yw i0im f h tiatt tjr res thorsovy mofcnlnrt cktobkr 29 1885 rkturninq prosperity hjhh 18 it is uhdembiethata better feeling beginning to exist in most business oiro es than has been appawufc for sorno years pa st tb cause of me iieroepible avnkening would bo diftioult to arri vo at for if ther4 is any one thing which wise and sagaok us business men have failed to fathom or com prehend it is the underlying reasons for what are rwpvftarly known as good or bad times it is enough however at the pre sent time to know that nearly ivery whore the feeling exists that things generally have been in the dumps long enough and that business operations on a more extended scale may be entered upon with- some de gree of- safety this phase of the com mercial problem it is easy- to understand it is the return of confidence when there is confidence there is prosperity- blot when confidence is withdrawn many businesses languish jwe believe the prospects arc becoming more and more satisfactory and the brightness visible in the business world is due jtoj the unmistakable feeling of becuritv eleetiious will november tious je toiild kiudly advise tuom that hereafter ytoi endeavoring to coucootl pointers igaiust the scott act to be suffloi- enljly utility honest and upright in their statement s t comnjaud public respoot and to endeavir lo uphold instead of maligning their owp tovh we ha e a so answered the letter througli the colunns bf the milton champion n messrs 1 1 11 a will no doubt havo th pleasure of nreadhig onr candid auswerfi therein wm rrow morning a cuktifkatk i liurebj cei tif y tluii the figures above give by tho editor c f the fjifk phew respecting n i- wsamout irnti of taxation otc aro true aid correct sigooj 1 k mouaryix clerk of municipality we vd lid respectfully request tho hami l- tou speei ioi and any other papers which may havi i copied r r- as letter to be ju it enough ti re jroduco this answer to it notes and comments lreseiii inuicatiobb aro that tho imperii bo all oyer by the end i i m eh w rv f v candidly answered the last issue of thq mlltou champion contained the following letter to the editor of the champion j dear sot permit me through the oolunius of toot valuable ptper to ask the editor of tbe acton fbee press a lew questions for the oenefu of the ratepayers which 1 trust will bo answered with candor sib how do jrou account lor the following facts in the year 1883 when thescott act canie into force we were taxed 10 mills on tho dollar andno person complained 1883 15 mills on the dollar- few complained 1884 17 j mills on the dollar a great number complained 1883 the present jate is 22 mills all com plaining that our taxes should more than double in three years and to add to this mystery the assessed value of our real estate has decreased twelve thousand dollars pleise inform us why ear taxes should increase and our property decrease invaluo in a scott act county t j j yours ac acton oct pa 183s j it ft the desire of the writers of the above who by the way are well known to useven if the injtials given dont represent their united- names was not to gain information respecting the assessment or tajsation of our municipality but clearly to have a fling vtthe scbtt act and this is probkbly the reason tho letter was sent to the milton champion instead of being handed to tho ibditor of the free pmajs direct inow al- though we do not hold ourselves obliged to answer the silly and unreasonable questions or to correct the intentional misrepresenta tions of every irresponsible scribbler we will in this case rather than allow the statements in question go abroad uncontra dicted answer them and do it with can dor and honesty too before doing so how ever permit ns to state that the facts we are asked to account or are not facts hut are all with exception misstate ments in every particular theyarwilful and deliberate misstatements too for messrs r u a have undeniable access to- the books and papers of the municipality but they preferred to cook the figures to suit their morbid and ijot-over-particnlar- wherethetrnthisooncerfied tastes for the benefit of the ratepayers the editor of the free pbess is asked how het will f with candor account forthe follow ing facts 1 1 in the year 1882 when the scott act came into force- we were taxed 10 mills on the dollar cisnm axsweii this is not a fact for in the year 1882 fwe were taxed 16 j lils on tho dollar 2 in the yearil883 we were taxed 15 mills on the dollar i caxwu assweejrthis is not a fact for in the year 1883wilwere taxed 19 mills on the dollar 3 in theyear 1881 we were taxed 17 mills on the dollar f caxnrx asswee rthis is not a fact for in the yearl884 wc were taxed 17 mills on the dollar i in the year 1885 we are taxed 22 mills on the dollarfmore than double in- three years 1 i cascrffasswee4the first clause of noi i the first and only fact in the whole letter our readers can judge at a glance the falsity of the second clause j the following are the principal reasons for the- increase of taxation in 1885 above that of 1882 in 1882- the somof only 8385 was expended for improvements of streets and sidewalks while in1885 91200 was expended in 1882 only 81300 was raised for public school purposes in 1885 1561 was sked for this increase was caused by the appoint ment of a fourth teacher and the furnish- ingand arrangemehtof a fourth department in 1882 salaries including the expense of street lighting were 293 in 1885 they are jfi3r- in 1882 the county rate was 8132 this year it is 178361 then in- 1885 a street commissioner was appointed at an expense of 2 per day these extra expend tores re the cause of the higher rate of taxation and j are certainly in no way chargeable tp the scott act of course we do not hero pronounce upon the i wisdom or otherwise of the municipal council in some of these extra expenditures bnt we have no hesitation rnjydlenging messrs r r a ior any one elseito point out a town of actons sizejritn so good sidewalks roads numerous street lamps tidy and attractive streets and general public improvements and having as reasonable a irate of taxation and as low a general assessment 5 to add to this mystery the assess ment bus decreased 12000 canluj aksweb this is nt a fact the assessment of 1882 was 156681 that oi 1885 174836 an increase j of 18 152 and tiiis in the face of the f aot that dc ring the past year real estate to the alue of over u000 has fallen into the j posse sion of church organizations and is cdnseqw ntly exempt from taxation 6 please inform us why our taxes should increase and our property dedi ease in a bcott act eounty cakdxd aksateb we have given jwoof that snch h been the case a4d vre wql hepleiiaedif metirs rb a baa tiath- ivtytvp evidence where such has jri idly fflmltedmabcotaotconstitnenoy tbe above jacts concerning actons as- eannt and taxation wfli iu trus be ted andid and satisfactory arif j i tfltaw b jaa t ata- f riel w 11 in all probability b hauged in the 10th november the privy counc il has sustained tho conviction i f sir lfiinaid tilley has resigned his poit folio as j lip ster of finance he will lit e ly be ajipoiutod lieutgovernor of ne v brunswick mr mclollan is likely to le ceive the vacant position the actoii fuee press the oakville dependent and many bther papers alliige that they hive received- oopies of the vkdl cafor j filton sim the fnrk piibss has alleged nothing of the kind judge miller has toeen appointed revising officer for this county wo fail to see r any of tl o politicians should grumble ibtout this appointment if theofficeis a neces sary one we know no more unbiassed m m capable ior ihe position than judge mill er we ajro not a prophet or the bou of a not a jut i schools were not represented we trust that oafoture occasions of this kind an effort will be made to send adelega- ii tion to this very important association we extend congratulation te our friend mr j j qrabbe proprietor of the st marys argus upon his election as president of the associatonj prophet but imagine we discern a cloud upon avons municipal horizon which at present i 3 little larger than a mans hand bnt which will increase to abnormal pro portions and oh or before nomination day will burst forth with f nry- unparallelled in local hisiory t i i the bpbcaygeon fudepeiulent advocates compulsory lite insurance to the exten that the head of every family should b- compelled to insure his life for tb6benefi of his childieu it would make him par part of tbe premium in the form of an in come tax the balance tote paid by thu state it advocates it on the ground tha society as i right to protest itself it is indeed pleasing to note the fact thai in a large number of place3througbout oui country the clergy are having an occasional exchange of pulpits the idea is a good one frienlliness on the pjartof miiiisters i3 an essental to the success of the i great woifk in which they aro eugaged ancl it is a grand thing when doctrinal differences can for e time at least be set aside and cdngrafulations exchanged that all are en gaged in the same noble work the provincial sabbath school conven tion helc in stratford last iveek was sue cessfnl both as regards attendance and the excellence of the programme the ad dresses by the various speakers were listen ed to wiih very great interest and sabbath schoolteaciers and workers were much benefited i y the invaluable suggestions thrown out by those who have had lengthy experience in the work we believe that the acton referring to the scott act the fergus 2fewsjeford a strenuous opponent of the act gives the following with reference to the working of the act in halton id georgetown in the county of halton the law is much better observed or at least no open public drinking is done there and the itretjtin system is greatly reduced whatever drinking is done in georgetown ib done with some degree of cuution and but few drunken men are to be seen on the streets to get a drink there one must be known as tiey are afraid of informers and the drinks nre served bnt in back rooms this state of affairs goes hard on the bum mers vliohing around hotels waiting for some onetc ask them to drink as they get but comaar itively few invitations on ac- count dif tlic manner in which the business is carriedoii and in factthe bummer nuis ance isprett y well wiped out jajt georgetown llmehoube sparkb vow ouroivh corptkpondtnt thcniallpox score is dying out mouj womcnjiudohildion are being vao clnntod rov a wallace preached a very praoti oal scrniou yesterday from matt 518 mr v niekelltfour inorohaut having bought a horso and rig is rushing busiuess i tho lime businois is very brisk nt pre sent they oau scarcely get the supply to moot tho demand messrs john norton dfc sous ure having thoir factory repaired sornost of the hands ro having holidays mr coventry has ooinraouood soiling fresh and smoked herrings he says ho has ready sale for all he oau get the methodist people hero intend liaviug a social noxt thursday evening at- mr james scotts on tho tliird line c a number of nien have been employed during the past woek repairing the wall through tho cut near the station there will- be no meeting iu tho metho dist church liere next suuday on account pf the quarterly meeting to bo held then in georgetown i we ore sorry ioauy tliat mr marshall is hot much better yet the trouwb seems to have settled iu his leg the dr is still attending him and we ure hoping and waiting for good results mr ellis has sold his horse and iuvested iu one that he says has gained four red tickets and two blue ones this year he is building a stable and making arrangements otherwise for the convenience and speed of ins treasure opt 26th 1885 rjock purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers ore individually or collectively acquainted i ri mr jamfes p dunn agent c p r fergus was iu town over suuday mr and mrs j vj mcunrvin visited friends at tluudas street last week mrs angus cameron of ltekotaj spent several dayb during the week with acton frieuds mr r l wavreu will have control of jjaunockburu school until the christmas vacation mrs chas cameron has returned to acton from toronto and will in future reside here mr jno h stouey of hamilton general agent ontario jlife iusurance co was iu town last week mr a pearsouj of clifford mich- was the guest pf his son councillor j jil pear sou during tho week i i mr j s deacon public school inspec tor for the couuty visited the public schoolshere on monday rev charles a cook of parliament st baptist church toronto was visiting at his old hqnic the latter part of last week miss ninagibbpns who has been visitiug friends at grand rapids mich for some time returued home last friday she had a pleasant visit mr thomas todd of fergus spent several days during the week with friends in acton and vicinity he assisted rev mr phillips in services here and at the briik church v mr s ppanton an old resident of mil ton and former editor of the champiuiiiia in connection with a company eugaged in publishing daily and weekly papers at bil lings montana the weekly is published in the interests of agriculture and stock- raising the journals are a credit to the publishers and mr panton has our con gratulations mr j a sliauiion who has taught ban- uockburn school for nearly two jears has resigned his position and enters upon the studies of another profession mr shan nons departure will be much regretted both by parents and scholars by his kindness and geniality he has won ths re spect and liking of all his pupils and his diligence and punctuality in the perform ance of duty have gained for him the good reputation as teacher which he now we join in wishing our friend wo hyinipntlijzo with thosuvho are not in a position tohaya cheaply or do liusi ness as economical i v as tho lioiiand conscquenihy cannot sell as cheap butwebeliev iii thidicrinr f tho survival of he fittest the men who iare will loud mid others must follow or sink into oblivion business thine i who wereo much surprised at the wonderful hargaius will boa leve really capacitated for ill mo iv astounded at startling ow sfcl the ljion- has now on hand the luruest stock that histiix yeirs having closo on 10000 this tremendous stocftlips alt values wc ore now show ins been on direct froii the manufacturers and bought at- suclr prices that onotirml we could sell tn hny luisiucss house in the city to junt yorfuto or montreal tiv ii i iii they buy i we phi bhsincss on business principles we sell on to one price aud have nil goods marked in 1lain figures the genial nnd learty reception- and attention visitors always inducts thleni to come again we offered last spring iug tho premises for the been imported vtilli the exception of is good advantage as ly for cadi wo stick strictly uurpricts startle oiir goo this judgment oiu liusiuess gro lias steady yiiicrcafcd and is still wunuullful value blankets wundkhful value is please tlk iye captivate tl vs apace inotwithstnndinff th ncreasing i jarpets 3il cloths liuolfoi m mats c wodeiful value i i furs jacket wonuerful value dress goods si hvondehful value f clothin n comforters counterpanes c u milline ivtatitles mantl cloths c won deiuul value capes muffs bdas and caps j p satms ottoman cords c hats mens fur qishinigsjjc iiamson tic co receive at the lion fancy and satisfy depression our trade for 30 wo have 60 tatvil 1 sew tkeatmfcxt perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in moderij nedicine has been attained bv the ijixon li jiitineut for caturrh out of 2000 patieijt tredted during the past six months full ninety per cent have been cured of this tubborn malady jthis is none the less tartling j when it is remembered that notl live per i cent of patients presenting therai lves to the regular practitioner aie in lefitted while thd patent- medicines an i other advertised cures never record a cure at all startin with the ck im now geuerallybelieved by ithe nost cieutific men that the disease is due to the presence of livingparasites in the tissue iilr dix on at once adapted his cure to the r exter- miufttioultliis accomplished he claims the catarirli is pratically cured md the permanency is unquestoiied as cji res effect ed by hira four years ago are cijtres smu no one lse has ever attempted tolcure catarrh in this manner and no other toeat- ineuthasever cured catarrh the appli cation of the remedy is simple aud can be dono at home and the present seaspn of the year is the irrostfavorablefor a speedy andipermaneut cure the majority jf cases beingcuredat one treatment sufferers shou correspond with messrs a h dix on son305 king street west toronto panada nnd enclose stamp for their treat ise on gatarnh mjnlmil star nov1782 possesses shannon every success iu his future work the cradle day in giielph on tbe 2pth october the wifb of mr t j day of a sou the gpave maiitrx in kiin on the 21th october at the residence of his son mr george martin mr thomas martin aged 63 years be iard of education the boar 1 of trustees of acton public school llijtet on monday evening 19th inst present- the chaiiman dr lowry and messrs w 3 storeyw p brown thos c moore at d geo- hynds a coihm inication from miss- jelley teaclier pf i ecbnd department was read itstsitedl that unless her salary was in creased toj8p25 her res presented tho finai ce committee in their sixth report appr ved of the i ollowing accounts recommending payment theijeof geo havill maps for senior dept clock for 4fch dept moved geo hynds by guatiou would be work and material wi 42 13 00 2 00 28 42 w h siorey seconded by that the report of the finance committee 1 le adopted carried moveii by w h swrey seconded by thos cjmo are that thp secretary of tha board adver fcise for thirty cords of good dry maple vood four feet jong twenty cords to be d slivered at the school balance at the town hall tm whole to be de livered b tl e first a rjecemberjcamef movedlby w h sporey seconded thos c ma ire that thj communication of miss jplle f be laid om for consjderatii t meei ngof he bjoari carff at i auction saleb i i saturday 31st oct auction sale of farm stock ana implements the property of john storey lot 25th con 1 esquesing sale at 12 oclock j a murray auc tioneer i mokday nov 2j auction sale of a farm farm stock arid implements the property of andrew bates lot 5 7th line n s trafalgar sale at one oclock geo andrew auctioneer moi9a2nd november sale of fann stock and implements the property of thos hodgson lot 17 con 3 eramosa sale at 1 oclock wm hemstreet auctioneer tcesdav nov 8 auction sale of stock implements and furniture by kohert creech at nieklins barn yards actou sale at one oclock wm hemstieet auctioneer tcxsdat 3rd november sale of chattels othngh kyder under power of mortgage held by peter mocanish saleatagnews hotel at 10 oclock am wm hemstreet auctioneer cloaltings nlsterings dress goods mil lihery and mantles immense stock lovely goods wonderful bargains at the great dissolutipn sale mcleod axdkrsok co georgetown scotch english and canadian baiting reit v arity at the east uml clothing mre j yfiaotou i pibancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder tit georges square guelphontano account i ooks o aludndsmade to order periodicals tf every desoriptionioavofully 1 busd bftj ing neatly and promptly done card to all who aru suffering from life errors and indiscretions of youth nervo s weak ness early decay loss of manlioq c l will send vou a recipe that will c re you free of charge this grea remedy wits discoyered by a missionary in south amevica scnd a selfaddressed envelope to the rev joseph t ixmax station j acip yortccitjl wett ad7er shiktilek aihe unileigigueil liai of firfitclasb shii per square- no 1 pine cedar l per square wood of all liiiuls from acord prjiae short truilc at bottom prices and wood for sale a splendid stock rlos no 1 cedar s175 slooper square no 3 uso a laige quantity of l25 a lijad up to 400 ttaves nd heading to the factoiy main st thos c moore wjest actou iioisk lot for sale t mh luiilvrsigucd off th for sale his houseautl lot on main street tains nine rooms also dtchen aud woodshed is well adapted for a tent nicnt or boarding house good stable on the pre hibcs liberal terips pply to dwcampbell 1 ithoks and writers matkull oil having tbelr 0i hekwise desiitons of li crary lroductious critl- cised revised or disposed of on thq most advantageous terms infdmiation should address for full tribune buro catarrh and for the uxdeitsigned offers for sale atitbo late residence of- mr c w- hill bower ave nue tie fojlowlng onb aideboafcl lklf dozen perfoiiatedheat uhairs 8iuglo bedsttud and ouii cradle apply at the store of i 1 chafjt hill woo wante rpexdehs will be received by the wundersigu- ed up to saturday 3ht october for thirty cords of good dry maplu wood four feet long twenty cords to bo delivered at tho school aud the balguce at the town hall tho whole to bo delivered by the flrstof december h pmooke j secretary board of trusteek grain marke2t enickllnfison are proparpd to pay tho highest market prices for lyiicnt pens anil puis delivered at thcii- storchqiieo actau station g tr ufarmern will do woll to see tbattheir grain ib wall clennedi u r enicklin son acton outobtir rth 16m if nir charged elements lonlairv contiunously air anx crocrded ous to it is a large house cou- u of literature 2il broadway now jtork waited wanted abesiflent agent in every village town ai id city iu the doiniuiou also a few travellers t sell our new air gas ma chines for uinuhig air as s percent cheaper than coal equally as g iod no are or power re quired maaoiu all si os from 15 burners to 1000 for toivatc houses stoi jshotels factories milli strcbts mines te rdi rebbf canadian ain ga i machine mro co frau cois xavior st 15lv m0ntrealp q common sej se trtiatiiient 3f consumption all cents each regular value for these goods black osurich flumes for 75 cents each are 45 cents refilcr value for these goods are 250 lace yaur orders early as we ari already ith work everybody seeeistto bj 3ecure the choice novelties tyhich be comb scarce as the season advances are respectfully invitexk with diseasccrcatiug ill kill when breathed cliariqed- with remedial elemonts will euro vfhou brejithed continu ously take notice that the law paitnership horotoioro carried on in the village of actou by mowat mc leanhas this dav been dissolved by mutual consent i i mowat y mcllan ayitijes- h maulonad mr mclean will stiu lemaiu in actou and conduct tbp busiuess in partuerslpp with mr hugh mcmillau of guolpli at the town hall private iioarliki thepiluiwinhaler is aji elegantly niadi lair pillow- charged with remedial eleme us the vapprof which the patient inhales nil night long whilst sleeping jis usual it cannot get out of order and is perfi ctly bafo to lhe most delicale it will hut for years and serve uny number of persons in ft family m suc cession it batters lown the stronghold pf catarrh bronomtis asthma and consumption i and ninkps e pcrmai elitonre by itcontinu- oii application omx ajing nnd curative air directly to the dig aiied riarts sufferers from any of this abi vjemeotiqiied diseases are iirgehy rcnuesteil to send us their ad- dregs and a sopago pamphlet will hi mailed tptliem free j which will give a complete history of this wonderful discov- fity and the priuciuli sjupon which it works together with n long list of tesiintonials from those who have used itanfliwho how iejic8 in perfect lies lth do not delay for he longer a disease is allowed to run auclncked the slower and harder it is to effect cure theielsnomoilici idtkeu into the btom ach no douching or snuffing nor auj thing disagreeable nboot t lis treatment it has never be fo known to tail send you i name nd address plainly written to pehsojs8 desiriur privato board can be ac commwatel mion application to mbs it creech mill street if yon vant a uobby duralile and cheap uit j pyres ustho plaoi to go fnttribtanrbe tho pillow jjalialor afifonor london oct tuifi osocd ay fcofomidonfllentgeap i mo rarch bow cos newspaper ao j0b orir tmnztst c r b aotdh the rshhoxajble- we st guelph i 1 -o6- bugram m we hayo p that easure in stating our 8toc for the seasons itrado silrplasses in extensive vane- ty- aul choice selectioivnnything wc have crer formehy laid before our customers -t- i bueham co silks s tins and velvets depaitmeut ho house successfully j compete point of valriety real value and 7 downright ladies livho in in this here can with us in sterling cheapness iihe hsbit i f buying elsewhere are not aware of the iridacemeuts wc offer in this department to pur chasers inspectioninvited l i bucharvl co dress goods this departiraerit a large one f i with us and alwajys present a choice of teallyxlesirable goods to seleofc- from seldom met with even j n the largest icitiet f h -r- ladies willdo well before buy- iug to visit our btablishment and look through compare prices c c c 15 h bucham co pasmonatl4 jtet bid dress deal f 3 m 1- it w it il mant iej and millinery m statllihiaentrr ssrf i oi prov i thon ipfoug nesti 1 taiur mor csen natui vitatil cleafa stiui bucce yearj ihet diicb jlast 1 pgt stej largd aredl totwl thpl ontl cillorj itwij pecu the other i chtr hat 1 shod j ii rnak wen baen foun ed i hop next foirt bo ii- 4 t-