mt jtwfeijilr j fmfhtts dicikk3tit5 j qrt p w merjnifjtilftiirkpi of jltiimilibon pnt ivo ibo n lauufuotror of tho greatest healiuj n ml pi irifyiug ej t wait till yo iro old foe your towu i e tow for the little whid god is eapricusas in vdunitcartb he delights and irrbobedoubis rights may resent it in wtiyii cjaitc nialiawus h may cause you to pair with a maid fifsh and fair who at heart tares for naught but your i money i i or make yon regret i with some ancient coquette the old days that were buoyant aiidauimy iwund seaidarlji oumjfiostsiit tc is called mcgregor a v irkeh carbolic ate be euro and jet tl c gem line mco egor rrkecaiboliceraobofd by br n mcgaivju at 25c a boa ftamitliou hi pittnuk theris now bphip it auuf f btured h ire au article f or instantly jreinoyiiig pain o any acute osterpal nature iud it is cerlainly the most perfect cure f r- ne irajkia 1 lead ache toothache and t ie lik that ha ever been tried it is called 1iuici ligltuitir v2i for first love bidaiua goqfto to the feast in the wyday of yoith and of paaaiou urdpiciukyllugtt 1 toiftmdneas inchned both hts speech and ihis looks out of fashion then whispir your vows i lttedkf oaths buddiug booshs with a world and your future before yon nor wait till the sere of old afifr to make clear that a heart may be wooed to adoroyou so uncertain is lifo that a wellchosen wifo should companion one s years of discretion from the tbreanold elate of mans sturdy estate less hernias by delay the possession for 8ojrca unisrmpnta it our- from tho rapid manner is manufactured by tfogregor fc sold by drn mcqar viuirugrist whil ty yu tea pi eee of beau be t and i mutant well there is mi to to be said tho question being asked a ths banqueter at theiaverajje boarding houb calls ip ro- miniscences of close cc utigu ty to the horns and beefsteak three cuts south tiereof he of course will pas s unless it oco ars to him that he needs a lingo for his trunk should there bo any sufferi ig the cf eots of an indulgence in such sinuc ub fare i se mc gregors speedy cure a si re aud efectual remedy i0r dyapepsit coustipation and all ach iind liver sold trial bottles free 13 si ik hffl a liirsih nswifrlmviit in ladies lurw tillurtalvk kxckllb at fhe riht house t rwys liv heavy wurm miikk itotliw thtfml williout hibovoh ivuro pnrolumad foi- tlievikli find nro srilffng laktljwv a uk oktablk rauk w1ntek lutk skulaste atovfiylm a ilo r01 iuiyj auvls waum kssesb6lnu foujlf willolt auk wgktifdouihtlii0ipltlck kcftutuy- i u wblrwokth w jlhj2r jj5it5ry8 w1iijh woull bk good valc ffi at s llevvy knitlbi dttbbsark afisd ommintti at jlmv puicb girjj8 com llilies heavy cluth maule dolmnns and jscketfliro 41llnst stoufshiiiglmv prioeu jut eeatliu nnattiful ncjw stylit t 8lio 1 1 jauketh hc fong oi toiiiaif and tufted cutu mantles and ool imiis the ulster- mi es man tles in various styles and ihc wontlo and ufnter clntlih all the jiou iinpriiihig liver 200000 woui liuvo 1n for the cash as ivntkiiis never dyes i note or uld if lie nileiweai shirle ik hiiurt- uglil for the cash a ivntkiiis never elyea draft lo nuyouty llepays tbo enalviliiwn and bavtk kcvurnl lliuiisuml dnllai sin disuoiiuts oaeli year which enables him in sell hid goad jinuoli lower tlinn lie cr wntilii on tiiriit the blaiikcts and fliuniolshavc nu amazing sjlo gray flannel for only 15j tjie2j5a gray ilarumlis line and jtooil ijiist tm thing for ii jfice sonllet flannel at only ifio byall inoans sie thu lijslief priuin gny white uml navy sky piirk striped and checked pliliniilst fliiihkl sliirtvr knittw oraweiri and lndiu niid misbos undervosu liicxtranvdhiiiry good value ilio stookb of gloves hosiery scarfsj sliuwls cloude gaiti jmitli- cotc ct- jih flannel for only 15j tjie2j5a gray klanind is line and gnrid y white tteil navy sky piirlt striped ami hooked pliiniiils ilio stookb of gloves hosiery scarfsj sliuwls clouds gaitiis ly 8fi tiiq ciluadiun t weedh arooxeetdingly cheap bo ure t bee the nico allwoe i tweeds keroliiefsanil 1ok f all tho usual kinds contes nebt 200 yard snou ou atb u for pants tlio 7lt 8amidl twueds mo pine heayurtrau e good in very neat pattoris tho blankets are puio vjoolttade by the best iiiwlioh it acts and if yon would have appetite flesh color i strength and vigor take ayersssirsaparilla whioh will confer them upon you in rapid succession j worms derange the whole systjem mother graves worm exterminator de- ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twenty five cents ti try it and be convinced fkoss biies or chilblains reqaire similar treatment to a- bum there is no better remedy for either than bagy arils yellow oil the wellknown household remedy for pain rheumatism and all inflammatory complaints ybc istite distvsi when you neglect a regular action of he bowels and incurable disease may result regulate the bowels and the entire system with burdock blood bitters which acts upon the bowels stomach liver aatt blood brnckltt l bronchitis comes from colds land iri ita- tious of the throat hoarsetiess- cc ugh and sore throat are its characteris iics these troubles may be remedied by a t me- ly nse of jrlagyards pectoral bakam purge out the larking distemper that un dermines health and the constitutional vigor will return thbse who suffer from aneafeebled and disordered state of the system shoold take ayers sarsaparilla to cleanse the wood and restore vitality how often do we hear of jthe sudden fatal termination of a case of dronp when ayonng life might have been saijed by the prompt nse of ayers cherry pectoral i be wiseln time and keep a bottle of it on hand ready for instant use the stoiucti is the grand central of the living system the first organ developed in animal lifer and the first to suffer from excesses regulate its diseased action by burdock blood bitters which restores health to the stomach bowels liver kid- tbeyanctbiood j a itiscx beliet for painsy aches and accidental injuries iian almost universal requirement such a ready remedy is best found in hagyards yellow oil that cures jlheumatism sore throat colds and all painj lameness and soreness whether in ternal or external j ktdbey mplaiaji- mocb is blamed upon the eidncys when people are ill and suffer from weak and painful back etc if yon regulate the liver and blood with burdock blood bit ters the kidneys will soon resume a right action bardock blood bitters cleanses the whole system kidneys included thepeople of this country liaye spoken they declare by their patronage oi dr affections of the stom by dr n idcgarvin lleblhrrilciii the ayniptomsnre aliou intense itchiuri tnptoninnl ckrc moisture like lerspir increased by toratclv particularly at uight the it about the rectum sometimes affected very serious results nlay follow oixtment is a pleai ant pure for tetter itch s ill crusty skin diseases conts 3 boxed 1 oiiuiulii and are selling olf at a surprising rate tins drpss goods front isjc uptoiaperyarl ill tlie ncwost shades dnd styles aiuj in ire sellinjr at fiom 5 to 15c per yard under their aelual value the stork of carpets and carpet materials is knormoub froml2ao henp ts tlfc best wilton i jow viittorni lior piloktlimits hijjs liiinjoiiiu malting otei all vury oliap kiiij street cast close to hngbson street remeiilar hamilton noveinbyi 5ih issr come to thea iabt end grogery ii and- ng very distressing seems ais ifpln- words werectawlinbin and c dry goods hhljse for the cheapest qrooebies cans salmon 25c 258 rice 1 16 lbs tapiocik 1 tee303yia o vstjticxits maker in black are going off fijst they i 1 8 tlfc b lortnoi name is dret drswayn j sox philadelphia pa rivate pirts are wed to i ontinue 8vayses curi also eum a 1 scaly sent by mall for 50 5 in stamp i ad- ions for so w 3 tlriii 50 spent on articles ith jlc nsked proven store and 4t if not cpnvinccd of dys- see testimoii- own tow a 20 greatest medica cutes it lias allect- sold by drugg sts terh prov u dollar upon dollai is frisquoutly the faith of recoinn enda entirely worthless xoi gregors speedy cu e you are nit to purchase it uirtil ts merits are call at j k mcgirvinl got a free trial bottl i and it will cure you of t ie worst forms pepsia liver compliint etc no natter of how long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottle s aisfrcmi persons in yinr prominent amoajthe iliscbveries by the many ed mcgregors spedly cure leads the van subjected to the mil utest chemica aualysi it has been found tj contain one of those lujurious iugredients olhaiacterisin the worthless specific daily j offered to tho public every lhgi edient ppssessi a a pecul iar adaptability to the various c mplaiiits for which it has been coinpoundeil iind its efficacy is being est iblisned by tei tinionials aourly received a are theref jrecoiili- tlcut that wc irive x preparation which we can offer to tho pi blic with the issurauce that it will he found uoj only a yrlhf hut an absolute afre for dyspepsia liver com- rplaint indpgestior corstipiaioii and im pure blood- free trial bottles at j e mcgaivtns drug store 3l bickles antic snsun ptive syrup is a combination ofievera medicinal herbs which exert- a most wonderful influence in curing pulmonar con sumption and all other diseases oft lejuhis chest and throat it promotes a free and easy expectoration and gives ease even to the greatest sufferer coughs colds shortness of breath and af fections of the clie st attended with weak ness of the digestive organs pr with general debility seem to i anish under its nse no other remedy act tho readily in allaying inflammation or treakh g up a severe cold even the most obs inate byiits penetratinj and when children tro dry goods all kinds of flannels winceys fancy dress goods and trimmings 1 gloves and hosiery a line stock of ladies and gcnts ah sizei and materials in uosierv quinsey and sore throatj vast importance the among children fiomtli thomas eclectric ou that toy believe it i lt is 0 ta j s to be an article of genuine merit adapted to the cure of rheumatism as wel as- re lieves the pains of fractures- and disloca tions external injuries corns i bunions piles and other maladies v- tr jd kelloggs dysentery cordial is prepared from drugs known to the pro fession as thoroughly reliable for the care of chelera- dysentery ouarrhcea griping pains and summer complaints it has been used successfully by medical prac- ticmers for a nnmber oi yers with gratify ing results if suffering from any summer complaint it is just the medicine tbatwill cure yon try cc bottle it sells for 25 eenta j keirt andcuiuriirl to thenbrrrriuic jvbpwi household panacea has no equal for relieving pain bath internal uud external it eures pain in thf side back or bowels sore throat hheumatibin i toothache lumbago audauy kind of u l pain or ache it will jmdstj surely quick en the blood and heal as its acting power ia wonderful brownsiiqusehold pan- j- aceo being acknowledged as the greal pain reliever and of doubje the 8trent of y other blixir or iniment in the worldi should be in every family handy for nse when wanted as it pall v is the best j remedy in the world for cramps in the stpmaefy and pains and at ties of all kindb and is for sale by alt drugfcstsat 23 cents a qure bottle holokaif qmtrmixl am- mlu foraicwessespilesvtlstuiiaud sores pfl l k frig4ly- ever description the very satisfactory rcstiisflrisingfrouxthe useof this invalu- able ointment when thre patients have been snffering from any oi the above dis- ojrdcrs have induced ihe tfdical profes- sioii to introduce it into tbe hospitals and thei r practice and in many instances where jthe bnfferer was cohsperjed ihporable holloways ointment in cjnjnnctton with 7 his pills have relieved the nsost desperate caaesi tiwy iire ijhso nneqialleai fbr ifijie cure of bcrofnlai senrvy 1 1 i all diseases pf oie skin and tbeenres tb e y effect are ot j merely partial and tempoi ry for by thlr purifying powers they bn w aboni a mar- lcomideejflliange oiwt fto appr icjh of suifatuirs wot injibu diseaim 40 isd w t ttari r wiirnot refuse it and ii that will not explnde benefits cough is overcome healing properties ajffected with- colds coughs inflammation of the- lungs croup this syrup is of number of deaths esfe diseases is truly s put at such a price the poor from its was the name firmerlr given t scrofula j because of a superstition iliatitcbuldbe cured by a kiujs tofch the forlil is wiser now and uiowsthat sciiofiiiia- v anonly be curd by a thorough purifica tion of the blood lit this is neglected the disease perjietuates its taint through generation atte generation among fts earlier syrnpto natlc developments are eczema cut ineous eruptions tit mors boils c arbuncles erysipelas purulent ulc srs nervous and phy sical collapso etc if allowed to con tinue rheum ttlsm scrofulous ca tarrh kidney and liver piseases tubercular consumption and tari- ens other danee rous or fatal maladies ore produced by it t coal oil j watvi wlnte american and ouiuulitiii tibrmscash or produce only f charming important announcement n i- snr crrid trunk fajfvay oolsbhasli mlx6tlkilin- expirosb 7jo iui ias bitiilf um ira througu kx 617 jm accom j w in- cliicoflo kxprosfl i anil toronto aoiko wbst kxpre8iilljsbi7aui exiirccru110i bin mai ii slitclalij sso pnj aocoin coueli 8mj oin oe not titoii between oueiph roat j timk ojfcxobiso muikj going west i0dbarnant 5sa pm gqlqg babtl40 ain and 5mpjii knkllnli mail elosos atld ainjon weilncrtday canadian pacific railway toanl pointb coxiinki aisti tajiie dissolution op mrtnership the pirtutrship heretofore existing between llie undersigned s going sold but for all and eettle dis the best i tt4 carried off all the prizes au i jul machine oil offered for sale in the domin ion in proof of hub we will pay frei ght lwth ways i i i when it fails to please tire purchasoij six gold meejals have been awarded this oil within the last three teafs nonkgi xulnkonlythatmadk at the qtjeeist odttt oil wclrik samuel rogers co toronto lor sale bv all lirstchwsidealers fci from the cradle to the grave iisboou iis tliei stock book debts and liabilities can be ndjusted and pit into prcper shape on and after the first of october 1 185 no goods shall 1 cash or produce iind all part ief owiiie us are respect folly requested to their accounts at their earliest convenience i we hold an immense stock of- j general dry go6ds milliriery mantles to he dissolved ready- made boots and clothing carp ets shoes and furs order to in ouratock is new and suitnljlefor the fall and winter busineph and effect n clearance and reduce the stock groat baiffaies will tb given wercmjda the public that mur jiilliaer7 department is al superintended by a firstclass hand and webave ao the properstock our sreos an4 kaatlemaiiagr bepsjittmeat is t upeniteniiei i by a fustciass hand newly arrived aml guarautee satisfaction in elyle flluud finish cwordoted clothing is ah tad of ill compfctitionbotli in price style tct up finish and durability uulthe pnldic can rely upon we respectfully solioitiniipecliot and patronage getting bargains t mcleod andeso1n j fyfe acton jfyfe acton j fyfe acton furniture dealers and undertakers acton v i having erected a liue new showroom have jusl rectiveil a uev and wellassortil itock of furniture of all kinds il tbelulust designs including parlor furnituris bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges fables chairs rockers j bedsteads and cradleb and evwythiug else that uuy family requires inihefurnituic from th cradle to the grave and we can ptepar too for wulmvttjou hand a large stock cofilts caskets eltbl go j fy1fe acton j fee acton j f fe acton keep this in mind when you ejo topuichase yoiir fall clothing that eajslt end clothing st oris is unsucpassed for extent of etock moderate ice j artistie design and durable workmanship an elegant tweed sui for worsted suits tf i 1600 or line during theii journey ilieui for tlie graye of- alsoqvercqatlngisliru shades otbeafers melton naps tweeds and worsteds fyfe fyfe v large stock of underclotlujig good and chea s14c0 1700 acton acton fyfe acton of all kinds uad sizes and all other funeral f iruuhiii wewill supply all ou the shortest notice and most reascjiiiiblc terns hearse drawu by a welliiiaicheil team for hire mckay bros cor king and john st5j jlyers sarsaparilla ithe onhj poiikrd nd alioays reliable bloodrpurtfyin i medicine it is so effect ual an alteratl o that it eradicates from the system hereditary scrofnto and the kindred poi ionsof contagions diseases and mercury at tie same time it en- riches ana vitilfzes lie blood restoring healthful actio t to tl ie vital rgans and rejuvenatlngihsetttln system thisgreat fiood grey llliniiel 15e per yar ed flannels 12jc peiyard fiugeripgaarii 5c per skein bovb topirisofc wiprth o0c mens top shirtu 7fic childrens combiuatloh suits 80 lilies trey vests 50c qotid heavy tweid 3sc peryartjl good allwool tweed isc per yatal navy blue ap cloth 75c per y ml heavy quality nap cloth ll2jpiir yard black and bown ottoman ciijd dress goods 10c winill v allwool dress godn won best value plain wincey 10n ii composed sariapa m the med to the medli physicians babsapi t tho genuine honduras with yeuow pock slllj lidea eft pota vium and- ingtbdlentsol great p64 illy ant i scientu billy conit rormu a la genet illy knowii prof salon at d the best it prescrilie ayzba hsu ayerfe ssrsapurilla bbpasedby of jcl 6oid cine for all diaeasek cans d by the vitiation of the blood jtt fs cant entrated i the hlgo- estpracticablp deg ee far 1 eyond mj other preparation fir which like effects are claimed j id is tl lerefore t ie cheapest as wsll as bestbolpurfylngmedl cinelnthejwirkl f cdteivlf mp alytlca i cheml ts drug jste prio i six s y- mckay irst j j a speight manager a cor king am john sts selusinff the peraontaee c f profits throughout tl e store tlie laeyitftue consequence of tho lftrgre increase of orr bttsisesd tjadies all wo l jl ladies casluneie llosej i iistr s to imtorjuson boothei0yd the iniplcincut inenjif guelph aio now receiv j fyfe acton j f7fe acton j ffe- actojn ug meekly coiisignmenti in car lots of the hal mail olldeiis iiijfi 5125 i yoe liilio- caslnvenl glnvcs fuioapth vet cheap ftirliiminiiif hpecial v black velvet ink 25o pti colored vllvu eiis great fancy bnrden d hamlkei job lot ladici ciibars ou comforters only 75c each blankets jjoni value 3 laee ctirtaiiib bou per pa curlaiii foleh 50 each hemp carpets 10c per perpiiir pn- ivair le per pair o k prompt and faittuful attfknt inc pair vaiietjy hiefssbc pidoz echj worth 20c corner of king and john street 3 ham m4 glut n especially 83hattoa gtazden london axil 248 st janes st t l i i i groundjcicfitijicdui fhim clear ftndurepebhhirpptical mdnvfachitidfdrthepiti08 vkay are without ec iptionwk adi pied to re- tore thu ra6ttge8pfyageiuid to retain prfect vitfon thcf ai especially tremejedtytite kv6ry pair of syect rcsaul kyegloggcsjls marbjeu b 14 h 3rkjf-i- 1 i following lines of fall aud winter mneliiiies viz honey panning hills tho best in canada syl vos- tsr champion and domiii straw gutters- for hajad or liorse imi i grain crushers either in hurr stpno or tor plati etc etc 0 55 pm 7 10 10 20 line toronto to detroit chicago aucjlanilpha l fitlotiiskx lacfllc j3x tjocilex toronto t8 ioam 1 05 pm 4 m pm 8trbtbville4un9 13 jsruo 5 23 stthomak 1 35 pm 5 b5 53 detroit lo- h 45 j i 7 63 aoi chicago froiam 8 05 am 3 45pn wlnnippg v 0u daily except jionday tor ontoto jfoutrealj qtiehec and boston j- tituitoa vi montreal ex toronto sa5hiii j 8 00 pm ottawa 5 25pm 4 3qain moiitreal 0 il 8 18 quebec oiioajn- 0 50pm kostou 8 45 pm ji 8 45 am j brampton to streetsville junction brajnpton 3 47 am ij 8miini strautsvijle jct 10 10 7 13 brariiptou to oraiigeville and 9wen sonnd brampton 9 47 am orangovillo 11 w owen sou ml i jopw rurchaiie your tickets by this new and popxiljar fhom j e cgarvin ticket aeeiitactou ontario j go to- i vvaters bros pljitunt gallery obetph por arldtj materials oil aid water colore craiyuni jdiivas drawing paperx llaqnexarh toc ou paintings steel engravings oaromosc j frames of all kinds mouldings room and pieliire icorhjces and j cornice poles sprin rollers and window shades y fancy gbodssuitabli fr wedding and birthday presents at jesf visitors can have llieir pictures framed while in- the city so bring them with you to waters bros near the post office- guelph jnj health is wealth du e c wcsts neuve xsn biitjt toeat- srust aauaranteeil seciflc for hysteria dizrir hess coualsious fits jservoas nearalfeia4 headache nervous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco wakefulness mental depression softening of the braia resulting in insanity and leading to miserv ilecav aiid death premature old age harrenueis loss of- power in cither sex involuntary lobscs auduspenna- tonhoda caoslhl bj- over exertion of the brain selfabuse or oyeriudulgcuce each box con tains one months treatment o ie dollar a box or six boxes jor five dollars sen bv mail pre- paidou receipt of price wcfjaa antee six boxes to euro any case with eacli on lev received bv us for six boxes accompanied with five dollars we will send the purchaser onrwtitten guarantee to refund the money if the treaqioeut does not effect a euro guarantees jssned onlv bv john c vestco solo proprietor 181 183 west madison stchicai0 til soldbviemcgarvin will cure or relieve b dizziness which wo shall sell for cash oil onshort time of the uoods tlian any uqiei- liouae iu the trade manner in which om it lower prices considering the superiority rival agents and we djckuowledgc with thanks the kind dealers havo used tiijduiiii the pist season ami for the very cbusid erable oniount of free odveitising tiiey have licchiplcnsed to bestow lipun us thonii they one and nil prophesicl our immediate downfall wo be to slate that we aie still ulivc aiid heiilthy aiid shall endeavor to meet the requirements of the fanners in the future bs u i i- mr pleasure to do in the past ami thank our pal runs for ijbekiud nnn libcrft hicbthey have treated us tlurina the past season it has bet manner ii i rmekjfjaijeibs if you waiulii fanning mill if you wantaoriin crusher ifjyrftiwaut a flrstelais plow or in taeti if you want an implement of any iind cill at pur warornnms 20iork st or wait frjrour little red wiggon look out or our full circular which willl e itsned in a few days f morrison boothroydj 2 cork street culph dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomadhy dryness of the skin andevery species uf disease arising from d fq health fob all hqulowats fills and olntmpnt t ie3- jj e i l xis purify the blood con est nil disorders of thi uveit stomach kfdneys and bowels they invigorate and restore to health dehihl ited constitutions and tire invaluable in all iiomplaiutbiiiciilental tp females of r 11 ages for children a tliey avo riceles the otk id the aged la an infallable remedy for badlegb bad b hints old wounds 8ikbaiid i leers it is falnous for gout and rheumatism pdrtlisordersiof the chew fob sore throats bronohms 00uoe3 glandular swellings nud all skin diseases- it bosno rival andfoi ihdt8 it acts 1 ke a charm 7 and ate manufactured only at thomas i jteyr oatfora streff faym k 0forft street sold aiisi41id 486dv lis 22slana88sesaon ddra11milbipbyehlars tlionkhouttlie woild jbpure lasers houlcl look totlie lapel on the pots aud boxes ii tummt it has no qual ooldsi coo trac ted and i stiffs jolloways bstab isbmeiit tonlon sng sssiosfftjrfl street flonjlonthey are spnrioupl jnlwispaper 1 took of lwpages ni miv the best book lor an ldyertl81nq no experl- r mszs enoca or otherwise it contains lists of newspapers and estimates of tho costof advertising theadvertberwho wants to spend one dollar flntls in itthein- here formation lierequirea while torbimwho will invest one hundred thousanil dollars in ad- vertislng- a echenie ia indlcatedtvhicii will meet his every requirement er can hmadt to doto by ittghi changes easily arrived at bvcor rwponrfence 149 editions hnvo boon issued 8ont postpaid to any address for 10 cents write to geo p rowkll co newspaper advertising bureau l08piuccstpriutlnghouse8q new york etc resultmij pe culy 6 cent manhqod llof lts i how restored vp have recently published a new edition of dr culverwells cele brated essay on the radical and peraianent cure withoot medicine of nervous debility mental andlphysical incanac lty impediments of marriage from excesses j saprico in a sealed euvolor or two postage stamps jt the celebrated author in this admirable eg say clearly demonstrates from thirty years successful practicethat alarnlinb consequences maybe radically cured without the dangerous- ubb of internal tnedioines or the u6e of tbeknife pointing outa mode of cure at once simple cor tain and effectual by moans of which even- sufferer no matter what hie condition may be nmy cue himselt cheaplypriyktely and radically this lecture should be in jhe hands otverv youth and everyman in the land address v j the ciitvcrweu iredicnl tloc posix3fficebix450 i 4ia s box or pot and may mmsfmmalsm vzqim llio address is not arelpasnatioteto contain tielrown 1 ftnrtp twia 4 m i mmmm virt tol1 tki evbby be pai actc oskib invriably i jl35imf tinned tul m optidnoltbel clisnge in the o04 they will oi i 4- r betof ccj office i frederic c the couj orrjicij office lj new by inonly teeth stratorl collegf rous ml inanyf acton- month for offic so erina rmci idlal 4sti wi 3wb a srmbi peeqs i l a wm