Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1883, p. 4

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im ctonjfintmrm i p i- i t -i- tttrisiut moilsixo sept 20 1888 famished u ouly mothers know lie ssid how hungry cutmrco lor ioto above oscli little virgin bod a mother hi would prow how surot arc kisses thst sre given lietinxn a row mouth imd kearen if oldy nt j- luuuui would kneel ai your dear mother every night beside bcr little girt to feci if all the smvpa sre toldtd tight ami hold lur biuids her elbow mr etvecu my choc and her soft hair and jookim iu my droaiuiiig eyci at if she w some lowly thing and uufliug iu such fond surprik on ail my hopes of life that pring like flower beneath her tender graccr 1 could uol stay in evil way i would not wound the gcnllo broad that held me warm within its fold my mothers love would still be boat howewr sad or plain or old and even though the world forsalu id love her for her loves own sake a hard case the oysters- holloyraya corn care is the medicine to remove ill kinds ot corns and warts the kernote wife let me iu tie handiest package dye to use are the star dyes beautiful and lasting colors 9 eor they conquer who believe they cm there is nothing equal to mother grstcs worm exterminator for destroying worms the most difficult thing in life is to know yourself bloodfood is the suggestive name ofleo ffive to ayers sarsaparill because of its 51 ood enriching qualities let every eye negotiate for itself and trust no agent xothkg known to medical science can surpass the bealicg properties of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry iu cholera morbus dyeeatery colic and all bowel complaint d warmth of feeling is oue thing per manence another if you would escape the ravages of that acoiircc- of the summer season cholera morbus keep dr fowlers ertract of wild strawberry at hand for us- in that and all other forms of boei complaint it u infallible e a heart oversowing with feeling draws lave like a magnet- sak kfaeim cored are you troubled with salt kheain rough skin pimples or canker sores if o jo at oace fa j k meoarvius drue store and get a package c calverts carbolic cerate price twentylive cents it was never known to fail 47 the deepest feeling often lies m silence the lightest iu vorda- kerrus xcaralria of no matter how loiis standi pc or how severe will readily yield to the curative power of ijr e c wests nerve and brain treatment sold at j e mcgarrins vruz jslore idleness is only the refuge of weak minds and the holiav of fools dr carsons stomach bitters are not an alcoholic stimulant bat a purely vege table medicine cathartic and tonic in its action and invaluable in all affjctions of the stomach liver and bowels 9 a revival meeting a camphor bottle and a fainting womans nose if yon are broken down in constitution and washing away by sickness dissipation too great nervous taxation or suffer from any chronic disease do not abandon hope until voa have tried burdock blood bitters what it is doing daily towards restoring others t might do for you i welldirected toil will insure success in every walk of life high or low try ayers pills and be cured misery is a mild world to describe the mischief to body and mind catued by hibitoal con stipation- the reguhu use of ayers cathartic hills in mild doses will restore the torpid viscera to healthy actioa youve got a new hat i see said one man to another who was noted for his love of the flowing bowl yes hie got a new hie hat bat its got the hie some old brick in it leaves hare their time to fall says the poet but wild strawberry leaves are on the rise jaxt now being utilized in such enormous quantities in making dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry the infallible remedy for choleia morbus diarrhoea and other summer complaints g do good and be good and despite all that is said abenit this worlds ingratitude some one will love you and greet yaor coming krami laid lfgttalbt- xeeds no advertising when once intro duced every bottle sold sella hundred of others by doing alland more than represenl- ed for xearahga toothache headache etc ltremoves any pain instantly quick aa flash try it and you will say it is well named fluid lightning get a twentyfive cent bottle at j- e mcgarvinv drug store acton 47 a gallant railroad engineer met a girl in the morning courted her all dy and in the evening married her thai was a sort of locomotivespark excited theuaad all over the land are going into ecstasy over dr kins jtew discovery for con- gamptaou their unlocked for recovery by the ximelv use of this great life sanog remedy causes them to go nearly wild in iu praise it is guaranteed to positively care severe cojjghs- colds asthma hay fever bronchitis hoarseness loss of voice or any affection of the throat and lnngs tnal bottles free at hcttrriaf drug store large size 100 the difference between a bakery and a printing office lies in the fact that in the former the pie is formed while iu the utter occationly the form is pied mr parpetus bolleaa ottawa cays i was radically cured of piles from which i had been suffering for over two months bfuhe use of dr thomas eclectric oil i used it both internally and externally taking il in small doses before meals and on retiring to bed in one week i was cared and have had so trouble since 1 befor hardship and toll are ueoessary for development of power and strength of character john hays credit p 0 sayi liis ahouldcr was bo utuo for nino months that he could not raise hia hand to his lead but by the use of dr thomas eclectric oil the pain and lamencai disappeared nod although three months has elapsed be has uot hadau attack of it since i need have uo more foars from that quarter is what tho storekeeper remarked as ho threw tho counterfeit twentyflve cent piece in the fire which had come back to hfm several times gw hingayparkdale toronto wrilca t my wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach hearing of dk armys pnosriutms anditi pleasantness to take i gave her two bottles and the has not had ah attack alaee and her health is mach improved for sale by all druggist premonitions of approaching dinrer in the shape of digestive weakness lassitnde inactivity of tho kidneys pains in tho region of the liver and ehculdcr blades mental depresslou coupled with headache faired tongue vertigo should not be dis regarded itec xorthrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure and avert the peril to heallh it removes all impurities and gives tone to the whole system mn george tolto druggist graveuhurst oat writes my customers who have uscdkorthrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptic care say that is has done them more good than anything they have ever used- jt has indeed a wonder ful infiaencc in purifying the blood and curing diseases of the digestive organs the liver kidney and all diseases of the system do uot delay if suffering iny form of bowel complaint however mild apparently may be the attack but use dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it is the old reliable care for all forms of summer com plaint that require prompt treatment ask your druggis and all dealers in patent medicines h a re ward of 10 is offered ia good faith for a hard case of corns that have stubbornly refased to be relieved by the use of pcrxatts pais- less cons eitkjtttuk the great corn ex tractor thousands iu england canada and the states testify to the efficiency of this celebrated corn cure and the proprie tors are anxious to hear there is a singt ease of failure addrtss x c polson i co eiustan lse pctxams cuis ev- i tractok sare safe and painless a blew la a all han t lad iu these times when our newspapers arc flooded with patent medicine advertise ments it is gralifricg to know what o procure that will certainly cure you h yon are bilious blood out of jrder liver inactive or generally debilitated there is nothing in the world that will care you sa quickly as eieclric bitters they are a blesilngtj all mankinl and can be had for only fifty cents a battle of j e mc- garvin mctreffqcv npeedy ore frooi the manj remarkable cures wrought by nsing mcgregors speedy cure for dvspepaia iudigestion constipation aud affection of the liver and from the im mense sale of it without any advertising we have coucluded to place it extensively on the market to thit those who suffer may have a perfect cure go to j e mc- garvina drue store and get a trial bottle free or the regular sizes at fifty cents and one dollar 7 smiohs consumption cure this is beroud question the most success ful cough medicine we have ever sold a few doses invarably cures the worst cases of coogh croup and bronchitis while its wonderful success in the care of consump tion is without a parallel ia the history of medicine since its first discovery it has been sold on guarantee a test which no other medicine can stand- if yoa have a caagu we earnestly asyou to try it price 10 cents 50 cents and 100 if your lungs arc sore chest or back lame use smlohs porous plaster sold by j e mcgaryin mother mckerst hackers i ft are you disturbed- at eight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering aod crying with the excruciating pain of catting teeth if so go at ooce and get a bottle of sirs windows soothing syrop it will relieve the poor little sufferer immedialeiy depend upon it there no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever tued it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfecty safe to ase in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of ooe of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle- new dry goods and carpets arriving at the right house hamilton hlty package of x dry good ud cup probaj by mr watkhi id earodo bve boea netlwd j tho bight howl n ptfc pygj zl dva kor tho next ix week all bnoda will be buay recelv ng now gooda in their deparlnietit and wbn tbo atockl complete it will coropr oio or r utija ror mo ocii n 7 rrr u la na tm il to como to beadqnartera for thair aoppllta will be more ilcrol man tbo inducement oltorcd to ouatotdera ibia aoaaoo auht from msuufaclarcra for cash dowu aro tc l sold off at bargaia prlcta jorno are in atook now and othera will be rca in a lew any in of i ving now oood rcoeivcl black and colored vlvetoo in vlain and twilled colored silk velvet whnofujmnion toinana colored brocaded bilk colored sallna and colored marrllicn new cortela kid a lore new jan and cowred hid 01 or ne mlwool oitoman drca good new colored monk cloth colored allwool box cloth new drcs sergrt bi alw now uuter and mantle cloths- sew black jolored aod white ctncu leathers jet rt reatlis paulli 8carf new lace bows and collarette mde op in tho but paruian patterns new cilmg net ana eat sclcotlons over importcil for this cstablihinedt ever many lot of good bou will then be odvortisod tho blaok silk colorod silk otlouin- blaok and colorotl allwool calimcro new dress 1opllns now all and n large variety of allwool and fancy cheokcd costorao clotba a now black and croam spauish laces new white lace now spaulli alotofotheruoocoods s spioial the balance of slimmer gooda are idling off al marvellom low prices ccure your bidkct nt this sale while and colored quill at special iu ber hie llight llollio nos 30 anh 32king treat east ucar hnglison treel and the name is thomas c watkins hamilton bargains in ovory department a lot of wool blankets oiling off at a k rcdujtiou come and vcurevour blanket nt this sale while and coiored quill ot special low prices gry and while cottons old by the piece at very low prices ask to see them hemcm hamilton aug 25id 1883 a few hints tor thi 0m of dose to mow ike oie- tu ffntljf 2 to ihlb thorough p i a c pill fxpcriotrt trill decide tke prvfkt dote in each cait koe the kidneys liverurihary 0rgan8 tbe vest jooop pvmif1eb there iaonlyone trayby which andlieaie can be cared aod that is of removing the case- tbecr herreatmedl cat ant ikti ties of the day dec tare that nearly every disease is eauied by deranged kfdneyi or liver to restore tnesp therefore f the oaly way by which health can b secured here la where wamizhti 8ark0ah has aeblflvedltssreatrepculloq jtacu dlfdct- y apon the kidneys and ii vr and oy plaeln j tbara in a healthy condition drives dlieai and pain from the rtem for all kidney liver and urinary troubles for the distress ing disorders of woman ror majsfla ana phyrieal trouble teneraliythh grettrem edy hasnoeqoal rtewara of importer lm jutlons and ooncoetloni uid to bpjoft m good kor dlabetoa ask for wasmbs sate dza- brrascueb for sale by ail dealers huwammbm6c0 twftttf48t8aiuty miffii for conaupation or costlvenwi no remedy is so effecilvu as avzns piixs they insure repiiar dally action and re store tho bowels to a healthy condition for indigestion or dyspepala avers pills art invaluable and a sure cure heartlmra lom of appetite foul stomach ttatoleney dizziness head ache numbness kaasca aro all reliavod and cured by arraa puxa in liver complaint bilious d i orders and jaondioe ateaa pixu enoujd be- giton la dose targe enough to excite the ljttr and bowels and remotc constipation as a cleansing medicine in the spring uiese pnxa ffl unequalled worm caused by a jjiorbld eouilition of the dotcjs are expelled uy iheao pills eruptions skin diseases and files tbo result of injjgesiiou or constipation aro cured by the use of areas fills for cold lake avutta pills to open the pons romovo ltuauimatory tectiona and allay tho fever for diarrhoea and dysentery eausedby sudden colds indigestible fixd etc amni pills are the true remedy bheamatifin goat kearuigia aod sciatica of ten result from digesttro derange ment or eolds and disappear on kfflotg the cause by the use of avxas piixs tumors dropiykidny compzaiat and other disorders canted by debility or obstruction are cured byavrxs pills oppression and painful 3icnstrua- uon have a safe and ready remedy la ayers pills full directions la various languages tc- eompany each package ttzxaxld itt drj 9ou try all drufjiita speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c m are prejmred to furuish everything in their hue from the best ca8ket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notice aud at lowest terus v ja1i calli either uigbt or dav promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire aiuc arc io a position to satisfactorily fill orjer for wagons carriage ac of everi jcscription ia runaonablc time good workmanhipoad tirstclass material always used we lave alio ajilcudid lot or furcilorc both common aod extra quality cheap eaif yon will par us cash we will ell yoaaoything iu oor line cheap j a speioht manager east end clothing store iciidcriiig my sincere thanks to my numerous customers for 1 1 te liberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons and the public that 1 have nciw djiened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season butcher shop r holmfis would roancdtally inform the people of acton and vicinity that be ha purchased the bujiucn and property of mr y c itoliinoo and is prepared to apply all with first0lass meat of all kinds and poultry and game iu heuuju tr meat delivered to anj part of town at any time i having practical experience in the butchering business i feel con6deut that i can suit all a call kindly solicited j2 holmes graduated with honors i can be lai i i j tilling fnu i shapes for j in tlc future i propose to give my coatuiner tlc ft valae that ierrt good sound material in all the utwtbi patterns anl perfocl- f ri cr itmhie rriixe hats and tays iii all the leadiuc fainvcar call and sec theui j fyfe mccoll bros co lardine and other machine oils having paed the most critical examiuatious by competent judges were awarded cold and silver medals and diplomas at all exhibitions jiccoll bkosto toronto ont photography plluixkrkap118tuelates strlih- second pictiritkikamtsgol all-kikds- 1iade to ordek made in use keptox haxd oldpictluieci copied axdenlabged secoxd- xoxe at to o w hills waterdown high school this luuz cslalltilied aad thomcgbly reli able institution reopeaa on 3rd sept is3 j classes organized for matriccjatfou in art law and medicine ako for intermediate and teachers certificates prciiaratlon of teacliers s kyeclatj record or school ror pxr to veae 09 passed saoccssfally 1ss2 2s iss3 31 the majority gaiuinthe higher grades ill who wrote at the university and pro fessional teachers cnaii nation were par ticularly successful sc high school in ontario has a bdirr heconl teaching stiff in principal department rradaates of toronto university speciil- ists iu thcfr departments good board in private aitiilfe al 2jjto3 0j ikticfio pupiu viay aiurat auif itn d h htxteb bl language and literature head if aster maifoimalici and science wteva ss ba music and draicingw s stevesjjok j o jxcgrjwob md pro cert chairman b e w for further jjardadars apply to head matter 1amam who is una09uainte0 with the geography of thi8 coumtry wtu bee by examimho this map that thi secured for inventions henry grist 0 ottawa r canada critrniip ikfdwleb5 cholha cholera infantum chicago rock island pacific rt being tha great oentral line adorda to traveler by rsason dllta jnrlvaled geo graphical position tho shortest and beat route between the lost northeaet end 8oiruieaurt and the west northwest and southwest it la literally and etrlotlr true that it oonnectlona are all f trio prlnolpal lines of road between the attanbo and the pacific b t main line and branches it reaches chicago jollot peoria ottawa la salle aeawep valine and rook island in llimoia t davenport muaeatlne washington keokuk fchexvllle oskalcoaa fairfield des molnea west ubertj iowa oltr atlanuo avoca audubon hartan outhrle center and oounoll bluffs in iowa gallatin trenton cameron and kaheaa oltf in- mlseourl aed leaven worth and atohleon in kanaatt and the hundreds of dtlea villages land town intermediate the r great rock island route as it is tamlllarfv oalled offer to travelers all the adrantags and comfort incident to a emooth track safe bridge union depot at alt oonneotlrrg points fast tspreu train composed of oommooious will vinttlattd will jwatip finely upholstirio and ixstojwt oay ooaohts e of tt most itaqminojprr horton rcounina chair oars everbulrt pullmanvs pino oars and dining oars road in thi country and in whfefi superior frfeal are served to traveler t the low rate of sivintyfi vi cint8 iaoh p 1 w thru trains each war between ohioaoo and the missouri rlkrni yjz b ohwaoo1ulnntpous d srftpaul via tno famous r albert lea route for rail atioaetataii prlnolpal ttoketomoe in the unld tate andoviaoic r r cable b 8tjohn vkprmtionl manager oenm tltt at peevr ag ohioaoo ears for the million 7oo olioos balsam of shute oh polutejr beifam he pearl bg aad ia the oalr ablle car fr oeafarm kntirm thli of iiabstracted from pecaflar specie of small while shark cnnbt intbe velhw beakdowrj as carchakoixw rosdelbtii every cliioeseflsnernifld knows il l is vir tues as a reiterative of heart of were discover ed by a baddblsl priest about tue year 1110 its enter vrere fo nuoieroas and hast so seemiyglr ytikacvuovs tbot the remedy was obcially proclaimed oyer the entire em pire its use became so universal that for ovibsoo ye ails no deafness has exujtjtp akog the chisjse ieolle sent charges prepilj lyiany address at tlcopor bottle fiear at the deaf say 1 llhas performed a mfntcie in my cne i bave no unanbiy noises id my betd and bear much better 1 nave been greatly benefitted my dfafness helped acreat deal tbink an- otier bottle wl it care me my lieurldjis much benefitted i bjivo received an told bflneilt it is glrh5 ewxl satisfaction have beimiereatly twnedtted and am re joiced that i saw ibe notice ou its virtues are usqcesti isable and its cfratlve ciiahacter atue ttbiteb caj peksoxally testjry b0tit feom ei5ebi- kxce isd obsebvatioir write at once to haylock 4 jevjfm 7 ijey street new york enclosing 100 and you will her like any body else aitdv bote cnratlr effects will he permanent yrtu will nver regret dolnjtfo ed llr of 51 eecaktile beyteu- esto avoid los in the malls pi ease send money by hegistekeu letter ouly jin portod by batmhli t jexnev solbaoktt fib america j drj t a bfion to mis ail mtrtoflmi wbcntlms misii w tom mmmmt elllie u m rbjmwirourn tvnil tts5irtg3imxfrlzl liiimisani ii t i fir in hnibim ftil i stsiplt cstedtf kl7 ll ims cf mtmtm ctmstmiutios rc- auistox rxxeot co t yatn i 1000 forfeit i having tne utmost confidence in its b ape r lorliy overall olbera and aftei ttiousands of testa of hie raosi cumplicaied and severest cases ire roam find we feel justified in ooer- lns to forfeit one tboasand dollars for any ease of coogts colds sor tbroa inflivnra boarseuess jonchltis consumption in its early stages whooping eoogb and all dis- coses of tbetproat audlnnffs except asthma or which we inyclalm relief that we cant cure with wests cough ryrnp when token according to directions sample bottles js imiticenis fnrge bottlesooe dollar genuine wrappersonlyin blue sold by alldrogeuts or sent by express on receiptor prle joku c west a co1 s3 king hteaft toronto ont worth thin weight in gold r till i cmtb- after fair trial cttfceol relief or cure eftecfed pur moneytt be refunded psic idm aih hy ts dsre gists t itkkvaa rrnrwmrrr amount reqdired lo care as kollow8 j on t to hii liorrla will purify the wood eradicaub all hamonra from the i2 pimple blotcli or boil to uie most pnali oant fortl of orofulim ulcer 0k to set borrow by clcadsiog tk blood il purify the ceojbltxioa frasjj sallowdsjs smoolb out fao wnoucs rtrabj iog tfbm uuperfect boorisfanient of ufebodrfi weeku foul brealb aud rcaovate entire system ove to tho bomis wlllyro ordioarr codslipatioc orcoatirnesa tjerebj kamjawr uhaiache piles biliousoesa and jauadiesji sod all disease resultiug from torpid liyecl ose rn six bottles by cleansing tin blood improving tbo general health aadj fortifyioj the lyttem againut lakini fresa colds will in all cases relieve uid io mosi cases cure that common loatbesome angi dangerous disease catabeh ft ove to tnnke bottles will regulate ili deraugemeuts of the kidoeys curiagurinaiff difficnitic prostration iravel diabetes etc j ove to forji bottles will reiuvigotaivjv the enlire vtem curing nervoos and gea era debility female weiknes and all he attendant oiiscries bumcki b lo ctd will cure or reue mi biu0u8ne88 dyspepsia indi0e8tioh jaunoice erysipelas salt rheuh heartburn headache dizzik88 t dropsy i flutterina i of the him acidityof the stouctf dryness 0fthewh mumims pills ointment tfffs incomparable medicine has statrtdfor wtelf an imperishable fame throughout he worldor vie alleviation and curt of most disease to which humanity w heir the pills purify rerulate and improve the rmality of tho blood thojaashrtluedigestiveoieans cleanse the 7 stomach and bowjbls increase the secretory powers of tho liyor brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest element for sustaining aud repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they have been restored to heallh and strength after every other meaus had proved unsucceasfol ithe ointmen will be found invaluable in every household in the cure of open sorea hani tumors sad legs 014 wotaoftboiitts colds sore throats bronchitistind all disorders bf the throat and chest as also gout rheumatism scrotal and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hollo- waya establishment 533 oxford street xondon and sold at 1 lid 2s m 4s 6d 22s and 33s each box and pot aod in canada at 3 cents 90 cent and 150 spd the larger siiesjp proportidn macantibhr have ho agent in the united stales nor are my medicines sold boom pffrcltaaers should thereforo look to the label dn the pots and boxes if the address is not 583 oxford street london j they are spurious- i the trade mark of my said medicine ia registrered at ottawa and also it ffaih- ipgton r l a signed thomas btoiiowayi ssj ori ard strart loadon and every species uf chftse disordered uver xidnhva dfewelaolj blood mburhlgo lid dr slfltfls germas wofejl refedy luj teeq g f afftnem who mii endctiaobr dumforit as a pleint nfe reablt aad prompt nacdy sat the raauval of sbasadi aad seat or pta inran fidstcjjd abe a u2 iaerett btmoaaaf starmkat and rq o atxvhjkc natxdbtthk smith medicine cot and troy nt fkhzgi 25 cis sold evehywruilte fflw wpmremid y a v pa 1 alalsibabbs nooueeinopay a cal and consbtntionai treatment ivo pisona mtrdids cc sain en ue nasi passiees htsui throat and longs the other oa tie ltrtr kidocys and blood instaktaneous economjcalsafe raojcal treatment sold by all drusctsts price 73 eta ffotftftuid rslisctary ihejsrics rcid fill bj refonded sooc china c gt ttti naie cases of lonjj ttsmiurj cay rrqure from three to iu pacirr lo etttjaa penaanenr cure dis si montreal trom hi dr feliz le bruns an dq- a goarantred core lor veuelal dlieises i safe pleucant and reliable no bad eoectr4 from lipase toesnqt lnwrrere with brakif nets nr cllei lrlc rptr box or three boaei lor s3 wrlller f namnleen iisneilby everfj ilnlynnihorlieilnserltoicrunilihilnionelua three boxes fail tocuri sent poouiaetrepm- j oniecelpeofprlre m 38 ur ftllxle brus a co 1 m ti 3l east toronloaoie prbprlelots 4 je afoarvln auttioriseilaeentforcuiav3 ontario 500 kevard i wewlu iaycbe above rewardlfor any ease of liver complaint dyspepsia sickheeavj ache jlndlcestlnn coosunouor oroostlvef neesweeanbutcore with veaut vezetabj uvcr pills when tne directions aro strietl compiled with toe are ourelj vegetablef and never fall to give aatlanteuon 8onj coated lante boxes coolajaiox so pills j3 cents for sale by all drmjllls bewaieota coanterrelts and imitations toe lennlefg manufactured oply by johit c west ooij thf roatnonl freetrialpacsago sent by mair prepaid on receipt or a 3 cent stamp l 1 i m a n h o how lost how bestsjbi we daverecentlypblbheaaeeal odlllon if dr calrerwrlps celj fcrated eaaay on tne itaoleal c permanent core without a olueofn alincaracllyimpedlmenuoralstrlaiemii reaultlikfromexoessea 3 or two im luge stamps- tbercletirftted iatbof- lii this adinlri em vjcvrl unieuatriie tnm thub yrarasulceiaiuitirariure aequeurcbmay be radlraqr enrea- viuiqi the danaerous teil imtornf medtelas the roc olthe kolre phlnunjjoat a mode curr ii noeimple crrlalnandeneolba meaua r whlcii eveiy uterer o mu what his oondf tloo may ootay eureliima cheaply privately and radically y ttal leetore sbould bem tbe hania everyyontu anl everrjnan m vbeland diejsi teti in i illvecstfl m postufllce box tie 41 ival

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