lt h v i m is j5 l i 1 ft n i i- w athfa tirnisiut munvn0 oct 1 1883 the new old story vcross the valley tronrliuj to ml a bird it hying to meet his mate vera tlw summers rom win to fll toons lore u shooting the threads of r ate tbe niulcr ctrl ud uic farmer boy la the village churchgive glances shy uld each to each ts a slaving joy as the ruddy yean swop waltttng by to the home tree brine each haprr bird i lock of hair or a bit of clay so build the lovers by look and word v coy ncsl for a coming day in branching willows boalde the nil tbe young i trds mimic tbe old birds notes andcbildnn are snouting above tht mill li tbey run to launch their tiny boats oh ever the ilrcamnini sveat and dear outpoured anew from tbe springs abort tnd crcr the world keeps young and fair since love ts its life and its hie ts lore he that uicreascth knowledge uicrsaacui sorrow tjse die star d es it j oil want brilliant and fast colore s eazh and provident fear is the mother of safetj hard and soft corns cannot withstand holloways corn cure il is effectual every time he who knows most grieves most for wasted tunc one tnal of mother graves worm ex- terminator mil convince yon that it has no equal as a worm medicine as everr golden thread ik valuable so is even minute practise economy by using the triangle dyesr perfect in both dark and light shades ask for three cornered package 10c at j e ifcgsrnn s drug store 13 pnde often miscalculates and more often misconceives dr canons stomach bitters are not an alcoholic stimulant but a purely vege table medicine cathartic and tonic jn its action and invaluable m all affections of the stomach liver and bowels 9 2o better heritage can one possess than cheerfulness thecolora of the triangle dyea are so beautiful and their use so simple the lead the dye market of the country ife at j e mcgarvm 5 drug store yf3 we are never so glad as when we possess- a joyful lean the political contest being over the popular vote of the people is now cast in favor of dr fowlers extract of wild slrawberrr that matchless remedy for cholera morbus and all summer com plaints k spend a cent less than your net income and j on will alwavs be rich a care far cau sere lie the finest healing compound under the snn is mcgregor t parke carbolic cerate then is no sore bat will succumb to lis wonderful nealiog properties it is an rnraluablc dressing for scalds festerings etc price twentysve cents at j e xlrgarvin s drug store 46 prove vourself grateful a grateful heart can never be a wicked heart a scartunjc dtseavery phi rcians are often startled bj remark able clscovenes the fact that dr kings xew ihaccvery for consumption and all throat and luce diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up io die startling them to realize their sense of duty and examine into the merits of this wonderful discovery resulting in hundreds of our best physicians using it in their practice trial bottles free at mcgamus drug store regular sue i 00 when we know how to appreciate a merit we have the germ of it within ourselves persons of sedentary habits the greater part of whose time is passed at the desk or in 6ome way bent over daily tasks cramp tbe stomach weaken its muscles and incur dyspepsia early there most reliable and safest medicinal resource is northrop lymans egetabie discovery the great blood purifier and which is especially adapted to indigestion biousueas consti pation and poverty or impurity of the blood pimple and bxoiefces call at j e mcgarvins drug store for a package of mcgregor 4 parke carbolic t erate it is composed of vaseline car bolic acid tmi cerate and has never failed to remove prmples blotches ulcerated bores rough kin it cures when all others fail try it jos beaudin m d hull p o writes d thorns eclectnc oil commands a iare and inreusing sale which it nchly merits i hare slwu s fonnd it ercecdioglyhelpfnl i use i in all cavs of rheumatism as well as fractures and dislocations i made ose of it mi self to cam the pains of a broken leg wiili dislocation of a foot and in two dais iwu elhray nived of the pirn sufferers from the effets of quinine used asaremedj for chills and fever will ap preciate avers ague cure a powerful tooic b tier composed wholly of iegeabe substance without a particv of any nox ious drug its action is peculiar prompt and powerful breaking up the chill curing the feyer and eipellmg the poisoq from the system yet knnog a0 harmful or unpleas- aot effect upon the patient gilbert lurd st margarets hope orkrey scotland writes i am requested by several friends to order another parcel of dr thomas eclectnc oil the last lot i got from you having been tested in several cases of rheumaluin lias given relief when doctors medicines hare failed to have any effect the excellent qualities of this medicide should be made known that the millions of sufferers throughout the world may benefit by its providential discovery mr c e riggina beamsnlle writes there la no preparation before tht people today that commands their confidence more or meets with a better aalo than doo dr fowlers extract of wild slrmrberry the infallible remedy for all forms of summer complaint j g min jay patjkdale toronto writes my wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach hearing of dr acsnts puoanuttm and its pleasantness to take i gave her two bottles and she has not had an attack slice and her health is much improved for sale by all druggists my daughter has taken the medicine fajthfull according to directions and her health and spirits are now perfect the humor is all gone from hot face 1 with every anxious mother ought know what a blessing a j er t sarsapanlla is m such cases if you arc broken down in constitution and washing away by lictneos dissipation too great nen ous taxation or suffer from any chronic disease do not abandon hope until you hayc tried burdock blood bitters what it is doing daily towards restoring others t might do for you i the quickest thin on becord is jcrams fluid lightning for neuralgia headache toothache etc it does not blister or discolor the skin requires but one application to banish all pain magically lrithout using any greasy liniment or carv ing j our head in a poultice for weeks try a twenty five cent bottle from j e mo- garvin druggist 40 leaves have their time to fall salt the poet but wild strawberry leaves are on the rue just now being uilliied in such enormous quantities in making dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry the infallible remed for chole morbus diarrhoea and other summer complaints do not dels if suffering any form of bowel complaint however mild apparently may be the attack bat use dr fowler s eitrtict of wild strawberry it u the old reliable cure for all forms of summer com- phtnt that require prompt treatment aak your druggist and all dealers in patent medicines h shiloria catarrh remedy a marvellous cure for catarrhdiphtheria canker mouth and headache with each boiile there is au ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge price 50 eenta sodbvj e mcgarvin tkese an gelid facta the best blood purifier and system regu ialor ever placed within the reach of suffer ing humanity truly is electric bitters inactivity of the liver bdionsness jaun dice constipation weak kidneys or an disease of the urinary organs or whoever requires an appetiser tonic or mild etun- uhmt will always find electric litters the beat and only certain cure known they act rarely and quickly every bottle guar anteed to giye entire satisfaction or money refunded sold at fifty cents a bottle by j e mcgarvin itollowtfi pitu easy digestion these admirable pills cannot be loo highl appreciated for the wholesome power they exert oyer all disorders of the stomach liver bowles and kidneys they instan taneously relieve and steadily work out i thorough cure and m its course dispel headache biliousness flatulence and de pression of spirits it is wonderful to watch the daily improvement of the com plexion as holloway e pills purify the blood and restore plumpness to the face which had ioat both desh and color these pills combine every excellence desirable in a domestic remedy the moat certain and beneficial results sow from the occa sional cse of ths regulating medicine even person in health or when following sedentar occupation will find it an invaln able aperient a card 7o all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak neaa early decay lost of manhood c5c i will send a recipe that will cure you jrle or chxege this great remedy was dis oovered by a missionary in south america send a self addressed envlope to the rev josxpn t ivjcii station i xac lorkciltf caters moljiers 1 1 hatters i i are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of mrs winjow 6 soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little- sufferer immediately depend upon it there is uo mistake about it thcreis not a mother on earth who has ever ored it who will not tell 1 ou at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to thejnother and relief and health to the child operating like maic it is perfecty safe to use in all cases and pleasant to the taste and 13 the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female phys ciais an j uureesm the united states sold everywhere at 23 cepis a bottle k mm vm iii aiwrmtt safe cure foe tux- ki0ney8liyetiarina8y organs tbe best blood ptb1fiek there is onlrooe avty which any disease can be eared and that is by removing the caose wbateveritmaybe rhegrealmedl calaolliirlliesofihe day declare bat nearly every disease is caused by deranged kldpeys or liver to restore ihesa therefore fa the only way by which health can be secured here is where waejibs saraoori baa v a customer who hrf hnfd f v achieved its greatrenuutlon llacwdlrert- ikibier wno tnj a dottje of hor- ly upon the kidneys and llvr and oy placing nrmp iyman vegetab dlscorery aaya i is2 jitf m drlyedlseate it is the best thing he ever used to quote his owijwords it just seems to fconoh the spot affected about a year ago he had an attack of bilious fever and was afraid bn was ujlor another when ireeommenaed uu vtjanble nediejpe with net happy tesmta r and pain from the ystm for all kidney liver and urinary troubles romhe dletreeb- ffi or fsdaruvajki physical troubles generally tola great rem- dy has noeuuai kewareohmpoatori im- nations and concoctions aald to be lost u good for diabetes aak for wunat bat uu- btnsouei por sale by ail dealers hhwamhebac9 ttttmifnffhi e1toafws watkins is home agajn at the right house tell priola thai would be cheap at 13c f moat every imaginable variety in style quality and price of tbe chi need and watkins vent into the market with the ready cash and after porchasing tho largest most tatied tud cheapest stook of goods ewr imported fir this immense establishment just notice few of the qnantithjs i elyetl and el- vetetns will hato an enormous sale this season of velveteenahe purchased 1 piece of black and colored in rfl in and emboesed of ffllk velwtt h boogbt piece r blaok and the various new shades of short napped silk plush liia purchases re 88 pieces including beautiful embossed broche designs ox drete oooda he ha imported of french allwool in now styles of cheoki and plain goods 819 piece of colored allwool caskraereg and moriooi there are 69 piece of beanwblbikkabmorc i he is importine- 187 pieces of 8ilki in black and tbt newest shades and designs of gro grain broche ana merreleux he hu import v u d 0 booght 111 oj prlnu his pnrehaset an 8610 pieoes a large lot of which ho boogbt at over is per cenl under the regular manufacturers prices for casnand will io few days r cforoolyloc of j hite and colored qnllta he baa imported 4ii his stock will in a few davi amount to about f 200000 worth of nl- goods he has ever imported ts the trade has been dull in europe lor years and manafucture are 1u u til good at an immense rednotlon below the regular prices there will not be am opening day at the right house this year as all hands art too busy operiing and marking off the mow goods and waiting on the crowds of customers who throng this enprmoni boose dsily to have time to fix up for an opening day but ladles will find the millinery manila and dressmaking departments 11 in nil operation and their every want will be supplied in the newest designs snd most lashionable styles any day they call in enormous piles of carpets linoleums hogs mala and everything in the house furnishing line new beaotlful and cheap ttpestry carpets from o up to the very best made brussels in all qualitlea from the lowest up io tbt best five frame is very haodsorot designs ovsr 1800 pairs of lace curtains bought for cash down at an enormous reduction in price and selling off si onefourth lest than their value call at the bhjbt hoiiee king street rut oloee to hughson street betnember the name is hamilton aug 23rd 1888 thomas c watkins hamilton scrofula tnd all mofolooi dlieut son err-ip- lu eotfflit biotch blnfworai tu mor ofcrbencu boili ud erapuotu of um skin 4ra tht direct mull of n impure ittta of tbo blood to cure thou dlmtmt uie blood must be porlfltkl ud rattorod to bub ud uv ttuguoosdltion avus sjliutsutau b or 0tr forty jetri beo reoognlxed by emi nent mdlcivl tatbarlua u ui moft por- erful blood purifier in exuteoce it tnt the iyftm from til foul bumon carfcliei ud itraigtbeni tb blood remoru all iraera of mercurlgu treatment and prorei itself a complete matter of all scrof uloui diteaaea a ftooent cure of scrofoloaa sorea soon montha ago i vaa troubled with fcrofulooi aorea olcert on my tgu tata umbsnre badly nrollen and in aimed and the lorn tllscbarged large qaanutic of offeoslro matter ererj remedy 1 tried failed until i uaad arni 8absai auilla of hlch 1 ba bare now taken three bottle tllb the reaolt that the oref are liclfd and my general health great lim ored i feel rery grateful for the giod ur meoueiim hai oooe me youn reapeetfullt me- aw o liuuv 18 suulran st ev ork jane 24 lst gy all penotu fnterefd are invited to oallaa lire obrunj ajao a pan the her r f wuda of 78 aat 54th street 3itw york city who will take pleaiarf in tttatlcrlnf to the wonderful efflcsey of anrt sarttpaiilu not only in the care of toil lady i but in hia own caae and duf otben within oia knowledc the veuksovfi teruer on the bottom htram b tv pair of hockttur xm erltei jane tlstq u hartng tmffered mterely for aome yean with ecsema and hating oiled to hud relief from other remedlea 1 hare made u daring the paft three montha of a eb sikaaia billa which has effected a awnr arrr i consider it a niagniflceat remedy for all blood disease- ayerssarsaparilla timojatea and regulatea the actfoa of 1 digestive and uilmllttite orut reiictt and itrengthens the rful foree nd ffrl cures bbetwuttumi nearmlria rheama tie oont catarrh general debility i i all diseases arising f rora an imporeritlitm r corrupted condition of the blood and a i eax cued ritality it u incomparably the ciieapest bleed medi cine on aooount of its concentrated rtrcjglli and great power orer disease ntzpaci by dr jcayeracoloweli ma bold by all druggists j rice g i rtx botuee speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c from ate prepared to famish everything in their line the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin ou the shortest kotiee and at lowest terras satis 11 calls either night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire s3uc are in a position to aatisfsctonl fill orders or sgcons carnages 4c of everj description 10 reasonable lime good workmanship ood tirstclosa material always nsed we have suo a splendid lot or furnilore both common and extra quality cheap rlf ou will pai us ca8h we ill mil jon anything in oor line cheap j a 3pei0ht manager east end clothing store while teudenug ui siucere thanitb to my numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an- uoiince to my patrous and the public that i have novr opened a very large and wellassorted btotk of cloths and gents furnishings 8ultable for the coming 8eason dominion boot shoe j store maix st actox as m the pxsl io slo in the future 1 propose to give mj easterners it 1st value that can bo had in the trade good sound material in all the newest patterns aod perfect- biting garments at lowest risible pncea hau and caps in all he leading shapes for fall wear call and see them x j fyfe photography kenney bros having purchased the stock aod business of kenney k son manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes of all uuds in the same premises and solicit a continuance of the patronage ao corded to the late firm wc will alwsvi be supplied with good stock and firstclass material for ordered work and can guarantee satisfaction a call solicited kenvei bros acton juv 10 83 piiotoghapht5-rut-ltet-sttles-maue-ln- stcond unb pictlkkfu4mistofallkindskkptov uaid made 10 okder oldprctubescopiedandenlaroedsecondto xuneat o w hills ih swtjlskt who 18 umaoouaintio with thi okotwaphy of thw country wbx sci by cxaminino thw mas that thi hills tin stve depot good assortm ent on 8tove8 cheap for cash tinware of all kinds bottom price8 at eavetroughing a specialty and put up on notice shortest first class material only used a call solicited 4 o hill mill st butcher shop r holmes ft oa id respectfully inform the peeple of acton and vicinltr that he has purchased tbe business and property of mr w c robinson and is ptepared to supply all mui firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in ijtaton fw meat delivered to ant part of tows at an time j having practical experience m th butchering business i feel confident that i can suit all a call kindly solicited a holmes abofintomffl ctqjf- harnes trunk mpor finiies anjirarig ixrihixo ix harness or trunks to sa e money should go to r creech acton graduated with honors mccoll bros co lardine and other machine ojl8 saving passed tba most critical examinations by competent judges were awarded oold and silver medals a41d diplomas at all exhibitions jfccoll bk08ac0h toronto out dr fell le bruns grjlgr a tuaraoteed core or veoedal diataaes safe pleasant and reliable jjo bad toeett from ita rue does not interfere with bntl- neat or diet prioe w per box or three boxes lorft written oaranteet issued by every dolyauuiortaedaaeot to refund insmonejr if three boxes fall toonrt sent postace prepaid on reeelpeofnrlee drmtlemvsi a s mug st bastorvjalo8c proprietors oartlnahrtt4tantteaetao chicago rock island pacirc ry bblhc til omm flmiml i ik is 0r ui afford to traveler by reason of lu jnrmiad awo- ouowatt tut wait notttiwevt and southwut wsuthlfisjton ktokuk icnoinue otkalooaa rsurtjil7oi mota wk great rock island route worth their weight in gold i 4- t tfmtjomctsuid imikmomisn pauwi sltspwo qam sum blurahi sum hoab in thi sxnimtliy said in whloh tuotvlor nstttb imim z zzl2ti 2uxl f v fan otioaoo tmd tht mssoum mvn albert lea route ittwtyidmtswtuttsi ast l a jjiil ggsbvs vtoiivtt cmi tftansstv hjofie j orof 4oun holloways pills ointment this incomparable ubdicisi htu accural for uvjf on impcruiabtt fame throughout tht worltlarthc nlffeiaionxmrf rttrt of most diseases tu tdtieh amairy i er the pills punfy iwmlute and improve the quality ol the blood the usiat lle digestive ui mius cleanae tbe stqhcil and bofthlri increase the secretor powen of the ltvor braoa the nervous system and throw lulo the ctrcolsuon the purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persons havo testified that hy their use alone tbey have been restored to health and strength after every other means had proved nnaucceaaftl the ointment will be found invaluable in erery household in tbe cure of open sarea hard tumors 84 ltstt old vnnli owjfc culda sore throats bronohitu ind all disorders of the throat and chert as tjao gout ehenmabro sorofnla sod every kind of skin dneaae uannfaoured only at profeasor hollo- way esubliahment sss oxtohd 8teeet london and sold tt it ild 2s m 4a 6d 02s and s3a each box and pot ud in cauda at 3 cents 90 cents and si 50 and the larger sues in proportion tscatraoic i have no agent la tht united sutes oor are my medicine tom there purchaser should therefore look to the label on lit pott and bona nth addrta la ool 583 oxford strtet loodos they are purioos the trade mark of my aaid medicine i wgitre4 jrtpftwa and ijmit wtv gcatarrw afttr fair trjal with no rtllsf or curs sffdeted your money ww h refunded pia 10 bold by v mtrfictm 4 dealesu fvrrrwfcm amomit beqaired to cart oil to sirbonxm will purify the blood j eradicetinv all humours from tbe commot pimple blotch or boil to tile most nulur nasi form of scrofulous ulcer oju to sue botties bj cloanainj the blood vill punfj fbe complexion frost sallow nesi smooth oot the nnnktts result- ing from imperfect nourishment oi the body sweeten foul breath auj rcaovate the entire system of to two bottiis will enre oidinary coosupationorcoslivneea thereby remoimg hhadache pilea biliousuea and jauodioe and all diseases resulting from u rpid liyer oki to srr bottles b cleansing tht blood improving the genera health and forbfyino the tjsiem agaimt taking fresh colds will in all cases relieve and m most cases cure lhat common ioarhesome and dangerous disease 1 itbkii om to tuner bottles will regulate ail deraugements of the kidneys curing nnnarr dimraltjea prostration gmej dutbete etc ovz to porn bottles will rejuvigorate uie entire svsttm curing- nervous and gen- oral debility female weakness and all iter attendant miacnee burd06 riood will cure or reueve biuoumss dizziness dyskpsia ihdioestioh jaundice hr8ipelas 8alt rheum heartbvrn headache dropsy hutter1h6 of the hem acidity of the stomach dryhes8 r of the 8k1h ad wt specie f dlseua arilnk from dleonlered liver kidkey8 8t0ma0h bowels ob blood tillb0rki60 o catrn or it a a i h bcn uj ly th i- cct n ho u 1 cjoj y rniu vqz 7 tor ise rtmoiril of aa pranj- remedy lor the rtoonl of woudi sad mil or pa ami nm child t it easy locate otm tail djaltdyjro ni irrcia too l with medicine c 7 i fricf 25ct6 wwmmpmfemsdy no cure no pay j30ll trtaumit a i ssi com to i t at mc cne crctctjuj 00 ifte nanj pjxsacj he bwi fad laa the otus on it tarcr kdosm ai tood lnav economjcjll6arc radical treatment sod ei ll urlgcists price 75 cts rntrtfotiri a lifaclory ht pn ceroid will be rcfatuwd some cbron c cr oko- oatc caes of caz maniimj pay raiturt tjo utrea to sj pidlngti to ttt a pnnanect ton mam ho 0 how 10stj bow kestoftlt wo h wrecedtlypnbliahedanew permanent cure uetut elctjornervobsdebllltr enujnu rnrslc- allnearjtyimneouinentooratarrlanteie resultlnarronrexeeues i k cts orlw itsurispa i tbeeclebraled iuthor in his admirable eaty ejely demonstrates rwrn inirtj yeartlooetain jraetiee tuatalarmina enn- i 4 jiaedl oltbeknt ejpolntinf oat a mde of seouedec nwy t ndleallr tured wlihoul 4 4jm dsuueroot uijeof luternsl uedlclbetor toneesliip eertsunanaeffeoieiilby i a if wblol svery surftrer po nsatur hia coodllloi may oemycurthlmteil priralel and radically i thhtltotnfe sb axm be in tie daubs ol etejyyoutiianloiersrmifnlntheland tfcjh csjtctreu medical jco wkvi a 7