Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1882, p. 3

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rtss tncitmuy moskmb oct 12 us2 at c hyfedt acua j koivet spoonl and forks batter knives croets ivklesuode pocket knimwada batchers ritnrv the only ttoru in loin kit keeps a tekclktn of these joode joit opened oat inolhei stock of biprsta waisoei tot the little alka call ia and see them j ojw- ll we 1 our i 12 er- mr j 1 bits of brevity ul en mhenrtae sttbtrra kj ike h r ik sen iamhi for ri4cn f the free hm lay io your winter coal halloween approachetu 7 oysters are scare this season tail it crimson and goldes october reckwood show today end tomorrow tte toot crop harvest is now in order giipyilminac evils october sushuary soon b time to look for indian sum mer v ottrceits ire comfortable these even ings christmas is just ten weeks from aeit monday the cow bvliw i5 tliu cccaslontllv violited the frapa crop ia this vicinity is very poor this yeir the young ladies ire now gathering autaianleirea xow is the time to 1st in your vegela- blcs for mil wi tar vtkat are yott doin sboct that foci bill club gealleaiea f jicfefmst took aafceteh on our side wilts the other niirut bad roads will soon be ia order the roads are good yet however the fcliaje is tow most beautifully tinted wilh crimson aud gold 7 the sua now t mlantnil rays sa oew loa k out foe feiliah days the wie turkey will soon begin lo rotsl byu and lice oa short raious- owiarto ike low prioe of praia ven- lilile is fiei j- bijaut ia at present the piintin of the town hall tower has considerably improved its appearance toe ubiquitous sruall boy has stripped anumvrof grape tines ia this villise the comet did oat collide wjlhtiic lun ust satcrdiy mom in as wis predicted during the present tear toronto and suburbs lure speut 2 1 is 530 in ne- build iuiti a number of boys broke a window at the post office while scuffling the other eveninc- tbe 7fji jivntfrjrsryttbit the cea- tralllihibuion ris successful beyond ex pectation tin year tbe fine weather of ox past three or four weeks has been very favorable for all kirds of oat door work the gidf hen i was soidbj-ctaa- cery sale last wednesday to mc john andersoa eegistrar arthur mrs yeimuu the renowned temper once iectarer is tie temperance hail to morrow ereoin hear her tbe aatumn hascoae and with tinu warm i and glowing ins touched all the woodiand new beauty bestowing the judges court of revision win be heldia xritthewi hafl oa the i8b inat instead of the 16th as was aacouueed last weeiv local sportsmen ale oat ia full force these dars bat somehow wfaei they re turn tbeir game bags have a irangry look about them j yoa may perhaps an idler be aad coin ing graad in jiving see or in pood work yoa mar be spent bj odds this month you owe the real miltons rate of taratioc this year is 27 mills on the rioltar and she is not mak ing anypublic improvements of any ex tent either the temperance people ia the west end of toronto manifest eratiffing strength and harmony in their decision to erect a ten thousand dollar hall tbe tax colleetor wiu soon make his appearance aad yoa should be prepared for him death and taxes are two tilings you caanrt escape in this world a hnge dotcbefof wbscriben have paid up their subacrihioaa since upr ac counts were rendered but there are aaany of whom we have heard nothing since borne men are like cats you may rtroke the fur the right way for years and tea nothing but parting bat aocideolly treadvon the tail and all memory of former kindness is obliterated shooting black squirrels is tbe fayonrite pastime of several of our business men now it wonid alarm yoa tboagh to know how many kbots are discharged before one poor quirrelis brosgbf down it ia aaid that liquor is being sold in hal ten aad that occasionally a glial strays over the ca inter not a thousand miles f mm ibtt end of tie country what baa oar county inspector say about is he a i vigilant a be should be 1 the village council aiet n tuesday veniog and for once tbeie were count lo pass aad no important bastsesa to truisict the topic of eoneraation by ike members of the council wai tbe purchase of a bell forlbe new town bah van eicbsngeyi keren- growl be erase a newspaper fails to give every scrip of news- so long as yw take no painalo ite the editor iofoiiijibod tbe average conntir editor isnt a faedium or a mind reader bat gets bis news jasi tbe taste as the milkman get lis a ilk ay pumping an excellent iriew f the village and cerroiadlag wintry may be obtained ram the new town sail tawer the nr brick reaideoces ia various parta or tie town show very tnnch to advaataee from this piint it would he a good idea to faavethe tower so arranged that eiticeni ik l1 it f our thanks are due to mist haggle a moore for a voir neat bouquet j a vty lauttatlg budget of oewi from kaasagtweyi it crowded lout this week a very enjoyable pienic wuhild by tba pnpili of bannookburn school latt than day afuroooo there it at preient a rood ddil jmon alula up to tee the cornel that the attraetion of tbe celestial visitor actually warrlnta r i j what a dreary look the columns of out exchanges present these dayi it il the day of plte lists the most unwelcome of the year ovlngtnthe tow price of wheat and flour the bakers all over the country are reducisr tbe prist of bread onr village bakers have reduced the price oois cent on the four poundloaf thirteen cants li now the price ajclont new town hall is complrled oainfe standard no it isnt bro kio xolwiihst ml inf the fact that fiej c ilnl calls for its completiou ou iho utojobcr the brick work ii only now cootplolcd a nd there is yet three months work however the cirpsnters are now ruliinj tbe work forward and yoa will to doubt have the privilesd of illeading opeaiug coacert about c iriitutt erini village varieties otadcr r tfxtul lafrml lo or the tnnml txliiuitioaof ttiis coaau vu j 1 held ia hiuou oa tuesday od w edorliv liud cm one of the mou iucceful cva held by itc tvecicty ecpori utiwtciil x kit dari tiiit1iibc oa uoiidiy ul al lii firm o 5f r joka frazsr oa lot 3 caa 7 ciilnuciusy ucurs hinai fc jicob j srictiuamer thnrsticd lqoo bwheu of gnila bjiqj 503 uuslieu of oil aad 5 jo of b irlcjr ia tours- tiiii il bi wort- wiij tail u1 iarca eqau tfct tthac cteerr ameeiiujof ill alesled in ptwttid and baiauffia las vilttt ctn fiery will be hell ii tus pnibyrlii ciaroi ia fa- dirafxra at itj oebek till it a lubjwl waicj critf ciuzia suilfl azc a ba lhit titiith p7 icia iatircit ia u1t trail lucre large alundaflcc the caei tba triy bird tiaa to ssoare iu irurm b 4 o dick ia the p lmiaj em kixi a eipuii view of tbe c imftt whizh u nry briuiial about tait tini- it 8treuhm fromtjseulera bjorizia eirly half way ap lo the ziaith it u of jreit hriiiiiacy aadliii aadeai u pieoaoi eaally large xrftilbue- we are pleased la sea that aiders it at- lendipflhe brandon maaujij lauonly oins moaths oid aal ba alniul biea ca- liri la aim at daabla ita forrnar sjzt il naneaily priatel fjttr pare thirjt two cottiin eikr jjarna andia very extm sivdy pittuaiz3d oy the btutaflii ma of brdniua we vuh it ciatinuid proi- peritr- scrul a very baccesaful sociai waa icld on i i l tbaradiy evening t the residence f asa hajl es- ia aid of ths liiies aid societv ll of tba cnxaii ilethodist cliarch ia tbia place tbe attcnianee was lare aai a rerr plaiaaat eyonlnz was spent the ban took a very proniiaeat iirt in tbe projitlmme an 1 their playing wis raach ea- pyed the proceeda were tett satisfactory are xwiprotemtnu mr doaaid cameron is hiildjn a brick addit oa to bis home oa q 122a skreci ii jlbraai huthews is resaid 11 n ki re-i- dnceoa frederick aad hill streep itr wilsoaranijhivruroijbciiuahiihimc oa jltia street mr j fife is wia tbe brick work of bla av residua oa church street piiited and lack piialed j itrs j adams is buimioj oa addit ji 0 ker resi- dsace onwillow slrcet ili- arnitt iiiaeullaa tiie numvrj of this isfatioa are abratto reorganize for thecimiog winter season a natiber of moit prjfiuhie nret- ings were held list leaioo ahl the shiiitiei of the members for public epeakin were considerably improved by the practical in terest they tcok iu the many dttcasjion on important sabjects introlueed for de- bats we wish the society continued sc- ceaa aad feel assured that mach good will eventuallyresult from atlenlaace at the meetings of too society tke seats let the samvion spectator says that deladed people think that the j scott act has been a success iu hilton it seems that the favorite oocupatioaof thapecfaior man is slsaiering his neighbors jai calling thamhardnimss howavar hese very dslnlei people have common benso and interact suilaeat to teach the above illbred gentleman somsthing in tha way of respect fgr his sapariora if the bpttmor man ia capable of forming anuabiassea opinion wa bslieva that before three ears have expired he will feel himseli ii justice forced to acknowledge that the ssoti act u a iik caw an halton teaekrra aaawaauaa tbe temlaeaual meetinj of the halton county teachers auoolatlon will be held in but buruostflnpubllohohuolon thurt- day itritay aud saturday joth 7th and 83th instant a urge and varied programina hat been prepartd and the meeting will doubtless be largely at tended by this teaohert of the oonnty theto orjruiiiatloni are intended for the mutual improvement of tha uaohtri la the county and to nviki tha oonrentloat sue- cessful every mtmbsr should mike ll a point to be present and take part in the discussions of subjects introduced tralaa okaagea oa monday a number ol important chan ces in the time of traits on the qtb were effected the dutch mall both ways has been discontinued the train hereto fore qninj east at 1133 am now passes here about otf and there is no train goioa easl bilweea this and the 8 03 po train a miied train leaves hsra for toronto about oti am and returning leaves timsio atfl10 1 pm this will bi verr coarejiinl for bmtnm nun go to toronto oa the other hind it will be moat ioconrebirat fir pwple gun to quelph on buiineia whioh they can tnnaact in an hour to be obliged to lemiia there alt day this is the effact of monopoly where the tlreutar raa rrfated itwoaid appear as if thsro ware no printing offices in halton when the secre tary of our caanty teachers association has to have tha semiaaunalcrcular printed ia gaelph an erhibition of such feeling comas with bad grae from a member of tha profestioo jiaa yetci wiiat pjisqissllha elitirof tha yvicr to pn ths ahsva pxraapli w3 are uajjls tj dtermue tae urn ioinaati circular of of the tiiii dnuiiiiai wia prnt3l in thsacros fattpaiii osj anl if tha anwminhadcut hiseya to tho foot of the title piji ha wjill bars aaao oor impinl thirija the sicrettryof tha aaaosiation who is a bauaai man and a gintlemiu kaowi very well where he cm gat a sat- iti2tjry job ia k illoa and oooieqaantly gt his pintiadjja at tha fats pi ess odija unlike tha vcaw tha fast press is inlapaulaat of oatiila oses while tha xact whase subscribers think they are likn a haaia paoar il mare thaa half printed in tjroato firil c ist the beam oat of thitu owuera etc crltket- a very interesting fame of cricket vu phyed last friday between acton and georgetown cricket ciaba on the groundi of the later resulting ia a tie the tame aaa closely contested throaghoat and the playing of both clnha vu very creditable at the close of the first inainga the acore itoodgo to to ia favor of acton in the lecjni iaaiagt gevrgetowa made il runs while acton came behind with only 37 causing the two inniaiga to reaalt ia a tie following ia the score actos hi rsinxas tf c king b stennelt 81 jeifomrviaaaaiersoa b 8teuaetl 18 c s omit i b steauett 4 fames budcr b sfeunctl 4 gsj hynds e swuiiett b stennelt 0 oeo havillc slenuctt s a e mattilcwt b eoe 8 c huff c credman b roe 1 il p ilrore nit out 3 j speight b slenuetl 0 a hi xiciliu li stennelt 0 eiuaa 3 ihuitah for hughes griffin fall stock complete n ert department boots anil shoes our stock in that line will be found the largest in town and prices to suit every body call and compare prices biress goods all the latest styles and shades from 10 cents per yard up bieackcashmeres in that line we iefy competition as we buy direet from the manufaclfurers there fore we can afford to sell lower than any other house in the oountyr prices 25 35 40 50 60 75 80c 100 lillineryoiir show room will be opened on tuesday 26th when we will be prepared to show you all the latest styles of the season anql in other lines we will sell at a lower price than any house in the county the reasons are we buy and sejl fob cash 2nd dtsbos tvcting runout 0 j e ilcgarvin b stennelt i c s smith b roe 3 james lutler b stennelt 0 grf hvnds b stconeft 0 geo havill b stennelt 1 a e matthews b roe 2 c hotf run out 10 h p ifiwre c- mckay u west 5 j speight b re 7 ja e kiiiklin col dul 0 extras 5 total runs 107 georgltowx 1st rkxixss j mckay h butler 2 d c watson b hdjarvia 2 c stennelt li 3atlr i g anderson c ugarviu bxlgarriq 12 vt t jaciiia c speight h kcarviu 3 c c rie b sicgirvid 0 w bsscobr b butler 8 k crvelmin b butler 2 w bircliy b mcgarvin a jf array not out w west b ucgarrin extras bom arthur l x can take in u sflearlid view lioatjwrrat limo pruit juioe at j t sroa and gles laths braiass aad ber ladaatrtai we hive received from ifr ironformarly ofrtws villa of a neat little rolamn of lb dages de scriptive of the city ofbrmdba urn aal her industries prom its pjget iwe learn the following relative to mrlcjaieroaand his partner messrs can larkia are dealers ia lumbar jii doort aaskes mauldings and bt ildmg nil- terlal eeaerally aad have beta isublisbed smee april int the arm jbi vie filled a levttnj pbtsa aoiotg the employ is of skill ed ubar in branded at buijdli ooutne- wr4 now thtt they hire disposed of tkeireatrtetlagboslbeatur uldapro- mimnuacoemrn wjon- t hirs done macu for thp i ujlldlng np of the hfaat city and are ttill i scomnluh- ag mneh fr the exlreasloa of ber trait eannections we plcaied to hear of the suceeat ot aa old frtead ind twlatl him coallnued piyperlty secosd rskisos i itckny c ilithaws b bntler d c watson c miuhews b butler c stenaetu b ilcgartiu g andereou b bailer w t jackco b baler c c roc o kcgamn b mcgarvin w beacobr c matthews b butler il crewman b- but tar w barclay nol out a ma rray leg before w icket w wejt b buter extras 0 21 18 1 68 i 0 s 6 1 2 0 6 0 5 16 1 call in and inspect goods yours respectfully hughes griffin acton september slit 1b81 the wonderful man mofee new goods from great britain and the continent total runs 107 umpires r campbell georgetown and l francis acton scorers h speirs georgetown and j fdyde acton fersaaali mr i b ooales was ia town oa toes day ulster hauteilh halot berlin is visiting acton friends mrjg hall and wife of hornby are visiting acton friends a copy if r b l tbnrlell and wife of reawater are visiting tbeir acton friends mr t james of ciloversville ny with his family has taken up his residence in acton miss lemon of aurora who had been the guest of mr j r hughes for the past week returned home on monday mr 0 w loach who has been employed ia the uaaads glove works for some time left on il ondiy for uloyersville nt mr w ramsey foreman sin moores leather manufactary has removed tolhe bouse on church street opposite mr j fyfes new reeidenoe thb cb1qle mooba in acton oo f he 8h last jbhe wife of mr james moars leathsr raaaa- faetnrer of a son j new dress materials honks swrc nins omh eatfararn sarct etdmrni toulc l saxony oathmajr irish twc4 8ultlnr jilhfolfltflraj suiting walth twd uitln w ohck materials naw brooba alatarlala goto t h hardings for 12 lbs good bright sugar for l 7 representing all thanew shades and mixtures with buttonvbraid c to match new new new new new new new druffstow jj -also- jersey gloveaswede shades jersey glovesterra gotta shades cashmere hosiery sash ribbons collars and cuffis silk scarfs gimps ruches fringes 3tcy itupaatsti rajmhilly tssrlto mom fescesi -m- lmmmmml try t h hardings 4 lbs good green t for atiy t h harding8 5 ct japw aea worth 45 cla tortrj t h harding8 10 ibi raisins for iliw go to t khardlivgps for femilj- sopplia of all kinria compriaid teas coffe spices canned goods dried and salt meats zard c ft a ipundtd txdc of oodcery and lamware jrart nomti at t h hardiagt amap s remeawthplafte aewrbrmkbloa main st acton jly r t rraav boot and shoe i ibegto vrjfiraate to ray ntntbroin ftierrdi and patrona4kairxlii9 now in atock one fthe iargeatad bbiiaxtemntm itu in ib afltoh my amuttofte whole bwieaatbb vnej awll w 4on 1m aouamidcialtcwhara lvjaasndiavaai the man oomhibdioa pntaitea aiy oeie4 tj foraijetand haw jjarchaed laata f reatt aria aretsaiira of th largeit arjl aaaat wluble rau4tliab aaiawi o- i- ra j i- tjruit tafaoalwtarf ertt jpilibeiailpport i pmjmfflg r jsm t- 5sfftyissiift fi

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