Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1883, p. 2

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imttbtai mmrwra9m ctcitctfm rm tmmu iiom- aru 10 i3 our dominions future the follnviu cxlnvcl froai iv lending hit seal iu lf in 187j lie begun to thow iijiv ol fulling luuiuh at thai tihie lie wr ruipoinul kupcrinteiident of the vprk of vntolidautifi the uonmiioii lftv mid i whs cuied nt it up to the lime of bin illiiv j j iiirl ii i id hftdy lansduwiic unj ftt der- clilorial in the luwklyu ny ihlly rccu their place in kerry aud will buv atiif ix spooling iho dctiuy of the do- there about five weeks daring which time miuiou oc tnust will no dmkinivc of lotxl landovuie iulciidi to make a tlior- tmividttjihiv itiui u our tvnkrv j ouli inicthjii of hi lrli estates lofure howxwr iiiikh ii ma iv ipkril it i j leaving for cvnida vumi unloubvvl fucrtlist a pval nvlkm i- rnpijlv aunutii o aiut form mlhalcuux xmuki sentiment aud j f 11 j on lndav kt the rvturu match bclweeu fwliiic hiu- kvuuiol and now j thc aclou tiflorgclowu crick duui habiuuts aiv1 ummois of quebec yiu with was llkyd ou thc aum crick krouulj thc agricuurmk manufacturer and xbc play of both dubs was wry good and tradesmen of ontario aud tke maritime although thc crease was too lively for good 1roviuccs in priding iheripchvsaiioiilteing ixiwling the fielding was remarkably fine caimdirais ahvady they complain of only one or two errors on each side being iviiig held iu loudiug string- by orvat j made owing to an agreement between hriuin ud ue wish is generally express captainv it was decided to call the game at five oclock aud if unfinished to ej that t aiiada slitum have the appomlmg i decide ii v thc hrsl mumps thus the game vt its own gowrnorgcucrn the power of i was awarded to georgetown by two runs negotiating commercial treaties and- that a iuarlcr thc sllht tie now binding thc dominion j of au hour longer the ac to u boys would un to thc coouil sccixtirys office in london j oabtcdly have gained the victory as they be yet further uvxrutj until the political i j i 0 out of the 12 runs with conuediouiiow merely nominal ceases toi the lo of but 3 wickets the following is eiftevcn in naiik- it was plain- the score ly iiutod during tlic wmpxign preceding gkmiuitows 1st ivmxi the lat general ckclion by the leader of liikuav run out o the kcfnu party that the independence anderson h moore of canada would probably iv a leading principle of iho politicil patforni in thc nem dominion election v the pro gres- of the comlr aud it inerea- in population hie nut been mere marked than its cial and political change the federal union of the various british american prvvinc nftoen elrs ago firvt gave birth to canadian national sentiment and the withdrawal of thc uritmi troop at the tame time still further tended to isolate canada frxm tbc mother country the public inttutoi iitcad of being di rtcted to dvii trevt ud tbv eapital of the empire ws attracted by what was considered the manif destiny of canada as io ineonvdemble wcr on the american continent sewul changv hao kept pjee vfth polilici ip rations ud ariutcritic eiclasivcnvrs sd blue- llyvl preference- hav irieu ylwy to iudepundnce of uiouiit and dimocraiie iuanier kiugwu the last tition occupied by the knglih truop- ktlt- at out time cviusideredthrnyt aristo rcratic city in canada uuw it is ccrtainlv as radical any thi eniii or lieuten ant who hiniruiuiy perimblated the shady side of tiie trel iu that city adjusting au eyeglass rich r cjutortiou of features paiti- fully suggestive of a child taking phytic has become merely a memory of thc past aiid civilians are not now regarded by fashionable young ladies loti trssjij to be noticed outari ma bu con sidered the garden of csnsda miit climate il szi thc riet and product iveness ufitr agricnltara exhibits the people of re very dinerviit frnm their fnifh neuiibtr- ui the other ido of the ottawa unl axe a- noted for real americsn tjuqris itniutrv cid progrerivtilel j thc-c- are ft the npj- sitei tht the diuinigu i- nitv pro fcro iw thiii etr ii ha- utn be fore will greedy t- uutriintd ly tlnje familiar with it- preint mu jiatt condi tions and that it ha nov entered upon a new and yat pbc s it preive de- velopemiiii under the mst auspicious circumstance- cannot for i mnnieiit le dobtri jacksen b moore 0 mckay c hill b mcgarviu 0 roe b mcgan in 0 slcuiitu b moorv barclay ttumptvl out 7 biscoby b mccjarvin i thompson b mcgarvin s walon c hill b oore 1 substitute not out 1 total 3 ai ron- lit iskisos w c- king c tennett b r 1 t t moore- c mckay b hoe i geo kvnds c mckay b roe 0 j e mcganiu c thompson bsteunctt 2 j fyfe b barclay i s c hill not out 7 j bntler c mckay b hoc 0 dr lowry b hoc geo havjlh s thonupiou a k matthew- h steuuttt a v nicklin c tcka uoo 0 kslra- i scrofula and all roftthui dbeaiw sow krjtlpfc uf ecxeina wftchcn illncwonu tu mor carbnnclmi botli ana krupttoni of the skint aro tbo alrxcl roiull of ku iaijiurt iut of ore blood to euro tbm dlmte hie ood nuil 1 imrtfiftdwd rtitorod to a healiljj ami in tural condition avkub samaianan iii lot oror forty ycani ikscu recoriiinfd ij ciul- ncut modical sutliorltici ai the uii pw- crtul wood jmriflcr u cxlilcocr ii r tlic ijltcui fnjm all fvul imuton curlclci atidalnaifltbcuiuio wood rvmovw all trrti of mflrcarlal treatment and prove cl a counilcio mailer of all icrofulou ilwcae a ncccnl cure of herofuloun huwi some mouthi tgo i was troubksl ltli rcnifulous form ulccn j on mv log tho htnlrt xtyiti luilyvrollcii and uifliutjtd kiij iu orta dlcliargod large quaulillw f olfcuilre tualler kxery rccly i iricj failed uutll 1 uwd aviu saiuaimih of wliieu i have hot uuch llac ltll wltli uio rtiult that ii krtt w n aud my general loaltli rtraij lnt imi 1 fl viry pratcful fur ui- cd jur irmlcinfl bu done m yourt rtipcctfullr mnv ann iiiiin hi sulllvau st new york juue- t in- ty au poroti interritrd arf invkrd o etllonmrfc oflrun also upon ttrrzrwlldior 78 vt bith 8rc kew york citj- who will take plea un til imufjtnjr to the wonderful cfllcmc of arrri s4rparuui not oulitithc curr of tui ladj but- in uis own caac aud many other wiuuu hit knoide tuc tclifcnoth ktitron ike cucon iftratd d w uvlx of llxir xu write lktt t 15s ilariii mffered kvcrelv fr tonic jear with ecicma and haring failed to ttud tiirf frvjni other remedie i have iriic wiiuruj the past ilirtfl moulu of avtui siki-a- nilla which ha oflectcd a cuuipte curt l coriidor 11 a mauiflccat rcuiedy for ill wood disease ayerssarsaparilla llitnulstw ail wguules ibc acjn ot ik digwtivc uil iuiuurt orpir reik- uj itc5tiins ibc ttul fcrec tnj nsv cires ehf timuiai ncarmlifi bucuuii- 11c aout caurrhrgcncrml dcuuity mt j1 diieaes irllktmci ml lrxjycralij or cirmrlcdconjliijiuof itc loojij tli- cicil tiulity u is ucomparaljly llic clicaicl mooi indl- cico ca 0ul of fw cogcculralfrl itrciijlh ilx frvat ijtr ovtr diseaic riuiiuioi nv j drjcayer4colowqmss8 sou byiu dr- itkc 51 bou a dhixlstbiroiw notice notion in hcrcl given tbt iho under- ligncd hoj bocu appoiotod daildufrator for the ciule of the uto thomu olbboni kiq of lot 24 coo 3 kiqumliig and tbit he it prapued to pay nil debts and reoatred all monies duo the citato all luinou moit be ittlcd by tha lit october petkhqlbbonr lot a con 1 ljquoiug eequcsini auk uth 18ss store and dwelling to let that commodious store aud dwchiug occupied by llcisrt w p 13rown co on the coiirer of mill and willow utrectj and iu liti ccutre of tbo builucia part of the town suitablcfur cither dry loods or general nlori tbcro ii iwoliftha of nn aac of land in connection with the building hood wclis nd ccllur store house ic for forms and particulars applf to c 8smith s alehmen wanted to begin work at once on islci or fall 1883 for thc ionlhill xurieric the largeat in canada moutlk stosctutl- uxitos proprietors we can itart in ad ditioa to our already larje force 100 amn ti0ka1 cakvaklis and waut men who can give full inrae to the basincas steady em ployment and cod salaries to aucccaaful men it don not matte what your prev ious occupation has been if you arc willing to work jour success is almost eertaio the beat of references required apply en closing photo if passible to htoxe uflukgtox nirerymcn toronto uui enlargement of premises previous to making ultcnttion 1 will offer the balance of my stock at cost nud under below arc a few of the leading lines and prices oooo okdm hemlock bark wanted the subscribers will pay five dollars and fifty cents per cord for all prime fuality hemlock bark delivered at the aencry it acton before november lit 13 bark must be bright on flesh hat and full four fiet long curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re duction any other information will gladly be famished upon application at the tannery to our mr willson hkakuvuilik t co aclou may 9th ib business brevities some facts about oar buinci hen and hotuci of benefit to oar j c moral readers j hit fi5i vat t m at j ffa if yiiii waul iililv jurablcauil cheap total uolt- v- im lxsivf litilay run rat andern run oat jackor b mcganiu mckay b mcgarviii roe not out ptcunctt b licgamii iurciay c kir h mfxrc riicoby c meorv h mttctv wfttfon lbw b mcgsrun v xiiampo c maltttw b mnoru subrutiil bmcgnrvin eiirv total arttv lsi inmvi- wc khu tin out t t frir ran out j k mccjsrwij bstoiiuclt ie inn bsiciiutti kxtra- total cmjiiro j holli- smith actjn scorer k iiirim grsltit acton in ut j i vics iy liit ncitch kul1 cfct variety at t it j to zv ntiti suitiuj t knti lolinac g 0 0 13 3 jl gfjrcctowu and c gtxjrcetown ind u caiiadas drink bill caiisdixi- hwj uouc their liare of hard drinidi ince c-ufc-itrition- they hsve ivgdiowei jle- thn jjfilv4h tallon of in tor cat in lquor jj tfct time or about liryim callous etrj or tbrwi and i lutif tztlln for even- head of the inulrtioi if tlii quantity of liquor wlltezid illon were of home manufac tured spirits lliljiil pithcm were of raajc liacor or fcr and ll7lli were tiiltttwe liixs hi elriii on tlic- ljtb in after a rhort illness jennie beloved wife of mr walter robinson acd 56 year ii months and 7 das orangevilli papers please copy uby nhoum a miavnoc ulood w warm i within sit like liis inndairc cat iu iibutcr r let his hair crowretty cint aud thin when ciogsje renewer kill make it grow the ualer for sale bv j tl kccurvio j s ivetaerell wnlink from wiouipe says i can eiy move about pffosiiiatirr oow than when i txv yea itt in toronto imported spirit and winev the duty paid ity teih h u mnch imy and i am free oa ali tins hquor amounted uj the respect- f headaches or any other achet having able sum of fritlw tiie retonsfor i only used two and a half bottles of your the last two years hhow z considerable fhasphatine for sale by all drargt iucrest iu the yeirsprodcctifil and con- btnre j ivft actnn j sun rud ivljcu- 1 ciirtiitidy lnw rates aud ruade iu latest ri lc ikscte to call and fcc tlniu j tvfc aclou mljui11i iaiiili thc welling tii msrme work titcltli uut arcdoiae the urtst retail marble trade in out ok- c ti the fct that tluy u thc ut work and mii lite hckl thc public are wani- cd isinl uciliu with iccoud hand trade kjdlcrf but thuiild iiii ilirvct to the firm or buy frnti tkir atcdu fcc that the cacc mcjuila k hantillon is n the printed finn before vou t or ntder with pure bhixl coulatioss ft vert and other diicih have no iiolrt cu the sjstcu dr drfot siotrach fitters rtndcr the brj pun- aud coo for ile by all urag- iut iirjrc liotuc- hi ctmu i in thc hiituy of medicine uo preparation ins rrrciied tuch iinivcrtil coinmendatton fur thc ailviiicu it afitirjs aud the per- maucit cure it eitects in kidney diasce aa dcvis- lifpcss kiiisiv on- lie ac- tioa ia these ditresrng complaiuls is elm- ply wocderful sold by j e mcarvin we hive a speedy and posture turc for caurrh diphtheria canker and he d ache iu shilohk catarrh kenitdy a naaal iujlctor free with each liottle cm it if you defeire lcillh aud swcel brcilh tricc jo ceuu sjd by j e mcgnriiu 49 no household should bt considered com plete withoat a itotle of up van bfricks ivinslv ciil is iu the closet- it is the only remedy thit il positively penuan- tcllyaud pripty careaufgrmaof kidney disoie sold by j k mcoarvin dr catvjua stomach tjittcrs ucruore coceunjptiod relieve diaess dispel sick sumption tiie dominion alliance have evidently considerable work before it uid iot of figures to work on iv m monopoly jay gould who owns a controlling inter est hj sdl the great telegraph companies begin his eareer in life by peddling mouse irap and now fce the virts of a famous trap closing sdl over the conthient today can be bozn the humiliating spectsck of a pala and suffer a e la the common lot of all our earliest days give manifest proot of this and kj are never long- permitted to forget it if corns should iu your cue be the thorn iu the flcah go at once and buy a bottle of probsts paiklesk coes ekteactok and be sur prised al the rapidity the freedom from paiu aud the success that marks ita work c polsox fc co kingston pro prietors kc and comfort a tlic salterlflff urowns houseiiald panacea has no reat and free people virtually at the mercv j casual for relierid ptio both internal aud of a single man something like twenty j external ii cures pain in the side back years since lccaubcd the niort disastrous j a bowebi ftofe tliroat hheumatism trnd widespread pinic imowu iu modern j toothache lumbago and any kind of a cituee aud today with all the great tele- jgraph iiije beneatli the sway a subsidized nress at his conrmajid and tilt possessor of almoct unlimited wealth t lie wields a pain or axhe it will most surely quicken the blood and ileal aa ita actine power is wonderful brwas household pauacea beinff acknowlfidged as the great palo reliever and of double the strength power grater than the president of the j tf uy olf j p liniment in e united state it mime for the american j w0 should be iu every family handy for people to begin looking fact- squarely iu use when waated as itreaiiy is the best the face such facts are indeed stubborn remedy in the world for cramps in the thing and demand attention dtotuach and paini and ache of all kinds and u for sale by all druggisti at 25 cents a tottlc notes and comments tl t rr- 3 fllfm tt sfllld faetl llie toronto ciuztn oegards it s one of rr luc best blood pander and flybtem mgns of the tnueh uiat ail leckktioii iu m i regulator ever placed withm the reach of regard to the hqaor traffic is looked at from the temperante etaiidpoint hon james cockbnni died yesterday at ottawa after a long fllnenn he will bo bafteridgliumaiittr troly is eiectril bittern raactiriiy of tbe lirer bilioaioess jaan- dice coostipalon weal kidneys or any diseaae of thc urinary organs or whoever j lorried at toiinto this afteraoou de- re ppetizef tonic or mild otimn ceased had beeu in piuic life for manv wi v flnd electric u the ym luriug been solicitor to j a i f i act bufely aud quickly every bottle gdarao- untaxio before confederation and speaker i v ai the house of commons in the first and re hm nfw ats a bottle by j 63ad piiliaments thereafter ue lost j e hcgarvin t headache abnlish bilioasucsa aad reguule tbcstoraacb liver and ijoweu i now that there is s reliable remedy fur kidney troubles half the terrors attached to torse complaint intre beeu removed for this let all be thankful and to de vts i br lexs kilixkv ccre award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal diseiic from our path it wis jicver known to fail sold byj k iiccnin barviena trnlra halve the greatest medicil wonder of the world uarraull to speedily care barns bniiaes cuts ulcers feait bjieum feter sores cancers piles chilblains qqtiu tetter chapped hands and all akin erup tions guaranteed to care in every instance or money refunded 2o cents per bar for sale bv j e mcarvin 16 shiloas catarrh remedy a marrtuous cure for catarrhdiph uteris canker moulh and headache with each bof tie there is au ingenious- naaaf lujector for the rnre guceisfal treatment of these coinptarau without etlra h rge price 50 cents 8odbyj e ifcqarviu kchina plies symptom aadlarr the bymptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scfatch- ing very distressing particalarly at uight seems as if pin- worms were ci aiding la and about the rectum the private parts are bomcfimes affected f allowed to continue very serious result may follow gwyjrps oiktvuxt u apleasanlsare core also for totter itoh halt uhcutn all bcajy crasty skin diseases kent by wail for 60 cents 3 boies 12o in utaoips ad dress dr swayke 80x philadelphia j pa sold by druggists i so a card to all who are satteriog from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak oeu early decay loss of manhood fcc i will send a rtuipe faf will core you khee oi chaiige this great raaciy jac dis covered by a missionary io south america send a selfaddressed eaylope to the rev itoiiffi t ikjuk stait6nj york0ttf 1883 voters list 1883 rxitll of thk village of acton ix thk county of halton vutick1s hkkebv givtv that 13 i have transmitted or delivered to the pertoos uitulioned iu thc third and fourth sectujus of thc voters list act- thc copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to uid act of all persons appear ing by the last revised aisessmcut roll of the said municipality at elections for meui- pr of thc legislative assembly and at municipal elections and that the said list wa lint pated up at my office al acton en tic lint dayof aupuat l3 and re mains there for irspvclion eltctcrs rc culled upon j ciamiue the said lifct and if any ouiivioas or any other errors are fuutid thefeiu to take immtdiate proceedings to have the fa id errors correct ed according to law 1 k mcoakvin clerk of the said municipality dated at acton thc third day of august lsl clerks notice or first posting of voters list voters list 1883 mlxicualitv of the township of esquesing county 0rhalton notice is hereby given that i have trans mitted or delivered to the persons mention- cd in the third and loartii sections of the voters list act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to the said act of all persons appearing by thc last revised assessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at clocliiut for member of the legislative assembly aud at il a o id pal elections aud that the said lut was first posted np at ray office at h lc wi rt town oil tbe tenth day of an gust l3 uiid remains there for inspect ion electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors correct ed according to law j mckhav cleifc of the saul municipality dated the hlh diy of auxuit 1833 for 1 13 bs extrabright sugar for 1 11 lbs pulverized sugar for 100 5 lbs splendid tea for si hairgallon gem jan si 40 per docen quart gem jars igo a dozen pint gem jars 100 a dozen ff new butcher shop 8 h taylor wiflbes to inform the iublic tlutt lie han opened n kuteber shop on main street oppouite tho canada jlovc works anmiope b- strict iittentinn to buiincii nnd keeping the choicest meats on hand to obtain a good chore of cthtoni farmers in need of meat will find it to their advantage to give him a call prices to suit the times acton aug ititli 188 i cheapest on earth remember that the balanee of clothing fancy goods must also be cleared out at once aud the whole of these lines will be offered at prices to astonish vou this will he the last chance you will have this eaon to getgoods at your own prices ns all must be cleared out previous to making alterations f deitch acton july 18th 1883 graduated with mccoll bros uardine and other machine 0118 having passed the most critical examinations by competent judges has beeu awarded gold and silver medals k diplomas at all exhibitions 4fcc0ll bk08 toronto out canadas great fair this xatioxal exposition rrp live stock agricultural and industrial products fine arts and ladles work 4c c toronstto sept utli to 22d r 1883 the grogrrawfaa of ppeoial fea tures and novelties wiflse the best yet presented by this association prize lista and entry forms can be ob tained from the secretaries of all agncul toral societlea and meclianies iostltules or they will bp aent anywhere on applica tion by p6t fitrd to tba 6eorttary nt to ronto entries should be pnule at opce cheap rates and excursions on all railways the best time to visit the city of toronto wait for it jwwithron njuuw pkesltttt jukaqzroisscnf flouitfeeb store the undersigned has purebued tiie rlour and feed baiiues irora mr robert elbott and will carry on the binioei iu the bnild- int formerly used m a barber shop oppos ite the old feed store i will keep in stock aud eell for caah flour poller flour qratvlatd wheat oraoked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley chopped peas chicken feed oats peas barley rpe oil oake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans etc c garden field and blower seeds fresh and rood for sale cheap your patrouoge respectfully solicited cash for all kinds of grolii it l matthews i m 1 1 a f people are alwi on the iii l l lookont for ohanaea lo in mr oreaae their earnlnm bw in f lime becomeweklihjri those wbo do not improve their opnortnnltlea re main in poverty we warn many men wo men boyi and rlrla lo wonc for ui rlibt in their own loeautlm any one ean do tbe wpnc properly rrom the ontiurl the bail- neja will rj more tbun tentimei ordinary wagei ixpenalveoaltltjnnilbbeilrrec no pue who aognxei rails to make money rapid ly loo can devote your whole umo to the work or only yonr apare momenu foil wdresj8rtsur 4 co poruand maine crifein sells 15 pounds of good sugar dry a8 powder for 100 cash mens scotch tweed canadian tweed pants for 200 readymade coats for 225 worth 500 ladies and gentlemens fancy j straw hats for 15c and 20c worth 100 each these are facts that cannot be jarred j c remember at the halton dry goods house c b griffin the mammoth house georgetown beg leave to intimate that they are 1 daily in receipt of new fresh spring goods including millinery f mantes readymade clothing tweeds gents furnishings hats k3 taps uosiery aud small wares iu fact everything that ooustitrjtes a lirstolasa stock we baveexefcised ourselves to onr utmost cphapty and made use of our loug experience and large resources to secure a stock for prices variety aud quality that wiu surpass anything ever attempted in this county we can assure the public that we wilt keep lightuuk 6et up tne same- iu superior style our dressmaking depaitmeutid has proved quite a success we turn out dresses and mantles to the 3 satisfaction of our patrons we make a specialty of mourning-ip- parel and wedding trosgeau we have an immense stock of ottmla goods in all the new materialssilks satin satin delybn safin m marulleaus cashmeres 4c prints a magnificent assentitfthelyjl dark colors lively patterns and with borders abeantifwprintft j a tickiugsdomestic goods checked shirtings cottoti- ides and dnllsa drill for 20c aiyaid that can not be torn wi grav and white onttrm itlll u rjjj maalrs t uray and white cottons atmill price pur ordered clotbingw partment lpphsurpasbed it is oue of the largest coneeitaiocw- hibi win compare with any carpet houcp for sfce quality ffeiftfth also aflne stockof floor oil cloths tare curtains large btvaii3 andheap we respectfully ask a oontinnauceof the patronagmrfa tnends aud cordiallyinvite the public generally and thay may dse on getting firstelassvalueand courteous treatment from ub m mclmd mm mb mnmn mnsti w m l-

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