1 a hill i li i tion cgne rm trruspu- kmnq xqt 22 l8s another tax exemption by the report of the proceeding at the last meet im a the municipal council it will be notice umt the question which has boon exorcising the uiinds of the members of the council foioiue time 1ms boon bruachl to a termination by the bylaw bcios introduced rva1 the required number of limes and passmi for several year pal since luabusiness of messrs v ii storey a sou has as- fiomed such extensive proportions and be come one of the important tudustrios of the dominion tue firm has been iu receipt at interval of very tempting inducements from a number of cities to remove the business theuce but mx storey having always ukei lively personal interest in the advancement and p tigress of acton iad tor twenty five years j- been associated vithits extension and improvement has always politely declined these offers pre ferring to remain herv andontiaue to do his pirt towards still tcrthcr bailding up the place ilia continually extending busi- iicss now renders it necessary that increas ed accommodation be provided and having decided to erect new buildings of large dimensions plans and fpocificarions for which haw been prepared he determined ta ask uie municipality fgr some action by which liis importance to acton jis a manu facturer and employer of labor would in iome measure- bo acknowledged is en couragement to- manufacturers generally takes the form of exemption from taxation the council was requested to take the steps necessary for the passage of a bylaw partially exempting the business inques- tion from uxation for the period ef ten vcars from january 1st 15il which ac tion was taken at the council meeting on tuesday e veiling xot wisliing to become a burden in tile least decree to any rate payer of the municipality however mr storey agreed to pay taxes upou ail the property and stock for which he is at present assessed asking exemption only upon the new buildings he purposes erect ing the land upon which the buildings will be erected and any additional stock neces sary- to the increasing business the by law as passed clearly states that he is to be annually assessed for the same anfcunt ti stock as for the present year and that all the real estate he may possess except that portion of laii on bower avenue occupied by the new buildings and used for the manufacture of gioves will be as sessed as usual with other property of the municipality after mature consideration of the matter in aliits details- and in its direct ani in direct bearing upon our citizens we cannot but conclude that the members of the council have acted wisely on this impor tant question and we feel confident that tne great majority of the ratepayers will coincide in this opinion- the canada glove works are now virtually bound we may say to remain in acton the new b uil dings wiil be erected here and will not only improve the appearance of our little town but will also prove considerable of an attraction to outsiders desiring to settle in a town of progress and enterprise the hundreds of citizens now receiving employ ment from this establishment will continue tj bo supplied vih rcrk and ilers w s tore t sji will dili piy jnt hvrge an amount in t-itr- l- heretofore the whole of the above cjnaiertions tending ugi only to maintain the present value of property here but alo to considerably enhance itj value in contemplation of ail thi- we wuuld ilvise our citizens to become thirdahiy informed uponthissub- ject before pasiiii any adverse criticism upon thi- action of trie council as we firm ly beieve the- members of that lody acted with a personal and conscientious anxiety for lie very best interests of the municipal ity and the citizens collectively aud indi vidually- and that the ultimate result will prove their action oui of wisdom decreased 3290 and upon beer 180451 tbetiuaitlity of spirits cousuined u ft beverao deceased iu kugiand by 294370 gallon nud in scotland by 46254 gtlloni but in ireland then u an incroaie of 245067 gallons urns the- not decrcm for the united kingdom vu 94857 gallon the commissioners remark thoro can- not bo any doubt that in some localities the spread of temperance principles has already caused a marked dimlnuuou iu the consumption of intoxicating liquors and the tendency is still increasing on the othsr baud it is remarkable to fiud in inland in gpite of adocxeaso of population an increased consumption of 245667 gal lons the guelph c v r connection au authority ou railways tells the acres fuix press lliat he does not think the credit valley will builrlthe una to guelph the grand trunk byline there as well as the great western dirisiou having got business too well in hand for the company to makcit pay the authority iu question has all ilie favors he wauu from the grand trunk probably and therefor the wish is father to the thought in las case guelj h jvmrry we arc very much afraid the mercury will fiud that the thought expressed by our informant will be the ultimate decision of the c vr authorities it will be cause- for regret however if this model little city is refused the connection desired as it is at present as is also uumeroai smaller places at the mercy of the great g t iuilway monopoly as far as freight rates are concerned our informant was neither a g t it official nor an employe of that company bro mercury- notes and comments an insolvency law is likely to be intro duced by the government during the next session of the dominion parliament the scott act has been carried in cum berland county x s by a splendid major ity in amherst the county town the vote stood 28 for the act and 9 against it this good cause is rolling on prohibition says icr e king dodds in his lat tirade against tv trilvne never yet made a sober man or woman bat it has bred drinking dens by hun dreds stop the manufacture of liquor says an extavernkeeper in the toronto canadian incidentally while abuiing the scott act and hotelkeepers wiil stop iu gale we leave these two worthy apostles of the liquor curse 1 to settle their differences between them i the ex tavemkeeper seems to have the best of it- hatnutor tribune canadas new governor- general has many titles the gaztile proclamation gives them thus his excellency the ifost honorable henry- charles keith petlyfitzmaurice marquis of lansdowne inthe county of somerset earl of wy combe of chipping wycombe in the county of bucks viscount cain and calnstone in the county of wilts and lord wycombe baron of chipping wycombe in the coanty of bucks in the peerage of great britain earl ofkerry and earl of shelburne vis count clanrasurice and fitimaorice baron of kerry lixnaw and dankerrou iu the peerage of ireland- acton municipal council the provincial exhibition- f at the provincial exhibition recently held at gudpu the number of entries of live stock was larger than at any previous exhibit ion- of the association and even ex ceeded that of the toronto industrial about which we hear so much the guelph herald fives the following figures as the number of entries for horses and cattle at thejast provincial exhibitions held in the places named kno-f-j- cirrxj gcelph m 639 toronto 81g g87 loudon ivi g56 hamilton 705 460 ottawa 152 g18 kingston 343 g20 and as compared with the industrial held in toronto we find i koki cirtle guelph 9frj 839 toronto oiz 403 the decision as to where the provincial xhibiti is to be held next year is left with the board of agriculture and arts the chaucesare that this decision will be in favor of guelph a gaelph is among those places which are willing to assume the responsibility of the undertaking the place at which the show is likely to prove most auccessxuh the association should by all mean give guelph the provincial nu year in order to recoup die city iu eoioe measure for the unusually large outlay for hew hafldings this year liquor drinking in the old country ike september report oi the eugihdi cominissiouers of inland revenue shows in khgiaad daring the year ending last march the revenue iroto excise daiies on spirits the council met on tuesday evening pursuant to adjournment itembers present d hendervon c s smith w ismoudand jno kenny mr smith moved to the chair j jf mutes of iast meeting readand con firmed tt upon motion abylaw to provide for the collection of statute labor tax was intro duced read the required number of times and passed with the name of donald mann fadsted as collector f the finance committee presented their itnh report recommending payment of the following accounts j b pearson acct for nail j 11 j b pearson zl feet of 5 feet side walk- f 1024 11205 moved by d henderson seconded by w ismond that the report of the finance committee be adopted carried moved by d henderson seconded by w ismond that leave be granted to intro duce a bylaw to exempt tha firm of wf h storey i son from the payment of certain taxes for the period of ten years and that the said bylaw be now read a first time carried bylaw read a first time moved by d henderson seconded by wm ismond that bylaw ko to ex empt the firm of w h storey fc son from the payment of certain taxes daring the period of ten years be now read a second time aud that the council then go into a committee of the whole on the same carried bylaw read a second time went into committee of the whole rose aud reported moved- by d henderson seconded by w ismond that the report of the commit tee of the whole on the above bylaw be accepted and that the bylaw be now read a third time and passed carried bylaw read a third time and passed and the seal of the corporation attached thereto council adjourned m letter of condolence the following jotter of sympathy was re ceived last week by the friends and rela tives of the late mr c w laaby ba- of this village fromthe members of the v p association of victoria university of which society our departed friend was an- houored and esteemed member to the frkndn and lulalirtt of tht lali chat w latbi decaucd we the members oi the v p associa tion of victoria university bving lost by death a dear brother inspected mem ber oi our association wish to convey to yoa the friends of the decesod oar tender- esf f ad most heartfelt sympathy in your berasvement we desire also to express oar apprecia- tfoa of tte uh tooril guitty sad strong mtntal powers which characterised our late lamented brother mr laaby from his earliost couuoetlou with ua showed himself to bo thoroughly in sympathy with the objects of our asso ciation as a man he was universally admired and respected and we looked forward to his future career with bright anticipations as a friend he was loved by all and his un timely death so little expected wm to those who knew him a bitter personal bo- reavemeut iu his dealings with us he was ever courageous straightforward aud true and inspired in all who knew him best the most ardent admiration aud tho warmest feel ings of friendship the vacancy thus caused in our ranks in ouo that cannot easily be fillod and our thoughts will ever turn with fondest recol- loctiou to our associations with- the do- ceacl why ho should be cut off in the prime of life and at the outset of what promised to be r prosperous and useful career we cannot know and in this calamity as in many others we have to stand reverently with bowed heads and silent lips before him whose was arcinscrutable and whose wisdom ia divine yours iff truest sympathy f p swrrzrit cor sec jiro fem cobourg xov 7th 18s3 business brevities some facts about our business ken and hooass of benefit to oar konsral readers hats from 75 cents to 250 at j fytts if you waul a nobby durable and cheap mil j fyfcs is the plaed to go the largest aud cheapest stock of boots t shoes to select from is at xelson mokaes tu largest stock of gents furuiihirgs hata and cap shirts and drawers at kel- soq mckacs the best value iu factory ctious winceys flannels aud domestic goods at kelaoq t mcracg the largest aud cheapest fitock ot ready made clothing ia the town is at kelson mcraet scotch eqfflwh and canidian suitiogs in nt variety at the kist eod clothing store j fyfe acton the most perfect fitting suits ad overcoats and the beat selectioa of goods at the loaveat prices si xelsou k ucraes salts and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sine to call aud nee them j fyfe acton the best assortment of black and col- ored velvets ladies uantlo woolleuand knitted goods ia llie tnr at xciion k mcraes mcaiuan hamiltou cl the willing- too marble works guelph out arcdoiuc the largest retail marble trade iu out on- log to the fact that they do the best work and acll the cheapest the public are warn ed ofxiiut dealing with second hand trade peddler bat sheaid gy direct to the firm or bay from their agents see hit the name mcquillan k hamilton ia on the printed form before you sign or order first kelitf ultimately a core ihese ire the aucceaaive effects of ooe of the moat deservedly popular remedies in the domin ion korthrop 4 lymans vegetable dis covery acd dyspeptic care which reforms an irregular conditioa of llm bowels aud liver invigorates tlic atcmach reaea digestion and chwiges the correct of the blood from a iiugish and arhid iniu a pare rapid aud fertilizing stream bcekless tralea kalre the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily cure burns bruises cuts ulcers salt rheum fever sores cancen pile chilblains corns tetter chapped hand and all skin erup tions guaranteed locureiu every instance or moneyrefunded 2o cents per bar fit sale hv j f megarvin 4g a card tu all ttho are uffenu fnun the errors acd indiscretions of youth uervous weak ness farly decay loss of manliood c i will tend a recipe that will care yoa free oi cilincu this great remedy was dis covered by a cmsionary ia sauth america seud a hlfa id reaped envlope to the rev josetii t ismas station dxac yorkdo the uie of plla halls caator oil 4c ajid other riauseoup griping cathartics is un necessary as a pleasant substitute is found in dr carsons stomach bitters which t as a cathartic without griping or causing nausea all druggists sell it 50 cents a bottle 15 we have a speedy and positive arc for catarrh diphtheria canker and head ache in shilohs catarrh remedy a nasal injector free with each bottle use it if you desire health and sweet breath price 50 cents sold by j e mcgarvin 49 oh what a cough will you heed the warring the signal perhaps of the sure approach of that most terrible disease consumption ask yoar- selves if you can afford for the sake of sarin tj 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing for it we kuow from experience that shilohs cure will care your coagh it never fails this erplaitii why more than a million bot tles were sold the past year it relieves croup and whooping coufffa at once mothers do not he withont it for lame bick side or chest use shilohs poroas plaster sold by j e mcgarvin rett aad camfort lolhe suffering browns househald panacea has no equal for relieving pnln both internal and external it cures pain in the side back and bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache eumbagoand any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely qaicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever nud of double the strength of any other elixir of liniment in the world should be iu even- family bandy for use when wonted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps iu the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druerfsls it 25 cents bottle wfb mcpheeiappin writes daridjf the last eight years i hare used almost every medicine recommended for bilious ness but found nothing equal to canons bitters if yoa suffer try ft price 50 8ttw 15 ayers hair vigor rvuevwltu ths gloss and fmluietf of vud fadod or gr7 hair to a natural rich 1ouii color or deep blnek as in j be desired iu it uio llgtiior red hair may be darkened kla hair thickened and baldnssi often tliouflu sot always cured li rlimkt fnlllng f the- hair and ttlma hrictia weak and sickly crowtu to vigor ll prirttita mid carei scurf and dandruff and nearly every ucaae peculiar to llio re oil as ft ladlr if air drmlnf tho vijftiieiuall it coutalns neither oil it ijo rtjdvrx ih iir soft jlowy ami iiiiiuaiiaraic a ilclkac ri-rwvl- and vu erfurtk ni j l lliiimi- tu- froit airty o j- i ia jil raj hair rihinienchi faiij oat iwiltt suorttimo i tecania ucarh uij i u1 iwrt ot totlje o avti luin viqiu which stoppod uie fall- iiyr ql lao hair ami ftartwt a new growth i harj now n full itcujof hair growing rlgor- daj hid ali viiviitd that hot for the u-t- ii iir iircjwriii u i should hare been enurlrml 1 w ltwkvirvnirr o the m arthur cm4i taqnirit kim avirm illlr vlqob a ki ticrllrui irfratiou for the hair 1 iijt i ii frinu nsy own experience iu i icif ll- riwth of new hair and liiiki ic kyiiil hilt hi- vhioa i also u fnr iliru nt within my uriran ever failed ilioii lnri fl- lia iii i m j mr rviuimav leader of ih lkituiiin taiiiilv of scotlifh 7il nt- it- lhin ma ttb s sv- l kiict- iv imlr t to pre il- vru i- il the chiiigi which flilig i i iimv uji avlus hair i ii i i iitv- uou nlle i6 maintain r t hulii a matter of c l- iti o wu ijee to ministers ora- t i lid crcry one who utci 5lti v irr i- vritiujj from is elm s ii ii af u htc sari i vr suut tuluiruof nivlialr- citf h it tiui vcr mimly and 1 u fi i ii fc ilm ulif avlils uaill vinu e tiliz ttjicti ami a new gruwlli cviuucjc ami in iilut a mooth my head r ciirir cotcjxii with ihttt hair it iv rlj 1 tn jtmu and is dowai gcol sj uff i m i rcsuurlyuaedbat one bottla oi tk tami l t nwuw it occaiioaally u i irtmiiip we hive lultvj cf similar testimonials to the efficacy w avrrts haiavioon it neotfe tut a trial to conriuce ike most skepti cal of lurajue i i t rarraiun sr drjjoayerco 1 sub7auirualfu thomas robinson faruhaui ceulre pqj writes i have beea afflicted with rfacuuiatiam for the last ten years and have tnedlmany remedies without any relief i got a bottle of dr thomas eclectric oil aad lococj it gwe instant relief and since then have had no attacks i would recom mend if to all cdcp prh bkflis specif ckfll- rrill iuiaa a guaranteed cure for parous do bility uid semiaal weik- and all brain and nerve troubles caused by self abase over brain work 4c s3ta writua guarantee of cure ta ever bc or money refunded 6end 15c for postage on ftetrulboiof 100 pills address da m w fltros cor clark st and calhoun placcicucngo 111 a invitation ajjparties in aircara fur bread etc will please call at the simp and settle their ac counts at once i e mcklik sox acton xov gh 1ss3 c loalfoksalc the underpinned intends kecpincctostantly ou hand a stock of hard and soft ttoe cal of nil kinds which will b deliverttj to any part of the ullage parties dcsirhk coal thiuld give him a call i m c s smith s ueep astkiy strayed from the premises lot 32 cou 2 escorting- abtut the first cf august a lei- ceser tire aud ewe lamb any party giving information which will lead to recovery of above will be regarded lachlan itcuillax efqiiejing xor 20th 1ss3 thpurtant notice a larpe nunnr of he customers who dealt jwith me wliile mjmcod in thefrrocery basinhas ttill uwe me for goods i am now rendering these accounts and all not paid by the 1st december will be placed in court j for oiitcimi i a duekx actonj xov soth 1866 m barber shop hu opened ft birber shop in the premises late nccapied by dr forater u a medicft office aad solicits share of the patronage ot ihir vicinity kery dspartment of the bosiiies will be conducted in hrstelass style give us a call j p worden jan srd 1883 rurrie astkiy strayed from the premises of the under- signed lot 31 cun 3 ksqneaine on or about the 11th october the loliowine cattle 1 white stag riling 3 years 1 red steer vrilbwhite star on forehead rising 8years 1 roaii heifer rising 3 years 1 red heifer with white star en forehead and other white spou on under part of body nslog3 years 1 red heifer with white spot on left side and white half way up the tail riainr 3 years and 1 red steer with white spots rising- 3 years any information which wiuileadto the recovery of above stock will be suitably rewarded vm cajikoll esqoesing oct 30 83 acton po toe free press power printline onse executes job work of all deaaiptious in a very satisfactory manner at model spates in the time promised satisfactory manner at moderate rates with de- bcsisesb cibcctabl lktteb heads bill heads letter cibcllabs xote claculabb bl8kesacaud8 visiting cabd6 pasiphlets h4xdb1lls postebs etc etc particular attention given to fine work and ektra core bestowed with a view to securing correctaeo oncers from tho country attended to with de spatch and work onraxdedionjcdlatolyby moil orcxprcca trj tho rttee fbs job otioe for rrilltlnb h p moore patttllbtoh burled cities -01v- expl0rati0h8 in bible lands iit frank 8 dehess od the latest cheapest and best book ou the subject no othor author gives so graphic a sketch of eastern palestine its 175 illustrations are superb and rare and are from photographs taken on the spot and executed without regard to cost it con- talus a comprelionsivo and critical history of bible lands and of the world from the creation manuel hekkditu agent liraohoaso ont will call upon you with a specimen of the above volume and will be pleased to give you any information respecting it testimonials i have looked over the specimeus of buried cities recovered by frank 8 dehom dd shown me by mr samuel moredith agent for bradley garretaon 4 co and believe it to be a valuable book for all bible readers i therefore have no hesi tation in recommending it to the fnvorable consideration of the public d b cameron minister presbvterian church tut mixsx acton nov 12th 18s3 in a hurried review of tho buriod cities recovered i have found it a volume writteu in a clear graphical style beauti fully illustrated aud replete with descrip tions oi thelatest discoveries in the holy land the work is written by rev f s dehess dd for many years american consul at palestine and this fact itself should be a satisfactory guarantee for the excellence of the volume to tho biblical student and those who take pleasure in biblical subjects the work will afford valu able aid and cannot bat yield a largo field of intellectual argument to the cultured reader and taken as a whole it is eminent ly fitted to stimulate the study of the in spired record- the book is tastefully gotten up with full legible type heavy paper good biuding and beautiful maps and engravings with interesting and soul- stirring iniormation the book is worthy of the widest circulation and perusal h p moore editor frai pnr acton xov a3tli iwi the wonderful man big purchase m eir vw tor 8r ami m aot m a fc k j bargains for the people be8f family new8paper ih canada king op weeklies weekly free press xjarge 1 faper 8 pages oat t pasted by new machinery contains all the news special market department agricultural department capital story always running ingenious puzzle column funny humorisms jatt the tilnj foe tho rmily karsead f aud the papcrwil lofotwarded to yoa to joaaarv 1st 16b5 811000 in preminuifi the most liberal inducements ever offered in canada to parti getting up club for uie week ly free press ieud for premium list weeklt rkee rkeatt a rilmesvh adtocate fl it 1 jaaaarr lasj fr 1t3 address feel pkesh office london ont the western advertiser for 1884 with tha advent of las the wtrtzas anrrb- t18eb akd wkeklt itphpf- will per in dct aadimprotodfonn trith ne type printed from itertotype jilte on nev vcbioeains nrcas of tne utt desieu wm1 iti wtenl popalir de- prtiijdti till be coatinaed more rigor will l obtamble uiroaenoiii- onlj 1 per annain balaact of 1ss0 free to neir subscriber choice of three premiums ponnuit gaalebt out premiam for 19rh fi a hadiomclyprinted book of portrit with lllninintd covers cortainim tba following chromolithogrtphi in at color rii her majesty queen victoria his ezosllency uie gotemorgenenj ikurtmis of lajisdowna bl- h on w e oljsdktone hoc edward blke sir johq a mcdonald hon oliver uowat hon alex mackeniie and chester a arthur presi dent of the v s an elegant and attractive ornament for the parlor table site of each portrait 8x11 inches 1 a biographical sketch of each personage written byn eminent canadian ia alio given price only 10c extra or tu0 inajl erlf preferred snbsben may have a choice of hoke asd health or ciusks receipts two wellknown former premiiinisvin board covers on payment of 15a additional or 115 in all oxlt oire fhehicm ixxowzd the dailt aovestisiui containing the com plete midnight dispatches ia mailed for 5 per annum or fls for three montba total drcnlation eiach week ofdaixr axd wecxxt aursbttneb otur 00000 conies tisagenttwaji ted everywhere fifty valuable prizes to the most fneoescfnl clubgetter send post card for particulars begistered utter come at our risk address abtbktf bk rblxtiftfi 0 lokdon ont the fire rrcsa tlabblac 01cr tax acton fbke pnzsa and the western adyxbtiseb will be mailed to anv address from now to january lrt 1bs5 ou receipt of only 2 if either of the advehtibtii popular premiams is required the additional amount for same must be enclosed as above vilh full particulars asto which is wanted address r p moore fhih pbess otfice acton out the favorite oyster parlor a e matthews j ibxowuxceivixtt dillt frish oysters finnan haddles canned flsli and fruits lemons oranges lirapes cosfkctiobiert aud all other goods in his line the largest assortment of plain aud fancy biscuits iu town and from the best manu- facturers my customers will find all my goods fresh aud iu erery way satisfactory the oyster parlor oysters served in auv style during the season or win be supplied by tha can quart or gallon soood cooking apples always on btncu 4bmatthiwi ox thursday fov 21st john hogg son will offer the cheapest tapbstb1t ever seen in guelph we have lately purchased at desperate prices p 1 ic tbi fa i y tai de8 over two hundred pie of tapestry and brussels carpets and on the date above mentioned will offer choice patterns in tapestry carpets at i 40c 46c 50c 65c and 75c per yard brussels carpets at 90c 1 and 125 a yard this no humbug is a grand opportunity for persons io re- carpet their houses at a moderate rate we also offer cur choice stock of i i black and colored dress six kj s 1 1 r with various trimming matfrial8 to matrph at prices within the reach of the most economical come to the sale john hogg son grublph sjftlj r tolftqlpen man tb thi i in in i d3 w m fo 7 jewe etat bros 1 erm myi xm fane call what ayoiftl and t have j doabti s last sinoe j againl be wil estinj from i hail the ante foqn and i iaprj qhn ni