mk tfe eifrcss tncbsnxtmobjjiimmjiflch 11 188c i i notes nd comments thejnewmket jem pied the new voter list which it had prepared under the dominion franchise act it- is a great pity some one couldut pi the whole act whiltby chepnklt in fff 5iflpisppi 1 i skvhyperiiapb but with tolerable certainty mormomsm in the united states is being made to feel that uncle saras mind irnde up on the subject of poly- rmdyand that his foot is a heavy bite esque8ing exhiblon in future to b known only oton oot in the ccld the meeting of the directors o esqum- ing agricultural society held at stewart- town last saturday was well attended and a lively interest taken in the preceding the president mr alex yfsme stated that the main object of the meeting was to decide whether the next annual i hpw was to be held in actou or geqrgetow 1 the claims of each town were presented by messrs w hemstreet and j f tay lor mr shemstreet said the people it are sl follows- up of ntirtgages and othe i 10 hiu oisi68 u 63ut 07 m i y a bill has been introduced into the local house providing that any keeper of a billiard room or bowling alley who admits aininor thereto without the written con sent of his parents or guardian bhall be subject to a fine of 10 for the first offence j and 20 for the second an agitation is on foot in mouyparts of ontario to induce the government to make a wider wagon tire according to law it is contended and certainly reasonably that the wider tire costs but little more than the narrow is easier drawn lighter on the horses and wagon jwhile the roads ire improved by their use the canadian association of colorado has been organized at denver and is do- ingsiuj excellent work in that territory it will have a tendeuoy to bind canadian residents of the state more closely together mutual friendship and assistance when necessary are fundamental principles in the societys organization the town of orangeville l deeply in debt a billbas been introduced intg the local legislature by mr mcghee to consolidate the standing debt and liabili ties of the town at 575000 and to enable the corporation to issue debentures for that tuhount the private bills coni- mittee have recommended that the debt be consolidated at 60000 of acton had raado arrangements for hcjldihg the cash in jdntirvo vsstss vvs piro aiid buwlar prbjfafebi- theliabllftleiarefbllow savings bank deposits and interest i90q40b 4a debentures 808030 10 intereston cteboutnros 6818 14 i suriilunosseta- 33l000 lis the siuilut assets are composift of 1 ponnanent ftook j972000 00 paid oik aecumulatlnii and special btook including interest 0811 hq permanent stock mvd payable ami jaulbb dm3 20 kesorvo fund slst do- comber 1884 p33800 00 added froni tills years lirontsl m co ualivuce at credit of jiroftt and jobs account mmtm mcq0 i 4 j7 l rrjptl ww mill street acton a la11ue stock of- 42000 00 105 03 1 il i u prof goldwin smith is a determined opponent of womans suffrage and pro- ibably tie counts among his most effective arguments that womans mental pre ferences are- fickle but if anyone can name a woman who has changed her mind more often than mr goldwin smith has changed bis some potency might be attach- ed tot the line of argument pursued ottawa frte press sam jones the southern revivalist sajfs more people will be damned on account of their money than for anything elscl if sam is right editors and repor ters ytill stand a fair chance of climbing tne golden stairs afterall mr jones says also- that ittakes grace grit and green- backs to run a meeting it takes four gs to run a newspaper grace grit gumption and greenbacks especially greenbacks show here if awarded to them said acton had excellent grounds while those of georgetown were not suitable for showing horses on jhe felt that it would be satis factory to all concerned if an arrangement could be effected by wbioh alston and goorgetowu would have the bliow alter nately year by year mr taylor said that georgetown being tho most central point aud having the best accommodations in every way ia the pro per place for the show to be held after a good deal of discussion iu whioh both directors and members took part it was moved by j f taylor seconded by thosi gook that the anbual show of 1886 be held in georgetown the mover under- staking to raise 9100 and as much more as can be collected before the 1st august aud to furnish accommodations free of expense moved in amendment by joseph lasby seconded by woi hemstreet that the show be held in acton this year the mover and seconder guaranteeing 110 to be paid to the treasurer of the society by tlie 1st of august also to provide acoomjnodatious as iisual f ree of expehsej the motion was carried moved by f kuddell seconded by j f taylor that the resolution passed at the february meeting 1885 entitling members to coupon tickets be hereby rescined carried meeting then adjourned we are indebted to the editor of- the georgetown hcmd for mb ccurtesy in supplying us with the minutes of above meeting ed free press 5- county council georgetowns high school schehie and the c vptsiniing fund squabble monopolize theuay a one day session condensed from the befornierj council met at ii am on tuesday 2nd inst b g baxter warden tnthe chair t m x i chief of poiite draper toronto asked for 2jl reward for interoepting orr the horse stealer county constable dent was present and expected the 20 himself matter not settled mr j c smith was appointed auditor in place of mt h m switzer who was unable to act w mcleod and k lindsay moved a by law tojestablish a high school at george town messrsmcleod j k barber g good- williejrey j w shilton mr d mcken- zie and dr boe bet forth georgetowns claims and desires the bjflaw was introduced council went into committee of thewjiole and the ma- tionof thefirst clause of bylaw was lost the bylaw was then given a three months hoist twentyfive dollars wasgraiited to the cpnnty teachers association col ajlan asked for a grant to the 20th batt upon motion of messrs jno war ren and r graham he got 200 pro and con deputations waited upon the council with reference to a new school section in nelson the county vuscoonts as audited were adopted and finally passed the printing committees report was adopted the eeformee contract being accepted thec v r sinking fund irregularity again hung fire the warden and messrs mcleodand wheelibanvere appointed to calculate the amount of interest due or payable to the following accounts of the county of hal ton viz the general ac count 4- vr sinking fund and cvr special pate and report to the council at its next meeting r the old credit bridge at nerval will be long to esquesing township as soon as the new bridge is completed council adjourned to meet ou tuesday 1st june at 1030 am j auction sal9b wicnsesdav 17 th mabch sale of farm stock implements etc the property of root allan east half lot bi con 1 erin sale at 12 oclock wm hemstreet auctioneer tcbsdatssbd march anctioiisaleof stock implements and furniture the property of as hall esq main street acton bale at 12 oclock wm fiemstreet auctioneer j tuesiiav 23rp mabch aniction sale of farm stock and implements the pro perty of mr m mcmillan lot 18 oon5 nasagaweya sale to- commence at one oclock snarp chapman burger gaaeti6neers thcbsbat 25th mabch sale of farm slock c the property of mr duncan campbelirjot 8 oonisj erm gale at 12 oclock wm hemstreet auctioneer guelph and ontario investment and savings society annual meeting the tenth annual meeting of 1 he stock holders of this society was held at their office corner market square and wynd- ham streets guelph on wedue sday the 17th nit at 2 oclock pm 1 he presi dent mr d stirton in the chai among those present were mes srsi j m bond geo elliott geobrucs james c6rmack j a davidson t j day thomas day a b petrie james eilgonr john w kilgour james forrest wm hunter dr hciwitt s myer 1 james innes m c schofield h mirton dr keating robert melvin j e ft celderry g a somerville and robert lorbes of guelph james phin john phiu and jas p phin of the township of wat srloo a j brewster jof hespeler john kitching jr of the township of kassagaweya geo parkinson john kean and laza us park inson of the township of erai losa ac the secretary mr g a s read the following itelokt the directors beg to submit financial statement for the yeir 3jst of december 1885 and to the results of the years operations is ex- ceedingly satisfactory although money has been plentiful in vestments scarce and interest low the directors have been fortunate in being able to keep the societys f nnds fully em ployed at fair interest and th 3 amount now invested in mortgages is greiter than at any former period the amount ad vanced on real estate during the 820531337 which is 86316525 of the sum loaned in 1884 ithe steady growth of the cfeaily indicated by the increase year to year in the cash value gages and the reserve fuud as the folio wing table at 31st dec 1879 the nvortfji reserve fund were pmerville their ending rjsport that year was in excess business is from of mort- shown in ages and 1879 1880 1831 1882 1883 1884 1885 mortgages 112083591 3778533 50209101 02st0c6shi 7982iacr s08i2j4b lterve fund s 6789j7 846510 129k348- 1822025 25353 si 3350a00 4200000 the profits for the year including balance brought forward ar3 52908960 after de- dncting all costs of management interest on deposits and debentures elc this sum has been appropriated as follows dividund no 18 paid 2n 3 july 1885 004803 10 payable jan 2nd 18 973530 carried to keborve fund 8000u balance carried forward 12053 v29099 instalments of principal andiuterest fall ing due on our loans during the ear have been paid with a very fair degree of prompt ness and only one smair property is held for sale as an evidence oftheconfidencetheprovi dent classes of the community ha re in the stability of the society it may be mention ed that the amount invested in oi r deben tures and savings bank departi lent has increased in the short space of i lix years from 3b401u to the large sum of 9578- 104531 the bffioers of the society coitinueto discharge their duties to the satis action of the board attention is directed to the auditors report which is presented herewit 1 all of whioh is resriectf ully subi fitted i i d stibtos president financial stateme t for the year ending 31st december 1885 pbofit am loss db diviaendno 18 dividend no 19i interest on deposits interest on debentures valuators fees and cbinmission cost of management written off safes l carried toreservefnnd balanqe carried forward j r for prime clover and tlmptby seed go o je howbon i r ix balance brought forward interen on loans interest on arrears interest on bankdeposits fcc i- tip srfrssnrasiis5sse5st i f l 8 918 873580 13099 80 13b7 77 69105 4605 83 100 00 8500 00 ifios 62 i 700 5522171 8414 05 ymu jt705 44 m 9331070 08 oku a somekvillb 1 hocretary iweljave audited the books aud vouchers of the guelph a ontario investment and saving sooiety monthly and fouud them ooxrect we tave also examined the mort gages and calculated the value and earnings of each one separately aud oertifyithattbo above balance sheet is a correct statement of the companys affairs to slsfdeo 1885 a j bukwktkll a- j w kiloouiw auditors guelph feb 1st 1886 the president in moving the adoption of the report stated that it was not neces sary for him to make any lengthened re marks the statement was so clear and full that all could easily understand it however he thought he might honestly congratulate tho shareholders on the very favourable statement that the board were able to give of the past years business especially when we take into consideration the low rate of interest the large amount of capital seeking investment and the very keen competition existing in this branch of business as in the past the invest ments hod been closely scrutinized and a very large number of loans deolined no losses bad been sustained and the rent of one small property we have on hand was sufficient to pay interest on the amount at whch it stood ou our books thesecfetary and office staff had discharged their duties in the most efficient and painstaking manner and to this he attributed much of the success which in d attended the years operations sii6uld any shareholder desire additional information on uuy ppiiit he would be very glad to give it mr a b petrk vicepresident in seconding tlie motio i called attention to the ntrict economy with which the business of tlie society had been carried ou in 1881 the expenses were 86j00 and in 1885 5600 of one per cent of the working capital a reduction of about onethird by comparing the annual reports it would be seen that the expenses of the oldest and largest compapiep in ontario were from 10 to 30 per cent more than ours yet ourjfjinancial statement showed conclusive ly that the management had been as thoroughly efficient as economical he thought public attention should be directed to the torrens lands act under which real estate can be transferred as readily as personal property and with trifling expense sopie such reform had long been needed the report was unanimously adopted mr jame3 innes mp thought tho silent acquiesence of the shareholders in the motion to adopt- the report wa proof that all were fully satisfied with the result of the years operations the business had now assumed larger proportions in fact ours had become one of the principal loan companies in the province and it would be conceded ou all hands that this was due to prudent and careful management many of the directors iliad an intimate knowledge of every locality in which our money ws invested no loan was made until on the most full and searching exami nation it was found satisfactory and the fact that there was only que small property on hand was evidence of the- anxious care bestowed upon the affaire of the society the very large increase in the savings bank department in the past six years was u gratifying proof of the confidence the busi ness men wageearners and farmers of wellington and the adjoining counties had in the institution j our debentures being so largely utilized by executors adminis trators md municipal j councils showed that the confidence of these securities as- a legal investment for trust funds was fully appreciated he concluded by testifying to the izeal and ability with which the secretary and other officers conducted the business of the society mr melvin referred ho the small outlay for commission and valuation be ex plained that this was due to the fact that a greatmany borrowers dome direct to the office for loans and that we seldom lost a customer who had once dealt with us messrs w hunter and s myers com mented favorably on the ireport mr geo elliott congratulated the board on the gratifying result of the business of the past year the security our deposi tors haye is so thoroughly sound and good that as the institution becomes more wide ly known ho was certaiu the savings bank branch would still more largely increase messrs james cormack and h murljbu were appointed scrutineers and reported the reelectiouof the retinugdirectors thanks were voted the president direc tors manager and other officers of tlie society the board is now composed of the fol lowing gentlemen d stirton president a b petrie vicepresident r melviu r forbes t a keating jm d- james p phin john phin charles mcmillan h hewitt m d j e mcelderry j innes mp j i i rockwood news froni our own- correspondent many farmers are harvesting their ice it is a good thickness the last carnival passed offsuccessf ully those who competed for prizes being satis fied with the decision of the judges a carload of brantf brd binders arrived here this week also a carload of land salt the grange company have been iustrn- mental in giving farmers the use- of jt at very reasonable prices the cotoert last friday sveriing in john straehai s school nassagi weya was well attended a comedy by an lateurs was part of the en ertaimneht tin proceeds about 40 will beapplied forpriiie i to the scholars pure drugs ohemicals patent medicines jdrug sundries and toilet requisites of the best assortment embracing the finest quality of s04ps perfumes j j mm aoton mm i- m money 8vej by purchasi east en d c lofthing store spring hats sprtn shoulder braces and tijusees diamond dyes and dye 8tuffs amiakvin tajl from the cradle tto the grave oj svfttifcv iil m w w j bym aoton j fyfk aoton v fifpe actton t mmr igvpur clothing at tho fsssf fvebds o worsteds i spring overooatlngs spring trowserings i spring tjnderwear full lines of shirts ties collars braces etc at lowest prices 1hb herev tj cently comme ject that i h several years j bn with this thdse who bave who desire to wnfere to get stock best qua i stand up he and have the hitkus jewellc action perfect sntisfaction j fife aqton j fype aotqn j pyfe acton guaranteed 1 goingt jfyfe acton j fype acton jfyfe actojs j speight son furniture dealers and undertakers aotoa haying erected a fine new showroom lijtve- just received a nuwand wellassorted ftock of furuitrire of all kindb of the latest designs including parlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges j tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles and everything else tlmtnuy family requires in he fiirniture line during their journey from th9 cradle to tho grave anil wc can prepare ilicin for the grave j loo for we have ou hand a lutge stock of i of all kinds mid sizos hud all other funcrul furnishings i j v will silpplyail on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms a first hearso drawn by a wellinalcheil tcaui for hiro s golng jgujisqi m 1 he 3 tbthe wjh metropolitan studio inefph to secure u firstelate pubinef photo because tera i get satisfaction a a ruby kelly at mo derate illlss j a speight manager dominion boot shoe stoke new sprinj stookj kenney bros acton h ave now a complete stock of fine sprifig goods in all lines and are prepared to compete with auyhouso 111 hie trade either in acton iir isewhere a full lineof trunks valises etc of hrictas lnatiufactiire alwayi onhand and you neednt go to flneliih for bobts and shoes trunks etc j for notwith standing the saturday excursion fares we are prepared to sell to youtust as corul cods at an low or lower prices save y our railway fare deal with a arm yon can rily upon out firstclass work at reasonable kenney bros ppce8 metropol ita n studio kelly bros prices aud leave your money in your own town our ordered department is as nsual turning prices repairing promptly attended to j you are invited to call this village and those out of it are pleased to notice that mr mcmillan late principal of tho academy has received tho appoint ment of treasurer in parkdale from his past we feel sure he will fulfil theduties most satisfactorily his departuro from this place leaves a blank not easily filled as he was ever ready to do his part in social progress bev mr pigott has resigned his pastor ate of st johns church the completion of thiibeautiful edifice aud the taste dis played in terracing the approaches are dtle to him and are a credit tp his good tasie and industry he did excellent work in raising funds in england to pay off tie remaining debt upon it and was the means of bringing many to attend serviceshere the entertainment last week iu the town hall given by the presbyterians to add to the library was said by those who had the pleasure of being present to be a most enjoy able affair the act w a family history called tho chimney comer and the aged appearance of the patriarch of the family circle sitting at the right side did credit to the member taking that part the misses dryden and strachan messrs j and a strachan j and h farries andb hewitt acted their respective parts in excellent style the other items on the programme were also creditable new advertisements top itl tifiv fok sale anewtop buggy pole and shafts cheap j t ellis limhoc8k butcher ng bus11m ess to our grocery it enables us to supply the wauts of the people in aiiy thing they may waut in the meat j hue as wiq intend to keep fresh and cured meats of all kinds i coustautly 6u hand the above business we iulend to conduct in a difterene style than acton has been f accustomed to in thei past i i i we are going to tit up the roqm next door to u8j which is now occupied by dr stacey in the best style most guitabjle for th busi ness therefore our customers can rely upon getting dll kinds of meat at any time s qur qroeey dejpartmest will be just the sa ne as efore everything newand choice which will bje sold atthe lowest possible prices kelly beos juanuke pla3tbbebs hair fob sale manure aud huirfor plasterers apply at the tannery beaudjiohe co acton january 2otli18sg 3m house xot for sale i rihk undersiguod offers for bale his house and jl lot ou huiu gtrect it in a largo bouse con tains nine rooms also kitchen and woodshed is well adapted for a tenement or boarding house good staulo ou the premises liberal terms apply to d s campbetili 80 a i tho hs ano ujtiteith mateuh oi othbkwise a1mateuh 01 othekw1se debirous j liaviug their literary productions crjti oiped revised or disposed of on the hjpst advautageoub terms information of nil should address for fi tribubo bureau of literature 231 broadway neff york new orleans exposition ticket fob ejale aihe undelisigned has for sale at half prico an unlimited firstclass return ticket between chicago aud now orleans over tlie illinois central ii one of the best hues iu 1 10 union ticket issued to bearer- anil good aiy time apply to h t moore fueb pbesh offioe cton march 10th 18s0 f- kelly bros miscellaneous hats from 75 cents to s250 at fyfes for prirao clover aud timothy seed to j ehowson if you want a nobby durable and cheap uit go to j fyfes aoton hello where are you goinij up to nelsons for licjnor tea scotch english aud canadian suitings in great variety j fyfes aoton spring suits aud overcoats at extreme ly low prices and made in the latest stytes be sure to call and see them at j fyfen acton liquor tea is the teaof the town now it is booming it is a firstclass tea in e vet y respect and a handsome volume chosen by yourself is presented with every three lbs tweutyflve dollars will buy a sewii g machine 65 an organ 225 a piano from the peoples co 326 yonge street toronfc ontario write for oironlars v say mister what is this liquor tea it is the best qualities of japan hyson and black teas in halfpound packages buy three pounds of tea and yon will get a book for nothing at nelsons business change thosc moore would inform tho public generally that bo has uow full coutrol of the acton cooper age heretofore conducted by moore if lambert aud is propared to fill all oiiiers iu the cooper line cistern butter aud wash tubs and all tight work a specialty onlynrst aud material employed thos c jioobe 3 the singer sewing j- balani of crockery oask at j hows on jjs next door the apave haiinison at toronto on march 1st sud denly of appoploxyj thos hi harrison formerly of milton in hitf 45th year i soper at crewsons corners on the 9th march thewife pf mr john soper aged 63 years i paintinc pntlngf paper hanjlajy klsomla- li0ojorlnjf jmiori the undersigned are prepared to take orders for any thing ii abpy lines good work guaranteed r orsirljbhoitecr v john bennett agent aoton i i to drug store acton the is well nice second iii chea stored with a fall supply oi grogerkbs a i i jitass ajud quality to uo other stock inltown while in dej well cal has secured a portjop of the post office store where will be found a full stock of the genuine singer sewing ma chines any orders left at the store wfll receive prompt attention oils needles and parts of machines al j j keptirrstoijk john beiinbtt and see our spring stockjof s fancy dress gjoods gihghams ppints surrrrr shirt ings gottdnadesjgpiby and white pottonfe tbwelsp arid towelling cretonnes merits antjiboys pacs hosiery jete t- r a isi0 abaudsorneauulefuim oftbrepoiinds of liinor tea 5p m c thubsday crumbs provided u u- sleighing i comfortabj jjerit was rrand now conncilm loofcw j week thesprini yesterday rial ton sp f 23rd iprilv yes its l6w says sp the bun tirade tanning v j first class sale here seel j a dozen tenants ht once i advertisini iqvci mo revdr ii knox obnrcl i evening messrs c have kindly american pi missionary st jvvj mckeo2i the secxini j division court cliarbber today mi id e bierchanjtailf wyndhamst did ex tect ion scheme with the exj isusn j the milton i beard to take tl i cqmpulspry farce i thensil j cooieof b oe dealers in another colum m thejactoa j aid one of thl newspapers iwfl tuonburgj tne61asgq j n wsign- asi 1 abroad when thl punctuation poi j a meeting il organization of w 11 be held in tewn hall this el orangetillel wjthmrjp 200 comp irom falling kife the btttche other lively con citizens are meathsnfoicyl the annual with- the brie shortly- be held aiiraugew have atrimeetii h ilton agricnli lajtweektiied fcrtlinrsday i h the muujcl cc mniodateabol wiek anianr ej traction werej messrs ke ir tenor of then otghly repainoei sesitsadecidedljl ai ice mr james i t wn is aboij j manufactory in re volutioujze j c inada mr robert t qi esinglias pu j ocming three yd j fybyargyle township j the saniti srlound to tell i violating the ill more than two tb eir premises j tbe attend directed to the plice at tiraesl w iioh endanger mristbe stoppel fiu the guel organized a fev be ing the exi lelge special atl oirnneighborhtj tin i8ti ceuts to leariil r his home worki received the fish lor fools theconntjf wlidated and al ile book of 1q me think each biouldbo6uppli iriarmer8i prjoseouted for al pntbeiroheiiyj piople not ift b lliblefor j mm utki