Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1885, p. 1

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rfcrr volume xlno pxjbubhkd i 1 lirry thursday morning- vmttbr j free press power printing house apton ontario subscription rate8 0vk vkb ioo six months j thhkkttoxth8i35cts a ljvkbly4b advance if liot piiid i glspcrvomwillbechmgoa nopfti turned tu all arrears are paid ouono tho publisher advertising rates- j 1 1 fr- 1 mo 3 9f 3oiumiii 1 860k0o sasloo half column 3300 ji00 quarter column 90cw 13w one inch roo 350 ao cts ntrtvtkuco r dlscou- oxctht nt tut 2tw 100 00 100 1 1 mo vioo 250 100 casual advertisements s coots per hi io tor the first insertion ands cents per hue for i ch sub sequent insertion cash the aumoe of lines reckoned bv the space occupied measured by a scale of soutvonparoi adtertismnents without specific directions will be inserted till forbid onfl charge i accord ingly transitory advertiseincuts must be iald in advance i changes for contract advertisements must be iujthe office bv 9 aan oni mondays otherwise thev will be leftover until ihe following week r pmoore editor and proprietor business directory w ollege h lowry mfb1 m graduate of trinyc ber of college of physicians and office and residence lat tlie frederick street aotoij evyebsteb md cm of the college of physic surgeons of ontario physician accoucheur oftice mill street rksireckr hotel acton ni b special uttcutiongiven eases of women and children c p s i mem- surgeons head of member and surgeon agsews the dis- t l l nnett dentist georgetown ac mckinlay l id s dentist georgetown 0it new system of nitrous oxide monly called vitalized air for teeth without pain having been strator and practical teacher college of dental surgeons toronto rous may depend upon receiving satisfaction iu any operations performed actouthe second and fourth wednesday each month office agnews gals in hotel operations t aisle ss dental vitalized air or nitrous oxide for painless dental operations office of i cb hayes l tovells block 6m upper wyndham street ontario surgeon uses the com- etracting demon- royal pat- visit of gas at the 1 elph s ont y t iggs ivory dentists south xv east corner king and yong s streets toronto ontario finest and best sat teeth f 5 to 8 gold fillings onethird rates leave order for teeth in tl e morn- ing cad hive them the same day we have beisn administering bfnrds vitalized air for the painless ietracting of teeth dnr- 1 ing the pas year regardless of what others may sat i ti john lawson graduate of on- tario veterinary collie toronto veterinary surgeon actonj ont i ewce in kenny bros boot and slide store resi cjpnee in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given all calls nightor dayifprpmptly attend jedto terms easy m owat ctmclean barristers solicitors n ansers ax 5money to omce town halt j a stotvat otaries loan conv t i actou w a sicleax fi s goodwillie- y barristert solicitor notary public tc geoixgieto jvx it a ton 3actoii office in mrs records block john day architect gck office queens hotel block square b ainlaidlaw t co 24 wei- baeiustees it solicitous offices over imperialjbauk lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto j i john bus q c c ai mastex wliilam iiaiklav geobge kiprele acton banking coy storey chritie co -bajkkerbi- j ontario actou a oexekal ankmq business transacted rl u01te7l0a1ted 01t appotsd notes discounted and interest allowed 6n deposits- special acency aotoa oat bell telephone company messages received and transmitted at lower rates tl on telegraphipg allan line steamships tickets issued t all points of great britain and the continent at j very i lowest rates buy the tickets j here if sending for friends canadian thb cheapest aid poiuts east money saved j e mogarvin acton aqificjrr best route to all west see time aid tables by dealing with ontario cox c co stock brokers monitors toronto stbftk exchange have independent directjwire by which new york contimions stockqnotations are received more rapidlv thau 6y any other source i buy and sell on commission for cash or on margin all securities dealt in on the toronto montreal new york j stock bphankea i also execute orders ingrain andj provis ions on the chicago board of trade daily cable quotations of hudsons bay and other stock j 26 toronto street wellington marble works i quebec st guelfh john h hamilton prqpbilbtob i formerly mcquillan fc hamilton dealer in marble grenite and everything pertaining to clemetery work received first prizes at provincial ex hibition gnelph the- western fair and all local exliibitions for excellence of material and superiority of vorkmanshipj yonr orders are solicited lumber shingles andlath rpiie uudersignaft desires to iniform tlie public jl that be has now ou hand and will keep in stock a full line of pine land hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also first and secouil class pine shingles lath 4it ont market patents secured for inventions henry grist ottjiwa cixaiuf 20 years practice no patent no pay- ttltrancis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinejer fit georgessquare bilelph ontario j aoconnt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every deicriptiohi carefully bound rnlingueatly and promptly dohe i coal wood having purchased twe coal business of jlr c s bmitb 1 ajn prepared stove coal i bavisnlsoia good stock of wood hardwpod ash7ccdar aud mill wood at reason able prices wood npjd coal delivercjl james liltowx mi v e business guelph ttttarhemstreet llcexse1 acctlnjeeb fpr the counties of welling n and halton orders left at the fbek puess office acton or at my residence in actonj will be promptly attended to terms reasonable moxey to lo j js also money to ltri on tlie most favor able terms and athe lovrem rates of in terest in bams if 500 aiyi upwards a jackson all its branches chairges low for sale list tohn j daley cf- successor to thompso money to loan on farm property at 0 per cent mortgages purshased mouey loaned for parties in mortgnges and other seenrity conveyancing in t properly aud neatly donii farms and city property witbrfarms for sale sent to ill parts of the dominion to intendingpiirt iasers and cir culated in europe euro ean capitalists wanting farms in ontario will be sent di- rections through our eur pean igencies farms wanted for our lisfs correspbn dence invited office near gnelph ont g baiter 81 10p p worde 8 to sfipply all kinds of l p n- c0llece 5nt4rio paier hajsgings -w1th- boraers to match parlors -for- dining rooms ani bails chambers the newest and best stock is at cuelph m niy the actou people can sco samples papers and borders at mr george hynds fancy goods store acton mr hynds will sell at my price tl day dats b00zst0eb new goods bracelets bracelets bracelets new stock beautiful patterns watches watches watches waltham and elgin in gold and silver casesi gold rings lockets ij just opened- b savage near fetries sew drifje store gcelph hills tift stove good assortment of stoves fbrtflit ftutm thdbsiy there p blue sky overhei 1v joselluxe ioliapi the earl h there a thonstni to but the looli up there ieuio i thoi igl i pit i jour ie we ji and and strilre ofwhjbli when and lookup there i vte i hdl monxinq swtkudeh 8 1886 poetry is dark and drear are perils in ihe way id httlo trials a ittnterevery day h full of i gray and gloom ih our feet may tread traveller- a blue sky overhead 1 4 j the right jouhiey to the left j to find the treasures we are bereft pa has ceased to smile ie heart is filled with dreacj traveller b blue sky overhead tlie the shallows dark may lie i alllrotnduslikeapalk and on t ad and sombre scenes j mapr o lrjlevel glances fall but oboethe things of earth is loves azure enrtain spread lookup traveller theres blue sky overhead i the summer days go by with sweet memories in their train the autumn days draw nigh and the earth is drenched with rain but when dear- delights are past and tli e joys of life seem fled look up traveller there i blue bky overhead though and bijiars though encore though that look up there tjmderfoot the thorns may abound deathand desolation pass as around ll the springs run dry epce our pleasures fed traveller i blue sky overhead qfrr story though tho go home you dojit before i go what keeper curi dusly day he balary iadvis mp wiltons office boyl it was i inie for the office to close but robert hai vey the office boy still lingered btokkeeper told him he could beem in any hurry this after noon said the bookkeeper do you think i could see mr wilton in i i your errand asked the book- 1 1 thought jis i had been here a year to- be willing to raise my jt igljt l e yiu not to ask said the book keeper shrugging his shoulders busi- ness is oily toso and you are fortunate not tobe ciit dovn but robi irt had a special reason for pre ferring his renuest his little sister was sick and h s mother who derived some in come from making vests for a city jailor was unable to do as much as usual and the result was ihap they were hard pressed for money to buy absolute necessaries jchen again in i week the monthly rent came dne it was but irfx dollars but that seem ed a large sum to robert and his mother mr wilfon sat in the countingrobm writing when robert entered i what6an i do for you robert he asked- mr wiltoii it is a year to day jince i entered your s rvicev the mercha it began to frown already he anticipated what was coming he iiad jubt been figur ng tip his profits for the year they exceeded twenty thousand dollars bnt still they were two thousand behind the profits of the previous year this annoyed him for he hal confidently expected to do better n said business aigr and i i must had only added it would have my time she has been according joing home to plenty pf com- ikates he sped much longer it is begin his will be the unless the with the seal- ch eap fopv cash offers young men and women the bestfaciiit as for acquiring a com plete training for bu 5 ness pursuits bookkeeping coniniercial arithmetic banking actual business practice busi ness correspondence penmanship j com mercial law telegraphy shorthand cal- igraphy or type writing french ygiene and physiology are taught by the most practical and interesting method the staff comprises six experienced teachers and lecturers the various departments are elegantly fitted uj with thejatjest and best apparatus forb lsinesg college work students may enter a s any tiime jfor s copy of the annual circular address macoormic principal n made having messrs w h continuance of the pi ing formerly occupy company we would i we are prepared to t ike contracts deessinq flooding the post office the a barber shop in opposite storeys old glove faotory actqurand solio ic in this of the bmineab toll bepoudoct is style give jvpwobden iv 1- nsaall buildyig college tinware of all ktnds at bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty ani put up on shortest notice first class material only used a call solicited j chill mill st wliat then plan1mc mill arrangements with storey son for the uing mill in thebnild- d by the actpn plow inform the public that -also- or building so j with neatn8 and ispaijch carriage painting kindly soliciting ronage we are res orjn fonthill actteslabqestinth share of public pat- inliyyqnrs thos ebbace manager ursenes e domilllo salesmen wanied i iovbb iacbkb to begin eauvssi steady imploynrent good agents are per month and ei fit free addem woot sconce on fa 11 sales successful inen ing from terms to 76 out- c4cseipht- parties desiring their biggies waggons guttees etc repainted or revaruish d and made equal to new on shortest possible noticeand at lowest prices should leave heir orders at once with mr 3 a si ight under taker and carriage build ir or with c speight he asked curtly i thought rou might be willing- to pay me a little jmoe salary how rqucl do i pay you now three doll trs and a half a week r i a very fail salary for these times rob ert the fact is business has fallen bff and i have not done as well this year by a couple of tho isand dollars as i did last year then r i ant raise me asked bob- ert in a tcne of disappointment certaiily lot most men are cutting down wages 1 wont do that bnt i cant advance you in another year jf things are favorible i will pay you something more anothei year it was a long time to wait whei money was needed so much jrobert felt that there wasno more td be saidj and returned away slowly his face clouded w th sadness mr wilton watched him as he went out and felt a little twinge of regret it woi ldnt have cost me much to pay r a doll ar a week me only fif tytnvo dollars lie thought still i must con sider the- principle of the thing why should he receive more when i am getting less mr wilton might have considered that to him a small diminution of his large iji jcome met nt no loss of camfort or even luxury wi lile with robert it was very dif ferent lewas not a hardhearted man but he wa i disposed to take a selfish view of yhatev r affected hib own interests the sight df i wyerty and privation made hirii uncomf ort able and he therefore made it a practice o shutting his eyes and ignoring them it did occur to him that roberts family wore probably poor and he knew that three dollars and a half would not go very far j but of course he said toning shingles and- wood the undersigned lhas for siloaisplendid stock of firstclass shingles no 1 cedarrl7s per square nol pihei 8100 per square no 2 cedar tlpersquare also i large quantity of woodofahklnd8from125a load up to sfw a cord prime short staves heading to tlie trade at bottom prices i ahosc2ioojle fict0bimttln 8t wost toh belf if it iunt for me to worry nyslfiabput how othei people manage i should have my hands full if i went into that business robert went home slowly he would have hurried if he had had good news to impart bi it his application had been fruit less at ast he reached the humble dwell ing in the outskirts of the city in which his yes mother mr w0l was not as good as a year wait another year if he a dollar a week to my pay almost paid the rent mrs harve sighed well she said therjtjis no help for it if alice recovers her h e alth soon i can do more work for the tailor but at present she takes up a great deal of how is she mother she feels a little bettei asking for oranges but i h ijd not a pent to sparo and theoor ohild riustgo without mother said robert lecidedly it is very evident that i must e irn more money after supper i will go out t hd see if i cant pick up a little money for xtra work what extra work can you find to do my son j i dont know but i ca i look about robert did as he proposed but returned home after two hours uhsu icessfnl never mind mother e said ill try it again tomorrow if my smployerwont raise my pay i will see ii in one way or another i cant make up frmm fifty cents t5 a dollar a week but it will be too hardiiryou robert ill risk it mother the next day was satun ay to cubtom some of the bush ess men in the place closed their stores or offices at four oclock in the afternoon to a how their clerks a little space for recreation it was in the winter season and the boys congregated in large numbe s at a pond not far from roberts home rhere theyha4 fine sport in skating it oo lurred to robert fhalt he might pick up a little money by putting on skates for young ladies or inex perienced skaters by font oclock he had earned ten cents in that way and there seemed to be little chance oi doing anything more in that line h why are you not ska ing rebert said charlie davis as he w is taking off hi bkates j i because i have no skateip you may use mine while i am gon home to supper 1 thank you charlie i shall enjoy it i think mjf skates will fft you yesj our feet are about of abize most of the boys enjoyed their skating so much that they deferred supper so that robert had pany when on charlies swiftly over the ice we shant have skating rob said fred lathrop ning to melt alieady you are right i think last chance for thef present weather gets colder the ice is quite thin over on the east side of the pond but still th 3 boys go there do you see that little fellow skin cap j yes what iof him it is the son of your em jiloyer clarence wilton he is an only his parents idolize him i ab told he seems aj bright httlesfellow i never savs any of mr jwiltohs family beforei clarence wilton was one of the imprudent boys who ventured put on the thin ice ie was rash and thoughtless and only laughed when told he was running a risk i only weigh eighty pou ids he said i guess the ice will bear inn ah- at once robert heat 3 a loud pry the ice is cracking acrowd of excited boys looking on when the omintins sound was heard all escapjd in safnty except one who was farthest away froh than any other clarence wilton is in voices it was quite true the had given away and the litt e boy after an ineffectual struggle had tioken through the boys looked on as if par ilyzed and ap peared not to know what to lo one robert had his wits alout him and though he knew his own danger he started swiftly for the dangerous spc t youll be drowned exchimed his com panions robert ottered not a word but kept on he reached the dangerous chasm and he too was engulfed but he hod grasped the little boy and held him up s 3 as to prevent his drowning bring a rail quick 1 he shouted there was a rail on the ip i not far away as he knew haifa dozen boys seized it and pushed it towards the imperilled boys not without a powetf uleffdt fc robert man aged to pull himself and cla ence out of the icyl waters both were sfiii ring from their terrible bath poor littlfc orying with the cold they got off the ice ate could near the pond was get in clarence said take you home where to asked the where dp you livecla the little boy named number 0 drive on as fast as you ert you will be wellpaid there was great alarm at the house of mr wilton when the tvo boys arrived mr wuton himself admitted them robert hurriedly told he story to his employer now he said i ivil get mr irwijn to take me home no said j the mercha ni gerousfor yori any longer io wet clothes you must cpmbin and go to bed as well as clarence a id i will sendfor the doctor bnt my mother will bej ajnxious believe he abked jetting weu 1 rapidly ftnawerecl mr witltod then rjthja voicefnll of emotion he added i wo qwet his life to you how cian we repay yen l i ambumoii riilyrepaid mr wilton by the knowledge t lat beis doing well that may b enough for you but tot for me ioyoi ljemember asking to ibave- jfotir salary railed how much- increase cid you expect if you wouh give tne a dollar a week r wre it would it ake me very hi ppy mr milton sm iled f how will tei dollars a week suit you heaskedi ten dollars i it is much anoreithas my services are wort hi exclaimed robert 1 perhaps so but i propose to pvyyon at that rate 1 ou must remjember hat y ur service of tl te other day fair outwelghls al i can do for on j v how delight id mother will be said jobertj his face flowing with happiness i that is not 1 11 j ahali tojnorroxv de posit in the saing bank onie thousand dollars to your credit as the gift of clar ence but i advis yaa toilet it accumulate when you are of age it may be of service in promoting any business plans you may hjwe from that time capricious foriunechanged- and all went we 1 with robert he was rapidly promote slnd became a traste4 aid important cl erk in the house oi mr wilton he aid clarence are intimate friends and the i nercbantj encourages the intimacy he fe 1s that roberts4nfluence oyer the younger boy will be beneficial no one in his emj ioy he spa iked the boy is so much a fi avorite with him as the ctae vhostarted as an office my- ihd girls were the strong ice ihoutedadozen i reacherous ice how an old it an quieted a naughty youngster ah the adult pi ssengers in the waiting- room had their attention attracted by the ycjungster8 antics he wanted candy and ht wanted to see i he liver and he wanted togo aboard the train and he wanted more than any city th s si se of toronto could possibly furnish i ree gratis his mother hushed him up ihe best she could aqd several times he s apped her face and kick ed her shins and got off without even a pinch byandb a j old man who sat nekr her and whe se f et the boy had walk ed oh several time s bgan to get nervous and turning to b is j ight hand neighbor aaid laud 6 m assj but ive either got toigit outer here o r sp ink that boy he just aches for it grc fled the othev he dloeb heputsmf in mind of my william ive seenwilliam wlii u nothing on airth tjurt a good spankii ig w onld put good nature ohim i say i vill go shouted tie jy tnis momei it please johntiy be entreated the- mother v i wont do 1 see hov thty are all looking at us i dont care i they are with that he walked up to t ie old man and made kick and then iie curtain went up on t hk play with oie tdst and two motibus i ejwas seized whi rled over a pair of knees s nd before he coul i sqt awk once the bpank- ijg machine begat its vork if ever a boy cl f iseven was neat y wc und up aud the ngly tiken out of him nside of sixty seconds was no mora complete than in t lis case theri ejaid the spanker lie upended the cl ild ais snffering for jiardonfor iuterfei dogs that and placed him leat youll fee better a heap better ated to do it yoi knew but saw that you it beg your mothers ing in family matters ut you setrigh t th ir till the train is ready ithe boy set an lsueh a calm and solid peace stole over th 3 cro ivd that the yells of the hackraeri ut4oors pain 1 gave everybody a come neaije i to me husband dear vmy sands oflife wiljiboon be run i feel thatflaath is drakvihg near the heav mly message soon will come i would ion ily say i love v with mjj faintest latest brdath thou my earthly friend thp troeat and the dearest onein deatl fare pell dearest i amfdying lei i me feel thy ilbvini clasp ere tie shining ones iof peaven be ir me from thy mortal graap r i r thou hast e oothed nle in affliction known a y weariness and pain and when i i my grave i slumber ohr never wish me back agajn when the cl bsjng scene ii oyer oh i wot id not have thee weep thank and nraise the blessed bviour thathe vesthe weary aleepi passing thri ugh the shadows valley i fear not the turbid stream shining ang sis wait to hear me safely to iheiother shore soon jliapp within my boscjlm our two darlings gone before i khewjou will be sad and lonely when my vacant place you tee but remember that ty spirit eerwill nover neair to thee when your labors here are ended and this mortal life is oer i i will be the first to greet you gon the bri jht eternsll shore- farew jli dearept i am dying let neieel thy loving clasp ere tl e shining ones of heaven beai me from tihy mortal grasp j he resembled his mother an old gentleman with a philanthropic look entered i tramcdr audc ist a wistful glance at the i rowded keite m young man rose directly ind proffered the old- man a seat all exclaimed he i knew i should not ha re to staiid long thank you my young fjieudv hecontiuned as he placed ins hat ds on the shoulders of the polite passeng t when i see i young man so kind tothe agedj1 can alwavs tell which of huj parents 1 e resembles most that interesting o rserved the bthe feeling it incumbent upon him to make some reply now dont ybu look like yoo r mother asked the oldinan cheerfully perhaps vyasjihe laconic reply ah 1 knew it exclaimed thagiratefnlpassenge delightedly i think the resemblance is so striking that i feel sure i should reeognizi s your- dear mother if i met lier then thu young man left the tram my graciou i the old gentleman wan heard to remark in a few minutes i hive lost my wa eh 1 per haps the youn man who lojks like his mother took it suggested a y uth with a bundie but idont kiiow hi n observed the aged party sadly you night know his mother piped up a li tie woman bother take him and his mother l re- torted the victim as he relapsed into- lence principle and principal i am for principle rather thanpolicy thundered atf cjsator hold jn cried a man in the audience what did yousay i am heraif or principle w have come to that era i the course of government when principle must be burs il it costs us blood ail right sqnire exclaimed the man who had interrupted he speaker im for principal myself am i if youll be so kjnd as to hand over tha little sum you liaye been jo wing me for tl e last fbnr- teen years ill knock off the interest for you the speaker could fjnd no 1 hole small enough lo conceal hifn thn live in ctove owners of pngs ay them in some white mountain hotels a nelwf onndjant dot at schoolys moon tam taudenii by a little girl clarence was quick as they aj hack tobert i will ver icev the street j3 a week board ior affiliates with a goat and they are driven to a pretty wagon and the largest dog mlloiig island is in all probability the s be rnard at the canoe place inn heis a tre mendous fellow but very gehtle a shepherd dog jelqi ging to mr schalk of monmouth june tion n s plays ball he never mnffs nq matjteihow the ball is thiown- a lady fromnejarl has her skyeterrier withherattheholelbjaaterslall andhasre- gular board paid forhfm the animal cos in jengland 3000 puck the beaut ful png ofjmrsal eakin of halifa has hib dainty meals prepared for him a re gulajriy as his mistress hashers hiseaily name punch was too plebeian and if hi ib called by it he cries zip the famous scotch terrier of mrs george w childs has his meals brought to him on burnis iea tray drives out with mrs childs behind e dashing team and ecessity- of sleep when basin 3ss becomes bo absorbing as to result in im omnia it is lime to stop busi- hess or business may stop you no sleep no brain noiileep no vigor sleepmeans a filling up cf body with new strength sleep is food o s much ak bread there is a time to stop turning asubject over anstiver again until it iains cornplete possession oi youi andyounirn ahditoss and cant lie still ot of very wearinfess that is one of the iiitiatorj steps to the madhquse sleep p money sound nights rest will give ybu a clef rer head jfor kcheniing plan uing and gettit g the besi of your f ellowraen can said irob- mother ai d sister lived ed thjdooirtohim of hif loki 1 loui failed iu your bail tnwusly imm his mother open- she noticed- the sadr ess t appucationj she tell her where moved the but he had been i i will send a message yo you are jit was a week before ro jert was able to gd hack to his work he vas next day to his own house thoroughly chilled and a ejere cold made it necessary for hin to ren la nindoors lon the day of hiej return t work he was summoned to the mere mots counting- room it is keep on dan yotur takes his ocean bajth larly i at ah aibury phrk it long branch regn- hotel aladys pet dog sleeps upon a silke n pillow at her feet he proved useful as well as grnamental by giv ing notice recently of- the presence of a thief who was abtrat to i eize the lady s diamonds supposed loss saying that ho vm iib she get the gift whatcanldc fori you mrs brown v said a dry goods d jalle r jto a countrywoman why i lowed i d c rae in and get a gif tl i learn 1 that youyi bebn adtreatin isome youve been wroigwr informed replied the merchant 7ebuy our goods and cannot afford to gi re pern away wellf th and idont eiee why im a better enstome a mistake some- we gave her treated- her with gimraiea leet niwmanmt tend n i eof you treated mrs m you cant trea i m thin siieis thdres where what did s ie say why she said y id tumelyahd lowd as how you voiild con ii too she got it- f r m whistle it b a ihort tim 3 ago a gentleman took his little on on a railway excursion the little fellovr w is looking out of the window when the f ath r slipped the hat ok the boys head the latter was much grieved at his when papa consoled him by would whistle it baokl alittlelaterle whistled aad the hat e appeared net long after the little lad flungfthe hat out of the window shouting now papa whistle it back again 1- a roar of laughter in the- carriage served to enhance the confusion of perplexed papa holloihayt pills are strongly recommend ed to iall perspis who are much reduced in power and condition whose stomachs are weaki and whose neryes are shattered the beneficfal effeots of tlie pills will be perceptible aft sr a few days triaj fihough a more extepd jd course may be required to reestablish psrfect health hollowayfl medicine acjts on the organs of digestion and induce omplete regularity in the stomach i 1 ve- pancreas and kidneys this treatrii en is both safe and certaib in resultand is- thoroughly consistent with observation xperience and common sense the pc rification of the blood the iemoyalof air noxious inatter from the secretions ihe the excitement of gentle action in th 3 b wels are tha souiroes of the curative po rers of pollpway s piue r u 1 il freeman s worrii powders jaresae sure and speedy a ieraoe worms frpm ohildreu or adults f sfp drl l6wbpieniviit wormlsyrup is a safe and r sliu bio worm xembdy for all worms afbii tu g children er adults

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