Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1885, p. 2

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s i- m v t tthir3cw am taosbiy l kckvbku pil notes and 0 mments kiu alfonso of spain fc yic president heiidriekts of the united stnusrtlicd suddenly las t week t whispers of mnicipsl candidates arc in thfl aitvud mnuy name 3 are being mien v j-t- is tiqned as prospective honors no cards have lishwl hovrever the it iemetery btjsinibs is dead isphuuts for civic a yet been pub hrf f p ilw ell riji tiio fwthrinsto in the line of office seeking mau y ace called aitd few are chosen j the trouble about this is that s6 many men call thouelvcs aft ro for an office that it is not defsirable they should riave 5 p the entire adult popujation of st harthe village quebec onsonday voluutarily as- sembled in church and pledged themselves to abstain from alcoholic beverages for j the space ot one year j l the warden of the sonnty of-dqfteiin- gave bis annual suppiir at one otthetiotels in orangevillo last iraek all the toasts were drunk in clear c sld water not a dop of liquor being used the liberal temperance uniou is simply the latest outof the many successive masks which the liquor trad and its friends havo found it expedient to wear in public the iaeis good but tint is tluj only good tiling the society possesses and iti3 not the first time heaven s livery las been used for unworthy purposes wattoo chronicles jrl i my las t somnuipitldtt fitted 1 vfbuldjt btgain ifcak permjjssioii to faivyk yoiirce wellirll send this without asking relying upon your wellknqv n spirit of fair play for its ittser tin in t iplyto thai very versatile untruth ful ami artful dodger pro bono publico he lends off with a whopper a syndicate jwith j ii pearson as president lias endeavored to answer my- letter of thc12tli int by styling me an anonymaas scribbler such language i could only expect from the pen of bo self- important and conceited obstructionists now or there jib no sucli syndicate no person eyersuggested dictated or saw baid letter until after completion such as it was i produced over my signaturewhich you p b jp dare hot do why because it wonldj expose i your whole hypocritical game i am eolf important enough to tell the truth and conceited erfougbj to stick to at you pi probably better uum syndicate business than i nowias to bonie facts they state first that he jtbp lievor opposed the cemetery of six acres will mr j b pi please tell the people of acton how it cam about that he and his colleague mr ismond insulted mr wells when that gentlemen presented tho petition of 82 ratepayers asking for the submission of a bylaw to purchase six acres did ho tell him to take the petition back and get more signatures to it and was he notlso told by messrs pearson and ismond to go out into the country to get iliom 9 mms since the passing of the scotf act in the county of bruce three magistrates who have ipposed fines on liquorsellers have had their barns buried they are j bar ker whosdoffice also was burned maj daniels and thomas laurence only last week several missiles were thrown at ma jor daniels as he passed an hotel and a few nightstago the store windows of two active temperance workers s gracey furiiiture manufacturer and h park jeweller were smashed a reward of 8100 has in the latter case been offered by the council for the detec ion of the perpetra tors of the outrage the county council are at their next meeting to be asked to appropriate the hece sary sum for the ap pointment otpolici magistrate actons tarliament 7 a lengthy sessieaa id not very much to show for it the elections in view x the council met ii tuesday evening members all present minutes of last riifeeting read and cm firmed the finance comrdittee presented their seventeenth report recommending payment of accounts as follows wei smith rent of jpohnd 10 00 thos eiston hall sundries 9 65 hpmoore printing advtg- 7 93 junes brown lumberfd coal 7 98 geo havill repairs athall 4 45 j e mcgarvin 1ees court of revision 3 44 p m mccarm repai to hall 3 25 llyman work on streets 2 50 ct hill nails 1 56 t isman night constable 1 25 hart bawlinson blanks 81 them mr wjells never presented a petition to 4 the council there was no meeting that night i never insulted mr wells or had the slightest intention of dbing so the whole thing is false from beginning to end so far as it refers to ine 1 did not do one of tho above accusations a whole batch of whoppers as evidence of the correctness of my stjitements here is what mr wells says mr to your re quest i begjo state that p b p is incor rect in his statements t t j 9 53 82 report adopted the sum pf 5100 was refunded to mr jno hayes for taxes paid for a dog he did ni mr tlioa speight asked for a refund of dog tax because his dog was killed soon after being assessed laid over mrs s asocord appealed for a reduc tion of taxes on her store and garden north of mill street on the ground that the store was vacant nearly sjx months and the garden comparatively valueless to her the council avowed no reduction t mr wm hemstreet was vqted 840g for a sheep killed by unknown dogsj i mr ismond recommended the securing of hook ladder and pail apparatus for fur ther fire protection jffessrs ismon pear son and stephenson were appointed a committee to secure estimates a bylaw to appoint polling plaees and deputy retorning officers for the coming municipal election was passed the polling places to be the council chamber and mat thews hall and messrs j e mcgarvin and j c hill the deputy returning officers council adjourned another defeat scott actldefeated inprescott and jlusselj byoverl80q tlie scott act was votedon last tbnrs- day in prescott and russell countiesand de feated the majority being over 1800 agamst it there is a very large french canadian element in these counties and it is said the whiskey supporters worked upon their feel- ings making the recent hanging of kiel an expedient in the case j as a consequence the french electors voted en masse against the act because the majority of the english v population were in favor of it in reviewingthismatterthetprontoa says the wave is fejceding the scott act has swept the country for a time like a whirlwind the waveirusbed away up the face of the jxick and shook it to its base now the wave recedes and the full height has not been reached but it will come back again five years from now or six this country will be seething over a political fight on the subject of jstfaight prohibition thewiivecomes and the wave goes and comes back again bat each time it is strongtr and higher and more vigorous a jtyeat time it will be a wild wave i the newt- speaks- sensibly in jhe above paragraph but weimag ne it will liardly realize that the wave xes des very far just now it is a wave that will stay and as thejrrw says the whiskey iead rnusjf go thisftibve defeat will oniy tenid to stir the temperance pep le to more decided and energetio action os oat frqrn 50c up- wa jbrgyalufr nlmcbwcpf overleoo pairs bojjs and mens boo and shoes clearing them tfct ihe best grad lis i of stone and roller flonr of all kindi leave jour orders at l it was mr ismond and hot irout insulted me i thought at the time you had but upon hearing your ex planation i am satisfied no insult was intended gabiuel wrllk messrs pearson and ismond again op posed tli petition when brought a becond time sa ing it did not show the expression of the pople of acton that was a nice insult to the petitioners and one which they will find resented in the long run if they have a chance p b p admits that petition was sent back for more signatures who sent it back the councils why because they thought there was riot a sufficient number f signatures to give an expression of the m ijority of the peopleof acton for a fact there never was a petition with 82 ifonajide signatures of owners now p bp d d tliat petition contain one more name on its return no then why should it be accepted any more than at first be cause it was theiast- chance of getting that property on the public the majority did not sign it it niust be taken as it was or rejected it was taken will you slr p bt tell me when that petition was presented to the council i say positively it never was and i defy you to show njie any reco rd of its presentation in the minutes of the council no evidence that it wab ever reccgnizetuby the council now who has ins ultedthe petitioners the only time that the petition was ever presented was at a special meeting called by the reeve when the bylaw was introduced previous to the petition the bylaw was carried through its several stages and laid upon the table ready for publication and so stated now mi editor there is not a record in the mimtesof the council that such a meet ing ever took place of this more anon the reference to the acceptance oftue thirteen icres presented by dr mcgarvin sneering y called the presentation hum bug dees not come with a good grace here was six acres iof laud surveyed or about to be surveyed immediately in front of said thirteen acres and on vhich the council was about to expend money to beautify now the conditions of thb pur chase ofj the said six acres was that the owner of the thirteen acres immediately behind should have right of way through the cemetery for all time to come wnyshould the dr have the right of way through the cemetery who gave him that privilege did the citizens didtheciti- zens expect he would be granted such a privilege i say no emphatically what was the i f idth of t jiis privilege onl y sixty feet wide across the wholesix acfes why did nofct iie dr reserve his road out ot- his own groi nd according to the diagram that occompa lied the petition instead of being granted i road through and thereby making the cemetery in two plots sixty feet apart eeelii lg that the constant travel through thecemeftry grounds to it from time to time wo ild be a disagreeable feature 1 r mcgarvin very magnanimously saw fit to presenttie property to the council why didthis sudden affliction ef liberality strike tli b dr what was the considera tion lets iookinto itpb p the consideri ition was thathe gets 390 or only 930 per acre for land that i thinkhecould notdispeseof formorethan10peritcreifhe could sol it at all and you coll if p b- p a nagnanimous present i call it a magnanimous humbug and i think the citizens ivill find it a very expensive one before thsy are through with it it would have been an uubusiuesslike transaction if they like messrs pearson and ism ud had refused to accept because if there ire no lots sold in the thirteen acres the i dr mcgarvin gets nothing and caunotei iforceoije cent lot ns see how this committee purposed assisting the dr i have an extracfcfroni the cemje ry committees first report taken from the minutes verlatiia dated- the 8th septjl8h5 j it bei ng the piiiposs of your committee to survey two acres of the rear portion on hill ihey have at present a person employed cutting u lderbrusn and superfluous growth preparat ry to a rew survey this re agnificent present was not to cost the corporationone cent yet there is a man employed as far back as the 8th sept be fore the piece the citikeus purchased was complete now who asked fer this ex penditure on the hill thdthe citizens if so where is yourievldence who did it this selt appointed cemetery committee no one else j it cost to survey the three acres overajtsf jthe lbyelei t and easiest on the whoje gri and wha will it cost to suryey thaitwoajc resoathp hilhaud make it corres pond with thefrontl whereis the necessity forftana where isjthemoney tooome from every loji wld onttehill the dr pockets the money ni til hegejts8390i and the citizens ore robbed of thj sale f a lot on tho s acres purchased thoi a is jjota foptof a fence ou tliewholo tfti ietoeii acroxooil the gateway auiiir v ijm therei a tipte in the clerks hauils ictisse4forf tho committee lul siwintwitluu a fraction of 91100 and what h wo the citizens to show for it noihirte th6 socalled ob- stntqtionists coulitois revontthrtexpontli ture- they could dot i irevent their selling of lots 1 have no inol ination to stop them j regard to the second paragraph mr pflirson suys ho would go luuul and glove with tho inajoiity of tho property owhera to tibsibt in prociuingiit did ho do so yesf sir tho oitizpns never asked me to support a motion giving tho dr sixty feet of a roiulwpy out of tlieir hjx aores nor do i think it was ever intended jby the promotera of that scheme to ijiveit toliim if so why was it not carried out a bylaw to that effect was passed i think it was simply a scheme which the y knew i or any other disinterested part would not support to geji a sort of plaus ble excuse to introduce tlita magnariimcus present which was done at the next meeting of council au i have to say on that point is that his votes do not bear out his statements how did ho act when the bylaw was sub mitted to the people whether he voted for it or not is only known po himself but tlals is known he took a lively interest iu endoavonug to doffeat it j i did not vote i diduot influence or attempt to influence one vote i did iiot take aiivoly or other interest to defeat it ivas out of actoii nearly all flay now is that explicit enough ive lost traok of the whoppers j whether helsiibsoribed to their fund i urn not prepared to jsay but evidently mr pi- is in possession of the secrets how does this accord witli his profession the- first question 1 will answer for you p b p i knbw your modesty i did not subscribe to the funds now tor the second lets seo how much of a secret there has been ljo ybu remember p b p being in thecouncil about the middle of june last i shall take it for granted you was when the lettjerwasread to the council by the reeve notifying them that if that property was selected proceedings would bo instituted against them or to thiit effect signed by two ratepayers messrs burns and mcdonald j do you also recollect hearing tell of course you did not get one of a letter being received by each member of the council from messrs mowat mclel- lan it co dated7th sept stating that tliey had been instrhced to take prtjeeediugs ac you must certainly remember the following from your first effusion i notice that one or two councillors are persistently circulating a report that legal proceedings have been instituted against the corporation to quash the bylaws c which they certainly know is untrue now sir you state that it would have been morcttianly to liave tokl the council they had iio notyce i presume you talk of consistency it b p it would be a gem of inestamubty value to you and the fpppp iou o a resoarolios in tli oho interestig minutes toruck it iyi iditinto cqtoosoditf ja o and a coinidyi i tuk afe detf notes wind read us foows c6unpiliiiet 8th i kpt idw8 ureseiit s mess is steveiiiiuuiaiteiii- derstjir tlieceme ipry committeo prociitj oil their first report iw fotlows f thj iruniciiuil council st tiuitihaapctf action-i- cteiitlepioiivlibid tollowh tliwioport oiio extract from jlibt riport i wilngjve rtrba tnn your cemet sry committed was for- tuiiate enough to iscover a gravel pit in the rear end of the last ncqujred thiiiteen acres from which hey wllflw enabled to properly gravel the road wajji now mr p b v tovfilni was this voluminous report addressed tdjjihe council of course corapotoi of the ceme tery committeo on y not another coukicil- lor in the room c an it bo possible p b p you were at both moetipgs and got them fiiixed i di nt notice jnauy stran gers lit our meeti iy- just imagine the comical expression on tho cferkd genial phiz whonthey we o ullexpatiting on the merits of that gravi 1 jiit to themselves only as none have a keener appreciation of the ridiculous and enjoys a good joke better than ned do you not lenlembe at that same meeting an accouu of 910 was presented for work ou the thirteenuresihil you and mr isinond voted nay and bmfnediutely afterwards us a member of tltmupucecom mittee you votedto pay the sjn olo con biatencv is a jewe i gn auoblei occasion when tlie commitue brought ifitlieir report messrs j b pearson and isnioud voted nay and immediately after voted yea to pay 150 for the same workiii wie ceme- ery i think i can show where i ami consiisteiit in doing that when 1 vote- in tho council i vote as unjndependeut member but when an account ib roferred to tho finance com mittee the major ty of the council have certitiedto its corr ctiiess now sir what is my duty you are up in m unicipallaw i think it is clearly my duty ajj a member of tlie finance committee to go majority and recor imeud pay account i have o lw ays don done otherwise yon pet word ist would apply but us the that word should 1 o tukan tp ccnietcry comniiti ee it pro to them j and lastly lie 1 juive nodesir to eutert i likq himself k not possiei qualihcatioii j dv fqddeftr bssrlfiii i- take a lot of salt with it now mreditor i auidcn thing pro bono publico b man or child it dfl80me citizens didiyou possessit 1 would ask mr p was tlie by for raising the funds necessary for the purchase of a cemetery carried by the ratepayers was the selection of thepropcrty submitted carried by the people if so why us a representative of the people he so persist ently opposes their wishes i answer to first two questions yes third question i did not oppose their wishes i stuck up like a little man for their interests i wanted six acres what they had to pay fori you sir ibeg your paydou the cemetery committee only wanted to give the citizens about of acres for their 600 and the balance to the dr for a carriage drive for cows etc i have carefully looked up tliis matter aud cannot come te any other conclusion from the wbrding of the statute which is very plain v j why did younot use your influence with the committee give then the benefit of your great municipal and statutory know- ledgeaud otherwise encourage them to carry out the wishes of thepeople and give them what they liave already paid dearly for i claim this committee has no right morally or legally to refuse to sell lots to citizens when demanded on the six acres its theirs not the comniittees no matter who opposes or what the consequences they have gone too for to redede now i would advise mr p to drive up main street as far as mr hulls what for i am not on tliciistreets und sidewalks committee have no authority in that matter why do you not advise some energetic member of that committee a very intimate friend of yours mr hen derson for instance he has authority and besides he controls the funds nor would1 have permitted theoom- missioner to purchase nailsj itc from an other councillor for the uso of the corpor ation now mr editor hes got me i believe for the first time in his column and a half of vituperation and personality how am i going to get out of jit its a fact i cant hedge us p b p does im dealing in facts besides tvejgot nrylittlehatchet yet well mr editor ii will make a clean breabt of it i did sell about nine kegs at 290 per keg that cost me laid down in my store 276 per kegr oi- at v net profit of 14 cents per 100 pounds now p b p you are well np in statute and municipal matters i presume you ajrcj also n niatliematiciah please tell ustlie iate per cent of profit will it come up toyour aveiugc of twelve per cent i might say i am soiry for it lwont do it again i hope mr editor you wont use this against me at the next election that mr editor is all for politi cal capital it is said jdrowiiing men grasp at btraws i fear p b p you missed this straw if you- are really in earnest and so pusillanimous as to begrudge me ijl26 for handling and deli vering around towh 900 pounds otnails and will come out jnanfully and say so i will imitate the dr s magnanimity and present yen with the whole profit without any considera tion attached f jln no 10 mr p states that he did not object to the gravel for the simple reason he knew nothing about it i would ask jr j b p is tliat a fact oris his brain so dtseased that he cannot remember does he riot remembflr wliep tjjp cemeterv com mittee brought in their 2nd report did they not tell the council tbatthey bad discovered a valuable gravel pit and pointed it out as of greftt advahtae to tho ceinetek- and also for the roads and street in the village pfl p b p draw it tiiild you have pvp p p j y cbuntyjyou tookitmiedi ippp referring tp f te jujfn ntesof goundill find jwasatthat meeting kuii dohfcfifid a vfotd was sam about that- grtfyfel pit iliad the ourjoslty to sxtesd other caudle or the production jarrulousold woma i rutlierthiki a straight orward maniy lett r on the its tter at issue butsir yve are tai bt tobel uiitablo let is exeitise that vittiiu to its fullest extent u this case iti coming iffiaji the full noon perhaps he ho quitelresponsible t have avoided pen onalities sir as much is possible and ba ed my higynents such is they are on the graud fundamental principle of truth nidi inteiutto stick to it to the end i thaiikiug you air for the lnmted pace recollect 1 ariied you iirmy last i rem tiu yours ac any further rrespondcikc in this natter must be confined to one colurau for mch letter weiiave givehthe writers ro and con full lit erty of space up to the present issue buti s their letteid are now issnmiug unreaeoj ably volumnous propor tions we are oblige lto interfere if mole than ii column is desired by ethor corres pondent ho must jiay for tholextra bpace it regular advertising rates i en free pkks wanted any quantity of dressed fowl for which ths highest qiurket price will be paid in eithepciish or trade j e howson ill take that m acton dec 1st iu with the ent of that so had 1 obstruction- jjcuse stands urse by the erly hclongs council for tlie abovo p b but ill with thai it man vo- avorsbtr3ngly of mrsj the free press both fpr one year 2 801 each mouth for lbgogodevs ladys bookl tbe old reliable magazine will contain a beatit tlfully engraved irontisiuece illustrations of prevailing laihioub in colors or block and white of berlin work crochet drawn thread work oui broidoi-j- knbtting or macrailic lace notting poouah painting and tattiuc with coinploto in ul addition to struction for tio same addition to plain directions an 1 perfect illustration of tho voriou stitchc3 and instructionn in different kinds o fancy work the magazine will contain maiij useful aud olegaut dosigus for a groat variotyo articles not affected by changes of fashion it ii so admirably adapted to its purpose as to be in iiieiibuble to the worktable of every lady a full sizo cut paper pattern of which you can make your own selection from any design illubi tratod in the langrzine free of coat exhaustive notcb ou foshloiib with full description of those uii a department of recefp y tebted before ii partmcut ou uouaakeppingaml dresstnakingtwo illustrated a fsepartiuent of receipts that have been practically tested before publication a do- pages of seloct music an architectural design i a deportment of agriculttire besides novels novel- ottes stories history biographical sketches poetry notes ou music art literature scientific mibcollany and current evonts of the day by tho best uiogaziue writow tbe mechanical produc tion of the book will excel- that of any other ffl wagazino published tho twelve books during the year will constitute a volume of over one thousand pages price 9200 a sample copy 15 oents liberal terms to club raisers addross codeys ladys book po boxh h philadelphia the fashion ai3le cuelph -oo- bucham gq -oo- j b piimisox 18sa kew advertisemonts cakd f thanks r nlibscriljer di- jl nioft cordial am zens whoie eiiort w the fire iu his resii had then prompt au forthcoinuig fhoresu very serious indeed di es to hereby tender his sincwe tbanks to the citi- ko effectual iu nbluiiig oiicti oir jlonduj- evening 1 villing service hot been t would nodqubt havo been w stokey tattl k atvim stkayedfroiutjut quesiiig about heifers rising three ed horns turned in givingiuformatiou covery of tnobame w evquesjigdcc3iii irvntedi alien vv flfteeu years priutiug anplvat th mate ih oil ofthe v having their 1 cised revised or deposed advantageous terms iufoiinatiou premises lot 22 con 2 eb- tho middle of june two pjhit ono wliitu arid red mix- ue other red auy party v bich will lead to tho fe- flll bo suitablytewarded doall5fmciakty issj apfkenticb wate1 thy iutelligeiit bo about f age to lefiii tfio art of mitee 1liliss tfick vi rilohs ax wkiteut uwisei detilrous of ittrary productions criti- posed of oil the most should address or full tribune sure aa of literature ml uroadwuv kow york liorsii i or for sale the undersigned oi fers for salo his house uhd lot on main strut t it is a targe bouse coa- taius nino rooms alw kitchen and woodshed is well adapted for a tenement or boardiug house miscs liberal terms applyto d wtcampbell apl ooodstabloou the pr save money cheap reading thefeeeprsss 1 a d the f k u k a l o a x apl a x from uowtillbt jauuwyllit for the small sum jp 160 by ah arrtuageuient with the iiibiisher of tho bural conaliun now n its ninth year of pnbli catiou we are enabloi u offer both pkpers for s1o0 the regular pi- co of the two ib 2 i thekural uanadiai is a monthly illustrated magazine forthefani and home the following ore the leading dbpar mtnts farm and field horses anticattle tl ediory sheep and swine garden and oichard bees and honey poultry ludpets homo cirle the grange kecord btiral notes houceh 3ld hints yoking canada scientiflo and useful the musife givisn from ihonth to rophthto w rtb the price of several roars snbscriptioit ithe bohoaygoon it epoudeut styles thchuri jthe agricultoraiaut lority of tho dominion ithe cobofarg wori 1 sayb one of thebesl mpers of the kind published on the coutlueut sltjbscjribe now rt ajidget wc have pleasure iu stating tbafc our stock for the seasons trade siirpnssesin extensive vane- tv and choice selection anything we have ever fornierly laid before our customer bucham co silks w and velvets in this department no house here can successfully compete with us in point of variety real sterling value and downright cheapness ladies who are in the habit of buying elsewhere are not aware of the inducements we offer hi this idepavtment tov pur chasers inspection invited t bucham go dress goods this department is a large one with us and always presents a choice of really desirable goods to select from seldom met with even in the largest cities sisijrs ai t v ikmkwvw mks n hoaitin ilgasvjs tfmp fn8xjoatt1lx x thai place paints is at is at is at ok paints oils r an varnishes prepared turpentine fob coal oil coal oil rrp fine fancy goods stationery i school books w a m reliable druesc mcgarvn l ppwg and stationery store icton onti- nsigahvins nmgauvjns moarvins ijgarvins nmgarvins vmgarvins garvins gakvisis jiilgabvlss jtmcailvixs ill x igarvlnsjolgattvins n si boot shoe rum puns pi boot 8 aud slides the christmas srason wfj o t c7 m ri- ti is k td maketlie grocery bilsiness lively for l i r ij we 1 wpt merely say we can giveyon betterorcbeapergdodstlifta nny oliie m dealer iu town but we quote you prices in piajin figures wbicli fs very different toien ubsertions that amount to nothing jfote the 20 bs bright sugar 14 20 28 rice granulated choice currants we -0o- hqwson the cueapjest place in acton to buy boots shoes is nt hoivsons andsti is going togivc n farther redudtior of 10 per cent teu iief cent off all kind ruhbera and overshoes for the next 30 days i he of l l i ji y jn- oc geocllbibsj 1 0i too t 00 i oo following 18 pearl tapioca 1 t0 u valencia raisiis 25 2 cans salmon horse shoe 2 1 ltnmixed ciudies i 12j- flour a full line o flour and feet kept const ntly on hand to noue in acton 2 40 per 100 brau socoiits per 100 guarantee satisfaction to every customers quality is our leading feature peed best riollei flour second e hov next door wson tc drug stoire lng ladies will do well before buy- to visit our establishment and lobk through compare prices c kk bucham co fashionable west end drbss mantle and millinery establishment new csoos justiplpbsjed -oklir- fine gold brooch earrings fine cold brooches english gold gem rings selected personally while iii england i ih ft i- i 1r i1 of r f special ot0ijqbmet specii kelson mcraedc e hpb made arrangements to contiaue r business nelson mcrae co under the same firm january 188i our clearing sale continues and we are iviii for in some w cement co of liaipe uiitil the fijst ot g rare values we respectfully ask all indebted to the firm their accounts before the first oi january as the ay by that tufier acton november 24th r88pu nrllson jto call and se jni list be provided mgrae co f ibr tie el kt- fl 1 yqw photq mtcatflvesv i v j wisiniig cliiphcatqsijpf gvesmade jliy m c w h is urn get thcmatj the llfetropohtiii 4 studishciugative8 he iotk aeaitthere yuv iirat classiph olfaiiy kize sty le ealijit f x t iv j m- w

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