Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1884, p. 3

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mgjnj nanthsargwaag -r- ailfl- u j 11 p ttongrnmn tsctmvh mm mibch 18 188 an acknowledged bnooess tlw allowing paragraph with the com moots thereon appeared in tho hamilton spectator a few davi epo it is undmtood that mr robert ajmew i acton hw eonclodej to rive np hit bote boimeas then end lease a hotel in thitcitt uhehai lost tome k00 in acton tinoe the beau act oame in operation it ii uad mr h it bpiert hu pveu up hotel keep ing in georgetown end is now engaged in tie rouble bnsinesa we also undexitand that mr robert dennett of that tillage fa deeiroos ot telling hu hotel property onlf jsvorry geonetows and acton u a portiou of the world knows are in the county ot hal ton in which the scott prohibitory act ii in operation the circrmistancei narrated in the mtmnt teem to indicate that a hotel cannot in come instances at least he sac oeattallv run without the revenue securing from the sale ot liquor perhaps hovvever travel and business are so light m a scott act coonti that fewer hotels are required hamilton spfftatur in the above paragraph the wilur tirtoalh acknowledges that there is now tery littlo revenue cerivod from the nale if liqoor m halici nc vv thun nip the r pasted statet cms thl jut a n nli 1 nor was biric m beor i e sco i ctc i c into force tan oceiiv one emu h n eme o a rt clc re lcul some unit i kaain acklowediu ual the scott act i-rca- dimiuivhiutlie sa e of inloxica n leverages mid u coi 5 qaerllv a xc tle vrra r j tslaie tlil feuei uo el are now ictxan u an forrfcrly it one rf lit hi 1 a ll i feu r hotel are i x an p wlv ct im cause bos iies 1 as inanv way leemujared lor the majantv of the merchants of our conntr are willing to testify that business has never been better than during the past two yean but the spectator is well aware of the fact as is also the general public ist not more than so per cent ot the ttotels and saloons of the dominion are necessary for the accommodation of the travelling public the keepers ot these places consequently look to the sale of whiakey and other intoxicating liquors for their profi ts and when a prohibitary law is enacted the great bulk ot their business a naturally gone and they are obliged to remove elsewhere toconbnue their business er engage in some legiumiatc trade the bet that ealtou hotel keepers are going out ot the business and removing from the county is evidence ot a very clear and satis factory nature that the scott act is rapid iy accomplishing the end desired by its promoters i e- of killing tbe whiskey business and making those hotels which are necessary for the accommodation ot the public comfortable homes for travellers viihoqt the i3tttmg influence of the whis key traffic so long connected with them notes and comments a scott act agitation has commenced in grey county politically the canadians hold the bal ance of power in dakota late reports from glengarrr county ontario indicate great entnusiasm in the scott act campaign three thousand dollars collected in fines from scott act violators had been placed in bank op to a recent date in charlotte town p island ontario has decided in favor of women suffrage with regard to municipal elect on a bill to grant women the right to vote at municipal elections has passed by a large majority the government and opposition leaders being both divided in opinion on the subject s the triumph in prince counfv p e tmna ia voting down the petition for the repeal of the scott act was not a mere match verdict for whereas the majority for the act at lu adoption in 1678 jras l 544 that against repeal was 1 87 1 a gain of 830 in five year the fenian scare has struck toronto special armed guards at night have been placed to watch the parliament buildings and the government house government officials are reticient on the subject but it is luppoted threatening letters have been received from buffalo the dominion alliance nas issued a areolar urging all the counties in the do minion to organize immediately a scott act campaign the object being cot only to secure to the counties the great blessings ot jbjtt act but to poll the whole country on the question of prohibition the electric light wli speedily be brought into general domestic use if an alleged dis covery turns out to be of real use it has been found possible it is said to generate electricity without either m dyna mos all that is required are the ordinary metals carbons and a peculiar land of acid the light can be procured at about the same price as gas kext thuradey the electorate ofjbe county of oxford will say at the polls wbethera legalized liqoor tramo shall con tmne in tbe midst of them or whether its extinguisher tbe scott act shall be pat upon tbe business in all it forms the vary great responsibility resting upon tbe promoters of the act to that oonstituenoy is view of tbe moral effect involved in tbe issue should we lmajrjne have a power- fallyitirnnlating iff wt upon them hilton bat enjoyed two years coder scott act re fa with riinallent remit it will pay fkrhobohmmumtiw agranl meeting of re rlentsof afonoton n ii i i i wt ii ip dii ginlcm ii n in i ul t il a 1 cain olio clergv men delivered addrosaes all in favor ot maintaining and enforcing the bcott act electors present were urged to sustain the town council in the action taken of placing jl x in the estimate for tho curroiit oar to enfonx tho act a few dajs ago the btiix udiarv ma strato of the town issued a proclaniat on dismissing the fifteen policemen and civic constables from office for neglect of dutv in not enforcing- the scott act prof foster if p has introduced a pro hibition resolution into the houso with a fair prospect of a largo vote m favor ot it if defeated this jear it s intended to have it introduced each succeeding year uutii carried the g uolpb women s christian temperance uniou uavo forwarded a re quest to 21 r lanes to support mr foster s prohibition resolulious tbe letter savs tlut the quostiou has been so fully stated iu the house ot commons is a great satiafact on to temperance workers and cucoara ua to nope that a you have hitherto suiohea all vvice nod good re on this oxas on ii ivor or r 1 vour vote will be lr arcaolut ons ii e u iioj charles par i i un tv i a 1 iresa in new lor t ivv i lri ui of the irish ka- t o i l- i liau in the course of her amiru ik id 1 propliesv that this nv vi i rtb 1 j maid ii anni ic i er f c ljat ln land scucbr ai it h in i roj i sv tlat all the bvm i c and a- tru u t us iy 11 bpeedllj a i tliirfnah ru tl at huila w i bp l a ri r ll t r fabric of upland s or tnlal jvvcr will trumble to tiie earth i roile that lnglaud ham pered and crushed will sood be glad to purchase forbearance from ireland by granting her a parliamenrary government and that the present session will be the last one of the english parliament in which ireland will be represented halton teachers association between forty and fifty members of this association met in convention at george town last week tbe programme was very good bat many o the teachers thought the convention would have been productive of more good had it been of a more diversified character the almost continuous apphca tion to carrie s education having ren dered the session ust a little monotonous however four excellent lectures were de livered as follows thursday evening our forefathers by rev b j laidiaw hamilton friday morning tbe success ful student by rev geo robertson m a georgetown friday afternoon jiforal training m our schools by rev w g vyallace v a georgetown and friday eveang one another bv rev j e linceev bcrl nton these leciures were much eujoved bv ibe teachers and prob- aolj none the les on account of the fact that all of the lecturers were at one time public school teachers themselves the next session of the association will be held in acton neit s ptember fire protection the citirens and council of fergus ace at present engaged in taking up a system of fire protect on at the last meeting of the council the fire and water committee re ported that they had aj offer from mr notley of hamilton to pat in a steam engine and complete pumping plant and lj one miie of sx inch iron water main or piping with wd or a dozen hydrants for g loo this appliance is garauteed to throw three streams of water through a olc aud on e ht i inch nozzle over any baiimng iu fergus that can be reached from any part of the p ping by 500 feet of hose ft is thought that a half mile main with tha engine and pumping apphanoe can be put in for tl 000 it is probable that as soon as the committee obtains further information- a meeting of the rate- pa ers will be called to hear the project discussed here is a leaf for acton we hope onr people will not continue to ignore the question of fire protection untu our enterprising little town is visited by some sweeping conflagration which is liable to occur at any moment and has sustained a loss the amount of which might have secured for us half a dozen systems of fire protection similar to thatabove referred to think of the matter friends eockwood news fvooi our own corrapondent a new teacher has been engaged for the public school in this village mr john turner who for many years earned on the blacksmithing business here but has been farming in the northwest for the past year or two has returned to bock wood in the frequent instances of this kind we realize the truth of the maxim far off fields are green a first class workman will invariably find that this part of the dominion is much more favor able than the colder region of tbe north west correspondence vao wisb it to be djstfnctlyundarstoodthatwe do not l ourselves responsible for tbe opln ions or exurefcin of anv corresnondents toloa vs arthurs to tht editor of tht free preu deib bra i notice in your late issue under the heading of the toltonartburs case that the defendant says be did not desire to appear in the newspapers i would just ask why did ho do so for if he bad not i am sura i never would hftye thought of such a thing everybody under stands who defendant is and iveoertain- ly puts me in mini of the old story of the jackdaw dressed in peacocks feathers and being wwly fledged and wanting to apread hu wings and sot finding room elsewhere be thought be most spread as spread he butt and did so over portion of ha fib puis and yet be did not desire it one word about acton science mr law eo and to fttnarl cities isjtjtifc ttor u ui ftqelpii j en r a f tw ti i i h 1 b t tins i v 1 1v if h 1 era and even ivorso acululu uju i i ed the truth of their assertion in my bn u case the mare m dispute is at least our time worse in her lameness than bofore aha was operated upon and acton science as far as my oase is concerned was eveu too dear tor nothing talk and bluster are cheap but they wou t cure spavined hones if defendant is desirous to deep out of newspapers and excel ln his worthy calling ho will enly havo to wait a little longer and he wtl jiave an opportunity of showing his brilliancy in the court of law which he calls justice and again show his plumage punmrr guelphmaroh 11th 188s personals mr w farrand left on monday to take a position in toronto mr cliaa a mstthews who has been visiting liamuton friends for a week or so returned home last evening mr abram matthews is confined to his room we hapo his health will imprme with the balmy air of spring mr houry f hill returuod ye3teiday morning from his trip to tho south ru states he had an enjo able time ilr adam dickson whose health ha been graduall dcclioingforsoveral moutha ii now in a very low condititou tho oln gentleman is not expected to recover the cradle dxwt iu lnn on the 7th inst tli wife of mr james denn of a son peauaov in vcton on the 9th inst ii t wife of mr j b pearsou merchai t ti a sou gium iu acton on the tli in- t vvft of mr c b grinin ucrcliai i ii a sou prjiwiv in limehouso on the lotli insi the wife of mr h pedwia of a daughter mamxd at the parsonage lowville on march 3rd the wife ot rev r r malt land of a son the altar catxfc btarr on the 3rd inst at tho residence of w c beat esq trafal gar by the rev r dobie mr jacob crnul to miss rebecca beatv daznoi larxo at the residenc of tho bride s mother on the 5th inst b the rev d strachan mr matthew dredge of esquesmg to miss margaret second daughter of mrs r laing of nassags weya scotch kjtfluh and inidiau smtiujr n great vantl at tie east bud clothint store j fyft ctoo tbe best assortment of black and col ored velvets ladies mantle v oollen and fxoitted goods la tbe tono at nelson mcrac pecona 1 pectoris i peclona the great remedy for coughs colds bronchitis son throat influenza horeoesa and all attic lion ot tbe longs and throat or chest pectoris loosens the phlegm and brraks u the cough 25 reals per b tile d n i ive op nolll you have trirtl peclona al drugguu and general 8u reaeepersell n lleklax piles srsavleata aid care the symptoms are moisture like perspir atlon intense itching increased b scratch ing yery distressing particular al nijjit seems as if pin worms were ct avliog in and about the rectum the private parts re sometimes affected it allowed to continue very serious rcsull may fdlow 8wavjzs orxthzxt is a pleaaanl sore care aha for tetter ilch sail rlirum all tcaly crusty bkin diseases lent i v mail for 60 cents 3 buxea 81 5 in stamps ad dress dr svyayvecon philadelphia pa sold by druggists so at this season of the ear there should he a bollle of pectoris iu every doqk it iiueqaalled fo coah- colds s l ifiiarseuiss la plevtanl equally aaft for children pricl i5 ceats st all druggist 80 wife whats the malter now john husband ob that neuralgia aad tooth ache near kills me w ife i by don t you go to j e mc oarvms drug store sod get a bottle uf fluid lightning f you koow it cures all such things sn toothache ketiralgia head ache lumbago earache sere throat etc it gives instant relief 73 if a tow grams of common seu6e could be infused into the thick coddle of tho e wbu perpetually and altematcl irritate and weaken their afomschs and bowels with drastic purgatives tbey would use tbe highly accredited and healthful laxative aud tonic northrope lmau s vetrelabh dia coveryant dvspeptici are which cause good digestion to wait au appetite aud health on both 23 baejueaa atnem salve the best aalve in tbe world for cuts bruises soros ulcers baltrbeom lever sores tetttr chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and p lively cures piles or no pay required ii u guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refuoded price 25 cents per u x for sale by j e mogarvin 31 are yon troubled with salt kbeuai bough hands or old sores of any kind inst cannot be healtd even though it be of yean standing mcgregor ct partes car bolie cerate will enroll iletondasfbndow of a doubt it is the best besungeompound ever known boils fester oga frost bites burns or anv skin tronble are alikr cured by it sold st ii ceuta by j e mc rnn druggist s3 joal for sale tbe undersigned intends keeptne constant on band a stock of bard and aoft stove coal of all kinds which will he delivered lo any part if tbe village parties desiring coal aboold give hire a call 0 8 smith cjeeb tibmlk fob hue the undersigned have for sale a quantity of bvyptitn while oats weighing pound to tbe bushel hutable for errd these oats give latgn reutrni for theteeu sown than any other variety of ita now fo use in this aeotion ahwaqoautllyofseed kw0khh801f attoby atmnhjlah lessi t7 lqr benefit my 8ufferinq 818tir8j oftan frluslf her heart would atop ana is jnfi iiomvaoihrr iaaodsoawfympto7 female weakaees liter bt cose had boon abandon as honlaaeprseverat nhycldan- shjf treatmont cf sajrst t sisters by publishing thoft facts of my case lire woks dmeirr ton ur x d boardman editor of the ivfcriouroa ollch dulfchmaaysi llyhealih having beccrae unuormloeu whenaghtlcg forlhe union i was attacked la tt bycon sumption in its worst form ihauaoverep hs in the left breast adryiac- eg cough night sweats dily fcycrs anatteqacntricwbleedlii from tho luns lalso suf fercdfromlndlseatlon heart ttaeasaand cvncraldcbultr and was creaily emaciated irufa i was told that i must soon die by all the local phyiclns and in despal sppirl to drs k k i was then a oojp te wrcclr their first mon ja treat ment set me on my feet in routmoahs i wasoprei i am now in pood heaja ifalr to live end work tor rears and i owe all this to drs k loots talhuo mo 1 j i owe all thl it uixb solid wok oarrlson ehadd o north bnxton oat was opereted on tor ttrtla in dyoember 1ss by the drs k ta ids recovery was complete and mold in kovcmber 1683 he wrote lamper manently cured of the fistula for which you treated me and have been at hard solid wort most of the season is bbffil is a bo his 8 fuinle0hawa ontario oo oct ot years od previous to sept last had conddcred her diseases nheuma- tiataand rrurlgo incurable after one months treatment by the drs k k she writes lly diseare is nx gone and so sre the wandering pains in mr llraba i am as brisk as a bee ana feel better than i havo in ten yeara agnews hotel on fndav march 4th free and swollen stmbsseredconi chilli and fever weak tack af wfreaeas catarrhal charge from tbet no throjavheadiche and yery 4ta x tytupteeat vleii and hopdecs abts rarul j htse f as incnmbaa but wai pj cd tr crlss o try ibe prs k t gb wrot in october last- l ant at tt nelf and af andtdtltxic6k ren-c- x ctuamjz most ur ne trclafjsi and i t j tisifrttnljs lh wen jm n r ot l recti vdv ut tov lttt mm of tee lihtn to bo o00b land co hictl had troubled many years br eryatpeletons cccaluloii the bloody complicated heavy panx after bakbm wind eonstantlri weak was very resti cf tgaekwa the- octheektakiiowii after one mombs with the drs k jcshs wrote them i amnstt eared do doctor roimd ben could help me bst tdb warn todes ctr demon k1cb woatbi from the effects results of from earnests can osj peculiar to their a tnrninar w wiiu ki suffering and totnra am atexerinr from the iiaiiiwawi pabext8 whose children inherit a scrofulom predisposition those of ailaise aad dou sexes who suffer rrom any chroiuodiaemfromdearffiltyof any description er from any caooeroos coo- nheumahoo j rummivo kevous or ii o oomplamt oooselt fiem ii aonod sad 1 100 id effects in rood healmt good lord tor doctors tbe earth to do ibendtkree tratedbo t aw ii i finn imhnem chsisesttt irpilvffl canvrtta pace docs uot 0 hi-hjrenc- bt tecslshlos l jiu oj enjsot sin fred aipp ceiievue ijch female onnedbyuieasaociatloii the fobownur ire all weh k obt aerronomlltt heart disease in xrc tfm headrnr u bra r oook homer mich- dtspctmi ctsgav fa daxoe avtnt out eveatht rcstorez and eaeulivatrovstaiuttccim hrsoacb7ar detrott oraxlaatabw sesasvaa city cr0gery tvo 21s tint tomitom for 309 tro 3lb tins apjlcs for 300 tvo3lb tim oreea pen for 85o two 3lb tins soixti far 40c rvo 2lh tins oorn for 3jc tvt 3 lo tim hiaoarb for 36e tvo 2lb ttn pewi for iso dominion boot shoe store -w- tvo3lb tiai poieiet for 80c one 3lb tii ur sonor for 80c oat lib tli cofbe far 30o oae stvlb sox tuiiini for 31m oao 9lb caddie tet for 91 cas 5lb oadiie junpoarder te 81 28 kenney bros luiinsr st everything else in my line accordingly quality ano price8 defy competition cursor 2ui u main streets actos ggroprosite fl4lto day goods home aqtojisif aro daily receiving their new itock of spring goods which comprises a large and varied assormeut ot styles from the best maiiataoturere of the dominion and ut tbe mufet reasonable pnoes everybody suited both as to quality and price ordered work in this department we are prepared to manufacture all hues and can guarantee satisfaction every time bepairloii promptly and neatly executed i kemty bc8 credit sale farm stock and implements the undfirbif3ied his been idstructed by mr john kennedy to sell bj publ c auction at lot 17 coo 2 lsquesijig on tuesdat 25th laech 1884 the following property stocx geocrii pnrpom borsc 9 fears old aed mm farrow cow cow in calf steer najng 3 ex old i tucrs riming iyeartqid beiicr listni 3 j ears in csif i ipnog cadres litplzhzmn lauibtrwii demotu plr bouleifihi ylov hgtatslefghwlthpolettthsifis hottik bvrowi doobae baisess plowlur- dcu tinnins mill grain oradle cbsios forks nockyotts wiufsatrees n i otber iiiialljjuclw not inentlouod a qoautuy of umoteyruf so raserrcmtiie inpti6torhairludxixtvhl thrum j end under cash orer tehkt mrscmnt ten months credit an arproved joint notes taix per cen l uisouut for ctiafi bale to common ca at 12 o clock tbftrp 1 k hfinstkiet anctlotwer auction sale farm stock ij implements the qudertigned ha been lnstracted by mr robert wallace to bell by public auction at lot 19 con 1 esqucsjnfi on thursday 20th march the following property stock 1 general purpose mare 9 years oh in foal 1 roadster mare 9 yean old x mare rising 4 years old spun matched colts rising u years old got by marquis of lome 1 colt rising 1 year old sot by howes boyal george 4 good milk cows in calf or calf at side 1 heifer rising 3 rears old 1 heifer rising i years old 1 yoke steers rltuu 2 em s old 1 steer rising i year old 1 heifer rising 1 year ola iu well bred abeep 1 well brej rtii ixflbueitts etc democrat wagon nearly now lumber wagon pair bobsleithj iron beam plow iron plow barrow fanning mill set team harness stoneboat bay rack aood rack and a lot of other axtiue too nameroos to mention s5 squares of orstclass tibinles s quantity of seed peas and oats which will be sold for cash n o reserro as the proprietor baa sold tbe farm tkiimfe 5 and under cash over that amount 12 months ere jit on approved joint note sale to commence at li o clock sharp ilnnch protldol wsc hxmbtoext auctioneer roller flour georgetown mills flavins rpared no eipenne in repairing my mill and bavlngiitin tlis laleat aud most improved niaclnoery i am i now prrpsml lo turn uut a ho i boiler fleaf squat tn any made in canada wi cbnp tiiri any qiro us a dial we guarautee tiajaotllid 4 t rme fmttwa r- john tellis actos 6t1ri0 gent ut the ontario pump co toronto maiinfacinnm of all kn u of well aoil ci if ru pumps id lull t pi tups f r dtrp atjla aud forte jumps sre spec mlties also agent fdr the wellington marble works gualpli order for tombstones uoimdonts 4c prmitly itlenl4 to auj inform mon lespritioif either if tiir lxie will tie cuierfsllj given upon application at my rridedce on frederics st two doors from mill street j t ellis a fess si flour under tbe care of an expert tbe clen roller mill ii hdmiuiiie the floor rnadu at second to none end cant fail to please tbe most fa- tidiunx bousevife bemember this is none of jour half roller mills bnl u roller en tire grists exeuaoged highest price lor good wheat joseph williams 6lemviiliabs ont 3 o a m k o 13 b o o n m x s tb o 5 5 a a s is ev s s 5 ssf r t 1 tv- c 5 b ot cs 2 3 5 o 5 5- s s tr 4 me 1 biccer bargains ever wantdtov i jucw ajro itrmttffihtu aosmtsomb pew v isvs8ui7 oanao wf watti islsulii saniij stiuliithn titm- tamaimatbiijsbbbbbblbubhbv marshall edmondson etave now ou hand uull stock -of- groceries crockery glassware wall paper provieiona o in the store next to tbe post office we have boogbt finr goods for cash uiid cuiisequeiitlv necared gond imrgaiimv unn intend to give those favoring u nith their patronage the benefit ot eo4anjlcltea goeda fpr aih orlrnde all kind of produfc taken in exchalge hplm iu starre a fair tlure of lb trade yoiire 4c a4faal vss4lbsbstsfheastlsaabaw try as si m the low price of my flue gold sett latdles watches chataw necklets broocbeti tarrlaas e air prise ereryoae vail early and have roareholce aad also hare jmr foods atrosterlxxasrareti t tot thauking tth people of acton and vicinity tor the liberal patroui age in the past i solicit a con- tiunaucef the same aud wish them all a merry christmas ana happy new year wm s mltm ttl ipfsttk m v v

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