Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1884, p. 2

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i 7 m3is3s vmatl i o w jfm xnmmt kwxtno inn 1j 188 tbi cemetery w u plaasad to wama to umonnce to oar nates that dannits up hava at laat baaa takaa for ptotidioi tbs people oi aston tad surroondiujc vicinity with 1 btftauaoamatary aatmbarol citissns mt togsther lut k with this end inviv ud after d- otdias that the fonnatioa ot a xxmpaay with a subscribed capital ol reasonable aatoaat waa the only way to main the pro ject a soooeeatal one prepared the pro- ipsetaa which appears in another column in order to make the matter satisfactory to all it it proposed to fix the shsres at a tow price and endeavor to ham them ex tended over the whole community allowing ao one parson to pdrchaae mora than about tiro shares ol itook by thii arrangement no indmdoal will secure a controlling ini ftoapos oat all stockholders will hare an equal voice in the formation of the com pany the appointment of directors 4a and it ia thought thii will hare a much more satisfactory molt than if the stock it held by a few citizens or eren if placed nnder manioipal control the price ot shares ia fixed at to low a figure and a dividend of only twentyfive par cent of thii being considered all that will be called in we feel certain that there will be no difficolty in having the whole amount tnhkribed in a very ahort ime- the investment cannot fail to be a safe one and by ita expenditure the community will be provided with a suitable and very place fa the burial of deceased stockholders will not only be making a good inreatment bat it ii the intention of the company to aoow those who parchaae stock any cemetery plota they may require at considerable discount upon the regular prjose aaked for groond lie stock book has been opened and al ready a large quantity of stock haa been taken and the present prospects are that before many n acvn and vicinity will be supplied with a neat tasteful con venient and wellkept cemetery the necas- silj fin 1i1i ira question fording a much needed reust 0 the- fann ing population the soaroity of female help u being seraraly felt in different parts of therorinoe in maine every distillery and brewery has bain absolutely closed and there il not an open dram shop outside ot three or foot cities where otnothotdtn neglect 0 do their dnty in 1881 ths official revenue re port ot the united stales ahowedosromu per inhabitant is maine collected on the manufacture and sale ot intoxicating liquors while 1140 per inhabitant was the average collected on the same over the whole- union barely this is a prohibition that prohibits the total number of letters and packages handled by the various post offloea in the dominion last year was uo less than 97- 570000 distributed in the various province as follows ontario 57030000 quebec i v 23800000 koya8ootia 6551000 kewbrunswick 575000 manitoba etc 5009000 out of this vast number how very few went astray or were finally lost the manitoba legislature previous to prorogation passed a resolution declining to accept of the terms offered by the do minion government and the matter has been left over until the next session of the legislature the government to contin ue negotiations with the dominion in the interval the manitobana are willing to accept the terms offered as an installment of what they consider to be their rights but they decline to give a clear receipt and accept the present offer as a final settle ment it is every way likely that the dominion government will yield this point which roll satisfy the practical politicians of the legislature although ths people of the province will oome far short of receiv ing what they demand st i following synopsis of the report of the ontario bureau of industries just oontains considerable matter of in terest to out readers tr fall wheat is in a much more satisfac- tory state than it was at this time last year tea it is not uniformly good and there are some districts in which the out look is unsatisfactory this is noticeably hie ease in the ends of the pro vince the ana under wheat is about twenty per cent less than lost year this year there are 937459 acres in fall wioat last year the acreage was 1181 5 the season having opened early a much larger area than usual of spring crops was sown in the month of april snd owing to the absence of heavy rains farmers were enabled to get the land into excellent con dition oats barley and spring wheat have mads a fine start and give promise of a good harvest the area ot spring wheat will be larger than last year in west- j ern counties sjid srill to a considerable ex i tent make good the reduced area under fail wheat the quantity of wheat in farmers hands is limited to the requirements of home con sumption snd the stock in granary and warehouse has not been so low in the province as it is at the present time since the year following the bad harvest of 1875 the clover fields in every part of the province are in a magnificent condition snd give promise of an abundant yield llany cuucspnnnffnts report the prospects as better than it has been for years the fields look from a week to ten days ahead of their condition at the c date of last year the general outlook for fruit bespeaks a high average crop of nearly all kinds con- ibly with the failure of last all orchard trees survived the r without serious injury fromfrost the peach frees so many of which destroyed as to leave hopes of only a very small crop apple and peer trees are everywhere healthy and laden with blossoms and ire likely to bear enor- inpearyl the prospect for smsll frdifg of sh kinds is equally bright the effects of lsstweeks frosts on field orchard tad garden crops are much less serious than was feared barley has been injured on low land and in some localities the clover has been nipped but the cloudy weather of the week favoured a good re covery in nearly all the best fruit-grow- ing districts of the province no permanent injnry has been done and the prospect consinnef enoonragipg for a fine crop acton pbblio school niw buttdrkos if the interest manifested by the rate payers of this municipality in the educa tion ot their children ia to be calculated by their attendance at the various school meetings held then we must conclude that it ii either at a very low ebb indeed or that the people have unlimited confidence in the integrity and good judgment of their school trustees the number who put in an ap pearance at the meeting called for monday evening to decide upon the most advisable coarse to pursue in providing further school accommodation ni very limited at this meeting the question was cal culated from every standpoint that prs- seoted itself a proposal to utilize the temperance hall for present necessity was considered but as further school room will undoubted be quired in the jiear future it was deemed unadvissble to entertain this proposal the meeting concluded that any additional buildings provided had bet ter be erected on the present school site a committee consisting of the board ot trustees and messrs- d henderson i b pearson and h p moore was appointed to examine the present school building with a view to ascertaining whether it would be practicable to adds second story this plan was thought to be the most economical in many ways and would pro- vide ample accommodation for the require ments of the next ten years or more the provision of mors room is an abso lute necessity there being no matter of choice prompt steps must necessarily be taken it is proposed to raise the money neces- for the improvements referred to by ig debentures the interest only on said debentures to be paid for the first ten years this will be the meet favorable plan for the ratepayers and will give the citizens of future years an opportunity of paying in some degree for the privileges they will enjoy prospectu8 of the falnriew gmetwy co acton it is a fact patent to sireryone and espe cially to lb aniens of acton and surround ing oommunity that stops mutt nsoessar- ily be taken at ooos to scare for acton and riolnlty a mora soluble cemetery than the present burlsl ground particularly as the present groond is liable to be dosed against further interments at any moment in the event of this oar clusetu and the residents ot the oountry adjacent to acton would be left without a convenient place to bury their dead from sanitary oonsideratioui alone the present burial plaoe should be closed ths nature ot the soil and the imperfect drain age of the village of acton exposes us to great and imminent danger at all times but more especially in case of contagious epidemics the municipality haa already laid the subject before the people tor consideration bat for various reasons it was deemed inexpedient that the council should proceed to make the arrangements necessary for providing a new cemetery it ia therefore proposed in the hope ot meeting a better response and receiving a more cordial support from the citisens and public generally to organise a company to carry oat the scheme with a subscribed capital of h00000 divided into 100 shares of 14000 each the call on shares not to exceed 25 per cent the first rear and in no subsequent year more than one call ot 10 per cent the property contemplated tor purchase is that known ss the steel property which was selected for the cemetery site by a oommittee of citizens appointed at a pub lic meeting four years ago this property contains nineteen acres of the choicest lsnd for the purpose obtainable in tbe neighbor hood and is declared by landscape survey ors to be the most desirable in the vicinity this property can be purchased from the present owners for the low prioc of 15000 per acre the inreatment cannot fail to prore a desirable one to the stockholders and it is confidently expected that the first call of twentyfive per cent will be the only one required as the revenue from the sale of lota will pay cost of porchase and all ex- pauses incurred it is now proposed to receive subscrip tions for stock for this purpose a stock book has been opened and stock may be subscribed for at the office of mowat tc mc lean solicitors town hall the so per cent of stock to be paid by the 1st july 1884 h p moon- rev vy j pioott provisional secty fnrrisfooal cbinnau- rilovtslokll dlhxctobs w h storey d henderson c 8 smith v7m hemstreet fames moore d d christie the watch clock house oi atteleh notes and comments hon j of blaine ot augusta maine was last week nominated as praaulaiiiial randidato of the republican party local papers are the champions and sop porters of the interests of their respectiye sections and as such hare a claim to ths support of the people aside from their in trinsic value which is always greater than the price asked there appears to be a mors abundant supply of farm hands now than than was last year aoi the arersg rate of wagas is issrar sararsi oomspornhrru mention ohftax olmcentt taboawri as af- rockwood hews front ovr cirji ciirtttpondent some rime last week some person or persons cat off the ear knocked out the eye and otherwise brutally abased a yearling bull belonging to mr win stovelbf bock- wood which he had pasturing on lot 8 con 6 eramnna the bockwood presbyterian sabbath school woi hold their srmnsl picnic on saturday 21st inst bar f w faxriee of ottawa preached last sunday morning for bey d strachan who is attending the general assembly now in session in toronto boy d ward- rope will preach in the presbyterian church next sunday at 2j0 pm the old st johns church building is no longer recognizable when completed mr xago will have a fine glove shop the crops are fednng well and the fall wheat will soon be headed out miss effie carrie who died of consump tion in buried at everton last week it is said that her cousin of died on the morn ing of her burial business brevities sams raeu about ear bnjtasss kaa and houses of beaefitta our geaeral rssesrs hats from 75 cents to 1250 at i fyfes if you want a nobby durable and cheap suit t fyfes is the place to go the largest and cheapest stock of boots t shoes to select from is at nelaofl meeaes scotch english and canadian suiting a great variety at the east end clothing tore i frfeaoton suits sad overcoats at extremely low rasas and mads ia mast styles be sura to call and see them j fyfeaetoa thiei ibi tuir noni who taluk be osasa they hare nflertd from t torn tor years they most softer eg to ths snd of time dr starrs cora 8olaat sarely ear it 80u by 3 b mcgarriijrppst tor 26c kings evil 7j the name formerly given 0 scrofula became of a superstition that it could be cared by a kings toacn the world is wiser now snd knows that scrofula ean only be cured by a thorough purifica tion of the blood if this fs neglected the disease perpetuates its taint threorh generation after generation among fu earner symptomatic developments are eexama cutaneous emotions tu- ssboioalrbauclee erysipelas purulent ulcers nervous and phy sical onllensn etc if allowed to con- bheasoatismt serafalosm ga it kidney sad uver diseases tubercular consumptloa snd vxri- ou other dangerous or fatal makdies ire produced by ft ayers sarsaparilk u ou onlf poaerid and almnt rtliablt bioottptiifflaf medicine it is so effect ual aa skerstlve that it eradicates from the system hereditary scrofula snd the kindred poisons of conlagioua dlaesses sad mercury at the same time it en riches tad vitalizes the blood restoring rwslttrfnl action to the vital organs snd tajuifiisrrngthacuure system thisgrest regenerative medicine is composed of the rename eondtrat sanaparma with feoois dock sllli ungia tbe iodides of potasttnt snd iras snd other ingredfcnu of great po tency carefully and sdentiuesjly com pounded its formula is generally icdowu to the medical profession and the best u constantly prescribe atees it absolute cure for all diseases caused by the vitiation of tie blood it ii concentrated tothe high est praetjcabte degree far beyond any ether prepsrstkm for which like effects are ctsfntfd snd is therefore the rhwrpftr ss wee as the best blood pnrirying medi cine in the world ayers sarsaparilla dr j c tjtr co lowell mat analytical chemists sold by all druggists price 1 six bottles for 5 still ahead with a new stock which can be 60il at prices lower than ever glasgow house nelson ft stfosas having leased better rooms for alt repairing department iii 4 the triangle dyes haye attained a popu larity unprecedented in the history of dve staffs 5b wonder for they are perfect in all their shades 10c at j e mcgar vins drug store 45 xot another fill shall go down my throat again said s citizen wlica i can get suoh a prompt and pleasant care for my bilious attacks as dr carsons stomach bitters it renders tbe blood pure and cool and makes a splendid spring afedx cine large bottles 50 cents 45 is fbxsh caszs of catarrh relief woi be speedy and cures quickly follow the use of dr starrs catarrh conqueror in long standing chronic cases a cure cau always be relied on by perseverance in its use a few weeks sold by e megarvin druggist price mcenls fsuad at last an article that will gire satisfaction howards pure concentrated alkali for cleaning and scrubbing purposes printers osesheep washing before sheariogand also for nuking bard and soft soap a single trial is bat necessary to convince tbe most skeptical of its great yalne it will make tbe flooring aa bright as new does not exmok the hands everybody who has aaad it likes it it is put up in tin boxes with fall directions and sold by our special agents only through the dominion stand ard chemioal co sole proprietors taronto oat s e heqarsiasole agans for acton and yioinity 46 aekleaa araea salve the best salrs in tbe world for cuts bruises soros ulcers bait rheum fever ores tetter chapped hands chilblains coras sad all skin eruptions and posi- tifely eurm piles or no pay required it ii guaranteed to give perfect satlsfaotion bojwjtfaoded prioesjjcsbts parybox itshyjemooartii 81- kv i uan give you- better satisfaction than ever wm s smith guelph at thii eetioa of tbe vesr there thoald be t boltle of pcctorit tu erery boase it if uaeqaallcd fo- coagb coldi ud hoarrjtjnew is jjeawnt equally ufe for child reo price 25 ceau it til drnggisu x mcrte wyebridge writefl i hire sold urge qaantilice of dr tbnmu eclec trie oil u s aced for colds sore throat croap tc tad in fict for any t flection of the throat it works like magic it is sure care f r boras vroaudg aud braita pistrke to let excellent pasture with plenty ofwitcr ariyto lbwttlght june th 1s7c acton painless dental operations vitalized aib or x1tbou8 ox- ide gas for pmiolen dental oporataoni ai tbe office of c b hayes lds totelli btoct upper wvniliam street gczrh ix8trcctionk in hu810 missugsta xiqtilix is pre- pabed to resume detraction on the pluo and organ call at the residence main btreet for panictilars a 3j- xicklix actoffmayltthl9s good stable fok sale rwxee undersigned will sell for a reasonable price the stable at ptee- property on frederick street the building is of good solid frame about ib 1 94 apply ent localed on her prop- the building is of good feet in ttx5 snd has a leanto lx 3 feet aj this office or to mhs edwabd moore acton jane i i eaklt closixs we the dkdebsigned mee- chaktfi and business men of aeton hereby agroo to eiosc oar respective places of bosuiess st tne honrpt seven o clock in tne even- lug saturdays excejtedon and titer uonday thfl 8th day o wane t4 hb mccarthy xelson t ifcluc geokavtu b peanon kenney broc- h j uorton fyfe acton jane fth 18h j c hill b uulett v p brovn v h hoe tlarshall dedmondson t hhsrdlnj c b griffin wellington marble work quebec st guelph john h hamilton pkopfiletoh- formerly mcquillan hamilton dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work received first prises at provincial ex hibition gnelph the western fair and all local exhibitions or excellence ot material and superiority of workmanship your orders are solicited 38 s acres 385 acres fonthill nurseries tie laxjtit la tip dominion salesmejtwanted to begin work st once on fsll sales steady employment at tiled salaries to all willing to work mx and women can have pleasant work the year bound good agents are earning from mo to 175 per month snd expenses terms and out fit free addresiv- stout ik vtluncton toronto tat e marshall edmondson ttav1 always on hand a fall stock -of- gfooceries crockery glassware wall paper provisions o in the store next to the post office flour and feed having purchased the floor and feed business ox mr l q matthews we will be pleased to sopply alibis old customers and any new ones requiring roods in this una rm4 and cheap goods for cash v trade all kinds of produce taken in exchange hoping to secure a fair abare of the trade of acton and vicinity yours it marshall ft edmondson court of he vision the court of revision for the municipal ity of the village of acton will hold its first sitting for hearing and determining appeals against the sasesa- ment of 1884 in the town hall acton tuesday the i7tti of june 1884 at eight oclock pm rr je mcgaktn -f- tillage clerk curks office may 30 84 sa1 nur tfaia working elau send 10 lltlluaants for postage and we will mail you free i royal valuable box of sample goods that will put yon in the way of making mora money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business capitalnot required we will start yon ton can work all the time or in your spare time only the fork is nuivsraally adapt ed to both saxes ronng and old yon oaa easily earn from 0 cents to tt every even ing that all wlo want work may test the business we male this unparalleled offer i to all who ate a it wall satisfied we will send f 1 to pay fo the trouble d writing us full partioularij liraotions etcsenttae fortunas will be j aad by aose who giro their wholetime dthe wort sjhwatjsao y tin s donsdauyv b 2000 cords hemlock bark wanted tbe subscribers will pay j 050 per cord for all prime quality hemlock bark de livered at their tannory in acton hefort horetmber 1st 1884 bark must be brirht on flesh sat and full four feat long curled or damaged bark only reoeived at a propgrtionate re duction we wlsk it duttoetlir ander- atstm at barb will kereeetred stftcnr use sumt nsrosator wltfc- tfxteeiai contract any other information wil be gladly fomishsd upon application at the tannery tomucbwjiflon j bcfardmoreltco aoton april 188 samtsux ia jtaaravt tas la each v tsma lmltear gugssiffcsii law j ray w e respectfully tnvite attention to our im mense stock of spring good every department replete with all th newest and most fastionable goods our dre8 good8 are the most complete we have yet offered comprising all shades in ottoman cords nuns cloth cashmeres and spring suit ings really beautiful goods in our pbint department we show over 400 patterns ranging from 6c to 25c per yard in white and grey cottons we are giving some very close quotations as we have been enabled to secure some special values we have an immense stock of shirt ings cottonades etc etc at all prices mv r saturday 5th april will be our openinc day this department is under the supervision of miss tilany a first class milliner as we have a magnificent stock of miilinery goods we feel satisfied that we can furnish firstclass millinery at as reason able prices as any house in the trade remember our opening day ordered clothing d j n8na1 firet cm j parties requiring perfect fitting well hade and cheap 8uits phonldgive nsa call 7 we have a splendid lme of geuts furnishings hats and caps 4c aiil 3sjju w goods boots and shoes jllt 8howin 8 the most complete and attractive stock we have ever shown in ladies gents ami childrens wear special value groceries ja givingspecial values in 50 cent teas in subarjj we thanking oue numerous ffilbnds and customeb8 fok their generous 8uppoht we re8pbotfully soijciia continuance of tottr v esteemed fa vor8 ash we feel confident that we can give you better value for your muney than ant other house 1h to tbadb our motto small profits and quick returns yours rbottolij f 1 r a ffc nelson c remember onr famous ae aouw april 184

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