j tfrgmotawtwaj ffigjthfy is publishes le ver r taorsoa r morn i so gs p moore i editor proprietor at ni mil htn paixritte ipvtusatxe jfqlkiiv rtsrtdoarlometasalt church jbf77 stntt y r l acton out tim tta fail pnn will be tost to snbscribere postage paid fat hm per a- i nam in advanef mm i rtdt so paid no ptpor dwoogflsfaritiu tu unth hiepsicl except atthe option of tbepuhlisher ajnxvnscfo iuxks casual adrertbe- nrents 8 oentr per line for the first inser tion ud i cent per urn lor each t4be- qaent insertion oik vpnfsssional cerdt 10 lines or leas ftoo pa annum 1 square 11 lines tj00 per annam peyabla he 6 months from date of insertion any special kotieethe object of which is to- promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise- meat thtnamber of linet reckoned by the space occupied measured by m semi of solid nonpareil v cost tact utx9- one calami m rear fin co helt eoltaui noe rear maj anernolauin one rear fuoi oaentnlsiaonth ioq hatreotmnnsu months r wtfri qiartrreitawibslsmqquis 13 a o i entumn three months l 20o0 half column tnremonihs hon quarter eolorail three menthl 70n vttertlsmnis wtihrwirac direction will belihttlfarttdandebnraeewtf inilr trenallnry advertisements mutt be told lo advane chances fnr qntnet advertbenrnts mttl be in the ofojy la ta on mtin oslier- wieineywlllbe left over ul theollowltii week li p moore kdllor a proprietor i rmttu t cu newvpaper ac- rartlalbc sanaa siatrt8v adtruili c osaaaoa icar be mai let u ik sift vokh termtioo in advane volume yil no 83 vrbrice tbcanidaalverllflm-aicn- jx ey no kin at- wea toiouto ti author trd lo reehte atrertlasmrta jor tutaraper it ww rtuek hauler wmmctoeyj we lowry itb if c e e e graduate of trinity college mem ber ofcoilege of physicians and- surgeons 0ce and residence at the head 61 fred erick st acton mforstesu m d physiclak a sckgeot ric office formers drug store seit ioor to creech saddlery acros ost eejidesci ghitreh itreet formerly occu pied by lir v hemttreet auctioneer jl hithzsox attorkerat lav soiieitor in chancery dx onice neil door to killaee hotel milton actom bahkihc cot irtolaet ohrktib li 00 bahker8 artoa j ontario a qeheral bakklxcf bvsl jaavis transacted kohit imxts on avmotos atvtjsb notes diaeonntd and iatorott allowed on copoeits ii medical hall m vi fortir proprietor- fall line of u ktndi of tbr xbfuclxb pesfpxsar cokes attfff oscsbss vrss tbussbs seojfoss etc rrnxthtse nc tez drug loe urt cosstxxttr oseaxd mf0r9ter acton dec 22 1881 another laree stoek of ologes keceited tb employer and foretna iraile thew monilngi the workmen ire ail on time to work ajidwhy becaaie thej- httfl parchised ona of thou reliable ainii clocki from wms smith mr stock or goods sarpu anjihinj in the city foi qqality nl chapnetc if 5 skits i the watch and clock hooae ofjguelph tkomdit ilommo feb 16 a- iwi7v 7e ntvcipaptra map of bitty l ft itt fluctuatimi and iti vatt chneernt wso himh paid acton ont tuesday february 16 1882 whole no 865 thefr12e press 1882 9 pqll ielunj 1 rr iredilb uro hen re- he it it my cooslo from fhlujelphu and be cbpad her la bw uro with torttd a womans voice and at ibe eatne iliower of kiei which mefcii boaeet toms moment the young matron caught tight of i bir bland on end a neat black leather bag a black alpaca i i with she wee my cou tin from philn- souinfi for oftth he droee to town toe other 4ay a granger ca a lud ot hay dretiedia a int the gry hii he told the prod of hnmeipqo grey fatiifn vore ict of hii toil and raked the cub in wilt a inula hit uttle pile i o to a etore l c- him amble in aud welcomed hm with uod aud grin he knew the gti ngtr had aome tia altnot hi h meapan ftrey ru ulliuif dae tiuu and dollar few he counted ott and hied hi the merchant w and then a aute and rede w tnii srenrera c h will pall me through he to him if did ur l l lexkett dfiktist gtorgft- toti oat j l tt fishekvs i xi out will viait acton etery wednea- r day and will attend to all calls pertaining j tohis profession- otdars left at iicgexvins i drugstore will receive prompt ettentaon tenna moderate i tj fisher r w edfg atmr iren toaaaletr fc ifaerrinlct geobgrrowy macbineit of every description made to order on the shortest notice and most ceaaonable terms r eepairing promptly ith tended to jt ixisteb- a clab barrtbtee quebec street quelph uueca finccimsankewalldlm iiu ureer aciau ctfoma orrx mn famixt ttttc hekstbeet bionsed aoctioner for the cormtiee of wellington and ftajtoo orders left at the facx fnxaa office actcn or at my residence in acton wiq be promptly attended to terms reaaonblew umtf u tem also jnbaey to loan on the- most favorable terms aad at the lowest raim of interest in anms of 100 and apwards flour and feed b w nickjju inteuderfug hearty tlianks to the people ol acttrn aud vicinity for their kind patronage in the i would respect fully iu- i lonu ihem that he hits cou- stantly oa- laud at hii mill loot of miilbtreetj a fail stock of flour oat meal cora meal buckwheat flour gracked wheat and chopped stuits of all kinds anyof thich he is prepared to deliver dailj tour jitosk klaalr tolicitgl a kev stock of low gold chains with sudei made to order i quality guranteed b savage watchmaker east end butcher shop h marlattbro datrt to inform the riliieni of acton and ricinlty that they hare decided to make the batchennj baiiaeu a permaneat oae and caatooieri patrcnicag thetn can rely on beitig isp- plini aith freih meat all the year roahd b3ta call aolidted gravs specific hemcine geem iveteeesaer eue- oboh getfrfetown grtdoate of the ontario teterinary college trill viit acton etery tnesdayroni 1 to pm all call receiveii promptly attended to by night or day horase bought and sold on commission residenoe west corner from lirery stable georgetown ont i g beid ashtf0b8kiib i am prewired to pay the higheat cash prcio for hides fbfifirina deecons lainb nd sheep skina aehrerod at thj tanaeiy lace leather constantly on hand i james moose actojc oreun lrft t mr midanc riu neeirt prompt attaction l b w nioklin acton feb 1882 he waited on th it man bintelf aveot down ti oiilar ctirabed to ahelf he told him dry kku jtroceni deif at bottom f rices too for hi had leen the granger did and to thought witt- mattered i and in his nute after the to i the load of bay wing in that day he he mra will pay labiuksotei criap andnuw bat hew the tnai chant famed sad tore just as the groj er clused the door and left uo raoosy in the store fur good h i took away he marketl ttie iiau ia his hook threat and sagry look i ii tilt he shook ctnekpao grey stoar ew girl you will be sure lo te ova the r koir charlej member to rctnember what x aiked ilr mer edith kuu i hope leas expression of insaa lr on hii coutileairce dropped both of her despiringiy exclaimed you do act you hare forgotten sj- kate meredith hinds at her tides charles she mean to say that ready 1 my dear laid hr fumbled in the de th of his orercoat pocket for a missing glo rpelxviaph poles 1 am prepared to let ftotrecta for tbe-de- hrery of telegraph poles ix and ojardi to 1000 at stations nearest to the coutract- a 0ff reeler acton out the where yoo can set en easy 8haye a stylish hsiroat a rutbiag dhsmpoon or nenniioy sea foaavu i pare no psius sod gire uo pain in theaccompltshmefltof agoa shave ruors aid aciuon set in perfect order on shortest potice j w3r0en barber mill straet-acton- w oop asp coal the setiecnlur a pwptird to ieurer wood or eoaf w either urge or vudupur tries as reqofrto u uy fit ol a ro- wfc w t adams acfafifbifn- j j j yjfi a a oceax shells 4c cards name 4fcu on 10c arenti outnt 5ac geo h hunt jersey city ky usa the ott nllh an tmfilijurribrkemltl weakcess sperniaoirrti a imixiuiie aid all utntisrs tnt otlow aa a seocence of his bratn vcuivmttuonl while thai udy clasping bolh hudi in iliebne dimdemo vi loverherhead ia i aort of tracie despair loo premun aje and ihat oakh to kext j theeast half of hit eon 4 township ot erin will bercnted to a sutulile peraon on j liberal ternii tbe fafceutitains looacrea m tbaoiort lot- which is under culurtion i there r rood farm imimias orciiard ot kdster the property 1s well adapted h either piling or fartn ramoft for barticulars appll at this office ur to paru re vvm uk1ffik con 5 erin bebr t many other dls ifaitonajltjoconiumii oton vfalt pmfcularata urjnmpblet wttcli e dr- slretoaetict fiee by mull to rverynne jatth rpeelflc meolcln irtby l dine- ru at f lo nr kaee r tr paekusct for j5 or wilt bent fee by matt nr re ceipt of the money by d- dreatuf tjnort toiielae co aftfi toronto ont canada sold by j e- meoarvin urukl acton lectibe to vooc bes oa the aaa ef manhoo v snccessorto tf chapman 4qqjjjtqbb stoeorjesqnaregnelph account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of erery deaenptioo carefully bbondl bnling neatly and promptly done we haverecentlrpimlshedatiew edon or raitenreir cele- braled taviy ou in- reiical ana i i fc yi rure llhttlt ml i clilofservnod bdltlmeiulhn phytic s aiikataciiimtwkmeufotmiirriafe etc remit tit rom xeese i pritn afhfdenretopeonlj acts i or iwri xue ita m i s j i tne rlbralfd luuor in this admirable t esay clear jeraonktrates im tin t tj i i- ar- suixtiatul pr ctf- t ihmlarmlncnn- uei may b ntlniiy cared uoui th dunjenjux in ff intern 1 raedlriiviior dress and ehaivl of the plainest highland iplatd its the new girl thank protidence said mrs meredith as abe ran down the stairs tbansinc honest charley is her heart for his unexpected promptitude come in said she openltft wide the door i air so glad yon are punctual mjri lba mrredilh merafluli u lie good girl from tbe clairs intelligent bureau 1 suppose no dont lake off your things up here ibe serranls room is down stairs you may as well coma right down to the kitchen she led the way down followed by the new girl whose couulenance bore t be wildered expression what is your name 1 she asked ps- ironlxingly my nsme oh it is martha replied the stranger in confusion man ha t critically returned mrs mer edith what an ugly name i i think j hall bars lo call you patue hare you got good references i i i bilieteaa i think sail mrs meredith surrey- ing her from top to toe you are a little overdressed for your situation but of course you hare plainer clothes then the at rangerlifted a pair of bine eyes tu the tall form girdled round with a towl who was rigorously wrestling clsws off s stupendous lobster at tbt table be yond do you keep a mas cook r asked the girl mrs merediih drew herself up cer tainly not this is my brother mr gel- win who is kindly asststfns me to make a salad but be is not doing it right he will uerer git the meat out of the shall la that way let me show you mrselwyn and with deft fingers she loosened the white fibre front the shell in a manner hat made mr selwin cry brarol ad now jpattie i will show you where things are and leare you to get np as nice a lunch as you can for at 230 oclock w are expecting my husbands coasfn from philadelphia i want every- aelpbie in a stags whisper aside kate turned as scarlet as a pepper pod oh good gracious she cried duping ber binds nerrously and i look her fur a cook and i am a cook when the occasion requires it cousin kat aaid pretty mar- i- be ia tint for irery call if yon can be tint of all bain time if your taaohera holy bod sou art- aetar out behind bot are tfli the dial true they will ajwrjia trust to yon bein tbne netar lian you start set oat wttb willuje heart baintim in theanoroim no aad oa first to work ana snoaaat done tbiais how the- eoals attained this ll how tbe prixe ia gained be intism those wboaim at something threat never yet were found tou late be to time life witliall is bat m school we mast wirk by plan anl rule with aouie uolile ewd iu rtew ererteaily aarmst troe be iu tkde listeo tfieo to wsdoms call kaowlerlge now t fnwlo all be ia time yootli initat daily toil aud strive trvaaure fur tbe future hive fr the wtirk they have to do keep this motro till in vien be in lime i hare not forgotten thing in perfeet ordsr but i dont txacll remember the titira luggested his wife oh yc jeorstensald mwedith and the two c usees of double xephyr exactly and tbe depot hack to be waiting at two oclock for oui cousin from phila delphia mr merediih ffcpned his hands on the table she is comiaa today i declare to gobdueas i he jaeulated and a dozen of havana orangea for desert and two p wads of whits grapes and some of thoa delicious little naples biscuits oh asd et them lead up a girl from st clair arhichr a gitl you gioae for general house- i will flulsh that salad said tom who had been secretly watching the pretty face and trim figure of tbe new domestic now that i bare commenced it but you need not look perturbed paltie if that isytur nam i will ti careful not to get in your way and youask my sister if i am not a handy sort of a fellow about a kitchen kate shook her headdoubunirly at tom behind the screen but he resolutely affect ed not to perceive the warning gesture half an hour afterward he came to the dining roem where mra meredith was ar ranging ber best lilac and gjd chain kate she ia a jewel a gem of the first water depend upon it she has sot al ways worked jin a kitchen i quoted dont be rexrd at trie lor humouring the joke indeed i could not hilp it aid 1 will nhow yon how to make meringues glacet and ibe neapolitan tomorrow and they all tat down together to th roast quails and the fricasseed rabbits and kate and martha went to ibe inter national bureau on the morrawr establish ing a milesian damsel in the fturroundings and tom leaning oyer his sisters shoul der whimpered didnt i tell you she was a gem of the first water words of wisdom great truths are often said is the fewest words the greatest wisdom is to know our ignorance 4 many mourn for their aim who do not repent of them pay what you owe then what yon are worth youll know the greatest good to ibe greatest number cannot justify a wrong to the leaser num ber to make the most of ibe good and the least of the evil is the best philosophy of life little drops of rain brighten the mead ows and little acts of kindness brighten tbe world faith evermore overlooks the difficulty of be way and bends her eyes only to the certainty of ihe end deliberate with caution but act with decision and yield with gracionaness or oppose with firmness nubed down into the kitchen where a rerj good looking nun of 22 or 33 years was oa nls knees u front of a rang trying to coax tuost un willing fire to burn well said he tom cried she can you make lobster salad likes book and coffee x i learned in paris good and biscuit and betw said tom- shakespeare apropos of wmething or work fbcibe weol home ihtj morning j 0her ai he recognued the grand old with a headache ind i cant be left alou j worj tj unturned and with company coming and all mindalie i yououy seen lba color come into h mirlatt t bro a good cook and understands waiting at tir ttce fable quoted shakespeare toacommoukilch- and mr merelith rushed off to ealch gm am meredith in amain- the 980 express vilh a lulddscopic ra- 1 meiu fusion of tripes aphvrwool depot hacks j j jm u m oysters ana servso maid careering through fcltchen girl i dont believe in high life below ilalra aaid his sister ditdatnf ully the lunch came up at 280 in oerfeet or der but no cousin from philadelphia ar rived no hack rolled up to the door how provoking mid kate miss meredith must bava missed some connect ing train charley will be so vexed but however i do nit mind company coming la at any time pew that i have got an ex- client girl the dinner of delicately roasted quail and rabbit fri assee with a dessert of caj- urd and jelly waa duly served at precisely oclock wha mr meredith pounced i in hot and flushed with the haste he had i made where is she t be aaked where is who f cried kate my cousin frcm philadelphia not cornel mr meredith drew a sigh of mingled re in tbe barnyard if i could catch him id lief aud regret luve a chicken siewj then after all it is not so unlucky tom did yea ever make a chicken aaid he stew jl- what is not ao unlucky t my dear no charles you are expressing yoursejf alto- thes you do not know what you are igetner in a riddle talking about said the lady whh some that i forgot all about tbe bystera and tiieuoivueitnirei pnturiaf oat mli cr uper i the xephyr wool and the aerraut girl cureatonclmple crul and itina hy i- i r j means f whim emjr sufferer no matter ya i genu of gold grief may bide an evening guest but joy shall come a morning guest keep cool and you command everybody agreeable advice is seldom useful sd- vice to be understood is to be twice one self heaves neer helps the mail who will not act affliction like ibe irosimith shapes as it smiles politeness is a wreath of sowers that adorns the world sleep is a ginermu thief he gives to rigor what he takes from time our actions must clothe us with an im mortality loathsome or glorious a novel adreriuiiu dodge many citira lioast of riuerpruiing 4 dmlrni wbo invisb printer ink and other uielloda of iiuvertisiig but the most original conies to us from mr having exhaust ed every known tuetltotl of adveriiaiiig- ha again stnrtlod the good citizds of by inaerting the fullotfing in one of the daily jourmla wisted i want 20q cau do- hretedat my store between tbe boars of 10 nnj 12 oclock a bj tburaday january 19th for wliicti will pay 10 cents for erery eat lirouglit boys bringing ibe cans must liave tbem in bagai th3 baga eo tied thattbe wild yriil etickut of th bag on which i can tie my advertisement of shirts and furnislung goodk tbe bags can be taken after tbe delivery at 12 oclock neon no cat will be received under 10 wceka of age all boys deaigning to fetch cats will please if possible report to uie tot laser tliaai tuesday noon about the sjnastitjr they can provide tbe public generally are invited to witness the cat scattering at 1231 oclock tburaday noon january 19tb 1882 j nearly 300 felines were secured by mr on wbicb a red card bearing the foil owing waa tied oa the tail of each i j whose eat art thou 1 get lo thy borne oh thomas cat and toil tby owner to unie tbe cord tha binds ibis flaming card to thy tail and read other side it ia needless to say that several hundred persons asarninled in root of the store and enjoyed the scattering wliica fron all account waaaaueceoa ex a representative of this journal died on a liuaineaa firm iu uiwn tbia- mnrntcgsnd suggested that they should adopt the idenaud fill in their nnuie and place of biudnrae in the above blmika they have taken it tinder coiiaident ion i can make butler milk en us we can make up a decent lunch for i young lady from phila delphia as fcr dtnoei well airaln jttnarked the young man with a sootbespangled u providence ujust provide slibad ihe young matron theres an od cbinticolored rooster if i could catch him id to pnaerve a good joke put it in iu almauac or rent it out by tbe year to cir- cus clowns and negro minstrela in this way tbe specimens have been kept for 15 or 20 years my dear said a gentleman lo hit wife our club is going lobave all the home comforta indeed 1 replied tbe wife and when pray is inr home to bate all the club comforts f wio contemplate nviialpa in b si- irx turcoi t iiosld be thor- 1 m w- the ndvantarenl this eanent be r- res i pejl taniart i this eanent be r- tt hab endemo il rated by llif o baa meaiif yl r- ht nls cdotllrlon miyue hiy cute hlmsei etieapiy iirivalelj and rsdlra ly thin lecture should be in the banjs ot every yontu and yverr man in mia land address the ajnuerwell medical co ii -st- aue k xew tark 7 rjostoffloa box u tfozi it jooki her ity lmoiiw akbtcn boaran t co lew will hve jj ular sws send 10 centa to jfj iraa miir miner aav atuienoui inree plartt naasagaweya helton out tian than he- w have had he nen n trainlna wblehj inpenaahlejo svkibs t nai mention this tjaper oney the nadefaigiieu has wewey thidiipw al for discoantiag food endorsed notaa at raaaeoabwnt f piv kavhata ate nts rul-1- inventions henry grist do too onions potatoes eel- ery pearl barley with a plnohof salt noueease 1 inierrupted mrs mer edith go pick that lobster out of the fir and leave off romancing you are a deal bet ter at poetry and newspaper sketches th ta you are in tbe kitchen though to be sin aba said with a twinge of conscience gtodness know what would dowitfc out you just at this particular emergency you dear old eurbng tbe lobster waa not half picked out of the shell tbe iuitennljk biscuit was tlll plvnldrdmuwrilinoomiln8tboaruniuued and mra meredith with a mr c mlths ntfdenoa- one fifth of pockat handaerohief tied arouari ber pretty i ac ten frita stone uooae ip aplendm tm b wmdurtlag tbauiue drawing joradillmiv hablo and ehopoti the prern whebthel eame ring utae door tsjxssl x t pf fr tow hejd out of wwlaa- ihe window in a most anceiwaonlnoj nua- p bcbmonb taskm- asersaftiavsr i le forgot r man says victor hugo was the conundrum of tbe 18th oeatury woman is tbe conundrum of tbe 19th otatury an american editor adds we cant guc her but we will never give her up no never f an indiana woman has just killed twenty snakes which she found in one spot enjoy ing tbe warm sunshine ifiadam had only had that kind of a wife i but somehow the garden of eden bad se be placed on the wrong side ef the indiana line an aged negro waa one day showing the scars of the wounds inflicted by the 1 sh when he waa a slave what apirture exclaimed a sympathising looker on yes responded the colored brother dats de work ob one ob de ole masters this isnt a mensterie sharply ob jected an irascible deacon te a man wbo waa trying lo force a paaaaga through tbe cfiiwd at a church doorway no i pre- yes forgot 1 is not that plain en- same not returned tbe stranger or they glisb i wouldnt leave any of the animal to block but you did not forget remonstrated upthe entrance mn meredith you seat her she is now luthekitchen mr meredith started i bare lent no one never thpngjit of a girl from that moment to this i give you my word and a then who did send ber t ejaculated his wife slowly vhittg the bell let nr have her up here who knows bat that she 1s one of thosei confidence women with aa eye to the forks and tpooas as be spoke he jerked the beltcord with some energy ia a minute or so tbe new girl came up eourtesylng mr mjirdlti uttered an eielamatldn of atement twelve pence make one shilling said the schoolmaster now go on sir 1 twenty shilliogs make oue whatt they nsake one mighty glad these hard tlmea replied the boy and ipe teacher who hadnt rettrved ml wnwittf salary con daded that ike boy waa about right a perawa in u wjciniry of perth was working ia bis garden wben his wife re- turped from a visit to the city youre busy gudeman oil ay gndewife i ha been la pent procedd sht ian i oae lost a two pmd note r but dlhha be angry giidemm rratherlet uibe tu for tat a lawyer witssituiik in his yfltoe tbe other week alien k stntugerjpaietl at the door aud a id bn unluti itit ci u you udl uie w here s u h lis tiee iaf yen mi next- diior tu struiiger uiterrsl hie ilmuktt mid parl to the next dour wlitelf waa locked rturti ing to tlw lawjtrr hi oweired smith eeouia to i outl of couriie be ia if ynn had mfced tliat question in the fimt place i should have answered ilby lelliug you aa tbe tiaitor had a troubled- look on bis fce as be pasaed out of the building gut that look waa gone when lie returned next 4y and enquired of the uwynr flow nureli will you hiirge me lorn verlial opinion in a little matter 1 oil abont 5 tbe cat waa stated and uie opinion given and the stranger waa moving away when the lawyer aaid my ft please j havent a cent to pay yon you havent i of course not if you had asked me that question in the first place x ahould have answered by telliugyoaeo good morning sir 1 m n tke preas mr o d warnery editor nf lb hartford courant in an able address before the social science auoeiatioa of saratoga gave soase points aneai newspapers which are very troo though seldom reoogtiiid ly uienre ral public the newspnper is not a open channel wliiolt the piillic tnay use aa it cboosea ita not acbarit- aide inalitatioo ttihpl a private enter prise it aannot surrender itacolawpj freely to notice an announcement and at the same titwe keep ano pocket to allcallert bathi point ur warner very truly sayi no pnvnta persoa onninbiilca si much to charity in pro- portwo toabiisjr as tne oewafiaper parhaps it will get credit for thai ia the neat world oerutrrly nerw dpcainthns j y wio utbe jjmisadaiiloa wbj u martha maiaaluiur jlkiatad 1 6fauikfutbwsadaaeio lie amjcysime- insn intled arttel in the wasv ingtob dciitanuoe tlvitmi4 otuera senilor drar h blaine wki haiifrlinlvopisilwitbrheuwiatlani pokep jajol uil6ttsaaod i oaacocfuiiilisatiajik ii j j