissortcd stock of furniture of all kiudsof theluiiii dins iucltulilig parlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles erythiti elsetj it my family requires in thefurniture line during their journey from the cradle to the liraye ainl we can prepare them fur the grave iijo for wo hav oh hand a large stock of djodpfhsts caskets etp of all kinds iiul sizes vil u itir funeral furnishings reasonable terms uukaskb xose remofeil cojrr cataiuiil dr n wasliiu toronto dear sir fcatisfactioi n washington m0lcp so kmiriejit throat and long surgeon will next visit acton 4v dominion hotel moridajy 1 3th december huuih throat cuiahhai lcaf lies bthina an cafarrhlff tho head and cbironic bronchitis 1 cousumiition also lossof voice sore throng enlarged tousilt pohpusoltlie eauit cossnutanos trm ok ianv vkailsstaxnisg cuiiek on thioat ami lunt surgeon iifu ui 1leatd to express my entire aftlis results of your new method of iujaalbtibn which lias cured me of a very troubicfcouhlforiuof catarrh in fact all the usual renirtl ids failckl to givo tuoauy relief but yorir treatijucut from the first gave me great ease anil in a fuf mouths entirely cured me of a most auiuoyiig lisease i can honestly reeomniend auy wlio may be suffering as i was to your skill ful cousiderption yoifrs truly geo golllidixg reiutsouts c tuftxailir gait and av- it stohev i son acton hcadoraie215 vouge st toronto write- for- particurf j go to- waters bros tiie7 willsupplyufi mil til siiotikst uiiliee a ml most drawn livii vl m a died team for birr a iirslelas g tjelph a p g l vsgo w we have w recoivel n puicliii onf a mantecturers stock of bought at 51c on the dollar by out resit ent buyer in loudon these good lire the mo3t wonderful we tllink wo can safely say ever seeii on this continent b lauranges spectacles and eyeglasses auk thk only bllljkbi genuine english antioles in the canadian market ffl vk are selling averyacjavyuervoiueuisaljiaai 69c grand lino of brooaod satin at 50c j hoav7 black qros grata siifcb at 70c a magnificont lino of oaloroa flushes at 75c m iea pebbles are kept in stock tests aie given to purchasers to prove their genu neuess they an- rceommendgd by and testimonials have been received from the president ami viuupresnleut -of- the meilical association ot canadu the president of the jollegeof physicintis td surgeoifs of quebec the 3ean of the medical facnlly of laval university t he president and expresidents of the medical couricil of nova scoti a c c these rccommendatipns ought to he sufficient toprove their qualities bijt if further proof is needed call on j b1pb arson general store actpa oat dreks goods dress goqjds we rrcjlsi selling heavy cashmere extra width at lae very heavy worsted diagonal ladies suiting nil colors lit 20e i all thfe latest styles in french dress xbods inboucjle panama puule serges habit cloth u at very low prices gu r ilressinaker jm 1 6s todd is piepaied execute nil orders fur inhusuil excellent s i r onq ifeiisrtiir dresses f ajp thresher j hadfluartcr5 buotsjioesrybberstrunksvausess leadihg m m areh icg bootshoestorl 5kgueyih use on your maqtiinery only the wellknown h six gold medals s b awal dutiijfio last tluce yean ry a m- try also otu- pflorlebb 310 groasc for vour wagpoub and horse powers v manufactured at quoea oity ou worlea by i samuel rogers tcp toronto p1ctur for artfyt- jfliltjiah oil and ivukr colam gallery guelpl crajjoim canrs dramng paptri brushes r v oil paintings steel enrravirirs chrombs c fraljes xv all kinds mctildiiigs jluom nnd picture cornices and cornice iilea sn rollers aud win- dow sladus fifiu goc omplete fandy aoods suit able foi wedding and birtlul y piwulic visi nrs xan have their pictures framed whtoi- tlie city so bring them wllhjyou t jvsatbrs beos the picture galljepv ueir the post office y a eaving form tbe people of acton aud mlt desires to ii fc fc surrdnndiiigi tbat lie is prepuredto take orders for w javiug al kinds of fancy rag carpets flannel- sheeting shirting anj dres8gdodi striped or plaid twill or plain also bed idlknkets aud horse blankets two yards wide and over and i fwi 1 guarantee tliat i will give good satisfaction tx all farthers and others mho will favor me with their patronage i t mitchell i permahent n antej positions guaranteed with salary jaajl bxpeases paid any de terminedm in can succeed with us pecul iar jidvahtages to beginners stock corn- pletoincludi rig manyiastsellingspeicialties outfit fiee address at once i- 4oavn vnobseunjes numothisianeii noihestkn y urdog lood i iters willi cure or reueve bilioushm diizmss dy8pep8m dropsy inpmstion fluttemnq jauhdwb r of the heart fmsfpelas x acidity of j d4lt rhem the stomach heartbuw headache f dryness of the 8kih wk fi m sm m 25sftsl of clhem arittnr teok 4 tsiril jkiiijru iff kvmbyl pflee 0k tetlc ta luvajsalily i liiperflarl tinuea till af opt fan of tho j one colamnl half column quartar colu one inch- icafual advej first insertion sequent in reckoned by scale of sou changes fo in the office theywulbol tortillas 1 nonet i lu bb1 ac hcj dent new system monly called i teeth without sfrator ami college of dl tonsmayd in any operal acton every a of each mont johnla tario vd veteriaary g j s insemybr dence in ther soundness an all calls ni ed to tqbtk8to barristers aucers office eivbjob tam01 babbistes orrice matt bolicr onice fir office main 1st at 6 percent s hilton toboj offices clj xaiid80rjng w t allak xainli ba oncices- d lington street alleytoronfc johsbatsj wriiijr r r wbj btubri ontario hall gwhatlgeuoj datents hjejjry i 20 years prai t a mu1 1or the coontil orders left opposite char jto acton p0 terms- reason desired r also money l awe terms and terestj in sums rohndayj owiciqad square pmakcis sucoessol b st georges sc i account bool peodioils of botind bojing john j hi v- suoeei money to per cent jfol iea for parti aeomity coiiv woptety and arnrsand citl withfanusftcr wominiqn to int ted fo ehl iwifmfvvivl i

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