Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 3, 1882, p. 3

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tomit uomho injun j 189 at fie bynds acum eaim spoooi and fork batter halves crotu pkkksusria faciei kpiv j batchers raxw the omy store ia toatti tfcti kcepa j selection ol these good jott opened ot unlw stock of ktpress wsatfoftiiss little wka g4u it tut see tan j bit of brevity- lacal t4 tnrlw srvart by sift e tsf am sclsw rf reaieraeflke tree frees aupil btamary pjcoka are raring are you cricketer the uotlijon tbe com this i jolljtnd jam time very little fill wheat is under cotsi vet the rupberrj crop ia a food one uilt rear j ii wasnt so pajinj 1 all u ttraali eh doctor board of xdnciuon meets next monday evening j the icecream parlors it well patroiriied these days the brick work of the new toira hill has wu commenced the rain haa considerably retarded the harvesting peralioas the rain of the past fedays will greatly improve the roc crops the masons j are busy at the birildiojr associations new houses theres qnite an armt of bricklayers and masons in town at present the farmers had a holiday ulis week owing to the wet weather the voters lial of this municipality for xsss will be issned in a few daye toe rain was welcomed if it was oolr to settle the almost unbearable dost tuesday the 15th august will be cele brated by hilton as a cine holiday- tbe town hall debentures hare been disposed of ilo private caditaliats at par bramploe wul rest from business tares tomorrow iand celebrate a civic holiday the county of peel fall fair will be held at brain pton on the h and 5th october there is ionic talk of a court of the can adian order of foresters being organized here woodcect shooting commenced ontaes- dsr 1st august sportsmen keep your eyes open the days are now perceptibly shorter and ia the wogds we miss the eoasubt soc of the birds acton bedding association will meet on moadayefeniiig 14th inal to elect directors etc j when far new come tc town these days too may c epetnt apoa it something his gone wrong with that new reaper tiiis mocl iris crowned with tbe sickle cd the wheaun sheaf while autumn eiddio oec the yetfor plain comes j ivisl on tuesday lnnvl lit was emareiruliou day it wis celebrated in great style thtccgfcoat the coaotry by the colored people the vtatfard jidpxaic has again chanced lacd and will now be carried on by edw devine l co the adwcau is a firstlass local paper i j large nuinbers of out subscribers are calling to riay dp their subscriptions for another yeaj w suh there should be many more xq f a lady resident omplains of a broken plank in thel crossing at the corner of mill and willow isusels a id advises lie council to hare it replaced villon pleejire po tads is monopolizing a good marly picnics and flcursiqns this year ft is a tidy at raetire and beaati- fully sftuated grove a little bef who ha 1 been used to receir- ng his elder brosnerf old tnys and clothes remarked jala will 1 hare to marry his widow whoi be dies 1 almost tr day rowda of children and some of khe psder heads too may be seen wending their my to the yarioos berry pat ehe in the rlcinity 1 f jon wooid see actoo io all i be grs ndenr it possesses jt this season ortheyear climb to the top of cobble hill where the low- spirited uka ref age on certainoc the acton fne prat his jest catered on the eighth year of its existence xrtegood wine it nntjjores as ft gets older it is a remarksbly fireij eoeet palnasun tele- fraph j i three snakes aurh measnrrng aoout two feet sir inchi a in j length and correspond ingly ihiek 1 ere killed by one of oar citi- tens a short distance from the tillage one day last weel j an exduuj jeaajn hens aightgowns are now buil with pockets in this will til a long fe t want by conrmescul trarel- lers who haw brretofore been compelled to claw aronod indar t pillow wheat they seed their fla monthly fair today pleasant after the rain considerable hay to cat yet raspberry pickers are busy th harvest is reported good berry picking is sow the order of the 1t the post office i decorated with ever- freena 5 bill loet see adrertuameot in another column acton possesses tomt one speclmeni of horseflesh cucumbers end colic doot ort weajine a broad mile prometiaden will soon plane down the now tidewalka kaw poutoes are plentiful now and the price treauy reduced the thermometer indicated w la the shade so thursday last our streets and tidewalka are now in a tery creditable condition borne folks sayhodps barrel of course are an unbearable nuisance municipal holidays are sow being an nounced by our sister towns tbe zoo has added a royal bengal tiger to ila lon list of different animals there is a possibility of getting too truch of the good thing these warm sundays this month the weather rnaybe hot be duly thankful if its not rip4 jfaiaane t holliday of goelph was fined 10 and cojta the other day for selling beer to minora that notorious small boy says he belieres he would rather go to school than go berry picking harvest apples hare not yet made their appearance in acton this season they are later than usual some of our citizens hare discovered to their coal that a street watering cart would be a great benefit to our tillage guelph civic holiday will be held on the 15th august the tvoodhine races lake place at toronto on the 6ame day a- cumber of boys have the very bad bid habit congregating in and about the post office every evening take the hint hoys- the potato bug has cot done mach dam age in this vicinilv this season but in xova sootia they are reported to be uacsually lively a judge has recently declared that a duds residence is where he gets bis wash iog done this it hard on the average bachelor i farmers la this vicinity are paying from 2 to i50 per day for harvest handa and sy that they find it difficult to get men at these prices bmillpor has nude its appearance in winnipeg brooght by immigrants but tbe health officers lave it fully under control and expect to stamp it out we notice that some of our citizens per sist in tethering their caivs etc on tne sreets have the guilly parlies not seen the kblice to cow owners v last sunday a clergyman abbreviate his remarks lecause tbe congregation was no in tnta f r much talk r we are arqflaiutrxiklin one who didnt rrrtrr- the village redrtrar informs uthat the number of births martligcs ad deaths in ihis mnaicirwiily for tbe hilf yeareadicg junesoth are as follow births ii hzrriages 3 deaths 8 the acton free pru havine lately reached ju 8th volume is receivfn con siderable taffy from iu reirlibors on the occasion we can tell our experience too we think the fnx prta a clever journal ridgftotm plaiadtaltr chest pbotectoe a newspaper under the vest make a capital chest protector the subscriber should uke care however lo select a paper 00 which there is nothinc doe due creates dampness and the wearer might catch cold thaefrom brttex a correspondent writes if when persons are bitten by dogs snakes or insects they woold apply a poultice of pounied raw onions it would 60on draw all tlie poison from the wound ify mother weo 11 86 years old gives me this informa tion ex vi luge varieties a cellecuw or ul aewsutl ether per80nals hits agj je alba is widtlns friends in clencoev- miss- mi y etta hatjiews if visiting friends in ffi igstap hiss tai cy reid is at hone pesdisat her fammer 1 acatios mr tho l thoon8ipent several days this week u isigian york co mrs m kennedy snd knster johpeie deaijre visl ting friends in beverly mr c b oriffin returned from bis trip tc chics o and points iri wisoonsin on tuesday mr joh 1 csoningham jr sad ids jistera vim 1 mhpsrie rackl and addle of bamette risatedltwr trtenda hen on ttsmday mofltmira lims pruit gfiorsbt cairp murtlsfl the annual camp meeting at grimsby opens on tbe uth august anrtwill be continued till tbe 30th the celebrated boy preacher rev t harrison- dr wild and others will be present at he opening and on sunday and monday 2lst and 22nd rer dr tal- mage will addrcts the meeting dcrstknl em dont kill the loads the ugly toads that hop around your door each meal tbe little toad doth eat a hun dred bogs or more he sits around with aspect meek until the bug is oeared then shoots he forth his little tongue like lightn ing doable geared and then he soberly doth wink and shut his ugly mug and patiently doli wait until there comes an other bug bavfxs brsked the barn of hr ahan byera who- uvea en the town line between mefsoo and trafalgar was burned tn the ground on saturday everriog 22nd lost about 10 odoek the barn was filled with new hay and ike loss will be about 700 with bat little insurance tbe fire is rep posed to have been tbe work of tramps only coir days before tbe barn of mr levi king four rats away had been burned t the groend champum pat ve breathes here man with soul so dead who never to hlmserf bath said ill oefl tbe bat from off my head hi go without my daily bread ill let my rjrhdren go anted nd starve the dog till bejsdead mytuiods of charity ryspread and up and down the street 111 uedh arinues fer aid ill tread aod never pause tm life is bed til work id carautit fear aod dread iu sell my cjotbing every shred hleeu my house and rent a ebed but what til pay up ftory red i owe unto the printer t tes titer are mep to very towst who take a piper the year round tret seldom take into their head to let the printer see a red cuatow oollkctiosi the cusloms duties collected at qualpa in july amouat- tdtohu77k fiskd r bennett hotelkaeper george town was fined last weak ko and oosti for violation of the soott act rkxt- 1 wish i were a utile bird a family man lo slag wu heard well birds are free lo this eitoot no landlord bothers them for rent a bcccxsa the church of england excursion to burlington beach wu a suc cess upwards of fitly went from acton and all enjoyed themselves very much acctiojt balk wood and grain ion lot ss coo s esquealng saturday 13ui aug the property of elizabeth ifllkr saleal 9 oclock w hcnistrcet aiio- lioneer colt rtilud a fine thorooghbred colt belonging to john white esq j of this town ran against a plow in the barn yard last friday tbe handle penetrating its breast and tilling it- jufivjon ckampivn tuistlxs theuw requests pathmaster6 lo sec to it that uo thistles are allowed lo bloom within their dislricta any path- master who ncglccljs to eufotce the law may be fined 20 each offence t1uifrsx0w lhal farmers are willing to pay from two to two and a half dollars a day for labor the impecunious tramp showeth not himself but abideth iu the land where bread and browsweat do not comingle whssis ths cow f doat koow per- haps in the pound if so prepare to yank ont two dollars thats what the owners of enterprising cows that go down to the station to see the trains come in haye to payfe conicrmi fob trial a man named john e iitedeford a witness in the trial of k beccett of georgetown for violation of the scott act waa committed for trial at the next asaizea for perjury he wu released on bail press eiccrsios the press associa tion will have its aonual excursion 00 the 22nd august and winnipeg is its destina- tmu whal the editors will nol knew about tbe xorthwesi by next september will scarcely be worth mentioning a detective detictcd a young man evidently anxious to gain a little cheap notoriety in the role of a whiskey detective was pretty badly scared in oneof ourboiela here on afondsy night he certainly ia out of his element in the detective business pnovrscial lernrbtnas tbe thirtv- scventh piavincial exhibition of the agri cultural and arts association of ontario will be held at kingston commencing on monday sepl 18ibindcooiinoingtosepl 23rd the prize lilt may be seen at this office pastoral chakoe rev b robinson has been iuducled into the pastoral charce of the congregational church at george- icwn the late esteemed pastor rev jos unswnrth recently resigned oa account of illhealth hiving been twenty seven years connected as pastor with thit coogregatioo fkcit wouldnt it pay some of our local capitalists to form a fruit evaporat ing and preserving company here this industry would fie the means of guarantee- in a ready borne market for fmit of all kind- and wold lie a paying investment for the proprietors of such an establish ment iitiis scarce the editor of the ffeoroe- totca ffcrad offers a dollar to any yung lay resident of georgetown who will eat seven dihes of ice creim within an hour are local news so scarce in georgetown that he is anxious lo create a sensational item by ihe saperannualioa of the lady who accepts his offer 1 j stbet cnossixas we belicye itsvoald be a rery profitable investment for tbe council to build their street crossings with cedar blocks similar lo tbepavemenlinow being introdaced so extensively by the eelirs the cost would be a little more at first bat the work would be much more permanent- this matter should receive consideration cwceet at the meeting of the litem bers of the acton cricket club held last thursday evening the following officers were elected c s smith president j r hughes vicepresident geo hynds secretary and treasurer committee of management thos moore j b pearson geo havill w 0 hiag dr lowry and edw nicklin sr thz fucrr chop the latest ofhaal and other reports show that the apple aod peach crops of canada will be nearly a failure this was to hare becu tbe bear ing year both for apples and peaches apple blosecms were never thicker- lhan this year bnt nearly all fell off j the cold and chilly days of the latter part of spring are set down as one of the causes of the failure secokb to rtnsu for some time past mr j e ifcgcrvin dreggiat has been making improvements to his premises and they are now almost complejed the building baa received a liberal cost of paint both exterior and laterlor the a sin shop has been considerably enlarged the walk and ceilings hare been kalsomlned and frescoed a splendid mirror has been placed ia tbe rear wall and other improvements calculated to enhance tbe appearance of the ahop and accommodate the large aod in- creaajcg business bsve been executed and we feel safe in saying that if r hcgarrins shop has now a finer appearance thau any other of its kind in the county summer- the edinburgh warehouse 18 8 2 summer arfwrf- hughes norr offer great bargains in dry goods beady made clothing tfillinery and boots shoes our new stock special liites 917 patterns of choice english and french prints at 5 oenti a yurd jand up mantle aud dress caahmerei 50 inches wide single width dresa gooi a all the fashionable colors and shades with trimmings to niatchfrom 8c a yard upward linen goods of every description at prices that cannot be beaten heavy white counterpanes at jldo beautiful stand spreads at 80c aud 40c genes furnishing- goods tee most complete stock nracrox our millinery will be found more attractive than ever this season as we have taken all pains to obtain the latest and choicejtxlass of goods in the xew york montreal and toronto markets j special lines in childrens eats fancy straws at 15c k 20c mens and boys felt for straw hats we can show a very large and choice assortment in this fine boys paaoy straps for 20o and 40o mens strawad pelt hats for 25 50 and 75c mm mm department the large trade we have done in this line during the past year- convinces us that we are handling the right class of goods our principal lines are manufactured by j- d king co and cooper k smith toronto which makers are acknowl- edged by all boot and shoe dealers io be amongst the best in america and the holders of ths centennial and dominion exhibition medals for fine and durable work trotx prices will be found the very lowest for all classes of goods highest price paid for any quantity of good butter and eggs 1 hughes griffin acton cajll at j c hills tinshop for ihejouowing gexxit baloon fly tftaps bird oaf ntmrt it ohmp i i enamllfjd jorftntfe and bras preserving kettle imitation silver tea spoons at 40 ceau per dozen 1 j btst qualltr huk pails strainer pails ac cistern and force pumps kept in stock and supplied at reason able rates racs oldmtal old copper and brass wool picking and sheep skins taken in exchange for goods aapiease call and see my stock j o hill jtdceatjehc tie csudavc dias in elmira oo tbe 28 tb tilt tie wife of rev ow deae f a ion lowpr io aton oo tbe saliuh the wife of dr w h lowly ol a daughter tbe altis hcoms booth at toronto on the 1st lnsl in tbe sherborne 8l methodist cbarch by rev b j hunter mr bacsuudf hgbes of gravenhust for merit ol acton tq miss laura a 8 booth eldest daughter of wni booth esq huntartlle x dm store aoton ont next door to studio the largest lt7e7 sale board tables mill street aoton is where on ein get c w hills photo hill st acton- firstclass eigs at reasonable rater good commercial rigs an express delivery wagon will mee each express train and deliver goods tr anj part of the town after the 1st march i intend lo do a strict cash business only as credit will not pay for horse feed or repairs ed tfatthews the gheapesti the best assorted stock of groceries glassware crockery in acton at qollot ll hardings 12 lbs good bright sugar for 2 for try t h hardings 41bs good greeatfor bstry tj h haedings 35 ct japan tea worth 45 ctb jsrtry t h hardings 10 ibs esiins for 100 go to t h hardings for family supplies o all kinds comprising teas coffees spices canned goods dried and salt meats laid c us l sphndid stcok ol crockery and glassware just received at t it harding j waup s remember ttj place agnews brick block main st acton jay2r 82 jl tit it for a aioe summer irikk 14oati6rratum call and you will be satisfied that we can verify this statement thos 60wdy co guelph manufacturers ol reapers and mowers steel chilled ft other plows proit juio8 at kogarviaa drug store actqa

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