Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1882, p. 4

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et3 pis m w f- tavasbi moamo jee is lass a i- i y i i jfrw fount costsri abijtjidivhknos seentirel arnaaibtia wbr wwtttad beautiful beatraat ebrra ear bead bawwtulowrattebeeaiiltrwa iw4lillkiddijhl beeotiftd tt ulw ferijhv beedtifat mutk4 ehm kshfe feautifai misjay boiutmdvprius feveatifkl writ tint sternly lint beautife lambe thiti fnex and play tuettifol night and beealiial day i feemtifal iii aad beautiful ma beutifol every flower that arowe beautiful drop of peartf dew tleaatitol hilli and valleys to view beautiful herbe that sent ike air btaatitel things row everywhere beeatifal everything around beautiful grass to deck tb pound beaatiful selds and noli to itm beautiful buds and uoaaonu wan beautiful sowers and besatifslwef besatifal world thoogh oil o grief i beautiful every tiuy blade beautifut all the lord hath made m i ekpteil uinir truiv r- eveij pectea ol tlitoislitr inttrnn external eurtot 1 conceived anlii hilajatipocat boa beeo unifotai j in all peas of the southern dominant we nay fmtly regard these aiidiouiea aaciic for the iimladiei of every toil nuil oliuie we do not make keamtatoratnta ard epivi tlime opinions widmnt liming riilied them wdl thrj are not wtided roeiely upon cooimrm report it tipot kho bnjimsawof parties or fryflg high poatltotsau society dormer wo have ufa iwtbmiuiion in declaring our pradilaotiooa feir these remedies inaatiinob as it il ahw jj our bretliren of the preee rrr every quarter of tlia globe taa paitylvair i ormous 1educti0ns in prices at rd aseav af isase as rk laetayailirr4rra aavaliasraii tliwufsa menwieetevbota er ton with a linchpin thre boys ot oar pqmintnoc are rood kindhearud generous fellows who woald not intentionally do any mean act tbey have jum lie lab nt and abilities to make excellent men and e have considered ibem aiuont tha best and most prooiiaiog b t i know of rently they aw a frmei teuinf potatoes from hia wiggon aim made aooio joccae retuark about ouv ol bia boraca h ratlier gnr told them to go away ko douht be wk wery icnl ao one enj iya baviny aporj mde of wlit htr way not be able it heln a few minuua iut be cairini a batkei of potaioea to ike chr of cuslotdt and tlie boya nalierd tin the linchpin whicb leld one cf- lli wbeela on wta bioae and partly but hid they acted upon heir kearta bet and ml reclingi tbey would ban packed it hack into ii doe or bai told him abuut it but prumpted bi thrfuuloing miarrti in a thought lew moment theypalad tba ia ut nc iirojiped it bu ue gruuud half irigkiu or boiiag pel bp be would ae it b yet uiiokiug what fan it would be u a the wheel couie off and the wtrtlocr dumped inob the atreet s tbey weai off liule ditaca pmtinj ua an en eoiofciced look but watched for ili- reaulti on surting ibe um un- wheel left the azle lie potatoel die tnmble and eirwai oal ia aaiasiu tlc and the boys bad a hearty laugh bit the craldi frigbenrd the apjnreut ly dull tealu tlier alarted on a jin wftick threw the faruiei bftkis balance be frii m front and a whfel cnuhn the bunea of hia right aim and btrt1 escaped ciuhirg hia bead iteso he i- how ii6ned o bia bed and a ill nevej be able to use hia arm at hard work tie boraea ru ngaiuai tree hot ouk bcatterinjr the potatoes widely bu amtabing the wagon and the bniki tougae maimed oue of tfie horsea so tkl he bad 0 la killnj hid tln boya auipjfd to loot ahead andaee lb possible mult if what at lie first tin puue seemed so auinll a matter a pull ing out abit ot irun would tkep bave doue it i we lite to see our yoniij irieoda cheerful happy we tad alruos said frtolicaome an i will say it in the bexv 1110 of the wild bufc dmr lajyi whriiever you areplnuiiig nriy enr pri- or kjiort rciuemutit iko liaclt piu aud aujji i mg euaigk 10 thiuk r tuny lie tlif oulculue alid delt ruiiany ritka knpin ibat chance uivr bring all out well clunif ia a fickle thing uot to be trusted 722 uas or zsrsusffs the world occaaiouaily wimeases tie appearance of a mail pi e eminent among hia fellows who leave hia mark dpon the world either for good or for evil out caulury baa lieen unusually fruit ful iu aucb men e have our luilitaiy hero our philosopher our aatfunomei our autesnun par aalltnu we have olo our xikyaicirtji atid philanthropic par excellence but now we tare nproieaaer hoiloway hobenefitd by ipng exerience and enlightened by deep study bu i batowed ipon be world one of tba greatest treasures- in the form of tba celebrated pills aid ointment by tbefr idstnnneotahry hnlth ia placed within tha reach of ail tint will avail tkemselres of theni tbey have rpcouituended tlieinselven everrwhre by their benjoial 3ecj and are now known tliroigitoflt ibe civiliid wrld we ore glad to know tbat oat only luboonded lame but a eonsilerahio fortune has rewarded flol joway for bis nkilantbropie labora soaiband central america mrxico andouba following the example of spain lure become large consumers of tlieae artcles and wherever the span ib lanjuage isaj5kn- thy re no pxntii ely tised as family nudicini 2jslron of tiie eartji affrla audi j ffjporihnitiea for tewriutlie mniveiail j it 4 leuirtly as suutb ajuericii a jpajeg fcf tfceapjojat of ease hf day and repnae by night at eij jed by those who are a lie enough to apply da tbojus ecitctrwuilto their aching muclei and j um it qunutily easily hed n he palm of the hand fi olisn enough to relieve the most exquis ite pain i hokrrt t malfeen i f i are you itiiturbel atnlgbtand broken of your real by a tick child suqering ai d eryin with the excruciating pm ol cutiinj teetn if o goal once and get a bottle of frt vihltw soothing ijtrup h wil relieve he oor lidle futierer immediately depend upon il j there la no mlitaae about it fl pie ia not a mother on earth who ha ever used it who will not tell you at once that it ilt regulite the boa els and give fr o the mother and relief rfid beirili the child operating like magio it h perfectly sale to uae in all aiie nd pleasant to the uilf otil il tie pre jiption ofcna or the oldest and beat remala physicians an1 nure in the iled suwi hold everywnere at 2i cents a bottle j a am era elunea to make i iii ii mar llnw al- lal ii wiy lca advhnuifa iif v v j m te goojeanci fur mak- n m nr thatarttolera arjltr b on w nlttir wuli liuw- who li oitti ir vr ilriefmnrea letatfo in po- tfrtr we want mittj me women bor n 1 rl ti rk cjr mk rltil in thetrou cifile anynn can co te wok i-rotier- j mm wt rtrat aur 1he irnlnea will y more thaa len times ordlarv wagea exealtf ootni lorriivhru fie- so one no fiii g1 fall to mak ra jir rapltlty vtiean dtvolnr whae um unoe work rnoij ioni anare msaaeyiu kalt lnroima icnmlnl that tnedfklienl tree- adlreai rtxioxa co roilanij valor nam enazju tt itetr compound its wna- hatful affinity to the digestive appantus and the hirer increas ing the dissolving juicos reliev ing almost instantly tho drtadtnl results ot dyspepsi indi tsi the torpid liter mates zopesa an eteiy day necessity ia treryhoose it acts gently and speedily in biliaozness costiriness bead- ache sick headache distress a tei eatingv7iid on the stomach ueartbuzn fains ia the bide and back want ot appetite want ol energy low spirits fool stem- ach it invigorates the liver car ries oil all surplus bile regulates the hovels and gives tone to the whole system cut this out and take it to yout dhgglst and get a 13 cent sample oi a huge bottle tor 76 cents aoa tall your neighbor about it low ladles will p mi rerofrtjher that the greaievc prices jrui s e die nj an you will be sore to buy ml ihejrrandabls down and the name hi hamiitoa jan 12th i mi thomas c watkins hamilton tt qycoets cremats a splendid line at s900 j also a fine selection of tveeds diagonals beavers and paasicsnts unbnfnetnred in the rett of style at the lowest price east end clothing store j fyfe acton malto tmk ikic ju c te forrruk is printed ob the label an artifici this is not a patenl njijjj cti ic js faxhed lo each bottle ilaltopepsry ceres dvspersit 7njcevi r ua rf appelile iolestmal si wasting diseases coatipaica niua clirunfc di rrh a cholera iofantam aad nn jf lafaau troubles which senersiy arua frc tie suxsch 60 cents for 4s doses of about icent per dosr rnrnlar siied bottles conlainicj il pts with i a ure itached jo cents for ui by ail qiemists throogbout ibe domicija avoid uldng liquids of snr ton care hn is t-sluiel- necessary o quench ihirrt a fhe excessite use of i liquids is he cause of haif the dispepsia lajba nrll jdaltuwaj ia a powder agreeable and easily usea snppla to tha stomach tha actualgisiric juice prescribed by the leading physicians ibmnftiput ihe lt4jinion to their recular prac ice maltepepsyn is also used to s ian eitert in hospitils nispenaaries sid inormariet ipccoku of ttbttfloaiau kccited nzu pkysicu8 vvallscx n re 4 isa the malt was given in a retrked and dlstressiqg eve of irri it n ith th ost rapid pleasing aild beneficial results z w kemp on u d j atitwg oxt jan jo 18s0 the maltopersru i ohtained frorarnjn has fir more ban asamstred joy anticipation hiring tried it in two old and very obstinate cases of indiggwhock i found it to act liks banai c mckenna md j cahssat okt jan rtsi i have used your mshnrpim in severe caaea of indigeaion and malnonticn l idolts and diarrbaaof chudren and ap v wet pleased with ihe resnts tet i have ix itrucled rajr druggist o keep a surwr en hand t tvrfaiie m d iv7 okt pec to i8o to 1 rebjeb after giving yoor kaltweiti jf1 ii i ir worst yaseirr cratfiefloed f am wel nlente t i rhii rt ontwo to irfearrj icletike thai nowln ovanli r- wne r hamilton xi d hazenmof 3- b moaahvtn toronto aotok we stitfaet co special axnoujncement for m0nth this e have dktermineo to cleak out our hema1kik0 stock of wikter i dress goods mantles millinexy i to effect our stra fuel a swkptiig keiliictlon will la- mad- in price that it will repar every lidy jfriim all the surrounding villajfea and towns to vlxit onr store iti8ieot our qihxia and prices and mart torn of burohwp ohaap tirralbt big stock big bar lots of licet at ikdhicatt sale boaiilj atkejtin alleia iti big lot of new millinery big lot of new cloths biff lot of headymade clothing and overcoats bur lot omjew dreaa roods bin lot of new winceys bir lot of new cottons bifflotofnewprinta blfflotof new boou big lot pf new oarpetai bur lot of new flannels bis lot of new fancy goods big lot of new hoelery aad glores j is fact ia oae of the biggest bosses aad stocks aad the cheapest in the weet we will give bargains in every department sent oar ordered clothing department is oae of the best ia the oowaty good fitsaodlowprioas ladle our igilinary and mantle department is s by a udy of ex- parieaee ability aad oonrteay we oordlaoy invite the public to patronise as aa wa will do the trade wsl for tham mammoth house icoleod anderson 4 co oeorffetovn good commercial eigfc n an kxpreaa deliery watob aril nil eah express train aad dalltier goods t any part of the town if ill parties ieriemcal to uaia4 tabliahment are ratioeated iopy oj witbont farther delay aaaf aavat ebata el itattliewp f 9abbbabaabbbbatabkababbmbt sh amerioin burdock bioqd bitters the only medicine that tiieeejafully psriflegi the i blood vct apon the lira boweli sun and mdneyf i while at the tame time it allyi fiarroiii irritation and itrengthenj the debilitated syittm perfectly and ipeedily- eirrinjr bffltrasaen jatmrhoe trjeptpas consti pation headache ehenmatiam dropsyh ertron and jblen- ral debility 7emal complaints ccrofnla fcytipelaa salt bhaavm and every ipeeiei of chronic disease aiisin from diaordered lirer kidneyi stomach bowels or blood tbe etst blmo ronrmw twnc m m wos iiutalta1mkarawasatll brnttar stae tle ma n wanai rwar iiiakanal a sawjeet as 1 wjv laauanai i jjn jryaars key baa bras art robot ia eawy caaas far amscaaai ad aanlpaij taag aaasta sgaal rnea ij casta pat padusa 66 a week in vnrrown tnnn s oaisifree nonnk brrvihlis wr cailut nil rqulifd wc will ruruhvooevrgthlng many ar maklna tonuos lsritea make aenoehes men and bora and gtrli make gieal iav rireder ii son waul a busine at wtdeb run can make treat raj all ihe hire oa worst wriefbr nameilars 10 il nauttracojtiriiaidhane jctojst harness trtjn2 depot wt art not leaving guelyh but beund to tell qoot wm 8tewabt likkauallftpalia ctlie the tncetmi bemralyettr dit-eorer- ttt it i v u ik in uk pff cu olid doea not urur kzaj phorbelyfir kendalls spavin cure eiiracl frtiiti h eur nrlllen t qrifl- iutfuii- r of lb- t itjen a weekly we inn p rieror uilc nt a n cueotirftnitrh utrj i eiue lue mv4lletutni of ktotuui spirtii care nr4 hara in bur ptier ntiii lijured mirfr tiateien utijliaimi iiinllcavs tif nd xroaud it n itbnaeltet e wnnd rf irlf a irgcijairrt nrontij itiinradmirert tarimillcaaidowjw oceiin m in- 1 pa ai til 1kl kendalls spavin cure 0 iicjia flehh tiionuiid rf trfnin on homflti fh hmi prove betdhiton oi thiivfceirnmnnl cmrti afflelfdtn rntib to pntmte aid tlrsaxtnrnreliatt wpfitcaichnf rjeumjfiiiro orrni bonjon ftw4bijorfiriy bralfeff fat or itakrmm niefa an jtflt aumtel in the len tit omlntry aunieou ft dies not bilier but on the contrary remove all tore rem- kendalls spavin cure t johea pii oet v an dab jkasbaiicilebtatai bare ud tourfltavii curewltnorealsnoeeis on kpvlncurfi- anl splint i knov n in he a avd rroedy fjr ilfgvuiea irono sjmviua cmr nlualnlllnioriiiralie- mmy i ffi aa to w i de in stapl1 drygoodsand general imweotai4natip cnrktin 1 nvkaw anstmng work like it li o w ii u a t devalf 1 fctoavltio nesoufor mafa well aabiist lorornradonacjl gmurtrtstlke rm tlie hnnebr mall lor 2iuh i tnlnk li wea the means pfvtngioeetii on ono n nrse tbut l tieatetmierorutnr lo ih- iircuoiis glveuso jour bjn rdisplaeet atlfla t touistruljwkjptakiox kendalls spavin cure ftnd a idfmf for lrtgitrilfd ireatar whicn tljnk utxc positive vmcf n lt tane snrpinttiy haiverra ultl meh linqanlijf fl rf rtpe ti uo knowledsfi lor dckmi arj ire man j- prsl nrhoiifl atxtvijiskmrv al iv gi lutvp if t tt ipf i for b haslett grooisriesi ill v th 1- ren tany imr on i f rronr in b j ka oi er ti fries ro k rrftbcro kxttsvt win air- all draaotsrs vtt ewsons 00 maootrtaj pp sons 00 m holidays parties requiring anvtbine in rtarneaa or trnnlcs to ears jnoney sbouw j go to r orbeoa- co j guelph websters uhabridced if yarn intend aonwrjaie rnetaonpy of iwebeearjnabndiredlmcrtionary vitiidw stmaa aad new tears trade hu just opened a stock of goods very suitable for the ifi fftkt ladiu white silk rfrndkenhitft ai it scdrfff vtnu silk handkerchief in all ukaiak a5erfn tlj and fingtrin tumjn forty colon uonilon and point brtiidt a kief auorimpd block sianldi ink cream ldetx j i clirittma icujfilmi fatietu d rtimtlmoritry ktc ee eu ai j i ifsnt fir tha oalsbritsd littir it i to atateeja ani vu1j1 vtluia 2riojimtexrpmhaeroftlwwoaitfft pviithwiiie ah aailiiiiahnwlba a valuewjitstbittau by btmitetttus ctuwwbalwtoirtia teatttit ajj4aoiil218 leflnajtswofda tar thaa they eoaldbede tiiivj i- t-r-i- iawrtaasiitwee aawil iaaei i aawi staatavs andti hflie wereat u veatjai ckats specific alebieibik aj tmv w-fmwwyn- ran unnliu4iireftrheaalnail weekieea bpermaf rrn a- i impntf ney and alt utseiaa lint lallow aa aeqrenee nf 8 if b ae aa teas or mem- nrjrcolveaall akallddepujn in ihebne dhnnesaot vlw loo premature oki ase ms ber tatihe many nther olxreses 1hai lead lotnaaiiliroromaauni tins aarpaii pliealailn lairiwmplllet nbleli ede- sire iu aeou dee b mall to jvery ibi s3 the flnbeine meuletn ihuim br audroa ilrta at jlio prr wkire or six iiaekaxet rbr as or will o aenl fiee by maltnn r dpi or the money bj ad- dreaaliai thi crray xtdldiu os aftolaxiig toronto ootuanad sold by j e meoarvtb orursut aoton au fits ah sizes i eenney ft mala it mtml flare just eeoaived a spleadidaascrtamat of fall and wlirru ttolvtimia to ibe people of aitoa aoot rleinity uiljrrttoat exeeuled arhild the tetyix arwetaviiaiouioa wweooiaav ef tutatiffiis asdr forsalk at uavixlys l remember the stand 8ittrr the lass bib 8u avetaai geo havilia acton dee 3 81 j i worth theif weigfet bi 6ow hollo way piiispplw this inmupasablkllmdwlxx kvkxmrd for ittclf ax iaaperiaaoiol fesmd tkrokgiout tta rororle aurtiotiaa aaat cart ofmoxdutaxt ajtanajliair he pills purify rejotatoarid uaprova taqoalitj of the bteod tbejf aaaiat ue disjeatira ogana olesuiae the stomach aavt bowels increase tie aeoretyry powersof to liver brace the beriona ayajfeiajv and throw into tha eircojataoev lae plrau seoenta for ansuinlaa as4 raairiaxi tbafraipa i n thouaanda of mrabna baretasti8ed tha bi their aev atoaftthatt tayabwa reaujrm to hexefui aafl sweita after eferir otber auasa lead itjtadi m 81 m ed vsiiuiil3ejfi irfllbaibaidtova1tiableibsvywrbesm bowla the aaujaol penpaa aj m lars cu htoji owtfiur oaowft l oetafoat aadotaa asv also ifoajt baataatlau mrtaaa aasl rlla4esua imiaaa c l i i atajtoiaatuadcaljt r4awjer pn vit ia lla pn ut saavh bex aioiptamitmmstammmi aowtbpfeilifeaiai ro0kwtlrlatfossr5ihb u jiaaddrtae uisat tm qrjor mqdatktemamasma the trao marat of toy aawaej ztrj r jjl ha if i fl i j isjj v i ii 5 rh tablis j im ivii hnm ttheit acitom m is wber you asm set 1 i- 1t jl pi it a ma

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