Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1882, p. 4

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r if tuvrmmv ouvixu 30 iss2 rocve fotss cowxaa father at plav so lai o i w li c ruiiiy day 0 a ir aiij llvl tail the ks m n avrlul flic fll faiiej into lcda loim lri r1 crcr kni vihmi treat dove wlh le c air rolif uzicr the deck urt be ltvac out itiii u a lie- 1 roar vj o m lo1c- tc cilfur kir tj cl lh ptrloc il up llic tar au i 1ivcev1 laus tndthc balt there s- iiri the roili iv trhcezian now an ltrivi to rcit u sue dilut know loie tl the in ucfh auj forgot to roar til to ihcilur out tl tic curfery dcjr vii fhtshi- umci to i iohy psy aui c7tci cs all oihi iact a way vunr liott ben i qltx3ir tl lumcu 0 til lio caseroj c sctor kor to sec i hs load m r- ti i coljt lci iy cre than he wbii vti tiarli y tli rbich a lie or lh wis towr for til in a lilt yj d lbi thj locjlc hk trrued to til tl tirs tall btd cxcchviu a tircr kov burrb irith aymore lni to 1 o a tory to hrtal on tie not a dreadful pnalslinieat ntbll udvuiicinj willi hrj timer- blill- uallliur ugaitut ttiperelitiou aud ignor ance alill cotiferritig the bloimiigj of liia retuodics on tho iiassas if people itill happy in llic success which dauut- leasjtiwigy and iotitivc merit deserve few can bo ouiu atlto will envy such k iiiiin his vcllcariied frftua and the muii hich is daily flqwit into bin coffer ml our fiieiids well tuow liom what we havn fmuieily wrilleitl tlilit o bavo ivs ivn oppoied to qualrery in i y shape kiid allbodth wo bavo nurer taken a lose of hollovava pills or usvl his iina we hope wo shall never njuire cither yet we cahnul shut our eait lo kvhut we are continually old 11tpecting i lem that th pills kiv a tuility heal nil incusea whore the lier hocouies tar ud as in iudix iai tictiiaily villi that country it is h f denied brittili told ens te us hit mauj sores and ulcers which sui tract in some way o other removed b- holldway6 but of tbif vve have peisanal ck- psrieree sirtr ofir wa h toii eau 1 hid iej ahifei it 1 lioru tiaagury tts ai iou- iiuhtyyearold habits wltti theri try and johnuy kis blue eves didnt look uil hishtiir wasnt rolden and ir- u of u liright smile a cunning oh dir what kui i saying i an uil- pout leceu oc his prettv iiltlo llloutil- i being nxugfctv ist sure way c bin- utiiiuj unhnie tiere he stood in the miile of the ficor baby fists on hi by hip- ftet wijelaimrt the eweetest i ttitdu lite mutinies wecj rebel irgtd iflktulus just ale too tears old apd huroeaus in not lo be i men con are alwaya ointment bccliio of itii xervous tveakuefs dyspepsia im- o i the sales at the right house are positively enormous now i i the cuitouiors are bo nuuieroua that number on oominf into theae faroriteralorei land and look at the crowdi in utter aiioniibiaent and many not knowing he enormous numlr ol clerks wo keep remark that they will oall again aa the think liere ii no chance of being waited upon in mon cloiely packed ciowd a inronuthoetmmnalore but tvatkmk hia olerka and hli bualneaa men are alire and with a ttaftof fortyqre all huir waiting on cuatomen none needlear but mat tney will recoire llial kind prompt and polite attention for which fan itorei ire io oalebrated while thej may reit aaaured hat tbe qualities iiyiea and pricea of ni gooo1 id au the departments are unmrpaied bjr tnj houte in onlarioas he spares no trouble in hunting up the eheapest most tashionahle and best fjoods hut tne market or qrait briuic frince qermaof swiliarland italy heuium jpan china the united flalea and the hom markets afford carding to the culorn uouie relnrni lit import about iwice as much goods as an other house in hamilton he para cash down for his gooda and buing so rery largely he gels ihem much cheaper than smaller buyer can do aa manufacturers make quite a diberence between their prices for large and small leu of goojs cromptons corsets have at amarngde they are without doubt the beat cornet made in canada and tar cheaper than any that can be imported just see his unbreakable caroline corset they are selling ly he hunded the carpeia floor uil cloths linoleums fells uattiaii mau rugs stair rods and crumb cloths are selliug off at a greai ruo this season wing to being bought for oash he haa got them cheap while ihe qualiliesare good the patterns new and beaatilul and the prices so lowaa lo be sure w please the millinery trade is enormous customers say ihe goods are be cheapest and nicest in uamiiton the mantles dolmans and ulslers are going ol ai vmoltuiicqualmti tfhmtmf eioanavhy otnla tat will tmr aaaiimroio tmimytwattma a lhc lre 8ucl t nd o rr cheap just see the millinery and mantles before buying uughson street where ihe yerandahli down the name is hamiltou xov 9th 1ss2 the right house king street east close lo thomas c watkiks hamilton scoiaooimii ptnaclt vnrraau eithl7 rtconusrtdsd for bliloaums 4iak ca atlfltabudlc- urai dtmuaaa boartbirm batt bratitxam f if peute jamdlea lata or r iteaack urtr rn- lunaas arislnj twin th llsm- ack bawvla or eidaert ttflt art saie mild and uioroatti li unlr attlaa rrota ho i nuciijvraboxv potence serllil debility wells health rehewer cured 1- by song of tha ttararft puhtie gobble gobble i i eoliys ircdmccrousj pitticularly in fcctdccv discaici so uke at otiic er via blkjls sliacr cut and vbtain reiicl your drcrgtst j i mccarttnj front all your tttccrmts keeps it sid iu aclon by tbe private smier has tpujlic duty lo prlorct pain irritation heteniioa inconliai exce deposits umrel ic cured by buchuj aiba 1 tha inaa who bjxsj of til aoccilttl limber may be saimy eet down aj a stick why go on jay alter day edtlcrtn with splitting hrclarhrf when a battle of dt arfizi pkjikctiir will cure oul if yoa do cot beliete it alyou drttist for a circular aud read what ihosf who hare caod it say aboct it price si sv asked uismma i lejliiid johnnie thit ever think it tifv i tiitlitla will yti bi surniy th sid ihel sjemnly yuu ntttt pnnihei j go into the store room tiui stv there- until you can say iv tntivi i- i julalic went and ntiuitua shut the dor ovprcun to her the wiched for ytz thuaui furta instantly but to her sur nw she hraid uul a word nr crv five minutec naaeai uueliienc i ten thintitis ent hvnot the slfgheit tnd uitnii jund inipitit mam tii and foreive her bor laijan lo grow iftet- the manner of alie wai leading to kiss and oil the bbssed darlicg she said i2th minate stole uaeut i too dread fui for him how deuld i have been fj herself as tl away the pumsli o heard hirted to shut amerry little thing like that m a dark place 1 baby that should never be oat of the sun shine except when hes asleep its too bd and fiev to open the close door john as bin father callt hkn i think thats a very 3ig name for a very up at her bis whole fun the blue had etaill child koeed iacespirkliiio with come back lo his eyes and the gold to his hair and the knila ta his lipa in his chubby baud he had the kafc piece of wbitjtiit li minuteiliefore had been a line brown fragrant freshbaked loaf of cake- crumbs covered hi face from chin to eyes his cheeks shone and sundry crisp fragments clung to hh neck ind bib good gracious f eaid mamma dood take isaid johnnie- ttnie fleeting tf me another year hasjpassed ukiog with it iqnofficrable atoms of brief eiiatence which glimmered like a ruihliijht and no trace behind vanished leaving their very names have been obliterat ed ahd have passed away from our memories of the many gigantic schemes which have been brought forth of the many inliable remedies for human suffering winch were afforded as gifts by bensrolent philanthropist- how many have stood the test bat a a few meeting- months i we search for them today bat ws 6arch in rstn they are- among tbe things that were they were weighed in the balance and found wanting and their creators heve sunt into the obscurity which is the lot of failure bat allof the pasljhaye not left ni among them a to valuable production of human genius which not only main tain their hold upon aa but are daily advancing in public estimation and er tending their spbeie of uaefulntm not the least among these are hblloways fill and ointment which indepedent of factitious aid liava by sheer merit become an institution in the land and not in this land alone bat in evsry other into which civilization and coni- flierce have penetrated oar old friend the professor is still to tha fore figotom ts besltbjr joutb a ifirhia applicant ftr a teachers cer- tftcate dtbiied mm aa a jilaajuline noun joseph eusu percy writes i was induced io try dr thpaiafj eclectnc oil fori lameness which troubled me lor thre- or four yera a id found it the beat article 1 ever tried great beiain to me h of ice i i as i have olumgeji my place of bueiues and entered into partnership under the name of in the place lately occupied by c h co i will be happy to meet my many customers aj i am now in a position to meet the require ments of the trade better than ever yours respectfully r e nelson lydia e pinkhams veetable oompoitht ii i potiutfl care is -but- a has been ixeiliclfi for ttomiji itcbtdbf iwatsu pnptred tr t tomix tw qtvtmt xmcnl 0nt7 kan fim dki tf ihtliry trii rrritii lit droopisr rpiriia lotjjtrutau mi tujaiite tint crcude frmolezs fltfli tlutsritj fi trniai to tie ferp twtcra ite umg21 iitrs to tha rrr ai riuili on tins pln cicxi ci oai ilt frcti raws ci life i rprtzt td etrtj- riataaf tirnd- 3rphyicimf ufl t wf prcribi it fwly l it rtmorm wnvi tutiencr dactroyt u ciri tx ttlmnliat md rdtarw yjoicg qi tkt itccii- l1h rjrw nfftylttfv 1tlt ur fir tha ctrfcuaer c5ulati ofellinr ki till 0a4utl u uiu7ik ltdi1 e flxiniail8 blood ptrmxtt j303c iao cte loac ad nrcafji lie rrxu u ilh compocaii tad kcl prilirf in tv eoicrkjl 6iibotue3ri t5stlriti4illi tri ctpijj or ota cartrx cfptrr l-rrl- tairy toxlcm jctrtaii scircrittruc ico fmrt rhanm b wiunrei ltdll e nvuna i i r lttra fujs cher cre coarfipsukn ul- ia bitillug 1 sild totlicduk fz tmmited klwttaldiirciiialinr cccaupctlr o photo artist acton 0carvvuie is uo coilu le this fall ii back n lira cd jui t ic man weal flie roaches anu ped mice gophers chiptnur by kough on kits the tpecticje of a lit i gauie of billitrds eroclsiai n far and wiile th bltsat silzcycyiltjliot caily lmmcdl atel rehevta all kidney djii be irarticd nags rats ks pleared out 15c baljtesdtd men is already here aud prepared with new scenery and apparatus to make photographs of all kinds equal to those of the cities nothing is more acceptable to i friend for a christmas present than a firstclass photo neatly framed and c v ilill can- make them forvau most sitisfactorilv see samples in show window first prize obtained for photos wherever shown a stock of frames ilouoes ac on hand for the holidays call and sec c ip chicago i ixgilstqr havtng parlor htir ufcasinc ind shtviug ucauv cvcciiltd faf r vvfiiitcrs or moitche hej icy 1 shade deairtd pricti mtvieratc nb lidics iiair drcscd eeauiei and dyed anv cifoiui tkinipooaud carlinc flaid always oa lund it dr via j bt vrhli tietjt ioveitigi is raorcimporunt to theciufertacite tattcr- er will ultiidittlv cm jbim ettectcailyj uld io actus by j k iiikjiric j good qaihties are ihn aubkntiil ricliw of tir mind but it is gold breeding uiii u thtzx off to idrtnlage aftflt cmy veirs of riitie tioa r va 2cxu2 of beniiny ficillf eiccctded vi perfectni t kidziy cere tbtt woold pertnideatlv relieri all taies of kidi nev liiei5c betmetcdkfil jour draggul forcr vaeeirfla iwli in acton by j e ikktartiil j it iris a iitorile rcmws of daniej webster tbit guatemala wclld never be utissed until it gaiuiiuuiic sacisoa lost hia atreojrth with his hair taaaaacds o nea aadvcaea loose tbeif beauty nilb theirai and wry lirge numbert restore the ravages o tiite by imng the ftmoas cingalese hatrkeitoref sold at 50 cents per bottle by all j dont be ditcojnged my son but itkt heart should be decifhfcd father masthe reply btityrhoie ieirt ilill i tairei best and comfort o ihegttfferthff household pacacea haa no eafil for reliering- paiji tfoth in- urnal and ertercal ll cures fain id the side back oruoweji tore throatf kheamatim tpotfaaeh ltunbago and any kind of a hain or ache it wilt coet rarely quicken thsjbkxid and healj a ita acting power is ironderful browns household lanaea being acknowledged as thegreat pain eelierer and of doable the strength df any other elixir or liniment m ihe wiirld should be in every family handy far asewhed wanted as it really u the testremedj in the world for cramps tn ttestomaohj and pains and aches of ill kinds tnd is for sale by all dragguib it 25 cent a bottle j i exchanbe a dace of dyrteprfaor i bllfousness f dr is cents it is awlwir nntrise to affontze un der tie man 7 ailments arising from dyspepsia indigestion disordered stoniachaad llter when this offer la madp to you in your own i lame in all isiaiterlty with ajk absolute certainty of curineyou il i zopaffroittbrajnljetareei dyspepsia and billotiiness a dnsle dose relief es asample bottle convinces a us cent bottle cures i it acts directly ajpon the stomach liver and kidneys cleansin7 corrcctliif beg nlatlnff zopesaeitoi energy and rim to the brain ueire and jiuscle simply hyworii lng wonders upon the diges tion and giving activity to the liver j cat this out take ft to any dealer in medicines land get at leait one 7 5- cent bottle ot zopesa and tell your neighbor how it acts it ia warranted care dripepiiy nd bit m mwm tftrpurnnc lkfia5iiev has been proved z the surest cure for ijcipn disea i ectuii btct cr tticrdaol vziz l- uaiiiltstrttriir theht do k0t ci crn- ixn- lie riiiiru- i ptcre teiliij zeilsza o d uauicoijrinrktjoiualsj elbfrfleji tif wtotfga efnrlaa p 2 txiz dt or rcr deona aad dull inct l o 60ij3 st axl v3vqotbt5 ptiob st sidney wort manhoo hott lost how restored te liaw rccentbpnbllfhed anew edltlonordr cntrerwehj celf- rated fjuay on tno radical and permanent care twithocit medl- clneofkertodbmty mentlan 1 physic al incapacity impediment of marriage etc result nefromerccsct 53priceln asealj envelope only rcle artwo potacs stamps tnecalebrfttediathor in tills admirable essay clearly demooftrtttee frm thiru yea rssnecemfal practice tiatfiarmlnictm- beqoenct may be radically cured without tbe dangerocg n ff lalerni raediclnpsor the nse o tbe knife pilntmcoait a mods of care at once fimpc- ceruln and eltetluaby means of which v innerer no matter what his condition may ne may cure blujselt cheaply privately and radically this lecture should be in the iiandi of eteryjo and every man tn the land address te calverwcii medical co ian ga kew toik pestoffice boz 0 caution baoh plua op the myrtle navy is marked tb ik bbokze letters none other gemime the ho saerfal remedy ever discover ed ai itlf tiertiila iq iu effcctn and does not blister kead paoor bzixrvr kendalls spavin cure free maul ohio janjoth 11 dhb j kendall corienle i think t my dcty to render you my thank llor tht- benefits an j proflu which i- have derived from yourlnralunule and fnr famed hpavin cure my eonfn and i had a valnable htal llonwonb which had a rerybadparis and was ironoanced by fonr emlnenl veter inary hnrteocc be ond any cere and that the horse was done ft ir ever ac a lie retorl i adrioj my roniln to try a lottie of ken- dsllv spain cere it had a magical eflcct the tnird bottle cured 11 unj the horse is as well s ever dr diet of dinburghtl eci- inert seterlchry purf ten wu an- nlde of mice and l ufce great interest in afillig hl nrofclcin tocr trulj jakea vtilsov civil engineer kevoalls spav1s ccre uannamp march lovhutv ukh j kekdall co jt nts aboai a year ago i fell mthe road onloome let awd was badly hurt in the hipjolnl which caused me mach saffering i trie varioosremedle but none fave mereiiefnntlj tried kendau spavin cure l applied it fall strength trice a day far about twoweefes aaxing lata octo ber audit eflecled a perfect cure- i have ilucetaenbeea well aud free from lameueffc i it l very alnabieforjnin as well as beasl vcrars toiij- i rtiesteft k uiufx siidttdire- forlilmtrited circular whch i we tiinfc vlef poaltvc proof of it vfrtnes i xo femeiy has ever nu with snch unquali- ficduccess to enr fcaowieje for b3stf a wel as man j price si per boiteor hirbott mrtj all i dmpfuti tiave it orctn cc ii for you or it will be sent toany aadre on recelrl cf price j hy the prodnetor un e j kknuali a co ekosrue fall- t j sold rv all druguist toconsdjptiyes the adretijser navicf uen rrmanentiy cured ol that dread disease canscmrion by a simple rcmdy 15 atxlncs io make known i to ui lelkw miflerent use means o core to all who desire il he will send a copy or the j prescription csed tfiee of charee with the direction- loi preparing anj using the tyime which they wilt ond a sure core forcoagli j col da consumption asthma bronchitis c partlrtotlttilns ihe prescriplton will pleafc address rev k awilso 19penn st vvlliimpbiitgy 37 lb osntral petition of iti lia eosswts tk zksi tstj tbe wwt br tbehon route tad ou nce pametuerv wliiout obanfff of oar bttveea ctucaco and ymim city connoil bjoi wortb atcbleon xinoespouj and stpsal it eonaeote tn union depot mih all tb prmetocl line of road between ibe atlastio ad the paes ooeene iu eqsjpment ts annrejed nd mtcslfl- cent betnx composed of uoel oomfonabl tad beeatifal day coecbee alafmiaeiit slorlcn it ciimnr chair cert pajlnene prettiest pmle bleepisf can and the bee lint of jhsjtn can is ibe world tbree trmlnj between cbloaeto end hiuoon elver points two trajne between 01- oce end kiascapolie end st peal rte tbe ttotnt albert lea route a hew end direct line vie seneca end wfrf- kbre reoeaily bn opened between elahaand norfolk newport kffwicnatunoa atlexnitatt ram hmhrllle lonurtlle iiinxton csncinnatl isdianepola end lotiretu end omebe aionej oiu eed st peal end mwnneduie potate ibe dsitd 8ute end c bcrie cbeckffd tbrtmcb end met of fare al wj ea ow u eompeuton lit offer leee edtto lutf t or detailed isiotmeuanffrnuiellspa and fold- en of tbe great rock island route it tout nearmt tlsaet 03le cr uidrw r cable e 8t john letii gu cl ui pus ajfc chicago pi lyellow oil cures rheumatism freemaits worm powders are yeaaant to taie contain their own purgative ii a life rare and effctamj 4etror irermj in children or adaiiev rt- v clrzzs wr iiieriy enccnz cur cbi or ii m i pjiisu tif rcliilie aai przaz rraedy x t5- raao- of dozuca ad it crpi wcrari frnn child or adcli ii is easy la lake bctc aih abaoily humissi and rtqcm ao ztm after phytic mrxxzzi iy thx k smith medicine cqy i smfan wormremdr and troy ny price 25 ct sold everywhere ladefloir6wlf3hfiiidcarif aftpccfalt- bra tor comfedca all rork done in he iateat style a call ialiatelparloc ia ilatthest blocfc mil reet actou ont eaaara and sctgonpoatd aqd i w kelly hairdresser bargains -ok- buggies and democrat wagons consomption cured an od phyfiician retired from active practice having had placed in hi hands by i au est indiana missionary tfaeformala of 1 a single vecetible remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption bron- chitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lang affectiona also a positive and radical c rt for general debility and all nervous j complaints after haying ibroaghly tested its wonderfal carat ve power in thaasaids of caes feels it is his doty to make it j known to his fellows the receipe and with i fall particulars directions for preparations and use and all necessary adrice and in- structions for successful treatment at your 1 nwn home will be received by yno by re turn mail tree of cliirri by addressing with fttamp or sumped self addressed en velope to dr t c nymokd iu wash ington street brooklyn x v speicht son have a number of new and firstclas baggie3 and democrat wagous left over above their orders foa the season and are prepared to disposd of them at a considerable reduction foe cash the surplus stock muit be sold to make room for winter stoek aud bargains will most decidedly be given those who require rigs of any kind shauld give us a call you know our make of rigs call aud see them s3 good stock of furniture and undertaking sup plies as usual j a speight manager -our- sicoo forfeit havinplhentmocteonndencem lis super iority over all others and pfier thousands of itfltof tbe raorl carapucafed and ieveret cases we could end we tael jaftlfled in oner- lne lo forfeit one thousanddollars for any i ease of cnugns colds sor throi inflacnta hoarse ne bronchitis cousumptioh in its early stajes whooplnr coagh snd all dfs- eaaeiofthe throat and fiinffk except asthma or which we on ij claim rel lei that we cant cure with wests coneh fyrup when taken according m directions bampli bottles 25 andwcenta farfebottjesone dollar genaine wrappersonlyln oiac sold by alldrtutaists or sent by express od receipt of prtct oh xl wwt qo81 a m else t ejt toroq millinery and mantle rooms are now open in full blast our exhibition consists of the newest andfreshest styles of and the most exquisite show of flowers prices aa usual cheap city and country inrlted to inspect i we shod- a special lot of black oolored jackets much lower than usnal prices black velveteensbrdche velvets cheap vtm ste waet sjra5e essspissewwarsbijph will cure or reueve biuousness dizziness dtspepsfa drops r indigestion flutterno jaundice of the heart erysipelas acidity of salt rheuu the stouaqh heartburn dryness headache of the skin and eyery species w dieasa arislnr from dlaordered liver kdsey8 8t0ma0h bowels or blood thiaborhgaisnta atents secured tor inventions henry grist 0 ottawa c canada verier n1p gkrs specific ved tnis great kngliah remedy an unfal ll ngcure for seminal heakness invotency aud all diseases that joiiow as a seqaence of selfabnse as loss of mem- orycnlverekl lassitudepaln in the bact dimness ot vis- h ion premature old age and beiotq taknie manj- other diseases that lead to iniartlljorconsamii uon 0tfall paucnlars in our pamphlet which de sire lo send free by mail to etery one jsthe specific medlctncls old by all dreg- plsts at 100 per iiacjcage or six package for 5 or will be sent free by mail on re ceipt of the money by ad dressing tli gray medicine co after taking toronto qnt uanada sold by j e mcgartlndrnfylet acton johnston sarsapar1lla1 umcurw and ftr purifylnj to eioci it hat bom in ttsa for 20 yearn ti i vorta to b the best rrpnuton ii l- nartiet forsick headiciu laix u tbs side or back uviat oif- pl1kt pllulea- on the fact djbpareia files uul all dlnsu that mm boo waorde red ur or n import blood thousand ot oar bm monu uto tt and ira it to ibfir chll- arro fhnlclua srcserlba it daily tboao no am it oooo recommend it to otheta itttmad ram yellow dock honda ru bunparaia wim cherry etaihurla mhw weuknown ilaable bnoti and harta tthitrleth mgrtahu and em oet hiatttie moat delfeate cooarltmlon ttooneofthe bes mtdidoea la oat far banlatinfuiebqweai l respontlbla draawa jxsj 9 botti ot ad boxwa mrflre douan jtom i fho cannot obum a bottla ot thh modldna from their dronrttt maj aand a a dollar and o wtu aaodl to the t- co tlllfluliai ntworx ekuohs of torth a gentleman who fuhere for years from kervons debnlty preninirare decajand all the effects of youihni iidicetion will for the sate of svfiertnj hneainy erd fre to all who need iu the receipt and direction for mafcing- ibe simple rerntdy iy which he was cured 8uilerers wishilg to profit by ths ad- rertl eis expeieuoe can do so by addressing in irfecr congoence joirx bik3d5k 1 cedar st new yerk 2tr ec wests nerve axd braitilkat- mlvt a euaranceed specific fnr hysteric dlizlnessconruialonefusyer70cienrali gin headache iservoos prbsineilon caused by the use of alcohol or lob- ceo wakelul- nrs mental pepression softenick ri the bmln rtsuiiingin insanity and leading to misery decay and death premature old age barrenness loss of power in either sex in- voluntary lnseaandspprmiuoitnaacaojed by cverfixfiraon of ths brain selfabnae or orerindnlgerce one box will cure recent cases each box contains one months treat ment one dollar a box or six boxes for nve dollar senlb mail on rtcelft of price we knarantee six toxes lo cure anv case wlih eani order receivrd by us fortlx boxea ac- comranied with five dollars wewiil send the purcbast onr written gurnniee to refund the money if the treatment daes not cfleel a care quarnntees issaedonly by j e mc- gaitvis nle autbrriied agent fur axton ont joh- c vest 4 co sole proprietors toronto ont 4 iarrhcure nooureinopay a ijal aod coutinihoul treatment sp uodicim tee actini is tha natal panajra head throu and anp the other ca the lrrer kidnen and blood instaktaneous economicalsare radical treatment sold bv all druggists price 70 cts if not farad latisfaetarr the price pau ul be reftuded some chronie or obsti nate casej cf lonf ttaodtng ttay require non three lo iu packaiet to effect a prrmanrnt core montreatritroyny i

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