Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1884, p. 3

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4 x w u railway ihb tf grand trijkx ratiwa ootmuit alt ui jml ft nmill too sjtt cbroaefe fix at pjn ceex to pjn vxhb0 wist aw u uoejn impm surm saeefel wt pm ttia or xonn auu ootu westus aim knfbsh a oloessai ut u on thursday tb hading store itl acton tar school books kblet attorns pmper ptmtnkpmtlootarojdollf uvlope mom pone tin pooka knives kuort comb hair brushes neil and tooth brushes wedding and birthday present berlin wools zephyr wool all shades cruets tabl bpoona tee 8poons batter knives table knives and forks watches clocks jewellery and spectacle- large took call in goo brads jeweller rnoy good store acton ont th graham lj8 sokgeqn dssttst bautnox oxt will viait proiettionelly acton on mon day of each week boom agnewt hotel all ork guaranteed to gin eatisfaction taix latdlaw 4 co babkistees 4 solicitoes orrcxa overjrnperial bank si wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto johxbiei qc c a mints w am lunuw groans sirrac cton gret gress tntksnix maisno mates 6 1881 bits of brevity ecal otherwise wreaeuree ay the m r ike sea est i fsr rasters f the m preai within th pattm months thlrtyout new femlhtt have moved into acton and taken op their rtttdwot hath if tt in- flu ooounom u rapid at it hat bean dor ins the put year or to good many new hontea will be neeeaaarjr to be erected next summer mr dosgald monair ha nld alt in- terect in the bleoksraithlng and oarrtag- making business milton to mr lowe of barlpigtou formerly of thli town mr lowe enter the firm at once and will move nil family her a soon a pottiblt we wtloome lirii addition to oar town millm ifetet mmvalter ltobinsou who ha lived on lot 6 con erin ainoe infancy u movtogtltii week with hi family to a farm in oaratraxa mr robinson sold hi erin farm aome time ago to mr r h wantborough of the aeroe township we hope he will meet with every anosen in nil new aeld of labor we welcome to oar aanotam the initial number ot toe ffuifaaai viittu the vidcttt is bright and cheerful in appearanoe and ii in every reapeot a repreaenutive local paper it it pobliahed by mr j t mitchell the boy editor whoae tal ent are admirably adapted for the work in which he i engaged may the yidtitt protper there are more red headed girl and old maid in acton than any other place of it tin in canada stoaorer pott why what can beneea g mean iti only two or three week ainoe he wa calling them all the angelic name imaginable and oc cupied a whole column of the pot in de- monttrating their good qnalitie what have yon done girla to call forth thi in dignity from the pott man village varieties calleeuea t leeal itn u ether autlen ef eelal luereat t ear touge brarn march the fiat month of ipring comity council met on tneaday toronto oelebrata its fiftieth birthday to-day- bead mr w h- howell6 new adver- tiaement lent commences twenty da later this year than last it is whispered that peekaboo has moored to toronto regular meeting of acton municipal council next tneaday evening tes it is an open winter open at both ends and the wind blows right through it- i messrs e sucelm son oner a quan tity of seed grain for sale jin jmother colmnn- millinery openings will soon be in order our merchants will no doubt an nounce them in doe time the early ringing arrangement has orked satisfactorily among our ril- jue merchants during the winter 3he maple sugar harvest will toon be- gtn this luble product deserves more attention than usually ejten to it towns and nfljs or the pro vince haveifobowed tlu example of toronto in separating the sale liqnars from giui i ip j an ingersoll boy hung on to sleigh then let go and was run over by janotr slrigb result iroken leg- aoton boys take warning 1 an iinmwiv quantity of bride and stone has beendeliverod for the nep can ada glove works factory to be i erected next summer frozen eszs and ddei were febe rrda rather than the exception last tnuxsday with the farmers and others wbo came into town that morning- j saturday was a beantiral dsyv and the tows was full of country people day the merchactshad a busy time and oere consequently is good humor toe teachers association u this county go into session at georgetown this morning- acton public school will be closed todsy and tomorrow farmers are beginning to loos after their farming implement itwiqsoosbe lay down the axe and the sleigh and take up the plough and the harrow operations have commenced in tseard- mbrei new tannery bent a description of the splendidly equjppeo establishment will probably be given in next issue march came in comparatively lamb like as far as blizzardy blasts are concern ed but nevertheless the thermometer nestled in the vicinity of tern all day officers of the salvation army i are ne gotiating for the nse of thaidrill shed guelph guelph will probably be invaded by the army in the course of a few days the first lecture delivered by her jas cootts of glammis late of georgetown ince removing to his new charge won ie subject of prohibition a good com mencement 1 we are plnsnrsy n learn that mr elam livingstone for many tears an ad on boy is carrying on a very sn lni ibering bniriness near blyth-ont- elam always was a steady boy and minded his ps and vennor thinks low temperature will be recorded between the srdandblh the chief stonn of the month he look for about the 9th and 10th of march seme a last year- there will be a good deal of cold weather fore part of much ttaoouimuwioner under the domin ion lijienae act judge miller and col morriymiad their first jaeetuig on tues day mciod warded of the county dechoed to s i b fiorherville kq miltoqj was appomted5hlef inspector for a4ojinsikbbdfor heavy onder- clotmng an iilstjsiavirxtta assaolt on woodu ilyn aidadovirto keep awaiwposaileto the store lilbi wivteeew ooodaovnoe keep your head cool your feet warm and inbscribe for the fun pits the e paper of halton county from now till january 1885 free of postage for only 75 cents too enterprising we like enterprise bat it is poasibl to be too enterprising the people who are now advertising that they have cbrutmaa and new tears goods for sale are too en terprising altogether unreserved credit sale an suction tale of farm stock imple ments tc will be held on lot 17 eon 8 esqnesing by mr john kennedy on tees- day 25th march at u oclock no reserve wm hemttreet auctioneer working overtime mr w h storey of the canada glove works informs n that orders are pouring is so rapidly for spring goods that the firm is obliged to keep the entire staff at work every day until nine oclock p -m- anction sato a sale of farm stock and implement will be held on the premises of mr john donaldson lot 19 con s naasagaweya on friday march 7th ko reserve as the proprietor has rented bis farm- e chap man auctioneer onr little ones the march camber of this excellent childrens magazine has been received the illustrations are exceedingly good and the reading matter very attractive pub lished by russell publishing company boston sl60 per annum annual teameetxug the member of the episcopal methodist church brick near acton will hold their annual teameetisg tomorrow evening a pleaaajit evening is expected a number of reverend gentlemen will address the meeting and acton methodist church choir will furnish icusie aa hour arid aqnarter at noon at the regular monthly meeting of the board of trustees last monday evening it was decided to extend the noon hour fifteen minutes hereafter school will not be called until fifteen minutes past one thi action will no doubt be favored by both parents and children but the teacher will now expect every pupil to be in his or her place regularly and punctually at the time or opening school het matter in chancerr xx a m mckinnon barrister of this city ha received the appointment in the room of 3 wetaon hall deceased of dep uty registrar and master is chancery for thiscosnty fim the local government the arjpomtmeltt i good one and vrill we are satisfied meet with general ap proval from the members of the bar we sincerely congratulate mr mckinnon on hi appointment guilph mercury close seasons for fish the following schedule of the close sea sons for fish in ontario during the year 1881 which has just been issued by the de partment of marine and fisheries niay be of interest pickerel 15th april to 15th may maafcnoage 1 ajfcil tolijth may twee 15th april to 15th may mlmon trout and urge grey trout 1st nov to 10th 5ov white fish 1st hot to 10th hot- speckled trout 16th 8ept to 1st may bemoral mr wm e adams removed from acton thi week to the farm at drayton pur- chased last year mr adam hi been a resident of acton far a namberof yean and we are tony to lose him from our midst however we have no doubt the mwtwga is considered for the best- and the fsex fazes withe him and his family every tfnv in their new home mr robert gibbons of eaquesisg ha bought the property occupied by mr adams and will move thereto adeyrfthanksgrrtng tie grand sire loof ha issued hit annual circular calling upon all the lodge to observe the 2sth of april a a day of thanksgiving to god for the prosperity of the past years the grand masters cir cular has been issued in accordance there with each year this enniversary it being more generally observed in this at in every other jurisdiction where oaaulowahin is erubjnrtw the result that havebeen achieved by the order during the paatslxty- flve years speak vojumes for it future pos- abown by awitet aoton lodgk l0o j wfll no eomwithrejoestoitbegrand fouttstier akebaveoint in one of the township of elgin eonnty then it t dlrtnlty ot opinion w ant kd- rltabuity of oontlnalng the ttatat tabor tyttem or making the oommotation khste of oompuliory tht townthln clerk thar forejdvm nabuo notioe that the mimr wooil watt on each ratepayer tad atk him yea over the orecnt bridge lut wednetday afternoon a hone took fright near the grand trunk station at georgetown ran down the railway track and becoming detached from the cutter oonunoed it mad flight part way over the iron bridge where he stock fast when re leased the animal jumped off the bridge and wet killed the horat wa young and valuable and was owned by a gentleman in brampton i leap tear birthday party mia mary lyman of this village enter tained a company ot young friends at a leap year birthday party t her father resldenoe on elgin street tut friday even log miss lymsns birthday february otth comes but once ovary four yean and all possible pleaturo teoontequently crowd ed into the ovent when it does arrive a very enjoyable evening was spent by those present sit- lecture the halton agricultural society ha se cured the service of prof mills of the guelph agricultural college to deliver a lecture on the teaching of composition and agricultare in our pablic schools on thursday the lth ot march at 130 pm in the town hall milton thoae inter ested in the pursuit of agriculture hould by all means attend and hear the talented lecturer as no doubt the lecture will be a benefit and interesting champion soap bubble parties soap bubble parties are the latest twenty or thirty common clay pipes tor as many young tidies and gentlemen have ribbons ot different colors for every two and are separated in equal pile from which each person selects one and by matching colors find a partner so to speak for blow ing on a medium sized table stands a bowl of soap and water the partners in torn blow babbles trying threo timet amid the effort of the others to annoy and embarra them the one whose bobble remains unbroken the longest is entitled to a prise i bnoob bodal tht social given by mr wm moore 1st line esqnesing on tneaday evening wa a complete 0006 the attendance wa large the house being more than oomlort- abry filled with representatives of all de nomination nationalities a plots nt evening wa spent in the anal aocial style of conversation games tinging ac the choir ot the methodist church rendered a number of anthems in a most acceptable manner and a number ot instrumental solos were played by ladies present the proceeds were very satisfactory finger qnnhefl anil amputated a brakeman had his right hend crashed while coupling can here one night lut week dr lowry was called in and ampu tated the fore finger while the operation was in progress the young man showed signs of fainting and a quantity of brandy wa offered him which he stoutly refused to scoept saying ho i ill die before til take that if there is at any time justifi able excuse for the ate of liquor we would consider the above cats wa certainly suf ficient strong but we admire the mettle of the young fellow under the painful cir cumstance and especially as he was a g t r employee he may have had very worthy reasons for his refuaal a business melody there wa a man in onr town and he waawonderoo wiee for when he marked his prices down be then did advertise and when he saw kis trade iimrcies with all hia might and main he marked still every price and advertised gain and when be advertised again his rival loudly swore to see folk rush with might and main to pat- resize his store and while they eat in solitude and saw him custom win the men behind his counter stood and raked the shekels in and while h raked theahekels in and saw his fortune rising be took a goodly lot of tin and kept on advertising each day generous sum hed sink and demonstrate full plain the more one pay for printers ink the greater is his gain whobeinember steve chtlbnithr an example of the up and downi ot an editors lite onr readers doubtless remember genial steve gelbraith once publisher of this paper a wboleionled and honest a fellow a ever shoved a pencil wbo had a friend in every man be met and who hadnt an enemy in the world though still young steve ha ties much ot the world in hit capacity of news paper man and ha been a neerjo get ting an insight into the mysteries jof the future as ever yet fell to the lot of a mortal two years ago he was manager of the flint mich democrat one ot the leading country papers of the state overwork and the exposure he had tmaatgane during his reportorial life brought on consump tion at christmas 1883 8teve wa a pretty tick man he wa given op by all the local doctor at dying of consump tion one physician told him he had a week to live he wmrtduoed toatkel- eton and constantly spit blood while oough reeked him day and night in this ex tremity be applied to the drs k4k andisnowwellandrtiong three months of their treatment tetkim on hit feet and he is today the tame active man ash was when be edited the aotot fix paz he call himself a walking advertisement lor drs k xt and the land is fuliof nch proofs of tite skill of these famoni special ists there is a lot of foolish prejodlo against their way of doing butinats out at far a we can see the most important thing is dotneftcnrer if they do they have a right to let people know it and that they do cuff where others fail our old friend steve galbraith and thousands of others wiu testify burgeons of their consulting staff wiiltbf 4 agnew hotel acton on friday march lith all who offer from ohrohio disc jend deformities ehouia follow mr galbaitbs example and cell on them it thky otanot ore yon they wmnottreet yott j14 pp owtt jwiajbuax cares all diseases arising from ttt blood i i ttte- m1mm0th house liver and kidhey8 price 100 per botttle -at- j 8 icochurviiii drug store acton 9mfa fikstolass qeooibixs crockery jlaasware etc cheap for cash at w p brown gos ow house i nelson mcrae clearing sale we have decided for the next so days to offer oar large stock of winter goods consisting of overcoats beadymade clothing mantles mantle cloths knitted goods in shawls clouds hoods c at less than cost price we are offering no 1 valae in gentlemans lamb caps felt hate and caps a firstclass stylish hat from 50 cents up special value in ladies muffs in mink seal coney kc at less than cost price in ordered clothing we are giving no 1 value iu tweeewtaitings good workman ship and perfect fits guaranteed ever time boots aud shoes in endless variety at less tlunmanufitcturersprioes iff grocjot we are giving the best values to be had in wjoflfflg besore and secure a box of those layer iteisinev tfjfwdiisrltet we have the most opmete stock ptfii w green to 1 did valwa sfjilibid splendid viinee to 1 jbs voi oloaring sale glearinff sale oltarlng sale clearing sale clearing sale oleariag sale of ssmntnts of or try descriptkm of ladies furs meat fur caps boffsle bobs and jfoek mountain wolf of dress goods closkingi mantlet milhnery and bhtw of besdvmsde clottdnt sod overcoatt m meat tad bey i1 f ofcarpeu ouclothtkndhat t i of winter tweeds and winter goods ot all kinds iaebi naff clouds squsrei tc i great bargains will be oiveil our dress making mantle and millinery departminlt are in full wqbking oedbe odr tailoring department is a 1 rolve us a call and see the bargains moleod ajiderfon ft j9o qi3s hoiise they most all go i overeoaia tmn auauetj sheetiaxs taels owktu flannels skawlt fieksetajs ifflaeeys shirt bndkav canhaterea bwaitms srawetji cwllars insta hkwcav cnps the entire balance of our winter stock trf dry goods and boots st shoes we have just the goods yon want and yoncannot bay tie n cheaper elsewhere nor 4s cheap i believe by 20 per cent as i will sell for cash in order to clear out my stock ty the first of jpril ssi sa li will sell you teas sugars and other groceries cheaper than any other house in town i keep this fact in your memory and tell afcl youk fribndsiro goto griffins with their cash for hk motto is not to lei ifflti j nimble sixpence slip in hope of the futube 8hillinua i will not carry over any v winter stock if i have to sell it at hatj price c io j lmmmsm i j m m- l usctevgz- vrv gm fii sf fj jjr lrafss-

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