Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1881, p. 4

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aapjgrianmhea all men bi iftese vitlagij or ahoiu uin uiuler oiilr worth of choue ftroreriiw d krv if in our grocery department wwv mil prices that will astonish i the electors we would especially wish to call attention stock of choicet consisting of blacks young hysons jina gunpowder japan dust c about 20 different varieties to will astonish ouquality considered all of which we guarantee money refunded see our 50 cent t cheap at 60 gents coffees j rio java mocha c ground on the premises fresh and delicious try them to our large hysons tjnculored japanw i choose from at price- that if not as represented in sttgass we have porto rice yelldw renued grocers a granulated out loaf and icing tobaccos prince of wales no 1 twin navy vtc myrtle navj t flake victoria fine cut and other brands u 1st 50aps we have a dozen different brands in laundry and toilet cheap i2t canned goods we have in stoct canned corned beef lunch tongue salmon j napoleon favorite gold sardines lobsters mackerel trout codfish pears reaches tomatoes peas beans corrj c bice barlej sago tnpioca raisins currants soda button blue and keens oxford in squares spices alt kinds starch comnion silver gloss and lilly white extracts hair oil castor gil canary and hemp seeds blacking stove btioi flrx seed prunes nuts almonds filberts walnuts brazil epsom salts senna camphor hops resin candles tallow paranne orange lemon and citron peel candies in great vuriety pickles sauce vinegars syrups molasses c salt in barrels and small bags for table use fish mackerel herriug by the barrel half barrel or dozen in fact everything nsually kept inja firstclass grocery in our wcodenware department we have wash tubs butter tubs brooms whisks brushes scrub horse blacking and y clothes clothes pius c odb awvp ww a asuwhi jnht frowini fcrtitids pioneerkeeii cut ter darhng lumbermans pride black prind priricei touise gtaripoliaiipionjj axes single doume and inserted ter darling and altona crosscut saws we have the following iniprotett champion new improved champion wt hablapiatl one mans saw also hand saws r frames and patent handlea in builders supplies we have sufficient to almost erect a town hall ifwe get a hapce consisting of cnikajls all srzw wrought nails finishing nails c locks hiogejs aft kinds brads c paints boileo and raw oils turpentine varnishes jarraris glass putty machine oil c skates a nice assortment cheap also acme wrenches straps extra bolts etc i f sundries cow halter trace tug and dog chains ropes dittejrent sizes spades- forks hoes shovels rakes etc files all sizes copper rivets aud burrs hejmp rublier and soap stone packing guns revolvers hay kbives gutleryj of all kiuds liips lauterris powder shot caps i silverware we have also a nice assortment of silverware cruets a 6 bottles jcbeap pickle stands butter dishes knives fork spoons suitable foe xrnas orsveddingresfjata i j- 01 crockery department is complete with firstclass goods we keep no second quality which we are offering at ftk duced rates in order to clear mit stock before xi an we guarantee you tbe ckeqpjsero in town we have also a nice lot of vases motto and moustache cups mugs etc a larue stock cheap offerings fgqqmm jjrrx she lamps and lamp goods all of which right prices t weare j b 4 stoijilselyes theleeeetresi 1s81 thuesdat mourtsc d 1 rowrepotks cowsa woold yem kwnr tbe babyeikiea baba akies are mammaa eyea mamma eyea and amile together hake the baby pleaaaat rather mamitja veep joar ejrea from tein keep roar heart inm foobah ceara keep jonr lipa from dull complaining laat the baby tank tia raraiog eaaiae lirje sot u artirt vrtattd hla tldtor to lit editor of at solas iltus etsmkr 1 would hate accepted jrour kind intita- ion 10 riit joa in your new qaariera itfstt it ii ccmmoolt iaicl that joa cannot make an bodeit man beliete that white ia black and vkk rcoga hat thove wio cwoitnai with pleasure before ihia had not mj i pt ainglh tcrotiutal old enemy mr rbeunntfan poanced but kcrewtr wll find that tbia ap- parettdinicfauru eaatly otercome for tale hy j e mcgarrin 50 cenu per ti enormoas eeduction in prices at the eight house oh mother i ea tnore than a thousand rati down by the wharf tbia morning 1 j uh harry not a thousand fl j welij i dont care i know there was a whole thoosand anyway tbe groand waablackwith them 1 and ao harry ulkaon j thoogh too and i know that if he saw ten rabj at one fame it was quite remarks hie soon boys bare each a habit of teeing large that- they can nerer be rjaite beliered indeed tbe line between urn habit and falaefaoodia ao very narrow that tbey erosa it ere they are aware anil seldom find their way back re member it u the little foxea that spoil tfie tines on me so suddenly he arrired laat frijar aod wllbotit topping to seod op his card ruibed in and grasped me l the hand with loch a grip that in a tew bourstny band and wrut were to badly swollen and painful that i felt m thoach one of mr hatchi coal teanu had run oterme ilr kheomaluoa haa been a constant tisitor of mine lor aeveral years always twells and puu on a great maty airs and taakes bimelf at home detoarinc my tdbalaaoe and learing me poor in flesh and- pocket last winter he came and staiollleo months i then made op my mind that the next time he came i would change his diet ai be has always gobbled down ererylhlng let before him 1 waa somewhat at a loss what to lead him with but finally con cluded to give him three eqoare meal day of fct jacobs oil morning noon mdhigbl tbia fare be is disgusted with and is packing op bit trunk and will jeare by tomorrow or next day ys he cannot atop any longer as he has preaainc business elsewhere he is a treacherous fellow and 1 bafa no doubt be intends tiaiting some of oursajem friends if hedoea jnst gie turn th same but that i did and he wont atop tsng j 8 dnratomt louiaddiia til not sign away my mberty no i liberty to what t let as take a page from the tnehri- aid i ledger and glance at the result of this liberty km fjaut innocence bleared eyes manhood bloated ace belfreapest 1 jdioieratire honor staggering gait honesty pjibned hajids maudlin worda truth 1 deoeney wretched neas beason blasphemiea home porerty j friends disease il bonl beggary flettinia horrors ood deathv aaerwsrdt a4jimbpihg asked what ayejre the titrtti great feasts of the jews replied astaatjiinetaia tbeman who doesnt belisvein any ias gotjt dreadfqllyi ami ilti tasillisi mean 1 cse uastonne machine oil for si kinds of machinery it is also excellent for harness or leather making it water and weather proof q a duos franktille out says he was cared of chronic bronchitis that troubled him for aefenteen years by the use of dr tnomas ikslectrio oa manufacturers of beapers mowers and threshingataohinery prefer caa- totlne machine oil to any other itwill oetwear lard seat and elephant and is warranted not to gam theionghingand wheeling of persons troubled with bronchitis or the asthma is excessively harassing to tbemselres and annoying to others dr thomas eclectrfe oil obroites all this entirely safely and speedily the greatest revolution in eteei fen making is in tbe new uroed up point pens unexcelled for easy writing ask foriterbrookatecumseh cbootaw aod telearaphio pens for wholesale sup plier browo jjros toronto best ess ceasfart t tat tasteita browns honsehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external iteoraa fajh in the side bank or sore throat kbeumatism toothache lnmbago and any kind ot a pain or acbe it will most anrely quicken the blooc and heal as its acting power la wjhderfol browns household panaeie7 being iknowledged as the great pain believrt aod f double the strength of any6tu elixir or qaiment m the world sboalll bf in ererr family bandy fotnse wbefi wnle4 liireallf u tbaristrejnedj 1if tnevorfrt for cfatnua lhm fojath and paina and aches of all kinds and is forsalt by all pragguuat 2j oeni totutv t botue bollotpitft ointment anil piut counsel foj- the delicate those to whom seasons ot changeable tempera tare are protracted periods of- trial should seek the earlien opportunity ot removing all obstacles to good befclth this coolinjj nintmenl persevennglr rubbed upon tbe skin is the root re liable remedy for overcoming nil diseases of the throat and chest quinsey re laxed tonsil sore throat swollen glands ordinary catarrh and bronchitis usually prevailing at this euun may be arrested as soin as discovered and every symp tom banished by hollowarls tlmple and efieotire treatment this ointment and pills are hiebly commended for the fscililt with which they successfully conquer influenza they allay in an incredibly short time the distressing fever and teasing cough yxuovis ahunrsa the complexion in ease of unchecked liver complaint culminating in jaundice is liteially aa yellow as a guinea it haa tais ap pearance because the bile which enables the oowels to act u directed fiom its proper course luto tbe blood in coo nection with this symptom there u nausea coating of the tongue sick headache impurity of the breath pains through tbe right aid and shoulder blade dyspepsia avd oonstlpution these and other concomitants of liver complaint are completely removed by the use of northrop ft ljmaos veget able discovery and dyspeptio cure which is also an eradicant of scrofula erysipelas salt rheum uloers canoers humours female weakness jsundioe and lumbago it tones the stomach rouses the llversod alter relieving ibem causes tbe bowels thereafter to become regular- high professional sanction baa been accorded to it and it olaims to public confidence are justified by ample evidence prion 1 00 sample bottle 10 eeotav ask for hurfbrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptiocare- tbe wrapper bears a hosuule of their signature bold by ail medicine deal ers now ia the lime to make purchases at this favorite house goods are in many ease marked down to about half their valuer brocade velveteens aie 2 j to 40c and from 50 to 30c hlk terry velvets are roarked down from s275 to 1 embossed mlk velvets art pat down from 2i0 to ti 25 si ik and w beautiful foods sre reduced from 1121 to75e puesjoi very nite wool fringes an marked aown from 60 to is0 ahj from 45 to 12 jv about 30 causa add h incedfrom d brocadaa lea of sew uoods have arrived within the last lew riaya wbiebu with tt former immense itoek sre selling off very cheap nrdeva mew mantle cloths in great variety nrjtreas oooda from vl to j7jc just arrived lou of all klnde ann prtom of new and stylish dress goods four eases ol white ifliirtings including the ceiebrate tnarnsun wnitecottoo at i0cj and other tavorite brandsjuslir ri t and 16 cases of bats just arrived from the makers tb esses of urotrjptoas celebrated corsets just to hand case of unequalled unbreakable hip corsets of a ne catarrh aoi ki jaeaddf wrsthreaauiaixiw lufrrn caiurrhvlth uroppldnln ibetbr mkissb j relieve uystin dmnsfteetlas st stdkjlriolilsir- rains irrtnastpeaadiweikneasof dj 9toulsof ineya iromel bsemlriely made new jrjrotie cowtitution wa a man cured of oatarrb ot fort f years standldfbr use ol uonslluillonal catarrh kemedv bo it had impaired his sve- madsmmdean laslrluilircrppinrlntbetbmat uns boaalns in he saad and peifq brmtb cxvmb7 cfrtb hemeoy 1 l alflttloaibsnaatttn brgrsl bybnr net t ot cooatlta- uonaiarrhemedr 7vpif ffv t iported a bare of unbleached cotton siwrlngs a lot of pillow cottons a case of very bandsbme lvnuqoilr e bales of orey cottons direct from tbe millj which with pile of other cottons are selling atmill pnona twb over 2000 pairs of briliab german american and canadian corsets on bni which have an erjoriousssde a land very superior make juat arrived lotsofnioe hip corsets at 81 but this patent unhreakab e style beats any other make ot corset in caned sii oases ol window cornices just imported carpeu sold at wholesale prices a bale of wincey from the yorksbbs mhufctely which with aboutadoxen balekon hand are aelliag at a surprising rata new flannels this week tatdurk and ssrataj htsens and buvj hoa ery graves tnd knitted underclchlrg this week ladies knitted rloarfi and shawls this week laos curtains l mbrequlna antlmaoaaxara and real aud nottingham lactoi french slk satin and rihaded pluah lubbons and silk fringes just imported two oases of blankets just arrived tbey are beautiful goods and mooh cheaper thai iaal season wanted mantle makers and apprentices kemembr tbe bight house is on king street east close to hnirhaon street ad the name ia i 7 hamilton nov 17th 1881 el b isteijsoit thomas ce watkiffss ttatvfttitq merchant ta3jlor ituihst r oompltta nnrrrmk ofeagliali mtk stmh bits stock liips bifiii lotg or ucat cat asd nigirr 1 a0t0n oaaarshasi tma naifi l ovtroeats ty hah oert ouaraataasl fti fartfjihajtsj elson the photcraihio mt is now prepared than ever to execute lattumestmaonsmioea athicntasts ol every atjia flatjsfaetjna always phnmi alms m stoskin gratvarity walaat rzumfqvt ihthtjuday trad i hi j ci h cm v t imtniid ttoct el sssasawwatwasbsjriwawasissaw wj a- ilopgiril bitoewlfeamf bjetlsbt at bismedaiim ol orwooirte jiotrfnsi soo biai a irawkritj -mitiistiitm-riii- ovmipvtei biklsifttotqoodat glotofnawhotnmdcrttrjea is fact tscsu ol tbbiaa wstooka ai baisaibaujewj jrayz i issottovsattnia m i3lm lmkmpm perinmndbya w of vtf ppatriisbnaaa e wdl do the i70liujj aiti if a- jik atfe- js 0 il ft trljijij ti tm-

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