Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1883, p. 3

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m a fc j- ii ft tuviupa v1llag lllrvllom a nimirn or i v varieties mrsino kcb 15 1843 until lar linden lo iyivai cvrii i 0lt t eo ityndg jjcaoef tft ttitmn a l o lynds rwaca xauhruti diritinj cimbf fink cuiiibt u itrit for vinf 7re n g hmulf has been holding elder 00 lertiog special services in tlic each evening dtiriu hid past week h iwear imiiiii the fomiuul confvculiou of lulou bl t ihcralw arraaml ty the v it ike pea a en for k dtr af id free itrin wood is scarce ugain in town i brifcljl moonlight nlghlt again fislc more frmles liunty tc w mikoiio day achene assoiialiou will ik on t islh 16th oalrte ltait ui pxr s of brevity our espccia robertson u copy ot the lurtda and iu thauki iu f nr anil olhrr lalerrel lo oki disciples ck vpcl friday mill kijlur ut much c due to ieitlv ik c oirvspnflcice m apcrs relative lo the ontario lie sunday is oa march cath agreeable weather this week documents ary tteahk the ii dimtscs at prison most pe al tut iu this district as given by the ye kl health bulletiii arc 14onckitis anxtuia thftrulwlulities announce a general thaw this week the alcatiue nuisance ii over so thinks the postmaster that little franchise speech by our xed wasu t so had after 1l neuralgia id flueii7i pncutnouia tonsillitis iuhlial mlaltlrr a comber members of the terian church eld tmimm ijr uuil and ttnl n this village arc agitating the advisability of engaging a young nan ycnnnts- extensive thaws promised ing held here is i mid liv id assist in the otk of the church dnsiu the summer uijntbs oatlulo in our item resisting the reform meet- t wednesday eveuiujr ion that jr john avhflc one of ibo speakers tiit frida and saturday didnt come i omitted to meu r oa bible lands will be given of mton was in itc prciby terian church this cveniug spcoch was pronounced by all as the spe knoxjcharch acton u instituimg the j of lhc mni envelope system for the pavmem o church j secrfiit jniiics therviu rmaios a urge qjianlitc of jtain inlhc hands of the farmers of this viciaitv tf llr xi k jlitcb- mr c p preston has been appointed aeswr i r the township of ksqucaiu for 1ssj 1 dut tie enow bjlaw make seme for the shovelling of street shco pretisinu crvisins dcpo it hidden ex- tier csscsscrs will socu lie fecl- ini ilxir way mr v wordcn iai rcuijrcd hh biirvr hi lo the drug toe utcly ccu- pdy ijr- foster ttii- urm of lar rcek reuaercd lii tea 1 uot invpcisibie bet hty are c- pretty wei broken rgsir if yji icr lt slip up ii temi lo owini to in j- if ue jrncs l koti v oar turplu wealth iu som- 11 the many frit jlaw student for t number tf yeari readout of tills village will be glad learn that he was so sskesafulio tic legal examinations at ogoie itall toioiito last week as tj pass hit first interracdate eiauiinatiou nippon the una r the large quantity cf snow oa some of the roofs in town is makitv tbemeilreice ly liable to jfrc way jnnder the uncsrjf1 weight several builiiinrs have aire iken eoniidera- and cur icaden will dii vrcll to roofs of thir liiiidinilproper nitentki no tlarr treat i eighty nien actitreatig the f ulowiair asmv eacervi ing drink in a p up and fail down colcnlat- to you evidentiv fail down ard ycjr ealcabuiaii orrloon if- ily iujtitxirrom tbiscav m lie in dunces hv yautd kxlziyj and hzve sictcd kdic t i promisc foliuj fici allichd lo ihis plwljc not to treat or bo irtatt j to atir mtorical ot almost a iaspcteiumtyfor pass etcii odjer oailn rodd ile unusuil deptb of sootv re m-iiiiu- mill m liujr mpp lu uefonn pvaitijil parties ere ermenv icrtuffiillitle luleatioa of iniaibg ui alead fail bat jrell iratliow it tloesui appear to very funy owi smith uj fcact t he j tli irce were biutirullhiugdtlfl tn o tueijjjmctoidjaodlbpbriul 1 puuc tavern birram aj vc-n- zyi ijea s f ai j thr cemctctj hiwrfca rill wc be omictd lo rerjrt i to be eriivdti cccdtio of car vilbe i c-iiie-r- ufrfeo uvld ifit u- c ii will he riv iiividejdala in tlis rj2tlr inrizg tlt prttjut year iui i bylwr ur tb- purcbe of a ccic- tciv xu obiijtid ido- vol- d with very i the itilu s e wish them iucce n- amiiaing to lee scoic one else wheu you come to tryjlt voorself j ilvy dress cciuval will he held raneydre carnival n kiel outucsdsv- cvjn- ovrtwcaly dollars will g to the iibfej of councillor j be given in priri for different races cis- tillage conndl madt hu resid- 1 tcmes c ill comptlilors in the -difljer- plicc of meeting cm toesday j cot racea mutt be in costume actn the acoa sij ir 20h ins councillor be given in pri enhgh gtvetli i-pptfranc- t acic town bell rger to give a few lessons on the rinio cf ur new lon hall 10 mr thi s- tastont tender for caretaker of town h i an 1 ilr iutber lvmsnv for lighting strt lkmpsv wcreacceptcdby the j l eacli the first prize of 30 to conned ti e tenders iking ifoi ai1 100 per z for annumr speclively mrc v suffoid ha eeciad th ehop iicsl ioorto xir geo ilyikis jtwclry blore to b ud as an office for hia tck phoot- bn nes- llr henry f j hill will we nnlrrr and ijc the local manager of the buiiuess the 1 aiu bv trhich xir tlios ferry man left f r colluigwood last wednesday 1 sajw bank about two miles waa tuct ponh pf td ii openj tlue id the roads ffforicleifii thffamilv return- id be re penmntal line hised here u itrached fro i thorn psona catriake factory to dr tei i inants office kicg street a block distan was cousiuerable excitement j lod tho m was surprisiuglv r licietholdcrs ia tie london diinc jt ev lrkl tle anao ilasonic jottery last week the columns cljim lhll u tvfcct a mm cat i i u the daily papers ware eagetlyj be taiainerl 3t l distanceof 3 miles and if j 3ir j ud diwppoiulcd plibionvaiies j lrae lh un telephone will likcll- 1 ta iiminanl i i j me with a srpng riral the only cost flicui1 in c of ogures scauned were pred the s iog of v plact tan ion sur commnnit of the ac bachor bow man purchase abuicd w tjtisii acewont oi thai prev town b dothin in frontof anci lle head iiatriini2e thing for torn dolht irii ere itinerate tfi for tale lrecchea is said v wilh thtn fear there brasa bind will be present forparliculrn sec ikjscrs prl ror liet the triirri atlrjtclr priie of iltfi given rnnnally by xm ueild editora d i wnjt nian wants proprietor of that piper will be awarded e wauca to hire the george- lit the cxt rroriccial eihibitiia tope landscape a anguificeal held at tatlphj ont from the iih to the iith cf spiemlr inclusive fur the best stmptss of wheal the prize will be oi- vided as follows two prizes of 30 and he bist variety of fill vvinut wheat for the ncral farmer liise snd liifjo for the second bet variey of fall or winter wheat variety of spriizr whea 3 for the ixjt and zi for lli sococl best variety of spring wheat tetoas vew tejephone the stafford aconslio telephone seen 1 to be cainictr in d is iocdly paised wherever exhibited jibe north west i the ftrvv cf favor all over tc countr referring to a hue on exhibition in txiud bat city says the e idden death on fcalariiay morn- m thompson groceir oj thi liariy kuoi ii city 1 uomp- irised and saddened the entire he was buried on monday xiasciiic honors gtorqttoicn herald the mi ktir nun refetring to an item in ouj- last iisae jays llie editor oa feke pkes is certainly a if ihiayoung man only knew bi0e shjca it fcs tl our lot to b- tniid woaid soji be dis sojij ttkaltvaalllaivovokni u r a a wcslonicclilor rccched it lottor from nu indignant sulicriuer vvlm said j dooi waut ynuti paper a ay iooger ft which hie editor inlldly nlpllcu- that is all right i wouldnt malit ll uiy longer if you did because hi urn place hhovrid have lo hoy a new pre4 the present length just suits tjir and fcum jlad it sttltii you it is in be hopnljjliat thli soft answer turned away vvmllj- trip t nnooalx in acton the members of aclcn jiodiia iook have oniplclcdanaugcuiehts with mr j v llvngongh toronto cikoonlst of grip for a ketujc illulrated j ith chrtootia lo le civeu in the new lovviil idl on the even- icgnf the gth of apiililic nuivcisary of yddfcllovibip in auiijricii mr ben- guuelis repulalion is vvclliaicvvu lo all our readers aud wc feci lhat a trevtt is iiulcru for our citixens oa the abovoovpnine j batrhns if i i j tho acton kubi pitessjjina baa a lead- i tug article in his last issnion itlie evils of dancing- its not the dancing the cdiioi ii down ua so much as the positions and ns- socuijous vhich that fnabmatiog amuse ment lrigs about y have observed cljscfor ycais and arc fiuctd lo tbc con- clusiuii lhat many evils rtjmli from public daiuiiii aud tht professing christians at any rale sbould not dtbtrqr their innuoate liypariiciraliug iu that which is neither rure nor holy rloirvrif limit the be slsa nonrit i in all the towns whercji- newspaper ia puliished every uan shoulj advertise iu it even if nothing more than a cird stating his uxme and th- uuines h is engaged in it not holy pnys tlic advertiser but it lets proile at a ditance know that the town you live in has a prosprias community of basiues nion u the seed is smvi si the fruit icconipcnses xertr takouoivu yoar sign while you evpccf ti do btiiiues- for it iudiitcs thii your busiaes is poor and you are losiug your grip commercially speaking the ludicious advertise- will re ceive leu dollars for every one iuvcatcd in the columns of adive newspaper luinilng inetdenu otlhe aon blockade the uiiuua fallof tuow lal week added to inn which had previously arrived had the cfleet of almcs completely blocking up all the toads iu this vitiuily uod caits arc numereus whire parties vvieouuxd ufter ptvrcdiug i uiipj or two to retrace their stops whieh iu sexual ilistaures was a -eia- riificut malic as fr as we can lcru oui political fricuds f both vriies tarcl the worst in one case a couple of prominent members ofthc reform asso ciation in ihis village left hrc early oa thursday afternoon to atleai dr ltobeil- sjns meeting athrojkville that cveaiug they bad been very studiously engaged for several days pitvious in carcfal study cf the principal yuestious at issue in the pros et campaign ad ro dcubt left wilh lae deterniiutioi la refute every arcumnt tht mialr k prcsiuled by their political oppoacntj well although these gentle- raou didu t get a cluaee to relieve them- sehes of their scdied speeches they provvl lhat there vivs considerable itit iu their coasiluiiouj they first we ut by thc direct road to xiissagaweya bjt were bitiied after procceoing a short distance another road was thentritd withasimilar result and a third attempt landed them in a bamyard in the vicinity of spevsidc bat feeling that their audience hrc would be unnpprcciable llicy returned home dr ilobertrou was also unable lo get to the meeting after several unsuccessful at tempts he started for his home in hilton but was obliged to leave his herse nsd cutter with a farmer about a mile front hilton ami proceed home on fool xir keanis had a similar experience the same evening a meeting in his interests hid been called at komi but he- was qpauc to get there and returnee to xfiltcn how ever the rrhetir7 was organized and was addrrtsed by i white col campbell dr ruck and w jleled all supporters of dr robertson thus are the designs of politicians of lith exeeds thwarted by a simjile scow storm personals mr john watju left en saturday far i notice 1 thetfirm of messrs hughes griffin have dissolved pnrtnerkhip all nccouuu lne he late firm must be paid by the 1st of march 1883 to ja o bqbilfiisr j i uugiikhc b griffin wlic will continue iho business at tut old stand on an enlarged acalo haviiilt added a large stock ol i i groceries i and i increasing his slock of dib goods so that all who favor vis with their pairouagc will be able to servo at he lowest prices we are determined to keep our prices below neighboring towns and make acton headquarters in j uakou for bargains come and see us no trouble to show goods highest price i paid for produce i c b griffin aeton jan 20th ibs- a w green desires to tender his warmest thanks to his many customers for their liberal patronage in the past and takes this opportunity of pre senting to them all the compli ments of the season -ii- ilisa iannie uctjarvin of clifford j visiting her aetoa friends j mr jt ifcinstrecl of shclburno vi ed bis frietds here last week j mr it p jlooicis atiendmg the haltou i county sabbath itcbool conveniioaheld in oakviiic e xleuarvii returned heme on aft u lb- icciden is the payment ferriage andephoce syui lreclinijtbe whes farewell sappar a large uunibr of the frieadj of llri j henry boyd and famiiy met at their residj- j ence on ciiurclj street last friday eveniu- to spend a social hour together on the evi of removal lo tteir new home near ottawa the ladica of jfhe pirty took wciifillec baskets willi ll em olid barinjr spread tt table tbecomp my mt down and did justice to the good t lings provided a vers pleasant ereisiig was spent and the parj er a lliie week jiyl vnth pm i i we very much regret having to state that tile condition of xir asa hall is less favorable than last week and that few hopes are entertained for his recovery h that ilea ss ibis week b7s bmu dull oa broke cp fit a ijaisoaable hour wisbinsmrj ile drifiad slaw of the rdada j uoyd nd family every success in tbci ilin- farmers frb getiiag into i new home add trusting that they will siacss men have hid almost j make as large a circle of friends there as d i but lo clear away the suowj they leave in jjcton their shops bat than you kuow uadoa lo lerr thc drawinr in connection wilh tbd i masonic lotter at london look place la it i trk and tin re are new iiboui ninety when it save when people vox nnu uii nv wntn u v v p lhoaana tuoioted people iu ihe on- is easily underxood when i heres lol i of iolitics to talk abent uow bangehils ihc nail fiaarely pa 4 toxlnf ratkim our f4sliionmakers straogers expecting 6p i i othing they can bet their ibot- it winch there k bdh i it xome- 1 it u xpld tat out of 1030m tlekem fh safe w i o 4 zl we arc uegouj v here only m0 fas received in prizes tralebob dealers l ed tahearof any wolclj oaoouhee it impending due young have already provided himself if the fuhlfm 1ak rapidly so mochr addtos will berequirtd lliai i will be a corner in cok aud aw dust ki taic ba not been u ifceral to at hi allrlecl l ato onr gijand- i thi etdtf tiicistov in acton on the jlh inst the wife of ilr h l thurston of a daughter ran crate willmks in acionon the flth inst freddie youngest son of ilr w wmiiams aged 1 year and aoirths iij the city grocery is full from cellar to frarioi wilh goods suitable for thc holiday season i have not room lo five he name of every article as some do but j i invite he public lo come j ami iuspept my stock for themselves everything it bottom prices i wont tdo undersold i have oh hand the finest grades of teas and sugars ix ihe jiaelaet 1 have just received a large quantity of that famous gunpowder tea which will be sold ai the low hum of uoc per lb or 45c per lb in five lb lots also 3 lbs of good japan tea for 100 during the holidays j greeist sells oheap green does the trade acton dec 21 l882 i v immense clearing sale i preparatory to taking stock picked bargains at prices that tell the tale i gall great bargains acton ians in organization bjliisr relieved nffloaoeial dif lnee- and thi i lottery has cleared off the man debt resting np on the beautiful temple o ibe society la 1 ondm but we do not be lieve in eiuploj ing any each scheme as he we above for accoi uplishing the pnrpoie w are afraid lhal lliia loltery wih have th effect of caiisin attch a wave of gauflilini of this nature s was never known to exln in oar dominic u msffitw tht onlcltcsttbsnson boeord lisknims fluid lightning for nearajgia i iluuiache toothache etc it does not blister ur discolor the skin reriaires but one application to banish all pain magically j without usiniranj creasy linimeut or crv i iug your head iu a poultice for weeks try a twentylive cent bottle frop 1 e xic- larviu druggist i bcvaip or tuilinlleon i siuce dr tbomas ecjectric oil has become celebrated a number of unprin cipled persons have been endeaioring to palm oft electron and eieotrio oil lor i the genuine dr tbomas kclectrio oil j beware of these similar named articleb ii their originators had any failb ip he bealipg properties of llisjir own medi cines they would like honest men give them a name ot their own and not try lo sell them on the reputation of an other but as they know their pre parations have no merit they resort to tht most unprincipled means of selling them by getting n name as near as possible to eclcclno ve tberejore aik the public when purchasing to see lhal the name dr thomas eeleolrlc oil ia an the front of lbs wrapper and the signature of btbmt ttfljav ibe pcjprietori for ptrimaatrthelimk e moarvias will convince the people of acton and vicinity thai we are bound to bejgic the new year oi 1883 witi the greatest bar gains ever seen in dresjsgoods oolored oahmr twtecto silks 8fln tlnd vlvts and everything in ladies goods marked very low in price as we take inventory about the 1st feb our stock of i fancy ooodt i uims rlbbn i neekwsar hotury olovat uhdarwaar wool ooodt ice beingaery large we have de cided to oloso them out at cost j v unprecedented in jhoffrenarkabk value we are offering in tweed suitings and over- coatings we are malting 8uits for 18 regular price 22 and pants we are making tor 4 regular price 5 and everything in this hue m proportion iu readymade suits and overcoats we are closing out the stock at cost and under we have ah immense stock of long boots which we do not intend carrying over and we are offering thefn at reasonably closoprices we have a very heavy stock of itats caps and tients fur- nishlnz goods aud we are determined to clear them out at an immense sac- rifice this is a genuine cash clearing sale and goods to tje bopked will be charged at regular prices remember our famous 50c tea nelson m in this line i t h hardimc invites the public to inspect his stock and desires to express hs warmest thinks to his customei s for their patronage and takes this j opportunity of presenting to i ill the compliments ot the season grooeries have one of the choicest stocks suitable for tho holiday 8easoi ever brought into town a good seleetioh of i ohrltfrna oonfaeflonory y s to ys watches jewelry silverware all this week at siatage near pctrles sew re ssore qtjlllph assortment for the fall trade j c hills nwcuv mre t jottmmm 3u0ar8- refinejl raw cut loaf granulated and ioing sugars oanned 00003- j salmon mackerel lobsters ejardines blueberries pears peaches plums etc tc j tea8- a well selected stock of the fittest flavored teas in the market orookery and olamwalte- an immet be stock of the abo e for xmas and the holiday season comprising jhina sets lamps shades- moustache cups j lower vases cheesb dishes syrup ca is preserve dishes cake stands e au tuk aii to cojfstjmftivbji the adrerusei nannj oeen peraanu ly enmt ot that ore stdlamrcohranlpuoiiv sy a itmpie remed iianxloaiiomakamo ro to nla fellow anfl iron uw aeton o core rv all who dartre ll hawlilaensl oopyori he presorlpuod nae 1 frer of ehaiita with be dlneilow tm jr iptrliqwmj lalmhtai le wmcnthejwfll ndaanreomrmroiu ia coua oasxmb il inn i 111 i lliaaault ll aetnrtles wli aim thprwirlitlcmi ill mm eddraf i tk awilsonlmpi nr u wlllumibui rny sweple alwaj ud h olroitrorclineieto d- sreaettietrearalnimi in i lime hocomewtnaihj ttii grig wrjodoaotim uln pov m6uaoyajii tunrovblc t droparlsi ji onrtlie ant wtr pi ax re tnan ten tam r pl- tefiamtiuriiiwa whottazan wjfiisikswit tgaitassrle1il i nconarmvo nmnib ton asswjialaali eaewie i- aw4tfttnnlmati ijd wotetwbrfmtcthaftattea- ifim te1ais eehr tt win wot owttca cl i wm t tf

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