Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1883, p. 3

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their uses their knit in lighting uikui unprotected liowi the fiinouut if piano practice in orakd trunk railway kaiirw iv a- kirv liir i llurai- jaii am kxiur pmimaill9j aan kxprvsv llii tfaiwh kxuhj lun mail- jici siwriil i m ion skoll viw the utshl ittjrc cing vim nl jju ii ml thentstilicspiyipvniicjt kt ni p it n ran 011 mwku uwriini- tivr or i i imi- nm ttoitt wclt lnoin ihmog kartiwv aipmi i vm ku enghriiuull ckctaoiiit uu 1 iiu in oiti li imh plil ll joumallitlo change ut wooke uin of tht finer utmld walkerlini came to hind under new man- kijcnicnt mr i p kriba late editor of th i bairi ailiukfr and mr win wenloyfulio of the mimiy liavini taken full ooutrol i the ytraw 1 a apicy wellprinted sheet and merits the patronage of the people of the community in whose intereeu it in published may uces attend the labon of the new flrmi vt ttohnt res tmwiii mrm a i tr lssi ayieo hynds tea tpoou table spoons kuhi aud fork at- go- hynds watcher clockc jewelrv a urge stock spectacle from 2 ct to w- weddingand birthday rrescnls tsxrse pipes pocket knives combs hair brushes school books xoto paper and envelopes pens and luk call in ud see my large slock- geo hynds jewellery faucv goods store acton out bits of brevity cat aa4 thrrwlk prrparrit by he t the ptnaftd iclor tar r4rv f he frw prt i roninartivey cool weather threshlnf time ha commenced toronto civic holiday last monday keep voar teajn off the street croi- ing the e veiling rv pmivinc perccitibly looker the duck hootiuiasoiiojiened on wedensday mr thos mason il- bovu mado iitt- master at eden mill- farm hand are very carce in thi vicinity- wpes are very good quito a number of our citizen- -icoim- uanied the band to georgetown yesterday wylic the herd laddie clianipioti checker player will fe in guelph thi- week a hop pen at the resr of the george town herald onnce divtarbs the eijainuty of the editor perhaps the resun 1 tbo fn apple tastes m sweet u lecau it i for bidden fmit the weiiiiuokt trmp printer gerjc sampson died at kallock kiasou ci about a week avi mr k ifasalac a stadeut fur the bahtist ministn- preached in the f5abtit chapel last sunday rifr wn kaaiay i- laauu excava tions for the fottndatton os lit- new liiut oil frederick street v letter carac to arlou yr1 omcu day last week addresd to the dude i near the corner who claimerl it 1 workmen j are engaged iu erectiiifi z fine brick chimney for thebeardniore sile leather manufactory at the foot of willow street f a garden xt or a rake or k padt will raise blisrs on a mans haiidi bt a half- daye handling of the cricket hr vrovt have any e3ec- a uaturaht say that this eious crop of mosqoitoes were about the ame a last only this year crttp carried jiiisaws soa to cat b s ipv tar r sx tiic miiur of an opera trunpe the other eveninjr when the alarm of fire w oaiidoi throtiiilj- out the opera houe j sit if not ujcclrxiiidcr tlit yoa fael mean vrheu the old man wiiida tiie clock there is ccrhiiderabie meaning in lhat simple twist of the wrist weather grumbling will soon be cue of the lost arts if there is noi a cliange before long few people think of finding fault with snch a day as esterday 7 veunor saj august will be as dry as dost with extremes oi beat and cold bat oar readers need 4iot throw away their nm frreuspn acoonnt of his iredktioti it isnt that i care about a little work now said auzy tramp im afraid if iouce begin to earn my own liv ing i shallalways be expected todo it a manifoba special of twelve cars went throngh acion last faiday the passen- i gers those stock- implements and bagaee were on the special went by regular train a ineai man v farmers aronnd this taction gathered their fall wheat and barley into their hftrna last satordayi the pat r week was a very favorable one for harvest- ing l if says an exchange the nan who gave us by mistake the lead quarter he was saving to put auto she cdntribatioa box j sunday will cafll we will cueerfally allow him to rectify his error j in ootnpliiuice with a numerously sifjn- ed petition the keeve of this municipality has priji04hct4 day- as a j civic holidayi jour eitizeus are aniioasly vvhing to fceetihose blanks filled in j if the person who took au nmbrella from the vestibole of the methodist church j uat sunday evening will kindjy return the same to mr- tlioman eastou be will receive the thanks of that gentleman if that young man who left his card i under the door of a certain house on n street last week will call again be will in u ptobabijit find the young lady at home this is the holiday season j oar reader can mow take satisfaction out qf the acton correspondent to the to- ronto jrej0lflf a we have taken the tumble to gfvi his portrait and full de scriptionin thjs tikwi t trill he found on fiie firrt page nearly mil the neighboring towns and village have bad a civic holiday or have proclaimed ooe for a future date thua j far acton has oat participated in the lui- j ufj uor dp we eveii ijcar i spokgn ot by theaofiiofifiea j we would be much obliged if the g n flica ha tcliv levon mmucr utcc wluii till ihcaintlnwa arc iimnutoumrcitiwnknre much in iupmuvttiih haing our civic holiday leul in an excurridit tn mine westoru town ihi- ynar they think nxcuriot to to nuto ahdkcarhoro arc netting played out gurptvltl uiaiikc urc due l he v mr p u ki albauh church hero who is now vimtiiu f riciuk in manclieater kng fr ft hmhict f td country papow iu- clndiiiy copies of the mauchestor guanhaif mnti and london aitifart acton fast horsefleh i in irtiiuing theie ctx4 uwrtduip nnd etuius you can toe tome ovd pawr if ut vty the trotltiu oouise a iit we expect t- cet- n umulcrof rud ticket attached to sonic of otu hl twd rlt lllc fu fchowk lilt vckf it i ixporul that the peach crop is not ai ixl a one n was ljuked for lui year ijm tlien people aix in the habit of looking for too much sometimes they an now forsjile iu the fruit deppt iu town and the price paid for them doe not poil the tato not by any means it might not bo out of place to inform die chairman of the street and sidewalk committee tht the thistks and bunt arc very numerous on home ot our street cnecudly ou voting street they are now jioiiu to seed and no time should be lest j bv our esteemed jewe in having them cut and destroved 1 oneof ourcitizeiiiuamplainuigtluil a travelling tmperanca organization wsw heal enute purchaae j i i mr thomas t moore priucipal acloli j public school has purchased from meairf j cliriitie a heudenoti aloi ou willow st f apposite the knglish church for 200 aud 1 has let the contract to mr john cameron i to erect thereon a one story dwelling to lie completed by the lt no- f vvmur the purchase wan made for mrs i j miuhewsau o vork co an aunt of mr mivv wbci iihcnds removing to aclon the big egg found on the cricket ground lait krida paints oils varninshes c chliap and durable ow house -at- j e mcsarvins drug and stationery store acton ont nelson mcrae it oviae to the attractive qualities of the lad members ot his family he w obliied to et the sofa upholstead and new si its of springs pui iu as avntkrly ai hou clean- in comes round he fiaics vcr tint the coal oil doe not mffer in th a fanner who clidu u liactestei the matter uyitiiat ujioii tt nxmiid he can draw itcu tons with vlictn thnt imt- a i- inchlire aj easily a one tun upon uios with a 11 inch tiro as fanuerv wagons ptxiplc are uot generally aware thai bar- uuniii how is a travelling total abstinence society if the 71g persons who travel with i every ouc is pledged to total abstiu- ence from all intoxicants during the ex istence of his or her engagement mv lianuer and mnelf are rigid teetotalers said the veteran showman to a newspaper reiorter and we pay for the brum as well as the muscle of all employees we are compelled to follow this rule where the arctic are ued iu crossing meadow landand most thoroa discipline and system are plowed lands jls much as for any purpose it will be well to bear thi iu mind when ordering wheels for farm uagum personals- mis fanny bryert i paving frieud iu fergus a visit miss dfiy llurtch is paying friend- in torouta a viit sliista anna and julia more are viit- ing friends in kichol i mr abram eastou of gnclpli viited i acton friends last week i mus amy and master willie cook are i vi siting friends in toronto t mr r f aldoas of uockwuud paid hi acton friends a visit last week j 5tr and mr alfred hann of toronto ire the guest- uf mr w c king mr wallace dent of milton paid acton friend a chart visit during the week masters johii and a a cameron war- i hli arc risitiug friend n brmuplon i vlx lewi- r fox of toronto paid ids acton fritid a short visit on monday h damper is spending a week or two anions her friends at crewsaus cor ner- kr w c king and his daughter mits lilly virited toroulo friends dnring the so vitally important georgetown citic holiday j tlie teople of georgetown celebrated i their annual civic holiday yesterday in aj very loyal manner the firemans picnic j was the allimportant event of the da v a icross match and games and sports of various kinds were aio indulged in as i a guarantee that a very pleanant day was i fent it i only necessary to add that our j j eicelleut comet baud were engaged to en- j liven the dayg proceeding with their nu- meroos selections of music which we are i j informetl was highly appreciated by every j one present j daring feat of a hawk on monday afternoon a chicken hawk 1 approacbedtheresidenceof mrdmalonet 1 hoemakr and made a raid ou a bird cage which was hanging at the door in frout of i the house and was successful iu making j rhort work of a canarj which was in the i cage the saucy bird theu flew across the i street lit on top of a house and gazed about i as though looking for more prey mr j malouey howeter thought that was enough j mischief so he called mr tlio t moore j his next door neighbor who levelled a shot gun on the destroyer j ice cream parlor fsextit depot a e matthews having purcbased the business lately carried on by mr l g xinttlicvrs in be post office buildingjuitd remodelled be es tablishment is now prepared to supply the public with arctic ice cream delicious soda water different flaroni icecold lemonade fresh ripe fruits best brands cigars audeveitthiugpertniuiug to the hue of firstclass quality 1st cma 5tued la aay quutitr as i intend giving my ieiiooal attention to the bufliaess caetotners can rely upon having the orders carefullr filled a risit folidted aematthews wanted special bargains for next ten days prior to taking stock to itgmovc new furniture store wk- ppla hooking 3fr and mix c h w long of farkdale tlie season of harvest apples has arriv- who have been riritimr acton friends left ed and the small boys and some large for home on monday ones too are now planning for where mi j m johnton of kincardine who j they fhall find another good tree the hsbeen visiting friends here for the past i first offence we have heard of was an at- two week i- now viting in beechville- i tempt three of them made last saturday i mr dan c lawsoa left for port hnrou i uhht to strip a nice little tree in the on monday la where he takes a lucrative j orchard of mr a stephenson they had j situation in the office of the canadian ft- only got one limb cleared when a voice prcs cv close by said kallo there yon would j mi maggie mcmillan and master w- be astonished to see how quick a seveu-by- kirkwood of brampton who have been nine young lad can get over a high fence visit fnii friend- here for the past mouth when there is some one after him have returned home mr and trv folm holgte of geortk- towni spent their civ ic holiday with friends in acton mr hoigate was one of actons business men about twentyfive vears ago he gives our little town great credit for its charles h heimbach has decided to engage in the furniture business iv actoy and will open oat on thursday iiith inatu the store below tbc oddfdlowa hall on main street a complete new stock at furniture of all kinds and the citizens of acton and surrounding country will hereafter be able to purchase anything they want at home instead of go ing ic guelph or georgetown an aggregate of 300 years on saturday afternoon simon ohrien eramossudrove into the city accompanied by three old ladies neighbors all of whom have resided in the township for many vears thev gut up at the citv hotel and very commendable progress since that time j ia the course of conversation recounted the mny privations andhardahipb together with the few bright spots which were ex perienced in the pioneers life among village varieties 1 co 1 1 ret f ob t loral newt and oifarr wiattcn mt tprelnl taftmc o oar villa e kradrr w telegraph co would remove from the rtreet iu fron of thia office xbn wuoat elegrapb polta left tre over a week ago e ffju be on ttrile top if it is dot soon tikai awayruh an tss- shade tree broken- some evildisposed iteing broke a limb oft a handsame little oliadetree on ifaiu ki- opposite the presbyterian church one night last wetk we hope the destructive individual wl committed the act will be found out and brought before the authori ties for his misdemeanor hew butcher shop mr bhtaylor late of milton announces in another column that he has opened a butchec shop ou mill street and is prepared to supply all vrho favor him with tbeir patronage with first class meat of all kinds farmers in need of meat will find it to their advautagejtp give him a call sacrament rev mr howitt of gielpb officiated fit albans church last sunday morning and evening tlie sacrament of the lords supper was administered at the close of the morning service the he v gentfemau delivered a very able discourse iiev mr bull occupied tlie pulpit at stony creek near hamilton home again we have returned fruiu our very inter esting and enjoyable visit in the eastern province and have resumed oiir editorial chair and its attendant duties oar trip was a most pleasant one and we may give a short review toucliing uppu the pointk of interest visited in our next iesne another soott act conrictioii john colling of toronto was convicted at milton last wejek of selling lager beer t a pionic held at oakville on 28th july hist contrary to the provisions of the canada temperance act the defendant pleaded guilty and was fined 50 and iu70 costs ton can sell your lager with more profit at boine mr colling a cfeaap rbfoftflunt cleanliness is of vital iinportance to fcealffi during the iwt season it may not he generally known that copperas is mat effectual disinfectant of all bad smells arising from drains closets o five jwonds can be hadof any druggist for 30 oepts it can be used in bulk as it is or diseclvea iu a pail of boiling water other things the nspetive ages of the fout was brought up when it was found that they- were all iu their 75thyear making an aggregate of 800 years on this discovery hearty congratulations were extended to each other long may they be spared to meet and recount the reminiscences of early dayhgwja mtreurtt w rockwopd news the cool nights will ripen the grain quarterly meeting service in the metho dist church here last sabbath it is said that another doctor is coming to our village with three medical men hi our midst the public health ougt to be well attended to la week coats were in demand during the day time this along with the exces sive wet we have had is noted by the early settlers as uuasuaj m their remem brance the weather for the past two weeks ha3 been favorable for the ingathering of ha the farmers in this ricinity are mostly through and are now cutting barley and wheat there is a general complaint that the barley head is short if this is the case it is no doubt owing to the many sev ere frosts we had in june and july but the hay crop was an abundant one the above was received too late for last weeks issue messrs c cameron and j hamsoy have retained from their transatlantic trip tiie bev ilr torrence occupied bev mr sfrachns pulpit last sabbath morning and evening the latter officiating in gael ph fruit will be very scaroe this year ftd farmers having orchards will not have a surplus but will in many oases not have sufficient for home use rev mrhowhtof guelph occupied the pulpit of st johns english church on sunday afternoon the aaorement of the lords sapper was partaken of at the close in this vicinity harvesting operations are progressing fast as the weather is ao that could be desired the cool nights have hastenod the ripening the fall wheat lifts rusted considerably beiag a practical furniture nuiaurr i will finish all furniture myself and couseqaeot- lybe in a position togivebettersatisfctiou and more reasonable prices than other retail dcalerl secondhand faruiture refiuit bed in good styte and ordesa left at the shop will be promptly attended to will gladly show whether vou buv a call solicited w you anythitik we have or not charles h heluibach acton july 3rd 183 f hills xm stove depot good astsoktmestox stoves cheap for jash tinwaee of all kinds bottom friced at a specialty and put up on srlullwt i svffioe first class material oxly used a oall solicitor 4 o hiuu mill 84 ctanlaf barber shop tened a barlxr shop in the ipremiies nxnpitd by dr fonter aa a medical and solicits a share of the patronage yimdity ereij departme torthe bnijiaat wilt be oandncud io itatolus itj e give u call i j p wpflden ju 23rd 18m wp 9rowntfccos uke siock groceries glassware chimware and crockery selliug cheaper thau theclieapest for one month coods must co out come and get them while the offer is open w p brown co dominion boot i shoe store main st acton kenney bros havinff purchased the stock add business cf meaner 4 sou manufacturers and dealer in boot and shoes of all kinds in the same premises and solicit a continuance ot the patronage ac corded to the late linn we will always be supplied with good stock and flrstclats material for ordered work and can guarantee satisfaction a call solicited knneybs08 aptoa july jo 83 acre- karnes trunk 9bpot ranma bkuuimxo atrttbdio ni harjie ojr trunks togavemoneyahonugoto i rrcreegh4 big bargains in readymade clothing boots and shoes and general dry goods special job line shoes from 50c up we are offering the best line of fancy cottons denims shirting and cottonades in the county for the money no i value in sugars best granulated 10 pounds for 1 we handle the best 50c tea in market a splendid new stock on hand v remember you can get more for your money from us for the next ten jays in all lines we handle thpm any otbfcr house in the toictn im v 1 5s

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