Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1883, p. 2

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m m mt it 1 if v i jl si jfftort jfri grig dominion parliament prorogued the first session ol the fifth parliament of uu loniimau which ha draped iu weary letiglh through fifteen weeks waa fonually ixvuht l close liut friday the sotiou va cry lengthy- bul not correspondingly productive iu legislative aclu queen victorias health her majesty in such feeble condition as io cause alarm lisiov may ithe condition of the uceu is now known to be such as to war rant alanu cveu ou the part of her physi- cmns aud pcroul attcudauk the character of her ujues has not been well defiiied beyoud a point that it is of a nervous type- and f ifot readily controlled by the ordinary ttmiedic her condition has beeu such uial forda it 1ik been difficult to get from herself any sufficient description of the symptoms to enable the physicians to act intelligently hex majestys nervousness has became bo ex treu- tht she is fluently hysterical and botuetimes almost beyoud control and bordering on delirium ueeu victoria is not an old woman ou thursday last she completed her wth year she comes of a louglived race and is blesd with a good const it utioii thoogli the situation is no doubt critical we may itili hope that iuis uoi desperate notes and comments ttuiperaiice men are very indignant at the increased number of licenses granted in sarnia tki year aud have taken steps to protest against the exteusiou of the tmnic the jtarviuis of landdowue uic comtug ooveruorcjeueral of canada is credited with having irish estates covering over 120000 acres from which he receives a yearly rental of 173000 lydia pinkham whose vegetable com pound is known in even city and hamlet in the land died at lynn mass last week asedto years shespent iilou0 a year in iidvutiting her jtxprtelarv medicine and secured a trade that netted 300000 profit annually tlie authorities at tlie iimui- irnuit tieds state that this month they have served about i0uo0 meals being a many a were given to tlie immigrants daring the whole of jaet season this goes to how the increase in th arrivals this ear though the tide has hardly xzzll set ra yet experience everywhere hs proved that prohibitory jaws enacted by the people are so far carried out by the people as to great- h lessen crime and drunkenness it hit been so in all the states which have adopted them and it is so iii our own county the objection that they do not succeed perfectly would apply vith similar force to the enact ment ot laws against arson burglary lottendeauiig horse stealing assault perjury and all other crimes vc believe that if men are to be made temperate it must be through conviction stufvefl huyir vthich is borne oat by the fact that the gentlemen who live in kingston penitentiary are strict teetotal lers baudltjh upmotor and we believe that if the editors of the expositor and sprdalor are ever to become sober men it will never be until they are associated with the gentlemen in kingston penetentiary or some rirailar institution 11 iu from 73 eeula to 1250 at j fytyi if you waul a nobby durable aud cheap mit j fyfcs is uic nlac to go scotch koffuah aud caaadiau suitiugt in nrtt variety at the hast kud cloth id itore 3 fyfc acton suits nod overcoau l ttlrouioly low rates and made iu latest itylei be sute to call and aoe thorn j fyfe acton i rib a dni 6ort ncrerwas nich a nnu made for aay lttig store ax is how at mcgarvlua for ft trial bottle of dr kites new discovery forcodsauiptiod cuaghs aud cvlia all persons affected with asthma broacbius hoarsobcas severe coughs or any affection of the throat aud laugs can get a trial bottle of tbis creat remody nr by calling it above drug store regular lite 8100 we hare a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker aud had ache iu shilohs catarrh licmedy a uaaal injector free with each bottle uie it if you desire health aad sweet breath price 50 ccqu sold by j e mcgarvin 6 sculaktt calarrfc kerned a mrvelous cure for catarrh diphtheria cdnkerraoutliaud head ache willi each bottle there is an iugtoious qawil injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without feln charge price 50 cents sold by j f ifxgarrin 4j vtcu kewanlrd a liberal reward will be paid to any party who will piodace a cjuc cf liver kidney or stomach complaint that klctric bitters will cot fpeedily cure bring them along it will cost you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure and yon will be well rewarded for your trouble beside ill blood diseases kilioiuaess jaundice constipation aud general debility are quickly cared satiafictioa guaranteed or money refunded price only fifty cents per bottle for sale by j k if coarviu iu the history ec medicine no preparation his received sach universal commendation for the alleviation it affords aad the per manent cure it effects ia kidney diac u ue van br res kinscv ctre iu ac tion m these distrestng comphuut is kim- ply wonderful sold by j e matviii backlcdt irminibalie the greatest medical wonder if the world warranted to speedily curebunf bruises cuts ricers salt uheuin fever sores caccers pile chilblains corns tetter chapped hands aad all skin crup- tioua guaranteed tocuri in ererj iostance or mooey refunded 2j ccnu perbor for sale bvj f mcgarvin 46 bankrupt stock now goiug ou at p kellys store next to j e mcgarvin s drug 8tore consisioxii or clothing hats caps shiets ties gooids kni iiiwool uiti plat i1m lai atoal sultt 1800 kni st7lii strtt stti me elejiat oiia ti sfttl h plkm h orait 8ua4 ssith k toiks an jui fce- have received their purchases of canadian american and european goods for the present season and have no w in stock over one hundred and thirtyfive thousand dollars worth of choicer staple fancy dry goods i it to ij imhevse stosk ove h05dhed and firty zect ix length fsowdeb rrou vbluhto attic with tue best selectel stock w rave ever cabueo i tatboks will have 8cbjiittkd to tuek this season value blcu a8jwe hate xeveb offebed asd as assomkest to ch008e tbox mosk vakieu thav ov avt formeb occasion ou 1200 pieces english and french priiks lovely patterns and many of them confined toiourseivc 193 pieces duudas und lybster shirtings splendid heavy goods 246 pieces white cotton english and americau makes 263 pieces heavy duck denim and coitonade bought at a great reduction from regular prices thousands of dollars worth of tickiogs sheetings pillow cottons table linens and lacje curtains nl -astolsriseciitg- prices annnal district meeting tlie annual district meeting in connection rith tfae jlethodist church of canada was held in the norfolk street church gaelph ou taeday and wednesday of last week rev w s griffin chairman nresiding tlie first day was ocenpied bj- uie members in retiewihf the wcrk in their different churches for the year spiritual progress au must of the circuits was reported and an increase in the membership the re cording stewards of the different circuits met with the members on the second day when the receipts and expenditure for each circuit or mission for the year were report ed- and the members of the different conference committees appointed the following are thetotal amounts raised by the several circuits in the district for all purposes during the past year guelph dublin street fi8ic00 guelph korfollc street 320 tt gait 3w3 00 acton olooo fergus 18300 georgetown 1536 00 preston 1523 00 rlespelet berlin elora kassagaweya pousouby elmira eockwood garafraxfl y ririn xew hamburg 1395 00 132100 1305 00 1u9 00 1190 00 ioni 00 978 00 885 00 cwo0 508 00 the above report shows that outside of the city of guelph acton is second in the amounts raised for church purposes al though many of the places claim larger population and membership our jtelli- odist friends here deserve credit for their liberaiity the total membership for the seventeen circuits and 2ssions composing the guelph district is 2356 ftli increase after allowing for deaths removals 4c of 17 all the connexional funds were reported in advance for missionary purposes the district raised this year 1208007 an in crease of 15752 the bev wm morton of georgetown- was appointed fo the stat ioning committee and the bev e h waddell of gajt to the sabbath school committee why should a man whose blood is warm within sit uk6 bit gribdsjre cut is alabuur t or let iu hair rrov nuty knt and thin wbenciogilee beoewcr will make it grow fiw faster for ale t j s mogsftul tbia will lie a grand chauce to secure bargains as tlie goods wtrc jurchasedat fifty cents on tits dollar aud mast be sold at once dress goods oooo cokds hemlock bark ffaated theabcribcrs wiil piy five dollars and fifty cents per cord for all prime quality hemlock cart delivered at the tannery al actoo before november 1st 1583 bark must be bright on flesh flat and fall four ftet lnj curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re daction any other information wiil gladly be furoialied upon application at the tannerv to our mr willson blaioluorkfcco actou slav 9 tii iss3 hoping you will give usit call i i remain ic frank deitch i come one come all court of revision the coon of revision for the municipality of the village ot acton will hold its first sitting for the hearing aud determining of appeals seilst the assessment of l3 in the i council chamber tuesday june 1883 at eight ociock pjn j e mccarvin vnugr clrrc clerks office may ig l3 zcfqfe- harnes trunk epqf pirties tikjcinikc ikttecg ix harness or tnankst- to save money euoold fio to r creech acton a arctic ff ice cream farlox i frttit defot a e matthews having purchojed the business lately carried on by mr l g- matthews ia the post office huildingaud remodelled thees- tablishment is novr prepared to supply the public with arctic ice cream delicious soda water duleront flavors ice cold lemonade fresh ripe fruits best brands cigars and every thingpertaining to the line of firstclass quality io otttm svpputd iu aay quuttty as i intend giring my porsooal attention lo the baiinen customers can ny opon baviflg the orders carefully filled a rms solicited i a e matthews cheap goods a car load of dress materials at 10 121 20 and 25 cents xoit of thetf troktit uolble tue price asked fok thev great bargains in our dress goods jepartment all wool xux8 yeilixgall culorii at 25 30 akd 35 cetri fixe bradford cashmeres all colors at 50 cents all wool dk beiqe3br0wn fawn and orev at 15 cents broche lace bdntingblack clieail sky and navv at 15 cents that 13ig lot of all wool french dress goods we advertised at 25 cents a yard is nearly all cone such goods were never offered in guelph at the price before black french cashmeres at 50 60 g5 75 90 100 and 125 we show a splendid rauge of fiue french dress materials at ioc 3oc 40c aud 45 cents iu such shade as mos- bronze ocean greenferra gotta crushed strawberry copper brown tauxendarrae mastic beaver etc trimmings to match each shade if 1 durable silks it has been a matter of considerable difficulty forladics to procure at a moderate price a silk dress of rich appearance and dnrability we have searched tho markets thoroughly eoraparedthe productions of different makers and liotv recommend to our patrons and the public silks manufactured at lyons by etienno cliarbin ve have a largestock of wp bidm co sell cheap their teas command attention 25 centtea of superior qual ity equal to much of the higher priced tea sold cood tea at 30 cents avery choice lot of 50 cent tea justin in all lines fresh good and low priced blaok dress silks black mantle silks blaok dress satins colored dress goods summer silks millinery bo 75 1 00 1 25 1 40 1 60 2 3 1 125 135 150 175 2 3 1 125 150 175 2 3 50 60 70 75 901 50 a m ira a- millinery we have on exhibition throughout the season more than two hundred trimmed hats and bonnets representing the latest london and new york styles ladies can obtain from us fine millinery at very moderate prices mantles imported jackets and dolmanettes rich goods and handsomely trimmed newest designs even lady should get oue of ourlllastrated mantle circulars showing exact copiej of mantles imported by us this season hplendfd cashmere jackets 3 splendid silk dolmans 910 jackets and dolmans up to 963 each splendid cashmere dolmans 96 handsome brocbe dolinnncttes 915 antle akinx a specialty splendid silk jackets 98 uauasome ottoman bolmaaetie 915j parasols sunshades umbrellas i i v hundreds of chudrcnvparasols at 85 cents each hundreds of large satinet parasols at 4oc see c and oc each nnndreds of black and brown silk parasols at 9123 hundreds of black brown and green silk parasols with the new rustic handles and paraxon frames at 92t 98 m 9s black brown and green satin parasols without lace tfl 9380 93 fancy satin parasols at 9188 9a 99 96 10 andjtw i crockery and cla88ware in oreat variety see and examine them prices alwaws right w p brown co oaepets ceeiibi the biggest stock wethave ever had the best patterns we have ever shown the best valne rcrabie tapestry carpets at 45 50 0065 76 90 91 brussels carpets at- 90 91 110 9185 sisv 1 4o all wool cahpetd at 75 85 90 lih5 9126 9u0 omulf carpets at 50 65- t585 cbnt8 hemp carpets stair carpets india matting dooft mats hemith rugs axmlnsterttuqs etc gbbat yarist 1 tue pb08pectf0b trade 18 verv exoouuukg ou cabii sales are iscreasixo daily and cokpabed 1t1tb toiuieb skasos8 show a oeeai ol- pbotevet pee80sslit1kq at a distance from kjelph abe avaulntfthemselvej of the abvaotatiia ojrkttkd 9voub it i letter order department iftuoh has tue pbbsosal bupbbviglos of bbdavid hogg 8ahp1es sent to aky fabt of thb oousibt ikd abtouuhs bi vbrbtik exjwint ilih tbb qreatest case send fob sa1iple8 john hogg son y guelph cfiwl

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