i k m n ii ra tiieftteb press k uuriltl ulie undgel mabel agalnst tin- lenceof nurstvuviu lady the qiccu imr crown nml dignity the funeral of tire victims of the tin ililc uvgtdy look iu ulie oetliuio aunttry at wntsniown on tind old mr malar was about 8i yosre of ap i litidget wa au unmarried woman of 35 years the son who kj iiirv61y pteafwl tut- letnbvrlobm or the other members of ihrfittuily work out among ibe neighboitng farmers jmtptniw concerned in tb murder see roiunu cathode i board ol tdncatlon the first nesting of ihe board of trustees for 1 88 2 wan held id tbu school home on monday eveuisg 23rd inst present aicsmh james matthews dr lowry d heuderaaw and jan mucrre the wore lary took the cimir il was moved by d henderson seconded by dr lowry that james matthews occupy the chair duriuj the yer carried mi matthews look the cliair tue couuuitioes for ihe year were appointed as follows d hendekqo i v 11 storey j finance committee v u lotaiy j- j matthews i j moore property com j brown j the finance committee presented their first report rtcouimendjng iiay- inent of the following accounli i pcltr mccann repairs f 181 ii p iloore liking ceasusac goo the report was adapted moved by l henderson seconded by james moore that the chairman mcisrs l storey d ileuderson aud di kiwry lie a special committee o prepare a statement of all sums due by lbs school division up to 31st dtb i ssi a requited by the ptj inspector carried moved by d henderson seconded by jatlei moote that the secretary b- instructed to issue a circular to all par cuts aud guardians of children in the school oiyiaion respcclinc the attend iree of pupiu between the ages of 7 and 13 inclusive aud the penalties lor noa compliance with provisions of the school act on the sal jct carried moved by dr fvowry seconded bi be murderer at his feet disarming 1w lhe l don him he left him prostrate and entered i rrtijc0t be c4eta i clle uie house a tkesiele spectacle riteubat 4wi4 m sfl issa mible isfie an w mart nnd tils nnttfttr botchered in balton vhttsstfas vsqau till 0a7s2 capture and ronfesslen of the murderer rax rauoitst othhtrreb a tettible double nutiilet was com hiilird in our county on friday night he details ot wlfich are as follovra pridiiy night between 8 and 10 oclock paliickmiherandbiadangliwr bridget fclio lived logmtber in a little lug bouse in kilson township neicitiiiiniurill about to and a hall uiika from witter- down were murdered by a man named rtuike the murderer had lieen work iuj for a soa of the murdered tnin the fork wne completed ihdoa thais- dy he was paid off and went to nelson and jot very druuk while in this sute he chaved in a very strange manner mid thrententd to mfftdsr bojtu oxe before the night wis over no notice was taken of ihe occu rrtuce il being thought to lie a druiiken freak tie next beaid of routke as when young msher arrived hnuie about half past nine oclock oa friday night h saw the laop barciaj as he doe down the road but the light went out bufoie h reached the dooc lie knocked twice but beuring a groaa inside and col tvoiving an auswer be csiled to his 6tster to uya tjii door he received nortply and tilled again wheit he was surprised to s the door lly ojiea and kuike replied loudly im here end m soon enough for you pit and quickly swixgixg ax aie with all his strength auuid a bloir at mxliers head the young iimn nturtwl bask aud sareu hia life tlie- blow stiuck with deadly aim shared eff the rim of his hat anl fell upon his shoul der iihicting a painful bruise bul lring the letrible padicauitut in whicli be was placed he warded oft axorhee blow with a stout stick which lie was carry ing and with one blow laid lis would- t 3 i was beftne oiui aud almost paralysed bis facultiis his sister lay dead on the nor wuh btr throat cut aud his uihers body was weltering in hi blood tie youig man feeling tint riurkf bd cotnmitttd the double murder bistened to tie spjt where he had left the niuidertr lying but he had disip- pared leaving lis hat bebiud dim ajjonjl with terror he flej foe asilstaxcei to a oeigbujrl house and aroused jiubew bayfild aloert white and uui tuck wuo accempanied him o jcelsou vilugewbereconjtibie bker wis informed of ihe niunlerand tbev returned to the sfneof the tragedy tke aieest of the mardeter was made b detective gues of hamilton who with chief fatawart and detective ilckecrie were among the frliest arnvals at theene the titit moraiug tue capture was t8vctd in a house ocea pied by jerry hcweil abo4t a oriie it way- vhence he fled after rfcovenaq from the blow dealt him ify young maher he was afterwards fiaded over to coantv jonsublr heudereon snd comluitted to sliltcn jail ter c0stes3i0s the manner in which the deed was committed as related by the prisoner la substantially si follows bridget bad been spending the evening at s nighbois and was returning to the bouse when she saw rourke ap proachingidie called to her father that be whs coming and the old man met dim at the door snd refused lim sdmit- unc afur some facile he rushed to the wood pila about eight feet away acd bf izing an sjee made a savage attack un the defeqcelees old man several uowa were avoided the deep denls tthde in the floorshowing tbe force of tfie blows at fast the old man re wived i tkribl buw orr the right side of he head which btretdied him senseless on the floor bridget seized a sharp axe which was in the houee and made a wow at her fathers murdeicr bot nued bimsnd cut a deep chip off the door poat eiihre rnahed in and disarming her btruck her a trn6c blpw in the neck inflicling the wound which caused her rjeati he then dragged her iota the inner rooih he said f if i hadnt been drank t would never hare oom- iuittad tire erimr the ikijcert was held at knlaoa village on mondsy nnd the following tatlte vetdtctt that mciaerjlocirk ioijbe 20th ly of tmnwj ititj did fiiimiobal vhmlyi tad iitb rhalicb afbrflthbaeht fcitl d liilniiw j mcgarvins dar mouth payable iu advanna and that the head master be iusuuctecf to collect the same and hand over to tht- tmasurer of ihe 8chool board car mjred by d henderaon seconded by di lowry that the teachers of the various departments of the actou pub lie school be required to furnish tbe chairuua- of the board at tne end of each month with a statement of the number of latching days lost duriug tbe month by the noa attendance of pupils enrolled carried tht board then adjouraei tttk ciidlk i wabskmiiistlimils maon tjie 81si nml iim wile 1 mr asdiew warren of a daliglitei wabhek in hamilton objuio 18th tost the wlfuef mr uouikld wsxreo or a daughle lxr in tsquesing oi u 24th lost cathurlin dcuthlttur ietof loe aged in years tr r lw cucnmc srribticttili those trdulilcd in thia respect may lirrd leltef in using tslarbrooks steel tens they are sold every herej vhaleslfl daalsrj lie isadiri g tororiw nallonert jumtt cuum pools ulandn f wruen i have been watching lb pro are of da thomas ecltcriuc oil sinca its intrpduclion to this place and with much plenuiff slate that my anticipn tionn of it sueoess hate been fully wi lted it having cureil me of brofloliills ard soretkra of mae while not a few of my rheuoistio nelgiibors one old lady in particular pronrunoe it to be the best article ol iu kind hat hi ever been brought berore llifl public your terji- cinedoeji not lequ re any longer n kpon sor but if vou wih me to act ai isuh l shall be only loo hppy to hvv my nnm cauoooled nilh your piosjisrous child rupture plaster san nra ly an ootward applloatiow which will can tta brokao membra to 1taal and baooms at atrotttj as beforstle a oident ko eae need ran the barfoltiik of trangulatioa srhen a otrtahf and ipaej jgtt can be bad it a trjflisk oejiof h flu jtrtinant and ralmblefurtrwon strvon receipt of pnee by 1 h merrick free- t oot the above plaster was dfatovered a num ber of years age- by an old lady a resident jlafsrwo faraiskeu if il- and com or a he saffcrluf browns household f siiacea has no equal for relieving pain bolh in- ternsl sndexlernsl if oures fail in ihfslde bck or bowels sore throat kucumitifm toolhiche lumbago and any kind of a fain or ache m will noal surely quicken ths hlood and leal as ils acting power ia wonderful rrowns househnld ianscea being acknowledged as tlie great pain kellever and of double the sirength of any oilier elixir or liuimenl in the world should he ia every family hanfy for use hen wanted as il really is he hestreiedi in the world forcramos in the stomach and pains and ache of all kirjds and is for sale byall drugglstaal 2oeent a bottle i wml- rheumatism htvralgia stiahet lvmiago baekaeht sorpnett of ha ghttt gout quibtjor throat swell- ingi and spraini burnt and soaldt general bodily paint tooth ear and htadaeht frottod foot and fart and all othtp paint nnd iohot wo rnotnttoa as firth aqoati flf xtrtas- on u a jar awra jlvnlt aad caaop ciunial smrdy s trial eotalli but tfa aoapandtvly uifiinj ooilay ei a rrata and try oe rtfftrlbs with pain can hava dmap sad posuitt jpxf tf r cblam mnetioria in barta tanrniaia sols bi iu eedwi8t8 119 ceiiem hf mediohe l voqeler a co batumi mi vb4 s oti business brevities some facts about our business hon ana uousea of banofit to oar koneral readers any person cutting timber on west half af lot 32 5th cou esqnesiut ercppbn 25 acres intasarcd to thomas miller will be prosecuted aaxording to law eliza bet if millee tiflqacsiog jan 19 s2 r hats from 75 cents to 25c at j fyfei kew stock of stoves just recaived tj alum a good felt hat fur 5 cents at j fyfes j for firs class eavetroughiog sp lv to j c hill j lames maptles newest styles at christie henderson 4 co if you want a nohbydurabpsnd eneap suit j fyfes is the place to jo scotch english aiid canadian aitinjrj in rrtat variety ll the east end clottiin store j fyfe acton toronto cm co are soo msnufsctur era of castorine machine oil in fringements will be prosecuted maxtu orxakests mantle ciaha silk and satin triinmings at christie henderson a cov rare value 9uiu and overcoats at eitreniely y i hist settle accouuu the suliscnber wiibes to state that ha iutcutis leaving actou ia about a month and desires that all indebtad to bim should call and settle their accounts at ouce all accoauta uoi paid by the first of february will he placed iu court for collection d layvson acton jan 10th ism timber of all kinds vfavttd tbe qndaraigned desire to hereby inform ihe farmers aod others iu this vicinity who own timber that they are prepared to pur chase a laue quaotitv of all kiods of timber aboat 00000 feet of hemlock ia rained au ajvanca in price will be paid forgreea hemlock unpeeied as liis is the last year that the mill will be in opmion in acton all having timber they wish to sail or cut iu do wall to brug it ia this tsaaoo beowk t hall acton dec 15 1881 lovrateaisnd made in latest styles another harder an old men nimed smith of tbe township of aiisnuith nearslelburne was foully murdered on saturday uieit au unknown man fired at bim through ths window the sole witness was the old mans nephew aged 14 who had a narrow escape u the assassin fired at him also the boy ran for his life to a neighbors quite a distance off when looking back he saw he house on tire j on hastenine back with the neighbots they tound the old man deul at the doqr with one leg burned off to the knee there is no cluj to the assassin except from tbe soraiwhat uncertain description given by the cxciledboy later n the boy hu since been arrested on snspicison of having been the murderer offaisnucle there is great exalte- meat in consequence halton aericnltnral societys annual meeting the annual meeting of his society was held in tie town hall milton on wednesday last there was a good attendance of the representative portion of tbe farming eommunity the sec- treas presented his annual report which shows that the recrii during tbe ymt amount to 248630 while the expenditure was 265235 leaving ths society indeblnd to the seitreas to tkeamount of 16615 the follow ing officers were elected for tbe ensuing year i a wad e president j m robertson 1st vice s fothergill 2nd vice w c beattysoe -treas- be tota to call and tee them j fyfe adtou ask your dealer for qutoriie machine oil and tee that he birrfjl is branded castorine as none other is genuine must say its the nicest thing 1 aad for the ueth aod breath sayt every one ihiviug tritd teastnav the paw- toilat gtvi oet a 5 cent sample j ifanufaclurers of reapers mowers ndihrehingmschlnerr rrefer fia torlnt machine ml to any other llmll oetaear lard seal and elephant and is warranted not to guru i nvixcnrscompetenl judges pro nounce our wincey extraordinary value examine it compare it and you will sure to buy it winders from 5c jnp at christie henderson it co s mastues ohnstie henderson a- co a stock of ladles light and dtrk mantles ijust received these goods are from rhe best makers and comprise a full range of prices they will be sold cheap j use ciutonne machine oil for sll kinds of machinery it is also excell at for h srness or leather makirg it wi ic and weatherproof parlor sciies go to t f ccm mmgs qi ebec st opp knox chunh j ouelph fpr parlor suites double stiff ed in hair raw 8ilk or repp guir- anteed arjd si bottom prions a cill solicited before purchasing elsewhere notice tojreditors ik re auaub parraiat to tn order of tht court of chaucer- mftdd in tbo nutter of anjtusu kdub a dun and ottet u croditor of jonah adxmt lt of the vilutp of aetoa ia th totality of hiton veoniui wb did in cr about tb month of jnoe 1881 are on or before the secoad day- of february i882 to aeod by pott prepaid to mecan goibne a watt of gaelpfa toltciton for tbe petitiooen herein tbeir chriitiaa and larnaoiea addruaes and deenptiodj tbe fill particular of their dimi a staumcot of tjicir accctinta ajirf the nature of the e- cunties it any ma hy them orio defaolt uiereof they will lie peremptorily excluded from tbe beoent of the taid order erery creditor holding any security ia to produce the aame tfor me at my chambers at the city of gael ph on tbe ninth day of fetm an 1m2 it th oclock in the forenoon beioi tbe time appointed for adjudication oq the claims dated th eleveath day of january a d 188 sgi j watsovhall master aitaaalpe a mcrcilul jfaa is lfrciful to his beast only 26 cents 650000 alreapy sold a teeatue toe iqisl and his disebsea by b j kendall md rrix of valuable and practical ixforilation avd coxtilvrve an index of diseases tiifl great sale of boots and shoes at thk- 1ape3t stqrg in hit ooniify still continues 77ie wliou stock marked at tht loveit fouiblt figure call and examine james g00dall central boot and shoe store mill strut aetvn custom work carried oo aa usual by mr thomas craine w p fob ty groceries r crockery qlassware ohinaware toys eta i5 removal fancy coods mrs brown has opened a nice assprtnient of fan4 goodss in berlin wools fingeridjr and zephyr yarns laces embroideries braids and croquet brdidg aa i all goods generally kept in a fancy shop childens fancy woollen garments knit to order wishing you e compliments of the season i am yours c wp browsrl ctcxsiiiij vsoald inforrn the people of acton and lorroqnding country that he hia just removed his tin and stove business to the new premises next to c u hills photograph gallery vhere he will be happy to raaet all his old easterners and u mauy oew ones u require anything ia his line a irood stock of stores of sll kinds on band to be sold cheap old iron brasscopperand ratfs taken in ezchaiure for roods call and eejttb in oar new shopc chfistie henderson co acton ontario mil 3 5 hllu street- aoton card of thanks the subscribers dosire to tender their hearty thanks to the people 01 acton and vicinity for their liberal patronage during the year just closed and in soliciting a con tinuance of their favors they would wiah tbem a happy and broeperoua experience ia 1885 j they have decided fo hereafter transact a cash business owing to the iota pt many accounts in the past and will irotn this date henceforth dbacaah busineaa and customers will pleeee not aak forewdit a n umber of ooatapiers owe as amajl asnoon ia and as we do not wish to render accounts to them eeond thne winilil mmmdlj iu quest them to call and settle at once parties bringing ha flour in payment for bread will be allowed the cash price for it ti a are purs respeotrully i enickldfson excxxaios baubt fatal accident abonl 3 oclyck saturday morning a caul accident occurred at the g w b statbs oacjpb as a through ficigbt train was coming into the station alex mckay trakcirman met with bis deal b it is sapposed that he slipped nod fell under the car the forward vhecte paw ing ofer him catting the body dmost it two drug store for jqubm to krjvt the undersigned wfshes tn rent bis an i lot 3 con 4y on 3rd line erin copslath g ot 100 seres 75 cleared on the proper y is a log house fram hrn small orcha d and a hard water well for partiehls a apply feo n j j jwaahlyproprieto- or at this oce arm ro best tta east half of lot oon ejtownship t srtn will be ranted to a suitable- person c i liberal terma the farm eontarna looaori the most of wbfoh ia anrlet caltivatioi there are gobd arm builrliom orchard art 1 good ujeter i the property is welladaptel for eitier jyaeiog e farm raising f partjcblm sbplylit this office or to wm oriffilf it is commonly said that youeahtiot i l- l iake in honest- man helieve that while 325 rvf ui1 t l u i fcat treatment ci each a table kiyintc ali u black apd noa tbwa but ibo irbo j il vtincild d p or tbe hare grey iair by using the cixasb the ordinary ddw effects ahd antidotes when a poison a table with n engrmnn of the horses teeth at different aire with ralesor telling the age of the hone j 65 engravings showing the important points in the ftrnctiire the horse also illustrating various diseases a valuable collection of recipes many of which wonld coat a horse owner three to live dollars each eyesr rbmsa should own this book rtiiei tmj all onkrato hpmo6rh we press off1cb acton ont jlito waatel m i a t giving u pal drags used lor the iforsa with n o j n j i j the ordinary deea effects and antidotea haia rsxdwsb will find that thia sip- parenldifflcultyis easily overcome rvsr sale by jj e mcgarrin 60 cents per botue fakct j woot goods christ henderson 06 have rsceived snd vill ptien jin a few days an iainiense atocfcofall kinds of pincy wooioow comjirisidg knit shawls clotida et etc all of tbe litest designs and shadis these pjotis ire extremely bandsotie snd will be sold at very closest priota 4 jit a coo 6 eru pulrses bums effeareelwii the abarebaolc to all new rabscrisen rrlo bar i adrance nnd all ld lalweribert who ay up what is dne and nay their inbscsiptiosu lor another fike goods rbos xoias and new years presents this week and threoidi the houdaysaoij onr stock of general dry goods millinery boots shoes etc etc m will be foaad complete freak choice and cheap our regular weekly pawned from leading dry goods and millmery honi enables us to show the lafaai aawaat and mtatast oaalfna just what is wasted at thueeason i a in staalo oeoda of a kinds oar object is to place before oar customer the best nuke at print at low at art atktdfor old and undetirabl irandt eu iinekse stock of boots sc ssioibb enables oj to fit and suit ereryone beside oar goods being made np by reliable mattufsrturera can always be depended on to give good satisfaction as j can be testified by thousands who have worn onr boot ibr i two or three seasons this together with onr low prices accounts for our immense sale womens button and jcesftoes fkom 100 up menb stoga boots feom 150 up mis8es womens and jieits overshoes feom 25c u our felt boats and half bootalare the cheapest offered m far caps in otter seal fersiaa taaunb and uiok i- stowye iiired kid olovea and mitta silk handkurcfiiaik tteana- tim and writingpaperen shaw tlcurtoft merchant tailws wljh velopes school overcoats shirts drawers mitts and socks s tweeds sr scarfe all ew awd cheapt in qenta oollaraad anov ad aahlonable ties we show ftill lines floods or muamtma have bklwseired with cabe anb jbgonomt s quite rotpasse twmeryrw beiat more tkaodoobw thsitof year- oar efsortafiiai bsjosia plewand we aooepi thu u hetoeqccx tiowj- py books tes m