Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1885, p. 1

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cww 1 vypisml mh vh r ju h- t 17 ura oi nin x 45nm tm 30 tun m oo uiri 3 gurill s tv- i lucsita ay inilobft local ftx 13 iyn iv a in 4i p ni lictav loston p 111 3ani- pra j- 4m at m-pui- 13 sound vi pm 111 v 11 iine y v- sj- r aptf ootabio tlttjrsday pcembeb 3 1885 tfe jxrtoitjfrccif rtss is rciiusmui iykuy titttrsday morning a t1ik j ipsg psess power psintirlq holj8e acton ontario 4 storey christie bankers avton i oiitnr i 0i subscription rvtfs ytvi 100 six mostkis0rt tllnkk months 23 to iiivuinblv inattvanco it not yld ia advance j4- per voir irilllw charged sq plor ihseon- iiuuod till all arrears arc paid option of the publisher i advertising ctocrt ixt the j isinq rate u g mjre i mo1 1 mo s70o s50 bs0 100 nrvck one confirm half cotumui tjuartertouuih p fu casuatrdvertisemeuu 6 cents per lino for the first insertion ami 2 ceutsper line fr each sub- vqueut iuwrtion cast the number of lines reckoned bv the since occupied measured by n snletof solid nonpareil j vilvertisemcnt without kuific directions willbe inserted till lorbid and charged accord ingly transitory advertisemcutk must bo paid is advatice citangi for contract advertisiuients must be in the office bv 9 am on holidays otherwise thev will bo left over uttttt the following week h p mooke ii editor land proprietor lelph vtdtcr taviffs iiiee3 and siid veddnjg i pictures hsflieuy y f ont business directory wh lowry m bl mc p s graduate of trinity colleae mem- ut of college of physicians and surgeons ofiice and residence v- at- the head of frederick street acton a tientirai lullfking business traxsagtbd money loauhd on approved i sotbs notes discounted and interest allowed co io on deposits j e ifgarylns special agency actttk bat r bell telepiioiie ccisany messages received and transmit d at lowerrates than telegraphiu c- e stagey mjx cm fellow of trinity medical school meniber of the college of physicians ana surgeons oraa- mill street late office l l bennett ldsl dentist georgetown ontario dr websters a c mckinlay ls s vnl ont i itth v t tjjilat- reria dirzr- nearalgia ied by the less mental resaltiug iu ly and death 5 of potrer lud sperma- i the braid i a box con koljarabos ly niati pre- lteesis boxes 1 received tv itive dollars in guarantee- int does not ilyrbv jbtts l is west ilirmcgarvia surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas conj- moniv- called vitalized air if of extracting teethwithout piin having been demon- stratoir and practical teacher in royal college of dental surseonsj tiorouto pnt- rous itfaydepeudjiiponreceivro satisfaction in anv operations performed will visit acton every other wednesday of each month office agnews hotel 1 k vq heart t of 8t0ich is v 1 the skin prkirg from stomach irietors toronta bfico pages ibbokfurau jer to con- be eiperi- r otherwise m estimates rertiaerwho k init the in- jumwboirill lollarslnail- t which wth tan he made tratof bgcor- fceen issued ifof io cents is 4- co bceeac 1 kew yprk 5 ais less dental ojper ations vitalized air or nitrous oxide gas for painless dental operations at the office of c b hayes l ds tovell block i puelplr out upper wyndhiiui jjtjteet t i6gs a- ivory dentists south jt east corner king avid ypnge streets toronto ontario fiues 4nd lest set teeth 5 to 68 gold fillings onethird rates leave order for teeth in the morn ing can have theni theskire day wc have been administering hums vitalized air for the painless extracting of teeth dnr- in the past year regardless of what others iniiv say ii john lawson graduate of on tario veterinary college toronto veterinary surgeon acton in kenny bros boot and shog store resi deuce in the rear horses soundness and certificates a11 calls night or dayj promptly attend elto terms easv tclean a mimiin barristers j solicitors notaries- cuuvey- ahceij ac isprivate funds to loan ofck town hadl acton canad4am pacific allan lime steamships tickets issued to all points of great britain aud the contiuent at very lowest rates buylthe tickets hero if be ading fov friends the cheapest points east honey sfivbi tjyneaunr with j e ton and best route to all and west see time tables ktp wellmade wollpaintcd sled- 05c for 40c iiftnhavge three bench liaiulsomo 8135 ioi 86o j tho 175 clipper fori 120 41io 1m50 i clipper for 90o tlie 100- clipper for coc baby sled flno box j handles carpeted 9180 for 91 baby bled largo roomy 93 for 92 boj carpot handles rr iflcgarvin oh tario marble works wellinetpt qubbkci st quelfh john h hami received first prizesjat hibitiorr guelpl local exhibitions and superiority orders are s4licitejd cllici ton proprietor j formerly mi squillan hamilton i dealer in marblb granite and everything pertaining to cenietery work provincial ex- he westaru fair aud all hr excellonce of material pf workijianship your the best value the best assortment call and examine for yourselves at dat8b00kst0re cuelph day sells cheap t itursdaymonxino decembeh 8 15 excelsior bakery acton lumber amd coal shingles lath rphcuudersitaied desires to inform the public 1 that he has iow on hand and will kflop iu stock a lull lino ojf pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of l mi tier also first and second class pine shingl 3 ifc lath i wood i having wuruha ed the coal business of mr c s smith t am pi epared to anpply all kinds of stove coal lhavc also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and milt wood at reason able prices wopd and cpal delivered james itkown having purchased the above bakery from mit d man i hope to give satisfaction to the nnroerous customers who patronize it thanking them foi- past favors 1 will endeavor to attend toj customers promptly and obligingly and trust that they willpne and all extend to us tjieir patronage j i use nothing but the best roller flour and keep it in stock fresh bread buns c every day also steambreadr cakes of all kinds new york tea biscuits soda and oatmeal scones onhand or made to order at shortest notice i pohitry tis work i want t i vaut some woirk a young man satl an at our desk ie stood j j ctro not what tho kind may be t i earnmy livelihood cuki you aot typo orirni a press ws asked tliib earnest youth for ivo were bhort of help that day am uooded lieljtf forsooth v i in b ank surprise the youth gazed up tl ien blowly shook his head il i r over worked with types orpreas v tc gain my daily bread bt tone thing else i would have dqn into my garden go clenu up the weeds and rake thorn off ai id gardentrubk theji hoe i vouldl were a gardener v that i might dp your will but sir tatell the bottom faots 01 that ivehaa my fill m lad im fraid you are no good a id must iu time fare light j for roft jobs now are hard to find a id moneys mighty tight tl ere is a sniitli a few blocks dowii vi ho wants to hire a lad oil yos sir sobbed the earnest youth want work mighty bad tl en hie thee hence aud seek the bmith b ifore tho plaeb is filled but if the sledge i have to wield i snow i shall be killed v wall then a farmer over north n jeds help so badly now youll have to rise at daylight then aid guide the team plough but how am i ii poor weak youth j t 3 plow the tieli all day i could udt if i would not i nor ypuldl for the- pay what would vdu do just natoe your job i i iu my wrathj blowed out i tl ought the youth was gaffing mo is tieed i did but doubt 0 a now you striko mo where im right a nd please moj more and more 1vi always thought mb fitted to c lerr in a dry goods store th its just the way with half theyouth who to thelcity come a portion of the other half wind up by drinking rum if parents would their children keep and teach them some good trade they would be of some use on earth and less of paupers made w wjedding cakps a specialty planing mill s hpch mcmillan ailld i waa t5 hilton allan a- barristers solicitors ac touxti- asp geollliktowx o ii- creelmans block georgetown vau 8g king street east toronto v mian 1 shhtox pa jiiiukpua b ain laidlaw co bvrkisteis a tioxicitolm on k ts over iniperiailbknk 24 wel lington street east entrance jexchange alley toronto j i tiiis bus q c c a mstts william lajdlaw guorge juririr p atents secured j fort inventions henry grist c1tawa cojapa 0 years practice no w mi hemstreet llclxnek acctionker for tho counties of wellington and haltou d orders eft at the frktr or at jny residence- in promptly attended to moses to jloas also money to idauvon the most f avpr able terms and at the lowest ratos of in terest in sums of 50t 1 and upwards having inade alrraugeinents witih messrs w h storey a- son for t be continuanceftf theplauing miliin the bui d- iug formerly occupied by the acton plow company vfeeuld inform the public that we are prepared to takfc biscuits and coufefctiouery of all jiiuds icing sugar ginger snaps boston mixed cakes wholesale fldur sutter and eqks taken in exchange for breai at hxkst prioes- mrs t statham n contracts for building atsb- 9bes3incr plooeing shbbtzta mptjldinac with niivtness and dispatch pumips pumps in connection with the above we are also prepared to reueive orders for pumps from long experience inthebrujiiiesswe feel con fident that wa can supply an article secoud to none orders bymajl will redfeive prompt attention kindly soliciting a share of public pat ronage weiars respectfully yours tuosebb4ge manager patent no pay 4c ii e l p h- kess office actcin acton will ibe terms reasonable stofiel iblislied a new inrells cele- iie radical and luttuedicine of ireical incapac- letc resnlunij only c cent nhi7irble es- i tbjrty years cctisenjiences the dangerous hie of thekuife ice simple cer- lol ivhich cverj- lljuon may be ivand radically liands of every liralifo hew lork a e knowles j a murray licensed auctioneers for the counties of halton and wellington orders left with james matthews acton will receive strict attention terms reasonable business collece guelph ontario thitset ond scholastic year cpmthei cecl september lat eaclide- partnlentjis n charge of a specialist to impart a practical training for the efficient conduct of susiness affairs is the sphere and wotk ef the institution its graduates are already holding responsible positions in the commercial centres in the dominion energetic young men and womeu aro thor oughly prepared for positions as bookkeep ers shorth john day architect i i gcelph out owick queens hotel block market square fohn j daley i j successor to thompson jackson money to loan ontarm property at 6 pereentr mortgagesj pprchased money loanedfor parties in mortgages and other security conveyancir g in all its branches properly and neatly done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for bale sent to all parts of the dominion to jntendiugfeurchasers and cjir culated in bnrope cnrppean capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di rections through our european agencies farms wanted for our lists correspon dence invited office near the post office guelph ont ortelegrapl operators students received at any time for circular and catalogue giving full information address m maccormick principal 14gni all ind- writers correspondents hills tin stove depot good assortment of stoves cheap for cash tinware of all ktnds at bottom prices lavetroughing a specialty ouk story janets revenge janet do you delight in torturing me hy cant you answer my question iho young mans voice had an arbitrary ring which nettled the wilful girl whom he was addressing nndher crimsonlips curled sornfuuy what right have ym to speak to me in that way i am not forced to answer qt estions wise or otherwise and yours i ccusider anything but wise a charming picture she was to look upon d spite the frown upon her pretty piquant face her petite form drawn to its fullest hi ight themerest trifle over five feet- her b ucy head thrown back as though mark graysons or displeasure were alike things of the utmost indifference to her so at least thought the young sailor who h id aroiised this storm of feminine indigna tion by asking the young lady in iiis blunt piutblanfe fashion to marry him as they nkt one afternoon in the sittlngrooni of the little cottage and pen as she refused to give him a djefiniti answer he rose to his feet and made the words at the opening of this sjketch you have given me enc6urageinenthe sjaid after a moment of perplexed silence and what if i have she retorted havent you said over and over again that 1 was a heartless flirt rnd that you wished f ome one would break any proud spirit thebronzed face of mark gravson flushed and put up on siiortesl notice first classmaterial only used- a call solicited j chill mill st h ee8 i their ows lozatlste anlan barber shop j p wohjden i 4- has opened a barber 1 lipp in tlie building nearly opposite storey sold glove factory mill street acton an splicits the patron age of the public iu t si vicinity every department of the business will beconduct- cd in firstclass style give us a call j i i j i jp wojjhe thell farmers 1 and others having crppled horses will do well to call on ceo stoddard who is prepared to remove t ringbojnes spavins curbs and splints without iojuriug the horse salisfacl ion guaranteedor no charge abo stossass creeehfblold stattfl guelph cloth hall aetou x rancisvnunan sdcoessor to t f chapoiaiif st georges squafei6flelki pntario accoun i books of all kinds made to order periodic s of every description carefully bound 1 ruling neatly andpfopiptly done mcrabs underclothing mens shirts and drawers i all sizes i boys shirts and drawers all sizes childrens combination sets all sizes hotly who told you thesa things he asked desporately though his usually bold brown i iyes fell to the floor bt neath the gaze of her ilueorbs you do not deny it she said a trifle utterly and jn fact it would be of little ise i heard you my self say that r wasa coquette and nowafad liero the rirfe erupting lips curled aain you profess to ove me and mako me an offer of nanlake are you striving to win my heartftjiat you may fling it away anil so accomplish the oohletask of breaking my spirit jjtlst be cause i havebeen ligl thearted and happy with a smile and jest for each am all of my acquaintances for if lovers i h tve none nor have i encouraged serioub at entions the defiant look hid faded o it of her bright young face leaving it whte with a sudden pallor andthe hluq eyes 4ta filled with an expression of pathetic rej ret which mark grayson mimed as he w is to the ways of women coiil 1 not fathor i and so you set ytiurself aelil erately at work he said with deep hitteinesb ilto repay me for my rash thought ess words by making me a victim to you witching ways i loved yoi madly pa isionately while you must have hated me i did 1 she said gravely sti 1 jwhite to the lips ii he turned away tremulously his strghg athletic young mar who had faced the keenest gales at sea many a timelwith never a thought of flinching mutterug hoarsely as he did so well goodbye to go to sea again sailed oudhomorrt w perhapsl sea will bring me p ace and co her face grew e en whiter and she stepped cnickly foi passed through the heeding the keen february gale that swept across the sound and tossed je dark waters of the ohannel which rolled in white- capped waves between the bold headland and the bill of portland rising like a grim ocean monster some ten mjlesaway and this was the end of her flirtation or love affair with mark grayson for the past three months at first he had been coolly indifferent oven cynical and during thistimo had made use pjbo language which had so roused the spirit of the petted daughter of old captain barton a retired seadog who could hot bear to livo elsewhere than besido the treacherous element which had been his home for so many years the graysonb lived but a short distauce from the home of captain barton and were likewise people of considerable property and the mother of mark whose love for the sea was his principal motive for braving its dangers had induced her son to give up his roving life a decision which was strength ened and confirmed by the smiling face of janet barton but all his bright hopes had vanished when this rude awakening came and hastily packing a few necessary articles the young man kissed the weeping mother goodbye and made his way down to the cove where his boat lay behind tho shelter of a pier the bun was low in the western sk as janet saw the white sail of mark graysons boat flutter in the wind as he rounded the headland it ras blowing heavily in shore and the boat a trim dainty craft was kept close- hauled to the wind as she dashed through the foam- crested waves and struck boldly out toward the open sea it was a foolhardy venturesome trip and janet well knew that mark jeopardized his lifpiu attempting to sail his frail craft with suiih a sea running how her great love for the gallant young sailor surged through her being as shl watched the boat rise and fall like a duck now careening beneath the force of the wind as though she would surely capsize an4 anon righting and holding her way bravely true to the strong hanct that held the tiller and the keen eye that minded not the salt spray what aro you watching so closely asked mrs barton coming to her daughters bide janet did not answer and the sharp eyes of the matron espied the boat now some distance from the shore wnich was strug- glingjso bravely with the elements whose boat is that she asked and janet answered faintly it is mark graysons where is he going such a day as this again asked the mother oyer to his ship said the whitefaced girl shivering as she spoke he is going tosail in the vulcan he will never reach there alive re turned mrs barton in a voice which caused janet to burst into a passion of sobbing what is the matter asked the star tled mother stroking the curly head of her weeping daughter have you and mark quarrelled i janets only answer va a wilder out- hurst of tears did he ask you to marry him ques tioned mrs barton raising her daughters head and looking into the tearstaiued face yes sobbed janet and you refused him i wouldnt give him any answer she said her sobs breaking forth afresh arid y ou h ave wrecked your lif o in order that the man yon love might suffer said sirs barton i see it all now then an exclamation broke from her lips as she looked seaward again where is the boat she cried and janet forgot her tears in a moment the gallant little enrft was nowhere in sight and janets blue eyes bunted with a terrible fear y he is drowned she cried and i mur dered him then she looked anxiously forth again her frenzied eyes seeming to penetrate the angry waves which rolled so mercilessly iii tho bay i can see his boalshe cried at length and it is drifting shoreward tell father to come to the shore as soon as lie caii wlien he gets home herwords were uttered witla a strtknge calmness and in spite of her mothers re monstrances she hastened from the house and ran swiftly down to where the surf was beating on the rocky shore she shuddered and closed her eyes and when bhe looked again a cry of horror burst from her ftps which were bluewith cold iff rri im m price thpee xgents ill die with you ma kv she said fer vently but perhapb i can get you ashore i i i in vain she exerted liir puny strength though the wind was ab iting the tide rpso higherand higher and mi rkwhose strength was rapidly waning begf ed eer to save her own life while there was yet time she would not go ona arm was clasped about his neck j with th other shoclung to the boat i loved yon all the tim she said and i will atone for my sinbr dying with you 1 the boat towhioh thev clung swayed and rocked as the tide rose h gher and the still turbulent waters heat a xrat them niid a strange numbness was creeping over both when a cheery shout aoused them and captain barton and some fishermen came to the escue l janet continued her at nieingntby making mark a most capital nurjse ashe slowly re covered and promised o further do pen ance by assuming his fa tiily name provid ing he will forswear tl le life of a sailor which he promises faith ully to do striklag it rich have you called on she asked as the new lie browns n mister wis to take his leave after rr akiug a call im just going he third house from the comer i believe yes third house nice people and i kuow when the minister was some delay in answering it mean while the screen doors bear from the interior yet about replied its the they are very very youll like em rpng the bell there permitted him to brown who soenj- ed to be upstairs called over the banisters j say helen where n thunder is thai old vest i spoke of who are you talking to demanded a voice from below j to you of course if you were any sort of a wife youd put things where they could be found solomon brown dont you cast any slurs on me if t doui know more about housekeeping thap all the browns oh earth ill commit suicide you do eh w smithr have to keep house on solomon you are i vile wretch lat did the pauper much obliged but that done it at this juncture the ed in and mrsj brow it living with you- mhiister was usher- n soon entered the parlor extended both hands and gayly ex claimed ah im so glad i wanted to sea you so much solomon- solly dear hurry up new preacher is here and solomon came on his face and grpi with well well but this wifey and i were jusl and come down our solomon and i both down painted a grin eted the good man is good of you wishing you would call we wanted to f eeif an effort cant be made to increase the interest in the thursday evening pnyer meetings napoleon a id his page ambitious men of high position often envy the humble lot of the contented infer iors when napeleon returned to his- palace just after his defeat at waterloo he continued many lours without taking any refreshment one of the grooms of the chamber ventured to serve ppsome coffee in the cabinet by the liandsif a chud whom napoleon had freqhe ntly distinguished by his notice the cn peror sat motionless with both hands spr sad over his face the page stood patiently oer him gazing with infantine curiosity on an image which presented to strange a contrast to his own figuro of simplicity 8 ndpeace at last the little attendant pres ented his tray exclaim ing in the familiarity of an age which knows no distinction eat sire it will do you good the et iperor looked at him and asked do you not belongtflgonesse the reply was 0 sire i come from pierrefite where your parents have a cottage aud some asres of land yes sire that is the trut i tlielittle oiie replied ah there ishapr iuess replied the one who was still the empororof franco and sibo king of italy praisr not long prayers but ardent zeal this if what is wanted more j to but theshoulder to the wheel and bread untx the hungry deal from the store j nothighsoimding notes of ipriise j ronniug through iho vaulted dome but that we the fallen raisp bring the poor from lifes highways tothehbme j worship god by doing good help the suffering in their jieeds he who loves god as he should v makes his hearts love understood by his deedsjm poor felltiwfj theyare comfng they irecomirig erethe biting frosts begin i from scenes of summer wanderings jj the tramps are coming in i and to thorn the autumn breezes sound a melancholy wail shrieking out the dreadful summons go tpwork or go to jail v a deserved wordiqf praise f tliis paper in common with all the best paperspfthe dominion is very chary iu its public commendation of the wares and articles which claim public ai tention in its advertising columns when it knows any thing is worthy of special mention it is frank euough to say so for he past two or three years our columns have contained many articles taken fromotner papers and inserted with our regular reading matter commendatory of warners safe cure we hear much from it on every hand and we confess we have been as surprised as grati fied at tho reports in circulation concerning if we know thireis a prejudice against the use of unauthorized proprietary medi cines and in many cases the predudice is well fomided in this instance however the prejpdice seems hurtful only to him who indulges it wer are satisfied from personal investigation that this great pre paration has uottouly a present beneficial effect but that to a remanbable degree it has a permanent effect at once singular and gratifyihg and it is therefore not at all surprising that it should have won such a deserved hold on public favor our wi ill known bishop edward wilson of ottawa pronounces it the most tain- able and efficacious remedy ever tried it is like a charm boothiiig reheving and building up so rjuickly i commend it without hesitation and often meet with instances where it has proved a great boon the rev william henderson of pi cottont was unable to fulfil his clerical duties being utterly prostrated with ajjad cough palpitation of the heart short breath and liver disorder in 1883 he was to health by tlie use of this remedy and re mains in good health to this day the rev a brown a retired methodist clergy uan of anltsville aged 78 wascom- pletelj brdken down with gravel bladder catarr l jprof use mieturition and general nervoi s unrest he underwent fearful operat ons but did not amend two years ago iu began warners safe cure and it re stored him to health and henow says the effects were decidedly permanent the rev leowotermann of winborne eng was completely under the power of brighti diseas e of the kidneys and was given up by the bsst london spepialfsts two years ago h s began this remedy and in a recently publl bed statement we see he is fully re storet to health we rnight multiply in stauc is without number everything wt hear if it confirms dnr brief that this pre parat ion is one of the most praiseworth evpr liscovered endorsement from socl- sourcesas we have named ought to dis couni the possibility of airy skepticism m4k shaw 6v grundy mrehint tailor oulph v v jvf vsr i vjvvitiiie sell i di8 not intend ijiut the vulcfrlt has not a stormy ort f possible ard b hi loor but it closed behi nd him am not see jhe yearn shrouded the fair shipped with all th ate nature sbelwatclied bis as hesleown i lie road ng hopeli ace of the strength o tall strongfeoung the boat was even now amidst the rocks where the waters seethed and foamed like a cauldron a huge wave lifted its helpless victim duddashed him forward relentlessly his eyes were fixed upon- janet with a last despairinglook her gaze seemed hold by a horrible fas cihation the boat crashed amid the breakers and then- with mark still clinging lb it was hurled forward again and remained wedged between two rocks the hungry waves leap ing again and again as though they would clutch and drag back the half drowned wretch who clung to the shattered remnant of the boat janet sprang down the declivity with the speed of a deer she reached the spot where mark gray son lay and a smile brightened his sea drenched face as she came near to him oh darling ho cried hoarsely you can do nothing to save me i am crushed aiid mangled i cant help myself his voice had a hollow unnatural sound and the smite left his lips as a sea higher than- the rest broke over him and threaten- ed to dislodge tho boat but the wind was going down with the sun and the iwavea beat less fiercely and janet despite the cold waters reached lier lovers bide and grasped bis ioy hand for quiet moments why he didnt pass the plate the following is t sldpf john b ltaudolph the editor o the angabta ga chronicu- he attended one de y a- colored ehureh in the country and h id in his pocket a silver halfdollar just thu fare back to augusta at the conclusion f his sermon the minis ter ordered a colectkm for his benefit of course saic he i specfb every pubsen to give som ithin but ise told dat mr thomas up dc land ycjndor some turkeys stole frid y nighta i dont want any man who had a han iin atealin dem turkeys to put any money in de plate when the plate re tched mr randolph not a man had refuse to contribute and the preachers ejes w re uponjhim dollar accprdinglj went itno the plate i i drink pebts invjngland no debt can be recovered in any court on account of spi rituous liquors consumed on the premises y here sold in quantities of less value than tv enty shulings at a time and ho money ca i be recdyered iu- respeot of the sale pi any ale porjer beer cider or in respect of any money or goods lent oi supplied or any security given for the obtaining of an such le porter beer cider or perry nor cm the value of spirituous liquor sold to 30 consumed else where than on tl e premi es where 6old be recovered when hey are sold in quantities i at any one t mo than a reputed quart 3 james writes pleap s inform me of a way of keeping leaeh older sa as not to it is in men as fit soils where some timet there is a vein of gold which tlie owne knows not iof drift in heuduranceand iuicomplainiugreniui cuttionure the two pples of human force mark eiikcnbach r i have lived to kuow that the secret t happiness is never to allow your energi5 tostaguate dddm clarke never doesa man betray his own chafaj ter more vividly than in his manner of po traying another hictiter i know b niyself how incompreheusib le god is seeing i caunot comprehend the parts of mjf own being st bevnerd ten thousand of tlie greajtest faults our neighbors are of less consequence to ha thau one of the smallest in ourselves archbidiop whattbj i we must never undervalue any persdn the workmau loves not that his wj rk should be despised hi his presence no iv god is present everjvhere and every p ar son is his work de sales j fall to the work gcxi sets thee about a id hutlialf ei hissjtrehgth for thee j r na from be work ati thou engagest i is strength against thee how often hifth the coward been killed in a ditch in spoil lock it bar it nail it sb ut and up janies bolt the door ikiiih i-f-ii- a nuw jersey man writes to know what will proteijt him fronlightning sigh the pledge shes not of tnyiiet said the oldheu throw awayrlihe key that is tl e bafcjstj way we knowaoffq as inanj pel xi j this soil isiiiississ h swssep5wtr as she chi sed a strange chicken out of the jyard st paul herald the lat sst mathei natical question rhns as follow i twof iris met three ot tier girls and all kissci how many mises wereexclanged v wher a were you orn little girl asjked philant feirppist of t street beggax it sure sirjy- was the reply but wasbori poverty piddbeverki8japwor inquires a youthlnl aspirant for pw ideal ointeimqpti u we didst j aadvk iwei dollars as we didafew wsald eto of business and ro ng im ive in vi

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