f hi jr- ceo hynds great stock xmas books tito milton son regrets toojhroulcle tlio death esqueiiiug township mr william elliott m boys anjd girls own annual british 7ork- liiahv british work woman gpttagr and artizan aand olilope chatterbox v childs companion clr idrens friend childs own magazine i the albums biblsyv q books the place to buy your books isj at geo hynds acton il ctott m rss thursday mormxo december 3 18851 crumbs for breakfast eldest early koui town chocs of the fr qf a promising young farmer of son of mr john tt5piottatthe xrj of sh years last week the deceasiidwas only ill tome 8 or 0 days with typhoil fever j f the exicnsiivo dissolution sale in still on at the mammoth house george- bargain aro beiujt riven in every depart went and an immense stock to from reatt cilrhillv for- further partioujaarb imolootl anderson cos u v next week hy an arrangement with the publishers lira cttiituuiui we are enabled to prize clnl tl at valuuble farm journal to all pre- paidsubscribers to the furn phtss fpr the sinhil sum of 9150 thus effecting a considf crftlilebayinf to the leaders renew your subscription now and get the junfffor tlitf bale nde of the year m j 4mr tlni cameron has about com- pletpd histransformation of the old tem perance hall on church street into dwell ings and a very creditable change iuthe appearance of tho buildings and surround- i ings has been wrought mr cameron has now two comfortable and commodious provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters houses rental for them 50 i and sti ii he i all jjinds of iitfr inas season an any other irent to mere 1 00 liv riiiur itcpnd mer as ig store december lastuiouthof 15 bellcvillehas a pop com factory chrisuriasthroe weeks from tomorrow apprentice wanted in this office see adv jtlie annual teameeting season is approaching busines men want sleighing and steady cold weather the sunday schools arc preparing for christmas festivities soft weather agaiutltii week ars wc to have a green- christmas it s about timecaiididates for municipal houors issuing their cards monthly meeting of the board of education next monday evening where its the man who says thereul be no fun atjelection times in acton have you over heard a business man sav thatadrertisjng did not pay him tire jjcotsjucn had a jolly time on 3ixday night rit was st andrews day rkow keep your eyes open priaie f hristmas preent ones and isrjeceiviuga very remunerative suits 73 vests 30 overcoats tobe j cleared out they must be sold as we are civiug up this branch nelson mcuae co the weeks bakings fully ones rbehts which are principally local and all i i interesting it will profit ou every time our readers should not fail to for read all the advertisements in this paper overcare- jthere are quite u number of new this week and good live advertise- form qujte an interesting feature in a uefs paper dsathjof a wetlknotf n contractor mr ijanies morrison of guelph one of the oldest and best known public contract ors in canada died suddenly saturday morning at the age of 78 years he con structed the international bridge at buffalo and many canadian railway bridges and public buildings painful accident aui accident jof avery painful and serious character occured to hugh mccutcheou sou of mr stewart mccutcheou of tho 3rd concession erin on monday afternoon j he was severely kicked by a colt and had for appro- j bj j allocated besides being bruis- loved ed about- thebdoraeui- dr stacey was called and under his skilful superintend- 1886s street oottunlbsioner there is conslderatle speculation just now as to who will be the commissioner of streets and sidewalks for 1886 in brder to allay excitement and satisfy curiosity wo present our readers with a typograpliioal portrait of the fortunate individual who will ocenpy the position tho portrait was executed by ouivown artist in his leisuro moments wlieu uot engaged iu washing rollers or sawing wood tt will be noticed that tho most elaborato thing about the portrait is the smile wjiat aoton should have we are in receipt of several copies of the norit- western milk minneapolis minn an interesting millers journal from mr charlesrm8trong of armstrongs mills the following item in tho miller is marked and mr armstrong enquires how would it be to have a mill like this in acton pillsbury a mill accomplished the unprecedented and herculean task of manu- factnringmoobo barrels of flour last week over 7000 barrels were made on each of two qf the syc days we would like it firstrate charlie aud if youll undertake to set a mill like that right down here iu working order well guarantoe you a special vote of thanks from every individual citizen and what greater blessing could you ask we might add that mr armstrong has very kindly feelings towards acton and nothing would please him better than to see our citizens bestir themselves iu a practical way to ef fect the establishment of a good healthy- sized roller mill here youcan secure just as good a pholo- gragh at the metropolitan studio acton on a dull day as on a bright one as wo use the now lightning process wjliich requires only a fraction of a second for exposure purely personal faragrapns respecting people with whom our readers are individually or cobeotively acquainted the to tliu editor of tho khee vmh could uoheave weft enough t commissioner street work about deaii bnr i beg t inform you tliii btreet work i do notremembortnuoh aloiit it but th jre 1b one thing i know i was asked to w rk on the streets when i my other work j wasi used the worlj i think our ias doiie all ho could to plqifse ovory baity i coiildiflnd nolault iours truly hnkn gnt acton nov utli 1885 i e r 4 importer of dry goods 27 lower wyhdham t gptjbijih 03st1 f huro value fin wool liods wool caps shawls clouds scarfb ifrc beautiful goods kelson plcltao v cp llmehonse sparky from our own mrriwmunt lots of mud i our villagerslire beginiihjg to talk about oheokers t i i miss kate iawsqn speui sunday witli friendrhere i mr- si marelill left iioujo for oakville on saturday j fj mr parsous i s still at home laid up with very sore eyes mr ellis anflhis trotter- may occasion ally be seen flyi ig around j mr newton i i improvingithe road around his premises by gravelling c mr win scolt lifts an order to fill of 100 car loads of stoi le to be shipped to toronto the social he d last thursday evening in tho methodist cbureh was quite a success they talk of an dec 1st 1885 tter about chrirtmas rock octobku lliif 188jj always ulcasu look for my advertfso iiiuiitiiitliibjipaee you will see no boastful hoinbust but candid statement of valuable and interesting facts aly mlllinkuv delaktjllixt is woil deifully attractive just now it k at us best as nil the novelties nre in uud the stoek is very large lady readers are cordially invited lb seeyur display e r bollert elegant mantles and ulsteiis in ladies and childrens sizes in cloth silk and velvet from a lowpriced garment to the most costly goods ladies astiuchan mantles in splen did value e r bollert we are doing a big trade in dness goods and show a really attractive stock the diiessmakisu depajit- jiest jnder the managemect of aliss johnston is increasing in popularity e r bollert just in nel- fur capesjfrpm m00 up wards the best range of ladies caps and muffs in the trade and if lajige assortment of mens fhr caps special yaluesj nehon mobae co iv ara farmer oi svueca kansas t yonngrnaii is mending r thanks forlkausas of t 1 pi ii ess of he liit of rallies for md settle provided ccl t will please luxtpt papers mnuicipa aspirants willjbo sweetness itself thismonth ftome of tljem will even kjss th3 biaies miss eeid lias lceneiigagel as teacher of banuockjum school and iss jfcphail j lor lome school guelph christmas fat jstock show kth be held on tuesday and wednesday 35th aci 10th insv sixr the m x e now printed in ru own office irrtliltou only two are printed toronto hir c h walker of lriu is putting a new engine and boiler as well as other im provements in his loucdry- rev ir weir of torcuto has received and accepted acau to the palate of the bivptist church in guelph the general sessions of the pece and county court sittiugs will be held the court house milton next thursday father provide your family with iu teresung local and general newspapers pore and useful books and periodicals a new advertisement for mr c b griffin reached this office just as we were going to press it wilt appear next week there was quite an auuieuce at tlie council nieetiag on tuesday evening- matters of municipal interest looking np tii a committee of the council has been appointed to secure estimates for a new hook ladder and pail equipment for nse at fires lets asc did a couple of our gallant youtg meii say they want to nud private loaginjjs better advertise iu thie fhkk ipkss mr john 1ieaveu has purchased a lot from mr douahi caineriip on the north end of main street and is building a house thereon mr george keiijredy of georgetown preached a very icceptable sermon h the brick churcli secouo line on sunday afternoon wlhe fiiee press sabscriptiou list is rceei vlug daily additi ons the circulation is larger today tlian ever before iu its history a span of horaes ran away last week and smashed the last street lamp on the east end of yonng s treet the citizens want it replaced vhats the use of my advertisipg i have been here for twunty years tell- people so that h advertising and dont forget to advertise it in the fkk pjieks itev ladilan caaieron thamesford for many years pastor of knoi church here has received a call from the congre ss successor to the promotion examinations the first semiannual promotion exami nation or pupils of acton public school was held last week iu the senior first class out ofeighteeri scholars the following four teen were promoted girls b stephen son ni moore m staoiam m bennett b brown m jeans m ismond and m masalas boys j mcglure jj pearson a smith e mitchell c kbbage and 11 gnmey j the county council and pedlers county council met ion tuesday the only business of any importance outside of routine matters was the drafting of a hawkers and pedlers by jaw 3edlers of merchandise house to house wilt here after be obliged to pay annual license fees as follows on foot s50 with convey ance 20 when taking orders for delivery s50 licenses to be obtained from tlie clerks jof the several municipalities or the county clerk a line of not more than s50 and ccists will be levied for infraction of the bylaw j i i getting up the ladder frojii the erie ye eccitin jhrald we learn that mr james barclay brother-in- law of capt shaw well known to many of our citizens who has occupied the poitiori- of superintendent of nagles machine shops at erie for tlie past sis years has accepted a similar position in the oil city boiler works at a handsomely increased salary his f eilowemploye6 hearing of this appoint meiitwaited dn mr barclay at his residence erne evening hist week j and presented him with fine goldheaded cane our orpheus society v fergus advocate the brampton banna- gets off the fohos5- iujs acton has a hightoned musical as sociation rejoicing iu the euphonious name of the prpheus society a fergus newspa- laboriu under the influence of 1 miss aiiut matthews has returned from her visit to hamilton 1 mrs v ii storey visited toronto friends during the week miss mary kennedy of georgetown visited mends here this week mr frank taylor of georgetown paid friends in acton a this week mrs h p moore and eddie were guests iif mrs eli snyder guelph on saturday i mr thomas milburn of toronto ifor many years a resident- of acton visited friends here this week mr donald mctavish who removed to staynerhist spring has been home ou a visit for a week or so ho is well satisfied with his uew home the editor aud proprietor- of the fcrgub adtoeati- has taken unto himself a life partner in the person of miss louisa cas- sidy of that town the frkk piuss ex tends the warmest congratulations mr albert shalk who has for some timoi occupied an important position in oueof the departments of mr james moores cordovan tfuincry left last week to take a position in a tannery at newark n j mr matthew kenuey of mijton cordovan tan nery an experienced man uow fills the vacant position iu another column will be found particu- lars of the marriage of miss clara watson formerly of acton to mr julian de picaza a gentleman of high standing now residing in new york the fuke phess unites with the many friends here of miss watson iu the heartiest congratulations and best wishes for future happiness and comforts i reply to mr mclam the cradle camihiii in sassagaweyav- on tho 25th november tie wife of mr hugh camp bell of a sort h he altae 1kazv wvrso jt 223east ilst street new york oi nov lvth by the kev elbert s todd methodist minister julian do picaza of iilbao spain to clara secou 1 daughljer of james b watson esq of berlin canada former ly of acton monsovteimoats all our own make hoys ovekcoatb all our own make the oitdfkei ciiotiirso department offers great attractions fur btock of fine bljtinfis overcoatikos trou- serings etc is well worthy of yoiir inspection e r bollert vouiliould see the splendid goods wii orfer in larties seamless merino and iimiiswooi underclothing the sale of this special superior make is confined to me they aro the best goods offered to the public e r bollert mens and novs rvdekixotiiisa at alf prices and the best value that can he had in the trade e r bollert nos 5 and 7 wyndham st guelph and 84 oswald st glasgow seojlftnd thisriweeei and next t special reductions in furs ajfd mantles wool squares and shawls atioii8 in these lineshavc been greater than airythlng guelph has k iown pur prepa iu the past in anticipitiou of aiuild winter we consider ittlie better policy to malce sacrifice npw rather than carry goods oyer christmas auction sales thtksday ilrd pecembcr sale of farm farm stock ai d implements the property of thomas hockray on lot 2 con 1 erin sale 1 1 12 oclock win hem- street auctic ueer thursdav loth dec of the faim stoak aid implements chisholm on lot 1 con 3 erin at 10 oclock wm ileiristreet tioneer 17ti deceinberssale of farm plements ho property of thursday stock and duucan moajfthur lot gawcya sal c at 12 ocl street auctiqneer -a- aie to all who and indibcretioiis ness early deci will send you a free of was discovered america sen to tlie rev jo fori- city ou a of mr john sale auo- con 7 nassa- fck wm hem- r jl sufferiug froin the errors i of youths nervous weak- y loss of manhood etc i recipe- that will cure you chlarge this great remedy by a missionary in south 1 a selfaddressed envelope ih t inmav station d new also just received a full line of iaihes and iients kur noons in persian lamb seal and astrachan see them before yon buy j come and see inc my store is at- j tractive my stock large my prices low my clerks attentive and every j feature of the dry gocds trade receives special attention di sell cheap for cash onlv e r bollert importer c a- great now is th 3 time to buy your winter furs novf is the timeto buy vour winter mantles now is the timeto buy ypur winter wraps astrachan jackets i m j we tnae special eeductions tf these gobds we have still a few pieces of those celebrated mslton cloths j at 124 cetts 27 lower wyndhani street guelph ontario the ti our 5 christmas coming j m change in business boots ites oil ipjitaii lejoolv sspho- lecaljat ir i- gation of north bruce kevjur scott mr geo green of the bme church guelpu was in town- lajst week soliciting j subscriptions in aid ofj that cbngregktion he succeeded very well indeed both ill acton and rockwboid the fifth lecture ill the ladies aid societys course will be given by ltev john shaw toronto in ihe methodist church next tues4ay crejiing his eubject is i characteristics of the age ilevi it phillips preached au excelljnt sermon on sundayeveuing having special reference to the recent death of the two children of mr thomas gamble there was an unusually largecongregation pre sent now is the time to secure bargaj lis in ready madeclothirij jbpots and shoe 1 and fur goods kelson mcrae co j satisfaction gufrauteed at the metro- politan photo studio acton tiii will always be courteoubly receivci s per man morpheas wrote an orphans society has recently been organized in acton three of the most sulliyanic members of the society started out last week with clubs to hunt the poor editor to death latest reports say the latter wa last seen making f the swamps witii the musical trio a good s an on monday evenin ab0ut e the fire bell rang f alurm o nl and in a moment was ascertained that some partolmrivyh stj fine w was in flames lnvestig pf it was confined to the kitcht- n a minutss wiliing worjiers sml the flames with dvfercoats and water flre was caused brthe falling of a coal on- lanl which for some reason was in use instead the ga thfe oil spread over the carpet the firi ignited to the wainsootiug and other wood vork and the room was enveloped in tire escape of thejresidence was a 50 or 75 will possibly cover flame narrov one j the damages the free press job department the piieei press continues to be the populdr place r ob printing plain or in adaitio the abundance of for local casrtc mers we are filling numetous orders in other parts of the country during flu past week we have executed orders for parties residing in ailsa mlandaledrun iboeririguelph mil- erstpn without any canvassing job department is continually wii order another consfgn- job ty pe las j ust been received either rowdw cr ment bus in oircirl fancy work craig ton anjd pain our jf new jss a on i eizei irformen men or others requiring bills ire or work of jny description wiu be promvtly and bftti8fllotorily f tended to orderit by nrail will receive jmme4iate attent to the editor of the fiiee iliuss sir nov sir mr swackhammer was not turned oft the streets neither wasmr graut they worked as long as 1 had work for them several times t called on mr grant and he cocild not conie aud as for mr mclam i kept him as long as 1 had work for him to do i dont supposo i would keep him when i had nothing to do i presume mr mclam thought i slioulil mave kept him on to make the job spin out longer as he says sow sir regarding mr mcnab i asked him if he wauted work he said he had some work to do first 1 enquired what he wauted a day he said the same as other men got i raado no reply land he never asked me again for work i now sir as to the lumber mr mclam charges me with taking i admit wheeling the lumber over from bennetts hotel to repair the sidewalk andgot mr lyman the next day to help me do the work and what was left took up to my place so if he should tie elected to the position of chairman of streets and sidewalks or any other gen tleman should want it they will know where it is nov mr mclam says i got two years wood i must tell hint caiididly ithat is au untruth the- wood is pearly gone and more with it so yoi see you can not believe all he says but allow me to iuformhim whether jit lasts two years or iu paid for it the sarno as others did he had a good deal to say about 20 cents au hour the man who had to watch over him would require 40 cents an hour to keep him at work perhaps he was like the man j- who was woikingon the cemetery grounds cutting thistles when ho would he down and say oh how high our takes is this year 1 mill on the dollar oh what need i care for i have a soft thiug of it it is a good thing to have- a vote but w i wont get it perhaps mr melamwiu be able to lufornvus as to who that party- la 1 must ask mr molam to confine himself to the truth though judgiiig from his letter it appears to be hard to do thanking you kindly for the space taken i remain yours truly wmismonh having purchased tho for aoodeeliable and shoes williams to the front -o- clorthing gldthing xjion leads every thin gr in this line i j to boot and shoe business latew carried c l by mn hb mccinthv in the villagiof acton and having repleni died the st ick with a first- class assortment of all liuesusually kept in a no 1 boot dnil shoe store i am pre pared to guarantee entire isatibf action toill who may favor me with their patronage a good supply offirstclass trunks and valises will al rays be kept on hand ab the ordiired work ind bepairiug is all under my own superv isiou the public may rely upc u its receiving the best of attention give mo a t rial and seeifor yourselves wrc williams nb having disposed of theboot and slioebusiness lately carried on by me i wish hereby to nott y all partiei indebted to me to oallat oncemd settle i heir aecbunts h b mccarthy wants the public to understand that he is purchasing confectionery by the ton for the happy annual occasion of joy and merriment and by so doing he secures the purest gaudies of the best design and assortment and caii sell them cheaper than 4ny other honse in town t a full stock of-r- all kinds of confectionery- nuta fruits canned goods oto j will be kept and patrons can depend upon securing the freshest and newest goodsj suits and overcoats are jthe wonder of the ag6 i j d williamson sc co tleie rlpdieb -0- our mjllinery- 0ysteeis mi oyster parlor is open iandtbe public the i st 2rid and 3rd october villi always be supplied oystjers etc served iu any jy bulk iu any quantity satisfactorily style and sold i gaut each i vrtl lli j s m vr women aindelal dren in ruliters ani- oversbbes csjeajp elreap choapj nelppii mcre j co t none 8c in broaze letters other acton dec 1st 1885 r now is the time to secure a liratfclasa suit or overcoat as we are giving special values from now till 1st jahuary arid we have a first class cutter and give perfect fitting garments overy time nelson m- aoco there are bil t few that t almost iutolt ruble paiu neuralgia or ordayjiou nihi jstires drug sujtte i is thli week iojf dont fa1l to see one of the ch0icecicars j m fernley cho r icest stocks fancy dryods spedlallines on f the navy ed american agriculturist 100 columns and 100 engravings in each issuej 44th yeab 150 a fretrf heua three 2cont btamub lor sanime copy jeugllsh or german and premium list of the ldet anil bent agrloutluihl jonrnul in lie world address publishers american agriculturist i 751 broadway now york the agrieultarisl and thejfnee ppsslfor one year for 2 j j i 1 the american exposition i openb at new orleans nov 10th iqs5 and con tinues untu april 1st 188fi y j the iuixoim ktk41 b b the great bhort liutf between the north and goutb jwill wace on bale roundtrip tickets at very low rates winter tonrists to florida texasl mexico and california can purchase tickets vialnew orleans with stopover privileges to visit thb exposition at as low rates as4y any other rotate j for fall and winter excursion folder giving routes an rates and a very complete pamphlet styled pen points from the american exposition oddrebs- a h hanson thos dovin genlpas8 agt genl noithbassj agt chicago 121 eobdolph ft chicago weliati like acute 8iioh ail instai it relief as ian ttntkljlweiaing in til le of trouble fsgittfirig offjnsive med applloatii sold at ifeiliiilg genuine 3 ne never suffered from toothache pains to them- luid lightning is noj pines to be taken a of jtluid lieht- e medlar villi i s -and- i el j tor zq acton planing willi amson b aiish aw piiormeionj builder and ooatractor saab door aaljbliaa factory j is prepared to put on storm dooih win dows weather strips etc on shoit notice winter porohes erected nearly and at reasonable prices i i we have one of fleurys celebratefl chop- ping miflfl and will chop all rinds bfrain on tuesdfiyb thursdays and saturdays tiaeairspaw 0 misses sailor velvt ocyered 3iats cents each re gdods are 45 cents ar value for these we ha7 e 60 black ostrich plumes for 75 cents ach reti value for theie f oodj are 250 place vour orders early as iwe are alroady croyvcie d ith work everybody seems to be- anxiou3 to sleeure the choice novelties whiclfl be- come scardeas the season advances all are respectfully invited anagcrs sjagfc4isbj i i 1 c b griffin v-