plsifrp ssssps3sssfe itl iftf rw 4reens8 trrao moaxr mjmc 17 18m both fsbfsotlt wtllino it i should steal a little kin oh would the mtp 1 wonder i tnmbleat the uionnht o bliss- u i should steal a little kiwi 8ooh poutinglips would never mln the dainty bit of plunder j ii i should steel a little kiss ha longt to steal a kie ot mine- he may if hell return it ii i can read the tender aign he longs to steal a kiss of mine in love and war you know the line- why cannot he discern it r he longs to steal a kiss ol mine he may it hell return it a little kiss when no one teea where is the impropriety how sweet amid the birds and bees a little kiss when no on aces nor is it wrong the world agrees if taken with sobriety a little kiss when no one sees where is the impropriety tinmmafjiatv t rir philosophyof after marriage you love ine no louder said a bride ol i few mouths to ber betterhail in his grown and slippers why do you say that puss f he asked quietly removing a ciar from hia lips you do not cartas ma dot call me pet names you no longer seek so anxiously for my company wis thto tearful answer my dear continued the wretch did yoa ever notice a man running alter a car t how he does run over stones through mud regardless of etery thing till he roaches the car and he wiles hold and swings oh then he quietly seau himself md reads his paper and what does that moan v an illus tration my dear the car is as important to the man after he gets in as when he is chasing it bat the manifestation is no longer cauedfor i would bare shot any one who put himself in my way when in pursuit of youas i woald now shoot any one who woald come between as bat as a proof of my love you insist on my running after the car r an extraordinary tailoring job among the many whimsical anecdotes told ox the peculiar habits of the chinese perhaps few will be considered more char acteristic of their love of imitation than the following towards the close of the last century an officer of the pitt east tmim when that ship lay off canton sent ashore to a native an order for a dozen pairs of trousers to be made of the nankeen for which china has been so long famed the chinese artisan required a pattern- he could not make anything without a pat- urn so a pair of trousers were sent at his reqoeat which pair had been mended with a patch and needlework on the knee in doe time the dozen pairs were sent on board of aiarbic of exceeding beauty for fineness and quality but every pair bearing like an heraldic badge the obnoxious patch on the knee exactly copied stitch for stitch in a style tht reflected the highest credit on the mechanical rfrfil of the workman udfor the difficult execution of which an extra charge was made upon the purse of the exasperated owner who had no alternative but to bring home his bargain as a qualifi- cttion for the travellers club early training- to shape the character of a child aright is a task which perhaps only those who have themselves been wisely disciplined in youth are thoroughly competent to perform few know how to go a boat it fewer still poasesi the requisite patience and eqaa- nimitylo adhere persistently to the rules under which alone it can be accomplished the great difficulty is with those strong propensities which wholesome in them selves and implanted in nor nature for wise purposes may become if unregulated by principle the source of the worst vices and the most heinous crimes theres too much horse racing at your agricultural fairs remarked parson jones to tbe secretary of the county society i should like to know sir what horse racing has to do with agriculture well par son replied the secretary with a pleasant smile no more than church lotteries bazaars 4c haveto do with spreading the gospel parson jone3 saw the point and changed the conversation immediately theuavy blue seal hrvwn olive green and other rich dark colors uf the triansle dyes aruw perfect u bright shades they juver disappoint tht ur loo at j e hooarvinv drug 8lorc 83 mr oedrge tuleb drugkuormveohartt out writes my customers who hart uaed northrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dvftpepuc cure say that it hu doue them mote good tlian anything they have evet used il lias indeed a wonder ful influence in purifying tha blood and curing u leases ot the digestive organs the uver kidneys and all disorders of the eyntem saltathesua cared are yoa troubled with salt rheum rough skin pimples or cankeisorea if ao ho at oooe to j e mcqarvins drug store and ret a package of calvetts carbolic cerate price twentyfive cents it wis never known to fail 41 these are ud facts the hett blood purifier and system regu lator ever placed within tbe reaob of suffer ing liumanitv truly is electric bitter in activity of uie liwr bilious ocas jaundice constipation weak kilueyaorsny disease of the urinary organs or whoever n quirt an appetizer touic or mild stimulant will alwavs fiud electric bitters the best and oily ceruiu curv kuowu they act surely and quickly every bottle guaranteed to tire entire sathfsctioa or inuoey refunded said at fifty cents a bottle by j e mcgar- vin the vomaks fhymcus a coenmou siroae medical work foi isdics otujf fuliy answers all questions which midesty pruvnu aakiagpmale pbyaician uives causes and symptoms of all diseases of tbe sex with jwicirer curt for each in plain languige written by ladies who have made those dtseasoj a life tody a plain talk in delicate language which every wom an young aud um should read il is rec- ommeudtd by ra uiy eminent ldy physici an as a soft guide for the a haouwaiely bouudand illustrated sent postpaid for tloo address the rochester prausacvg co 32 3d 33 12 osburnbuck 33 rochester x v 4 keamarluukle taeaate mrs man a dailey of tunkhanoock pa was ifflicted tor six years with asthma aad broochitts during which llraethe btst physicians old give no relief her life was despaired of until in last october she procured a bottle of dr kings new dis covery when immediate relief was felt and by continuing its use for a short time she wis completely curud goiniug in flesh 50 lb ia a few month free trial bttct uf this certain cure of all throat and lani flueascs at j e mcgarvios drag store large bottlea u00 backlcas arsca salve tfce brft salve in the world for cats bruiecs sort clcen tialt rheum fever sorea tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all- skia eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required it ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by j e ifcgamn 31 hoiioimi piltt are the medicine most iq repute forcer ag the multifarious mal- a lies which attack hamauitt when wet and and cold water givei place to more geuiil temperatures in short these pills never fail to afford relief in all the disturbances of circulation digestion and uerroua energy which at times oppress a rust portion of the population under the wholesome purifying aod strengthening powers exerted by these excellent pilu tbe tongue becomes cleao the appetite improves digestion la quickened aod assitniulioa rendered per- fecl holloways medicine possesses the highly estimable property of cleansing tbe whole mass of liod bich in its renovated conditioq carries purny 6rcngth and vig our to every tissue of the body are you troubled with salt kbeum rough sands or old sores of any kind that cannot be beflkd even thoagh it be of yeara standing mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate will cure it betond the shadow of a doubt it is the beat healing compound ever known boils festerings frost bites burns or anv skin trouble are alike cured by it sold at 25 cents by j e mc jarvin druggist 33 1 i f use ihe star drea if yoa want brilliant and fait colon s hare yoa a opagbj sleepless nights need no longer trouble yoa the use of ayes cberry pectoral before retiring will soothe the cough to quiet allay tbe inflammation and illow tbe needed repose it will moreover speedily heal the pul- monarr organs and tpve too health if yoa bare a faded cloak or mantle make it new by asiag a package of tbe triangle dyea all tbe popular colon always certain 10c by j e licgarrin 37 worms enae feverishness moaning and restlesaneas daring sleep mother grares worm exterminator ia pleasant sure and effectual is there anything more annoying than luring your corn stepped upon is there anything more delightful than getting rid of it hollows- corn cure will do it if yoa are safteriojr from a sense of ez treat wcariuu try one bottle of ayeti sarsaparilla ifwill cost vou bnt one dpi lax and will dojou incalculable good it will do away with that tired feeling and give jn new life and energy the most incredulous are forced to admit that for perfection in colors the triangle dyea haye no equal ask for three corner ad package and see that yoa set it loo at j e mcgarrins drug store 33 tke uatery fcaylaue nothing succeeds like success this ev pubnswnyivrravspjjtlm coeei m1ctob hal rjsen so rapidly into public taror it poaitirely sneoeeds in accoo- pushinjrallthatis claimed for it corns ra aa easily od nainleialy ourfid by its use aj the greatest sufferer could desire pntaants painless corn fetrtictnr hark tten1aine gold by dmggisu ererywbere 5 pa9- 00 gfftnoi rroprie rfev how to make uutd this book gives full directions for mskia all kinds of plain and fancy candy the recipes for making caramels cfaocolatedrops french mired and all other kinds of candies contained in ibis book are the same sa ased by the lead ing city confectioners anyone can hare these candies al home st less than one oiird the usual cost sent postpaid fur 50 cente no stamps taken address rochester publishing co 32 33 83 12 0bnmblock eocbestct k v 38 prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by tbe oisny cores it has affect ed hcgrtgort tipedy cure leads the tan subjected to tha minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain ooo of- those injnrious ingredients characterizing the torthlets sped tics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul iar adaptability to tbe various complaints for which it has been compouoded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confl- dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief bit an ouohu cart for dyspepsia liver cool plaint indigestion constipation and im pare blood free trial bottles- at j e mcgai nns dru j 8tore the h00hbwi7i a popular domestic jonrial for amerioao homes will sent for me gear free to every lady who will send at onee the names aod address oi 10 married ladies and 60 cents no stamps taken best paper for aither loung or old honsekeepers in exist ence this offer is made only to secure names to whom tb sendssmple copiea as we know every fady wboasea sees tbi flptnwrjiieu7 miachjs for u begular price itbo per year addreaa at once tjrj saulthmja saudnajitt hi si w new carpets new dress go new 811k sju arrived at the right house watkins and bu staff of nver 80 assistants havo been very buiy this week receiving shipments of new goods dlreot from tue raanofaoturere marking them off and selling thorn ai arrivals andc best i new aiinuieuoib cm nil uuriiiig ijr iuw uiihuuiu p u imiuy atuiiina mill siiuraicu iutw cashmere coatamea selling ot at mielhira less than tbelr vslui excellent new dress floods in beutifnl designs and colors at 12 1 17 80 and mc ndon 1 w 1 good heavy strliwo anil checked shirtings in f colors at only 10 lo isjc table dmaik sliahtlv damagcdls sellina ff at an immedsa rtduotion under it real value nsw parssols hew umbrellas new flowers new bonnets hats and ililuins iuit arrived niw hosiery olovef neckwear and underclothing r ff british and oetnisn makers new mauues uanllc cloths ulster and ulsur cloths iuit lo hand in very handsome designs new dress buttoul ia the very lateal irvenob and german stylus more of hint celobrntsd 40tnob 8jo grey cotton in this week jut see the yard wide me aod 5jo grey cottons tbey astonuh ousloniers kaaj wbit cottons selling at a grant reduction under last wasona prices blaukets ladles winter mantles and other winter goods are still selllcgoff at an inormous keauotloo in prices the new prints new cashmeres new meriuoes and new rlaok crana never were so very cbeap bcfire and have an amazing sale lumsmber tbe bight hoase is on king street east close to hagbson street the name is on each of the four windows in white ilass betters hamilton msrcn 87 1884 thomas c watkins hamilton ayers cherry pectoral no other coin plaints are so insidious in their attack a ihoaa affecting the throat and lungs none to trifled with by uio majority of laitcr- rs the ordinary cough or cold resulting i- from a trifling or unconscious ex- e s often but the beginning of a fatal iuess avabl cukhey plctoiul lai rci proven 1u efficacy in a forty rears fight trih uinjat and lung diseases and should be t en fu all cases without delay a terrtblo cooffh oared luk i look a severe cold which affected my lanjt i bad a terrible eooghjitd passed vjiui uier uichl withont sleep the doctors gave lac n i tried avefis cflebky pec- toaal wtiicli rvucred my lungs indueed ileep and aftorded m the rest necessary or the recovery of rnr strength uy ths coiitiiiocd uao of tha pectobal a perma- iicut care rai effected i am nov yean old hale and hearty and am satisfied your curakv pcctoxal uted me horace fxmnitotnsr rockingham vu duly is 16 croup a mothers tribute while in the country lnrt sinter my little boy three year old was ukeii 111 with cronp it ecoied as if lie woasj die from itrangi- latioa our of tlie family sugcested tbe use of areas cfleuav peitoiul a bottle of wklch was always kept in the bouse this wis tried in niall and frequent doses and to our delight ui less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily the doe- tor aud that the chekbt pectokal had tared my darlings life can you wonder at qurgrauiade sincerely yours una km ma gedxxt 159 west 12su st sew york may 16 l6 i hate used avths cntaat pxctohal in my family for sereral yean and done- hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for conghs and colds we hare cter tried a j crajcz lake crystal minn jlarcb ix 1ss2 u i suffered for eight years from bronchitis and after trying many remedies with no suc cess i tss cured by the use of a vras cana- uv imrrobil joseph waujes litlalia miss- april 6 1sez i cannot say cnoaph in praik of atebs cnraar pectobai tvltctini as i do that bat fsir its use i thoalj longjunee hare died from long troubles t baaodox palestine tciai afril 22 1sg ko case of an i of the throat or hmgs eiisu wbch 7 w rreatlyrelieted by tha use of ara- uinnitv pectoeal and it win airajfi cw vben the disease u not already beyond the control of medicine raepaxzd bt drjcayerco sold by all dniggists 8peight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms sssatl calls citier night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a flr8tcla9s hearse for hire 3we arc in a posilkn lo satisfactorily fill orders for ivsircons carriages ac of every description in reasonaue time good workmanship ond firstclass material always used we birc also a fplcrdid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap sauyoa will pay ti ca8h we will sell yon anything in our line cheap j a speight manasr co to the old reliable clothing store for your fi n lo t hi ivg i business brevities some facta about our business kan and houses of benefit to our ksneral readers hats rrom 73 cents to 5250 at j fyffa if vo want a nobby durable and cheap suit j fyfes is the plsca to go tbe largest and cheapest ttock of boots t shoes to select from is at xdioo 4 mceaes thv largest stock of geota furnishings hats aod capssbirts aud drawers at kel son mceaes the best value in factory otionsf winceys flannelj and domestic good at kelson mceaes the larewt and chiapcst block ot ready made clothing in tbe town is at kelson fc mcris the mot perfect fittiiig suits asd overcoals and hie best selection fr icods at the lowest pricea at kelson 4 mceaes suits and overcoats at citrerailj low rates and made in latest styles be snie to call and see them j fvfe acton for beauty and durability uf lor the triangle package dyea btat the world f you never used dj es before do sd now and be convinced 10 18 cca week at home o00 outfit free pay jddabsolntelyaare koriak capital not required reader if you want business at which persona of either sex young or old can make great pay all the time they work with absolute certainty write for particu lars to p 4 co portland maine ton will fiud a still increased stock of goods in all lines adapted for the coming season at prices snitable to the hard times do not fail to see my 11 sis and 13 suits made up in the best of style and perfectly fitting the finest stock of hats scarfs collars and all things necessary to a complete outfit satisfaction in every way gnaranteied at the east end clothing store j fyfe firsaiiules- m r 4 ft an endless variety of plush and other ricture frames suitable for pre8ents photocraph8 the latest style taken by tbe new j process no lonp sittings brins your pictures of deceased friends and have them tail enlarged in firstclass style c w hill acton 4 0 fbames bbs family hew8paper in canada kmg ot weeklies weekly free press large 1 faper 9 pages cut pasted by new machinery contains all the neva special market department agricultural department capital storv always banning djgenious puzzle column funny humorisms jut the muff for the funily i3send slo0 and tbe paper will lie forwarded to rem to january 1st 1865 911000 in premiums tbe most liberal indueeinsuts ever offered in canada to parties getting up dubs send for premium lujt the week- ljfreepress weekly ee rbeu fistalesvs adtsacate seat u 1st jaaaart isss far 1is address fret press office london ont thbobamp10x of the homes asalnst the haloons a masterly prohibition paper the the leading temperance journal cf the united 8utea opposed tolioense in au its tontu the fearrajs advocate of thetital prohibltiouofthe drink trsfflo eiobtpaoe ptrrr8rjcoi0tws3av terssufaoy 1 j per tear sorllberalrednetjon tblnbsv aasufs wanted samples re- address unaoouainted with the oiocsftalthv thi coout coohtrt wui chicago rock island pacirc ry saris ttia oreat oantral una affords to travelers by reason of tea jnrhratad cao- eraphloal position tha shortest and boat rout bstanwn ttw east northeast and outtisaat arid ttis wast mortrnvast and southwest it la tttsrally and srrtotrjr trus that its connections atra all of ttw principal una of road between tha atlantlo and tha paohlo by its main itns and branohss it reaches ohtsago jollet peoria ottawa la sails osnasso alollns and book tstand in liunblar da van port muaeatln washlnaton ksokuk knoxvws oakaloosa fslrrlsw das molnsts wast ubsrry iowa olty atlantic avoca audubon harlan crirthrto oantsr and oounoll bluffs in iowa oauatjn trsnton oamoren tnd kansaaptt71n bnasourl and lsavw worth and atatilson in eansas and tha hundrsds of ot vmaass and towns intsvmsdlats the i great rock island route aa it ki famwarcj eaamofhw to travssst all tts samantstasa ami oornforts lncjsnt to a smooth trssjk safs bridals unson oi eoajsaottna potnts past fiissl tiilm no innaol nf nfratwrhrhwftr wtll vbhtilatato well heated injselt tiw euaajriwyaxmeati a una of tha iswbtataomtnotvthoarroftwimis aatsartoslsdssdandranclsomast palaoi ssudnlsoiommk and mmiioqam ttatsuwsnsniowmsnldjbynvsmsuid psopls tojio tho rmet hob upon amy tfw low rata of blviistvrtve tpmukhk f vta tbofarnous sn ohkaop and tb ifnnoum imvee ohwa and tflltwipoue and bt paul mmm a astwsydiraat lj vta bse su erss w m lul lsaattimiat w0tasiaps 9 p lnanpiasedba wai3jbnsjce n majjsyir a c ito auswil i otbeprasidaouoftbeub the largest handsomest best book aver sold for less than twice bur prise tbe fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a sucoessfo agent terms free hallfrrr 0oox co portland maine fpccdrldvr7bkoaspcifioli4- i illli jpi a guaranteed jure for kerrni stbiuty nd stmisal wk- auaystsruntwjjisoonirrajloaj and all brain aud nerve troubles caused by self abuse over brain work 4c s3a written guarnntee of cure in every case or mouey refunded send loc for postage on fbeetbulboi of 100 pills address db il v btoos cor clark st and calhoun place chicago 111 the bennett churn ti nnrott artiolt in tin kwktt oiaminj lltvla a leuort ttutaad of u tapliiiant saik i ramshaw son acton have secured the sole eontrol of the sale of the famous bennett churn this churn is manufactured npon tbe most practical aod commonsense principle ei- tanl and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciated and pur chased a member of the above firm a ill call upon you with a sample chum a1cs8aw fc son acton jan 15 84 best and lsarrf ltke hasrerlnf browns uoosthajd panacea his no equal for relieving pain both interssl and external it cures pain in the side back and bowels sore i hroat rheumatism tcotkacbe lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as lis actios power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged aa tbe great pain rehjver and of double the strength of any other r of liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted u it really is the best remedy in tlie world for cramps in the stomach andjpaiua and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents ixsule harnes trunk 8mpot raimis eeqciaiss axtthdso rs harness or trunks to are money should go to r creech acton butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the peeple of acton and vicinity that be has purchased the business aud property of xlr vv c robinson and is prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinds aud poultry and game in season s3 meat delivered to any part of town at any time aw having practical experience in the butchering business i feel coubdent that i can suitsll a call kindly solicited fl holmes hills tin k stove depot good a8s0btment0n 8tottes cheap for ash tinwaee of all xtnds at bottom price worlli their wclcbt in tick iajv hollo ways pills ointment ttm incomparable afemck has ucured fvr uelf an iiftpcruhabfrfanu throughout the worldor tht alleviation and ntre of most diseases to irhieh humaailijii stir the pills the ointment tjnlocks all ths dogged avenues of the bowels kidneys and idvar oarry- ingoff gradually withont wmkeningthe system ail the imrmritiab and- foul hmnora of the secretions at the same time correcting acidity of tht btrrmafth curmg biliorifizieesisyb pepsua headachoo dizstaaaai heartburn constipation dryneea of the skill dropay dimness of vision jsnndioe salt ehemn eryslpelis sanftoa fluttering of the heart tcenrornsness and gen eral debiuty all these ana marry other aimilar complaintb yield to-the- happy i of fiupjxkjk blood bepeebs t auxbth a co preprirfcr- tcasss purify rtuuhite and improvu the quality of tbe biuod thu assist tbedigeblive oiaaus cleanse tbe slouatu and uohtlk iucrease the secretory power of the liven brate tbe nervous sttu and throw iulo the circulatiuu ibcpurvt iclemtnls for saitaimug and rrpaiung the frame thousands of persons have tiatitied that by tbtir use alone tbey buve lttn restored to beallh and slreutb after emry other means had proved unsuccessful llt- will befound iuvaluable in ever household in the cure of open sores hani tumors sad leg old wemnflj coujij colds sore throats branch tis snd all disorders of tbe throat aud chest as also gout rheumatism scrofula and every kind of skin disease uannfactnred only at prtifiuor hollo- ways esubliahmtnt 533 oxford street london and sold at is ijdr 2s 9d as 6d iis and 33s each bol and pot and in canada at 36 cent 90 cents and 150 and the larger siztsin proportion tacaimos i have noj aent in the united states nor are my mekcmes sold there purchasers should therefore iikik to tbe label on tbe pots snd boxes if tbe address is not 533 oxford street london thev arc spurious the trade mark of my said medicines is registrered at ottawa and ai50 it wash ington eci thomas hollow a7 a3s osfnttl stief tnndnn the key to health aftfjip send six cents for post- if ltael and receive free a costly box of goods which will help yoa to more money right tay than suiythldgelse in this worlij all of either bcx sooceed from first hottr the broad road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely- sure at once address tece at co augusta maine 7 vh r i i bsfjje joo toaoa a aooar wiirui of newspaper aetatit tsar art onr pricea llie sneact r cost of any paper or lb ot papers cheertnllj rnrntshed iresttpim stppbcatjoaw esygestd tor new catalacqe j c houch adterti awlstltuct ivtroit hlch thfamiu welcome tlis is one of tbe largest and best story pa- lers published in america it ia fnll of starr and laausf miudlsaw aaecdheaad larreataire iu fact there will not be a siugle hne of dill reading in it published the 1st snd 15th of every month terms f one dojjir per annum iu advance agvlils wauted every where samples fne address the i family welcome loudon out -4- and put up on shortest notice fibst class matbblal only uctejv mi- avoaarsomqtim v d- mil h working class sena 10 mvlucentafor postage and wo will mad yon free a royau valuable box of samrde goods that will pot yonin the wav of making more moneyin i few daya than yon ever thought possible at any bnsiness capital not required we will start yon tou can work all tha time or in vonr spare time only the work is universally adapt ed to both sexes young and old yon out easily earn from 60 cents to to every eenv- ing that all who want work may test the bnsiness we make this nnparslleled offer s to all who are not well satisfied we will send ii to pay for tne trouble of writing us ftinl directions etc senttree rbemd b tnoejvhosv their whole time to the wort grcttuo- oaasabsohrsbiysure donltdelay startnow address strssos 4 co tortland maine ivianhooi w loht how bestbe we bavereeeeu pnmlahedarjewv atloii of br tlterwik3 pertnuehtjaire wlilsoitsm4t o4njmllortool rwttaj affiuenr kwm urjat mm xii