Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1883, p. 1

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tuc everv 1 ijtihiei ftwitiii y h0rx1xg the irco press po war pcintingsi publishing ifyi sikt uvnoi urns mfirtvii cimrc xj out tcrs tiie larn paxst kill be tin to mllscrilxr poetae paid for 1100 pvr tl- oura in advance f lio it not so paid no paper iitoontiiiimtl till all sircars are paid riwpt at the option of the publisher apyirtitrsg rites casual advertise- mccts 8 cents per line for the firrt icser- tioa ul 9 cent per line for each iab- iiueutiiertioi caali prifcasianal cards 10 lin- cr lew u- 00 per uaui 1 square 12 liaec soco per annum payable in 6 rnnathi frendate of iartioa any special koicc the object of rcuieh ia to promote ths pecuniary benefit ol any individual or company tobe eoaaidcred aa advertise ment the uucaber of lires reckoned by the space ocupied measured by a sea of tclia konpireil ciintract uaxci oat column ne rear co halt eontan isrf yar c5 t tarter eoiama one yekr 10 on ciltimn tla raottlhs s voc halfesaamn sic mouth 3- jirtercolarantr raoain u ut column thre months i 20 cc falfolamntnrenwnini 15 if tarter eolatna three moclhi 0 deerttaeaienis wttcvitione dlrwtlarf ll be 1h1 ullfartldamt dumrdawnl- tarty trantttorr aistcrlue meatf ciaslbe paid in advaoee chsocmforeoalracl mtvertivemrpliniun be la the offlee or a moct e to jala other wise ther fill be left over tin thvwdorlnt week i k r stoore tuuor 4jroprielor tuia b1bcd ar v fcendtttlatgr i nio rnrcil gavell co nwtpapw ad- trtljlniburattle lpmcestthe sdtwhilrc ulncueu-ojtl- is new york business dietary- we lowivr 51 b it c p s graduate of xrimtt ccllese mec- ber of ccileje of physicaci aai surgecns 0sce and rssiieaceal the head of fred erick st acton ukntist george- term8si00 in advance tic y li mljnf illlj eliifiyiis al ilc co 3130 if not so paid volume vlil no 29 acton banking ooy storey xctouu christie co ranklts iittitrlu 7 acton ont thursday- january 18 1883 -rifoue- phristas joods whole no 404 a u e- hexeral sva7y liril- xehi thaxtacteu opaned up this week ilokzt lcaifsdo kotss apjpotes tea laree cases fancy goods foar cases books notes discounted and interest j ivo cases p albums one case fluo bibles and prayer i books tares cases letter and other blk books j one caso parses and wallets allowed on deposits- big bargains li u l bexsett johv ljlwsok gejldtate of ok- itkio yeteslxiat couxar tasoxxo ceuhaut sarics kctau oat 0ce ic kesaer scai boot id eho- ttor res iden in the rear horws eriniinei ss tc iocrda ari ceriitcts cic all alls uiiit cr diy ronipit aud tl to terms euy i t j fisher v e geoegetowx ont criu risit actoq etcry wedae- dir id will itland io tli caili fxrttining ia hiiprofesioa ordenlehtl kcgrvinv dm store trill receive prtrcp ttenticn ten aoien j jnshli h eiggs lds 5 the rm of vt ea itnrt terr will b st ctmpleile iiil cc 1 mcndit cf ee- ino2ibij the- prsctire c ail prcisin ill wcrfc tea in tb trt ko chirfd fcr conztat in watches and cjbwbiirt for tflis month i intend giving tlie loft rrgaiiit ever offered in -at- gublp dont fail h i evauunc uiv i sltick days bookstore klellli itiie ibovc goods ire ill new if you are k want pure drugs ami- medicines go to- petries ret dn f lleeton kali htorfv coirt ccaveticersr tcroci-ofi- george is orrrccr ko 50 church trett trosto end rclfods blrt grtttn s3 itcaeyfj lian is i- rttlixtus tk if eiil r d- fciuet w h hemstkeet licensed auctibneer w tiff- rv tz ti l juzues of ivelli orders left t her rle i or it my jac-ncr- n ow aptly kites di t j terms reiaoaitl j honrj ttk also mjsy ti o en the ir tenns mi at the lovretit4 o lii tnie of 50c ind upirirdi ijt oisce aoton art- xill i t isa ron sale lire canbc- hai it tlo caadi lime tcrki ia faiell cr lirge qiatitiet at tny tuzt mill apply it the kiln c s smith stav lit is32 nctr toltout bor 172 acros- rnihbea wastlii thettgifmtaiedii prtpcd to psrckiee tny qsaciity a elc birch rei iieck ioft niapie niu feeh red oik bkutockl wsitc nh poplar white kck oila uf dlesd pice cidir cr llack ash in either bolts en or tundiui trees appi iiocm to teoh c siooee acton oat the aaaeraigned cava parcnasea ths grain baiiaeis of hetsn g fc e tuiton and vrill pay tha hicheat market price lor all kiada olpaia delivered at their ware- houm asthe gnlndtrackbiiiway actoa clean toar graia trellaad sesare the high est price we till alio pay cash for port jihes 5leethews fc 60ks aetoa oct 25th 1333 ij saceessor to t f ctapcaa qt georges square gaclph iooouat books of all kinds made to order joriodicala of evervdescriptiox carrfally iwnnd aliageaflyndf tameti matthews afirent far fye insriranca co lifo accident inanronoe tickets j1300q for 25c- per dar aajeat far the dominion jiteamahip co retuni tickets usued or iicketa to briag out yoar frieade cuatef tbis almost akt athzeuya jfcaey to lean g cod joint or enaoraed ehort date actes discounted ageat for ths canadian loan savings c-3- toraaw- j coicrrriicre cr deda mortjaces idibchartres chattle mortttae i farm and gotiae iieasas airreenienps c clerk div coort cprnriaqneens beach 4c iaruer of maxi5e licenses pa8h for 01ain awd pork simp okii oumv csveiiiiiif luriiiff die htiliclass w3i s smith the w h a c u- n- 0i gwijistmas sale of icrmiu frtijii kiivii ii nifrim dolls and faxcy goods in immense vahety at rm- j cent store onrgtlait pkce draw cli iasv f kid cjpper wyndham street 5fiel guelph guelph cloth hall ftth c s new drug store cuelph you will there find the best qual- itv at moderate price rioie mid cattle icdiciiic- care fully compounded asontli sea seal persian lamb beaver our cips hnv selected nni clinic fuis rv in citrfu shaw gr merchant ta guelph j net jhoy llors be your own east end butcher shop ju7t0y ostr g h marlait bro disre to tender thanks t the people o actoa and vicinity for their kind patroasge since openioj boiiohss aee and osd re spectfully solicit a contiabance of therrne od can aaaare them that tier ih always have on baa j a f uli jstock of all kinds of meat tmeat delivered- assrwewill parcuase aooi meat of any kid from those lo mish tosoil kuakcatrbeo dye stuffs mt- stock is selected with the greatest care all my own color iruaranteed handy package dje every color kept trusses supporters bandages i r stockings ic a very lull line of these goods kept they are fitted on without extra ciiarge 7t l ifi ay lidi ihu tlit ciiicjvlhciuivlvi cferree ii ess r w lit lrvrvt the f hat intici i tky i cotiu diiloue 11 ih tn lu ii 15 isb1 fqefzll wuufi 1x1 vol vixtdv fiox r cjv rci- ccv trt lw rji foriilsnyalillic juliuiklatlr an i l tiir iuo wcri t rii y voj rv mi and hi kjuli ii cirniiigiillcc- ami cf rcik fttrv hy hit milo liy liijo his tri nriei anil hit fortune flocly ijicx and lit- oiy ciicr- lf plcat lr ofrrliij llhhhil tcilrir ho mu so jti icir iu il be- ii i ki rcrer civc rie fr war till lcjyilc rrrr glt tliro- tlic t t hir uliu jlcntous pn- mi ilie vn- lu hi ii jia iv tn cmil li ycjlig mil hnuirht and hie i ihiifiy silivaui ii ciis mid hr rcpeiltd ic- it at mlit hi- i k ill lltlt fiilliwii iliy ht v cll 10 rad u i ch ct 1 fii hrfm hour he uar ul itrjnjdi for unic or an 1 crcally irpriiil i lc tmsi lln c1e choc tun iin i at il lcil tl the lotn to tc ad the oijnji ie jaa tr ccn ylzcd dil hustce leir t lta rk aaj lie nji h chct l nj3 vrri- iluu worltr i you rtoi f wren- a fortunate jest a mil v tl- ru c nil th sn 1 jii ftoti he c c lo j d hi il c aaft c ty oi lit the p iuof ilm- f irl laitnrii llur ii hi li fi it 11 f hlli k itjj 1 ah i linii r hi i and ttilfil iliey fim cnrjllitv u liiy i an ufur ihy i lrau f a lutvii ulai winds 5 ivr an tlnifir rinj in then- xlmil aai tliiu lir rcjl6l mv h l tvrili ii- this iii ium al iii- of liii ciiuiic i h ii i ill ckhiinni tmn did urn iiim lie on th th- ihll v iiii tin- iimiicr oi hie minin tiit mit ily psra- jraph 3ipitdij uli ici japes an- niiuncing i urc i ittr pliid i run nine ihil i 11 ihe yilung iiu13 ishl irv ti ii hriilur if a fintum little aioie hun tin- vein i iis iot evtry pimy uisfot- tmiehi- hffjlljii iilii fji rriends m hlrivi5 ii in j so ih it in i ijiji f is linn a i undis i piinii hfi jia to p tes oi ih iettay flr 1iis til- ymii into ivii vil call hi in fie areit ti titn atiilrly in li m h hd tiveji iniiitids and tiioikindt 1 d alteil llm fur hi linn if n liuitrin pauds im aiyiiuimi rd itrijii i ji lull irl tlic yiiiiih lei 1 lp un more lis ird hir it d ithr and with th- aare rilt ire th it our ia vi whn hud won iru thnini p iin if fr ij liia li nli tic anddi jinny iv an rn liiur lie uliil dtc la jiiill i j hf eli dllll jfimywhi tiirct inr in jiuii x n itt n riiiy l vj in vf nit in jtiaujwvl j lomthitm it in hie jloiiain vhalir llia ilva iiok vi hiyi innelhitir r v mi him ii el lie trnlh jtnny llus aa very glc- al icjii- isii onrthing pal- iye iy ili hiipksepcri j ih ihil kind ihti an die ha -vac- r im tint larnfart ju punlic mn iiiink c n vii jenavxi ilictr the nlver rnnhina hi lias r ii-tinifl- fr itut win 1 1 l nil prirchuai ivnl r for iliani a s ttnieiity aa bi-rbce- -on- ad in i tiuin- itnd erd i hn rjiir4 tieia iii i fns is in lllire juhr tie himii mm limne f li- life jinay n noiiiii j hn fr ni ki- kll 1 mixl vri- ii tne mini ji-ny- tmnil jhu alaryc ciii us- i ilf hi- fr jdiin ciil hi- n kv inl1 il c 1li- mn his hj t iiic jenifiiii veil tjrrc tih liv ns li i in the cil -i- j afinv i ma illnil n tii lin rdllldll it wiimn utiidrl adjei in ii liita rr litlie na nca iiiiii vuih a tlir vnjid fnniic ui s i- a ltiiydr i i tlte dciis i the ttu- iiii held fo thiil thaa a yi mi il ukfes n ceve ir u hlivr could in nu inn ellim jo i nullhai v re iv us- bhi co far wa hia1i im thruunh vjli d ih llls rs ltiirr trril siitiy witi s jjirrtpi t ivi- lim wlncli to a ctr rca once lv v 1- lj 1 itv- i jiiri a irl uul liu tiiipiti c- fr al htr pirtfiiiv ayl t lc i j j jnin thir liuui lint f iti rhbid mtiivi iinn n- i h the ii ii fri lii- ru i m ue voiid lyi l-rii- ami lr no ivij iiiiiiictit iii lirulj talicvur lit lu i i i iu he jrruk itpr iu be rirj ti ti iburl tvry viw ihil brill uillt find ijettn rlild ii alj the circic of fric tby twuic bvliim c they iru ii- wiu- a his inuty mid if u u urjcailj be fuai th ii e3jymct anl iie-pyid- tlic bill ou diy ftcr lii eye tiil u3 in oltir- ct nd bu step unceruin ui met the gin ue had nuce loved in the fctrtet he rvid pity bcr tweet fsce iud sv twrs ia her eyes ami hj triej to etelli be uiouglit of ber until hi were eg i in ariuud kim so li jir iiti i 1 111- ill illiv fj-eud- lllisidv irjiap him f f picis i fr tun 11 it h t idea fiv d tin laiiiin i hid he ail iigln i in- h i his hit hr vi i fur i huujrcd aie al i- yr six-l- tllt u lilll 1 iiihs site in th- en- iin 1 at tiul liinheil idlhmih sime strange lis ii a l- pde hat tii nti iair f t niiit i- k pi iafm nis as dm yolii in uis clutic vi i 1 iilnd itti plew lit cads veii a llic- uot in ilm wk- uni m i sy i vr a iikm oayidi a dy thvev i a- lofc at rli s and the i il di-i- lit d slillriihlpioi o hi u na itll tie qa e ths- r i tannics- nu h rtrill hiu f tin- lepirlers ti aareed ml iiit an old farmer says it msnv ifiltv hlr f jut p f li tloza rviii iihervni iutviimls i ii tiieir p rr n him lorjnmrtl old b- trn tiiif rcl noe- fra -jt-il- bia n l jvul bjii frtidhip w otly one f tbcra list lie tst7er mi thi ks ih unto fron toi aniily di ui rmiaiir tnn tbii you n t nueri a ioit in ui rnitii in hnir of aiymlf and ynu cilled nit your bcr sad ibriiv hdt anl rtolvei ia my beirt of ucirts fraa tbst inameut tbsl o bid nit lied and wbei lb- cntraai bf us were ring itiir fred led die datr cirl uf li is ci idtime dtm vcl i ifvje ih ti- iltr mi tnk herfais i in ked- wilj friends j lock prnaiiiuf tint the nilit ti id paid i ind tbs ih- mtircin bd thurced upi a t a h 11 lev i frnin l e tijii j me il 1 oe r of well l ih olj f n d mm vla hxc v ir iii 1- if three fcte r which i bivc- f i ij- 1 di tol jv e iy clitldrei a gud i i hu called awry i hi keep ibe ko f ip aitiice iij5 taju a iriil prepared nrd ia iru titi turn wbiftli itjut cf libor ul p i ii a null jd drev- cev- hnd brttcr lifa urclorer f cuttou the bj mker tqa wit aad itamok of the k- minilri th nintlrtl- the ile picc- biiitiful ls i drtiq ii i iniced bl lb ibcp- iiad nii an ih ti wt 2 u crc more tiiii liro chht is rasd i kn fillutt ivi- 1 rrhmi fimiil r jid hav c fr m the duo lo luw nrd 5 the frtrmer who pipfis kneevtvl bjt fim nitiit ilwi iils lk hrikt- i wji feces i biri iaie c tlw-riiii- his id ilr- p or rog f ihaa iwj kept eistry tj kcp one or gtla ii worb vbere cd jriii cir iinvs dais corn or iy keep the shenff tiie int r i- cild wltr if i ir tba b- in patent medicines my stock is very sttutiv adding all dies arge and con- the new rem- oil dky be went to out thousnl poind tbiit uifbt be pl down iu his ori ipirt meats with his ottb win- up a tbe iidcboird mid bit orn cvu upia the tilijc tvei played with hs dear fiiuds rhewinsuflwctl freely lie ijrlk dply iqd the gfma we it v uii rekbsily thy i in uiurciubi hrc played for high slskes and pliyed fiiand i s of x lflw x bur- umi on the fully wi tig miirnini the younr s the n m re raau avruke wiui a burutin bd nad ch- q- id eyes by undby he csiti mind the j k j evtalt of tiie oi he lnked into bit jiockctboak nnd into his purse eaipty both aad be remembrir bit bs bud ivea his chccks xo nrious mcuibj f the iisrly for jargti announts ife fiicud ihe cnanterfoili and they t dd liim be lud drirn his checks to the amuurt of over t a iv cntd he w likid lut it is brtifcea etertqv i two tliouend j inmiil 1 v a but whit ofibxt iitfcre richt br had tle u intviiiij lo r-hcliiht- p itiiiiy u-i- t tht lau- irjnk brandy cnotihto steady h mvves ipe allutle if the radiiii rrnacb j u gr i ever risn ilfj tcd riif ii ithe co mnnire- i i in of his bus bo is kijvi la snober to msdairi li tltciial 10 t bibiud vmvefigi iihier b dthicr kud io iussts ud hrfflfcwjo ni wishbusi thy say the boys uro horrid thlag and doat kcot ten to tet tlioyrenotmng ibojgbto pwrup siru- i lcj jc its a fict i iit cyclf the raoo s al 1 whd the fua be a tcxi ej1 th luij hatefj flc io tika acejia la at diaacr lleha ttriued sue about beiu ihod lost acj tfcoagb 8uo kepmmuia lieu t uv hot ruacb it cost i tccfr thst soziothiai biij to com- hojs lika iu bouest flsb but jij will iraio aad kin aal tbeu do iouctbla can for fpitc just put the ffiahbocn door saii sr above the piror door your husbisi he tho uns bo who lups tae thrsbcii otr sa- hepad iaielia maua th chiir i wttchad it with a grla thcu beckoccd with her snicrups aa i called iha wiitcr ia word of wisdom ite tbit hich co cross deserves uc crowa owfi raad in jiorms ire forgoticq i- sm3 he who expects a friend without fan may expect il is better fcr a youo man to basb tbar t3 tarn pile we would ratber trust a yirtcjojs vo- da thaa x tain cne wtmian too ceir the aa wiiholdea irins melts them tb- rood are better mada by ill u odors ribed are stvekr stilh vou should forgive miny thirgi b cthsr fiut uohicg in jouriel ldra cot w jude too harshly of tiny one- ither in repectof gjod or evil do cot eat cherrte with yrur iupericr i ley fill blind you witlb atjqa time is gold tbrorr cot one cicuta ivy but place each one lo ucouuni he ii- cot so giod aa be should ha trbo o cot strive to be better than he is jtu wrmaa even tbe mot iutfclflcual bcive bcraci to be decidedy hcrseiy cl to mind the heavier stiatsrlrgs cf othnu eo may you better bear yoar ovrc mafi trcabea v most of their faults wonieo osve to u while we are indrburd to theci for most of ur letter quai when we are alone va have our thoughts in watch oar families our tempers auj n society ur icugati individual cbamclr is ia the right thai it in sricr cncsi with itself self- ultraktoj is he only wrong prosperity ii a great teichcr adverairy t a greiter posstssioa paaipers the rriad prvaiioti traias aut sirtnguieas it kabiu is so wholesome nothing does 0 much for people laiks as a little inter- cbaae of the eaau coia of benevolence it yos wcjll find a great many faults lie na tbe iwt at if yoa woild find uem in still greater abandance be on ibe look in tiie angel may have wider spheres cf xcin may have nobler foras of duty bat ricbt with them and with us is one and tho fame lhin nvbing does so fool a mu aseiirtme pin this doth makethem foola which otherwise arv not and sbow them to i fools which are to the essence of irue nobility is neglect of self let tboaght of self pis6 in and tbe ikauly cf a great action ia gone like ths bloom of a soiled flower iva man ever stated hii griefs ai lightly is he might fur it is only the finite tbat lias wrought and sudlered the infinite lies wretched in silent repose ditit moralize to a man who is on his luck help him up set him firmly on his fed and then give him advice and means tbe means by all mens ihe iew stotts- kot a tale f failare or diaappnintmnt j not the old story of the victim tf cmstic ap- uicarioni and the evils attending tbeir nsc ai the new story of snscesa of fieedcm from pain aid consequently abseoct cf 6pots itfc a the rlesh patnams pdinlfss cora et tractor pivea inspiration for happier rt- jort aud sufferers from curns need not hesitate to try it sold everywhere by irngiits and dealer in medicine x c poliokt c0iugaton proprietors pt iiuioiis of packages of the diamond de baye been sold without a single complaiuu ererywhertj they are the ayonte des 1 thsrt are a pwt tasay meu wh i aver j mind their oivin iltsmcs i iludc hariiij mifce qc anvvfirriiiteiile o- tht largest stock the bluest 3todk or tlhe oheapftct 3tpcc bet rcpectfciy invite yen to 1 amice ray rikl phftnfytjuaity8costeapnes8 machinery oils all kinds castor oil elepbanl oiltesitsfootoil seal oil lubri cating oil sewing machine oil tc at bottom price paints oils colors turpentine uirnefs varnish iloef ointment store variiisli carriage varuisb turpentine vaniih funiitarc polisii culirs ii e fusl when inav ilo run wlicu i li t-3- arc ul fil i tlcy iy the ground is ilit lisiil 1 lui it is brukcaerer ts h ooi- storr ii ii 11 only dsv i imlei 1 riiii 1 coal oil coal oil wholesale and retail draw your own conclusions j p j q always kept and be your oftn judges iain qcita 6atisicu ii in the general remits voars respectfully jamos godaif actoy boot shflle uofsk milislzett aotoy tbe lowest prices conic and fee tbe new store a b petrie and mke him once more tuppy iuolher evening criiie and agtin bis friends were iiiscmhled rnrtud bis bjrd he hsd got tip grand mipier for ibcm this time and after tbe viricjus cntirsos a food had passed in ordtir cane the wine and lbs toasts and ona of tbefrienu to whiiu u lara check bid beta given got up tu oucr i compliment i fill up ill up bo ried while i gire yuv the toast of ibe evening heres to our tjbsr and thrifty host my b2 be cvar a seasibe a he u at this m unijut it was drank with cheers three time three it xi observed tlut from tbt ly oiliest llw spirits of tbeir hot hteuedto fi bim he became moody acd sbtrcted by and bfsumeone bantered hi in upon it and tiiltd him what was ibe matter he answered i wa ibinkiuf did turn tell be iruth when he id i was solwr mid thrifty v and thereapoa thty evjiiniti of course he did fo j wiu avct a man subeicr or more thiifiy v bccaasc perused tbe bui rutbclc- why is in tb wtiteni schools nptbalmia- cept in a ftvr eyslre uled bs- knowo j i mr slither thinks ik mcgincs who u ihi a soy ti usmi jiiarl q r mrkabiy inllitnt tin- bilit nf pcuifig- h 1t him ana it houbl e iuirh lo e that dog first m up in chair s diuifid a3a judge j on- dy i purpraelv pcrd no phite at the table io ptinto wmcij its bis name he irttke i at hi viejii plait ucd tfflu came j n u me and ly lawini me nnd rubbing me j j with liue iried in call my tiuaatiat iu will bavc lo cct bi- ceiec but i did uo tak the alifiitest drenkard iiku a hzd account gc2fcruly orerbalance horse fee in wxirdu r that diis wifes tonkas keep tiic cause a kcniicky piper pats ii ip thi way whskey isthe cnst ufneirly all crime difitdtr aad initiflry atrue it ut and ttriifs will end tramp it rji and tnimps will bo few murder it aad raaiders wili cease sttb it to tbe heart and htla wili no ua2ct be btabbad put aaeverl ultngead to tbemean thing and minness wiu bd th eicepitic in- ted of the uite stt lire to it burn the but botu ana birrul and fcuerbuli iu burn 10 bell 1 vwiiv with tbe emel cursufurever teanerkymi very ftn siijtea voorteima aa w hi to as mine- try tcbeiirtand you will see if 118 uot whit tis i- aid to be erma noid llxatnbax ithe only 1 ns tan al0oa relief orkearaifla hwjtdicae toothacne eu- buobina a few ir ips briskl7l1 ali tflt la netjej no latin n us oup jnejiciaih nr weosj- b t one mln- aie- aipucatinu rei lovfij nil pain ami will urove th- treat vali g rkrorn6 i- luidlicbt- qlc rwemtyflvo 1 entiper bottle at je nccarvtns urag siire xo boasehold eh aid lw cocsitlered com pltte ithoat a boti le of dr vax bcrzss kidseycupj is it only remedy tbat vill positively perman- lily and promptly sure all forms of sidney 1 ujiicc fbiuj fiualia be wmkfdout intai bt gardn and ditpptared 1 and th a was tbe i yon ever eit of i him 1 know of several dogs- that have i dsiutr ihiil- i iin ti- ciind luck in a few moments with 11 qowtr in hi intnttli hirh flower the itt iiint iiimil pbcid in mj tand with cuificcu ioa ro call attention lei i his biriig hvn itaroltd xo wbftt srt of h uwcr iin hu aapprse ibe dog hid pckl ut tj rrriij nit of my apparent ctji 1 f btm i i dout ariowrhl ijrl of a flowr it waa vet intlligvnt binto ou of more bn f- y ifftrvat ktnjs of flowers had picked tyi i furglvujt mosi uii will ctiiu aad dodge and qome liseme tsoid by j e mcoarvia this is true every jivord of it it i to ally i bbonldvt waul s friend to lie on day blighting tbe briuhtcst prospects agil iwck m vii uy arjninent bat no inu my accjrl i witbtring tbe licet intlecta in w l d wilt iuw ithtr lo split hain wj the ohul snsiblv to the last 1 fill np i geui u a hibs aadmanuipd ih veriast tjpwlwu n but the host wuld driok uo mt gc fteakartu ia tbe hands of u uioiutar ita ha tr6 s ax r i n a i j rber shop hen the closet it is the beirare x imiiatlou sincfl dr thoa aa bclectrib oil has hecotne celebrate a qitmberofonptin- cipled perboos hi ve been endeavoring to palm orl electrm nd efecirio oil tor the genuine da thomas eclectkic wil jeware of these ainailir hamed articles il their originators bad any fait q in the liealing properties of tiieir own medt- einea they would like bonest men give them a name 01 tbeir own and not try to sell them on the reputation of an other but as they know their pro pamiom bav no merit they revori to tbt most unprincipled means of vol ling throat by getting n name as near m possible to e dec trie we therelare a ibe publioinsen purchasing taaee thai the name dr tbomaa bcleolrio ou is on thf front of tho wrapper and tbe signature of ortheop ltpuy the plqiyimon foy cmudaoo tle baoll i m m frtvafggmgearkgtfs3xp

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