riulw time table i m m 1 orant trunk railway rvfc4t ootxo wen fxr au fi lit ain iiiiwl oa k li phatnwl tju kiww i lmu throartifv v vmmi jpm hpeost- rmcirl wiim tst tirtit cvjtp pitik vm it lifmiun tnh ytt ran on wotxlr ruoniirur nvr or n cwtxu mmia cnhiv wckt mv m uofafi el0ft nil aiil ui tin i i i special offbrs our club list tik ffcc 1rr to new subscribers or to old subscribers wltoee sub- ttrirricni art tunning out from present date to january ltv tor 1mq tin- fit- frij and weekly tiki frurr present daleto jauuaryl lw for ijo tlir fair tiji and daily iliir oue ar j 750 the kkix rres and toroalo daily btotcymr tij tar fax pu aud kvric trrt vrfroni presonl date to j ami- arr 1 1s for 190 thi feci ptunand giwt iurr from present date to january i isvsfrt- j lo la ail ea tite rates are iuvanably cash ik advance in sending subscriptions send ir regis tered letter or foa office order write name aid fost 02i distinctly and address h filoorp fntj piu- oma aston out atceohynds tea srvwi- table spoons knives aud fcra at geo hyndi watches clocks jewelry a larcc htcck spectacles from ii ex to j3 wedding aud birthday presents pcrses pires ptcket knives combs hair brushes school books note paper and envelopes pens aud ink call in and bee ay large stock j geo hvnds jettellerr a- fascv goods store acton ont j there nj joo1 skntiitt ou itcndcr- on imiul iw or throe day but wevk jiuii tiu yunnj folkvput ill hill time while it lasted ihu wtrm nether aud ice dia- asrc jiu certain pointa and skating lias beeu dinooutiimed the evening l m1 ever 6odj ivl the newspapers through advvr liwucnt and all the approach of the holiday season rtoi1 citraordiuan upper- timilie for making attractive auuouuce- meuti that will take the public ev e k very subscriber fur a iaper can do much for a pawr by becoming a reporter for it you greatly assist the editor in securing all the nev worthy of uole oc- caually an item of iutcresi accidently eapes the notice of the uewspaiicr seud pu your uevs mr liobert kanuavvin of this village has rented the two acre farm bcloinriug to mr uobcrt watson ontlie 5llt couccssion euesius for a lenu of years aud wiltv urtve there about the ut of march mr jtvm llav of kaagaseya will uke posscssiou of the farm now occupied by mj kanuawiu the peopu of liuichoslse are iu rather a bad way as far as ci t h trains arc eoucerued only two train from the west now stop there and they are both morning trains thus if a resident of liraehausc wishes to visit acton by tnuu he cannit return home ly rail until the next morning we trust this great iiicou veuience will speedily be remedied stimne gress tetsay mosstsra xos 22 liss3 bits of brevity tl and k ir r ike rca4en lw prpml bj- he pe al idwn fir f the tree trttt bieyce hss retired for the printer the eiiow didnt come to stay after ail mr c h heinibidi his emoved to beriic j milder weaker this week- it has been trdconie j tiie little jlks bein to ujk of saata cau aid kri kriiiiile- have voc lai joii catttr repainted and dade ready for sleigliicir storm doore and windows have been brocght into reqciitiaa aiiu tbe week of prayer for li will be from jaaaary gth to japcar- 13th toronto wilt lave 250 electric lights bnrnini on her streets by christmag- fanners are asking as hih as 1 per cord for hwdwood- cat in stove lengths wlea the 24 oclock time i adopted what will become of the wee snia hoars ayont the twah christnias cards are in tlie market and the calendars and almanacs for lm hare made their appearance the gik uozarif has steam news- paper folder the jvrccrj- staff will no doabt appreciate this improvement sleuihswere nmnin a couple of days last week bat the bright vrarm weather since hi csael the snow to disappear afain holiday advertise ment cauuot be in1 serted too oou by those who expect to hantst a cxk stock of profit in their holiday trade isnt it aboat time the early closing motement as institated aain for the winier months 3falce a move in the mat ter gentlemen 1 it is aid that paint applied to the ei- terior of lnftdinps in autumn or winter will endure twice as long as when applied in warm or hot weather the exemption from farther taxation of ihe business of m essrs w- h storey fc bon- gipve manafactareis is the general topic of conversation in town xo family in this sectioncan afford to be without the feee paxss the moat inter esting local paper hi the county only 1 from now till jauu2ry 1st 1885 mrwm kerr of xassagaweya who had his hand in jnred by being canght in the gear of a threshing machine a few weeks ago died of lockjaw last week this is about the season that expect- aat candidates for mnnicipal honors begin o quietly feelieir way however there are no definite annoancementa here yet rev canon caswell ba of george- town has organized a temperance socuty in connection with the church of england at 6tewarttown sfaa sneces attend it sfessrs w h storey son have their planing machinery in working order in the bnading of the old plow co on smith avenoe and willow street mr thomaa ebbage is in charge the rain of lle past two or thraedaya would be welcomed by the armers aa water was very scarce in some sections id considerable trouble was anticipated in providing for stock during the year the congregation of knox church milton and boston church ksquesuig raised or all purposes in con- nection therewith the sum of 12295 tbe united memberbhip numbers 2l the orgiawt of the georgetown 1c e church jliss ilarj- culp has been pre aented with an addresa and gold chain and locket the choir was- given a oompii- oeoury boppet at the aametimt i tho bknung rink mr hoot fredrick mi lasad tho rink fniii viu skfttiu ctnb fur the doiuiug teahou ami now oiigagod iu putting the promisti in good condition mr fredrick has had considerable experience in the capacity of cartttiker and will no doubt do bin bcsl to please and aoyomniodalo those who enjoy llin rhiukmiioiu ro turned home mesarn hobert hume geo uuabauil lioiiiy husbund and win b liaing of xaswapawvya returned homo lost ovening from moosoinin navt where they have been living hiuce imi spring they bnvc taken up laud in the moohc mountain i district and have now a portion of this j cultivated and under crop they will go back to look after their laud next spring mr win watson also of naaiwgaweya i who has been in the moose mountain dis- j trict two years is expected to return home j shortly he harvtwted about 1300 bushela j of pain ihi ycir j care with coal stoves the guelph pxipent describe thrw close j liae- from kuffocattou in that city from j the effects of ga escaping from coal stoves during the part week or so too much care cauuot be exercised with coal stoves at thu season the weather is so warm that only a little lire k required aud eu- emlly all the damper in the stove arc kept closed the gas is- litis prevented from escaping up the chimney aud if there is j any crack or crevice about the stove il j escapes into the hoase let all those using coal look carefullv after their tove cascara bitters glasgow house cure a i diseases arising from the blood liver and kidneys price h 00 per bottle village varieties tennessee university singers aceltecflsa ef vml mw and othrr watteri ir ipiiil utrrntuotr villa e hrdrr high insurance vs fire protection oking to the fact thai aeloulia lo adequate fire protection insurance rates in nearly all stock corapauic insuring proper ty here have boea advanctxl about thirty per cent a welcome letter mr- peter little potuister at corvhiu puilinch aboat ten miles soathwevt from ivcton who was in the amencau war aud received a few wounds has received a letter from washington stating that he i to re ceive 1700 in cash aud vta mouth daring life as a pension sabbath school anniversary the members of the sabbath school of ef the methodist church here have decided to hold their usual anniversary and christ- mastree entertainment on christmas eve 2ltii december axrangemenu are being made for an entertainment of an unusually interesting character special se trices special meetings are in progress this week iu the disciples meeting hoase under the superintendence of elder sher man who recently removed to acton then will be continued next week by elder tl fowler of evarton services commence each evening at 7 oclock- sndden death of a student at gueiph j h collins son of rev w h collins vicaraf york england and a student at ihe agricultural college died suddenly at that institution last thursday he was on his way to dinner when taken ill and in iessthan twenty minutes breathed his last hemuaorhage of the longs was the cause of death- deceased was 21 years of age aud had only been out from england a few weeks j our job department vce have just received another shipment of new type and printing material for our job department and we are now in a better position than ever for turning out fine artistic worfc circulars etc for the hol iday trade will receive our best personal ottention the printing executed iu the fnccpfces job department is pronounced by competent judges equal to that of the aity offices the opinion of an authority a wellknown and successful merchant say the policy of even man in busi ness and who must live by the public should beto let the public hear from- him his best speaking trumpet is the newspaper advertisement in a populous community and a rapid age like this every trader must make jiimself heard and known otherwise he will fall behind the progress of his neighbors an honor for esqueamg our township has recently- been the re cipient of a double honor through the skill and excellent workmanship of a couple of its citizens ifr edward smellie whore- sides near korrat won first prize at the provincial ploughing icatch held in the county of york a couple of weeks ago with a plow manufactured by sfessrs grieve son georgetown we extend our con gratulations to all concerned- the trains changed time the g t k passenger trains now leave acton as follows going west 930 aml l40pni jfopm 837 pm and 12o5 am going east 3i7 am jo am 5a5 pm and 953 pm the train which formerly went east calling here at 652 a m has been made a through fast express and now makes bat two stoppages between sarnia and toronto viz at stratford and gaelplir covering the distance 22s miles in 5 hours serious accident one day last week as johnnie the eight- yearrold son of mr- b w kicklin was playing with another little fellow in his fathers mill he accidently fell a few feet l his left arm fracturing it in two places dr dowry was immediately called in and be reduced the fracture and did all be could to relieve the sufferer we are pleased to hear that the little jellow is getting along very nicely and trust that his arm has- received no permanent injury how gnelph hotel men fay their bonds in august of 1862 in order to assist in getting the provincial exhibition of 1883 for gnelph thirteen hotel men drew up a bond agreeing to give s50 each toward ad- ditionai fair buildings the council tried to collect the mouof the hotel men re pudiated it and when the mayor called on john banyan oue of the signers to pay up- banyan asked to see the document and then deliberately tore it in shreds mayor chase iried to save it but failed the magistrate who was cons uliod says bon yan is guilty of felony mr dnnyan will prctoably have to pay the 650 j this company gave one of their excellent coucerts in the town hall last saturday i i evening under the a ut pices of the looe of this village to a very goodfeixed audi- encc the programme was au excellent j out- comprising twenty pieces nearly ecry j one of which was heartily encored ami very justly loo the singing wa iu peu- uiut characteristic jabilee style and gave j kalisfaction to all present by request tlie concert wa repeated last evening with au entire change of programme aud that the audience on thiv occasion was exceedingly well satined was mot clearly demon- ttratod the new standard time why what in the world is the matter with the clock its eighteen or nineteen minutes slow was the exclamation to be heard last monday momiug iu those homes where the advice fdven in last issue of the fko ii to clocks aud time piece with the new standard time was ueglecledjts the town bell announced seven oclock before the day was over however the acw time was pretty gener ally accepted aud now bur citizcus have become so accustomed to the new system lhat a person would hardly imagine a change had taken place the change for acton means that from qaebec to sarnia every bodys clock will agree that being the eitent of the time belt iu which we are situated east of quebec in the next belt will be an hour earlier than here and west of sarnia the time will be an hoar later j e mils oris and stationery store acton ont lamp light every person wanting light should call at w p brown qps and get a lamp we have a splendid stock to choose from all sizes in glass lamps also fall opening we de51rk jo call the attention of lntenuinu puh- chaseks to our immense stock of general dry goods suitable for the fall and winter trade consisting of all the leading styles of allwool suitings in every shade cas hii ekes in all the leading colors and all the leading lines found in a first class dry goods store some vary nice fanoy lamps plain and fancy shades saafo rings plain and fanoy chimneys in common and flint gjlas lamp burners and wick coal oil cheap cheap cheap and dont forget that good tea w p brown co personals mr h j hall of berlin was in town j esierday mr harry ebbagc ha returned home from gravenharst mis minnie record visited friends in hamilton daring uic week mr john williamson of burlington visited friends in this vicinity thif week ifr henry f hill who has occupied an important situation in buffalo ky for some time past returned home on tues day mr thos walker of benton harbor mich at oue time a resident of acton spent several days daring tjie week with friends hcre lawyer itclean was confined to his room a coaple of days this week through illness bat we are pleased to see that he is able to be about again mr w t smyth traveller for the can ada glove works retained home ou satur day for a few weeks holidays after an ex tended trip iu the eastern portion of the province mr 0 e dell of drummondville paid us a pleasant visit this week mr dell was a warm personal friend when we were schoolmates together at albert college bellerllie what they are sayofg itll boon be time to think aboat that oyster supper wont it boyii the reeve and i mustnt forget all about mine as i did last year chairman school trustees that new sidewalk of mine waa all right and very convenient during the nammer bat i wish the council would superannuate it until the snow is gone dr lowrr me too doc councillor smith and im another huckleberry in the same business c c speight kext to a clear conscience for aolid com fort comes an old shoe josh billings not bill williams thank goodness youre not twins j e he fill to aa he paced the floor last night at midnight with ins screaming baby daaghter my chances for election to the reeves chair for 1884 are as good as anyones coan kenney 1 wont get ap and ring that bell at 6 a ra caretaker eaatoo ive got the nobbiest store in town now j b p6 n t tell you boys this cascara bitters business is booming my pile is all bat made now the manager c the cradle giuvt in limehouse on the 18th nov the wife of mr geo grant of a bod nick lis in acton on the 16th nov the wife of mr jas hicklin of a daughter qasev in anton on the 18ph not the wife of mr a w green f a daaghter sriblixo- at the methodist parsonage rock wood on the i5b inst tho wife of rev w w flparlingfirf a aon why ahould a jan whose blood is warm within r sit like bisrandaire catia alabaaler or let his jtair irrow rusty scant aud thin when u cingalese ttenewer will make it grow tbe faster fottfclebydehogamo t you are wing for nice new fall and winter hats bonnets in all tlie latest french english aud american patterns trimmed by experienced hands only new velvets plain and brocaded in all the fashionable colors aud shades ot the lowest prices ranging from 35c per yard and upward our velvets are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be the finest assortment and best values ever shown in acton why so because we sell only the silkfinish lyons and pile vehets at the bame price as common velvets new dress cood8 to match our velvets in allwool goods that keep their colore and will not spoil with wet or other ordinary matter so de structive to common and cheap dress stuffs new buttons and linincs tosuitour dress goods everything always to match mantles overcoats readymade clothing shawls clouds knitted goods for ladies children shirts k drawers for every one cheaper than any other honse from 30c upward selling off boots and shoe at wholesale prices as we do not intend to carry this hue of goods much longer jjwe are working into au entire dry goods house as fast as possible our dry goods stock this fall is better as sorted tbau ever everything marked in plain figures at the lowest prices 8sa visit to our house will convince votr that we will not be undersold we have a large stock of winceys we are offering at 5c9c 12c and allwool flannels at 80c we are selling cottons blankets at mill prices and mens f boys felt hats from 40c 50c and 65c equal to any goods you pay 8100 for elsewhere why so because we always look oat for bargains and buy direct from the manufacturers we will consider it no trouble to show goods and quote prices at the halton pry coods housa acton c ivgriffiff f0ve have the choicest selection of silk finished velveteens ix the latest axd most fashionable colors ix the sown ga splexd1d range of knitted goods foe both ladies and childrens wear ix all shades and at the lowest possible prices sflil lixesof mantle cloths flannels winceys c lauies mantles rx great variety desirable stylish axd cheap syremember our ordered clothing department where you can secure the newest goods and the most pebfect fitting garments in the town tatremembek our famous 50c tea nelson mcrae -gpto- mrs e h passs cuelph for cheap millinery velvet bonnets from 81 50 trimmed hats from 81 85 dress velvets from 40 cts mantle fur from ss ets fur caps from 82 75 at our millinery showrooms st georgos square i otr dkfcss mavtxe making we do not deed to inform the ladies of our own city that in our dressmaking we al ways gie a bijlith make and a first class 111 but for the benefit of strangers we wish to call attention to the fact that we invariably give satisfaction jackets cct 4 fitted me8 e h pass new goods for fall and winter immense superb 8tock at the mammoth house bargains mcleod anderson ft co creat subscribe for the acton free pres best locat paper in halton coumty only w frbivf urn to lin have pleasure in announcing that their stock was never before in snch an attractive con diboo foctbe jmbllo for variety extent and cheapness they have fairly surpaawd themselves great bargains in all lines of goods an immense line of winceys f br 5c 80 loo lie worth so 10c 12c 15c tbe above are the cheapest goods ever of fered to the public in cottons and cotton goods we took advantage of the severe depression bought largely and can now offer them retail atleaathan present whole- bale prices t they have advanced lately in woollen goods genu suitings and overcoating we have an immense assortment market has contributed lt quota to wards this stook the getup of our garments iu onr tailoring department is un surpassed for style fit cheapness and durability gents furnishings in every con ceivable description at close prices our dress goods department is replete with all the latest styles of dress soods iocluding black and colored caaiimeres black and colored silks fanoy silks latest trimming in every conceivable description ou dressmaking and uantlemaking department is carried on in flrstolaa style charges moderate oonsiitent with efficiency dadies need not hesitate leaving their orders with na wedding and mourning orders a specialty oar millinery depart ment is under the management otan effioient and experienced hand and we turn oat novelties in millinery that gladdens the hearts of- the ladies we have an extensive stock proper variety and all at rock bottom prices we have a large and extern- ive stock of carpets brnnels tapestry supers and 3ply carpets union and hemp carpets oil cloths and linoleums curtains table covers window blinds 4c we are satisfied that our large stock and cheap prices surpasses many city houses lor site and cheapness and we are satisfied no house shall offer you rach value as we shall mantles and shawls haberdashery and small waxes beady nude clothing in mens youtha ajnd boys immense stock and atfearf ally few prices overcoats in mens youths and boys big stock big bargains boou8boes extensive stock low prioe furs in mason we have a great many goods we cannot enumerate we aimpli remtrid yon that through oat long experience and on- bonbted position in the marketsaaregerda credit and money that we have an outlet of large business blace and that we have a position ahead of ordinary retsflera ami i thatfwebny mostly direct from the manotaetnrers arid wxca von gs at whou- cljili v atopics we shall be pleased and thankful for yohr wtastfai t rtronixrag kfnwbkjl irs you will makomopcy for yeuiselvea insttiohinvrled molwiliumsrsi f- l jr