Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1883, p. 4

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1w tktmiut v mmi jrsc 7 18w olks our youmg j pusst8 portrait bring puwy heir adjkld bef ui u ci drm be itoii if jou jttl 4irn w tootri toward the light aud make ber hold her head up rlfiuu she uiuftnl jump to catch th f hut u operudlook im f i and now fcheijtoth do try to ketj btriei la plc sow bold her paw a little oat dont lot ber switch ber uil about she mustnt hut her err like that shef going to tlrp the laiy cal uitsrowv uii willucvcrdo ill pinch bcr uil hot br hx mew there off ih goes upon the ran well never ruind tai jnioit done it write above u cat so sellic youuity look tod c- sb turod y 10 hide uuk it looked exactly like ft calf an incompetent boy uit fall a baltimore hardveare dealer who had a lull against a blacksniitli in an adjoining ullage seat it oat by his collector or payment upou arriving in lite village tlw collector found the shop bat not the smith and after a long hunt discovered him on his own doorstep elbows ou hi knees and chin on his hands itnarno trills replied the imithas the aount was handed him- why whats the matter mr coou yhell dcr matter ish dot l hat failed in business and i dean pay nobody i failed have i you actually failed flhaf well youll have to ly me in full just ibe same under the laws of hi state no jinan can fail unless he locks his doors aud as i passed the shop yoars were wide open dander and blitzen dot vhas thecare- lessncs of ray mil show how much is dot bill 1 i pays liim queek and runs down uud nails cop der doors myself dunder bat dot boy uefer makes a yankee if he lifs here a thousand years m mmmaammmmstpmimmm what we charitlbly forgive will beroooni- hough on rata clear out rats mice loaches bedbugs flics aata molei chip munks gophers 15c an able inau shown his spirit by genttd words mid resolute actions he is neither hot uor timid x mcllac wjxbrijgo vriloa i have ittldjlitrje qnliliolaf drthorati lov trie 6a t it kshscdftf ofela ma tktwft croup and in fact auy aflection of the throat it worki like mgic it is a sure euredrbacu 4 kfes ie4iqep o prosperity will bend beneath the first blast of adversity that hashsad hla h three litres th man he was before e began using wells health uenewer 51 druggists the incapacity o men to understand each other is one of the principal causes of thair illurn per toward each othw a great discovery that is dfl bringing joy la the iimuics of tuousjads by kiting vnauy of their dear oue front m iarly rtavc truly is dr kings nqw discovty for consampuon coughs colds asthma bronchitis hay fever lois of voice tickling in the throat pain in side and chest or any disease of the throat and lungs a positive cure guaranteed trial bottics free at mcgamoa drug store large size 100 with icvevtlm hearrbeoocaeatv iair aud fertile irtdenrlovririfeflf irnihilne and warm hue and exhaling sweet odor catarrh at ike bladder stixucc irritation inflammation all kidney and urinary complainu cured by buchupaiba fl the chief properties of wisdom arc to be mindful ot things past uareiul of tilings present and provident of things to oanic- younffmaa do not give up the slip there is still hope dr e c wests kcrve aad brain treatment wilt cure you cure guaranteed sold at j ii ucdirviut drug store actoa ap the elevator ill jg 3l l 4mt1mfl nitt ateuaivo olj impoiinut in tovtincnls in ida inoprijui stores tliu ttoi rapi the cailel of al only 81 at an immense ennrmous sitle lace collretlca al 15 to 85c worth iwioc iho prloe abint wven down embroidered tit al lmc trorth 87ic faocv handkewblefa wlthneat oordera only oc a urrajot of at only 6c worth 10c buys ntry jery suit by twliuudred in exoellont value an immpom etook of lmo curtaius very ohwp swlaj ucc uruius boll enbrtvucim and umboured swiss lace tidies uanvai and boiderlng for making 8wia lace curtaini cheap the millinery ha an enormous- sale mcnirn lug uooda arc selling very fast they are cheap and beautiful there ll as bttonhuilng salo of corscti just me cromplou daplex coralipe and other corsets they are selling by ihe thousand uighl hofc king street east close lo llughson street tho name is usjhajfltl up immeiua carpt roodia on ihe aciid lorj uf both wsfnlo600b worihof mgnlflrikrpetlioii lloor 6flsbl i5ngsv bugs mali corpet sweepors etc are kept t prices i chenp its i wj wllilsrteryo stock of about hoooo worth n ore is kept in tba third atory to vt brcuglit flown as required the workrooms and ladles biting room are rcnlovea o lowvsillo old cnipot room is fltuxl up in gouii rtyta for 4 mantle uoe ourtsin and clctllroom and thoro u on elevator put in which taken curfarmers up irora to o to the carpetruom orto ihe fittingroom a i ir qnodl am cheaper than ever till spring juittdlnkof il ce41ot yriwldobleachi8hirtwgi to selling ijc well woorth 10c very nlm oref coltontjf good width only 61c louof orey cotwns u 5a a lot ol white mowbiiim qtiuu sjighily da off nse reducliou a targe lot of lac soarfetnd nbroldnrf clnj lght at 1cm an uf their yalne and selliue off at abuot half what they are worth an nle of keal frtuch and belgian laces alio of nolunghamee lathe various ilewjsjvkes very bcaullfol keal lace collars and hamlkorcbiefs ctraojeap cu of chijdicns heal lace couar al 15c weusrorlh 5c each a lot of lace bear at 15c worth boc another lot at joc wllh embrohlered ends p ni ht jr la alur triiii nnlu rt a larvftllilf the hamilton may jm x ltli 168 thomas c watkins hamilton 500 regard we will pay tbo above r tint fnraay caie oruver couiplaldt hy6pepia sick head aetn ladijeioo goatltnloi orooiure- ttositt eiinnotcure wltu wcsti vojeubie liver 1imk when me direction art itrlctty comptjed wub ttiey ourely vegetable and ntver fall to ttvekailsftalon rucar coated lrge boca cqqufninff 3fi rillk 25 eenls fnralfl by nit ilniiguw beware of coudtcrr- uud imlatlonk tbe jenalne dftauoiuroiloiijy by jous c west co the rillmkcn 3 kliffsleato roalo tint free ri parktije ieui by mail protuuvl nurccfiutofn 3centiinip medicinal qualities of the tomato as aniucentive lo farmers to see that louiaioes are wrell represented in their jrardeu a writer in hotue iw ftxrmtr dilates tiieir sliiit acidity- has a bocl- inz effect and render them very prauif i in the heat of summer so effective is the juice of the tomato that i know from eiiriece and observation that an abau- dtrft use of tomatoes at all meal soe a ions way toward warding off the malarial fevers that are common iu some arming district there are many sections of the coaiitrv vhere farmers families suffer jav midgiypackdale toronto wriles uywife bad several very severe attacks ofcrxnipa id the stamica ilciriag ot de ctis- phoruattse andits pleawntccsa to ate i gve her two bottle nd sle hn notbdao attact tfure and bcr bclth is tune improved for siely ail urnul ftnt hate evldrncc jftin tumble to atterd liusinei beiui suhject to ecrious iliiortltr of the kidneyf afleraurtig siege of ickne tried bardoct blood riltors and ira relieved by lulf a bottle mr b tamer of rochetler n v takes thepaina to write r mrs lydul e pikkham of lymk was speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c from xmv tbt thtru is a reliable riucly fir eerv fumroetfrom mod types of malarial lkidoey tronlilej half the trrrord attached to fever and in such cases while the abon- ihecomputats lwre been removed fr danrue ot tomatoes nmy not wholly j tit is let all be thankfcl and tn lt vax prevent devcioirnent of the ailment it vrifl brness kiisv lriii nward all jrie fur a4ttv frrcatly alleviate it i bnrni tlias riuntd liitberto couiut- fatal dtscaee from per path it tit vtr tlfikical pill tvw persons are so favrtuxd by ci reams tan ccs or w fortified by tuinre slf to citable llittn to pass uuscathm the sorr trials of an inclement scaaon with calarrh coo jjha aad itflat aias everyhere ahouodiag it ahouldlewiversalty known that bouoway ointment dfligeatly rubbed upon the chesl checka the worst assault of these maladies and securely wards off more pave and danserona diseases of the throat and lungt- tue truth of this assertion most remain nnquesticned in tkefee of tboosauds of unimpeachable hrinf wituesa trho have perbonally derirod ihe ounost possihle benefits from this treatment when tbeir present sufferings were appalling and their future psopecu mjst duhearteninc- both remedies act admirably together in order to deserve agoodfriend wemust become one 11 stasia ue teat f tihc time tries all things and few ajrffthe cu- totns habits or adjuncts of life that are not swept away before its remorseless march keniedy after remedy for corns has been introduced tested and found wanting prrsamp piicxs cocs er- tbacrob holds endistarbed away gathering new strength as years rod on and holdiuij it with tfee power that merit aloae can ve- take do substitute putnams painleas corn extractor never fails to make a com plete core isold c rerywher x c pol- sox co eciiigstou lrprior knattn to fail sold hj c n shilohs uatarrh remedy amarvtuiiscarefiirlitatriuiijlitli caukcr luiiclu iyjhtatatu ii eneb battle tiiert ia an 1lajjirti4aal lujetiur for the mote euccestful treatmeat of tbeae cotcplaiuta without eitra charge price 30 cents ekdbyje mcgarviu xo hotosehold ahould be considered com plete nithout a bojtlc of dk vak btrens kidxeyccee ii ia the closet it is the only remedy that will positively perman ently and promptly cure all forma of kidney disease sold by j euicoaxvin lyda e pinkham8 vsetablb compotod iiamltltecwj crtlhj- palrfajc iiiplili ma wedbmmt mmbmt wwwiiftait pvrstatlm it rtll cort eatrelr ib wont arm cf ffcewje ron- prtf m otvu troauet fllmitko nod tvcr- ot fihiac lmf sjw4 tb iiioitit sfliul wea ud u pl-tfcilrtj- pcl to tbr frsf nftlfr it tiu dlocltc aad nyel taziort cram ue nttnu ta ia earlj hkfft of dertlopaent the tenaxr to na- u rrmotef uiib ttialacj datrvji ajl etti- for rtlnnli tad ruttcs tvh ot ue ftcmacl- it caret eotiafc bw1arbm xerrw rrottntias general dbtr kwptawti drpecn ftad iadt- tiuu re4ii of bnmkm caa4t tia ctt uad bt is tlnjri penoasaecuj cured by its owr it rtl h tiidea tad tmrtft tti mm n baraaar vuh um lin thai forvni um femak tjrlsm- tar be enrf rf hdify ccbpuau o coher wex tiis oamponsd li imnirpukd ltv u z pixllurs tzcetable oojc- p4cxi t frrpared al s udts wn ami lymm price l six bocuet t or c fcfmb7 mii in the f orm ot pflls alao la t tern kuuc oa reeefjc of prfce p per box for either jtn ptftdim freefrvtnnwtencaqiiit send for pumfir let addzca u abotc memi ia tku par- so tmouj f boold t vubok ltjxi rtsehuts uxt2tiu tier can nnninflnn boiooaem ud tan-cditj- of the utct s ceo ti per box 4- su to fl dneciau ft- r- sr tstr- rq nnrtliro lniu i torouto cutrxl ativiis fer oulpriu j arc prciared to famish everything in their line the be8t ca8ket to the plainest coffin j t ou the shorten otee and at lowest terms i ik all calls either utglit or day promptly attended to satia- facliou gimrauteed in every case a firstciass hearse for hire 3rve an iu prskiun lo aattsfactorily rill orders for waggons carriage 4c of orery ilocnptidn ta rcasonalile lime load workmanship ond tirstclnss materiolslvravs ued we have auo a fpleudid lot en- kami ure both common aud ettrft quality clieap rlf yoo will pay as cash we fik cell yoa anything in oar line cheap j a speioht manager ct come and see the flne display of j i spring tweeds at the east end clothing store elejant tw4d sulu from 1100 to 1500 also k large ratge of serges and worsteds viiiiiiutcc1 in the latest hies and on llie shorct notice tlielmii si- mi iri ai soft felt he ta anl helmtts uk i i j fyfe ho lon- sittings a card to all who are euiferinp from tie errura and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhood c i will send a recipe that will cure you fke or chaece this great remedy was die covered bt missionary in south arerica send a sel addressed envlcpe to tbe eev josetht itac station d vete yorhcdi hafiiera xalhcri wokcni are you disturbed at night acd broken of year rest by a rick child suffering aud crying with the eicracinfidffpiin of catting ieeth if ap ra at once and cet a bottle of xirs winslows soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little bouerer immediately depend upon it there is no miuke about it tbere is not a mother on earth who has ever used it wbo will not tell you xever barrow more than vou can jra- back and never lend more than you can 0qc i td1 the boweu borrow erer cirerp if you are suffering with low and depress ed spirit loss of appetite general debility disorjpred blood weak constitntipa bead- i ache or any disease of a bilious nature liy allmeans procure a bottle of electricbittcrg j vou will be aarprised to see the rapid iin- j profenient that wdi follow j you will be j toapired wilh new life strength and activity j will return j pain and misery will cease and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise j of electric bitters sold at fifty cents a bottle by j e hcgarvin shilohs oorisumptibn ctire- this is beyond question the moil ideeess- j fol cough medicine we have eversold a few doses invarably cures the wttrtt cases of 1 cough croup and bronchitis while its woaderfol sneceas in the cure of consamp- tl m is without a parallel in the history of medicine since itx first discovery it has been old on guarastee a test which no oher meilidne caubtnd if you bare a cjngn we earnestly asfc you to try it price 10 eeutj 5q cents and 1 00 if your lunga are bare chestorback lame use shilohs porouj plaster sold by j e mcgarrin dr j corlii st thomaa writes during tenyeara active practice i have had occasion to prescribe cod lireroilaod hypophoiphitee since xortlurop fc lymans emulsion of cod liver oil aud hypophosphitia of lime and soda came under my notice i hare tri it and tak great pleaaore in saying that it has given great patisfadttoo and u to prefernd to any i have ever used or recommended i hare used it ia my own family alxooat as a beverage during heavy colds and in erwyioaibe a fappy rewlt baa followed i cheehadoiatatimtt fqjuj caaea of dehflitf ariainjf from weakness of tho mtufettlair or wirvoca i jutett and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like tuajc it h pcrfecty safe lo ute in all cases and pleaiant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female phjeiciaas amlnflrsea in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle poe tff kidhey8 liver urinary 0rcam8 the bt blod ptbifiek tiierelsonljone ayby which aodisensf eau be eurej aod ihst lib ieioteii ulbi vcddueaaejs caimd leranged kjdse oaose nuateverltije tlielotbe ml aatiirlms of lb tsystasvtsi swrly lyremnrliirllie thsr d utineth orllver- to pibre tbesltsrafotbla tho mij- wa bytrhwhruiliihd here is srbere wisicitvr sjitwmbas ect- in ase and pain from ibe ystm for all kidney wterarel uriipry inuei for tbe olatrem- lni diaordeif of woman for malaria and phmeal troobl leserally this great rem edy has noeqaal kewareorimpoatorsini italians and ooneoetloot aald to be just an jfeimfutjftk tor wakxna sate ou- brntwet- for aale by all dealers hdwabnekco ffo0akituiitubn iclehse3fb 3 a sure cure for all cnasec of tho ludnr and i liver ithic79eleaictolcattaiort laportaai pi tm ssd by kacpfny uie bowcla la ore tt jwffwrrtny itn rtcalar dcbr3 uolarto if roa naetlc 3s ivlcllancla oalrsautfltxcii i cbwlioa watt txhi burelx rnlien sud qjahly cure i la ihe sprles to cla ths sjifigra cter ooaahmtldtkle- acvxrooaaeaanaflcit j sojfeold by dkuooistb price l i kidneyvtfgrt th man h oo how lost how hestoreo e boterecentljpnbliahedanew edition of dr ralrenreira cel brmfed eatay on me radical aad i permanenl cure without medu citieibrxerrondebintymentlaort physic al incapacuytra pedlmenu of morrlaeeie resnlhnrromeicese price in ascaled envelope oniyela ortwa pcysuge sumps ttiecclcumlodiutjorin clifs admirable esay clearly jemoafttniteb rrom thiru ylqnthcccewiinlprtcuce tat alarm nsonn- riueccrc maj- be rndlcaily cared iritnoal tue daneerons neof futern medicines or the nse oitlicknjfe pointing ott a mode of cure atonce imple certain ardeeelqal means fif whlcd every sufferer no matter what bis condition may oe may cure himself cbeapty prlvaielj andradlcauj- tills ectare slioold be it tije nanjs ol everyyoutli andeverr man in the land address the culrerwell medical o 41 ian steirtrk pofitoffice bov 430 we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of ivames and mouldings on hand selling cheap o w hill 1000 forfeit having the ntmost confidence in ussupet- loriiymerall othenrnnd e fiet thousands of tsuoflhe nou complicated and nevereil caseswe could find we feel jaiilded in ofler- lug- to forfeit one tbowand dollars for any case of coufft cold ron throat lnflnenes lioursene bonchltte constimpuon injls early slngef wbooplnr cocgb nnd all dla- ea8eshthelhrontandfangsexcepta8tlim inrwalch wenly claim rel lei that we mnl core wlih westti cooeh fyrop when tucen according to directions sample bottles ts andsocenifj lrgebotllesone dollar genuine wrnppencujylu blno bold by rill druprlita arseul by fiprcss on receipt ofpric joirx o west 4 cori b3 kinf hi siri toronto out tv wtsrantm catarrh gur nooueeinopti a uctl and cenxmutiocal trfalflteal to dtsunct mcdiciv one fcing on ihekua pauafes hexf thibl od las the other on he liter kuc ind blood instantxneous econohicatcafe- radical treatkekt sold bv ail druggists prioe 76 cfs if no found faiufactorjr ihe price tsud wl be rrftinded some cnronv er rxu nam cases of long narking ny r from three to uz ftfn i tttti a penameni curt montreal troy iy i il mam jnaoquaimtto wtth thk ctoomafm 0t this count who is umaoquaintid mx st examinum tmtt hartmat thi country wra chicago rock island pacific ry bmg ttw qrwt omtnl um ord to tranters bjr reuon ot its unriraiad no- smphloal poawori the aaertnt and baat rotrte batwmn tha east northeast and outhaaat and the weet horthwaat and southwmt it la llterollr and atrlotlj truatjwt oonnson are all ot the prlnolpal linn of road between the attantle and tha paoloe by if main line and branaihw it taaenaa ohleago jollet peoria ottawa la teller oanaaeo molina and rook island in iiunoia oaenport muaeatina wjuhlngton keokuk knoiirtlle oakalooaa palrneld on molrres waat uberty wwa olfy attanoo arooa audubon harlan outhrla oonter and oounoll blutta i t cameron and kanaaa wty in mleaourl and leaven worth and atohlaon m kanaaa and the hundred of uttea rillaoaa and towns intermedlata the great rock island route j t0 s w oapotsjat h aonneotlns pofnts rast topraas trains eonvaam04tnmoiiout wlt vbrttlatto will most matatlrtmitt howtotiwdtwnki o o ater built i pullmans albert lea route a a caai1 butcher stop r holmes woalil rfspectfolly inform the people of acton and vicinity that he baa lonibae3 the liostoeas and property nf lrv c rolnnsou 31 sapplv it prepared to ii tritlu firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game iu seusuji at meat delivered to any part of town at any time ftiavine practical experience in tse batched fit baiioeu i feel confident that i can rait all a call kindly solicited r holmes ears for the million too tocos bauunof 6hrgt oil ri llrely bcilem tke hcji haf aad 1 he air abmlalr tare far deafafaa xaawav tliti 1 1 abstracted from peeotlar kneel e of imxl wliwe skarkicrtneln inllicveuw sea known as cauchmiodox jvisdjetu every ltiinee qa her man know lu jta vfr- lues is i restorailvoofliearlof weradlaoofi od by a baudbul vrewtqiovi the year luo lu ernes were kj imjierona and kast so fieemefglv mulatlois ibnt tbe remedy wait officially proclaimed over tbe enl ire enj- pfrp ita uebfcom an nnlversal that tor over 300 vkaji xo deaktkla hu1 exidtxd mtosa the cflixme iboplk sent cbahtes prepaid tn any oddrc at 11c0 perlfottfe hair wbt the deaf say i it ha pei formed a miracle in my case- i tuitt no rtnjirtbly noised in my hpjdanfl war mach better i have been really benefitted ily dafn helped a erealdwil think hq- ir bottle will c re rar xy hearinyls mocn beneflited i hoto received uotoldbnefli iti slviiiffkoodfittlficiion iiavb been great ty biiefitd and ftbi re- joired thal 1 saw thenotjcc of il it vlriqmure rxquesti nahlk and ita crrattrkcnabacteb as tbe whitck cas pkraoxallt testitt bttit feot extkri- rkcr a to obsaavatlon write at once to flavlotk fcjkxxe7ieystreetenewyork enclokin lon nnl you will hear like aoat- body ele nnliviinuctratiw effect wjllbo permanent von win ntverrefret dotnipo edlioroflbrcav7ixbbnaw t to ovoid loss in the malls please icnd money by broiffrerknljitttkr only joiiortedby niylwlli 3fxet sote agetis for a3iehica ilvm xt a bqon toms mi caett after fair trial with ne relief or euii effected your money wilt he rsrand-lt- io bold by i l tmonntibennlretttiu crtr us 1 low os to k bomxtwill rarif y tbe blood cradiciio all humours from the coamob pimply blotcli or boil lo the most jnalig nsnt wrm of aerefuloii- nicer oke to i bottldi t ripen sing the blood will porify tlte complciion from gallownexs moollioot the wrinklrs reralt- ing from imperfect a6nfifaieqt of tbe bodyi sweeten fof brealh and renovate tbe entire sybtem o to two bofrrxir vill rare ordinary ennstipetinaor ooatirwsa there- remorik hhanarlvj pifaa biliooness and jaimdire and all diaeaaes resnltinj from torpid liter 1 0tooiic by cleaniing toe bload inrpnntisg tbe geaeral health lad fortifyinji the system agaiost taking freah colda will in all cases relieve add io most eases rate t cotnmonp roatbemeand dangerous disease cxse osz to tnt- portlk will reflate all dtiaugeneatof thekiilneyecringurinrf difficulties wetrstion gravel dftbctc etc j i i ox to fork borrua will rejnvigorato the enliresysteih enriog nervous and gen era dwlicy feriraio txik aeas aad all rt atleitunt ajiiiea m 1 i ihacyard5 yellow oil cuhe rrie jmatism woem owdehs aw plouant totajie coaiantxoini purgative is a wie cmre tail fueetmam i worn in ctroatjrxaia aki wfeit made ai home dy me l fl ldcstrlone best basloeis now j fl before ihe publics capital he mf i needed we wlukurlyon men women bbygnd flru wasted eyerywhere to work for u now is tbe time yon can work in ipare mme or give your wboleat- uiiuon to tbe buslnec no other bailn4s will pay yoauearly as well jno one can tjl to make enormous pay by engnrlnr at once coau ootfll and lermafree uoneviastie easily and nonorabiy ad drew tbce 4 ooauffuu maine worth their weight in gold juactxfci bio ttdbr flajwaiak- of mrcku vbo nnnrrtdlt- esdme otir cfuaorte aik tbiu afir rtfiibie d prompt remedy lor fbe rewcrrai ot tutma aad eat ot pii rorms fron duld at mok- it ntaitj to o3atittmui okut3r turmlesl and rethmci m t afj ssffitl i blzu5 8r iptroytj jvirywere l rnsoipi tfmart fvortfnemtd y dr gjeuac ie brnast 3trihl3b aioaranleed cure tor veneii dueises sadt an and relal bad effects from ita nse j ooeanot inurlere fritbbttsi nesanr dleti price si per box or tboe lor5 jwriueopiranteeslsne by every dnly aathortsed agent to read th mdnejr uiree tmcea rl 1 to en t sent metace irepald on leeelpeocpriee drfelitlebrcrrjfcco 81 a s3 kin i at i j e uapin antboriae neent for aetnn ontario f pills ioiktmbst tins incomparable hedic1se has tecartd for utlf an iuijieruhabl fame ikrouyhoitl tie world for ihe alkriatio ind rnre oftiiom ftieupca to winch hunuuiu is kcir dl-u-lll- purify muiate ond improve the quality of the btuol they assist the digestive orgatift cleaxtse the stomacu nud bowels increase the secretory powers ot tbe livdr brace tbe nervous system and throw ialo the circulation the purest klemenls for sustaining aud repairing the frame thousands of pereona hato testitied tint by their use alone they have been restored to healih and strength after every other meaua had proved unsuccessful burdock blood itffiswrltilve blpduhjiti8 djzzihess dyspepsia ihdieestiohf jaumdice erysipelas salthheuk heartburn headache arid eveey apedes dlsgrdsruver dropsy fluttehms ofthehemt acidity of -westqmiy- dryke8s i of the swa 0is f a kioheya sflft bloc pnsjabii cbati j specific medii iippouucl ail aimivill tkit tominr as a squeital w iseuabuaptsiloss orytjrrlversal 1 wltadt 1ti1hebseiia ithe ointment will be found iuvaluible iii every household in the cure of open korea hard tumors b4 lege old wcmitfti oouffhi- colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and cheat as also gout rheumatism scrofu and eygry tindof akin disease mannfactured dnly at professor hifllti ways establishment 583 oxforld 8tbket london nod sold at la uci 2s bd as 6d 223 and33aea box and pot and in canada at 36 cenht 00 cnt and 150 and the larger axes in proportlii icatmoh i have no sgenvti tm united states nor are my medicibessvimi ihere purohswrs should therefore look v the lalgl oulhe ot and boxes it a address is not 888 oxford street toodoni j they are spurious w trade mark of my said mealoinii nsisttsred at ottawa and idtbiv itwun lion oar sire ion premature old axe asj- ier dlseasea 0- nuorqoas 1 piiledran wmjtijetwb6b sea i lo send free b njail tujse many other dlseasea lead lalnaanur or cow llt tta- poll pmiedrars lrt dbsra c ibnil yew oaeltettirebiwni medtcluatasald hy all an gists ata90 per backare orqooaoaii gists at s per package or al naafeaces far ji or will be sent free by mall on re ceipt of tbe money by d dressing j th r7 icdloiae 0e afto ij- torooioataiiad sold b ij e hciarvln urtnlsl a da elwiarrtkaiva afaasl hst a knkranload aneelfle frlya dlsstaesd cbullobsvlt nerviss isij8ifflsa was oenresskm 8oflolnj wain rimitumln tnuiiltiadlea wlserrilejratdlstbprrtswreo nriacvbststtoltltef- toinntarf u atesund spermatorrb by overaseruoo of ihatala artl orerlnilibrenee gne box will jaaafci etshtauwonialwaiu sent ii stomal 1ftw dollar a box rr m bohi irtwronreeelytofai 1itidle s

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