rikiaaiskis5vi 1 to our patrons he arc how rcnderliib suto eats or accounts to all indebted o ns far subscriptions adtcrili lot and jobwork and trust that every peo rewiring notice of their indebtedness will promptly settle the muuc as oar reader are well aware we have lately been at ureal expense la patting in improved machinery new type c and in order to be able to meet the claims tor these la- prorcmeuts we most insist npon all accounts belae settled forth with h p moore mmm i mmmmmmmmmi tuttiuv mauxiva jct 7 1883 scott act f expenses about uc time of the list municipal elec tion a report tctls very urdpoasly circulated to the effect that the county council ust year had voted 1200- to assist in the carrying oat of the provisious of the scott act instead of this being the case the report of the license commissioner pre sented at the last meeting of the county council showed that instead of the council having been called upon to pay any money whatsoever to enforce the law the fines etc resulting from the enforcement of the act were sufficient to pay all expenses in curred by the several officers and a balance remains in the treason- to the credit of the act amounting to 231 surely this will clesr the county council of the charges preferred against them their fifth report wcotuniendlng payment of the following account thomas moore sal an- mav 4568 mia gordou 3700 miw oraut ttjl mr adam u asa robert wallace wood ftcooal 105 v 1 brown pils 0 910580 moved by j k mcganiii seconded by dr lowry that the fifth report of the fi nance committee jasl road bo adopted carried mr james moore entered and took his teat at the board 107lioyjll cf school ujllukv moved by w h storay wootided by dr lowry thai a committee consisting of the chairman messrs j e mcgarvm and james moore be appointed to confer with the municipal council at it next sitting as to the advisability of removing the public school library to the town hall providing satisfactory arrangementa can be made carried jlltkiunoyr and naroteuestr moved by dr lowry seconded by j e mcgarvin that the matter of proposed alterations in school house bo referred to the property committee to examine and report thereon at next meeting carried the board then adjourned to meet tues- day evening 12th inst national debts the largest national debt in the worid is owned by france it amounts to w 63 m0 000 or 11779 for every man woman and child in the country kext comes russia with i3hg071w the debt of the united states on the first of march ics cash in the treasury wa los027gllfi3 the debt was at its highest in 106 when it aggregated i7t336173lgj this shows a reduction in seventeen years of nearly twelve hundred mill ions while the anneal interest charge his lieeu reduced irom 15y977gr7 in kvjv to tr3cwno for the last fiscal year the debt of the dominion is 132 12287320 bearing interest at the rate of u9 per cent in memorfam- it is with feelings of sorrow that we chronicle the death of mrs- william swack- hammcr of acton daughter of mr john chisholm of erin the deceased after a brief illness and intense suffering which she bore with christian fortitude passed l away on sabbath morning june 3rd she was young and beloved by a large circle of relatives aud friends who mourn her pre mature death a dutiful daughter a true and loving wife a faithful friend a gentle christian was she and tis difficult o feel that she is gone with farewell to the de voted lifes labor done and earthly hopes fading away she trustfully and hopefully said i am going home and then resign ed her all to him who is the sinners friend and with whom the weary and heavy laden and sorrowing are at rest rest in the blessed home land- on tuesday june 5th a large number of mourners fol lowed the remains to church hill the place of interment where the funeral service was conducted by the rev geo- robertson of georgetown assisted by the ker chas bolton- the rev gentleman addressed the mourners from heh 11 13 ig dying in faith and deserviug a better country the chief mourner hai the deepest and truest sympathy aud well may he say tboa art pane to liie etvc bat we will not deplore thee wfcoee god tts the wot thy c qlrdin and guide k gave thee he look hoc and he will restore thee and death bs no etiaf for the sanocr ha died built alongside of the canada southern railway aud haft excellent ahippiug facili ties an oattsftti mill i run hi connection with lbs mlll thr itaro factory and oooper ahop of tteaikjbiomaa mcmackon sou a forrosrty ot acton is erected near the mill and they supply tho firm with eight iandrm bairtla per week they alio supply another mill in tho vicinity they have a largo slock of limber in their yard and will occupy several months in tuniinfi jt into staves and heading the country hereabouts ta well timbered and more iu table for this line of basineaa than acton and rockwood have been of late years the farms in this section indicate that it is a rood agricultural district the fail wheat is looking well in most cases which it more than can be said for many other parts of the country from milton to woodstock along the credit valley r r tho fall wheat looks very poor indeed but between woodstock and ridgctown it present a much better appearance the peach flourishes here the cherry tree are still free from the obnoxious black- knot and the grape seems to be just at home if it were not for fear that i have already trespassed upon your space i would have given a more detailed account of the country as seen by the train but i must close yoars ac a bc business brevities some ractt about oar business men and houaaa of bone fit to our keaeral readers oh what a bough i will yuu heed thewarijingt tjw l perhaps of the tare approach of tatpioot terrible ilica coniampion akiqr witm if you dan dbritoh be utpalif 69 cents to ran tho risk ai d do boihtftf for it we know from expert nee that 8hnvi cure will cure your cooji it devtafli this explaiui why more thin a milloa bot tles were sold the past tear it raltevm croup and whooping dough at one mothers do not bo wiuioiitik forlafflo back side or chest use khilohs porous plaster sold by j moarria jptufitehs wantkb wanted afex poouda bf good clean goose feathers apply at ouci at the t free press office oucifl cpre tsfci qe8ikable holties to let three of those coo veaienllj arranged tenement houses of the acton building aaociatiou may be rented by applying to w hstoftey acton doc 21it 1882 president wheat the world annually consumes aboct a billion and a half bashels of wheat or on an average about one and a quarter bushels each for the entire human race in countries where bread is made the staff of life the yearly consumption of wheat averages from four bushels to four and a half bushels per head- excluding children under three years of age of this billion and a half bushels the american continents supply np93oq 000 of which canada yield 11500000 bushels the three greatest wheat producing countries in theworld are the united states france and russia which respect ively produce about w0 282 and iij millions of bashels annually canadas average crop equals the com bined crops of portugal holland greece denmark switzerland sweden and norway but- creditable as it certainly is our present yield will be looked upon as exceedingly small when the vast fertile and productive areas of the korthwestshali have become fully under the control of skilled agriculturalists actoa jtxae gth i1 ge- notes and gomments the dominion license bill can be better criticized after we have it as it comes from the senate it is intended to submit the scott act hi the county of essex and a convention to arrange preliminaries is called at essex center for the 1 5th inst mr jas young il p p for north brant has been appointed provincial treas urer in the vacancy left by the retirement of the hon s c wood the halton election petition is likely to come to trial 6oon in the court of appeal an order has been given to supply the re spondent mx kerns with particulars of the charges of bribery etc in the petition at a large temperance meetinaheld at woodstock last week it was unanimously determined to proceed with the submitting of the scott act in oxford fifteen hun- drtxidullars was pledged on the spot as the nucleus of a fund to defray the expenses of the campaign la the evening an immense meeting was held in the town hirll rev d l brethourof milton gave a most eucouraging account of the working of the act in halton the following resolution was passed without a dissenting voice that this meeting hail with much satis faction theitidings of the operations of the scott act jnj halton and the delegates pledge eir influence for its adoption in oxford nassagaweya court of revision the members having taken the required oaths organized as a court of revision the reeve in the chair the court then considerod the appeals and carefully examined the assessment roll with the following result the appeal of charles w donald to be assessed for part of the wj lot 5 con o dismissed john barberree and stephen barberree change of aasessment frrn the late lam- bert barb to said parties te name of the late robert men zen was struck off and william meoxies changed from tenant to owner j on motion the assessment roll as i amended was coonrmed and the court was closed i the council resumed the reeve in the chair mr hutcheon moved seconed by mr wheelihan that the following accounu he paid viz 100 to t j starratt for printing minutes and bylaws c 200 for bylaw appointing township officers 230 for advertising the court revision lc0 to innes and davidson for advertis ing the court of revision and i2ito hart co for blank assessments carried mr wheekhan moved seconded by mr hutcheon that s scriber be paid the sum of 1g00 for board and lodging of david hunter for two months and eight days ending on the 31st may corned mr gould moved seconded by mr marshall that the sum of 3lg6 be paid to joseph anderson for thirteen sheep killed and four wounded by dog or dogs said claims having been duly certified to carried- llr marshall moved seconded by mr wheelihan that the sum of 25 be granted to allan ramsey in aid of w ritchie and daughter said persons being in destitute circumstances c arried mr marshall moved seconded by mr hutcheon that the clerk be instructed to commenicate with the municipal council gf puslinch with regard to the repair of i the road on the town line opposite lot 31 of this township carried on motion the council adjourned to meet again on monday the 27th day of august for the purpose of passing a bylaw for levying the school rates required for the severai sections and for the trans- actiorrbf other township business john eistekeuook township clerk board of education the board of trustees of acton public school met in the council chamber on monday evening 4th inst members present mr james matthews duunsan w h storey d lowry and 2 e kegirrin minute of jt meeting read and con- tie vcommiuee on finance presented onr rockwood correspondents letter your correspondent having been visiting friends in highgafe this week presumes that a letter from that place will not be uninter esting especially aa a short reference is made to a fine roller mill in which your readers are much interested at present which is in successful operation there- also to the business of former residents of acton the cumberland hula operated by messrs tolson scott are turning oat a very superior grade of flour by the roller process the quality u so much in ad vance of that made by the ofd prooesa that the firm is unable to supply tho demand for it tho mill tarns oat two hundred barrels per day of twelve hoars tho granery adjoining the mill ha a capacity of thirty tubaand bitabxls tlie mill is wool wool tho holiest market price will be paid in cak or trade for any quant it j of good clean merchao table wool mcleod audrrwa k co george town hsu fictn to ceuu to j250 at j fyfes tf yoa wantanouhy durable and cheap ait j fyfcs is the pucc to go scotch ensiiih and cauidiaa sailings in greit variety at the east end clothinic store jfyff actou suits aud overctiau at extremely low rates aud ftude iu lstet sty lex be sate to call and c them j fvfe actou mcquilit t hamilton of he welling ton marble wtirlcr gticlnh out are doing the largest retail marmc trade in oat ow- tng to the fct iju they da the beat work i and sell he cheapest tic pablic are warn- ed lirxinat deiliug i ij second hand trade 1 ptdtllerc bat haald na direct to the inn i or bay from their ageut sec that the i name mcqaillan 4 hamilton ii on the printed farm ufore sien or order j s vvethercii wriliug from winnipeg isyi i cau ay uiote about phoyptiatht cow than when i saw yoa last in toronto my health is mncb improved and i am free from headaches or any other aches having only used two and a half bottles of your phosphaline for sale by all druggutt flhpie aid eke call at j e mcgarvin a drag store far a package of mcgregor parkea carbolic cerate it is compofed of vaseline car bolic acid nl ccnte and haf never failed to remove pimples blotches ulcerated sore rough skia it cures when all others fail try it 4g j we have a speedy and posiure cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and head ache in suilohs catarrh remedy a naial injector free with each bottle l it if you desire health and sweet breath price 50 ceou sold by j e mcgarrin 9 fikoohs catarrk keaiedr a mirreloua cure forcatarrh diphtheria canker mouth and head ache with each bottle there is an iogenioui nasal injector i for the marc successful treatment of these complaints wilhoat eitrs charge pri oo cents sold bvj f mcgarvin 49 in the history of medicine no preparation has received such universal cotnmendation for the alleviation it affords and the per manent cure it effects in kidney diseases as de yak birexx kidxct ctke its ac tion in these distressing complaints is sim ply wonderful sold by j e mcgarvin baddeas armlea aclve the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily cure burns bruises cute ulcers salt rheum fever sores cancers pile chilblain corns tetter chapped hands and all skin erup tions guaranteed to care in every instance or money refaaded 25 cents per box for sale bv j e mcgarvin 4c the create e heollagr ccmpoamd is a preparation of carbolic acid vaseline and cerate called mcgregor t parkes car- bolic cerate it will cure any sore cut bum or bruise when all other preparations fail call at j e mcgarvias drug store and geta package twentyfive cents it- all it costs 46 mr henry marshall reeve of dun writes some time ago i got a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable discovery from mr harrison and i consider it the tery best medicine extant for dyspepsia this medicine is making marvellous cures iu liver dyspepsia etc in purifying the blood and restoring manhood to full vigor 1 care for ci eir the finest healing compound under the sun is mcgregor t parke carbolic cerate there is no sore but will succumb to ita wonderful healing properties it is an invalaable dressing for scalds festerings etc price twenty-five- cents at j e mcgarvina drugstore 46 xes aad cmfr tie safferlmf browns hoosehald pauacea lias no equal for rdietinr pain both internal aud external it cures pain in the side bock and bowels sore throat rheumatism tcothacbe lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely qnlcken the blood and ileal as its acting power is wonderful browns ii uusehold panacea being acknowledged as the great palo reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir of liniment io the world should be io every family bandy for use when wanted as it really is tbe best remedy io the world for cramps in the stomach and bains and aches of all kind and i for sale by all druggists at i5 cents a botue qirkuge punting c c 8peicht u prepared to rcptmt market waggon baggies cuucrt kc in hrtt cluu ityle at the most reanonibie price all order promptly altcsded to and uthfictitn guircnteed apply it speights ibop or it the residence on ouarcb street cj c speight acton juv loth 83 j txprkhs oelivekv tbc ondersigncd wlbe o tonouoce to the buiiness men and otber reqairiag ex press or freight dciirered thtt bo hai norcbued tbe bmineu formerly carried on by mr e mittudsrs nd inteodi fiving hii wliclc ittentlon to tlutl iwsineis aji goodscartfolly handled and promptly di- lircrcd yoar palronngc reapeclfolly 10- llclted johk matthews acton iryk83 ptajflak barber sh op j f wohrensr has opened a barber shop io the premises lately occupied by dr forster u a medical office and solicits a share of jibe patronage of this yiciuity kvery department of the baninesa rill be coad acted in tirstclass style give as a call jip wordex jan 23 rd 1 883 oaleshex waxttjd to begin work at ouce qn sales for fall is3 for the fonlhill narscries the largest in canada morrut sroxt t wkl- lisctos proprietors we cau start in ad dition to oar already urge force 100 ludt- tt0val ctnvaaeiix and wattmen who can give full time to tbc baaineasi steady em- plojiment and cood salaries to mecessfal men it dote not matter what yoar prev ious occupattpa has been if yon are willing to work yoar access is almost certain the best of references required apply en closing photo if possible to stoke k wellington nurserymen toronto out n otice to ckedituks purttunt to the protiriou of r b 0- j chap 107 sec the creditor erf john mc- i pbenon ute of the tondhip of esanet- fag county of hilton who died on or boat tbe nib lly 1883 ire on or before the lit of aajat 1383 to end by pat prepaid to robt mcphcnoo ir 8peyiide p o their christian and tnrnames addreaae and description the fall particulars of their claims a statement of their occoants and tbe nature of their securities jif any held by tbera or in deficit thereof tho admin- fstrator will after tbe said at mentioned dale proceed to distribute tbe assets of tke said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only td the claims of which the said administrator shall hare notice dated at sfkyeitle thr 1st day of jnne iis robt nfcphersov sr sfevbtdrpo administrator for the estate of the late johk kcpmatsoi oooo cokds hemlock bark wastied the subscribers will pay five dollars anrtfifty cents per cord for all prime quality hemlock bart delivered at the tannery at acton before xovemher 1st ls83 bark malt be bright on qcsh hat and fall foar feet long curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re duction any other information will gladly be famished npon application at the tannery to our mr willson beardmoretco actou ifav 9th 18s3 court of revision the court of revision for the municipality of the villace of acton wql hold its first sitting for the hearing and determining of appeals against the assesameut of 1883 in the council chamber ok i tuesday i2iti of june 1883 at eight oclock pja j e mccarvin clerks office may 16 1888 ytllaar clzaa harnes trunk arirrits aejuinixc ixtthisg ix harness or trunke to save money should go to r creech acton alu the news for a cent the toronto daily world the only onecent morning paper in canada threedollassa year t wextyf1 vhcests a month one cent j copy a9leaa than half tbe cost of say otber morning paper yoa can make money by can raising for the world agents and canraaaen wanted everywhere send poetcard for termi and sample copy trie w0kld peintiira co no 13 king itieei east toronto arctic loe cream faxlor i amd- a e matthews having purchased the business lately carried ou by mr l g matthews in the post office building and remodelled the es tablishment is now prepared to supply the public with arctio ice cream delicious soda water duerent flavors icecold lemonade fresh k ripe fruits beat brands cigars and everythingpertnining to the line of firstclass qualify let ortun ffajfuei ia any quiauty a j intend jiyiog my personal attention to the business customers can rely upon baying the orders carefully filled a isit solicited aematthews hills tin i stove depot good assortment uk stoves cheap for cash tinware of all kinds at bottom prices eavetroughing a specialty akj put up on shortest notice first classmaterial only used a call solicited j 0 hill mill st flour feed store the undersigned has purchased the flour and peed buisesa from mr kobert klliotl and will carry on the business in the build ing formally sued as a barber shop oppos ite the old feed store i will keep in stock and sell for cash floor chopped peas boiler flour chicken feed oraulatd wheat oats peas oraoked barley rye graham flour oil oake buckwheat thorley cattle oatmeal feed corn meal climax feed bran flax seed shorts potatoes chopped oats turnips chopped barley beans c c garden field and flower seeds freeh and erood for sale cheap yonr patronace rcspecffally solicited cub for all kinds of grnlii l g- matthews your footwear in asking the above question wo simplydeaireyoqtoexaraiue close ly three main points istqnality material 8nd8tyle fit and work aremce slieofbul and when you are satisfied with conclusions pay us a visit and we will guarantee quality of ma terial style of fit and work and an appreciable saving on your order splendid stock of sprint goods for ladies gentlemen and child ren just opened if these are sufficient considera tions please call on kehhey son main street acton halton dry qci house aj3ton sum me importation just to hand new dress goods for this 8eason check a5d plain satwfjjnuns veiling wool bunting and cashmeres in myrtle green bbownghijystonk l navy blue ckeam 4 btrje with new shades and 5t other different kixnds of fabrics 8atin brocades ottoman cokds and spotd trimminos braids tarlatan braids in nesv cotors passementre trimmings in great variety mantle loops frogs and ornaments iv all the sew ratrnori- a great drive we arc in receipt of 40 pieces of cashmeres in blue mack jet black brown buek mid dull black krery person able to purchase a drew tboild frit fifrminhi to secure a caahmete at at least 30 percent leas than regular talue i j staple cood8 we are filling up aguin white cottons are down and pnrchasera will find on exao- ination of our cottons ducks deoima shirtings cottonades and linton caeaimeres spicial iines that our prices are the lowest we are tbe only house in actonthat hamue these goods which are scarce on account of the iitcraaawf demand siace ueir ralie aw become known wc open two case of theae goods una week dont fail to ae then mispeclal values in all kinds of linen coods hosiery and cents furnlshins millinery goods summer trade haa opened up if ilh as in ul wast and ip meet tbe jrea demand for fashionable mfllinary wc hateordered to arrite thia week aeeral cwea ot indies and muses latcf new york styles of hata andonnets in straw leghorn tape and other materials dont fail tp sec these goods before laariag yooerders formrmtr wear- solid leather boots and shoes we are the only house iu actors tbavaellj v kings sciii leather boot shoe slip per tc wcwol guarantee every pair- we can furnish yoa with cheap eastern work same as rttcr houses if you want them but it will pay yi to bay aolid leather gpofc only and get ihcm warranted they ct but a trifle more please give us a call for these roods and wc riu guarantee you satisfaction v groceries we sell groceria cheap good batter for sale frosn i to 20 cents seed polatoe for sale go cents a bsj c b crirwi is i f the oitt geooeet still takes the lea new coods low prices best value at wh howell8 a hearty invitation is extended to all to come and rf tue best and biggest stock or imported croclseary and chaosrar ever- brought into acton i j in the oro0ery line as well i defy competition i show the best assorted stock of fresh goods that ready cash can buy and ripe experience select all goods warranted as represented to prove to 10ur entire satisfaction that this is no bluster just call and compare prices here is a sample 20 pounds good raisins for 1 1 00 and 14 pounds splendid siigw for i remember the right spot for groceries 18 at the city aroqeryonthbnorthwmoobhkomiain i and mill stjuusrii w h sowaclriwon 1 m